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Ottoman Empire

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Ottoman Empire Empty Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:28 pm

Head of State:Sultan Ahmed III

Head of Government: Grand Vizier Topal Osman Pasha

Shift from RL History, with the victory at Vienna. The Imperial government is stronger compare to rl one, primary because of the fact that the Edirne event( won't happen in this timeline. The Ottomans realized after the victory, that the boundaries of the northern frontier has set and any new wars of expansion in that direction would prove too costly for the empire. The Imperial government has shift its focus elsewhere to areas that were once regard as side show compare the old goals of expanding into Europe...

Last edited by Ottoman on Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:10 pm; edited 8 times in total


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:55 pm

Economy as of 1730

Ottoman Empire (Directly controlled: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Levant, Egypt, Iraq)
Population: 6.42 Million People
Port: Constantinople
Resource: 1 Constantinople
Financial Center: 1 Constantinople
Resources: 2 (1 Ankara, 1 Cyprus)
3 Commercial flotilla(Constantinople)

Ottoman Europe (Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary)
Population: 9.57 Million People
Port: Athens
Craft Center: 1 Budapest, 1 Salonika
Resources: 3 Resources (1 Sofia, 1 Sarajevo, 1 Budapest)

Middle East (Egypt to Syria)

Population: 6.97 Million People
Port: Alexandria, Basra, Muscat,Mocha,Mogadishu
Craft Centers: Cairo 1, Damascus 1, Baghdad 1
Resources: 4.5 Resources (1 Cairo, 1 Alexandria, 1 Damascus, 1 Mecca, .5 Muscat)
12 Commercial flotilla(3 Basra, 2 Alexandria, 3 Muscat, 2 Mocha, 2 Mogadishu)
.5 points of income from Persian Gulf Arabs
6 Trading Post (Karachi, Ahmadabad, Massawa, Hoogly River, Dar el Salaam, Canton) for 1.5 points

Ottoman Iran (Caucasus region( Armenia/ Azerbaijan),Tabriz region(Iranian Azerbaijan ).Iranian Kurdistan,Lorestan ,Arabistan)
Population: 2.08 million
Resource: 1 Tabriz

Total Income :33 points Resources, Ports, Craft Centers,Trading post, shipping and Financial Centers+ 12.52 wartime taxes(6.26 peacetime taxes) + 3.78 points from Vassal tribute = 49.3 points

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Jul 21, 2018 2:33 pm; edited 40 times in total


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Ottoman Empire Empty Military Upkeep/ Deployment

Post by Ottoman Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:07 pm

As of 1730

Imperial Navy

2 Naval Yards( Istanbul, Basra) for 1 points

2 BB2(Mahmudiye,Mukkademe-i Hayir) for Indian Ocean Fleet for .5 points
12 BB2(to be named) for 3 points for Black Sea/ Mediterranean Fleet
32 Frigates for 6.4 points
24 PatRon for 2.4 points

Naval Cost 13.3 points

Imperial Army

25 Fortress( Budapest,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Van, Alba Iulia, Istanbul, Mecca, Muscat, Mocha, Basra, Baghdad, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Baku, Tabriz, Mosul, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Pecs, Alexandria) for 6.25 points
12 Depots (Ankara, Izmir, Damascus, Adana, Trabzon, Cairo, Alexandria, Sarajevo, Baghdad, Mosul, Tirana, Jerusalem)*Free*
27 Garrison brigades for 2.7 points
2 Light Infantry Brigade for .4 points
3 Light Infantry Regiments for .3 points
6 Infantry Brigade for 1.5 points
1 Cavalry brigade for .5 points
4 Cavalry Regiments for 1 points
2 Militia Infantry Brigades for .2 points

Army upkeep 13 points

Upkeep cost 26.25 Points


Yearly Income:1 point
1 Depot
1 Light Infantry Brigades for .2 points
2 Militia Infantry Brigades for .2 points

Yearly Income:1 point
1 Depot
1 Light Infantry Brigades for .2 points
2 Militia Infantry Brigades for .2 points

Moldavia: (Historical region of Moldavia, plus Moldova)
Yearly Income:1 point
1 Depot
2 Militia Infantry Brigades for .2 points
1 Light Infantry Brigades for .2 points

Yearly Income 1 point
1 Depot
4 Light Infantry Regiment for .4 points

Zaporizhian Sich (South-Central Ukraine, roughly Mikholaiv, Kirovohrad, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts)

Crimean Khanate (Crimean Peninsula, Southern Ukraine (Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donestk Oblasts), Azov, modern Kuban Republic)
Yearly Income:1 point
1 Depot
4 Militia Infantry Brigades for .4 points
1 Cavalry regiment for .25 points

Imperial Order of Battle

12 Depots ( Ankara, Izmir, Damascus, Adana, Trabzon, Cairo, Alexandria, Sarajevo, Baghdad, Mosul, Tirana, Jerusalem)

Fixed Garrison locations

Fixed Installations
-11 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Pecs)
-9 Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Szeged, Athens, Salonika, Pressburg, Zagreb, Gyor, Belgrade)

Ordu Crete
-1 Light Infantry Brigade(Chania)
-3 Light Infantry Regiments(Candia)

Ordu Budin
-1 Infantry Brigade

Ordu Tripoli, Greece
1 Infantry Brigade

Ordu Sarajevo
1 Infantry Brigade

Middle East
13 Fortress (Mecca,Van,Muscat,Mocha,Basra,Baghdad, Baku, Tabriz, Mosul, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Alexandria)
18 Garrison units( Cairo,Mocha, Mogadishu, Qatif, Baku, Tabriz, Muscat,Salalah, Damascus, Jerusalem, Kafkasya Cetveli (RL Vladikavkaz), Korkunç (Grozny), Soğucak (RL Novorossiysk),Baghdad, Basra, Beirut, Alexandria)
2 Militia Infantry Brigades (Kermanshah,Khorramabad)
1 Light Brigade(Nicosia, Cyprus)

Nader Pasha’s Army (Derbent)
-1 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Cavalry Brigade

Chechen Army (Grozny)
-1 Ottoman Infantry Brigade
-1 Ottoman Cavalry Regiment

Alanian Army (Vladikavkaz)
-1 Ottoman Infantry Brigade
-1 Ottoman Cavalry Regiments

Circassisan Army (Novorossiysk)
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Regiments
-2 Georgian Light Infantry Regiments

Naval Deployments

Mediterranean Fleet( Istanbul)
-12 BB2
-8 FF1
-4 PatRon

Indian Ocean Fleet(Basra)
-2 BB2s ( Mahmudiye, Mukkademe-i Hayir)
-20 FF1s

Muscat Fleet (Muscat)
-4 FF1
-20 PatRon

Last edited by Ottoman on Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:12 pm; edited 60 times in total


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:07 pm

Economic Builds

Ottoman Empire (Directly controlled: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Levant, Egypt, Iraq)
Population: 6 Million People
Port: Constantinople
Resource: 1 Constantinople
Resources: 2 (1 Ankara, 1 Cyprus)

= 4 points
Ottoman Europe  (Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary)
Population: 9 Million People(2.25 points in poll/land taxes)
Port: Athens
Craft Center: 1 Budapest
Resources: 3 Resources (1 Sofia, 1 Sarajevo, 1 Budapest)

=7.25 points
Middle East (Egypt to Syria)

Population: 6.5 Million People
Port: Alexandria, Basra
Craft Centers: Cairo 1, Damascus 1, Baghdad 1
Resources: 4 Resources (1 Cairo, 1 Alexandria, 1 Damascus, 1 Mecca)
=9 points
Total yearly income 20.25 points

Prebuild Income 20.25*15= 303.75 points

Build*Subject to change, second attempt*
2 Naval Yards( Istanbul, Basra) for 50 points
9 BatRon for 27 points
12 CruRon for 54 points
20  PatRon for 40 points
4  Merchant flotilla(Istanbul, Alexandria, Athens,Basra) for 12 points
13 Fortress for 52 points( Budapest, Zagreb ,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Van, Basra, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Istanbul, Mecca)
12 Depots for 24 points( Ankara, Izmir, Damascus, Adana, Trabzon, Cairo, Alexandria, Sarajevo, Baghdad, Mosul,  Tirana, Jerusalem)
8 Garrison brigades for 24 points
12 Expeditionary Infantry battalion for 12 points
5 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment for  10 points
.75 points as gift the various Vassal states
Ottoman Vassals: (Note: Vassals pay excess income to the Sultan, but in effect this means that their vassalage consists more of military assistance than financial)

Barbary Coast (From Morocco to Libya):
Population: 2 Million People
Ports: 2 Ports (Algiers, Tunis)
Resource: 1 Resource (Algiers)
Yearly Income:3 points
Prebuild Income:3*15= 45 points
2 Depot(Algiers, Tunis) for 4 points
4  Militia Infantry Brigade ( 2 Algiers, 2 Tunis) for 4 points
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades(1 Algiers, 1 Tunis) for 4  points
10 PatRon for 20 points
2 Commercial flotillas for 6 points( Tunis, Algiers)
7 Point as gifts to Berber tribes

Upper Hungary (Slovakia)
Population: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Pressburg/Bratislava)
Yearly Income:1 point
Prebuild Income: 1*15=15 points
1 Depot for 2 points
1 Infantry brigades for 4 points
4 Militia  Infantry Brigades for 4 points
5 points gifts to local Nobles

Population: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Bucharest)
Yearly Income:1 point
Prebuild Income: 1*15=15 points
1 Depot for 2 points
1 Infantry brigades for 4 points
4 Militia Infantry Brigades for 4 points
5 points gifts to local Nobles

Population:: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Alba Iulia)
Yearly Income:1 point
Prebuild Income: 1*15=15 points
1 Depot for 2 points
1 Infantry brigades for 4 points
4 Militia Infantry Brigades for 4 points
5 points gifts to local Nobles

Moldavia: (Historical region of Moldavia, plus Moldova)
Population: 500,000
Resources: 1 (Iassy)
Yearly Income:1 point
Prebuild Income: 1*15=15 points
1 Depot for 2 points
1 Infantry brigades for 4 points
4 Militia Infantry Brigades for 4 points
5 points gifts to local Nobles

Zaporizhian Sich (South-Central Ukraine, roughly Mikholaiv, Kirovohrad, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts)
Population: 500,000

Crimean Khanate (Crimean Peninsula, Southern Ukraine (Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donestk Oblasts), Azov, modern Kuban Republic)
Population: 500,000
Ports: Azov
Yearly Income:1 point
Prebuild Income: 1*15=15 points
1 Depot for 2 points
1 Infantry brigades for 4 points
4 Militia Infantry Brigades for 4 points
5 points gifts to local Nobles and to the Zaporizhian Sich


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:56 pm

1701 Build

The Imperial government enacts a toll tax(1 point) in Middle Eastern provinces and take out a 5 point loan from Ottoman Greco-Jewish banking community for special operation in the east...

Total Income Peace:23.26+5 point loan= 27.26 points

Imperial Navy

2 Naval Yards( Istanbul, Basra) for 1 points
9 BatRon for .68 points( Battlefleet is mothballed in peacetime at Istanbul)
12 CruRon for 6 points
20 PatRon for 5 points

Imperial Army

13 Fortress( Budapest, Zagreb ,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Van, Basra, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Istanbul, Mecca) for 6 points
12 Depots ( Ankara, Izmir, Damascus, Adana, Trabzon, Cairo, Alexandria, Sarajevo, Baghdad, Mosul, Tirana, Jerusalem)*Free*
8 Garrison brigades for 2 points
12 Expeditionary Infantry battalion for 1.2 points
5 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment for 1.25 points

5.13 points left over for 1701 spend
.25 points for impressing Commercial fleet(Basra) into Imperial Service
2 points to set up base in Jazan, Hejaz
2 Infantry battalions for 2 points


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by TLS Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:52 pm

As 1701 comes to a close, there is increasing discontent in the bazaars of Constantinople. Though the Sultan reigns over the most powerful state among the Ummah bar none, he sends his forces off on (seemingly) ill-fated wars against coreligionists while tolerating French rhetoric of Holy War against the enemies of Christendom. The news of the loss of Mocha and the siege of Ta'iz is held to be a form of divine retribution for looking East while, to the West, the enemies of the Sublime Porte seeks to subjugate the Sultan's own subjects. The mood of the populace is not one that clamors for blood out of the Arabian peninsula, but rather increasingly wonders why the Sultan--and Caliph--has abdicated his duties to his religious and temporal subjects.

The rabble are wont to grumble, and the Vizier does not care too much for the concerns of hoi polloi--even if he is now concerned that a tax increase to pay for the campaigns in the peninsula may well precipitate riots in the capital. More concerning to him is the notion that the Empire's other vassals are equally horrified at the degree to which the Sublime Porte has thrown away their duties to the Barbary Coast. Though they understand that the Sultan and the Corsairs have not always seen eye-to-eye, no attempt was made to rationalize the betrayal--instead, the doors were open wide to the French. The Vizier has received everything from dismayed to furious notes from all of the Sultan's vassals to the north. Though they have yet to reach the point of open mutiny, the fact that the guardians of the northern frontier are unanimously terrified by the Sultan's disregard for his duties to the Barbary Coast is disconcerting. The Vizier warns the Sultan that, without mollification, the vassals to the north cannot be trusted to supply their feudal obligations--be they armies or funds--and that they may begin to act against the interests of the Empire.

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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:44 pm

The Sultan personally writes to his vassals, stating that he will not abandon them. He points out the Beys of North Africa not have paying their respects(money) to the Sultan or obeying imperial edicts. They only follow their lust for greed and forsaken their duties to the Sultan. Which resulted in their pending demise at hands of the French. The Sultan personally promises to raise garrisons to insure their lands will remain safe and will sent gifts to their capitals as sign as of respect to their leaderships.

The Sultans personally writes sermons for Friday prayers to the people of the capital and local regions, stating the wars in the Arabia are to insure the Hajj routes are protected from heretic Shia Yemeni raiders who have been known to say disrespect/ insults to the Prophet companions. As for the wars with Oman was to crush a heretic power that refuse to give the oath of loyalty to Khalifah and insure vital trade/Hajj sea trade from India/ East Indies are protected from outside attack. The Sultan states the the Beys of North Africa have forsaken their duties to their Khalif and are paying the price for their greed and lust. Those who do not forsake their duties to the Sultan, will have full protection of their ruler.

The Ottoman Government announces war taxes will be enacted for 1702 to insure imperial defenses in the Northern frontier are strengthen as well finish off the upstarts in Yemen.


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:14 pm

1702  Build

The Imperial government enacts war tax for the empire(10.75 points) and take out a 5 point loan from Ottoman Greco-Jewish banking community for special operation in the east...

Total Income Peace:24.26+10.75 war tax+ 5 point loan= 40.1 points

Imperial Navy

2 Naval Yards( Istanbul, Basra) for 1 points
9 BatRon for .68 points( Battlefleet is mothballed in peacetime at Istanbul)
11 CruRon for 5.5 points
17  PatRon for 4.5 points

Imperial Army

13 Fortress( Budapest, Zagreb ,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Van, Basra, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Istanbul, Mecca) for 6 points
12 Depots ( Ankara, Izmir, Damascus, Adana, Trabzon, Cairo, Alexandria, Sarajevo, Baghdad, Mosul,  Tirana, Jerusalem)*Free*
9 Garrison brigades for 2.25 points
8 Expeditionary Infantry battalion for .8 points
2 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment for  .5 points

Upkeep cost 21.23 Points

Build Spend

Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 4 points remaining on 1701 loan)

1 PatRon repair, 1 point Basra shipyard.

1.5 points to rebuild Infantry regiment/ Cavalry Regiment

2 points to rebuild Mocha port

.53 points as gifts to Zaporizhian Sich

10 Infantry regiments for 10 points( 2 for Crimea, 2 for Upper Hungary, 2 for Transylvania, 2 for Wallachia,2 for Moldavia)

2 infantry regiments for Yemen operations for 2 points


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:28 pm

Current State of Ottoman Hungary, Upper Hungary (Slovakia), Transylvania

Given the changes to the timeline, I figure write a statement of current of affairs for this region.

The ruling classes for Upper Hungary, Transylvania is the Kuruc who allied with Ottomans during the last war with Austria. They are mainly Hungarian Protestants in terms of faith and have a very deep disdain for the Catholic Austrians.

Meanwhile in Ottoman direct rule Hungary, most of the cities are populated by Balkan Muslims, Turks and local converts. The Kuruc Hungarians are more in middle class roles unlike their counterparts in the vassal regions. At least 10% of the population is Muslim, the remainder is combo of various faiths such as Catholics, Protestants and Jews.


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:33 pm

Late 1702,

As the cost of conquest of Oman/Yemen sinks in, the Divan express its dissatisfaction to the Sultan in regards performance of Grand Vizier Amcazade Köprülü Hüseyin Pasha and his costly wars in Arabia. They point out the high cost of these frontier wars outweigh the the netgains. They convince the Sultan to order the Grand Vizier to resign and replaced him with Rami Mehmed Pasha keen to focus on economic growth and less on cost frontier wars in the Near East.


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:47 pm

1703 Build

Total Income Peace:21.6 Resources, Ports and Craft Centers+5.37 peacetime taxes+.5 points from Vassal tribute+ 5 points from France+5 point loan from Greco-Jewish banking community=32.47

Upkeep cost 22.19 Points

15.28 points

Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 3 points remaining on 1701 loan)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 4 points remaining 1702 loan)
2 points to Yemen
2 Fortress for 2 points out of 8( Muscat, Mocha)
.5 points to rebuild infantry regiment
2 Commercial fleets 3 points of 6 points, 1 year out of 2 years( Muscat, Mocha)
4 points to upgrade 2 Cavalry Regiments to Cavalry Brigades
Convert 9 Infantry regiments into 3 Inf Brigades for free
.28 points to rebuild Tripoli


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:12 pm

1704 Build

Total Income :21.6 Resources, Ports and Craft Centers+10.75 wartime taxes+1.75 points from Vassal tribute+ 5 points from France+ 6 point loan from Britain=45.1 points

Upkeep cost 23.55 Points

15.55 points+6 point loan

Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 2 points remaining on 1701 loan)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 3 points remaining 1702 loan)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 4 points remaining 1703 loan)
2 points to Yemen ( 2 out of 2 years)
2 Fortress for 4 points out of 8( Muscat, Mocha)
2 Commercial fleets 6 points of 6 points, 2 year out of 2 years( Muscat, Mocha)
6 points to demothball 4 BatRons for service
Convert 6 Infantry regiments into 2 Inf Brigades for free
2 points to build a Base at Kryvyi Rih
1 Infantry battalion for 1 point
.3 points to rebuild Tripoli


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:04 pm

1705 Build*WIP*

Total Income Peace:22.1 Resources, Ports and Craft Centers+10.75 wartime taxes+1.75 points from Vassal tribute=34.6

Upkeep cost 23.82 Points

10.78 points
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 1 points remaining on 1701 loan)
Debt Payment of .75 points( 3 points remaining 1702 loan)(Interest payment only for now)
Debt Payment of .75 points( 4 points remaining 1703 loan) (Interest payment only for now)
Debt Payment of .75 points( 6 Points on English Loan 1704)(Interest payment only for now)
2 Fortress for 6 points out of 8( Muscat, Mocha)
Combine 3 Inf Regiments for free into one Infantry brigade( 2 from Azov, 1 from Kiev)
1 Cavalry Brigade for 3 points*upgrade 1 Cavalry regiment to Brigade*
1 point for Inf Regiment
.78 points to rebuild Tripoli


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:26 pm

Additional Build for 1705

3 points from Kiev

Convert 1 Inf regiment to 1 Inf brigade,started as Inf regiment in Jan, but with Kiev money. It will raised as brigade.


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:43 pm

1706 Build*WIP*

Total Income War:22.1 Resources(20.1 points, with the loss of Baghdad and Basra factor in), Ports and Craft Centers+10.75 wartime taxes+1.75 points from Vassal tribute+5 point loan from internal Ottoman Banks+4 points loan from English Bankers=41.6

Upkeep cost 18.72 Points

22.88 points
Debt Payment of 1.75 points(1701 loan) Loan paid off this year
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 2 points remaining 1702 loan)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 3 points remaining 1703 loan)
Debt Payment of .75 points( 6 Points on English Loan 1704)(Interest payment only for now)
2 Fortress for 8 points out of 8( Muscat, Mocha)
Combine 3 Inf Regiments for free into one Infantry brigade( Upper Hungary) for free
1 Base at Mosul for 3 points
Convert 2 Garrison brigades from Damascus/ Alexandria to 2 Infantry Brigades for 6 points
Raise 1 Infantry battalion for 1 point
Raise 2 Cavalry regiment for 4 points
.88 points to rebuild Tripoli


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:26 pm

1707 Build

Total Income War:22.1 Resources, Ports and Craft Centers+10.75 wartime taxes+1.75 points from Vassal tribute=34.6

Upkeep cost 20.92 Points

13.68 points
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 1 points remaining 1702 loan)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 2 points remaining 1703 loan)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points( 5 Points remaining  on English Loan 1704)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points ( 3 points remaining on English Loan 1706)
Debt Payment of 1.75 points ( 4 points remaining on Loan 1706)
2 Fortress(Baghdad, Basra) 4 points out of 8 points
.93 points to Persian Gulf Arab tribes

Special income from Persia as part of the peace deal, 2 points to repair the Basra Naval Yard.


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:16 pm

1708 Build
Special Notes: The Ottomans convert their mobile army into garrisons and sell off their mothballed Batrons to Britain and France. Also the Ottomans reduce taxes to peacetime mode
Total Income :22.1 Resources, Ports and Craft Centers+5.375 peacetime taxes +1.95 points from Vassal tribute+3 points from Batron sell( England) + 3 points Batron from France=35.42

Upkeep cost 19.18 Points

16.24 points
Debt Payment of 1.75 points(  1702 loan) debt paid off
Debt Payment of 2.75 points( 1703 loan) debt paid off
Debt Payment of 2.75 points( 3 Points remaining  on English Loan 1704)
Debt Payment of 3.75 points ( English Loan 1706) debt off
Debt Payment of 1.75 points ( 3 points remaining on Loan 1706)
2 Fortress(Baghdad, Basra) 7 points out of 8 points* Basra is finish, Baghdad next year*
.49 points to Persian Gulf Arab tribes


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:42 pm

1709 Build
Total Income :22.6 Resources, Ports and Craft Centers+5.375 peacetime taxes +1.95 points from Vassal tribute+2 points from Poland Batron Sell+ 5 point loan from Ottoman Greek/Jewish Bankers =36.92

Upkeep cost 19.45 Points

18.92 points
Debt Payment of 3.75 points(English Loan 1704) debt paid off
Debt Payment of 1.75 points ( 2 points remaining on Loan 1706)
1 Fortress(Baghdad) 4 out of 4 points
2 Trading Post (Karachi, Banda Aceh) for 6 points
2 Patrons( Basra) 2 points out of 4 points( 1 out of 2 years)
2 CruRon(Istanbul, Basra) 1 point out of 9 points( 1 out of 4 years)
2 Commercial fleet(Muscat/Basra) 2.05 out of 6 points ( 1 out of 2 years)


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:29 pm

1710 Build
Total Income :24 Resources, Ports, Craft Centers,Trading post and Financial Centers+5.53 peacetime taxes +1.95 points from Vassal tribute+4 points from Poland Batron Sell=35.58

Upkeep cost 19.95 Points

15.69 points
Debt Payment of 1.75 points ( 1 points remaining on Loan 1706)
2 Patrons( Basra) 4 points out of 4 points( 2 out of 2 years)
2 CruRon(Istanbul, Basra) 4 point out of 9 points( 2 out of 4 years)
2 Commercial fleet(Muscat/Basra) 6 out of 6 points ( 2 out of 2 years)
Debt Payment 1.5 points(4 points remaining on Loan 1709)
1 Patrons( Istanbul) for .95 points out of 2 points( 1 out of 2 years)


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:16 pm

1711 Build
Total Income :24.5 Resources, Ports, Craft Centers,Trading post and Financial Centers+5.53 peacetime taxes +1.95 points from Vassal tribute+2 points from Poland Batron Sell
+ 10 point loan from Istanbul=44.08

Upkeep cost 19.95 Points

24.03 points
Debt Payment of 1.75 points ( paid off Loan 1706)
2 CruRon(Istanbul, Basra) 7 point out of 9 points( 3 out of 4 years)
Debt Payment 1.5 points(3 points remaining on Loan 1709)
1 Patrons( Istanbul) for 2 points out of 2 points( 2 out of 2 years)
3 Commercial fleet( Istanbul, Athens, Alexandria) for 4 points out of 9 points( 1 out of 2 years)
3 Commercial Fleet( Basra, Mocha, Muscat) for 4 points out of 9 points (1 out of 2 years)
3 Fortress( Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo) for 8 points out of 12 points( 1 out of 2 years)
.73 points as gifts to the Ottoman Vassal nobility


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:21 pm

France lets it be known that in the event the Holy Roman Emperor declares war on France, the French guarantees regarding Turkish moves against German territory are at an end and France will ignore any such moves. However France requests that the Turks leave the Poles and Italians alone.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:51 pm

December 1711

Before the Imperial Government could response to the French approaches, Sultan Mustafa II dies in his palace. His brother Ahmed III takes the throne as Sultan and seems to be focused on cementing his rule before any major policy decisions.

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:26 pm

1712 Build
Total Income :25.5 Resources, Ports, Craft Centers,Trading post and Financial Centers+5.53 peacetime taxes +1.95 points from Vassal tribute+ 3 points from FC+5 points one time trade bonus from Mughal trade

Upkeep cost 20.2 Points
20.78 points
2 CruRon(Istanbul, Basra) 9 point out of 9 points( 4 out of 4 years)
Debt Payment 1.5 points(2 points remaining on Loan 1709)
3 Commercial fleet( Istanbul, Athens, Alexandria) for 9 points out of 9 points( 2 out of 2 years)
3 Commercial Fleet( Basra, Mocha, Muscat) for 9 points out of 9 points (2 out of 2 years)
3 Fortress( Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo) for 12 points out of 12 points( 2 out of 2 years)
Debt payment of 2 points( 9 points remaining on Loan 1711)
.28 points as gifts to the Ottoman Vassal nobility


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Join date : 2017-09-23

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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:52 pm

Winter 1712
French officials complete a deal with the bankers in Constantinople to borrow 5 points with the approval of the Sublime Port
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Age : 62
Location : Astride the Ozark Plateau

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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

Post by Ottoman Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:15 pm

Ottoman wrote:December 1711

Before the Imperial Government could response to the French approaches, Sultan Mustafa II dies in his palace. His brother Ahmed III takes the throne as Sultan and seems to be focused on cementing his rule before any major policy decisions.

Summer of 1712

With his house finally in order, Sultan Ahmed III finallys makes a statement stating the empire won't join the war, however he stresses he will mobilized the defenses of the northern frontier to insure that Austrians or their allies don't get any ideas to use the war as pretext to invade the Ottoman Empire.


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Ottoman Empire Empty Re: Ottoman Empire

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