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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:37 am

Ottoman Subjugation of Yemen and Oman

The Ottoman Empire, feeling secure in its northern frontiers in the decades following the sack of Vienna, decides to turn its sights back towards Arabia. The Zaydi Imams of Yemen had ejected the Sublime Porte from the Yemeni highlands some decades prior, while the Omanis have never fallen under the suzerainty of Constantinople and are fresh off of a series of victories over the Portuguese. With the rest of the Empire seemingly secure, the Ottomans assembled two expeditionary forces in an attempt to take both territories by force. As Winter is in many ways the ideal campaigning month in Arabia, the Ottoman expeditionary forces set out in early 1701: a larger force by sea to take Muscat and drive inland, with a smaller one proceeding south through the Hijaz into Yemen itself.


Ottoman Empire

Arab States

Last edited by TLS on Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:04 am

Ottoman Invasion of Yemen

Winter, 1701

Ottoman Forces (based out of Jazan):

-4 Expeditionary Infantry battalion
-3 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment
-2 CruRon (assisting by sea up until Mocha)
-2 PatRon (assisting by sea up until Mocha)

The Ottoman campaign gets under way by foot, marching south from its base in Jazan--at the southernmost tip of the Imperial domain in the Hijaz--along the coast. The first target in the invasion is to take the coffee port of Mocha, which will give the Ottomans control of the best approaches into the central highlands around Ta'iz and ultimately to Sana'a itself. From the outset, the invasion campaign is harassed by Yemeni irregulars (2 militia brigade equivalents), and though the raids are repulsed with low casualties (2 militia brigades disrupted without scoring any hits on the Ottomans) it is an indication that the campaign will not be a pushover.

Battle of Mocha

Ottoman forces:

-4 Expeditionary Infantry battalion at Jazan
-3 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment at Jazan
-2 CruRon
-2 PatRon

-1 Militia Brigade
-1 Garrison brigade

The Yemeni defenses at Mocha are reinforced by the presence of warriors loyal to the Imam from the lowland clans (1 Militia brigade), and due to their defensive posture are able to nullify some of the technological benefit of the invading Ottomans (Note:a .5 TL discrepancy allows for the higher tech to get Free-Fire turn if the higher Tech is attacked by a lower tech, but not if the higher tech attacks lower tech. a 1 TL discrepancy allows for FF turns in either event). The Ottomans, however, have greater firepower, and are assisted by light (if generally ineffective) bombardment from ships based offshore. The invaders are able to clear the Yemenis from the city, completely destroying the garrison brigade and sending the militia flying into the hills; however, the Yemenis are able to extract a blood price from the Ottomans, and shatter one of the cavalry regiments.

With an eye towards advancing into the highlands, the Ottoman commander decides that the naval support he was granted is best put towards protecting his supply lines. To that end, he beaches one of the PatRons and has its men utilize the wood and cannons from the ships to garrison the port and the supply line north to Jazan (1 PatRon converted to 1 garrison brigade). His supply lines thus secured, he heads east into the Highlands to seize the ancient city of Ta'iz.

Casualties for the turn

Ottoman: [Total casualties: 350 deaths, 150 wounded, 0 captured]
-1 Expeditionary cavalry brigade shattered (regrouping at Mocha, waiting for additional shattered units to be sent back to reform) [350 deaths, 150 wounded, 0 captured (all captured executed by captors, thus deaths)]
-1 PatRon (converted to 1 garrison)

Yemen: [Total casualties: 3,500 killed, 2,300 wounded, 450 captured]
-3 Militia brigade shattered [2,000 killed, 1,500 wounded, 250 captured]
-1 garrison brigade destroyed [1,500 killed, 800 wounded, 200 captured]

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:55 am

Ottoman Invasion of Oman

Winter, 1701

Ottoman Forces (based out of Basra):

-8 Expeditionary Infantry battalion
-2 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment
-6 CruRon
-12 PatRon

The Ottoman fleet sets sail from Basra in early January, and is carried along through the Gulf by the brisk winter winds. Dhows from villages and emirs who have some nominal loyalty to Muscat send word to the Omani sovereign, who readies his fleet for battle in the Gulf of Oman. He in unaware of the size of the Ottoman fleet, but is lulled into a false sense of security due to successes against the Portuguese--indeed, the core large ships of the Omani fleet consist of ships seized from the Portuguese in war.

Battle of the Gulf of Oman

Omani Forces:
-1 CruRon
-3 PatRon

Ottoman Forces:
-6 CruRon
-12 PatRon

The Omani Navy, within sight of Muscat, attempts to stop the Ottoman Navy from being able to effect a landing. The Omani fleet is able to engage and land a few hits against the Ottomans (sinking one PatRon and sending another back to Basra for repairs) before it is utterly annihilated by the overwhelming Ottoman firepower, sending all ships to the bottom of the sea or damaged beyond repair.

The Omani Navy thus handled, the Ottomans land their army west of the city--out of the range of the fortresses guns, so it can't open fire on the fleet--and invest in a siege against the city. Early on in the siege the Ottomans are hit by a bought of dysentery, shattering one of the invested cavalry brigades (bad dice roll for February). The situation within the city continues to deteriorate, however, and the Omani's realize something drastic is needed to avoid complete catastrophe. The Imam sends word out through the lines (aided by the disoriented Ottomans) and a relief force of loyal tribes comes to the aid of the city.

Relief of Muscat

-8 Expeditionary Infantry battalions
-1 Expeditionary Cavalry regiments

-1 fortress
-1 Infantry brigade
-1 cavalry regiment
-5 militia brigades

The Ottomans are caught in an attack from two sides--the militia brigades attacking from without and the defenders sallying forth from within. As the Ottomans had their guns focused on the city, they are unable to engage the outside attackers from great distance and resort to small arms (the Ottoman's don't get the Free Fire turn due to defending TL difference). The Omanis fall on the Ottomans with fury, and are able to inflict heavy casualties on the Ottomans in the first round of fighting (3 infantry battalions shattered) at the cost of heavy casualties of their own (4 militia brigades shattered). The Ottoman commander, recognizing that the majority of the defenders have sallied forth, presses the attack in spite of his losses. Having lost the benefits of the envelopment, the Omanis are only able to inflict slight losses (1 infantry battalion shattered) while the Ottomans are able to overwhelm the defenders. The Imam, recognizing that Muscat is lost, flees with the last remaining mobile unit (a cavalry regiment) into the mountains, whence he will continue the struggle against the Ottoman invaders. The Ottomans move into Muscat, its fortress in ruins, and prepare the rest of their campaign.

Casualties for the turn

Ottoman: [Total casualties (2,300, 2 naval units): 1,700 deaths, 800 wounded, 0 captured]
-4 Expeditionary infantry battalions shattered (regrouped into 2 expeditionary infantry battalions) [1,400 dead, 600 wounded]
-1 expeditionary cavalry regiment shattered (waiting at Muscat) [300 dead, 200 wounded]
-2 PatRon (1 sunk, 1 needs repairs)

Oman: [Total casualties (12,000, 4 naval units): 8,350 killed, 2,250 wounded, 1400 captured inc. 600 wounded]
-5 Militia brigade shattered [6,250 4,000 killed, 2,250 wounded]
-1 fortress destroyed [600 killed, 400 captured inc 200 wounded]
-1 infantry brigade destroyed [1,500 killed, 1000 captured inc. 400 wounded]
-1 CruRon (sunk)
-3 PatRon (sunk)

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:34 pm

Ottoman Invasion of Yemen

Spring, 1701

As with their march into the country, the Ottoman force is harried by Yemeni irregulars as it marches up into the highlands to take the city of Ta'iz. The Ottomans are able to again repulse the Yemenis (2 militia brigades shattered), but the ferocity of resistance is steadily ratcheting up the deeper they go. The Yemenis are able to sufficiently punish some of the scouting cavalry that it they are forced to withdraw to Mocha to regroup (1 cavalry regiment shattered, sent back to Mocha to merge with the remnant there). The going is slow, but by late April the army manages to reach Ta'iz and engage the Yemeni garrison.

Battle of Ta’iz, April 23-25

-4 Expeditionary Infantry battalion
-1 Expeditionary Cavalry regiment

-2 Militia Brigades
-1 Garrison Brigade

The ancient mountain city of Ta'iz is in many ways the cultural heart of Yemen, and the locals defend it fiercely. The Yemenis, in fact, outnumber the attacking Ottomans, and force them to fight street by winding street to eject them from the settlement. Over three days of fighting (a lot of inconclusive mutual fire turns...) the Ottomans are slowly but surely able to force their way in, sending the Yemeni defenders to flight (2 militia brigades disrupted) and destroying their defenses (1 garrison destroyed). However, urban combat is not the forte of the Ottoman cavalry, and the last remaining cavalry brigade is rendered useless by the combat (1 cavalry regiment shattered). The Ottoman commander decides to spend the rest of the spring waiting in Ta'iz for supplies, primarily because he is unwilling to venture into the the deepest heart of Yemen without his cavalry screen.

Casualties from season

Ottomans: (Total: 1,000; 550 killed, 450 wounded)
-2 Cavalry regiment shattered (regrouped into 1 cavalry regiment at Mocha, 1 remnant at Mocha) (Total: 1,000; 550 killed, 450 wounded)

Yemenis: (Total: 7,500; 3,800 killed, 2,200 wounded/fled, 1,500 captured [of whom 800 wounded])
-4 militia brigades shattered (regrouped into 2) (Total: 5,000; 2,500 killed, 2,000 wounded/fled, 500 captured [of whom 300 wounded])
-1 garrison brigade destroyed (Total: 2,500; 1,300 killed, 200 wounded, 1,000 captured [of whom 500 wounded])

Forces at end of season


-4 Infantry battalions
-1 Cavalry regiment

-1 Garrison Brigade
-1 cavalry regiment remnant


-1 Fortress
-4 Infantry Battalions

Militia Levies (uncertain location)
-Between 2-5 equivalent of militia remaining

-1 Garrison

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:09 pm

Ottoman Invasion of Oman

With Muscat secured, the Ottoman commander decides that the most important course of action is to dislodge the Imam from threatening the port at Muscat. Having heard that the Omani leader is rallying loyal tribes for another assault on the city in his ancestral seat at Nizwa, not far from Muscat, he moves with his whole army to put an end to the threat to his supply lines. He utilizes the overwhelmingly unnecessary naval resources at his disposal to scrap 1 PatRon and use the sailors to garrison Muscat.

Battle of Nizwa, May 4-5

Ottoman Army:
-6 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Battalion

Omani Army:
-4 Militia Brigades
-1 Cavalry Battalion

After a march through 100 miles of foothills, the Ottomans come upon the Imam’s army. As he has been aware and tracking the Ottomans for some time, the Imam has arrayed his forces to take advantage of the terrain his army knows so well. This time he lets the Ottomans come and engage him, rather than sending his men into the prepared Ottoman defenses.

The Ottomans first stumble into the hidden Omani defensive positions, and the forward elements of the Ottoman line are routed (1 cavalry and 1 infantry shattered). The Ottoman return fire is ineffectual, and the Ottoman commander rallies his forces into line under heavy fire. The attack tapers off but remains at low-level until nightfall; an attempted Omani attack at twilight is repulsed by the Ottomans, who are able to minimize the Omani advantages and inflict substantial damage on the Omani forces (2 militia brigades shattered), and believing that their success will have driven the Omani rabble off, settle into camp content that the day is won.

In the pre-dawn, the Ottomans are surprised to find that the Imam’s forces have not taken advantage of nightfall to retreat, and in fact launch an attack shortly after fajr prayers. The Ottomans repel the Omani attack (1 militia brigade shattered), but the fighting continues throughout the day; a final Omani attack is launched in the early afternoon, again pummeling the Ottoman lines (2 infantry battalions shattered) but ultimately proving enough to disperse the militia (1 militia brigade shattered) and rout the Omani Imam once again (cavalry regiment is able to escape).

The Ottomans have fought hard for Muscat and Nizwa, but have broken the back of the Omani tribes in the region--at least for now. The clans of the region most loyal to the Imam have had their most warlike youth either killed or driven from the field, and the Ottomans are able to parlay the return of captives into tentative agreements of, if not loyalty, then neutrality towards the Sublime Porte. With the Imam on the run to Salalah, hundreds of miles away, and the brutal heat of summer upon them, the Ottoman commander feels secure in having secured the region for the Sultan, though notes in his dispatches back to Basra that once the immediate memory of these crushing losses has passed the region may yet again turn restive.

Casualties by end of season
Ottomans (Total: 2,000; 900 dead, 1,100 wounded)
-3 Infantry battalions shattered (regrouped into 1 battalion and 1 remnant) (Total: 1,500; 600 dead, 900 wounded)
-1 cavalry regiment shattered (regroup with 1 remnant in Muscat to make 1 regiment) (Total: 500; 300 dead, 200 wounded)

Omanis (Total: 5,000; 2,400 dead, 1,600 wounded/fled, 1,000 captured [of whom 700 wounded])
-4 Militia brigades shattered (Total: 5,000; 2,400 dead, 1,600 wounded/fled, 1,000 captured [of whom 700 wounded])

Forces in theater at end of season

Ordu Oman (Muscat):
-1 Garrison
-4 Infantry Battalions
-1 Infantry battalion remnant
-1 cavalry regiment

Army of Dhofar (Salalah)
-1 Fortress
-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1-3 militia brigades

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:42 pm

Ottoman Invasion of Oman

Fall, 1701

The Ottomans, after spending the summer gathering resources and waiting for the oppressive heat to subside, set off to deal with the last remaining threat to their hold on Oman: the Imam and his fortress at Salalah. The Imam attempts to rally the clans of the Dhofar to his side, but his repeated crushing defeats near Muscat--combined with the historically restive nature of the region--means he is only able to raise a single militia brigade worth of allies. However, he does have his fortress, the core of his army, and the benefit of the defensive.

The Ottomans set sail in early October, as soon as the most dangerous tropical winds have passed, and land an army up the coast, moving to encircle the fortress. They do not have a siege in mind, as the Ottoman commander fears that the Imam may yet again escape his grasp and raise more of his subjects in rebellion. Instead, as soon as the army is in position, and the fleet has effectively positioned itself off shore, the order is given to attack.

The Battle of Salalah, October 13-14, 1701

Ottoman Army:
-6 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Ottoman Navy
-8 CruRon
-11 PatRon

Omani Army:
-1 Fortress
-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Militia Brigade

The battle spreads over two days and consists of two parallel struggles: the Ottoman land force vs the Omani army, and the Omani fortress vs the Ottoman navy. The Omanis benefit from fighting from behind a proper fortress (1 FF turn), but their defensive posture is threatened by sea bombardment (they don’t get a bonus to defensive rolls due to shore bombardment) and their guns are trained on the fleet offshore (fortress doesn’t participate in the land battle itself).

The opening wave of attacks on the fortress are repulsed by the defenders, scattering the Ottoman cavalry while the fortress scores a series of pummeling hits on the Ottoman fleet. A second wave of attacks manages to inflict more casualties on the defenders, shattering an Omani militia brigade and a cavalry regiment, but the fortress itself still stands. A third wave runs at the fortress, and this one is again repulsed by the defenders, this time with heavier Ottoman casualties (2 infantry battalions shattered), though it will be the last where the Omanis benefit from their fortified position.  By the late afternoon the Omani fortress has knocked out an Ottoman CruRons (damaged beyond repair, sunk) and two Ottoman PatRon (1 sunk, 1 returns to Basra for repairs) but the punishing Ottoman bombardment finally silences the Fortress’ guns and knocks open a critical mass of entry points into the fortress.

The Imam and his forces, by now reduced to two infantry battalions of fighting men, fight on through the night and into the next day. The Ottoman naval support becomes less useful, as the fighting has turned into bitter short-distance warfare within the bounds of Salalah. Trapped by the Ottoman army on the one side and the sea on the other, the Imam cannot ride off to safety as he had previously. His fanatical core guard continues to fight on, inflicting serious casualties on the attacking Ottomans (2 infantry battalions shattered), but ultimately his army is crushed by the Ottoman onslaught, and him alongside it--his mangled body is recovered a few days after the battle, though not that of his son, Sultan bin Saif.

Casualties of the Battle of Salalah

Ottoman (Total: 2,500; 1,480 killed, 1,020 wounded)
1 CruRon (sunk)
1 PatRon (sunk)
1 PatRon (damaged, sent to Basra for repairs, 1 point, 1 turn to repair)
4 Infantry Battalions shattered, combined into 2 infantry battalions (Total: 2,000; 1,200 killed, 800 wounded)
1 Infantry regiment shattered (Total; 500; 280 killed, 220 wounded)

Omani (Total: 6,500; 2,700 killed, 3,800 captured [of whom 1,300 wounded])
1 Fortress destroyed (Total: 1,000; 650 killed, 350 captured [of whom 200 wounded]
2 Infantry Battalions shattered/captured (Total: 2,000; 700 killed, 1,300 captured [of whom 400 wounded])
1 Cavalry Regiment (Total: 1,000; 350 killed, 650 captured [of whom 200 wounded])
1 Militia Brigade (Total: 2,500; 1,000 killed, 1,500 captured [of whom 500 wounded])

Some months later, reports reach the Ottoman commander in Muscat (through his new tribal allies) that the young heir has proclaimed himself Imam from his base in exile in Zanzibar, though his ability to meaningfully challenge the occupation of Oman is questioned. The possibility remains of him reinfiltrating Oman proper and raising the clans in rebellion, but for now they are exhausted from a long war and are content to wait to see if the Ottomans make any strategic missteps, attack their faith and traditions, or become bogged down in an external war.

Forces in theater at end of 1701

4 Infantry Battalions
1 cavalry regiment remnant

1 Garrison
1 infantry battalion remnant

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:31 pm

Ottoman Invasion of Yemen

Fall, 1701

While the Ottoman war effort in Arabia thunders onto victory in Oman, the sister effort in Yemen is ordered to hold positions until Oman is pacified and the Yemeni effort can be bolstered. However, the Imam of Yemen has no intention of following in the footsteps of his neighbor, and instead seeks to take to the offensive following the summertime lull. Utilizing every ounce of his prestige and power--as sovereign and religious head--he is able to raise the equivalent of 5 militia brigades to his side. He shifts the garrison in his home region of Sa’dah to the capital at Sana’a and moves out with the core of his army, newly bolstered, to eject the Turkish invader.

However, the Imam realizes the dangers of assaulting the Ottoman force head on--having repeatedly seen his raids be repulsed by the defensive might of the Turk--and thus decides to lead his army, imbued with a holy cause, on a forced march through the mountains and down the coast to attack the Ottoman supply lines.

The 2nd Battle of Mocha, November 19, 1701

Ottoman Army:
-1 Garrison Brigade

Yemeni Army:
-4 Infantry Battalions
-5 Militia Brigades

The Ottomans benefit from the defensive position they’ve established, but with the fleet having been sent off to assist in the Omani theater there is no strategic reserve available to help repulse the Yemeni force--nor are there ships patrolling the shore potentially able to raise the alarm in time to let the Ottoman commander in Ta’iz know of the impending assault. The Imam’s army thus falls upon the Ottoman garrison in earnest. The defending brigade is able to push back in violent fashion (1 militia brigade hit in FF turn, 1 hit in Mutual combat), but the garrison is overwhelmed by the size of the Yemeni force and captured.

Casualties of the 2nd battle of Mocha

Ottomans (Total: 2,500; 700 killed, 1,800 captured [of whom 550 wounded])
1 garrison brigade shattered/captured (Total: 2,500; 700 killed, 1,800 captured [of whom 550 wounded])

Yemen (Total: 2,500; 1,700 killed, 800 wounded)
2 Militia brigades shattered, reformed into 1 (Total: 2,500; 1,700 killed, 800 wounded)

The Imam has the captured Turks sent back to the fortress in Sana’a, and rather than leave a large garrison at Mocha decides that the best way to hamper the Ottoman return is to render the port inoperable. He has his men set to destroying the wharfs, piers, and infrastructure of the port, and then burns it to the ground. (Game effect: the Ottomans will need to spend 2 points/1 turn reopen the port and make it functional as a base). He then sets off into the mountains to besiege the Turkish army at Ta’iz. By now the Ottoman commander knows that he is in a bad way, and rather than meet the Yemenis in the field (where most of his advantages are nullified against the numerically superior force) he hopes that his beleaguered expedition has the resources to hold out until he can be relieved--or he has to fight his way to the shore. The Yemenis invest the siege in early December, and wait for the Ottomans to make their move.

Forces in theater at end of 1701

4 Infantry Battalions
2 Cavalry Regiment

4 Infantry Battalions
4 Militia Brigades

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by Ottoman Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:31 pm

Late 1701

The Sultan issues Edict for Oman, stating that he has personal order the Ottoman Governor for Oman( in reality just Muscat) to respect the local traditions and faith of the region. For the most part, the Ottomans seem to be only interested in the port and  trade. They intended to leave the rural regions and inner areas to the local tribes to govern to themselves.

OOC: In real life and this timeline, the more far out the region is from the core of the empire, the more likely the Ottomans will apply a live and let live policy to keep the locals contain, while insuring their goal for the region is achieved.


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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:50 pm

Ottoman Invasion of Yemen

Winter-Spring 1702

The Ottomans, realizing the severity of the situation in Yemen, scramble to send a large relief force to lift the siege of Ta’iz and finally dismantle the Imam’s army. A large Ottoman force lands at Mocha in early January and spends the remainder of the season refitting the port and ensuring that it can remain secured as a base. The Ottoman’s park a decent fleet offshore to provide fire support (and scrap a PatRon to provide a garrison), and as soon as the port is complete they march into the mountains to save their surrounded comrades.

The relief column arrives at Ta’iz in late April, and, though frustrated that he has to abandon his positions, the Imam realizes that his army is at a severe disadvantage when fighting on two sides against the Turkish invaders. He thus abandons the siege of Ta’iz with token resistance, and instead retreats back to his fortress at Sana’a, leaving the militia to cover his escape and delay any Ottoman moves on the capital. The Ottomans, realizing they must move before the end of the campaigning season, spend only a week recovering in the mountain city (giving the beleaguered troops inside a taste of normality) before setting off in pursuit, leaving behind a token force (2 infantry battalions) to hold the city in the event of another attempt to cut off the supply lines. The Yemeni irregulars do manage to disrupt part of the Ottoman column (1 cavalry regiment shattered, sent back to Ta’iz) but are pushed off (1 militia brigade shattered and destroyed). By early June the Ottomans have trapped the Imam in his mountain fortress, and wait for the summer to set in.

Casualties at end of season

1 Cavalry regiment shattered (Total: 500 casualties)

1 Militia brigade shattered (Total: 1,250 casualties)

Forces in theater at end of Spring

7 Infantry Battalions
1 Cavalry Regiment

2 Infantry Battalions
1 Cavalry Regiment remnant

1 Garrison

1 Fortress
4 Infantry Battalions
2 Militia Brigades
1 Garrison Brigade

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:08 pm

Ottoman Invasion of Yemen

Summer-Fall 1702

As the cool highland summer descends on the Yemeni capital, the inability of the Yemeni imam to prepare for his siege (due to the hasty nature of his flight) becomes rapidly apparent. Lacking the supplies necessary to endure an extended siege, the Imam decides on a desperate gamble--a sally to break the Ottoman siege and yet again throw the entire Ottoman plan into disarray.

Battle of Sana’a, July 9

7 Infantry Battalions
1 Cavalry Regiment

1 Fortress
4 Infantry Battalions
2 Militia Brigades
1 Garrison Brigade

The Ottomans have barely invested the siege, and thus their earthworks are negligible, but still benefit from their technological advantage. The Yemeni forces are able to effectively side-step the Ottoman opening volleys (no hits) but are pummeled during the standing battle phase (losing 2 mil brigades and 1 garrison brigade) while inflicting moderate casualties on their Ottoman opponents (1 inf bat, 1 cav reg shattered). When they wheel back around for round two of combat the majority of the Yemeni forces are dispersed leaving only 2 infantry bats and the fortress unit, which has sallied forth as well and is worth 1 inf bat to duke it out with the Ottomans. These units are similarly put to flight (2 shattered) at light Ottoman casualties (1 inf bat shattered).

The Yemeni Imam has learned the lesson of his Omani counterpart, and takes his remaining battalion into the mountains, where he quickly disperses it. The Yemenis have lost all of their major population centers, but the Zaydi Imam has decided that he will lead his war from the mountains. Unlike their Ithna’ashari cousins, the Zaydis refuse to follow an Imam in Occultation, and thus he continues to move visibly through his subjects realms. However, he doesn’t raise any standing units, and instead instructs his followers to launch hit and run attacks. The harassment of Ottoman soldiers results in the equivalent of another infantry battalion being shattered through the rest of the year, though the Ottoman commander notes the attacks are escalating by 1702 comes to a close.

Casualties at end of season

Ottomans (Total: 2,000 casualties)
-3 Infantry Battalions shattered reformed into 1 battalion, 1 remnant (Total: 1,500 casualties)
-1 Cavalry regiment shattered, combined with previous remnant to form 1 regiment (Total: 500 casualties)

Yemenis: (Total: 4,500 casualties, 2,000 captured)
-1 Fortress Captured (500 casualties, 500 captured)
-2 Militia Brigades shattered (2,500 casualties)
-3 Infantry Battalions destroyed, captured (Total: 1,500 casualties, 1,500 captured)

Forces in theater at end of 1702


6 Infantry Battalions
1 Cavalry Regiment
1 Infantry Battalion remnant

2 Infantry Battalions
1 Cavalry Regiment

1 Garrison

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:23 pm

Ottoman Occupation of Arabia

With the fall of both the power centers of Oman and Yemen, the Ottomans control the cities and economic centers of both. However, the conquest of the cities and fortresses of both are only half the battle. The Ottomans are left in a position where they're staring down years, if not decades, of low-level resistance to their rule.

(Note: Unless otherwise stated, these economic effects and military requirements are re-evaluated in 5 year increments. Military costs [particularly the fortresses] are not required, but are highly recommended by the commanders to facilitate subjugation)

The Ottoman administration in Oman has been more effective in ameliorating the concerns of the local elites and securing the majority of the income from the region. In return for vacating control of the rural areas to the local elite, and respecting their Ibadi faith, the Ottomans have obtained their nominal loyalty. In order to ensure the continued fealty of the region, the Ottoman commander recommends a moderate garrison be installed to secure the region, but does not anticipate an active campaign against Ottoman rule--unless, of course, the Omani court in exile attempts a comeback.

Economic Costs:
-Full income from the Port at Muscat
-Half income from the resource at Muscat
-No tax income

Military Costs:
-1 Fortress at Muscat
-2 Garrison Brigades (1 Muscat, 1 Salalah)

The war in Yemen has not only taken longer and involved more setbacks, but will also see the longest period of recovery. The fact that the Imam is at large means that the war is still, essentially, ongoing, but the capture of the population centers means that the Empire can attempt to reinstate formal control over the region. Yemen's geography also does the Ottoman invaders no help--Yemen's population is not only much larger and more restless than that of Oman, it is spread out over a series of mountain valleys and highlands. Ottoman control will be more tenuous in its establishment.

Economic Costs:
-Half income from both the resource at Ta'iz and the port at Mocha
-No tax income

Military Costs:
-2 Fortress (Ta'iz, Sana'a)
-4 Garrison Brigades (Ta'iz, Sana'a, Sa'dah, Mocha)

[Recommended by commander for the hunt for the Imam, but not required--his capture will help address some of the military costs/income issues, though not all]
-4 Infantry Battalions
-2 Cavalry Regiments

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by TLS Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:48 pm

Treaty of Ta'iz

The Ottoman commander, realizing that the cost of subjugating the Yemeni highlands outweighs any economic benefit, sends out feelers to the Zaydi Imam in an attempt to head off a decade or more of violence. After a series of heated negotiations, the Ottoman commander is able to win a number of concessions from the Zaydi Imam: the entirety of the coastal region, including the port of Mocha, is ceded to the Ottoman Empire, to be ruled as a direct elayet of the Empire. The Zaydi Imam forswears any raids or attacks on the port or the Ottoman territories.

In return, the Ottomans promise the free flow of coffee from the Yemeni highlands through the port (a concession that is perhaps not as generous as it seems, for without the coffee the port is near worthless) and, as a token of good faith, will pay to rebuild the Yemeni fortress at Sana'a with the latest in Ottoman technologies (the fortress at Sana'a will be TL 2.5, meaning that the Yemeni forces will not be at as serious a disadvantage as they were otherwise).

The Yemeni Imam, as a token of good faith, also notes that he will not give aid or succor to any of the Ottoman Sultan's enemies--be they Omani rebels, other Yemenis, or Nejdi raiders attempting to use his territory for shelter.

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Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702) Empty Re: Ottoman Campaigns in Arabia (1701 - 1702)

Post by Ottoman Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:11 pm

Winter 1702

In wake of the treaty of Ta'iz,

The Sultan issues Edict for Yemen, stating that he has personal order the Ottoman Governor for Mocha elayet to respect the local traditions and faith of the region. For the most part, the Ottomans seem to be only interested in the port and  trade. They intended to leave the rural regions and inner areas to the local tribes to govern to themselves.

However within Divan(Imperial council) there was great disdain along the various Viziers over the cost and blood to gain these frontier regions. Ideas of even sending more troops to overseas operations to gain more far off lands are put on hold. For now, the Imperial government would rather focus on trade relations then fighting mini wars all the time for the Near East regions.


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