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Kingdom of Great Britain

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:35 pm

Great Britain (as it is officially known) is a monarchy in name but is run by Parliament in fact, although the Crown does have considerable influence
Crown:  King William IV (B 1765, Reign begins 1786)
succession: see here

Parliament consists of the House of Lords and House of Commons

Kingdom of Great Britain 800px-Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom_%28HM_Government%29.svg

Kingdom of Great Britain Britain_498x345

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:29 pm; edited 4 times in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Economy of Great Britain and its Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:38 pm

British Empire as of 1794

Homeland, Dominions, Crown Colonies, and Trading Companies
The homeland and Dominions have their own Parliaments and home rule with the Crown (or his Lord Lieutenant) have a ceremonial role as well as real command of their armed forces in the name of the Crown, the Crown Colonies have varying degrees of home rule with a Governor General in charge of their foreign policy, while the Trading Companies are subject to British law through their Governors and Boards of Directors.  

Kingdom of Great Britain and Dominion of Ireland
Population: 15.7 million(Ireland Pop 5.2 million, Great Britain-10.5 million) (tax income 3.1 points in peacetime, 7.7 points wartime)
Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry: 14 points income
Financial Center: London x 2 (5 each)= 10 points income
Entrepot: London = 5 points income
Craft Centers:9 Craft Centers( 1 London ,1 Liverpool 1 Birmingham , 1 Glasgow , 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Swansea, 1 Londonderry )=10 points
Resources: 7 resources (1 Manchester, 1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Swansea)= 7 points
2 PC( Sheffield, Leeds)=5=10 points
40 commercial fleets = 20 points

Total income: 74.1 points

Dominion of North America (income remains with North American Parliament to control)

Crown Colonies
British West Indies (each is a crown colony, discussion underway to convert entire area to a Dominion)
Populations: 450,000
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston= 3 points of income
2 Resource- 2 Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, ,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.5 points each),  6 points
plus 1 Guyana(Georgetown)(.25 points)
total income: 11.25 points

Virgin Islands (former Dutch)
St Maartin, St Eustatius (.25 points each) .5 points

Subtotal British Caribbean: 11.75 points

North America
British Florida (organized into  West Florida and South Florida)
Population: 11,000 (plus Indians and Maroons in the hinterland, particularly in South Florida)
 Pensacola (West Florida) = .5 points
City Mobile Bay (West Florida) (with 5,000 Dutch settlers, 3000 slaves) .5 points beginning 1790
trading post Tampa Bay (South Florida) Miami (South Florida)  .5 points
total income 1.5 points  

Crown Colony of Newfoundland
Port St Johns
1 Resource(Lumber)
population 25,000
2 points

Crown Colony of Quebec
Port of Quebec
Resource: Montreal 1
population 160,000
2 points

subtotal North American income: 4.5  points

British South Atlantic
Cape Colony
population 80,000 European by 1789, plus 30,000 slaves and additional African populations in the various areas claimed
Port: Capetown 1 point
City: Nieuwe Haven (RL Port Elizabeth, will be called New Haven by British) .5 points
3 shipping units (1.5 points)
trading posts: Pretoria, Port Shepstone, Durban (.75 points)

Falkland Islands Colony
Port Stanley (village 1786)

British Oceania
outposts Sydney (1787), Hobart (1787)
trading post: Auckland .25 points

total colony income 25.75

Trading Companies
British American Fur Trading Company (headquarters Boston)
Jurisdiction over fur trade west of the Mississippi, south of the 49th Parallel, areas west of the Rockies to the Pacific between Russian America and Spanish California
trading posts: Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Prince Rupert (.25 points each beginning 1789)(income to be split equally between American and British Parliaments) .5

Hudson Bay’s Company
(jurisdiction over fur trade in British Canada north of Great Lakes and 49th Parallel, including the Rockies and points east of Russian America
Financial Center: London(1)
9 Commercial fleets= 4.5 points* Using Canadian Ports)
7 Trading Post(Fort Rupert, Moose Factory, Fort Albany, Fort Severn, Fort York, Port Nelson, Fort Churchill, Sault Ste Marie, Winnipeg, Duluth)= 2.75 points
Total income: 8.25

Generally speaking if a river goes to the Pacific or Gulf of Mexico, it belongs to the British American Fur Trading Company.  If it goes to the North Atlantic, Great Lakes or Arctic Ocean, it belongs to the Hudson Bay Company.  This includes watersheds.  Existence of the fur trade monopoly does not however preclude the placement of settler colonies by the American or British Governments.  

British West Africa Company
4 Trading Post at Accra( Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown), Lagos, Badgry
Total Income= 1 point

British South Sea Company
Trading posts: Suva (Fiji), Bora Bora (Samoa), Honolulu (Hawaii) .75

British East India Company
Financial Center: London(1) 5 points
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Tricomalee 4 points
Commence Income 4 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 2 point
tribute from Oman 1 point
trading post: Georgetown (Pedang Malaysia), Makassar (Borneo), Malacca (Malaya), Fort York/Bencoolen (Sumatra), Brunei, Rangoon  1.5 points
trading post Okinawa .15
\Commercial fleets = 6 points
Total income 23.65  points

Subtotal trading company income  33.65 points

total colonial and trading company income: 59.65
plus home income 74.1
Total income: 133.75  points

(approaching the point where the sun never sets, but need a few more territories yet for that)

Additional Claims:
Hawaiian Islands
Cook Islands
South Georgia Islands
Ascension Island
St Helena Island
Grand Cayman Islands

trade agreements with China, Okinawa, Brunei, Burma

basing treaty with Sultan of Morocco regarding Tangiers

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:37 am; edited 13 times in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Current British Military Forces

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:55 pm

The British and Dominion Armies are on a war footing and continuing to mobilize
Field Marshal Cornwallis is named Commander of the Forces and thus commander in chief of all British forces

Army information here

The British Hanover has been destroyed, but the Anglo Dutch remain in the field and a new war has erupted in India

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Tue Dec 22, 2020 7:22 pm; edited 28 times in total
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty British Forces Game Start 1768

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:19 pm

The first line of defense for Great Britain as of 1768

Fleet as 0f 1768
20 BB1 (Victory, Blenheim, Ocean, London, Barfleur, Princess Royal, Prince George, Formidable, Royal Sovereign, Queen Charlotte, Ramilies,Royal George, Britannia, Union, Namur, Neptune, Glory, St George, Impregnable)
60 BB2 (Hero, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Defence, Superb, Hercules, Thunderer, Fame, Hero, Dragon, Kent, Warspite, Mars, Bellona, Dragon,, Superb, Kent, Defense, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Resolution, Burford, Boyne, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Rippon,Dunkirk, Achilles, America, Cambridge,, Chichester, Medway, York, Oxford, Vanguard, Grafton, Swiftsure, Northumberland, Buckingham, Princess Amalia, Colhester, Windsor, Princess Louisa, Defiance, Canterbury, Sunderland, Tilbury, Eagle, Northumberland, Hampton Court

as of 1769 Fleet consists of
5 BB1 (laid up) Victory, Princess Royal, Royal Sovereign, Ramilies, Impregnable
48 BB2 Hero, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Defence, Superb, Hercules, Thunderer, Fame, Hero, Dragon, Kent, Warspite, Mars, Bellona, Dragon,, Superb, Kent, Defense, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Resolution, Burford, Boyne, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Rippon, Dunkirk, Achilles, America, Cambridge,, Chichester, Medway, York, Oxford, Vanguard, Grafton, Swiftsure, Northumberland, Buckingham, Princess Amalia, plus 4 BB2 under construction (Magnificent class with Magnificent, Marlborough, Monarch, Majestic)

80 FF1 (Venus, Pallas, Brilliant, Minerva, Vestal, Diana, Juno, Southhampton, Richmond, Thames, Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool, Active, Lyme, Greyhound, Blandford, Shoreham, Scarborough, Garland, Seaford, Lowestoffe, Rose, Deal Castle, Fox, Gibraltar, Bideford, Seahorse, Squirrel, Aldborough, Flamborough, Experiment, Rye, Phoenix, Sheerness, Dolphin, Tartar, Kennington, Winchelsea, Experiment, Lively, Port Mahon, Success, Bidgewater, Prince Henry, Assurance, Expedition, Penzance, Crown, Rainbow, Humber, Woolwich, Angelsea, Torrington,, Hector, Roebuck, Lark, Pearl, Mary Galley, Ludlow Castle, Fowey, Looe, Chesterfield, Poole, Prince Edward, Thetis, Eltham, Folkestone, Faversham, Lynn, Gosport, Saphhire, Hastings, Kinsale, Diamond, Nonsuch, Phoenix, Drake

60 Brigs (Lively, Rose, Galatea, Daphne, Unicorn, Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine, Tamar, Favorite, Flora, Merlin, Racehorse, Pelican, Roman Emperor, Ferret, Senegal, Beaver, Martin, Nautilus, Swift, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Swan, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Fly, Swift, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture, Spy, COrmorant, Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator, Raven, Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Brisk, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge)

manpower 116,000 maintenance: 47 1768
manpower 90,400 maintenance 46.25 points in 1769

Shore establishment
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), Port Mahone (Minorca), Gibraltar
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 120,000 (mostly civilian), maintenance: 6.5

total Navy maintenance: 53.5 points
total manpower 210,400 (including 120,000 reserves and civilians)

The Fleet is organized into Stations assigned to Naval Yards or Factories, each has an Admiral of
London (Nore Fleet) (commander is an Admiral)
5 BB1 (in reserve) 18 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Plymouth (Channel Fleet) (commander is an Admiral)
18 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Portsmouth (Home Fleet) (commander is a Vice Admiral)
18 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Liverpool (Western Approaches Fleet, also provides ships to North American Station)(commander is a Vice Admiral)
5 FF1, 12 Brigs

Bristol (Atlantic Fleet, includes ships assigned to India service)(commander is Rear Admiral)
5 FF1, 5 Brigs

Jamaica (West Indies Fleet)(Commander is a Vice Admiral)
10 FF1, 10 Brigs

Gibraltar (Southern Fleet, watching the Spanish) (Commander is a Vice Admiral)
10 FF1, 5 Brigs

Port Mahone (Mediterranean station, keeps watch over Barbary States and French)(Commander is a Rear Admiral)
5 FF1 5 Brigs

in addition there is a North American Station (base is Boston)(Commander is Vice Admiral)
20 FF1, 20 Brigs

India Station (Rear Admiral)
10 FF1

(specific ships on a station vary from year to year but are generally on station for 4 years)

Unlike the Royal Navy, the British Army belongs to the Parliament and is funded every year by act of Parliament.  In addition there are 2 pseudo private armies maintained by the Hudson Bay Company and East India Company

British Army
Officers hold their commissions by purchase, although promotion by merit or influence or on the battlefield is possible.  General officers are promoted by merit (or influence, or both).  Other ranks are by recruitment, although judges are known to force troublemaking men to enlist and these men are cheerfully accepted.   Shenanigans involving drink or swindle are not unknown as well, and some Gentlemen who lack means to purchase a commission also join as "gentlemen volunteers" hoping to earn a commission.  

Home Forces: (commanded by Lieutenant General John West, Earl De la warr)
Depots: York, Cardiff, Norwich,Leeds, Coverntry, Birmingham , Manchester, Aberdeen ,Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham ,Sheffield,Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton,
Infantry regiments: Exeter, London, Edinburgh, Inverness, (4,000 men total, .4 points)
Cavalry regiments: London, Edinburgh (2,000 men total, .5 points)
artillery companies: York, Birmingham, Aberdeen, Glasgow (800 men total, 2 points)
Infantry Brigade: Bristol (2,500 men, .5 points)
Engineer Brigade: Sheffield (2,500 men, 2 points)(becomes infantry brigade and sent to Gibraltar 1769)
total 16,200 men, 3.9 points

Irish Army (under command Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who is Major General George Townshend)
depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londenerry, Dublin
infantry regiments: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Sligo, Dublin, (5,000 men, .5 points)
cavalry regiments: Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Dublin (4,000 men, 1 point)
artillery companies: Belfast, Dublin (400 men, 1 point)
garrison brigades: Belfast, Cork, Sligo, Dublin (10,000 men, 1 point) add 2 garrison brigades (Galway, Londenarry)  1769
total: 24,400 men and 4 points
(5,000 infantry and 400 artillery are now available as a reaction force elsewhere as the garrison of Ireland will have 15,000 garrison infantry and 4,000 cavalry as a garrison force)

North America (under command of  Major General Gage, headquartered in New York City)
Forts: Fort Albany, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Pitt,  Fort Niagara, , Fort Oswego, Fort Stanwix, Fort William  1769 add  Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Williamsburg, New Bern, Charleston, Savannah (new total 8,000 men, .7 points)

Canada and Hudson Bay (under command of Brigadier General Clinton in Quebec)
Forts: Halifax, Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, in 1768 add St John, (4,000 men, .8 points)
Hudson Bay Company (British troops assigned to protect company assets)
Forts: Fort Rupert, Moose Factory,  Fort Severn, Fort York, Port Nelson, Fort Churchill, (3,000 men, .6 points)
total: 1.4 points, 7,000 men

Caribbean and Florida (under command of a Major General Guy Carleton in Nassau)
Forts: Kingston (500 men, .1 point), as of 1768 add Nassau, Barbados (1,000 men, .2 points) plus forts Fort Mobile, Pensacola, St. Augustine reassigned (1,500 men, .3 points)
1 infantry regiment (Nassau),
new total (.7 points, 4,000 men)

Mediterranean (under command of  Major General Robert Boyd )
Fortress Gibraltar (2,500 men, .25 points)(gets an infantry brigade 1769)
Fort: Port Mahan (500 men, .1 point)

Total as of mid 1769: 62,600 men (includes 15,000 considered reserve) maintenance cost 11.05

British East India Company Army (also called Sepoy Army) (50% European and Indian with all officers and senior NCOs European)
commanded by Sir Richard Smith
Forts:  Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Dhaka,Masulipatnam (2,500 men, .5 points)
depots: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
Infantry regiments: 4 at Bombay, 4 at Madras, 4 at Calcutta (can only serve in India) (12,000 men, 1.2 points)
as of 1769, add 3 cavalry regiments (1 per depot), 3 artillery companies (1 per depot) (3,600 men,
new total 4.05 points, manpower 18,100 men
upgrade 3 forts (Bombay, Madrass, Calcutta) to fortresses in 1769 (adds 6,000 men, maintenance increases to .25 each)

Total cost Ground forces: 15.1 points, 86,700 men (includes 15,000 reserve, 14,000 Sepoy)

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:11 pm; edited 5 times in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:29 am

Background info

The British won the Seven Years' War at great cost in terms of high debt and lives. The Pontiac's War or rebellion has shown the Crown/Parliament that there is a strong need for sizeable military presence to protect the colonist and native american allies from each other or other European powers in North America. A growing number MPs in Parliament feel that the colonies need to pay their fair share for imperial defense of the Americas and to help cover the war debt.  There is also a need to keep the Royal Navy ready for anything given the tensions with other European powers in wake of the seven years war, however some in Parliament note it is reasonable to mothball some of the warships of the fleet until the need for them aroses. Which in turn will help balance out the books in terms of running cost.

Meanwhile the British East Indies Trading Company is busy expanding its interests/ holdings in India and becoming a power of its own might in the region.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:52 pm

1768 Defence of the Realm Act

With a staggering debt load, but certain of British naval supremacy after its victory in the Seven Years War, the relatively leaderless Whig Party dominates Parliament and seeks reduce expenses.  As the Stamp Act failed, and the Townsend Acts are not yet bringing the revenue hoped (as it will not be until 1768 that they really go into effect, and even then it takes months for any revenue raised to actually reach England), the Government orders the Navy to reduce its budget sharply.   Meanwhile, word of the act by Mysore on East India Company territory in the area around Bombay places pressure to send troops to assist the East India Company forces (in game terms, cadre for more Sepoy regiments), while meanwhile the fractious response by the American Colonials to the Stamp Act, and widespread calls for boycott and protests has increased the demand for troops to ensure order is maintained in North America.   This means a larger army is needed, and recruitment is already difficult.   In addition, the Creek Indians (also called the Seminole), which invade Florida after the destruction of the Spanish missions there during Queen Anne’s War (over 60 years ago) has become a problem, and as communications into Florida are far more easily achieved by sea than land, plus the general weakness of land defenses in the British Caribbean calls for a new military commander and more troops.   Thus Guy Carleton is recalled from Quebec and his post as Governor General of Canada, and is promoted to Major General and Governor of the British Caribbean and Florida.  He will take his post as soon as he can return home for detailed instructions, collect his new troops, and proceed to Nassau (British Bahamas).  The Navy is instructed also to reinforce the Caribbean as well, and numerous triple decker ships of the line (BB1) will be demobilized and their marines collected into regiments for his use. Brigadier General Henry Clinton is ordered to take up command in Canada as the new governor general.

Navy cuts
15 BB1 are ordered broken up (leaving 5 triple deckers in service as fleet flagships).  This frees up 1,500 Marines, as well as 13,500 officers and sailors.   It also frees up 7 points from the naval maintenance budget.  
5 BB1  Victory, Princess Royal,  Royal Sovereign, Ramilies,  Impregnable remain as fleet flagships but are ordered laid up. (and will be at Medway/London Naval Factory), this frees up 500 Marines and 4,500 officers and sailors.  Maintenance is reduced to .25 for all them (reducing the budget by another 3.25 points)
4 BB2 (4th rate ships) are found to be surplus of needs and converted into receiving ships (demilitarized, effectively floating barracks)  Anson, Tiger, Weymouth, Medway, joining them are a number of other 3rd and 4th rate ships found to be inadequate, and 12 4th rates (all of 50 or 60 guns) are also slated for disposal (some end up with the East India, others as storeships, receiving ships or prison hulks) freeing up 900 marines and 8700 officers and sailors;

this leaves 48 BB2 in service :  Hero, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Defence, Superb, Hercules, Thunderer, Fame, Hero, Dragon, Kent, Warspite, Mars, Bellona, Dragon,, Superb, Kent, Defense, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Resolution, Burford, Boyne, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Rippon, Dunkirk, Achilles, America, Cambridge,, Chichester, Medway, York, Oxford, Vanguard, Grafton, Swiftsure, Northumberland, Buckingham, Princess Amalia, (Nore, Channel and Home Fleets reduced to 16 BB2 each)

To replace these outdated ships as well as anticipated losses due to wrecks and age, 20 BB2 and 10  BB1 are planned, with 2 BB2 to begin construction in 1768
BB2 Magnificent, Malborough (year 1 of 6, 1 point of 6) London Naval Factory
For Imperial policing, merchant ship escort and general patrol, the large number of frigates and sloops are untouched by these cuts.
Fleet maintenance reduced from 47 to 36.75 points
1,000 Marines are formed into 1 regiment of infantry (1 points)(to be based at Nassau), another 1500 marines form a garrison at a new forts at Nassau (2 points), Barbados (2 points), and St John (Newfoundland) (2 points)
remaining 400 Marines represent unfilled positions.  

the 26,700 personnel freed up by the scrapping or laying up of 33 ships of the line allow for the complete manning of the remaining ships of the fleet, retirement of elderly (or inefficient) officers and crew positions that were unfilled.  

British Army
1500 officers and enlisted men are recruited for service in India with East India Company, many drawn from the Army, with officers and enlisted positions available for new men (promotions in the existing army, new young officers and recruits fill those vacancies, existing enlisted men and officers seconded on a voluntary basis to the East India Army).    3 Sepoy regiments of Cavalry are raised (6 points)(3000 troops total)

1767 budget Navy/Army  66.1
1768 budget Navy/Army 69.85 points

1768 Budget
Defense (see above) 69.85 points
interest payment debt service 10 points
principal payment 25 points
total expenses 104.85 points
income 86.75 points
Deficit 18.1 points
borrowing 25 points (fills deficit gap)
available 6.9 points
.9 points set aside for proper survey of Florida
6 points for creation of 3 artillery companies for service in India (1 each depot)(300 British troops, remainder Sepoys)

Taxes for North America
Townsend Acts expanded with goal of obtaining 25 points a year from North American 13 Colonies to make up for borrowing required to fund Army and Navy and for war debt from the Seven Years War
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:52 pm

Captain Cook, first expedition
In February 1768, Lieutenant Cook and his small brig the "Endeavour" sets sail for the South Pacific on a mission of exploration and scientific discovery
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:51 pm

Throughout 1768, The impact of the Crown taxes and the use of custom officials/taxmen does have a slight impact on the colonial economy. They managed to send over to the Crown only 1 point of income from the colonies to Great Britain by years end. However it's not the level of tax income that many in Parliament were sold on when they pass these acts.


For 1769 build, the colonies lose one point of income and Britain gains one point of income.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:42 am

British election of 1768
The 1768 British general election returned members to serve in the House of Commons of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain to be held, after the merger of the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland in 1707.

The election saw the emergence of a new political leadership in parliament, with the dominant figures of the previous parliament; the Earl of Bute, the Earl of Chatham, and the Duke of Newcastle all retiring from political life for various reasons. The new administration centred on the First Lord of the Treasury; the Duke of Grafton, and his leader in the commons; Lord North.

However, there was an important development that would cause trouble later. John Wilkes is elected in Middlesex and Parliament begins a move to void his election.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:40 pm

1769 British Budget

British Income 1769
87.75 points

RN maintenance
active ships: 48 BB2,80 FF1, 60 Brigs (24 + 16 + 6 = 46)
inactive ships: 5 BB1 (.25)
1 naval factory, 7 naval yards (6.5)
total naval 52.75

British Army maintenance
1 infantry brigade, 1 engineer brigade, 4 garrison brigades, 10 infantry regiments, 6 cavalry regiments, 6 artillery companies  (7.4 points)
1 fortress, 28 forts (3.05 points)
total 10.45

East India Company Army maintenance
12 infantry regiments, 3 cavalry regiments, 3 artillery companies, 5 forts (5.7 points)

Total military maintenance: 68.9 points

New forces being raised
BB2 Magnificent, Malborough (year 2 of 6, 1 point, 2 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB2 Monarch, Majestic (year 1 of 6, 1 point, 1 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
7 Forts (Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Williamsburg, New Bern, Charleston, Savannah) 14 points
2 garrison brigades (for Ireland) 4 points
3 forts (Bombay, Madras, Caluctta) upgraded to fortresses (for India, 1 per Presidency) 6 points
new forces total: 24 points

debt service 35 points (principal and interest)

Other actions:
1 engineer brigade in England converted into an 1 infantry brigade (to be sent to Gibraltar)
trading post at Fort York Sumatra rebuilt 3 points

total expenditure: 130.9
deficit: 43.15 points borrowed
(debt climbs to 518.15 points)
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:38 pm

Net income from Townsend's acts for 1769, by seizing illegal cargo and collecting taxes, the Crown is able to get only 3 points of income from the colonies. Many in Parliament are becoming unhappy low level of tax revenue, considering the cost of enforcing the acts on the colonies.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:52 pm

Ottoman wrote:Net income from Townsend's acts for 1769, by seizing illegal cargo and collecting taxes, the Crown is able to get only 3 points of income from the colonies.  Many in Parliament are becoming unhappy low level of tax revenue, considering the cost of enforcing the acts on the colonies.

However, that income allows the Crown to take a bit less from the British East India Company, which invests it in a trading post at Georgetown, Pedang, off the Malay Peninsula
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:08 pm

The British Army and British Hudson Bay Company determine that the threat of French action against the Hudson Bay forts (scene of fighting in 3 of the French and Indian Wars) is unlikely in the extreme now that the British hold Quebec. The threat of Indian activity is also minimal and has been for decades.

On that note, the forts of Fort Rupert, Moose Factory, Fort Severn, Fort York, Port Nelson are ordered abandoned, as the local traders and friendly Indians can defend them from any likely problem, with only Fort Churchill to remain as a fort. This frees up 2,500 troops, who are organized into 2 battalions of infantry and the remaining 500 men are available for a needed fort at Bermuda. Both battalions are ordered to Nassau, and a fort at Bermuda is ordered for 1770.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:59 pm

In 1769, James Watt patents the steam engine. He follows up with additional patents on improvements that same year. Richard Arkwright patents a spinning frame able to weave cloth mechanically. The basis of industrial cloth manufacture and the Industrial Revolution are laid.

A Shakespeare Jubilee festival is held in Stratford on Avon
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:13 pm

Bengal Famine of 1770

After years of mismanagement and harsh taxation, the region of Bengal suffers massive famine. Which will result in the death of 10 million people roughly....But that's not the concern of the British East India Company. Their concern is the massive drop in tax revenue from the core region of their trading empire...

Effective 1770
Port of Calcutta value drops to .25 until 1773
Commence Income 2 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)- No Commence Income until 1773


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:02 pm

Most of 1769, a steady number of Omani trade vessels arrive in Bombay purchasing large amounts of firearms, small cannons and other material. East Company officials just shrugged and gladly accept the Omani funds with no issue.

These vessels also make stops on Balochi coast, recruiting local Balochi tribesmen and fishermen for Omani navy and army.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:08 pm

1770 Forces
Naval Budget is unchanged from 1769
remains at 53.5 points
deployment as follows:
London (Nore Fleet) (commander is an Admiral)
5 BB1 (in reserve) 18 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Plymouth (Channel Fleet) (commander is an Admiral)
18 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Portsmouth (Home Fleet) (commander is a Vice Admiral)
18 BB2, 5 FF1, 1 Brig

Liverpool (Western Approaches Fleet, also provides ships to North American Station)(commander is a Vice Admiral)
5 FF1, 12 Brigs

Bristol (Atlantic Fleet, includes ships assigned to India service)(commander is Rear Admiral)
5 FF1, 5 Brigs

Jamaica (West Indies Fleet)(Commander is a Vice Admiral)
10 FF1, 10 Brigs plus 4 BB2 from fleets in Britain on recruiting duty for a season

Gibraltar (Southern Fleet,  watching the Spanish) (Commander is a Vice Admiral)
10 FF1, 5 Brigs

Port Mahone (Mediterranean station, keeps watch over Barbary States and French)(Commander is a Rear Admiral)
5 FF1 5 Brigs

in addition there is a North American Station (base is Boston)(Commander is Vice Admiral)
20 FF1, 20 Brigs plus 4 BB2 from fleets in Britain on recruiting duty for a season

India Station (Rear Admiral)
10 FF1

Home Forces: (commanded by Lieutenant General John West, Earl De la warr)
Depots: York, Cardiff, Norwich,Leeds, Coverntry, Birmingham , Manchester, Aberdeen ,Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham ,Sheffield,Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton,
Infantry regiments: Exeter, London, Edinburgh, Inverness, (4,000 men total, .4 points)
Cavalry regiments: London, Edinburgh (2,000 men total, .5 points)
artillery companies: York, Birmingham, Aberdeen, Glasgow (800 men total, 2 points)
Infantry Brigade: Bristol (2,500 men, .5 points)
Engineer Brigade: Sheffield (2,500 men, 2 points)(becomes infantry brigade and sent to Gibraltar 1769)
total 16,200 men, 3.9 points

Irish Army (under command Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who is Major General George Townshend)
depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londenerry, Dublin
infantry regiments: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Sligo, Dublin, (5,000 men, .5 points)
cavalry regiments: Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Dublin (4,000 men, 1 point)
artillery companies: Belfast, Dublin (400 men, 1 point)
garrison brigades: Belfast, Cork, Sligo, Dublin (10,000 men, 1 point) add 2 garrison brigades (Galway, Londenarry)  1769
total: 24,400 men and 4 points
(5,000 infantry and 400 artillery are now available as a reaction force elsewhere as the garrison of Ireland will have 15,000 garrison infantry and 4,000 cavalry as a garrison force)

North America (under command of  Major General Gage, headquartered in New York City)
Forts: Fort Albany, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Pitt,  Fort Niagara, , Fort Oswego, Fort Stanwix, Fort William  1769 add  Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Williamsburg, New Bern, Charleston, Savannah (new total 8,000 men, .7 points)

Canada and Hudson Bay (under command of Brigadier General Clinton in Quebec)
Forts: Halifax, Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, in 1768 add St John, (4,000 men, .8 points)
Hudson Bay Company (British troops assigned to protect company assets)
Forts: Fort Churchill, (500 men, .1 points)
total: .9 points, 4500 men

Caribbean and Florida (under command of a Major General Guy Carleton in Nassau)
Forts: Kingston (500 men, .1 point), as of 1768 add Nassau, Barbados (1,000 men, .2 points) plus forts Fort Mobile, Pensacola, St. Augustine reassigned (1,500 men, .3 points)
3 infantry regiment (Nassau)
Bermuda is added to the area of responsibility with a fort planned for there (will add.1 point and 500 men in 1770)
new total (.9 points, 6,000 men)

Mediterranean (under command of  Major General Robert Boyd )
Fortress Gibraltar (2,500 men, .25 points)(gets an infantry brigade 1769)
Fort: Port Mahan (500 men, .1 point)

Total as of mid 1769: 62,600 men (includes 15,000 considered reserve) maintenance cost 11.05

British East India Company Army (also called Sepoy Army) (50% European and Indian with all officers and senior NCOs European)
commanded by Sir Richard Smith
Forts:  Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Dhaka,Masulipatnam (2,500 men, .5 points)
depots: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
Infantry regiments: 4 at Bombay, 2 at Madras, 4 at Calcutta (can only serve in India) (12,000 men, 1 points)
as of 1769, add 3 cavalry regiments (1 per depot), 3 artillery companies (1 per depot) (3,600 men,
new total 4.05 points, manpower 16,100 men
upgrade 3 forts (Bombay, Madrass, Calcutta) to fortresses in 1769 (adds 6,000 men, maintenance increases to .25 each)

Total cost Ground forces: 14.9 points, 84,700 men (includes 15,000 reserve, 15,000 Sepoy)

Build needed 1770
1 fort Bermuda 2 points
2 infantry battalions Madras 2 points
Fortress Vellore (Madras Presidency) 4 points
BB2 Magnificent, Malborough (year 3 of 6, 1 point, 2 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB2 Monarch, Majestic (year 2 of 6, 1 point, 1 of 6 spent) London Naval Factory
BB1 Prince of Wales (year 1 of 10, .7 points of 7) Plymouth Naval Yard
FF1 Jamaica, Bermuda (year 1 of 4, .75 points of 3) Kingston Naval Yard
construction budget: 11.45 points

total military budget 79.85 total

plus trading post Dubai 3 points

82.85 spending

East India Company economic losses 2.75
Debt service 30
Interest payment 11

total 126.6
income 86.75 points
deficit 39.85
borrowed 40 points (debt increases to 528.15)

Unsatisfied with income received and taxation efforts in North America, Parliament takes another look at North America. The British East India Company expenses and losses this year are also drawing some sharp criticism.

The Navy and Army are warned that further cost measures are going to be examined

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:20 pm

Winter 1770
Lord North takes power in Britain as the Duke of Grafton resigns from the position of Prime Minister. North immediately begins campaigning in Parliament for a repeal of all of the Townshend Act except for increased duties on Tea. He also approves the British East India Company deal with the Dutch VOC (transfer of Fort York, mutual assistance versus pirates and promises not to instigate proxy wars in each other territories, other minor matters) and indicates continued support for the now struggling British Company.

North and King George III get alone very well, having similar temperaments and a same basic decency regarding personal morality. Whether North is truly up to the task of dealing with the American Colonials remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, the payment of 6 points by the VOC is applied to East India Company purchases, and monies allocated for that previously are instead used for debt service.

(debt reduced to 522.15). However the military is warned that cost cutting measures for next year are still being examined.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:20 pm

December 1770
The untimely death of the SecState for the Colonies and a year in office by Lord North leads to changes. William Nassau de Zuylesten, 4th Earl of Rochford, is moved from Secretary of State (Northern Department) to Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs and given a brief to work with the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to ensure that America and Ireland become useful, secure and loyal members of the Realm. the Earl of Sandwich, who had been considered for the position of Sea Lord, is instead given his old job back as SecState (Northern Department).

In addition, the continued financial burden of the large war debt, along with the unwillingness to pay that debt voluntarily by the Colonies, and general impasse that has resulted, results in North deciding that a more powerful and useful Secretary of Treasury is needed. He appoints Edmund Burke to the position, who is friends with Ben Franklin, Samuel Johnson, James Fox and knows others of importance such as Adam Smith. North and the King push hard for Burke to find a solution to the debt problem.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:09 pm

Survey of Florida results

Late 1770, the British expedition to map region returns reports hostile encounters with Seminole tribes that inhabited the region, it's noted a there is sizeable number of runaway slaves that are now members of the Seminole tribe. The expeditionary leader also provide a decent map of the region to his superiors.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:41 pm

Early 1770

A number of Anglo-Irish Lords and Irish Parliament MPs send a petition to the Crown and Lord North, requesting a charter to settle sparsely inhabited region of Province of Quebec known as Pays d'en Haut( in rl known as Ontario or Upper Canada). We are requesting to create a new colony known as New Hibernia with plans to create a capital city called Gotham( rl Toronto).  They represent their petition as means to allow the poorer sections of the Irish population to help settle the new world. Which in turn will help them reduce the surplus population in Ireland itself.

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:06 pm

Ottoman wrote:Early 1770

A number of Anglo-Irish Lords and Irish Parliament MPs send a petition to the Crown and Lord North, requesting a charter to settle sparsely inhabited region of Province of Quebec known as Pays d'en Haut( in rl known as Ontario or Upper Canada). We are requesting to create a new colony known as New Hibernia with plans to create a capital city called Gotham( rl Toronto).  They represent their petition as means to allow the poorer sections of the Irish population to help settle the new world. Which in turn will help them reduce the surplus population in Ireland itself.

This petition is still sitting waiting for further review until nearly Christmas when the new Secretary of State for the Colonies reviews and rapidly approves the suggestion. A charter is granted with permission of the Crown, however, they are warned that no funds exist for this at the present although if private funds can be found then authority would be so granted. (ooc: lets see if they put up some money).

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:08 pm

Ottoman wrote:Survey of Florida results

Late 1770, the British expedition to map region returns reports hostile encounters with Seminole tribes that inhabited the region, it's noted a there is sizeable number of runaway slaves that are now members of the Seminole tribe. The expeditionary leader also provide a decent map of the region to his superiors.

to keep the peace and due to the unfriendly nature of the terrain, the British Government decides to pretend that only Seminoles live in Florida at the present time. Also no one wants to spend money on retrieving runaway slaves (Treasury) and there is no glory in it (Navy, Army)
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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:14 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:
Ottoman wrote:Early 1770

A number of Anglo-Irish Lords and Irish Parliament MPs send a petition to the Crown and Lord North, requesting a charter to settle sparsely inhabited region of Province of Quebec known as Pays d'en Haut( in rl known as Ontario or Upper Canada). We are requesting to create a new colony known as New Hibernia with plans to create a capital city called Gotham( rl Toronto).  They represent their petition as means to allow the poorer sections of the Irish population to help settle the new world. Which in turn will help them reduce the surplus population in Ireland itself.

This petition is still sitting waiting for further review until nearly Christmas when the new Secretary of State for the Colonies reviews and rapidly approves the suggestion.  A charter is granted with permission of the Crown, however, they are warned that no funds exist for this at the present although if private funds can be found then authority would be so granted.  (ooc: lets see if they put up some money).  

By January of 1771

By various means of collection drives and donations by Anglo-Irish lords eager to send out troublemaker Irish Catholics to somewhere else. They managed to pool enough funds for one settlement( Gotham located at rl Toronto).

OOC: you get 3 points to build the settlement, will started out as Outpost.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Lefty Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:57 pm

VOC representatives hearing word of sale of arms and materiel to Omani ships, notifies the EIC that Batavia considers its British counterparts to be in breach of the recent agreement, barely before the ink has dried. Oman has sponsored pirate raids on numerous outposts, and should the EIC not take immediate action to remedy the matter, the VOC will consider all terms of the treaty null and void.

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