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Kingdom of Great Britain

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Aug 18, 2020 1:11 am

1774 Budget
Although debate is fierce, the Government points out that peace seems to be almost at hand but until that time, war remains in effect. The possibility of a supplementary budget thus cannot be ruled out. For now the budget is only for maintenance of existing forces, debt service and support to Morocco, which has been an extremely good ally in the war.

Total Army 12.75 points
Total Navy 61.35 points
total military budget: 84.1 points
East India Company pay offs to locals 6.5 points
National Debt service on 760 (8% interest) 60.8 points
debt paydown (30 year notes) 25.33
TOTAL 176.73
Income: 70 (income from East India Company not available, other income losses)
total deficit 106.73
borrowed 110
remaining 3.27 used to provide assistance to Morocco
debt has increased to 844.67

Promises are made the war is over, a firm effort to reduce the debt will be made.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:12 pm

William Nassau de Zuylesten, 1st Marquis of Rochford, is moved from Secretary of State for the Colonies to the a now combined position (Secstate north and Secstate south) of Secretary of State for Britain.   He is sent to Brussels post haste to bring an end to the war.   Sandwich was forced to resign under pressure in Parliament and is blamed for causing the war to begin with.   However he has strong allies, and moves to First Lord of the Admiralty, as Admiral Hawke is suffering from ill health and requests retirement once the war is ended.   For now Sandwich serves as deputy

Sandwich pushes strongly for copper plating the bottoms of British warships, particularly those serving in the tropics.

Meanwhile, William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (Pitt the Elder) becomes Secretary of State for the Colonies which has oversight of the Lord Lieutenants of North America and Ireland, and the Governors of the West Indies and Florida, Upper and Lower Canada, Newfoundland, and also oversight over the British East India Company as well as smaller colonial efforts like Upper Canada (Ontario), and future projects like the Falkland Islands, New Zealand and Eastern Australia.

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:25 pm

Late winter 1774
News of the outbreak of fighting in India reaches London.  Although peace is likely to be had with Spain and France, the ruler of Mysore and its king Hyder Ali needs a firm lesson.  

The following is proposed:

General Gage is to be made Lord Lieutenant of British India, and ordered to prepare to move to India.  An emergency appropriations bill is passed (20 points to the debt, now 864.67), allowing the British to raise 4 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry regiments (to be half Sepoy, half British, however while in England this is 2 infantry brigades and 1 cavalry regiment.  It will take a season to train up the Sepoy troops once the British arrive in India).  The British troops would train throughout the spring of 1774 and into the summer, and then will move to India, arriving at Bombay in 1775 with the new Lord Lieutenant.  

Once peace is signed a fleet will also be sent, consisting of battleships, frigates and brigs, to be fully assembled and to sail once peace is signed.  Admiral Howe is awarded command.  His brother General Howe is also awarded the position of deputy commander of the army being assembled once he returns to England (sometime in the summer 1774).  
However, Parliament balks at this, led by the new Secretary of State for the Colonies, and even Lord North and the Crown is appalled by the cost of this.
Instead, the Crown and government seizes duel control over the East India Company ('s_India_Act, also the 1786 act).   Lord Cornwallis, who has performed superbly in North America, is ordered to become the Lord Lieutenant of British India beginning in 1776 after a richly deserved home leave.

The government also sends orders that in the meantime for the other Presidencies thus far uninvolved in the war to remain on the defensive until the peace treaty is signed and word received, at which point they will support the Presidency at Madras.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:15 pm

Summer 1774
The British Treasury announces that it will pay only 1% interest on bonds and notes on the national debt (of 844.67) and that payment is being stretched from 30 years to 50 years.   This goes into effect beginning 1775.

There is considerable resistance in Parliament, but when the hard numbers are provided by Edmund Burke and his assistants, there is little choice but for Parliament to accept the reality of the situation. Adam Smith warns that a major economic reaction can be expected and bankers and stockholders throughout Britain prepare as best they can for the shock.
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:24 pm

The Panic of 1774

The reaction to the shift in policy by the Treasury causes a run on the banks and causes stock market crash for the economy of the British Empire( impacted Great Britain, Ireland and British North America) by the start of 1775, the economy enters a recession( lasts 10 years, will exit recession by 1785).

10% reduction of port and shipping income until 1785
20% reduction of financial center income until 1785( Including trading company FCs)

Secondary effects, this impacts the ability of the Hudson Bay Company and East Indies Trading Company to raise additional capital from their own FCs until 1785 no new loans can be issued for them.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:44 am

The lessons of the last 2 wars are reflected in the new building campaign for ships and defenses.  

British Military Forces 1775
Royal Navy 1775 – 1785
The fleet sees large numbers of heavy ships placed in ordinary, and a few of the small ships simply scrapped.  The creation of a Colonial Fleet which will ultimately be responsible for patrolling the Western Atlantic and Caribbean Sea is however an important change for the Royal Navy.   The budget austerity however is far more than desired by the Navy or the Government, but the cost of ten years of war in the last 15 has forced cost cuts.  

Navy Shore Establishment
Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home,  50 Caribbean plus once complete 50 North America)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), New York (Colonial Fleet)
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 90,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 5.5

4 BB1 Victory, Impregnable, Prince Royal, Saint George (in service),
(4,000 men, 2 points)
2 BB1 Royal Sovereign, Ramilies (laid up),
(.1 point)
28 BB2 Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Superior, Achilles, Norfolk, Superb, Swiftsure, Boyne, York, America, Wolverine, Pembroke, Saint Patrick, Ushant, Phoenix, Warrior, Medway, Burford, Canada, Valiant, Hero, Defense, Culledon, Cornwall, Black Prince, Triumph, (in service)
(22,400 men, 7 points)
23 BB2 Emperor, Vanguard, Zealous, Goliath, Resolution, Warspite, Superb, Thunder, Arrogant, Valiant, Hercules, Bellona, Cornwall, Shrewsbury, Superb, Pembroke, Oxford, Witch, Dublin, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars, Belonna, (laid up)
(.6 points)
45 FF1 Assurance, Thetis, Alarm, Mermaid, Stag, Seahorse, Roebuck, Sapphire, Dolphin, Lark, Pearl, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowery, Ludlow Castle, Bideford, Sheerness, Lively, Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Sapphire, Diamond, Success, Folkestone, Faversham, Scarborough, Coventry, Liverpool, Penzanze, Eltham, Gosport, Torrington, Lynn, Winchelsea, Aldborough, Bideford, Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington,
(22,500 men, 9 points)
40 Brigs Zebra, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn,  Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Flora, Merlin, Racehorse, Pelican,  Ferret, Senegal, Beaver, Martin, Raven, Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Brisk, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine,
(8,000 men, 4 points)
Fleet maintenance costs: 22.7 points, fleet manpower: 46,900 men

Total naval maintenance: 28.2 points, 136,900 men (90,000 reservists)

Construction is slowed down massively but also total hulls under construction are also increased
BB1 Prince of Wales (year 6 of 10,  5 points of 7) Plymouth Naval Yard
BB2 New England, Cambria (year 2 of 6, 2 of 6 spent) Portsmouth Naval Yard
BB2 Hibernia, Mississippi (year 2 of 6, 2 of 6 spent) Bristol Naval Yard
These 5 ships are stretched out to 10 additional years, will be available 1785, 10 points total needed, so 1 point per year

new ship construction
London Naval Factory
20 BB2 Invincible, Implacable, Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Quiberon Bay,  Cape Finisterre, Gibraltar, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Blenheim, Lowestoft, Key West, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Royal Oak, Revenge, Ark Royal, Agincourt, (cost 60 points, construction stretched to 10 years, 6 points a year)
Port of Hull
FF1 Hull
Port of Edinburgh
FF1 Edinburgh
Port of Dublin
FF1 Dublin
Port of Belfast
FF1 Belfast,
Port of Cork
FF1 Cork
Port of Glasgow
FF1 Glasgow
Bristol Naval Yard
FF1  Cornwall, Cumberland, Devonshire, Sussex,  Dorsetshire, London, York
Plymouth Naval Yard
FF1 Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk,
(20 frigates built over 10 years, 30 points total, 3 points  year)

Total construction budget: 100 points total, 10 points a year for 10 years

Total naval annual budget 38.2 points

British Army January 1775
The Hessian troops are released from service and returned home.  Officers and men alike are provided certificates showing their eligibility for landgrants in North America.  Troops from North America and Gibraltar are returned home or sent to Gibraltar.   All infantry regiments and artillery companies are combined into infantry brigades (with one exception at Quebec).  

Home Forces
Home Forces: Commanded by Field Marshal John West, the Earl of De la Warr
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (22 total, Lieutenant General and Chief of Ordinance Thomas Gage)
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton
London depot:    

Irish Army: commanded by Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Major General George Townshend
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin
Garrison Brigades: Belfast, Sligo, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Londonderry
Infantry brigades: Belfast, Dublin, Cork
cavalry regiments: Sligo, Galway

Fortress Gibraltar
2 infantry brigades

North American and Caribbean Area
North American Army: Commanded by Lord Lieutenant of North American, Field Marshal Amherst
Forts: Nassau, Barbados, Bermuda, St Augustine,

Canada (Upper Canada is Quebec, Lower Canada is Ontario, Hudson Bay Territory) Major General Carleton (subordinate to Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill
plus 1 British Infantry Regiments (Quebec)

subtotal British Army
5 infantry brigades, 5 garrison brigades, 2 cavalry regiments, 1 infantry regiment, 11 forts, 22 depots, 22 militia infantry brigades
(89,600 men including 55,000 reservists) maintenance 5.45 points

Fortification expansion:
5 Fortresses at Gibraltar, Kingston, Nassau, Mobile, Medway (mouth of Thames),  
14 Forts at St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago, Barbados, Port Stanley (Falklands), Pensacola,
(48 points over 10 years, 4.8 points a year)

Total Army budget: 10.25

British India
East India Company Army: Lieutenant General Sir Richard Smith
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore (each has a depot)
Forts: Dhaka, Masulipatnam
each fortress has 3 infantry regiments,
Bombay, Madras, Calcutta also have an artillery company
each Presidency has a cavalry regiment conducting general patrol
plus 4 British Cavalry regiments at Madras

(6 points, 26,700 men, including 11,300 Sepoys)

Total military budget: 54.45 points

Budgets 1775 – 1784
income 80
debt 844.67

Income 80
Military 54.45
interest (1%) 8.5
principal 17
total expenditures: 79.95
Surplus .5 (5 points total) exploration missions
1775 mission Samuel Hearne of the Hudson Bay Company is sent up the Saskatchewan River to the Rocky Mountains from Fort York
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:57 pm

late 1775
With peace restored, the British East India Army is reorganized when Lord Lieutenant Cornwallis arrives and takes charge

British India
East India Company Army: Lord Lieutenant Cornwallis
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore (each has a depot)
Forts: Dhaka, Masulipatnam
each fortress has 2 Sepoy Garrison brigades
maintenance: 2 points
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:19 pm

British Military Forces 1776
Royal Navy 1775 – 1785
The fleet sees large numbers of heavy ships placed in ordinary, and a few of the small ships simply scrapped.  The creation of a Colonial Fleet which will ultimately be responsible for patrolling the Western Atlantic and Caribbean Sea is however an important change for the Royal Navy.   The budget austerity however is far more than desired by the Navy or the Government, but the cost of ten years of war in the last 15 has forced cost cuts.  

Navy Shore Establishment
Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home,  50 Caribbean plus once complete 50 North America)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), New York (Colonial Fleet)
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 90,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 5.5

4 BB1 Victory, Impregnable, Prince Royal, Saint George (in service),
(4,000 men, 2 points)
2 BB1 Royal Sovereign, Ramilies (laid up),
(.1 point)
28 BB2 Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Superior, Achilles, Norfolk, Superb, Swiftsure, Boyne, York, America, Wolverine, Pembroke, Saint Patrick, Ushant, Phoenix, Warrior, Medway, Burford, Canada, Valiant, Hero, Defense, Culledon, Cornwall, Black Prince, Triumph, (in service)
(22,400 men, 7 points)
23 BB2 Emperor, Vanguard, Zealous, Goliath, Resolution, Warspite, Superb, Thunder, Arrogant, Valiant, Hercules, Bellona, Cornwall, Shrewsbury, Superb, Pembroke, Oxford, Witch, Dublin, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars, Belonna, (laid up)
(.6 points)
45 FF1 Assurance, Thetis, Alarm, Mermaid, Stag, Seahorse, Roebuck, Sapphire, Dolphin, Lark, Pearl, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowery, Ludlow Castle, Bideford, Sheerness, Lively, Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Sapphire, Diamond, Success, Folkestone, Faversham, Scarborough, Coventry, Liverpool, Penzanze, Eltham, Gosport, Torrington, Lynn, Winchelsea, Aldborough, Bideford, Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington,
(22,500 men, 9 points)
40 Brigs Zebra, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn,  Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Flora, Merlin, Racehorse, Pelican,  Ferret, Senegal, Beaver, Martin, Raven, Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Brisk, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine,
(8,000 men, 4 points)
Fleet maintenance costs: 22.7 points, fleet manpower: 46,900 men

Total naval maintenance: 28.2 points, 136,900 men (90,000 reservists)

Construction is slowed down massively but also total hulls under construction are also increased
BB1 Prince of Wales (year 6 of 10,  5 points of 7) Plymouth Naval Yard
BB2 New England, Cambria (year 2 of 6, 2 of 6 spent) Portsmouth Naval Yard
BB2 Hibernia, Mississippi (year 2 of 6, 2 of 6 spent) Bristol Naval Yard
These 5 ships are stretched out to 10 additional years, will be available 1785, 10 points total needed, so 1 point per year

new ship construction
London Naval Factory
20 BB2 Invincible, Implacable, Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Quiberon Bay,  Cape Finisterre, Gibraltar, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Blenheim, Lowestoft, Key West, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Royal Oak, Revenge, Ark Royal, Agincourt, (cost 60 points, construction stretched to 10 years, 6 points a year)
Port of Hull
FF1 Hull
Port of Edinburgh
FF1 Edinburgh
Port of Dublin
FF1 Dublin
Port of Belfast
FF1 Belfast,
Port of Cork
FF1 Cork
Port of Glasgow
FF1 Glasgow
Bristol Naval Yard
FF1  Cornwall, Cumberland, Devonshire, Sussex,  Dorsetshire, London, York
Plymouth Naval Yard
FF1 Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk,
(20 frigates built over 10 years, 30 points total, 3 points  year)

Total construction budget: 100 points total, 10 points a year for 10 years

Total naval annual budget 38.2 points

British Army January 1776
The British Army has returned to peace time footing

Home Forces
Home Forces: Commanded by Field Marshal John West, the Earl of De la Warr
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (22 total, Lieutenant General and Chief of Ordinance Thomas Gage)
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton
London depot:    

Irish Army: commanded by Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Major General George Townshend
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin
Garrison Brigades: Belfast, Sligo, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Londonderry
Infantry brigades: Belfast, Dublin, Cork
cavalry regiments: Sligo, Galway

Fortress Gibraltar
2 infantry brigades

North American and Caribbean Area
North American Army: Commanded by Lord Lieutenant of North American, Field Marshal Amherst
Forts: Nassau, Barbados, Bermuda, St Augustine,

Canada (Upper Canada is Quebec, Lower Canada is Ontario, Hudson Bay Territory) Major General Carleton (subordinate to Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill
plus 1 British Infantry Regiments (Quebec)

subtotal British Army
5 infantry brigades, 5 garrison brigades, 2 cavalry regiments, 1 infantry regiment, 11 forts, 22 depots, 22 militia infantry brigades
(89,600 men including 55,000 reservists) maintenance 5.45 points

Fortification expansion:
5 Fortresses at Gibraltar, Kingston, Nassau, Mobile, Medway (mouth of Thames),  
14 Forts at St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago, Miami, Port Stanley (Falklands), Pensacola,
(48 points over 10 years, 4.8 points a year)

Total Army budget: 10.25

British India
East India Company Army: Lord Lieutenant Cornwallis
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore (each has a depot)
Forts: Dhaka, Masulipatnam
each fortress has 2 Sepoy Garrison brigades
maintenance: 2 points

total military budget:  50.45

income 80
debt 827.67

Debt service
interest (1%) 8.28
Principal (50 year bond payments): 17
total debt service: 25.28
Total budget: 75.73

Exploration: Captain Cook’s 3rd voyage .27 points

Colonial efforts:  (4 points of 36 needed)(year 1 of 9)
takes into account distance (note about a year for interior North America or South Atlantic colonies round trip, lengthy also for Africa)

establishment of a fort and trading post Tampa Bay (Florida) year 1 of 9 (Crown Colony of Florida)
establishment of a fort and trading post Badgry (Nigeria) year 1 of 9 (British West Africa Company)
establishment of a fort and  trading post Lagos (Nigeria) year 1 of 9 (British West Africa Company)
Establishment of a fort and trading post at Sault Ste Marie (Canada/Michigan) year 1 of 9 (by British Hudson Bay Company)
Establishment of a fort and trading post at Winnipeg (Canada) year 1 of 9 (by British Hudson Bay Company)
Establishment of a fort and trading post at Duluth (Minnesota) year 1 of 9 (by British Hudson Bay Company)
Settler/Convict settlement Port Stanley (Falkland Islands) year 1 of 9 (arctic region, growth x 2 as long)(non-violent capital offenses)
Settler/convict settlement Walvis Bay (Namibia) year 1 of 9 (desert region, growth x2 as long)(violent crimes other than rape or murder that are capital offenses)

total budget 80 points

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:49 pm

British budgets 1777- 1784
1777 budget
Military budget including building projects: 50.45
Colonial projects including associated military: 4 points
total 54.45
Debt Service 25.2
Debt 1776 810.67
Interest 8.2
Principal 17
Subtotal 79.65
Exploration .35 mapping survey of Missouri (RL Missouri)
total 80 points

Military budget including building projects: 50.45
Colonial projects including associated military 4 points
subtotal 54.45
Debt 793.67
Interest 8
Principal 17
subtotal 25 debt service
subtotal 79.45
exploration mapping survey of Ontario .55
total 80 points

Military and colonial projects and budget 54.45
Debt 776.67
Interest 8 (extra dividend payments thrown in)
Principal 17
subtotal 25 points debt service
total 79.45
exploration mapping survey Falkland Islands / South Georgia Islands .55 points

Military and colonial projects and budget 54.45
debt 759.67
interest 8 (extra dividend payments thrown in)
Principal 17
Debt service 25
total 79.45
exploration mapping survey Namibian coast .55 points

Military and colonial projects and budget 54.45
debt 742.67
interest 8 (extra dividend payments)
Principal 17
debt service 25
total 79.45
Exploration mapping survey Manitoba .55 points

Military and colonial projects and budget 54.45
debt 725.67
interest 8 (extra dividend payments)
principal 17
debt service 25
total 79.45
Exploration mapping survey Labrador/western Greenland coasts .55

Military and colonial projects and budget 54.45
debt 708.67
interest 8 (extra dividend payments)
Principal 17
debt service 25
total 79.45
Exploration mapping survey of Missouri River (RL Kansas and Nebraska portions) .55

Military and colonial projects (completing) and budget 54.45
debt 691.67
interest 7 (extra dividend payments)
Principal 18
debt service 25
total 79.45
Exploration mapping survey of Kansas and Platte Rivers (RL Kansas) .55 points

Debt as of end of 1784
674.17 points

as of 1785
New trading post income (6 new trading posts) 1.5 points
recession of 1775 finally has ended
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:16 pm

Royal Navy 1775-1784
Over the course of this 10 year period, 2% of the fleet was lost each year to wear and tear, fires, storms, running aground and simply disappearing (rogue waves and really bad storms)

the British loses the following ships over this period:
BB1 Ramilies (fire while laid up), St George (ran aground off Medway, scrapped) BB2 Culledon (storm and rocks off Penzanze), Cornwall (fire), Witch (recalled into service and then ran aground on Goodwin Sands), Dublin (rot, scrapped), Belonna (fire), Norfolk (rot, scrapped), Pembroke (ran aground at Bermuda, scrapped), Dublin (rot, scrapped), FF1 Nonsuch (disappeared somewhere off South Africa, rogue wave), Eltham (rot, scrapped), Lively (storm off Cape Hatteras), Mermaid (rot, scrapped), Diamond (fire) Torrington (storm in English Channel), Ludlow Castle (fire), Alborough (fire), Looe (hurricane in West Indies), Fowery (rot, scrapped), Brigs Senegal (ran aground in Bahamas), Merlin (disappeared somewhere between Nassau and Bermuda, hurricane), Weazel (fire), Fairy (disappeared somewhere around Sable Island, storm), Brisk (rot, scrapped) Nymphe (fire), Fury (hurricane West Indies), Racehorse (rot, scrapped),
total losses: 2 BB1, 8 BB2, 10 FF1, 8 Brigs (2 BB1, 8 BB2 replaced by ships in reserve, the frigates will be replaced by new construction, the Brigs will be replaced by a new class of brigs eventually).

the BB1 and BB2 were simply replaced by drawing ships out of the reserve (usually over a 2 year period) while the frigates and brigs will be replaced by new construction already underway (Frigates) or in the case of the Brigs, whatever the Colonial Fleet builds

(technically some points were gained but it isn't worth the trouble of determining them... assume those points were simply spent on copper bottom extra expenses).  

Over the 10 year period, as ships come in for periodic refit and dry docking, they get copper bottoms to their hulls.  

In addition, the carronade is gradually introduced so that most ships have these heavy caliber very short range weapons as a significant portion of their battery
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:04 pm

The Madness of King George and British Politics 1775-1785

The Madness
The King, who has already suffered a severe bout of depression in 1765, suffers a severe health crisis when he loses two sons in back to back years in 1782 and 1783.  His serious depression is further aggravated by Porphyia (a genetic disease that causes among other things seizures and high heart rates).  To treat this, the primitive medical practices of the day (in regards to chronic diseases in particular and mental health issues in particular) results in substantial doses of medicines with high amounts of arsenic.  The side effects of arsenic poisoning include pain and digestive issues, which in turn also aggravate Bipolar mood swings.   By 1784 the King is in full decline, with frequent bouts of mania followed by dangerous depression, as well as serious delusions and hallucinations.   But it is the death of Princess Sophia in a riding accident that pushes him over the edge and results in a suicide attempt (which is very carefully and thoroughly hidden).   By early in the year it is clear he can no longer perform his duties.  

This provokes a political crisis.

The years of Lord North and the Old Whigs
The Lord North Administration obtained only a draw against the Franco-Spanish in the view of many in Britain, although his Administration is given credit for ending the political crisis with the 13 Colonies and indeed he is popular, as is the King, in North America and Ireland.  The Economic Crash of 1774 is however laid at his door, but nevertheless he manages to hang on to power until early 1784.    His Whig Party meanwhile becomes more and more fractured over time, and by 1783 consists of the Old Whigs led by North and are highly Conservative (with the Younger Pitt gradually becoming more important as his father, the Old Pitt (Chatham) passes away in 1778.   Meanwhile, the New Whigs, led by Fox and Burke, are far more reform minded and indeed where instrumental in achieving the 3 Dominions under One Crown System that prevented a break with the Americans and unrest in Ireland.   However the King and his preference of North and Pitt gives the Old Whigs a substantive advantage for this period and there is little pressure to change until the King becomes indisposed.  

Although they do not call themselves such, the Old Whigs by 1784 have become in effect the replacement of the old Tory Party, while the new Whigs are increasingly pushing against them.  

Old Whigs (Tories) are associated with lesser gentry, the Church of England and the Episcopal Church in Scotland, and similar types in Ireland and in the Caribbean.  The New Whigs are more associated with trade, money, larger land holders or land magnates and the Nonconformist Protestant churches.   They are also drawing support from the now voting Catholics in Ireland.   By 1783, the New Whigs led by Henry Gratton have taken control of the Irish Parliament and Gratton is the Prime Minister of Ireland.  

The Crisis of 1784 brings matters to a head in Britain.  

The Regency
The Regency Bill put forward by North is the breaking point.  Determined to retain power and continue to serve his close friend the King, North pushes a bill that would allow the Crown to choose its Regent (in this case, him).   Fox and his faction however reject this, pushing forward the 22- year old Prince of Wales, who they know has more interest in fashion and comfort than governing.   The government very nearly collapses until a compromise is reached.   Lord North is forced to resign, and William Pitt becomes defacto head of the new Tory Party, while the Prince of Wales becomes Regent, with more substantive limits on his power (and that of the Crown) than ever before.   However it is clear that neither side has a majority, so an election is called.

The Election of 1785 sees William Pitt (aged 26) and his Tories winning victory, although the Regency is now established law.    The Whigs under Fox however have a powerful minority, sufficient to block legislation without compromise in England while in Ireland the Tories are now firmly in control

One result is that passage of the Emancipation Act of 1785, allowing Catholics to worship in the British and Irish Armies (already in effect in the American Army) as well as the Royal Navy, and for Catholics to serve in political offices and vote in Britain (already in effect in Ireland and North America).   Only the Peerage of Great Britain remains restricted, as well as of course the Royal Family.

This of course triggers another crisis.   The Regent has illegally married a Catholic woman (Maria Reinhart), in violation of the Coronation Oath and much to the outrage of a lot of British voters.   To solve this, The Regent (who never really wanted to rule anyway) choses to renounce his succession to the crown in favor of his brother Prince Frederick who wishes to remain on active service in the Army.  He too passes on the succession, making their younger brother Prince William, who had just made the rank of Master and Commander of the Brig Pegasus, the heir to the throne.   Prince William, who will later be known as the Sailor King, thus is forced to forego further active service although he is made a member of the Admiralty Board (civilian) and Naval Board (military) with appropriate rank. Prince William promptly names his older brother George Duke of Clarence, with his brother Frederick remaining Duke of York and himself now Prince of Wales. Parliament, with some grumbling, passes legislation allowing this.

With even more grumbling, Parliament also approves of his marriage late in 1785 to an Anglo Irish Actress by the name of Dora Bland (and the stage name of Dorothy Jordan) who at least had the good taste to be not Catholic. For now however further debates on the succession are put off for the future.
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:30 pm

British Empire update as of 1786
*Means not to be used for jump build until specific date
Great Britain and Ireland

Population: 15.7 million(Ireland Pop 5.2 million, Great Britain-10.5 million)
Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry: 14 points income
Financial Center: London (5)= 5 points income
Entrepot: London = 5 points income
Craft Centers:11 Craft Centers( 1 London ,1 Liverpool 1 Birmingham , 1 Glasgow , 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Leeds, 1 Sheffield*, 1 Swansea, 1 Londonderry )=11 points
Resources: 9 resources (1 Manchester, 1 Birmingham, 1 Sheffield*,1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Swansea)= 9 points
1 PC( Sheffield)=5 points* replaces craft center/resource at Sheffield in 1780
40 commercial fleets = 20 points

British West Indies
Populations: 450,000
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston= 3 points of income
2 Resource- 2 Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, ,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.5 points each),  plus 1 Guyana(Georgetown)(.25 points)
British Florida
Population: 6,000
2 Cities at St. Augustine, Pensacola= .5 points of Income

British Canada
total income: 3 points

Crown Colony of Newfoundland
Port St Johns
1 Resource(Lumber)
population 25,000

Crown Colony of Quebec
Port of Quebec
Resource: Montreal 1
population 160,000

Crown Colony of Upper Canada as of 1786
Population:35,000( Mainly Irish Catholics(75%), French Canadians(20%) and some Scotch-Irish settlers(5%))
City: Gotham (RL Toronto) (started 1771)
Town:Kingston(Found by Scotch-Irish settlers in 1776)
1 Resource at London, Upper Canada(Lumber/Agricultural)

British West Africa Trading Post for Slave Trade
2 Trading Post at Accra( Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown)
Total Income= .5 points

East India Trading Company* Special Rule on East India Trading Company, income must be spent on upkeep and operations in India, any excess after that may go to the Crown)
Financial Center: London(1)
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
Commence Income 4 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 2 point
9 Commercial fleets =4.5 points

Hudson Bay’s Company* Special Rule on Hudson Bay’s Trading Company, income must be spent on upkeep and operations in the Bay, any excess after that may go to the Crown)
Financial Center: London(1)
9 Commercial fleets= 4.5 points* Using Canadian Ports)
7 Trading Post(Fort Rupert, Moose Factory, Fort Albany, Fort Severn, Fort York, Port Nelson, Fort Churchill)= 1.75 points
Total income:7.25 points


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:04 am

British military forces 1785
Chain of Command
As part of the Regency Act and the various compromises and infighting of the 1783-85 period, Parliament forces upon the Crown the acceptance of the position of Secretary of War, who will be head of the British Army and after the Irish Parliament accepts it as well, head of the Irish Army too.  The first man to hold the position is the Duke of York, who is forced to resign his military rank to accept this civilian position.  Prince Frederick, the Duke of York, does have military experience and is considered adequately qualified with the help of advisors to administer the British and Irish Army.    Meanwhile, his brother, the Prince of Wales, Prince William, is made Admiral of the Fleet, and the Prince Regent, George (IV) is Commander in Chief of His Majesties Forces as his father is unable to carry out his duties.  

Both Princes rely on their deputies, General George Murray (Baronet and whose nephew Patrick Ferguson has designed an interesting rifle) as Chief of Staff of the British Army, and the First Sea Lord, Admiral James Hood (Viscount).  

Royal Navy Commands (in order of rank)
Home Fleet, Channel Fleet, Nore Fleet, Mediterranean Fleet, West Indies Fleet, Western Approaches Fleet, Indian Ocean Fleet, North American Fleet, Antilles Fleet
British Army Commands (in order of rank)
Home Forces, Irish Army, North American Army, Indian Army, Gibraltar, Caribbean, Expeditionary Forces
British Army
Home Forces: (General Howe)
Fortress: Medway (entrance to Thames River)
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (22 total)
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton
Also 5 garrison brigades: Dover, Aberdeen, Exeter, London, Glasgow
(manpower: 25,000 Regulars plus 55,000 reservists) (maintenance 2.95 points)

overseas forces:
Gibraltar: Fortress
Falklands: fort at Port Stanley
Bermuda: fort at Bermuda
(manpower 3,500 regulars, maintenance .45 points)

Caribbean: (under command Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Fortresses: Nassau (Bahamas), Kingston (Jamaica), Mobile (West Florida)
Forts: St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago, Barbados, Pensacola, St Augustine, Miami, Tampa Bay,
(manpower: 15,500 Regulars, 2.35 points)

Canada (Quebec, Upper Canada, Hudson Bay Company (under command Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill, Sault St Marie, Winnipeg, Duluth
Garrison brigade: Quebec
(manpower: 5,000 men, maintenance 1 point)

Total British Army
49,000 Regulars, 55,000 reservists, maintenance: 6.75 points

Irish Army
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, General Sir William Fawcett
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin
Garrison Brigades: Belfast, Sligo, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Londonderry, Galway, Waterford
(manpower: 24,000 regulars, maintenance: .8 points)

The Irish Army now consists of a large percentage of Irish Catholics but remains mostly led by Anglo Irish Protestant officers

North American Army
Lord Lieutenant of North America, General George Washington (Duke of Manhatten)
size TBD but maintained and manned by Americans

Indian Army
Lord Lieutenant of India,  General Charles Cornwallis (Earl Cornwallis, Duke of Bengal)
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore (each has a depot)
Forts: Dhaka, Masulipatnam
each fortress has 2 Sepoy Garrison brigades
manpower: 31,000 men including 15,000 British Regulars, 16,000 Sepoys, maintenance: 2 points

Total Army: 104,000 regulars (including 16,000 Sepoys), plus 55,000 reservists
total maintenance: 9.55 points

Royal Navy
The Fleet
5 BB1 Victory, Impregnable, Prince Royal, Royal Sovereign,  Prince of Wales, (in service),
(5,000 men, 2.5 points)

45 BB2 Invincible, Implacable, Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Quiberon Bay,  Cape Finisterre, Gibraltar, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Blenheim, Lowestoft, Key West, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Royal Oak, Revenge, Ark Royal, Agincourt, New England, Cambria, Hibernia, Mississippi, Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Achilles,   Swiftsure, York, America, Wolverine, Saint Patrick, Ushant, Phoenix, Warrior, Canada, Valiant, Defense,  Black Prince, Triumph,  Vanguard, Zealous, Resolution, (in service)
(36,000 men, 11.25 points)
18 BB2 Goliath, Warspite, Hero,  Superb, Thunder, Arrogant, Valiant, Hercules, Superb, Shrewsbury, Oxford,  Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars, Burford, Medway, Boyne, Superior, (laid up)
(.45 points)
55 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, Hull, Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk, Cornwall, Cumberland, Devonshire, Sussex,  Dorsetshire, London, York,  Assurance, Thetis, Alarm, Stag, Seahorse, Roebuck, Sapphire, Dolphin, Lark, Pearl, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield,   Bideford, Sheerness,  Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Sapphire, Success, Folkestone, Faversham, Scarborough, Coventry, Liverpool, Penzanze,  Gosport, Lynn, Winchelsea,  Bideford, Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington,
(27,500 men, 11 points)
32 Brigs Zebra,  Savage, Delight, Thorn,  Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Flora,  Pelican,  Ferret,  Beaver, Martin, Raven, Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Porcupine,
(8,000 men, 4 points)
Total fleet: 76,000 Regulars, maintenance: 28.75 points

Naval infrastructure
Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home,  50 Caribbean plus once complete 50 North America)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), New York (Colonial Fleet)
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 90,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 5.5

Total naval maintenance: 34.25

Total military maintenance as of 1785 is 43.8 points
Having a production center drops maintenance by 10%, so adjusted maintenance is 39.42

Debt Service:
Debt as of 1785 is 674.67 points
Interest 1% 7 points (includes extra dividends)
Principal payment 18 points

Total 64.42 points
additional principal payment on debt 14.67 points
total budget 79.09 points
Income 1785 is 85.75 plus new income 1.5 new trading posts + production center 5 points (minus 1 point of craft center exchanged) = 92.25 points
available 13.16 points
Alexander Makenzie exploration overland Canada to Pacific Ocean 1.16 points
additional principal payment 13 points


(special note:  the PC added 4 points extra a year of income beginning 1780, while dropping maintenance for the Army and Navy by 10%, or 3.2 points, so an extra 7.2 points a year available for 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783 and 1784.   This provides 36 points extra, which is spent on paying down principal.  Any interest saved is simply rolled into extra dividend payments for those years.   Just going to do that here instead of adjusting a previous post)

National Debt as of end 1785 is 622 points
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty A new flag

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:09 pm

In 1785, British Parliament adopts a new flag for use on His Majesties Warships to represent the Union Jack and the 5 major components of the Kingdom... England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and North America

A single star below the Union Jack represents the Union of all

(chuckle, why not)
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:25 pm

Ottoman wrote:Summer of 1772

As the war wages on, a legal case is decided that will have a long term political and legal impacts on the nature of the slave trade in the British Empire.

Somerset v Stewart (1772)-  is a judgment of the English Court of King's Bench in 1772 relating to the right of an enslaved person on English soil not to be forcibly removed from the country and sent to Jamaica for sale. Lord Mansfield decided that:

The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law [statute], which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasions, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory. It is so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it, but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from the decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by the law of England; and therefore the black must be discharged.[1]

Although Britain participated extensively in the Atlantic slave trade and in establishing and governing slave colonies, slave holding within England itself had not been authorized by statutory law (an act of the legislature (Parliament)), and Lord Mansfield found it also to be unsupported in England by the common law (he made no comment on the position in the overseas territories of the British Empire, which often had royal statutes). Lord Mansfield's judgment was deliberately expressed in narrow terms, and scholars and later judges have disagreed over precisely what legal precedent the case set. Lord Mansfield found it a narrow prohibition against an enslaved person being removed from England against his will. Britain continued slavery in its overseas empire.


Knight -v- Wedderburn 1778 Scotland legal ruling on slavery, the Scottish justice system finds that in effect, slavery was not recognised by Scots law and runaway slaves (or 'perpetual servants') could be protected by the courts, if they wished to leave domestic service or were resisting attempts to return them to slavery in the colonies.

Meanwhile in Ireland, a similar ruling is made in 1780, stating that slavery was not recognised by Irish Common Law.

All three kingdoms of the Home Islands effectively 1780, slavery was deemed illegal on British Home Islands adding more fire to the growing anti slave trade movement in Great Britain and the Northern colonies of British North America.

In 1780, a personal friend of Pitt the younger, William Wilberforce joins Parliament as independent MP. Overtime He becomes interested in researching the slave trade by 1786,he starts to bring debates to House of Commons on the nature of the slave trade and legality/morality of it.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:56 pm

1785 and into 1786
There is some quiet behind the scenes meetings regarding the Dutch problems but in the end, the Regent and the Whigs are against moving against the Dutch in any fashion, noting that with the poor weather the last 2 years there are problems enough at home, and besides, the Dutch are hardly the most dangerous potential enemy..

However, the British East India Company is ordered to continue to abide by the Treaty of Brussels of 1774 regarding the VOC and the Dutch in general
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Kilani Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:44 pm

In light of the recent treaty of Nookta Sound, the Spanish attempt to resolve two ongoing issues - the Moskito Kingdom and the ongoing dispute in Belize.

In exchange for the British retrieving their settlers from the Mosquito Coast (a few hundred, plus a few thousand indigenous and African slaves), the Spanish will allow the Belize settlement to continue their logging operations. However, the following conditions apply to the logging operation:

-The settlers may not build any fortifications, either of their own volition or allow the establishment of other, British fortifications
-They settlers may not establish any form of government, military or civil, or develop plantation agriculture.
-Spain retains sovereignty over the area and has the right to inspect the settlement twice a year; it will remain Spanish territory, but Spain will not force conversion or require the settlers to swear loyalty, provided other conditions of the agreement are met.
-Spain will be allowed a portion of the revenue from the logging operation (OOC: .25 pts; the other .75 can go to Britain or elsewhere).


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:47 pm

Kilani wrote:In light of the recent treaty of Nookta Sound, the Spanish attempt to resolve two ongoing issues - the Moskito Kingdom and the ongoing dispute in Belize.

In exchange for the British retrieving their settlers from the Mosquito Coast (a few hundred, plus a few thousand indigenous and African slaves), the Spanish will allow the Belize settlement to continue their logging operations. However, the following conditions apply to the logging operation:

-The settlers may not build any fortifications, either of their own volition or allow the establishment of other, British fortifications
-They settlers may not establish any form of government, military or civil, or develop plantation agriculture.
-Spain retains sovereignty over the area and has the right to inspect the settlement twice a year; it will remain Spanish territory, but Spain will not force conversion or require the settlers to swear loyalty, provided other conditions of the agreement are met.
-Spain will be allowed a portion of the revenue from the logging operation (OOC: .25 pts; the other .75 can go to Britain or elsewhere).

The British government makes no objection, although some kind of local council to keep order seems a reasonable adaption by the settlers
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Kilani Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:48 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:
Kilani wrote:In light of the recent treaty of Nookta Sound, the Spanish attempt to resolve two ongoing issues - the Moskito Kingdom and the ongoing dispute in Belize.

In exchange for the British retrieving their settlers from the Mosquito Coast (a few hundred, plus a few thousand indigenous and African slaves), the Spanish will allow the Belize settlement to continue their logging operations. However, the following conditions apply to the logging operation:

-The settlers may not build any fortifications, either of their own volition or allow the establishment of other, British fortifications
-They settlers may not establish any form of government, military or civil, or develop plantation agriculture.
-Spain retains sovereignty over the area and has the right to inspect the settlement twice a year; it will remain Spanish territory, but Spain will not force conversion or require the settlers to swear loyalty, provided other conditions of the agreement are met.
-Spain will be allowed a portion of the revenue from the logging operation (OOC: .25 pts; the other .75 can go to Britain or elsewhere).

The British government makes no objection, although some kind of local council to keep order seems a reasonable adaption by the settlers

The allowance for purely local governance is agreeable to the Spanish.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:02 am

1786 Budget
Having increased the size of the fleet substantially but facing frequent problems in India, the British Government decides it is time to increase the size of the British East India Army to deter further troubles with local rulers.   In addition, a smaller building effort to ensure that attrition does not significantly reduce the size of the fleet is needed.


Military maintenance budget (no changes from 1785) 39.42
National Debt Service (622 points x 1% interest) 6.22 plus additional dividends .78= 7 points
Continued payments on 50 year notes  17 points
additional payment this year of 5 points
(debt reduced to 600 points)
Total maintenance and debt service 68.42 points

available income: 94.6
minus expenses above 68.42
available income 26.18 points

additional County class frigates (20)
FF1 Nottingham, Durham, Worcester, Somerset, Cheshire, Cumbria, Flintshire, Carmarthen, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness, Donegal, Wexford, Claire, Newfoundland, Bermuda, Nassau, Jamaica, Barbuda, Grenada
30 points, 5 years total, 10% discount for having a PC, drops to 27 points
Year 1 of 5, 6 points (construction stretched out as a jobs measure). 1 ship each at Liverpool, Hull, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry, remaining 9 ships at London Naval Factory

Dominion of British India Army expansion
Upgrade forts Dhaka, Masulipatnam to fortresses 8 points

Royal Navy
bring into service 18 BB2 from reserve 9 points

total military buildup points 23
discount of 10% for PC, 20.7 points

expedition to Northwest Pacific Coast of North America for mapping and survey 1.18 points (4 year mission, to be commanded by Captain Woodcock, with William Bligh as Navigator and Survey Specialist
Settler Colony Sydney Australia and Hobart, Tasmania 3 Points (year 1 of 2)
mapping of Tasmania .3

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:18 pm

The arrival of 2,000 Icelandic refugees brings an end to the use of the Falkland Islands as a penal colony.  There are less than 300 transportees (transportation for life convicts, now ex-cons) at Port Stanley when the first refugees arrive.  In addition, there are a few hundred sailors from merchant ships (primarily whalers and seal hunters) who are there seasonally each year.  

A new penal colony is needed and with further details available regarding Australia, a colony is proposed for Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia, and another further south at Tasmania. It will be some time before settlement can begin, but plans for the creation of colonial penal settlements for transportees at both locations by 1790 is the goal.

Meanwhile it is rapidly clear that the penal colony at Walvis Bay is a hopeless effort.  There is simply insufficient water for even crop irrigation, and only a few wells and considerable effort allows the creation of small household gardens.  The 200 surviving transportees live on the fish they catch, which is considerable.   Walvis Bay is a good place to stop for fresh meat and dried fish, there are whales to be had, and it is a desirable harbor.   Because of this the entire settlement is transferred to the British East India Company at the end of 1785.
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:55 pm

In 1785, the British Government creates a Combined Defense Council, consisting of military members representing the Lord Lieutenants of North America, Ireland and British India, as well as the First Sea Lord, and a representative from the Colonial Fleet. A civilian is appointed to head this Council, with the title of Lord Constable.

the Lord Constable is the Augustus FitzRoy, the Duke of Grafton. The position had been previously vacant for the last 20 years and now is more important than ever.

Directly reporting to this Council are the military commands above, as well as intelligence functions and a strategy board.
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:22 pm

Reaction to harsh climate conditions post Icelandic eruption
Pressed by Edmund Burke and Adam Smith, the British Parliament agrees to eliminate import duties regarding Corn (grains overall, not just corn) imports from any British Dominion or Colony

This helps keep food prices reasonable and averts serious shortages and rioting. It will also help the North American economy at the expense of British landowners which will eventually trigger counter reaction in British politics.
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:33 pm

1785 Naval Act
Calls into service all of the battleships laid up and creates a permanent Fleet for the Indian Ocean consisting of the Indian Ocean Fleet, the East Indies Squadron (to patrol the Bay of Bengal and protect Padang and new colonies planned for Australia), and a courier command based out of Penzanze and Calcutta so that urgent messages can be sent world wide (Penzanze) and home (Calcutta)

The Antilles Fleet is transferred to the Colonial Fleet as a command area (and their responsibility in regards to ships). The recalled battleships are assigned to 3 major battlefleets in England, as well as the West Indies fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet is reinforced to better protect the important trade route India to Britain

This new deployment will be in effect by late 1786
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 3 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:28 pm

Convict Transportation Act 1786
Many capital crimes are amended so that transportation for life replaces execution.   The proposed relocation will be British Caribbean Colonies, new colonies planned for Australia, and a new colony now planned for the Pacific Northwest of North America.  

Women who 'plead the belly" (are convicted while pregnant of a capital offense) are automatically given transportation for life.  Initially to British Caribbean Territories (where White Women are hard to find) but ultimately it will be to the Pacific Northwest, Hudson Bay trading posts and British Australia.

Slave Transportation Duty of 1786
All ships flying the British (and this includes American ships) flag are required to pay extra insurance as the death rate has been found to be 17 times that of regular British shipping for British (and American) sailors. This includes a provision requiring that half of the wages of sailors be held in trust by the insurance company and if the sailor does not survive the trip, his family is reimbursed for the lost life.

(first step on the road to abolition, based on an actual study done at this time by the Admiralty and British abolitionists)
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