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Kingdom of Great Britain

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:07 am

Lefty wrote:VOC representatives hearing word of sale of arms and materiel to Omani ships, notifies the EIC that Batavia considers its British counterparts to be in breach of the recent agreement, barely before the ink has dried. Oman has sponsored pirate raids on numerous outposts, and should the EIC not take immediate action to remedy the matter, the VOC will consider all terms of the treaty null and void.

The British East India Company profoundly and completely apologizes, and in its defense pleads ignorance of Omani intentions. It had assumed, wrongly obviously, that the Omanis were intending to use ships and weapons against its Arab neighbors, not a European power. The practice of selling arms and weapons will cease at once (keeping in mind that news of the action in the Indian Ocean reaches Britain at the same time as Holland) and His Majesties Government also apologizes for what has become a violation.

Concern of this crisis with a friendly neutral results in the appointment of Regulating Act of 1770 by a Parliament already grumpy about the recent Anglo-Mysore War and increases costs in India. Thus more oversight passes through Parliament already facing pressure about the Tea Tax in North America

(historically this act)

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Lefty Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:40 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:
Lefty wrote:VOC representatives hearing word of sale of arms and materiel to Omani ships, notifies the EIC that Batavia considers its British counterparts to be in breach of the recent agreement, barely before the ink has dried. Oman has sponsored pirate raids on numerous outposts, and should the EIC not take immediate action to remedy the matter, the VOC will consider all terms of the treaty null and void.

The British East India Company profoundly and completely apologizes, and in its defense pleads ignorance of Omani intentions.  It had assumed, wrongly obviously, that the Omanis were intending to use ships and weapons against its Arab neighbors, not a European power.  The practice of selling arms and weapons will cease at once (keeping in mind that news of the action in the Indian Ocean reaches Britain at the same time as Holland) and His Majesties Government also apologizes for what has become a violation.  

Concern of this crisis with a friendly neutral results in the appointment of Regulating Act of 1770 by a Parliament already grumpy about the recent Anglo-Mysore War and increases costs in India.  Thus more oversight passes through Parliament already facing pressure about the Tea Tax in North America

(historically this act)

The VOC and Republican representatives thank their British counterparts for their heartfelt apology and quick action to remedy the situation. Oman's perfidy and guile has bested two European powers, and the Dutch Republic hopes to put a swift end to their ambitions.

Representatives from Den Haag seek separate meetings to discuss the Regulating Act and its implementation in the VOC. Many in the States General are upset by the Omani war and the way the VOC has been caught significantly off-guard.

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:01 pm

British Budget 1771
Total military maintenance  68.9 points
Total military manpower 294,200 (135,000 reserves, 13,300 Sepoys)
available regular manpower available for recruitment: 103,000 (Britain only) plus 25,000 Irish Protestants also available
available reserve manpower available for recruitment; 114,500 (Britain only) plus 25,000 Irish Protestants (all Irish Protestant reserves are already committed)

Debt owed: 522.13
Debt Service 27
Debt Repayment 30
total debt service 57

Military expansion
BB2 Magnificent, Malborough (year 4 of 6, 1 point, 4 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB2 Monarch, Majestic (year 3 of 6, 1 point, 2 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB1 Prince of Wales (year 3 of 10, 1.3 points,  2 points of 7) Plymouth Naval Yard
FF1 Jamaica, Bermuda (year 2 of 4, .1.25 points, 2 points of 3) Kingston Naval Yard
activate 5 BB1 (London Naval Factory) (5 points at double maintenance plus 5,000 regulars recruited)

Naval Deployment is changed to following (to be in effect by Spring 1771)
London (Nore Fleet) (commander is an Admiral)
1 BB1,  9 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Plymouth (Channel Fleet) (commander is an Admiral)
1 BB1, 9 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Portsmouth (Home Fleet) (commander is a Vice Admiral)
1 BB1, 9 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Liverpool (Western Approaches Fleet, also provides ships to North American Station)(commander is a Vice Admiral)
5 FF1, 12 Brigs (6 Brigs on station in North America, as that station and commander has moved to Jamaica)

Bristol (Atlantic Fleet, includes ships assigned to India service)(commander is Rear Admiral)
5 FF1, 5 Brigs

Nassau (West Indies Fleet)(Commander is a Vice Admiral)
1 BB1, 9 BB2, 20 FF1, 20 Brigs  

Gibraltar (Southern Fleet,  watching the Spanish) (Commander is a Vice Admiral)
1 BB1, 12 BB2, 10 FF1, 5 Brigs

Port Mahone (Mediterranean station, keeps watch over Barbary States and French)(Commander is a Rear Admiral)
5 FF1 5 Brigs

South West Indies Station  (base is Jamaica)(Commander is Vice Admiral)
10 FF1, 10 Brigs  

India Station (Rear Admiral)
10 FF1

Total budget:
Income: 86.75 points
Spending:  8.45 expansion plus 68.9 maintenance plus 57 debt service and repayment = 134.35
Deficit: 47.6
Debt increases from 522.13-30 + 47.6 = 539.73

The new Secretary of the Treasury, Edmund Burke, is outraged by the demands on the treasury and borrowing and only barely manages to persuade the government to halt any new naval construction this year.  He pushes hard for a peaceful resolution to the Falklands Crisis which is now become more pressing as North American situation has reached effective stalemate, the Mysore War seems to be over and the danger of war with the Dutch has been averted.  

Sandwich however is more bellicose, and as January begins a fight in Parliament is underway.....
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:19 pm

Spring 1771
the first colonists arrive at the new colony of Gotham (RL Toronto) for the new colony of Upper Canada.

outpost started 1771

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:25 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:
The new Secretary of the Treasury, Edmund Burke, is outraged by the demands on the treasury and borrowing and only barely manages to persuade the government to halt any new naval construction this year.  He pushes hard for a peaceful resolution to the Falklands Crisis which is now become more pressing as North American situation has reached effective stalemate, the Mysore War seems to be over and the danger of war with the Dutch has been averted.  

Sandwich however is more bellicose, and as January begins a fight in Parliament is underway.....

Meanwhile William Pitt, Earl of Chatham joins the over the debates on Falklands..

Pitt was a staunch advocate of taking a tough stance with Madrid and Paris (as he had been during the earlier Corsican Crisis when France had invaded Corsica) and made a number of speeches on the subject rousing public opinion. He accuses the government of Lord North not acting fast enough, but just dragging their feet in the situation. Some had even believed that Pitt was trying to get enough support to force Lord North from office and allow him to return as PM.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:04 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Captain Cook, first expedition
In February 1768, Lieutenant Cook and his small brig the "Endeavour" sets sail for the South Pacific on a mission of exploration and scientific discovery

July 1771,

James Cook and his ship Endeavour return to London with details journals of his discoveries and detail maps of Australia/New Zealand.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:56 pm

August 1771
The return of Captain Cook starts in motion a number of events. The first of which is a proposal to the Dutch that they transfer claims to New Zealand to Britain (money is available for this, as is military support against Oman). Britain also formerly claims New South Wales (which includes the coasts of Queensland and Victoria), calling it part of Australia, as asks that the Dutch surrender their claim to that as well (see offer above).

The need for the Falklands as a reprovision stop on the way to the South Pacific now clear, this gives more support for pressure on the Spanish. Indeed in a complex argument Pitt argues that Right of Discovery trumps the claim Spain has made, and even a nominal payment to them to surrender the island chain is invalid. Some wonder if Pitt has a bigger game in mind but are unable to determine exactly what it is, other than perhaps trying to undermine Lord North.

This does result however in Sandwich and North deciding to reject the Spanish 'compromise', and framing the Spanish request for nominal payment instead as a Spanish demand for funds to shore up their failing empire. Overconfident after winning the Seven Years War, the British political establishment refuses to see any dangers in pushing forward again into another war.

An ultimatum is sent to Spain
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:34 pm

Summer 1771
With war on the horizon and well aware that money is needed, Edmund Burke has been in conversations with Adam Smith on how to increase revenue.  Smith recommends that efforts should be made to see if the tax base can be expanded by increasing trade.

Toward that end, Burke pressures heavily Parliament that the Navigation Acts should consider Irish and North American ships be considered English ships for all purposes under the Navigation Acts.  Another avenue is to increase the wealth (and thus tax base) of Ireland.  Toward that end he recommends repeal of and just as importantly (from a security point of view to hopefully ensure no troublesome Irish problem develops during the war with the Catholic powers of Spain and France), a repeal of Both of these are demands that the Irish Patriot Party has been pushing.

The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland would also under the proposed legislation have the exact same terms and powers of office as the Lord Lieutenant of North America (and vice versa), although the Irish House of Lords would remain under the control of the Peerage (unlike North America).

Freedom of Worship would also be instituted, although the Crown would still have the right to expel Catholic Priests and officials who preach seditious ideas or actions against the British Crown.  

This would also allow for Irish Catholics to enlist in the British Army and practice their faith.  The suggestion that Irish Catholics have the right to serve as officers fails to make headway.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:41 pm

Fall 1771
Britain enters into talks with Hesse and other German states regarding renting troops for the war to come. Britain would raise and maintain them, they would serve under British generals but their own officers at the brigade and regimental level
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Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:54 pm

Fall 1771
The British government borrows 44 points to build 22 militia infantry brigades (1 per depot in Britain) for the defense of Britain itself. These units (Fencibles) are only for home defense but will ensure that any potential Spanish invasion would fail even if it got past the fleet.

(55,000 militia from 112,000 reserves troops available)

General Gage is given command and responsibility for training this force
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:45 pm

By Winter of 1771,

The situation in Quebec is tense to say the least, many in Quebec feel resentful over that lack of attention from British Government. They feel the British values are imposing their values over local's only matter of time before tensions result in hostile turn of events...


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by TLS Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:32 pm

In January 1772, after observing with horror the casualties inflicted on the Spanish fleets by their British counterparts--"a veritable horde of frigates!" is heard to be exclaimed by one French admiral reading the reports--France decides to take action. The solitary secretary left at the French Embassy delivers a formal notice to the Court of St. James, declaring that France will not allow England to continue its war of aggression against Spain. France formally declares a state of war exists between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of Great Britain as of January 15, 1772.

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:41 pm

British 1772 Budget
Naval Budget
Maintenance: Fleet 22.45 (factors in American financial assistance of 12 points) + shore establishment budget 6.5 = 28.95 points
repair budget 29.5 points (allocated at start of year) plus 15.5 points available for upcoming year 45 points
construction budget:
BB2 Magnificent, Malborough (year 5 of 6, 1 point, 5 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory (included above)
BB2 Monarch, Majestic (year 4 of 6, 1 point, 4 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory (included above)
BB1 Prince of Wales (year 4 of 10, 1 point, 3 points of 7) Plymouth Naval Yard (included above)
FF1 Jamaica, Bermuda (year 3 of 4, 1 points, 3 points of 3) Kingston Naval Yard (
new construction
FF1 Ambuscade, Corsair, Defiant, Enterprise, Fearless, Gallant, Indefatigable, Hornet, Wasp, Intrepid, Ranger, (one each American 13 Colonies port) 4.15 points (year 1 of 4)
FF1 Serapis (Liverpool) .25 points (year 1 of 4)
total budget: 71 points

Army budget
maintenance 14.4 points
raise 2 infantry brigades Hessians (8 points)
raise 10 infantry regiments of Hessians (10 points)
raise 2 cavalry regiments of Hessians (2 points)
upgrade 2 infantry regiments in Britain to 2 infantry brigades (6 points)
total 40.4 points

Total military budget 110.4 points
other spending
10 points of financing to create Bank of North America in New York City

Debt as of January 1772
interest payments: 5% interest 30 points
principal payment: 43.73 points
total debt service: 73.73 points

Total 194.46 points
Income: 86.75 points (12 points from the North Americans already factored in)
wartime taxes imposed on Britain 2.85 additional points
total income: 89.6 points
Deficit: 104.6
Debt becomes 644.88 points

Edmund Burke does the best he can to limit spending, but demands on the budget are very high. He manages to push through some early payments on some of the higher priced fiscal instruments (more principal payments than required budgeted above) and it is his influence that funds the creation of a Bank of North America, which would serve the same function there as the Bank of England in Britain does. Attempts to get one for Ireland are less successful but he manages to get it through. It is the Declaration of War by France however that finally gets the budget through, as once again in a century the French are on the march.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:36 am

Galveston Bay wrote:Summer 1771
With war on the horizon and well aware that money is needed, Edmund Burke has been in conversations with Adam Smith on how to increase revenue.  Smith recommends that efforts should be made to see if the tax base can be expanded by increasing trade.

Toward that end, Burke pressures heavily Parliament that the Navigation Acts should consider Irish and North American ships be considered English ships for all purposes under the Navigation Acts.  Another avenue is to increase the wealth (and thus tax base) of Ireland.  Toward that end he recommends repeal of and just as importantly (from a security point of view to hopefully ensure no troublesome Irish problem develops during the war with the Catholic powers of Spain and France), a repeal of  Both of these are demands that the Irish Patriot Party has been pushing.  

The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland would also under the proposed legislation have the exact same terms and powers of office as the Lord Lieutenant of North America (and vice versa), although the Irish House of Lords would remain under the control of the Peerage (unlike North America).

Freedom of Worship would also be instituted, although the Crown would still have the right to expel Catholic Priests and officials who preach seditious ideas or actions against the British Crown.  

This would also allow for Irish Catholics to enlist in the British Army and practice their faith.  The suggestion that Irish Catholics have the right to serve as officers fails to make headway.

Spring 1772
The Dominion of Ireland Act passes in the British Parliament, giving the Irish Parliament control over the internal affairs of Ireland, allowing Catholics the vote, to serve in the Irish Army, and to enter the lower house of the Irish Parliament. Freedom of worship is also passed. As the Irish Peerage remains subordinate to the British Crown, it still has restrictions requiring membership in the Anglican Church, but otherwise, former restrictions and penalties on the Catholic Faith in Ireland are ended.

Catholics are also allowed to serve as officers in the Irish Army up to the rank of Colonel (commander of a regiment). Control over foreign policy still rests with the British Parliament and the Crown.

The Bank of Ireland is formalized in Dublin (although it is merely a branch of the Bank of England at this point)

Restrictions regarding emigration of Irish Catholics to North America and the Caribbean are also lifted.

As an amendment to this act, the status of Newfoundland as a Crown Colony, with the same status as Bermuda, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands is confirmed. This removes it from any incorporation into British North America. The Caribbean colonies and Florida also retain their status as Crown Colonies, while the new colony of Upper Canada remains under Crown control, Quebec (Lower Canada) retains its separate status, but the Maritime portions of Canada (Prince Edward, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia) are formerly transferred to the jurisdiction of the North American Parliament. The Hudson Bay Territories retain their special status, as does the territory under the authority of the British East India Company.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:09 pm

Realignment effective 1773, update your factbook/builds accordingly.

Crown Colony of Newfoundland

Province of Quebec
1 Port: Quebec
1 Resource:Montreal


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:38 pm

August 1772
The loss of the Sugar Islands on top of heavy shipping losses causes merchant and aristocrats holding stock in those merchant companies to pressure for action to remedy this painful defeat.  However, news that the Canary Islands have been take, and the major naval victory near the Cape of Trafalgar prevents a major stock market crash, although there is nervousness.

Meanwhile the Government takes out another 25.72 in bonds to pay for naval repairs (12.5 points for naval repairs, 6 points for bases in North America, 3 points to raise 3 Regiments of British Infantry (with large numbers of Irish Catholics recruited for the first time) at depots in Scotland and Ireland.  Another .12 points is spent on lavish gifts for the Sultan of Morocco and 2 points is provided to the Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, and Chicksaw (.5 points each) to buy support or at least neutrality.   Another 2 points is spent on the Comanche, Pawnee, Osage, and Caddo Indians (.5 points each) to buy their support or neutrality.  

A supplement to the bill allocates another 1 point to pay for another voyage for Captain Cook (his 2nd voyage)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:26 pm

Summer of 1772

As the war wages on, a legal case is decided that will have a long term political and legal impacts on the nature of the slave trade in the British Empire.

Somerset v Stewart (1772)- is a judgment of the English Court of King's Bench in 1772 relating to the right of an enslaved person on English soil not to be forcibly removed from the country and sent to Jamaica for sale. Lord Mansfield decided that:

The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law [statute], which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasions, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory. It is so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it, but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from the decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by the law of England; and therefore the black must be discharged.[1]

Although Britain participated extensively in the Atlantic slave trade and in establishing and governing slave colonies, slave holding within England itself had not been authorized by statutory law (an act of the legislature (Parliament)), and Lord Mansfield found it also to be unsupported in England by the common law (he made no comment on the position in the overseas territories of the British Empire, which often had royal statutes). Lord Mansfield's judgment was deliberately expressed in narrow terms, and scholars and later judges have disagreed over precisely what legal precedent the case set. Lord Mansfield found it a narrow prohibition against an enslaved person being removed from England against his will. Britain continued slavery in its overseas empire.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:27 pm

1773 Forces and Budget
Royal Navy

Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home, 50 Med, 0 Caribbean)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica),(damaged), Gibraltar
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 100,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 6
an additional 6 points allocated to repair Kingston Naval Yard
Naval shore based expenses 12 points

under construction or repair
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
FF1 Venus (former Spanish Venus) ready August 1773
London Naval Factory
BB2 Saint Patrick (former Spanish San Agustin), available February 1773
BB1 Saint George (former Spanish San Luis) available August 1773
BB2 Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarifa (former Spanish Monarcha, Arrogante) available August 1773
BB2 Achilles, America, Medway, Burford, Boyne, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon available February 1773
as ships that are ready in February, assigned to Nore Fleet
(1 BB1, 2 BB2) maintenance 1 point
Under construction
BB2 Magnificent, Malborough (year 6 of 6, 1 point, 6 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB2 Monarch, Majestic (year 5 of 6, 1 point, 5 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB1 Prince of Wales (year 5 of 10, 1 point, 4 points of 7) Plymouth Naval Yard
BB2 New England, Cambria (year 1 of 6, 1 point, 1 of 6 spent) Portsmouth Naval Yard
BB2 Hibernia, Mississippi (year 1 of 6, 1 point, 1 of 6 spent) Bristol Naval Yard
Construction costs 5 points

RN Home Forces
Nore Fleet as of March 1773 (Admiral Keppel) (frigates immediately available, BB2 join fleet in February) based at London/Medway
10 BB2 Saint Patrick, Achilles, America, Medway, Burford, Boyne, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon
FF1 Mary Galley, Pearl, Lark, Roebuck, Hector, Torrington,
North Sea Patrol (covers merchant shipping)
FF1 Gosport, Lynn, Faversham, Folkestone, Eltham, Thetis, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowey, Ludlow Castle,
(total force: 10 BB2, 18 FF1)

Courier Fleet (new command, created January 1772, ) based at Penzance (riders from London carry mail/messages to station where ships then depart)
Brigs (Flora, Merlin, Racehorse, Pelican, Roman Emperor, Ferret, Senegal, Beaver, Martin, Raven, Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Brisk, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine, Tamar, Favorite
With 24 ships (plus hired merchants) there are sufficient ships to have one sail weekly to New York and Jamaica and Gibraltar (hired ships generally sent to New York) carrying dispatches, orders and mail. Effective in February, the new Colonial Fleet frigates Industry and Hermione (based out of New York City) join in this mission for the year (as they are essentially training ships for now).
(total: 2 FF1, 24 Brigs, 2 shipping units)

Channel Fleet ( Admiral Rodney ) Portsmouth)
2 BB1 Prince Royal (fleet flag) Victory,
12 BB2 Cornwall, Canada, Shrewsbury, Superb, Valiant, Cambridge, Chichester, Resolution, Northumberland, Buckingham, Princess Amalia, York
6 FF1( Seaford, Lowestoffe, Rose, Deal Castle, Gibraltar, Blandford)
(total 2 BB1, 12 BB2, 6 FF1, )

Home Fleet (Admiral Hood) Plymouth
2 BB1: Ramilies (fleet flag) Royal Sovereign,
12 BB2: Bellona, Cornwall, Canada, Shrewsbury, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Oxford, Vanguard, Swiftsure, Superb, Triumph,
9 FF1 Active, Lyme, Shoreham, Scarborough, Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool
(total 2 BB1, 12 BB2, 9 FF1,)

South Atlantic Fleet (Vice Admiral Howe)(Bristol)
1 BB1: Impregnable
6 BB2: Hero, Defence, Superb,Thunder, Fame, Warspite, Mars
FF1 Bideford, Seahorse,
(total 1 BB1, 6 BB2, 2 FF1,)

Irish Sea Fleet (Vice Admiral Byron) (Dublin)
BB2 Belonna Medway, York, Oxford, Valiant, Triumph, Hercules
FF1 Squirrel, Aldborough, Experiment, Rye, Phoenix, Sheerness, Dolphin, Tartar, Kennington, Angelsea, Woodwich, Humber, Rainbow, Crown
(total 7 BB2, 14 FF1,)

Western Approaches Fleet (Rear Admiral Hughes)(London)
FF1 Penzanze, Expedition, Assurance, Prince Henry, Bridgewater, Success, Port Mahon, Lively, Experiment, Winchelsea,
(total 10 FF1,)

North America Forces (Vice Admiral Drake)
BB2 Arrogant,
FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale, Venganza, Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire,
Brigs Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture
(total 1 BB2, 9 FF1, 25 Brigs, 3 shipping units)

Total Fleet (ready for combat January 1773)
5 BB1, 48 BB2, 70 FF1, 49 Brigs, 5 shipping units
(19.75 maintenance, 95,450 men including 12,500 Reservists, 1,000 American sailors w Colonial Fleet)
Thus far, the war has cost the Navy 3 BB2, 12 FF1, 11 Brigs and the Civilian fleet 8 shipping units
The Navy has captured 1 BB1, 3 BB2, 5 FF1 as prizes worth keeping as well as 13 shipping units (8 released to the Merchant Marine, 5 retained)

Total Royal Navy
193,200 men (including 110,000 reservists, 1,000 American Regulars w Colonial Fleet)
another 3,100 men joining the fleet by summer (including 5000 American Regulars)
Maintenance: 37.75 points including construction costs above, plus additional 1.2 points for ships joining fleet in summer), 1 shipyard destroyed (Port Mahone), 1 severely damaged (Jamaica), and 1 essentially available only for emergency repairs (Gibraltar)
Royal Navy budget subtotal 38.95 points
Planned Contingency budget for repairs 1733 30 points
total Navy Budget 68.95 points

British Army January 1773
Home Forces
Home Forces: Commanded by Field Marshal John West, the Earl of De la Warr
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (22 total, Lieutenant General and Chief of Ordinance Thomas Gage)
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton
Army of Observation (Exeter area) w 1 Infantry Brigade, 2 cavalry regiments, 1 artillery companies PLUS 1 Hessian Infantry Brigade,
Raise: 4 infantry brigades (Aberdeen, Inverness, Sheffield, Coventry) (available summer 1773

Irish Army: commanded by Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Major General George Townshend
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin
Garrison Brigades: Belfast, Sligo, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Londonderry
artillery companies: Belfast, Dublin
Cavalry regiments: Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Dublin
Lord Lieutenants Guard: 3 Hessian Infantry Regiments
Raise: 8 infantry regiments (Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin) available Summer 1773

Fortress Gibraltar
1 fortress, 1 infantry brigade, 2 light infantry brigades, 1 militia brigade, 1 militia regiment, plus naval shipyard staff (2 militia brigades in an emergency)
Also administrative jurisdiction of
Canary Islands forts (Tenerife, Las Palmas)

British India
East India Company Army: Lieutenant General Sir Richard Smith
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore (each has a depot)
Forts: Dhaka, Masulipatnam
each fortress has 3 infantry regiments,
Bombay, Madras, Calcutta also have an artillery company
each Presidency has a cavalry regiment conducting general patrol

North American and Caribbean Area
North American Army: Commanded by Lord Lieutenant of North American, Lieutenant General Amherst
following were transferred to Americans
forts: Fort Albany, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Pitt, Fort Niagara, , Fort Oswego, Fort Stanwix, Fort William, Savannah, Halifax, Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Williamsburg, New Bern, Charleston, St John (transferred to American Militia)
New York City: 6 British Regiments, 1 artillery company, 1 Hessian Infantry Regiment, organized into Expeditionary Army under General Burgoyne
Savannah: 2 British Infantry Regiments

Canada (Upper Canada is Quebec, Lower Canada is Ontario, Hudson Bay Territory) Brigadier General Clinton (subordinate to Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill
plus 2 Hessian Infantry Regiments (1 each Montreal, Quebec)

Caribbean and Florida (Major General Guy Carleton) (subordinate to Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Nassau, Barbados, Bermuda, St Augustine,
3 Hessian Infantry Regiments (Pensacola, St Augustine, Bermuda)
1 British infantry brigade (Jamaica)
1 British infantry brigade (Nassau)

Expeditionary Force Southern North America (General Washington, deputy is Brigadier General Cornwallis)
2 British Infantry regiments under American command plus American forces
Plus 1 British Infantry Battalion at Mobile
Plus 2 British Infantry Regiments (at Savannah available for the American campaign) (from above)

Texas Army (General Howe)
Forts: New Godwin (Galveston), Goliad (the fort garrison of Corpus Christi moves here to escape the mosquitoes)
Base established at New Godwin
San Antonio: 1 British Cavalry Regiment
Goliad: 1 Hessian Cavalry Regiment
encamped near modern day Nacogdoches (at former Spanish mission): 1 British Cavalry Regiment

Total British Army
5 fortress, 17 forts, 6 garrison brigades, 4 infantry brigades, 2 Hessian infantry brigades, 2 light infantry brigades, 8 cavalry regiments, 4 Sepoy cavalry regiments, 1 Hessian cavalry regiment, 9 infantry regiments, 12 Sepoy infantry regiments, 9 Hessian infantry regiments, 3 artillery companies, 4 Sepoy artillery companies, 22 militia brigades
total manpower: 115,000 (includes 29,000 British Regulars, 17,000 Hessians, 14,000 Sepoy, 55,000 British Reservists) plus 14,000 British Regulars, 4,000 Irish Catholic Regulars to be added in 1773
Army maintenance: 17.4 points
plus 24 points for new units
plus 4 points for base construction
total Army budget: 45.4 points

Total Military Budget: 114.35 points

Debt Service
National Debt as of January 1773 is 670.6 points
Interest 5% is 33.6 points (includes .07 extra in interest)
Debt is 30 year notes, so 22.53 is owed, but 23 is paid out
total debt service is 56.6 points

Total budget is 170.56 points

roughly 20 points of revenue were lost in 1773 (or allowed to remain in local hands for rebuilding)
Income reduced to 66.75

Deficit 103.81
Secretary of State Burke is appalled, and his allies begin pushing the Government to find a military and then diplomatic solution.

National Debt hits 751.41, dangerously close to 10 times the National Income during peace
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:49 pm

Early 1773,

Lenders determine the British debt to income ratio is becoming dangerous high, they raise the interest rates for new loan/bonds to 8% starting 1774.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:15 am

June 1773
News of the great victory off Ushant sweeps through the British Isles. Admiral Hood is promoted to Baronet, while Admiral Rodney is promoted from Baronet to Baron. The other Admirals in the engagement are all knighted, as are a number of captains.

Although officially the Battle of Ushant, Royal Navy will forever call the engagement "The Moonlight Battle"

under repair Plymouth
BB1 Royal Sovereign (1 point) available October 1773
BB2 Cornwall, Black Prince, Triumph, Emperor, Vanguard (1 point each), available January 1774

under repair Portsmouth
BB2 Boyne, York, America, Wolverine, Pembroke, Saint Patrick (2 points each) available June 1774

under repair London
BB2 Warrior, Medway, Burford, Canada, Valiant (1 point each, available January 1774)
BB2 ex French Défenseur, Phénix) renamed Ushant, Phoenix, (1 point each), available January 1774
Sent to repair yards (London Naval Factory) (14.25 points spent from previously budgeted repair budget)
7 FF1: Hastings, Sapphire, Bideford, Seahorse, Phoenix, Sheerness, Dolphin, (moderate damage , .75 points to repair, 1 year to repair)(available June 1774)
1 BB1 Impregnable ( heavy damage, 4 point to repair, 1 year to repair)(available June 1774)
6 BB2 Hero, Defence, Belonna, Mars,Medway( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)(available January 1774)
total repair costs: 37.25 points

Only 30 points were allocated for repair so an additional 11 points are borrowed

(debt up to 760), of which the remaining 3.75 are sent to Morocco to support their war effort

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:05 pm

Ottoman wrote:Bengal Famine of 1770

After years of mismanagement and harsh taxation, the region of Bengal suffers massive famine. Which will result in the death of 10 million people roughly....But that's not the concern of the British East India Company. Their concern is the massive drop in tax revenue from the core region of their trading empire...

Effective 1770
Port of Calcutta value drops to .25 until 1773
Commence Income 2 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)- No Commence Income until 1773

By years end of 1773, the damaged of the Franco-Spanish raids, cause insurance companies to spike shipping rates for East India Company shipping

Shipping units now take 35% lost in income


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:13 pm

Christmas 1773
News of the epic battle and desperate stand at Gibraltar is the talk of London. Meanwhile the government waits for news of New Orleans campaign. There is considerable outrage over Spanish deprivations in South Carolina and Georgia and considerable talk of revenge that needs to be taken.

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:21 pm

The 2 Colonial (American) frigates Hermoine (John Paul Jones) and Industry (John Barry) are sent home, with official thanks, and each captain is presented a sword honoring their fine service. It is assumed that the young officers and crew aboard those ships will be available to provide trained cadre for the new ships that the Americans are building
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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:59 pm

Ottoman wrote:Early 1773,

Lenders determine the British debt to income ratio is becoming dangerous high, they raise the interest rates for new loan/bonds to 8% starting 1774.

By the end of 1773, a growing a number of MPs begin calling for peace settlement with Franco-Spanish alliance as the Crown has paid a heavy debt in terms of blood and money for some remote islands. These MPs are led by Charles James Fox, a well known critic of the current government.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 2 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:44 pm

Ottoman wrote:
Ottoman wrote:Early 1773,

Lenders determine the British debt to income ratio is becoming dangerous high, they raise the interest rates for new loan/bonds to 8% starting 1774.

By the end of 1773, a growing a number of MPs begin calling for peace settlement with Franco-Spanish alliance as the Crown has paid a heavy debt in terms of blood and money for some remote islands.  These MPs are led by Charles James Fox, a well known critic of the current government.

The Government responds that attempts have been made to discuss a possible settlement, but the Spanish are demanding either Gibraltar or Florida,neither of which is acceptable to the Crown or Government.

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