Commonwealth E20
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Kingdom of Great Britain

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:46 pm

Basic Information

Great Britain (as it is officially known) is a monarchy in name but is run by Parliament in fact, although the Crown does have considerable influence
Crown:  King William IV (B 1765, Reign begins 1786)
succession: see here

Prime Minister: William Pitt the Elder
First Lord of the Admiralty: Charles Middleton
Secretary of State for War: John Pratt
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Dudley Ryder
First Lord of the Treasury: William Pitt the Younger

House of Commons:
Dudites: 383
Pittites: 250
Other: 25

Population: 15,700,000

Last edited by Haneastic on Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:09 am; edited 5 times in total

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:50 pm

Economic Information

Homeland, Dominions, Crown Colonies, and Trading Companies
The homeland and Dominions have their own Parliaments and home rule with the Crown (or his Lord Lieutenant) have a ceremonial role as well as real command of their armed forces in the name of the Crown, the Crown Colonies have varying degrees of home rule with a Governor General in charge of their foreign policy, while the Trading Companies are subject to British law through their Governors and Boards of Directors.  

Kingdom of Great Britain and Dominion of Ireland
Population: 15.7 million(Ireland Pop 5.2 million, Great Britain-10.5 million) (tax income 3.1 points in peacetime, 7.7 points wartime)
14 Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry
10 Financial Centers: London
1 Entrepot: London
9 Craft Centers (1 London, 1 Liverpool, 1 Glasgow , 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Swansea, 1 Londonderry)
6 Resources (1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Swansea)
3 PC (Sheffield, Leeds, Birmingham)
40 commercial fleets

Total income: 82.1 points

Crown Colonies
British West Indies (each is a crown colony, discussion underway to convert entire area to a Dominion)
Populations: 450,000
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston
2 Resources- 2 Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, ,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.5 points each)
plus 1 Guyana (Georgetown)(.25 points)
total income: 11.25 points

Virgin Islands (former Dutch)
St Maartin, St Eustatius (.25 points each) .5 points

Subtotal British Caribbean: 11.75 points

North America
British Florida (organized into West Florida and South Florida)
Population: 11,000 (plus Indians and Maroons in the hinterland, particularly in South Florida)
2 Cities: 1 (Pensacola, Mobile)
2 Trading post: 5 (Tampa Bay, Miami)
total income 1.5 points  

Crown Colony of Newfoundland
Port St Johns
1 Resource (Lumber)
population 25,000
2 points

North American income: 3.5  points

British South Atlantic
Cape Colony
population 80,000 European by 1789, plus 30,000 slaves and additional African populations in the various areas claimed
Port: Capetown 1 point
City: Nieuwe Haven (RL Port Elizabeth, will be called New Haven by British) .5 points
3 shipping units (1.5 points)
trading posts: Pretoria, Port Shepstone, Durban (.75 points)

Falkland Islands Colony
1 Town: .25 (Fort Stanley)

British Oceania
Villages Sydney (1787), Hobart (1797)
trading post: Auckland .25 points

South Atlantic: 4.25

Generally speaking if a river goes to the Pacific or Gulf of Mexico, it belongs to the British American Fur Trading Company.  If it goes to the North Atlantic, Great Lakes or Arctic Ocean, it belongs to the Hudson Bay Company.  This includes watersheds.  Existence of the fur trade monopoly does not however preclude the placement of settler colonies by the American or British Governments.  

British West Africa Company
4 Trading Post at Accra (Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown), Lagos, Badgry
Total Income= 1 point

British South Sea Company
Trading posts: Suva (Fiji), Bora Bora (Samoa), Honolulu (Hawaii) .75

British East India Company
Financial Center: London(1) 5 points
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Tricomalee 4 points
Commence Income 4 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 2 point
tribute from Oman 1 point
trading post: Georgetown (Pedang Malaysia), Makassar (Borneo), Malacca (Malaya), Fort York/Bencoolen (Sumatra), Brunei, Rangoon  1.5 points
trading post Okinawa .25
12 Commercial fleets = 6 points
Total income 25.5  points

Trading Company Income: 27.25

Great Britain Income: 82.1
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 129.1

Additional Claims:
Hawaiian Islands
Cook Islands
South Georgia Islands
Ascension Island
St Helena Island
Grand Cayman Islands

trade agreements with China, Okinawa, Brunei, Burma

basing treaty with Sultan of Morocco regarding Tangiers

Last edited by Haneastic on Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:33 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:51 pm

Military Information

British military forces 1800


BEF Europe- General Abercromby, Quartered in Plymouth
4 Infantry Divisions
4 Rifle Brigades
1 Cavalry Division
1 Artillery Brigade

Army of the British Isle- General Arthur Wellesley, Quartered in London
1 Field Army, Demobilized

British Home Army
Home Forces, headquarters Horseguards, London
2 Fortress areas: Medway (entrance to Thames River). Tangiers
Fortresses: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol
Depots: York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton, Aldershot
1 Cavalry Brigade (Royal Horse Guard)- London
1 Infantry Division (Tangiers)
15 Militia Brigades (Rotating throughout depots)

Irish Army: Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Duke of Limerick
1 Irish Cavalry Brigade (Irish Guards)

2 Fortresses: Dublin, Belfast
8 Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londonderry, Dublin
1 Fort: Bermuda

Caribbean Army: Lord Lieutenant Duke of Manhattan

1 Colonial infantry division at Kingston, 1 Colonial engineer brigade Kingston, (2 points)
3 Colonial Jamaican Brigades (man the forts and fortresses in the Caribbean, 25% White, remainder Freed Blacks and Creoles, included in the fort and fortress maintenance, Mobile and Florida forts are all mixed White/Creole out of deference to local sensibilities)

5 Fortresses: Nassau (Bahamas), Kingston (Jamaica), Mobile (West Florida), Port-au-Prince, Cap Francis
18 Forts: St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago, Barbados, Pensacola, St Augustine, Miami, Tampa Bay, St Eustacius, St Maartin

(manpower 11,250 Black/Creole troops, 7750 Anglo-Irish)

South Africa
Headquarters: Paarlberg, South Africa
2 Forts: Capetown, Falklands
1 Garrison Division: Capetown

BEF South Atlantic- Quartered in Capetown
4 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry Brigade
1 Artillery Battalion
1 Supply Column
1 Engineer Brigade

Indian Army
Lord Lieutenant of India, Duke of Bengal
7 Fortresses: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore, Dhaka, Masulipatnam, Tricomalee (each has a depot)
7 Sepoy Garrison Brigades: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Vallore, Dhaka, Masulipatnam, Tricomalee
4 forts: Balikpapan, Malacca, Fort York, Penang

Royal Navy

Home Fleet (Plymouth)
5 BB1 (Victory, Sirius, Canopus, Rigel, Polaris) 14 BB2 ( Canada, Valiant, Defense, Black Prince, Triumph, Vanguard, Zealous, Resolution, Goliath, Warspite, Hero, Superb, Thunder, Arrogant), 5 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh

Channel Fleet (Portsmouth)
5 BB1 (Impregnable, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Procyon), 12 BB2 (Ark Royal, Agincourt, New England, Cambria, Hibernia, Mississippi, Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Phoenix, Warrior) 4 FF1 Devonshire, Sussex, Dorsetshire, London

North Sea Fleet (Medway/London)
9 BB2 (Burford, Medway, Boyne, Superior, Commonwealth, Protector, Dominion, Hercules, Union), 10 FF1 (Hull, Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk, Cornwall, Cumberland, 10 brigs Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Porcupine), 10 Brigs

Western Approaches Fleet (Bristol)
10 FF1 York, Roebuck, Sapphire, Dolphin, Lark, Pearl, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Sheerness

Mediterranean Fleet (Tangiers)
5 BB1 (Prince Royal, Altair, Antares, Pollux, Castor), 12 BB2 (Gibraltar, New Orleans, Key West, Baton Rouge, Valiant, Hercules, Superb, Shrewsbury, Oxford, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars) 5 FF1 (Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Sapphire)

West African Squadron (Based out of Capetown)
5 FF1 (Success, Folkestone, Faversham, Scarborough, Coventry)

Southern Fleet (Capetown)
4 BB1 (Royal Sovereign, Deneb, Regulus, Gemini), 12 BB2 (Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Royal Oak, Revenge, Achilles, Swiftsure, York, Wolverine, Saint Patrick, Ushant)  12 FF1 (Durham, Worcester, Somerset, Cheshire, Cumbria, Ceylon, Calcutta, Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington, Nottingham)

West Indies Fleet (Jamaica)
1 BB1 (Prince of Wales), 8 BB2 (Invicible, Implacable, Quiberon Bay, Cape Finisterre , Blenheim, Lowestoft, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary) 14 FF1 (Flintshire, Carmarthen, Dundee, Aberdeen, Bermuda, Nassau, Jamaica, Barbuda, Grenada, Liverpool, Penzanze,  Gosport, Lynn, Winchelsea) 20 Brigs Kingfisher, Cygnet, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Flora,  Pelican,  Ferret,  Martin, Raven, Barracuda, Sea Snake, Albacore, Cachelot, Orca, Marlin, Cuttlefish, Narwhale, Sea Leopard, Sea Tiger

Indian Ocean Fleet (Bombay)
5 FF1 Inverness, Donegal, Wexford, Claire, Newfoundland

Pacific Fleet (Port Stanley but patrolling Pacific Northwest and Hawaii and New Zealand and Australia)(includes exploration ships)
5 FF1 Assurance, Thetis, Alarm, Stag, Seahorse

Home Courier force (Penzanze)
10 Brig Savage, Delight, Thorn,  Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon

Bombay Courier force (Bombay)
11 Brig Dragonfly, Firefly, Peregrine, Eagle, Swift, Falcon, Albatross, Cheetah, Sailfish, Pronghorn, Zebra

20 BB1 (5,000 men, 2.5 points)
68 BB2 (52,500 men, 17 points)
75 FF1 (34,500 men, 14.6 points)
51 Brigs (9,800 men, 4.9 points)  

Naval infrastructure
Shore establishment (total repair/build points available (350 home, 50 Caribbean plus once complete 50 North America)
Overseas Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica), New York (Colonial Fleet)
Home naval yards: Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth, Bristol,
Home Naval Factory: London
manpower: 90,000 (mostly civilian)

Last edited by Haneastic on Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:05 pm; edited 10 times in total

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:21 pm

Political Developments, 1796-1797

The end of the wars in Europe and the dominance of France sees significant political upheaval in Great Britain. The utter failure of the British intervention in Germany and the creation of a French power with numerous puppet states surrounding it forces a change in view towards the continent. The Pittite government finally collapses when his remaining Whig allies, led by Lord William Grenville, humiliated from the Hanover Affair, depart his government, forcing another no-confidence vote which Pitt loses overwhelmingly.

The result is chaotic: Pitt is considered politically dead, however his opponents are largely scattered. Charles Fox is considered too radical to lead due to his anti-monarchical and radical abolitionist views. William Grenville is seen as partly responsible for the Hanover embarrassment and unable to lead. Both Fox and Grenville, however, attract significant backing and can merely lend their support to whichever government comes into power.

In the end, Henry Dundas, foreign secretary for Pitt's government is able to cobble together support from Foxite, Pittite, Scottish, and abolitionist MPs in order to create a governing coalition of 383 in the majority.

Dundas's first order of business is to get the government and its finances in order. Great Britain is heavily in debt and further efforts must be made to rationalize the economy and get it on a self-sustaining path. His first order of business is to sell the government's stake in the Hudson Bay and British Fur Trading company to the North American Colony, as well as to make Quebec a special territory in the North American Colony. This will allow Great Britain to shed its military commitments to these areas, as well as generate substantial revenue from the sale (40 points over 2 years) in order to pay down debt.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:54 pm

1797-1798 Build

The new government orders a rationalization of the Kingdom's military forces, as a gargantuan cost, sizable debt loads, and peace necessitate the need to make hard choices. The sale of North American territories and transfer of military commitments to the North American Dominion help reduce cost, as does a reduction in forces on the European continent to a modest expeditionary force (OOC: ORBAT will be edited). The small surpus is spent paying down debt, as well as outreach to the tribes in South Africa to make allies in the area.

Kingdom of Great Britain and Dominion of Ireland
Population: 15.7 million(Ireland Pop 5.2 million, Great Britain-10.5 million) (tax income 3.1 points in peacetime, 7.7 points wartime)
14 Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry
2 Financial Centera: 2 London
1 Entrepot: London
Craft Centers:9 Craft Centers (1 London, 1 Liverpool 1 Birmingham , 1 Glasgow , 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Swansea, 1 Londonderry)
Resources: 7 resources (1 Manchester, 1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Swansea)
2 PC (Sheffield, Leeds)
40 commercial fleets

Total British Islands: 74.1 points

Crown Colonies
British West Indies (each is a crown colony, discussion underway to convert entire area to a Dominion)
Populations: 450,000
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston
2 Resources- 2 Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.5 points each)
plus 1 Guyana (Georgetown), St Maartin, St Eustatius (.25 points each)

Total British Caribbean: 11.75 points

North America
British Florida (organized into West Florida and South Florida)
Population: 11,000 (plus Indians and Maroons in the hinterland, particularly in South Florida)
Pensacola (West Florida) = .5 points
City Mobile Bay (West Florida) (with 5,000 Dutch settlers, 3000 slaves) .5 points beginning 1790
trading post Tampa Bay (South Florida) Miami (South Florida)  .5 points
Subtotal 1.5 points  

Crown Colony of Newfoundland
Port St Johns
1 Resource (Lumber)
population 25,000
2 points

Total North American income: 3.5  points

British South Atlantic
Cape Colony
population 80,000 European by 1789, plus 30,000 slaves and additional African populations in the various areas claimed
Port: Capetown 1 point
City: Nieuwe Haven (RL Port Elizabeth, will be called New Haven by British) .5 points
3 shipping units (1.5 points)
trading posts: Pretoria, Port Shepstone, Durban (.75 points)

Falkland Islands Colony
Port Stanley (village 1786)

British Oceania
outposts Sydney (1787), Hobart (1787)
trading post: Auckland .25 points

Total South Atlantic: 4

British West Africa Company
4 Trading Post at Accra (Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown), Lagos, Badgry
Total Income: 1 point

British South Sea Company
Trading posts: Suva (Fiji), Bora Bora (Samoa), Honolulu (Hawaii) .75

British East India Company
Financial Center: London(1) 5 points
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Tricomalee 4 points
Commence Income 4 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 2 point
tribute from Oman 1 point
trading post: Georgetown (Pedang Malaysia), Makassar (Borneo), Malacca (Malaya), Fort York/Bencoolen (Sumatra), Brunei, Rangoon  1.5 points
trading post Okinawa .15
12 Commercial fleets = 6 points
Total India 23.65  points

British Islands: 74.1
Overseas Income: 44.65
One-Time Income: 20 (from sale of North American holdings)

Total Income: 138.75

Army Maintenance: 20
Naval Maintenance: 38.25

Total Maintenance: 63.25

National Debt: 1000
Total Debt Service: 60 (40 Principal, 20 Interest)

Remaining Income: 18.5
Remaining Naval Construction: 5 (BB1 class, all other ships paid in full)- Year 7/9
Pay Down Debt: 13 (Remaining debt reduced to 947)
Zulu outreach: .5
Kingdom of Great Britain and Dominion of Ireland
Population: 15.7 million(Ireland Pop 5.2 million, Great Britain-10.5 million) (tax income 3.1 points in peacetime, 7.7 points wartime)
14 Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry
2 Financial Centera: 2 London
1 Entrepot: London
Craft Centers:9 Craft Centers (1 London, 1 Liverpool 1 Birmingham , 1 Glasgow , 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Swansea, 1 Londonderry)
Resources: 7 resources (1 Manchester, 1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Swansea)
2 PC (Sheffield, Leeds)
40 commercial fleets

Total British Islands: 74.1 points

Crown Colonies
British West Indies (each is a crown colony, discussion underway to convert entire area to a Dominion)
Populations: 450,000
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston
2 Resources- 2 Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.5 points each)
plus 1 Guyana (Georgetown), St Maartin, St Eustatius (.25 points each)

Total British Caribbean: 11.75 points

North America
British Florida (organized into West Florida and South Florida)
Population: 11,000 (plus Indians and Maroons in the hinterland, particularly in South Florida)
Pensacola (West Florida) = .5 points
City Mobile Bay (West Florida) (with 5,000 Dutch settlers, 3000 slaves) .5 points beginning 1790
trading post Tampa Bay (South Florida) Miami (South Florida)  .5 points
Subtotal 1.5 points  

Crown Colony of Newfoundland
Port St Johns
1 Resource (Lumber)
population 25,000
2 points

Total North American income: 3.5  points

British South Atlantic
Cape Colony
population 80,000 European by 1789, plus 30,000 slaves and additional African populations in the various areas claimed
Port: Capetown 1 point
City: Nieuwe Haven (RL Port Elizabeth, will be called New Haven by British) .5 points
3 shipping units (1.5 points)
trading posts: Pretoria, Port Shepstone, Durban (.75 points)

Falkland Islands Colony
Port Stanley (village 1786)

British Oceania
outposts Sydney (1787), Hobart (1787)
trading post: Auckland .25 points

Total South Atlantic: 4

British West Africa Company
4 Trading Post at Accra (Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown), Lagos, Badgry
Total Income: 1 point

British South Sea Company
Trading posts: Suva (Fiji), Bora Bora (Samoa), Honolulu (Hawaii) .75

British East India Company
Financial Center: London(1) 5 points
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Tricomalee 4 points
Commence Income 4 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 2 point
tribute from Oman 1 point
trading post: Georgetown (Pedang Malaysia), Makassar (Borneo), Malacca (Malaya), Fort York/Bencoolen (Sumatra), Brunei, Rangoon  1.5 points
trading post Okinawa .15
12 Commercial fleets = 6 points
Total India 23.65  points

British Islands: 74.1
Overseas Income: 44.65
One-Time Income: 20 (from sale of North American holdings)

Total Income: 138.75

Army Maintenance: 20
Naval Maintenance: 38.25

Total Maintenance: 63.25

National Debt: 947
Total Debt Service: 60 (41 Principal, 19 Interest)

Remaining Income: 18.5
Remaining Naval Construction: 5 (BB1 class, all other ships paid in full)- Year 8/9
Pay Down Debt: 13 (Remaining debt reduced to 893)
Zulu outreach: .5

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:18 pm

Effective 1799

Birmingham gets PC, replaces the existing craft center at Birmingham and 1 Resource at Manchester


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:44 pm

Kingdom of Great Britain and Dominion of Ireland
Population: 15.7 million(Ireland Pop 5.2 million, Great Britain-10.5 million) (tax income 3.1 points in peacetime, 7.7 points wartime)
14 Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Waterford, Galway, Edinburgh, Londonderry
2 Financial Centera: 2 London
1 Entrepot: London
9 Craft Centers (1 London, 1 Liverpool, 1 Glasgow, 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Swansea, 1 Londonderry)
Resources: 6 resources (1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Swansea)
3 PC (Sheffield, Leeds, Birmingham)
40 commercial fleets

Total British Islands: 78.1 points

Crown Colonies
British West Indies (each is a crown colony, discussion underway to convert entire area to a Dominion)
Populations: 450,000
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston
2 Resources- 2 Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.5 points each)
plus 1 Guyana (Georgetown), St Maartin, St Eustatius (.25 points each)

Total British Caribbean: 11.75 points

North America
British Florida (organized into West Florida and South Florida)
Population: 11,000 (plus Indians and Maroons in the hinterland, particularly in South Florida)
Pensacola (West Florida) = .5 points
City Mobile Bay (West Florida) (with 5,000 Dutch settlers, 3000 slaves) .5 points beginning 1790
trading post Tampa Bay (South Florida) Miami (South Florida)  .5 points
Subtotal 1.5 points  

Crown Colony of Newfoundland
Port St Johns
1 Resource (Lumber)
population 25,000
2 points

Total North American income: 3.5  points

British South Atlantic
Cape Colony
population 80,000 European by 1789, plus 30,000 slaves and additional African populations in the various areas claimed
Port: Capetown 1 point
City: Nieuwe Haven (RL Port Elizabeth, will be called New Haven by British) .5 points
3 shipping units (1.5 points)
trading posts: Pretoria, Port Shepstone, Durban (.75 points)

Falkland Islands Colony
Port Stanley (village 1786)

British Oceania
outposts Sydney (1787), Hobart (1787)
trading post: Auckland .25 points

Total South Atlantic: 4

British West Africa Company
4 Trading Post at Accra (Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown), Lagos, Badgry
Total Income: 1 point

British South Sea Company
Trading posts: Suva (Fiji), Bora Bora (Samoa), Honolulu (Hawaii) .75

British East India Company
Financial Center: London(1) 5 points
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Tricomalee 4 points
Commence Income 4 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 2 point
tribute from Oman 1 point
trading post: Georgetown (Pedang Malaysia), Makassar (Borneo), Malacca (Malaya), Fort York/Bencoolen (Sumatra), Brunei, Rangoon  1.5 points
trading post Okinawa .15
12 Commercial fleets = 6 points
Total India 23.65  points

British Islands: 74.1
Overseas Income: 44.65
One-Time Income: 20 (from sale of North American holdings)

Total Income: 142.75

Army Maintenance: 20
Naval Maintenance: 38.25

Total Maintenance: 63.25

National Debt: 893
Total Debt Service: 60 (41 Principal, 19 Interest)

Remaining Income: 22.5
Remaining Naval Construction: 5 (BB1 class, all other ships paid in full)- Year 9/9
Pay Down Debt: 17 (Remaining debt reduced to 835)
South Africa tribal: .5

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:51 am

1800 Build

Great Britain Income: 82.1
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 129.1
One-Time Income: 20 (from sale of North American holdings)

Total Income: 149.1

Army Maintenance: 20
Naval Maintenance: 45

Total Maintenance: 65

National Debt: 835
Total Debt Service: 50 (42 Principal, 8 Interest)

Remaining Income: 34.1
12 BB2: 6 (7 New, 5 Replacements) (1/6)
Tribal Investments: .1
3 Rifle Brigades: 18
Pay Down Debt: 3 (National Debt reduced to 790, 19 years remain)
7 Militia Brigades: 7

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:34 am

The Russian Government quietly informs the British Government that it is willing to allow up to 50,000 Russian troops to serve as mercaneries in the event that Britian goes to war. The manpower would be supplied by Russia, but Britain would have to arm, equip and feed them (pay for them and maintain them) and of course provide transportation.

In a more open protocal, the Russian government approaches Britain about possibly getting its assistance in brokering a permanent peace between Russia and Denmark and Sweden
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:48 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:The Russian Government quietly informs the British Government that it is willing to allow up to 50,000 Russian troops to serve as mercaneries in the event that Britian goes to war.   The manpower would be supplied by Russia, but Britain would have to arm, equip and feed them (pay for them and maintain them) and of course provide transportation.  

In a more open protocal, the Russian government approaches Britain about possibly getting its assistance in brokering a permanent peace between Russia and Denmark and Sweden

The British government is willing to lend its services as mediator to ensure peace in Northern Europe.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:35 pm

1801 Build

Great Britain Income: 82.1
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 129.1

Total Income: 129.1

Army Maintenance: 20
Naval Maintenance: 42.1

Total Maintenance: 62.1

National Debt: 835
Total Debt Service: 50 (42 Principal, 8 Interest)

Remaining Income: 17
12 BB2: 6 (7 New, 5 Replacements) (2/6)
Tribal Investments: .75
2 FF1: .75 (1/4) *Replacement*
2 BB2: 1(1/6) *Replacements*
1 PatRon: .5 *Replacement*
1 Infantry Division: 5
1 Infantry Brigade: 3

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:23 pm

1802 Build

Great Britain Income: 82.1
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 129.1
Dominion Aid: 29

Total Income: 158.1

Army Maintenance: 21
Naval Maintenance: 42.1

Total Maintenance: 62.1

National Debt: 835
Total Debt Service: 50 (42 Principal, 8 Interest)

Remaining Income: 45
2 FF1: .75 (2/4) *Replacement*
2 BB2: 1 (2/6) *Replacements*
1 PatRon: .5 *Replacement*
2 FF1: .75 (1/4) *Replacement*
2 BB2: 1 (1/6) *Replacements*
12 BB2: 6 (7 New, 5 Replacements) (3/6)
Tribal Investments: 1
8 Militia Brigades: 8
1 Field Army (Demobilized): 27
Debt reduced to 793

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:09 am

With tensions with Spain high, the current government totters as the Pittite faction sees its strength grow again, and a firmer hand to deal with the Spaniards is called for. The Dudas government managed to keep its internal divisions together by authorizing a standing military force on the British Isle, in order to respond to threats as they arise. Going forward, however, the government makes clear its plan to expand settlements in Australia and Africa to grow the colonial empire.

1803 Build

Great Britain Income: 82.1
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 129.1
Dominion Aid: 29

Total Income: 158.1

Army Maintenance: 24.2
Naval Maintenance: 42.1

Total Maintenance: 66.3

National Debt: 793
Total Debt Service: 50 (42 Principal, 8 Interest)

Remaining Income: 41.8
2 BB1: 1 (2/6) *Replacements*
2 BB2: 1 (1/6) *Replacements*
2 BB2: 1 (3/6) *Replacements*
2 BB2: 1 (2/6) *Replacements*
2 BB2: 1 (1/6) *Replacements*
2 FF1: .75 (3/4) *Replacement*
2 FF1: .75 (2/4) *Replacement*
2 FF1: .75 (1/4) *Replacement*
1 PatRon: .5 *Replacement*
12 BB2: 6 (7 New, 5 Replacements) (4/6)
1 Field Army (Mobilized): 27
Tribal Investments: 1.05

Debt reduced to 751

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Kilani Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:28 pm

The Spanish court proposes a summit or meeting to discuss issues of the border on the continent so that, hopefully, future tensions can be avoided.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:51 am

Kilani wrote:The Spanish court proposes a summit or meeting to discuss issues of the border on the continent so that, hopefully, future tensions can be avoided.

Great Britain will agree to send representatives to a conference to discuss the matter further with Spain.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Kilani Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:38 pm

Haneastic wrote:
Kilani wrote:The Spanish court proposes a summit or meeting to discuss issues of the border on the continent so that, hopefully, future tensions can be avoided.

Great Britain will agree to send representatives to a conference to discuss the matter further with Spain.

Spain sends a request to the Dutch to host a conference in Amsterdam.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Ottoman Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:44 pm

Kilani wrote:
Haneastic wrote:
Kilani wrote:The Spanish court proposes a summit or meeting to discuss issues of the border on the continent so that, hopefully, future tensions can be avoided.

Great Britain will agree to send representatives to a conference to discuss the matter further with Spain.

Spain sends a request to the Dutch to host a conference in Amsterdam.

The Dutch welcome the Spanish and Anglo-Americans to Amsterdam for the talks.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:26 pm

1804 Build

Great Britain Income: 82.1
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 129.1
Dominion Aid: 20

Total Income: 149.1

Army Maintenance: 26.8
Naval Maintenance: 42.1

Total Maintenance: 68.9

National Debt: 793
Total Debt Service: 50 (42 Principal, 8 Interest)

Remaining Income: 30.2

2 BB1: 1 (3/10)
2 BB1: 1 (2/10)
2 BB2: 1 (1/10)
2 BB2: 1 (4/6)
2 BB2: 1 (3/6)
2 BB2: 1 (2/6)
2 BB2: 1 (1/6)
2 FF1: .75 (3/4)
2 FF1: .75 (2/4)
2 FF1: .75 (1/4)
1 PatRon: .5
12 BB2: 6 (7 New, 5 Replacements) (5/6)

Bribes in South Africa: .45
2 Settlements: 6 (Brisbane, Christchurch)
Pay Down Debt: 8 (Debt reduced to 701)


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:54 pm

A New Government

The Dudas government, facing heavy and increasing pressure from war hawks in the Dominion and Britain, sends a delegation to Amsterdam to treat with the Spanish in the hopes of winning significant concessions in North America. The talks founder however, with the British pushing for essentially open borders in North America, in the hopes of taking control of the continent by way of continued migration that is unmatched by the Spanish. The talks prove frustrating to all sides: the War Hawk faction finds the Spanish desperation to avoid war makes it hard for an easy cassus belli, while the peace faction is unable to provide a huge concession that would quiet those clamoring for war.

The Spanish avoidance of an easy refusal of British terms and the continuation of talks finally brings about a change at home, however, as the Dudas government loses significant support among their remaining Tory allies, who switch their allegiance to William Pitt. Facing a loss of support Henry Dudas elects to step down, and Pitt forms a governing majority. Facing no satisfactory progress in Amsterdam (and as some peaceniks would whisper, no progress would be considered satisfactoy by Pitt), Pitt orders the delegation to withdraw. Their withdraw and the uproar it causes when they return to London and Georgetown provides the push Pitt needs, and overwhelming majorities in Parliament and in the Dominion parliament vote for war to resolve the North American matter once and for all.

Great Britain and its Dominions declare war against the Spanish Crown.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:56 pm

1804 Supplemental Build

Domestic Loans: 92 Points
War Taxes: 4

Total: 96

Mobilize 2 Field Armies: 96

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Kilani Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:03 pm

The Spanish response is to be completely dumbstruck at the sudden and completely unjustified declaration of war; there isn't even a fig leaf of a cassus belli as in the Falklands War. While stormclouds had been seen on the horizon, it was not anticipated that the British would declare war out of the blue without at least attempting to incite another incident. The Spanish ambassador conveys his disappointment and best wishes to his counterpart in London and then departs for home, along with his staff.


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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:10 pm

The Russian government approaches the British government regarding a low interest loan of 1% in exchange for an mutual defense alliance against France and Turkey, which would mean Russia enters the war with Spain if France enters on the other side. Although things are a little confused as the British are at war with Spain, the French are at war with the Germans, but the British are not yet at war with France and the Spanish are not yet at war with the Germans, but the Russian government feels confidant this will likely change.

In addition to the Alliance above, the Russians offer free trade for British (and its Dominions) shipping, the ability to sell imports without restriction, and access to any Russian port for its warships. Also offered is promises regarding the future of Central Asia, as the British have a vested interest in India while the Russians have no interest in that, as well as promises that the Russian government will not expand south into Persia or Asian Turkey.

Other opportunities are also potentially available, including the recruitment of Ukranian, Belorussian, Kazakh, Cossack and Jewish mercenaries that would be trained and equipped and paid for by the British government but provided by the Russian government.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:57 am

Galveston Bay wrote:The Russian government approaches the British government regarding a low interest loan of 1% in exchange for an mutual defense alliance against France and Turkey, which would mean Russia enters the war with Spain if France enters on the other side.     Although things are a little confused as the British are at war with Spain, the French are at war with the Germans, but the British are not yet at war with France and the Spanish are not yet at war with the Germans, but the Russian government feels confidant this will likely change.  

In addition to the Alliance above, the Russians offer free trade for British (and its Dominions) shipping, the ability to sell imports without restriction, and access to any Russian port for its warships.    Also offered is promises regarding the future of Central Asia, as the British have a vested interest in India while the Russians have no interest in that, as well as promises that the Russian government will not expand south into Persia or Asian Turkey.  

Other opportunities are also potentially available, including the recruitment of Ukranian, Belorussian, Kazakh, Cossack and Jewish mercenaries that would be trained and equipped and paid for by the British government but provided by the Russian government.  

The British prove wiling to extend the necessary capital to the Russians, with the enticement of free trade being offered and territorial agreements. The British will take the offer of mercenaries under advisement.

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Kingdom of Great Britain Empty Re: Kingdom of Great Britain

Post by Haneastic Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:26 pm

The sense of frustration at the war's progress is palpable by those in power in England. No substantial victories, the Spanish fleets too cowardly to fight the British, and the Dominion troops making a mess in Louisiana. Luckily for the British their losses have been light, and capital is available if necessary. The fight will be long, but more troops are raised for the fight to come.

1805 Build

Great Britain Income: 80.6 (Loss of 3 net shipping units)
North American Income: 3.5
British Caribbean: 11.75
South Atlantic Income: 4.25
Trading Company Income: 27.5
Total Income: 127.6
New Loans: 40

Total Income: 167.6

Army Maintenance: 26.5
Naval Maintenance: 80.4 (Doubled for war)

Total Maintenance: 108.2

National Debt: 837
Total Debt Service: 8 (8 Interest) *Principal Payments are halted until further notice*

Remaining Income: 51.4

2 BB1: 1 (3/10)
2 BB1: 1 (2/10)
2 BB2: 1 (1/10)
2 BB2: 1 (4/6)
2 BB2: 1 (3/6)
2 BB2: 1 (2/6)
2 BB2: 1 (1/6)
2 FF1: .75 (3/4)
2 FF1: .75 (2/4)
2 FF1: .75 (1/4)
1 PatRon: .5
12 BB2: 6 (7 New, 5 Replacements) (6/6)

Bribes in South Africa: .15

Upgrade 4 Rifle Brigades to Divisions: 16
Upgrade 2 Infantry Brigades to Divisions: 4
1 Expeditionary Army: 13
To Dominion: 1.25
1.25 in reserve

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