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Kingdom of Great Britain

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 6 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Dec 22, 2020 7:04 pm

British military forces 1795

Commander British Dutch Forces Europe General Abercromby

Army of Holland (Anglo Dutch forces, 25% British, 75% Dutch) General Moore
5 Dutch militia brigades from the previous year are broken up to provide reinforcements for the Dutch Army (12,500 men)
6 Anglo Dutch infantry divisions reformed as Dutch Infantry Divisions (15,000 Dutch, plus 5,000 British officers and NCOs, plus 10,000 militia as reinforcements)
formed into 2 small corps, 1 each at Groningen and Maastricht fortresses
Fortress Groningen: fortress plus 3 infantry divisions plus 4 British cavalry brigades (cavalry is screening the Dutch/German border) (4.25 points
Fortress Maastricht: fortress plus 3 infantry divisions (3.25 points)
Fortress Njimegan: fortress plus 1 infantry brigade (.5 points)
raise 5 Dutch infantry brigades (3,500 British, 9,000 Dutch) at Nijmegan (build 9 infantry regiments, 9 points)
4 Dutch cavalry brigades formed into security force for Flemish areas of former Austrian Netherlands (Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Mechelen) 1 point
8 depots formed with 1600 Dutch, 800 British troops at Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Breda, Utrecht, Leeuwarden, Hoogeven, (no cost)
raise 8 Dutch infantry brigades  (24 points)
total cost: 20.75 points
Plus Dutch Navy 16.3 points
1 Naval Factory (Rotterdam)
8 FF1 (Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)
11 Brigs
total Dutch expenses 61.05
Dutch declare levee en masse (deduct 20.1 points)
Dutch income: 21.5
British support 20 points

British Expeditionary Force Europe  (at Nijmegan) General Erskine
(4 cavalry brigades assigned to Dutch Army of Holland, 10,000 other troops assigned as cadre to Dutch Army, 8 infantry brigades disbanded to form that cadre)
leaves the British with 3 infantry brigades, 3 artillery brigades, 1 engineer brigade, 1 supply depot (Rotterdam) 1 supply column (maintenance 8 points)
raise 3 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry division  in British Isles (14 points, ships to Holland in Spring to formed 3 infantry divisions in BEF, plus adds a cavalry division)
total BEF 22 points

British Army
Home Forces, headquarters Horseguards, London
Fortress area: Medway (entrance to Thames River) (15,000 regulars) (1 point)
Fortresses: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol, (4,000 regulars) (1 point)
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (23 total) (57,500 militia)
Militia brigades begin serving garrison duties at the fortified area at Medway and fortresses at Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, and Bristol (6 per season except fall which as only 5 mobilized) in addition to assigned regular troops
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton, Aldershot (5,750 regulars)
Aldershot Depot brigade, Stirling depot brigade (5,000 regulars, .2 points) 1 light infantry brigade at Aldershot .2 points formed into a Rifle brigade- Cost 6 points (only 2 points needed as already a light infantry brigade)
1 English Cavalry Brigade (Horse Guards) (.25 points)

overseas forces:
Tangiers: fortress area, 1 infantry division (20,000 men) (2 points)

Irish Army
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Duke of Limerick
Fortresses: Dublin, Belfast, (.5) (2,000 regulars)
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin (2,000 regulars)
1 Irish Cavalry Brigade (Irish Guards) .25 points
Bermuda: fort at Bermuda (500 men, .1 points)

North American Army
Headquarters: New York City, Lord Lieutenant Duke of Manhattan

Caribbean: (under command Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Fortresses: Nassau (Bahamas), Kingston (Jamaica), Mobile (West Florida), PortoPrince, Cap Francis (1.25 points)
Forts: St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago, Barbados, Pensacola, St Augustine, Miami, Tampa Bay, St Eustacius, St Maartin (1.4 points)
1 Colonial infantry division at Kingston, 1 Colonial engineer brigade Kingston, (2 points)
3 Colonial Jamaican Brigades (man the forts and fortresses in the Caribbean, 25% White, remainder Freed Blacks and Creoles, included in the fort and fortress maintenance, Mobile and Florida forts are all mixed White/Creole out of deference to local sensibilities)
(manpower 11,250 Black/Creole troops, 7750 Anglo-Irish)
Maintenance: 4.65 points

Canada (Quebec, Upper Canada, Hudson Bay Company (under command Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill, Sault St Marie, Winnipeg, Duluth
Beginning 1794 considered Colonial Troops (25% British, 75% Canadian) (1,500 British, 3,500 Canadian)
(manpower: 5,000 men, maintenance 1 points)
Additional forces: see American Army

Colonial Army (African and Indian 35.5)
South Africa:
Headquarters: Paarlberg, South Africa
fort: Capetown plus 1 garrison division(English/Scottish/Irish mixed) (covering Capetown and New Haven/Port Elizabeth from natives)
Southern Expeditionary Army: 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, 1 supply column, 1 engineer brigade, maintenance 6.5 points (based at Capetown)(consists of an Irish, Scottish and German/Dutch infantry division, remaining forces are English)
Falklands: fort at Port Stanley (500 men, .1 points)
(manpower 3,500 garrison plus 24,000 mobile troops, 27,000 including 5,000 mercenaries) 6.8 points
being raised in the UK – 9 infantry regiments, 9 cavalry regiments (18 points)

Indian Army
Lord Lieutenant of India, Duke of Bengal
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore, Dhaka, Masulipatnam, Tricomalee (each has a depot)
each fortress has 1 Sepoy Garrison brigades
forts: Makassar, Malacca, Fort York, Penang
manpower: 37,000 men including 15,000 British/Irish Regulars, 2,000 European (Dutch/German) mercenaries, 20,000 Sepoys, maintenance: 2.85 points

transferred to Dutch control end of 1795
Fortress: Tricomalee, 1 Sepoy garrison brigade
forts at Makassar, Malacca
(2,000 European mercenaries, plus 3,500 Sepoys)

Total Army budget 1795   104 points (discount 15%) = 88.4

Royal Navy 1795
Home Fleet (Plymouth)
1 BB1 (Victory) , 14 BB2 (  Canada, Valiant, Defense,  Black Prince, Triumph,  Vanguard, Zealous, Resolution, Goliath, Warspite, Hero,  Superb, Thunder, Arrogant), 5 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh
North Sea Patrol
10 FF1 Hull, Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk, Cornwall, Cumberland, 10 brigs Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Porcupine
Channel Fleet (Portsmouth)
1 BB1 (Impregnable), 12 BB2 (Ark Royal, Agincourt, New England, Cambria, Hibernia, Mississippi, Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Phoenix, Warrior) 4 FF1 Devonshire, Sussex,  Dorsetshire, London
Nore Fleet (Medway/London)
9 BB1 (Burford, Medway, Boyne, Superior, Commonwealth, Protector, Dominion, Hercules, Union), 10 Brigs
Western Approaches Fleet (Bristol)
10 FF1 York,  , Roebuck, Sapphire, Dolphin, Lark, Pearl, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield,  Sheerness,  
Mediterranean Fleet (Tangiers)
1 BB1 (Prince Royal) , 12 BB2 (Gibraltar, New Orleans, Key West, Baton Rouge, Valiant, Hercules, Superb, Shrewsbury, Oxford,  Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars,) 5 FF1 Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Sapphire
West African Squadron (Based out of Capetown)
15 FF1 , Success, Folkestone, Faversham, Scarborough, Coventry, Liverpool, Penzanze,  Gosport, Lynn, Winchelsea,  Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington, Nottingham,
Southern Fleet (Capetown)
1 BB1 (Royal Sovereign) , 12 BB2 (Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Royal Oak, Revenge, Achilles, Swiftsure, York, Wolverine, Saint Patrick, Ushant)  5 FF1 Durham, Worcester, Somerset, Cheshire, Cumbria
West Indies Fleet (New York/Jamaica)
1 BB1 (Prince of Wales) , 8 BB2 (Invicible, Implacable, Quiberon Bay, Cape Finisterre , Blenheim, Lowestoft, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary) 4 FF1 Flintshire, Carmarthen, Dundee, Aberdeen, 20 Brigs Kingfisher, Cygnet, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Flora,  Pelican,  Ferret,  Martin, Raven, Barracuda, Sea Snake, Albacore, Cachelot, Orca, Marlin, Cuttlefish, Narwhale, Sea Leopard, Sea Tiger
Indian Ocean Fleet (Bombay)
10 FF1 Inverness, Donegal, Wexford, Claire, Newfoundland, Bermuda, Nassau, Jamaica, Barbuda, Grenada
Pacific Fleet (Port Stanley but patrolling Pacific Northwest and Hawaii and New Zealand and Australia)(includes exploration ships)
5 FF1 Assurance, Thetis, Alarm, Stag, Seahorse
Home Courier force (Penzanze)
10 Brig Savage, Delight, Thorn,  Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon
Bombay Courier force (Bombay)
11 Brig Dragonfly, Firefly, Peregrine, Eagle, Swift, Falcon, Albatross, Cheetah, Sailfish, Pronghorn, Zebra

5 BB1 (5,000 men, 2.5 points)
68 BB2 (52,500 men, 17 points)
73 FF1 (34,500 men, 14.6 points)
51 Brigs (9,800 men, 4.9 points)  
Total fleet: 102,100 Regulars, maintenance: 40.7 points x 2 (wartime) 81.4 points

Naval infrastructure
Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home, 50 Caribbean plus once complete 50 North America)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), New York (Colonial Fleet)
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 90,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 5.5

total naval maintenance 86.9  points
15 Steller class BB1 Sirius, Canopus, Rigel, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Procyon, Altair, Antares, Pollux, Gemini, Deneb, Regulus, Castor, Polaris
cost 45 points, over 9 years as a jobs measure, 5 points a year beginning 1791, (year 5 of 9) all 15 under construction at London Naval Factory  
construction: Admiral of the Fleet class BB1 Hawke, Anson, Blake, Albemarle (10 years, 70 points) year 8 of 10,  Bristol Naval Yard 7 points
total construction budget 1793 is 22 points
construction: Colony class FF1 Sydney, Hawaii, New Zealand, Capetown, Ceylon, Calcutta (9 points paid up front, year 2 of 4) one each Portsmouth, Jamaica, New York, Plymouth, Liverpool, Boston,
construction spending: 21 points

total naval budget: 86.9 points x 15% discount industrialization 74 points

total military budget: 162..4 points
rent shipping 7.6 points
total military 170 points

British budget 1795
income Total income: 133.75  points
National Debt 970.35
interest payment 20 points interest
principal payment 35 points
total loan service 45

Loan guarantees to France 25 points

Total budget 240
deficit 107 points (National Debt increases to 1042.35)

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 6 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:06 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:British military forces 1795

4 Dutch cavalry brigades formed into security force for Flemish areas of former Austrian Netherlands (Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Mechelen) 1 point

Point of clarification, the French Republicans currently hold all of Austrian Netherlands and haven't hand it over to the Dutch Republic.  So update your build accordingly.


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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 6 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:27 pm

Ottoman wrote:
Galveston Bay wrote:British military forces 1795

4 Dutch cavalry brigades formed into security force for Flemish areas of former Austrian Netherlands (Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Mechelen) 1 point

Point of clarification, the French Republicans currently hold all of Austrian Netherlands and haven't hand it over to the Dutch Republic.  So update your build accordingly.

formed into a force but have not moved
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 6 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:55 am

Spring 1795
Having already been using light companies trained in skirmishing since the Seven Years War (or French and Indian War as known in North America) as well as Rangers (light infantry trained to patrol aggressively equipped with hunting rifles and muskets), it is an easy step for Colonel Ferguson, inventor of a practical rifle, to raise a special unit equipped solely with some of his rifles (the better shots) and the rest with Kentucky Long Rifles from the light infantry transferred from Quebec consisting of the 60th (Royal American) Regiment, as well as Rogers Rangers (94th).   This new Rifle Brigade begins training the rest of the year in light of lessons learned recently in Germany as well as lessons learned in the Falklands War (called the Mississippi War in North America)

He is promoted to Brigadier General and given command of the Rifle Brigade as well as becoming chief of training for light infantry and riflemen.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 6 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:24 pm

Great Storm of 1795
a series of severe storms hit the English Channel and Irish Sea in the early winter 1795 through late winter of 1796

among the ships lost are the frigates Sapphire and Prince Edward, the BB2 Arrogant and Goliath, and 2 Brigs Savage and Delight

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain - Page 6 Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:15 pm

The British government in the fall of 1795 decides to go on a peacetime footing for the next year, except for those forces in the Netherlands. The Navy returns to peacetime readiness and patrols, while the Army ceases raising new formations for now. These defense cuts, and some unexpected income from India later in the year (and not a little political fire to go with that loot) allows the British Government, even though subsidizing the Dutch, to balance the budget in 1796 and pay down a healthy part of the national debt

British military forces 1796

Commander British Dutch Forces Europe General Abercromby

Army of Holland (Anglo Dutch forces, 25% British, 75% Dutch) General Moore
Fortress: Groningen: fortress plus 3 infantry divisions (3.25)
Fortress: Maastricht: fortress plus 3 infantry divisions (3.25)
Fortress: Nijmegen: fortress plus 3 infantry divisions (3.25)
Border guard: Dutch/German border: 2 British cavalry brigades (.5 points)
Border guard: Dutch / French border: 2 British cavalry brigades (.5 points)
Internal security: 4 Dutch cavalry brigades (1 point)
depots: Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Breda, Utrecht, Leeuwarden, Hoogeven, 8 infantry brigades (2 points)
British Expeditionary Force Europe (at Nijemegan) 1 Rifle Brigade, 3 Infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 3 artillery brigades, 1 engineer brigade, 1 supply column, 1 supply depot (Rotterdam) 11.25 points
total 25 points

Plus Dutch Navy
1 Naval Factory (Rotterdam) (3 points)
8 FF1 (Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)(3.2 points)
11 Brigs (2.2 points)
total Dutch Navy (war footing) 5.4 points
total Dutch costs: 30.4
Dutch income: 21.5
British support 9 points

British Army
Home Forces, headquarters Horseguards, London
Fortress area: Medway (entrance to Thames River) (15,000 regulars) (1 point)
Fortresses: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol, (4,000 regulars) (1 point)
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (23 total) (57,500 militia)
Militia brigades begin serving garrison duties at the fortified area at Medway and fortresses at Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, and Bristol (6 per season except fall which as only 5 mobilized) in addition to assigned regular troops
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton, Aldershot (5,750 regulars)
Aldershot Depot brigade, Stirling depot brigade (5,000 regulars, .2 points)
1 English Cavalry Brigade (Horse Guards) (.25 points)

overseas forces:
Tangiers: fortress area, 1 infantry division (20,000 men) (2 points)
Total 2.45

Irish Army
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Duke of Limerick
Fortresses: Dublin, Belfast, (.5) (2,000 regulars)
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin (2,000 regulars)
1 Irish Cavalry Brigade (Irish Guards) .25 points
Bermuda: fort at Bermuda (500 men, .1 points)
Total .85

North American Army
Headquarters: New York City, Lord Lieutenant Duke of Manhattan

Caribbean: (under command Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Fortresses: Nassau (Bahamas), Kingston (Jamaica), Mobile (West Florida), PortoPrince, Cap Francis (1.25 points)
Forts: St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago, Barbados, Pensacola, St Augustine, Miami, Tampa Bay, St Eustacius, St Maartin (1.4 points)
1 Colonial infantry division at Kingston, 1 Colonial engineer brigade Kingston, (2 points)
3 Colonial Jamaican Brigades (man the forts and fortresses in the Caribbean, 25% White, remainder Freed Blacks and Creoles, included in the fort and fortress maintenance, Mobile and Florida forts are all mixed White/Creole out of deference to local sensibilities)
(manpower 11,250 Black/Creole troops, 7750 Anglo-Irish)
Maintenance: 4.65 points

Canada (Quebec, Upper Canada, Hudson Bay Company (under command Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill, Sault St Marie, Winnipeg, Duluth
Beginning 1794 considered Colonial Troops (25% British, 75% Canadian) (1,500 British, 3,500 Canadian)
(manpower: 5,000 men, maintenance 1 points)
Additional forces: see American Army

Colonial Army
South Africa:
Headquarters: Paarlberg, South Africa
fort: Capetown plus 1 garrison division(English/Scottish/Irish mixed) (covering Capetown and New Haven/Port Elizabeth from natives)
Southern Expeditionary Army: 3 infantry divisions, 2 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery battalion, 1 supply column, 1 engineer brigade, maintenance 6 points (based at Capetown)(consists of an Irish, Scottish and German/Dutch infantry division, remaining forces are English)
Falklands: fort at Port Stanley (500 men, .1 points)
(manpower 3,500 garrison plus 26,000 mobile troops, 6.4 points

Indian Army
Lord Lieutenant of India, Duke of Bengal
Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore, Dhaka, Masulipatnam, Tricomalee (each has a depot)
each fortress has 1 Sepoy Garrison brigades
3 sepoy garrison divisions occupying Mysore
forts: Makassar, Malacca, Fort York, Penang
manpower: 41,500 men including 11,500 British/Irish Regulars, 30,000 Sepoys, maintenance: 3.55 points

transferred to Dutch control end of 1795 (funded by local income)
Fortress: Tricomalee, 1 Sepoy garrison brigade
forts at Makassar, Malacca
(2,000 European mercenaries, plus 3,500 Sepoys)

Total Army budget 1795 16.5 points plus 9 points to Dutch Army = 25.5 (discount 15%) = 22 points

Royal Navy 1795
Home Fleet (Plymouth)
1 BB1 (Victory) , 12 BB2 ( Canada, Valiant, Defense, Black Prince, Triumph, Vanguard, Zealous, Resolution, Warspite, Hero, Superb, Thunder, ), 5 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh
North Sea Patrol
10 FF1 Hull, Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk, Cornwall, Cumberland, 10 brigs Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Porcupine
Channel Fleet (Portsmouth)
1 BB1 (Impregnable), 12 BB2 (Ark Royal, Agincourt, New England, Cambria, Hibernia, Mississippi, Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Phoenix, Warrior) 4 FF1 Devonshire, Sussex, Dorsetshire, London
Nore Fleet (Medway/London)
9 BB1 (Burford, Medway, Boyne, Superior, Commonwealth, Protector, Dominion, Hercules, Union),
Western Approaches Fleet (Bristol)
8 FF1 York, , Roebuck, Dolphin, Lark, Pearl, Poole, Chesterfield, Sheerness,
Mediterranean Fleet (Tangiers)
1 BB1 (Prince Royal) , 12 BB2 (Gibraltar, New Orleans, Key West, Baton Rouge, Valiant, Hercules, Superb, Shrewsbury, Oxford, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars,) 5 FF1 Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Sapphire
West African Squadron (Based out of Capetown)
15 FF1 , Success, Folkestone, Faversham, Scarborough, Coventry, Liverpool, Penzanze, Gosport, Lynn, Winchelsea, Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington, Nottingham,
Southern Fleet (Capetown)
1 BB1 (Royal Sovereign) , 12 BB2 (Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Royal Oak, Revenge, Achilles, Swiftsure, York, Wolverine, Saint Patrick, Ushant) 5 FF1 Durham, Worcester, Somerset, Cheshire, Cumbria
West Indies Fleet (New York/Jamaica)
1 BB1 (Prince of Wales) , 8 BB2 (Invicible, Implacable, Quiberon Bay, Cape Finisterre , Blenheim, Lowestoft, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary) 4 FF1 Flintshire, Carmarthen, Dundee, Aberdeen, 20 Brigs Kingfisher, Cygnet, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Flora, Pelican, Ferret, Martin, Raven, Barracuda, Sea Snake, Albacore, Cachelot, Orca, Marlin, Cuttlefish, Narwhale, Sea Leopard, Sea Tiger
Indian Ocean Fleet (Bombay)
10 FF1 Inverness, Donegal, Wexford, Claire, Newfoundland, Bermuda, Nassau, Jamaica, Barbuda, Grenada
Pacific Fleet (Port Stanley but patrolling Pacific Northwest and Hawaii and New Zealand and Australia)(includes exploration ships)
5 FF1 Assurance, Thetis, Alarm, Stag, Seahorse
Home Courier force (Penzanze)
10 Brig Thorn, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon
Bombay Courier force (Bombay)
11 Brig Dragonfly, Firefly, Peregrine, Eagle, Swift, Falcon, Albatross, Cheetah, Sailfish, Pronghorn, Zebra

5 BB1 (5,000 men, 2.5 points)
66 BB2 (52,500 men, 16.5 points)
71 FF1 (34,500 men, 14.2 points)
49 Brigs (9,800 men, 4.9 points)
Total fleet: 102,100 Regulars, maintenance: 39.6 points

Naval infrastructure
Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home, 50 Caribbean plus once complete 50 North America)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), New York (Colonial Fleet)
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 90,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 5.5

total naval maintenance 45.1 points
15 Steller class BB1 Sirius, Canopus, Rigel, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Procyon, Altair, Antares, Pollux, Gemini, Deneb, Regulus, Castor, Polaris
cost 45 points, over 9 years as a jobs measure, 5 points a year beginning 1791, (year 6 of 9) all 15 under construction at London Naval Factory
construction: Admiral of the Fleet class BB1 Hawke, Anson, Blake, Albemarle (10 years, 70 points) year 9 of 10, Bristol Naval Yard 7 points
total construction budget 1796 is 22 points
construction: Colony class FF1 Sydney, Hawaii, New Zealand, Capetown, Ceylon, Calcutta (9 points paid up front, year 3 of 4) one each Portsmouth, Jamaica, New York, Plymouth, Liverpool, Boston,
construction spending: 21 points

total naval budget: 66.1 points x 15% discount industrialization 56.5 points

total military budget: 78.5 points
rent shipping 2.5 points
total military 81 points

British budget 1796
income Total income: 133.75 points
National Debt 1042.35
interest payment 21 points interest
principal payment 40 points
total loan service 61
military spending 81 plus loan service 61 = 142 points
additional income 12 points (Indian campaign)
total surplus 2.75 points
additional debt payment 2.35 points
awards and citations and price money .4 points

Balanced budget in 1796
National Debt reduced to 1,000 points
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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