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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by TLS Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:07 pm


Ottoman Empire
-Hotak Dynasty
-Kingdom of Kartli

Safavid Empire
-Kingdom of Imereti

Fall, 1712

The Ottoman Empire, after only a few years of peace with the Safavid Dynasty, reinitiates hostilities with a declaration of war in 1712. The Safavid Dynasty is crippled and collapsing after the previous conflict with the Ottomans, with the new Shah Tahmasp essentially a puppet of the Azeri Qajar dynasty and the Qizilbash orders. Critically, a Sunni dynastic claimant has arisen in the Eastern reaches of the Empire, among the Pashtun tribes: Mirwais Hotak, the Emir of Kandahar, is rallying tribes to his banner. The Ottomans do not take to arms against the Savafids in the first half year of the war, preferring to isolate the country by sea. The Qizilbash are thus divided between an Eastern and Western campaign, and though the call has gone out to rise, and the Qajars have spent the year buying surplus weapons from Russians on the frontier, they are still in for an unfortunate collision.

Forces in Region, Start of 1713

Ottoman Empire (TL 2.5)

Van (Ready Summer)
-1 Cavalry brigade
-2 Infantry Brigades
-2 Infantry regiments

Baghdad (Ready Spring)
-4 Infantry brigades
-2 Calvary brigades

Blockading Bandar Abbas
-8 CruRon
-10 PatRon

Hotaks (TL 2)

-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Infantry Brigades
-3 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

Safavids (TL 2)

Fixed Positions
-4 Fortress (Tabriz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Baku)
-5 Garrison Brigades (Baku, Tabriz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Isfahan)

-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade (TL 2.5)
-3 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

Last edited by TLS on Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:30 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by TLS Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:38 pm

Persian Campaign

Spring, 1713

After a period of general peace over the winter months the Ottoman Empire has finally assembled the first of its armies aimed at the Safavid Empire. The Safavids are being pushed from two fronts; the Ottomans are planning on marching up into the Zagros mountains and thence into Persia itself, while to the east the Hotaks are moving on the center of Safavid power in Khorasan. The disparate Safavids, already fighting at a technological disadvantage against their enemies to the West, are unable to try to leverage their numbers for the best posture. They do at least, for now, benefit from fighting on the defensive.

Battle of Kermanshah, May 5

-2 Militia Brigades

-4 Infantry brigades
-2 Calvary brigades

The first Safavid garrison to come under attack is in the ancient city of Kermanshah, under the watchful eyes of the Behistun inscription in the Zagros mountains. The Safavids have drawn together a band of Qizilbash warriors and other levies, and benefit from their fortified position in rough terrain (FF and defensive roll bonus), though the army they’re using hardly represents the cream of the crop. The defenders inflict some casualties on the attackers, but are otherwise predictably swept away by the superior Ottoman force (Safavids roll MF 0 hits, FF 1 hit; Ottomans roll 3 hits in the MF).

Casualties of the Battle of Kermanshah

-2 Militia Brigades destroyed

-1 Cavalry brigade shattered, reduced to regiment

After seizing Kermanshah, the Ottoman forward guard determines that the city of Khorramabad has been left unprotected. The Ottomans thus move there, where the city opens its gates, but have then reached the end of their supply lines. The Ottoman commander sends back to home, requesting supplies to establish a base. (Game Effect: The Ottoman army cannot progress further into Iran until base is established.) The Safavids, aware of the movements by the Ottoman army, move their main army closer to the expect Ottoman attack route towards Isfahan, while leaving behind a garrison to protect their capital.

To the East, the Hotaks aim to take the Safavid regional capital at Nishapur, but are aware of the size of the Persian host in said city. They decide to remove one of the Infantry brigades they have in their capital at Kandahar and shift it towards to Herat, which will grant them a substantial firepower advantage, but their strategic relocation means that they are unable to set out for the Safavid city before the end of the season.

Forces in Region, End of Spring 1713

Ottoman Empire (TL 2.5)

-1 Cavalry brigade
-2 Infantry Brigades
-2 Infantry regiments

-3 Infantry brigades
-2 Calvary brigades

-1 Infantry Battalion

Blockading Bandar Abbas
-8 CruRon
-10 PatRon

Hotaks (TL 2)

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-3 Infantry Brigades
-3 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

Safavids (TL 2)

Fixed Positions
-4 Fortress (Tabriz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Baku)
-5 Garrison Brigades (Baku, Tabriz, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Isfahan)

-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade (TL 2.5)
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by TLS Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:05 pm

Persian Campaign

Summer, 1713

While halted in their thrust into the center of the Safavid Empire by the tyranny of distance and supply, by the start of the summer the Sublime Porte has assembled a large force at the fortress of Van. The Ottomans, in addition to their perhaps loftier goal of permanently destroying Shia power in Iran, have a far more concrete (and some would say attainable) goal as well: to wrest the Caucasus from the Persians once and for all and establish an empire from the Aegean to the Caspian. The Ottoman army thus sets off in early July for the Safavid fortress at Tabriz.

Battle of Tabriz, August 5

-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison Brigade

-2 Infantry Brigades
-2 Infantry regiments
-1 Cavalry brigade

As in the south, the Ottomans elect to attack the Fortress head on rather than wait for the vicissitudes of siege life to settle in. The Persian defenders benefit from their defensive posture and their established fortifications, but the antiquated nature of their armaments threaten to again let them down (FF and MF roll for Safavids, but TL, as for all TL 2 units, means they only hit on 1s). The defenders ineffectively try to resist the Ottoman attackers, and while are able to inflict some casualties (roll FF 0x, MF 1x) the defenses quickly crumble in the face of superior Ottoman cannons (Ottomans roll 4xs, annihilating the defenders).

Casualties of the Battle of Tabriz

-1 Fortress destroyed
-1 Infantry Battalion destroyed

-1 Infantry Regiment shattered

The Ottoman commander halts his advance at Van, as to progress further into the Caucasus will require an extension of his supply lines (Another base is required, though not necessarily at Tabriz).

In the Khorasan campaign the Hotaks finally set out with their large army to besiege the Persian citadel at Nishapur. With a noted military advantage, the Hotaks are comfortable with a siege though lack the necessary advantage in men to overwhelm the defenses. The Safavid commander, aware that a siege can only end poorly for him, believes that audacity is the key to any hope of victory, and chooses to sally from the city in an attempt to push off the attackers before they’re able to successfully invest the siege.

Battle of Nishapur, August 20

-3 Infantry Brigades
-3 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

As the Safavids have elected to meet the attackers on open ground, there are no geographic benefits (no dice rolls) and the armies swing into action quickly. In spite of their numerical disadvantage, the Safavids acquit themselves more than admirably, even inflicting superior casualties on the attackers than they themselves receive (over 2 turns the Safavids roll 4 hits, the Hotaks 3). However, the initial Safavid manpower disadvantage means that the defending commander is thus forced to withdraw his remnants into the walls of the city. His gambit his failed, and now he can only hope for a stroke of good fortune in the siege to save his position.

Casualties of the Battle of Nishapur

-1 Infantry brigade shattered, reduced to battalion
-2 Militia infantry brigades shattered, destroyed
-1 Cavalry brigade reduced to regiment

-1 Infantry brigade shattered, reduced to battalion
-1 Militia infantry brigade shattered, destroyed
-1 Militia cavalry brigade shattered, destroyed

The summer thus ends, like the spring turn, with the war moving slowly, but surely, against the Safavid defenders. Their only hope is that they will be able to sufficiently leverage the vast expanse of the Persian heartland to buy time for reinforcements, strategic redeployments, or, perhaps, an act of God.

Forces in Region, End of Summer 1713

Ottoman Empire (TL 2.5)

-1 Cavalry Brigade
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry regiments

-3 Infantry brigades
-2 Calvary brigades

-1 Infantry Battalion

Blockading Bandar Abbas
-8 CruRon
-10 PatRon

Hotaks (TL 2)

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

Nishapur (Siege)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Battalion
-1 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

Safavids (TL 2)

Fixed Positions
-3 Fortress (Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Baku)
-4 Garrison Brigades (Baku, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Isfahan)

-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade (TL 2.5)
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Infantry Regiment

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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by TLS Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:54 pm

Persian Campaign

Fall 1713-Spring 1714

The snowfalls in the Zagros, combined with the delay due to the construction of new bases and units, means that the war against the Safavids takes a natural pause for a series of months. Far removed from the seemingly near constant warfare of the recent European war, the rugged nature of Persia forces all the armies to play by her rules. The main turn comes with the fall of the city of Nishapur to the besieging Pashtuns in early Winter, 1714, allowing the region of Khorasan to largely fall into their hands. The Hotaks face a perhaps even more daunting invasion than the Ottomans do, however, with vast tracts of inhospitable wasteland separating the Khorasan region from the Persian heartland.

To the north, the Caucasus are riven by conflict. The competing vassals of the Safavids and Ottomans--the rival kingdoms of Imereti and Kartli--struggle to make gains against each other at the behest of their respective masters. The Safavids do not spend the season idly, either, and are able to raise a few militia brigades to flesh out their defenses. However, the Ottoman juggernaut is both able to rely on local Kurds (resentful of Safavid rule) to garrison its supply lines and to position itself, through reinforcing depleted regiments back to brigade strength, for a hopefully decisive campaign season ahead.

Forces in Region, End of Spring 1714

Ottoman Empire (TL 2.5)

-1 Cavalry Brigade
-3 Infantry Brigades

-3 Infantry brigades
-2 Calvary brigades
-1 Kurdish Militia Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Kurdish Militia Brigade

-3 Georgian Infantry Battalions

Blockading Bandar Abbas
-8 CruRon
-10 PatRon

Hotaks (TL 2)

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-5 Infantry Battalions
-1 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

Safavids (TL 2)

Fixed Positions
-3 Fortress (Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Baku)
-4 Garrison Brigades (Baku, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Isfahan)

-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-3 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigade (TL 2.5)
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-2 Georgian Infantry Battalions
-1 Georgian Cavalry Regiment

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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by TLS Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:54 am

Persian Campaign

Summer-Fall, 1714

With the necessary infrastructure in place at the start of the summer, the Afghan and Ottoman armies begin to wheel back into motion against the tottering Safavids. In the West the Ottoman armies begin moving in two directions: the force based out of Tabriz makes for the Caspian port of Baku while the army based out of Khorramabad marches on the Persian capital of Isfahan. The Safavids steel themselves for the attacks, reinforcing their capital city with their crack infantry brigade, but otherwise are forced to stay on the defensive as the Ottoman juggernaut rolls over them.

Battle of Baku, August 18

-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison Brigade
-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-1 Cavalry Brigade
-3 Infantry Brigades

The Ottomans arrive at the Caspian fortress to find it rather well defended. Fighting from behind the walls of the fortress the Safavids have filled it to the brim with defensive soldiers, though of middling quality. The Ottoman force does, however, outnumber the defenders, and carries a much heavier artillery load than the defenders (Safavids get FF turn and defensive roll bonus).

The desperate defenders unload on the confidant Ottomans as they begin their first assault on the city and, shockingly, manage to shatter half of the attacking force before they even arrive in range of the walls (FF turn Safavids roll 2x, shattering 1 cavalry brig and 1 infantry brig). When the Ottomans do arrive to exchange fire with the defenders they find that they are unable to meaningfully impact the defensive positions, though they benefit from the fact that the Safavid gunners seem to have lost their ability (Ottomans and Safavids both roll no hits—even without the defensive bonus, the Ottomans would not have hit). The Ottoman commander thus elects to withdraw from his attack position and put Baku under siege, gambling that the defenders will be unwilling to risk losing their benefits and attacking across open ground.

Casualties of the Battle of Baku


-1 Infantry Brigade shattered, reduced to battalion
-1 Cavalry Brigade shattered, reduced to regiment

The Ottomans, having taken up siege positions, remain there through the end of 1714. The Safavids are unable to rally, as their only hope of ejecting the attackers depends on their Georgian vassals coming to their aid—however, they are too preoccupied with their own war in Georgia (which continues inconclusively thru 1714) and thus no reinforcements are forthcoming. The resupply route along the Caspian helps to keep the city somewhat in supply, but hope begins to fade quickly as winter descends, and the fortress eventually gives up the ghost in early December—though not before a cholera outbreak destroys the Ottoman Infantry battalion (siege roll of 1 in November destroys said Ottoman unit, siege roll of 5 in December leads to the fall of Baku).

Almost contemporaneously to the battle at Baku, farther to the south, a much larger Ottoman force heads for the Safavid capital, to do battle against the Shah’s finest forces.

Battle of Isfahan, August 25

-1 Infantry Brigade (TL 2.5)
-1 Garrison Brigade
-3 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

-4 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigades

The Safavids do not have a fortress at Isfahan, but do have the defensive benefits of fighting in an Old-World city (FF and Defensive bonus). The defenders also have a somewhat modernized unit fighting among them, granting them the ability to inflict heavier casualties on their attackers.
As at Baku, the Safavids fight fiercely and manage to utilize their defensive advantages to their fullest. Particularly aided by the skilled gunnery of the Safavid Infantry Brigade, the Ottomans suffer intense casualties in their charge to the walls (Safavids score 3 hits in the FF, hitting 1 Cav and 2 Inf brigs). The Ottomans are able to respond more thoroughly when they finally hit the walls of the city themselves (in MF Safavids score 0x, the Ottomans 2x, shattering the garrison brigade and a militia brigade) but recognize that they are fighting at a disadvantage, and similarly break off the attack to begin a siege.

Casualties of the Battle of Isfahan

-1 Garrison Brigade
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 infantry brigade
-1 Cavalry brigade shattered, reduced to 1 regiment

Unlike in the north, however, the Safavids are impatient and unwilling to let a siege result in the fall of their army. The Shah, and his Qajar handlers, know that the fall of Isfahan will be a crippling blow for their dynasty. As such, when summer turns to fall with no sign of Ottoman withdrawal, they settle on a desperate gambit: a sally from the gates and an attack on the entrenched Ottoman besiegers.

2nd Battle of Isfahan, October 10

-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Infantry Brigade (TL 2.5)
-2 Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade

The Ottomans benefit from their tech advantage and their defensive posture (FF roll and defensive bonus) against the desperate Safavid troops. The desperate Safavid gambit falls apart from the start, as their army is torn to shreds charging the Ottoman lines (Ottomans roll 2x on FF, shattering both militia infantry). As the crack Safavid units exchange fire with the Ottomans they are able to inflict some casualties (Safavid infantry rolls 1x, shattering an Ottoman infantry brigade) but they are unable to punch through the defenders (Ottomans roll 3x, destroying the Safavid infantry and shattering the militia cavalry).

Casualties of the 2nd Battle of Isfahan

-1 Infantry Brigade shattered, reduced to infantry battalion

-1 Infantry brigade destroyed
-2 Militia infantry brigades destroyed
-1 Militia cavalry brigade destroyed

The Ottomans are thus able to easily push back into Isfahan itself, taking the ancient Persian capital from the Safavid dynasty that has held it for centuries.

Further north, the Hotaks have continued their campaign against their Shi’a rivals and fall upon the Persian city of Tehran and the nearby seminaries at Qom. The Safavid defenders (1 militia brigade) are easily wiped away (at the cost of 1 Hotak infantry battalion) and there is extensive looting and destruction of Shi’a shrines and religious institutions.

Forces in Region, End of Spring 1714

Ottoman Empire (TL 2.5)

-3 Georgian Infantry Battalions

-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Garrison Brigade

-1 Garrison Brigade
-1 Kurdish Militia Brigade

-1 Kurdish Militia Brigade

-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Battalion
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Blockading Bandar Abbas
-8 CruRon
-10 PatRon

Hotaks (TL 2)

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigades

-4 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

Safavids (TL 2)

Fixed Positions
-2 Fortress (Shiraz, Bandar Abbas)
-2 Garrison Brigades (Shiraz, Bandar Abbas)

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-2 Georgian Infantry Battalions
-1 Georgian Cavalry Regiment[/u]

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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by TLS Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:46 am

Persian Campaign

Winter-Summer, 1715

With the fall of Isfahan the Safavids are fatally wounded. Though the Qizilbash and other Shia-inspired groups try to rally against the invaders, the Safavids and their handlers are so thoroughly discredited, corrupt, and weak that any hope of a popular resurgence fades away. The Ottoman army in Isfahan makes its moves southwards, after waiting for a token Hotak force to move south from Tehran. Isfahan is left is the hands of a Hotak detachment, while the Hotak cavalry march south to Shiraz with the Ottoman host. The Safavids try to shift their forces along the border with the Ottomans (the 2 Militia brigades at Ahvaz) but the units refuse the orders, seeking to safeguard themselves rather than die in a lost cause.

Battle of Shiraz, May 25-26

-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison
-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiment

The Safavid defenders are thoroughly demoralized and outgunned, but with the Shah and his major backers inside the fortress they refuse to countenance surrender (FF roll, defensive bonus outweighed by moral hit so no change). The opening day of combat is not overly bloody; the Safavids are barely able to strike back at their attackers (FF 0x, MF 1x shattering 1 inf brigade) though at losses of their own (Ottomans MF 1x, shatter Militia). The second day is more consequential; the Safavid defenders are utterly incapable of meaningfully damaging their attackers (no hits either turn) while the Ottomans use their superior manpower and willpower to overwhelm the defenders (Ottomans roll 3x—if there weren’t a morale hit it would have only been 1x—and shatter/destroy everyone left).

Casualties of the Battle of Shiraz

-1 Fortress destroyed
-1 Garrison destroyed
-1 Militia infantry brigade destroyed

-1 Infantry brigade shattered, reduced to regiment

The aftermath of the battle is bloodier than the battle itself; the Hotak contingent rampages through the city and, as the Ottomans look on and make token attempts to constrain their allies, end up thoroughly massacring the royal family and the Qizilbash grandees. The young Shah, barely 12 years old, is thrown from a rooftop, and the Qizilbash chieftain Fath-Ali Khan Qajar is strangled in front of his wives, as are many of his family and allies in the city.

The fall of Shiraz quickly results in the surrender of the remaining Safavid garrisons. Mirwais Hotak, having established himself in Isfahan at the head of his army, declares himself as Shah of Iran, and quickly moves to begin negotiations with his Ottoman backers. Meanwhile, in Caucasus, the Ottomans throw their forces to bear against the Kingdom of Imereti, joining with their allies in Kartli in an attempt to seize their capital at Tbilisi.

Battle of Tbilisi, July 18

-2 Infantry Battalions
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Militia Brigade

-3 Georgian Infantry Battalions
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

The defenders are fighting from within their capital (it’s a minor country, so counting it just as an Old World city with 100,000+ pop irl, so +1 militia and +1 defensive dice roll) against the powerful attackers. Even with the benefits of defense (including an FF roll) they are unable to inflict casualties on their attackers (FF and MF no hits) Meanwhile, the Ottoman-backed force is able to quickly disperse the defenders (rolling 4 hits—would have been 5 without defense bonus) and seize the city quickly. The Imeretians have lost their center of power, and the Kartlians have now seized control over the entire region—and quickly petition Constantinople for recognition as the sole Kings of Georgia.

Forces in Region, End of Summer 1715

Ottoman Empire (TL 2.5)

-3 Georgian Infantry Battalions
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

-1 Garrison Brigade

-1 Garrison Brigade

-1 Kurdish Militia Brigade

-1 Kurdish Militia Brigade

-1 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

-2 Infantry Brigade
-1 Infantry Regiment
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Bandar Abbas
-16 FF1
-20 PatRon

Hotaks (TL 2)

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-1 Militia Infantry Brigades

-1 Infantry Regiments

-2 Infantry Regiments

-1 Cavalry Regiment

-1 Militia Infantry Brigade

-2 Militia Infantry Brigades


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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

Post by Ottoman Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:21 pm

The Ottoman official give their terms to their Hotak allies. The following lands are to be transfer to Ottoman rule

1. Caucasus region( Armenia/ Azerbaijan)
2. Tabriz region(Iranian Azerbaijan )
3. Iranian Kurdistan
4. Lorestan
5. Arabistan

Meanwhile Ottomans respond to their Georgian vassals request by granting recognition of their new status.


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Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715) Empty Re: Ottoman-Safavid War (1712 - 1715)

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