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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Lefty Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:33 pm

Curious by the political actions of their fellow Republic and seeking ways to perhaps break the sometimes-deadlock of the Sejms, a handful of reform-minded Polish nobles make their way to London to study the Commonwealth of England and Scotland's parliamentary system and this new, radical means of elections. They intend to stay for a year and produce a report for the Sejm to consider.

Notably, all the Polish nobles are Protestants.

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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:35 pm

The Polish representatives are appropriately feted by members of Parliament, who are still almost all educated men. While it is acknowledged they come from a Papist country, it is equally true that the Commonwealth once suffered under the Papal boot. As such, the observers are encouraged and regaled with Commonwealth political theory, including the writings of the late John Locke (among others).


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:03 pm

In mid-1716, the New Model Army is officially renamed, via an act of Parliament, to the Commonwealth Republican Army (or the Republican Army and occasionally the Army of the Republic, depending). After the recent pay increase, there is also a reshuffling of organization, with an attempt to better organize the regiments that make up the armed forces, as well as some sort of impetus toward working out a better, more organized war office for the logistics and supply of the army, considering that more often than not the army is left to forage when on campaign and uniforms can be of horrendous quality.

Peace-time barracks are also, in theory, authorized for overhaul, but it remains to be seen whether or not the funds will arrive (and then whether or not those funds will be used for their intended purpose).


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:25 pm


Commonwealth Metropole:
7 Resources (7 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
27 commercial flotillas (6.75)
10.3 million population; peacetime taxes (2.56)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
3 commercial flotillas (.75 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth India
2 trading post (.5)
trade income (1)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

47.97 total income

10 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2.5 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, Edinburgh, London, Portsmouth) (2 upkeep)
45 BB2 (11.25 upkeep)
2 BB1 (1 upkeep)
15 FF1 (3 upkeep)
18 PatRon (1.8 upkeep)
4 infantry brigades (1)
2 cavalry brigades (.5)
2 light infantry regiments (.2 upkeep)
8 Militia Brigades (.8 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
3 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments [Pondicherry/Sepoys] (.4 upkeep)

25.75 upkeep

22.22 discretionary income

1732: 5.96 pts remaining
1733: 7.09 pts remaining
1734: 4.8 pts remaining
1735: 6.17 pts remaining

18 FF1 - 9 pts [27/27; year 4 of 4]
10 BB2 - 5 pts [15/30; year 3 of 6]
10 FF1 - 3.75 pts [7.5/15; year 2 of 4]
2 Light Infantry Regiments - 2
Payment on 1732 loan - .9 (.42 interest, .48 principal)
Payment on 1733 loan - .6 (.5 interest, .1 principal)
Payment on 1734 loan - .44 (.34 interest, .1 principal)
Payment on 1735 loan - .53 (.43 interest, .1 principal)

1732: 5.48 pts remaining
1733: 6.99 pts remaining
1734: 4.7 pts remaining
1735: 6.16 pts remaining

1 pt supplementary loan, winter/spring - troop transportation.

2.75 pt supplementary loan, end of spring - ship repairs
2 pts -2 FF1s (4x) disabled, captured by England [4 turns, 1 point to repair each] ready winter
.5 -1 FF1 (2x) damaged (Diamond)) [1 turn, .5 points to repair] ready winter
.25 -1 FF1 (1x) damaged (Kentish) [1 turn, .25 points to repair] ready winter

2.85 pts loan

1 - 1 militia infantry brigade - Manchester/Leeds/Sheffield
1 - 1 militia infantry brigade - Manchester/Leeds/Sheffield
.5 - 1 militia cavalry regiment - Manchester/Leeds/Sheffield

5 pt supplementary loan, from the Ottoman Empire

3 - 3 militia infantry brigades - Glasgow/Loyalist Scots
2 - 1 Militia Cavalry Brigade - Glasgow/Loyalist Scots

Last edited by Kilani on Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:58 pm; edited 6 times in total


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:23 pm

In late 1716, anti-Stuart rhetoric seems to increase - or at least appears more often in newspapers and leaflets serving the urban areas. The rural underclasses likely don't hear much one way or the other. However, there seems to be a growing groundswell of populist rhetoric aimed at the enemy across the Celtic and Irish Seas.


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:39 pm

While anti-Stuart populism continues to rumble and swell in the background, there is also an ongoing debate regarding how much or how little that the Commonwealth should involve itself with Catholic powers. Most notably, the disastrous expedition in Portugal and the other involvement on the mainland are seen as points of contention. While some factions support the idea of reviving the old royalist alliance with Portugal, others see it as a pointless foreign entanglement - especially with a Catholic monarch.

Thus, real-politick and idealistic fanaticism are set to clash once again.

Ultimately, Stanhope is the ultimate arbiter of the Commonwealth's foreign policy - but there are many factiosn competing for his ear and he must walk a tightrope to ensure that he does not upset the delicate political balance that manages to keep Parliament function (if only just).


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:56 pm

A speech in parliament, given by one of the recently elected radicals, thunders against the Stuart king across the sea, pointing out that with every passing year the Stuarts come closer to having the strength to effectively challenge the wooden walls of English liberty. And once he does, the parliamentarian asks, how long before he sets his capricious, Papist eyes on all of the Commonwealth? How long until the black Irish are sent to pillage the countryside? Will good English and Scottish yeoman once again be forced to worship the Whore of Rome?


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:26 pm

As winter begins to shade toward spring, the swelling anti-Stuart populism that's been brewing and boiling over since the end of the Lateran War finds full voice as resentment towards overseas Catholic allies and the fear and chagrin towards a new (Jesuit) pope finds voice, Parliament, divided as it is, is wracked by debate and acrimony. The Fifth Monarchists and Levellers are the loudest voices, calling for the wholesale "liberation" of Ireland, while more radical Whigs merely want to see their regional rivals humbled and taken down a peg to prevent the Stuarts from overtaking the Commonwealth in their economy and empire. The Tories are a mixed lot, as are some of the more moderate Whigs; while there are voices of caution against war, other see this as the ideal time to grow the overseas Commonwealth.

Regardless, two weeks of thunderous debate finally ends with a majority of Commons calling on the Governor to take immediate action to seize "secure Commonwealth Liberty and Rights". Stanhope, perhaps hoping to wipe away the somewhat muddled record of his Governorship thus far, bows to public pressure. As the Commonwealth still refuses to host any sort of delegation or diplomat from Ireland, notes are delivered via the French ambassador to the Irish government, declaring that the Stuarts are the enemies of all rightful, god-fearing people and that a state of war now exists between the two nations as of March 29, 1717.


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Lefty Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:24 pm

Lefty wrote:Curious by the political actions of their fellow Republic and seeking ways to perhaps break the sometimes-deadlock of the Sejms, a handful of reform-minded Polish nobles make their way to London to study the Commonwealth of England and Scotland's parliamentary system and this new, radical means of elections. They intend to stay for a year and produce a report for the Sejm to consider.

Notably, all the Polish nobles are Protestants.

As the year turns, the Polish delegation completes its initial research on Parliamentary procedures in England. The nobles begin preparations to return to Warsaw, but as war fever increases, the delegation becomes intrigued by the state of things, and decides to continue studying English affairs and the effects of full enfranchisement on matters of state. Present for the declaration of war, the delegation politely petitions Parliament to remain as visitors to study the affairs of Parliament during war that would well supplement their study of the deliberative body at peace.

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Age : 35

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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:33 pm

Stanhope addresses Parliament at the opening of the New Year, to provide an update on the progress of the war. The news has not been entirely good; nor has it been entirely bad, however. Edinburgh is retaken, the rebels around Liverpool dispersed, and English shipyards are working overtime to prepare vessels for sea.

He opens his remarks with a quote from the Bible: "Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:59 pm


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
4 ports (4 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
27 commercial flotillas (6.75)
10.3 million population; wartime taxes, less 10% (4.64)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
3 commercial flotillas (.75 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth India
2 trading post (.5)
trade income (1)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

48.07 total income

9 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2.25 upkeep)
3 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth) (1.5 upkeep)
30 BB2 (7.5 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
31 FF1 (6.2 upkeep)
18 PatRon (1.8 upkeep)
4 infantry brigades (1)
2 cavalry brigades (.5)
1 light infantry regiments (.1 upkeep)
7 Militia Brigades (.7 upkeep)
3 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.75 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
3 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments [Pondicherry/Sepoys] (.4 upkeep)

23.8 upkeep

24.27 discretionary income

2 points direct aid from Ottomans
5 points loan from Dutch banks (7% interest; to be paid back within five years of the end of the war)
5 pts loan from Ottoman banks


1732: 5.48 pts remaining
1733: 6.99 pts remaining
1734: 4.7 pts remaining
1735: 6.16 pts remaining
1737: 3.85 pts remaining
1737 (Ottoman): 5 pts remaining
1738 (Dutch): 5 pts remaining
1738 (Ottoman): 5 pts remaining

10 BB2 - 5 pts [20/30; year 4 of 6]
10 FF1 - 3.75 pts [11.25/15; year 3 of 4]
Payment on 1732 loan - .39 (interest)
Payment on 1733 loan - .49 (interest)
Payment on 1734 loan - .33 (interest)
Payment on 1735 loan - .43 (interest)
Payment on 1737 loan - .62 (interest)

25.26 remaining

Upgrade 4 militia brigades (2 Liverpool, 2 Edinburgh) to light infantry brigades - 8
Replace marines - 1
Upgrade Derry rebels to light infantry (gunrunning) - 6

10.26 pts remaining

Upgrade 3 militia brigades to light infantry (London, Portsmouth, Bristol) - 6
Troop Shipment - 1.5 (7,500 troops; for movement from Bristol to Edinburgh)
Other Payments - 2
Inducements to the Natives - .75

2 point loan from Commonwealth banks (Fall 1718)

2 - troop transport


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:39 pm


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (2.5 pts as Glasgow is at half income)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

48.07 total income

8 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
23 BB2 (5.75 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
30 FF1 (6 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
2 infantry brigades (.5)
3 light infantry brigades (.6)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
1 Light Infantry Regiment (.1)

21.1 upkeep

26.97 discretionary income

1732: 5.48 pts remaining
1733: 6.99 pts remaining
1734: 4.7 pts remaining
1735: 6.16 pts remaining
1737: 3.85 pts remaining
1737 (Ottoman): 5 pts remaining
1738 (Dutch): 5 pts remaining
1738 (Ottoman): 5 pts remaining
1738 (English): 2 pts remaining

10 BB2 - 5 pts [25/30; year 5 of 6]
10 FF1 - 3.75 pts [15/15; year 4 of 4]
Payment on 1732 loan - 1 (.38 interest, .62 principle)
Payment on 1733 loan - 1 (.49, .51 principle)
Payment on 1734 loan - 1 (.33 interest, .67 principle)
Payment on 1735 loan - 1 (.43 interest, .57 principle)
Payment on 1737 loan - 1 (.27 interest, .73 principle)
Payment on 1738 Loan - 1 (.14 interest, .86 principle)
Pay off Dutch Loan - 2 (.35 interest, 1.65 principle)
Pay off Ottoman Loan (1738) - .47 (.35 interest, .12 principle)
Pay off Ottoman Loan (1737) - 1 (.35 interest, .65 principle)
Ship Repairs (All vessels) - 8.5 [all vessels except one patron; need .25 to repair them]


1732: 4.86 pts remaining
1733: 6.48 pts remaining
1734: 4.03 pts remaining
1735: 5.59 pts remaining
1737: 3.12 pts remaining
1737 (Ottoman): 4.35 pts remaining
1738 (Dutch): 3.35 pts remaining
1738 (Ottoman): 4.88 pts remaining
1738 (English): 1.14 pts remaining


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:49 pm

The dust is still settling from the Anglo-Irish War and although the great victories that ended the war are generally seen as positive, there is a great deal of dissatisfaction in Parliament - and amongst parts of the populace. The more moderate Whigs are generally unhappy; from their perspective, they have lost their lucrative India trade and will have to invest much more money into the African concessions before any sort of profit can be made off of them. About the only positive thing is that the overall tonnage of Commonwealth shipping has actually increased (several members of Parliament apparently made small fortunes from privateers or through having connections in the Navy).

Further, the Commonwealth is in immense amounts of debt and it will be years before it is all paid off and the Navy will need to be rebuilt back to its former pre-war strength.

The more conservative Tories view the whole affair as having been instigated by the Radicals and the Whigs and view the whole escapade as a waste of time, money, and blood. To them, it simply proves that the Radicals should not be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power. However, the outcome of the 1719 elections are not sure things.

The Radicals, for their part, think that both the Whigs and the Tories were insufficiently motivated to continue the war and think that it should've continued - although they are also gravely disappointed in the reaction from France. There is much arguing and bickering behind closed doors as blame for the unfortunate beginning of the war is passed around. There is also the issue of the invasion - an enemy army landed on Commonwealth soil and it was only through massive effort and bloody cost that it was turned back. The army turned in a creditable (if not stellar) performance and the navy, under Byng, are largely regarded as heroes.

Acrimony is high. Almost all are now deeply set against the Continent, however. The Commonwealth's forays have not been productive; indeed, they have been counter-productive in many respects. Their aid to the French in the Lateran War did nothing and, in the eyes of many, whatever good will the King of France may have earned has been dashed by his assistance to the Irish during the war - and indeed, his continued assistance to them in the aftermath of the war by relieving them of debt and paying out of pocket for their naval expenditures.

"Avoid foreign entanglements" seems to be the watchword of the day.


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue May 22, 2018 2:40 pm

The last half-decade has been a relatively turbulent time for the Commonwealth, at least internally. Recrimination and acrimony continue to divide the different political factions and only the Stanhope's continued dedication to playing peacemaker keeps Parliament from being completely at one another's throats at times. The divide between the more radical members of parliament, the Tories, and the Whigs continues to make for raucous debates. Almost all of them can agree on one thing - that the Commonwealth must not intervene on the continent again, not for the time being and not for the foreseeable future.

"It is better that we be the shining city on the hill," comments on Parliamentarian and that is, indeed, what the Commonwealth attempts to do. The half decade is focused on rebuilding the great fleet that protects the nation from invasion, as well as rebuilding the army and increasing spending for fortifications to protect against potential invasion. Funds to help with the resettlement of Protestants fleeing the oppressive rule of the Stuarts and to hasten Catholics on their way out the doors. The focus is shifted to the new outposts taken in Africa and the influx of settlers in New England. All is not well even on this front, however. The continued arrival of necomers threatens to make the colony crowded and on the African front, there are more than a few Radicals in Parliament who agitate strongly against the re-imposition of the slave trade, calling it a monstrous barbarity and an affront against God.

Further to the point, only a few of the Commonwealth's colonies rely on slave labor at all and slavery is scattered and virtually unknown in New England. Although the Tories continue to support the reopening of the trade, the Radicals and some Radical Whigs continue to make a great deal of noise about the practice and it is highly likely that there will be a showdown regarding the practice in the near future.

Politics shift in 1721 when Stanhope falls ill and then dies, but not before nominating his successor - a younger statesman named Robert Walpole, who has been a member of Parliament and the Cabinet for most of his adult life and has no military experience. Although there are objections from some members of the Republican Army (who do have some prestige after shattering the Stuart army in Scotland), there is no army encamped outside of London and Parliament is determined to chart their own course. Walpole is named Governor and ascends to his term - which will likely last for life unless Parliament changes their minds.

Last edited by Kilani on Thu May 24, 2018 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue May 22, 2018 3:13 pm


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (2.5 pts as Glasgow is at half income)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

48.07 total income

8 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
23 BB2 (5.75 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
40 FF1 (8 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
2 infantry brigades (.5)
3 light infantry brigades (.6)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
1 Light Infantry Regiment (.1)

23.1 upkeep

24.97 discretionary income

1732: 4.86 pts remaining
1733: 6.48 pts remaining
1734: 4.03 pts remaining
1735: 5.59 pts remaining
1737: 3.12 pts remaining
1737 (Ottoman): 4.35 pts remaining
1738 (Dutch): 3.35 pts remaining
1738 (Ottoman): 4.88 pts remaining
1738 (English): 1.14 pts remaining

10 BB2 - 5 pts [30/30; year 6 of 6]
Ship repair - .25
Payment on 1732 loan - 5.2 (.34 interest, 4.86 principle)
Payment on 1733 loan - 6.93 (.44, 6.48 principle)
Payment on 1734 loan - 2.69 (.28 interest, 2.41 principle)
Payment on 1738 Loan - 1.22 (.08 interest, 1.14 principle)
Pay off Dutch Loan - 3.68 (.24 interest, 3.35 principle)


1734: 1.62
1735: 5.98 pts remaining
1737: 3.34 pts remaining
1737 (Ottoman): 4.65 pts remaining
1738 (Ottoman): 5.22 pts remaining


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

48.57 total income

8 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
33 BB2 (8.25 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
40 FF1 (8 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
2 infantry brigades (.5)
3 light infantry brigades (.6)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
1 Light Infantry Regiment (.1)

25.6 upkeep

22.97 discretionary income

1734: 1.62
1735: 5.98 pts remaining
1737: 3.34 pts remaining
1737 (Ottoman): 4.65 pts remaining
1738 (Ottoman): 5.22 pts remaining

Payoff loan due in 1734 - 1.62
Payoff loan due in 1735 - 6.4
Payoff loan due in 1737 - 3.57
Payoff loan due in 1737 (ottoman) - 4.98
Payoff loan due in 1738 (ottoman) - 5.59
Resettlement assistance - 0.81


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

48.57 total income

8 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
33 BB2 (8.25 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
40 FF1 (8 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
2 infantry brigades (.5)
3 light infantry brigades (.6)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
1 Light Infantry Regiment (.1)

25.6 upkeep

22.97 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [5/30; year 1 of 6]
10 FF1 - 3.75 [3.75/15; year 1 of 4]
3 fortresses - 8 [8/16; year 1 of 2; Newfoundland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling]
Rebuild trading posts at Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry - 6 [6/12]


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)

48.57 total income

8 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (2 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
33 BB2 (8.25 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
40 FF1 (8 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
2 infantry brigades (.5)
3 light infantry brigades (.6)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
1 Light Infantry Regiment (.1)

25.6 upkeep

22.97 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [10/30; year 2 of 6]
10 FF1 - 3.75 [7.5/15; year 2 of 4]
3 fortresses - 8 [16/16; year 2 of 2; Newfoundland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling]
Rebuild trading posts at Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry - 6 [12/12]


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)
4 trading posts (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry) - 1

49.57 total income

12 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (3 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
33 BB2 (8.25 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
40 FF1 (8 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
2 infantry brigades (.5)
3 light infantry brigades (.6)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
1 Light Infantry Regiment (.1)

26.6 upkeep

22.97 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [20/30; year 4 of 6]
10 FF1 - 3.75 [15/15; year 4 of 4]
3 light infantry regiments - 3
3 light infantry brigades upgrade to regular infantry - 3
1 infantry brigade - 4
Resettlement grants - 4 points


Commonwealth Metropole:
6 Resources (6 pts)
5 ports (5 pts)
1 entreport (5 pts)
1 FC (1 pts)
3 craft centers (3 pts)
25 commercial flotillas (12.5)
10.3 million population (2.06)


Commonwealth North America
2 resources (2 pts)
3 ports (3 pts)
7 commercial flotillas (3.5 pts)
1 trading post (.25 pts)
1 village (.1 pts)
4 cities (2 pts)
2 towns (0.5)
Caribbean Islands (2 pts)
tax income (.04 pts)


Commonwealth Africa
Colonial Outpost (0)
4 trading posts (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry) - 1

49.57 total income

12 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (3 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
33 BB2 (8.25 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
50 FF1 (10 upkeep)
14 PatRon (1.4 upkeep)
6 infantry brigades (1.5)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
4 Light Infantry Regiment (.4)

29.40 upkeep

20.17 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [25/30; year 5 of 6]
10 PatRons - 5
10 BB2 - 5 [5/30; year 1 of 6]
Trading Post (Burlington, NH) - 2
3 Fortress (New Haven, CT, Providence, RI, Lambertia) - 2 [2/12]


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:10 pm

News of revolt and bloodshed in Eastern Europe is of relatively little import to the Commonwealth, although there is a smattering of support for co-religionists (there are, after all, some Calvinists, etc, dwelling in that far off country). For the most part, however, the Commonwealth continues to focus inward.

After the service that the militia did in the last war, there is an impetus to maintain a more ready "Home Army" to augment the Republican Army, which is, in theory, responsible for overseas ventures. Although still wary of a large standing army and with the locus of the defense of the nation being the Navy, the fact that a Spanish-Irish Army came close to conquering lowland Scotland is enough of a scare to move Parliament to action. With the support of the new Governor, the coalition of Whigs and Tories (surprisingly enough) passes an act of parliament, the Home Army and Militias Act, ordering that a series of militia regiments and units around the country be converted to the so-called "Home Army", with the remaining militia being maintained as "Yeomanry and Militia".

The militia system is also overhauled; although the raising and organizing of all militia troops is to still be the responsibility of local administration, funding will be provided by Parliament and a section of the Governor's stipend is enlarged, specifically for the maintaining of those militia troops. Counties which refuse to maintain their allotted militia forces are to be fined.

Both the Home Army and the Militia are forbidden (by law) to be deployed overseas.

Despite this, there is still opposition, especially among more radical Whigs and (unsurprisingly) the various Radical parties, with many Quakers stringently voicing their opposition to any sort of armed service. Some civil unrest follows in some areas of the country, but it is (for the most part) handled by local authorities.


Economy of the Commonwealth and Her Colonies

Commonwealth of England and Scotland
England and Wales:
Population: 8.5 Million People (2.13)
Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol (4)
Financial Center: London (1)
Entrepot: London (5)
Craft Centers: London 1, Birmingham 1 (2)
Resources: 5 resources (1 London, 1 Manchester, 1 Birmingham, Cardiff, Portsmouth) (5)
24 commercial fleets (12)


Population: 2.07 Million People (0.518)
Craft Centers: 1 Glasgow (1)
Ports: Edinburgh (1)
Resources: 2 Resources (Glasgow, Edinburgh) (2)
3 commercial fleets (1.5)


English North America

Newfoundland (RL Newfoundland, St Pierre)
original English colony founded in 1502,
Population: 28,750 people
Port: St Johns (1)
Resources: Grand Banks Fishery with 1 resources (1)
1 commercial fleet (.5)
NATIVE POPULATION: none of the original natives remain

2.5 pts income

New England (RL Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire, Southern Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont) founded in the 1590s by mixture of English Separatists, Scots Presbyterians and Irish Dissenters. The colonies of Maine and Vermont (renamed from the French or incorporated into NH) are added in 1712/1713 following their sale from France, adding the towns (as of 1712) of Montpelier and Portland.
Population: 218,750 (est)
Ports: Boston, Providence, New Haven (3)
Cities: Worcester, Concord, Spingfield, Montpelier, Portland (2.5)
Towns: Nashua, Manchester CT, Pittsfield, Hartford, Danbury (1.25)
Villages: None
Outposts: None
Trading Posts: Burlington, NH (.25)
Resources: resources 1 ( Lumber) (1)
4 commercial fleets (2)

10 points income

English Caribbean
St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, and Barbados (.25 points each)

2 points income

Commonwealth Africa
Population: 10,000 (est.)
Town: Lambertia (RL Port Elizabeth)
4 trading posts (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry) - 1 total, .25 each

1.25 pts income

52.9 total income

12 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (3 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
33 BB2 (8.25 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
50 FF1 (10 upkeep)
24 PatRon (2.4 upkeep)
6 infantry brigades (1.5)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
4 Light Infantry Regiment (.4)

30.40 upkeep

22.5 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [30/30; year 6 of 6]
10 BB2 - 5 [10/30; year 1 of 6]
5 BB1 - 3.5 [3.5/35; year 1 of 10]
3 Fortress (New Haven, CT, Providence, RI, Lambertia) - 5 [7/12]
Upgrade 6 militia brigades to garrison brigades - 4 [4/6]


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:54 pm


Economy of the Commonwealth and Her Colonies

Commonwealth of England and Scotland
England and Wales:
Population: 8.5 Million People (2.13)
Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol (4)
Financial Center: London (1)
Entrepot: London (5)
Craft Centers: London 1, Birmingham 1 (2)
Resources: 5 resources (1 London, 1 Manchester, 1 Birmingham, Cardiff, Portsmouth) (5)
24 commercial fleets (12)


Population: 2.07 Million People (0.518)
Craft Centers: 1 Glasgow (1)
Ports: Edinburgh (1)
Resources: 2 Resources (Glasgow, Edinburgh) (2)
3 commercial fleets (1.5)


English North America

Newfoundland (RL Newfoundland, St Pierre)
original English colony founded in 1502,
Population: 28,750 people
Port: St Johns (1)
Resources: Grand Banks Fishery with 1 resources (1)
1 commercial fleet (.5)
NATIVE POPULATION: none of the original natives remain

2.5 pts income

New England (RL Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire, Southern Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont) founded in the 1590s by mixture of English Separatists, Scots Presbyterians and Irish Dissenters. The colonies of Maine and Vermont (renamed from the French or incorporated into NH) are added in 1712/1713 following their sale from France, adding the towns (as of 1712) of Montpelier and Portland.
Population: 218,750 (est)
Ports: Boston, Providence, New Haven (3)
Cities: Worcester, Concord, Spingfield, Montpelier, Portland (2.5)
Towns: Nashua, Manchester CT, Pittsfield, Hartford, Danbury (1.25)
Villages: None
Outposts: None
Trading Posts: Burlington, NH (.25)
Resources: resources 1 ( Lumber) (1)
4 commercial fleets (2)

10 points income

English Caribbean
St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, and Barbados (.25 points each)

2 points income

Commonwealth Africa
Population: 10,000 (est.)
Town: Lambertia (RL Port Elizabeth)
4 trading posts (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry) - 1 total, .25 each

1.25 pts income

52.9 total income

12 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston) (3 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
43 BB2 (10.75 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
50 FF1 (10 upkeep)
24 PatRon (2.4 upkeep)
6 infantry brigades (1.5)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Militia Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
4 Light Infantry Regiment (.4)

32.9 upkeep

20 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [10/30; year 2 of 6]
5 BB1 - 3.5 [7/35; year 2 of 10]
3 Fortress (New Haven, CT, Providence, RI, Lambertia) - 5 [12/12]
Upgrade 6 militia brigades to garrison brigades - 2 [6/6]
Upgrade 3 militia brigades to garrison brigades - 3

1.5 remaining


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:03 pm

In the early days of 1727 the French Crown approaches English bankers about a 20 point loan.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:12 pm

Bankers are, perhaps naturally, a bit hesitant at the huge outlay (if you the bank one hundred dollars, it's your problem; if you own the bank ohe hundred million dollars, it's the bank's problem), especially since that would mean half of their capital outlay tied up outside of Commonwealth borders.

However, that also means the potential to make a great deal of money.

Eventually, multiple bankers are willing to loan the money, but due to the sheer size of the loan, there is a request that it be paid back sooner rather than later.

Certain members of the Commonwealth government also take interest.

In the meanwhile, life in the Commonwealth goes on; Parliamentary elections tend to be raucous affairs now, considering that all men have the right to vote at this point (although there are still property requirements for standing for office, even in the commons). Little is made of the far-off wars in the East, although there are rumors that the Ottoman court may be attempting to curry favor with the Governor...


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:28 pm

The French Crown agrees to speedier repayment than normal, pointing out its history of such over the last two decades.

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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:31 pm

This response, quite naturally, pleases the bankers and there are very few issues regarding disbursement of funds.


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:39 pm


Economy of the Commonwealth and Her Colonies

Commonwealth of England and Scotland
England and Wales:
Population: 8.5 Million People (2.13)
Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol (4)
Financial Center: London (1)
Entrepot: London (5)
Craft Centers: London 1, Birmingham 1 (2)
Resources: 5 resources (1 London, 1 Manchester, 1 Birmingham, Cardiff, Portsmouth) (5)
24 commercial fleets (12)


Population: 2.07 Million People (0.518)
Craft Centers: 1 Glasgow (1)
Ports: Edinburgh (1)
Resources: 2 Resources (Glasgow, Edinburgh) (2)
3 commercial fleets (1.5)


English North America

Newfoundland (RL Newfoundland, St Pierre)
original English colony founded in 1502,
Population: 28,750 people
Port: St Johns (1)
Resources: Grand Banks Fishery with 1 resources (1)
1 commercial fleet (.5)
NATIVE POPULATION: none of the original natives remain

2.5 pts income

New England (RL Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire, Southern Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont) founded in the 1590s by mixture of English Separatists, Scots Presbyterians and Irish Dissenters. The colonies of Maine and Vermont (renamed from the French or incorporated into NH) are added in 1712/1713 following their sale from France, adding the towns (as of 1712) of Montpelier and Portland.
Population: 218,750 (est)
Ports: Boston, Providence, New Haven (3)
Cities: Worcester, Concord, Spingfield, Montpelier, Portland (2.5)
Towns: Nashua, Manchester CT, Pittsfield, Hartford, Danbury (1.25)
Villages: None
Outposts: None
Trading Posts: Burlington, NH (.25)
Resources: resources 1 ( Lumber) (1)
4 commercial fleets (2)

10 points income

English Caribbean
St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, and Barbados (.25 points each)

2 points income

Commonwealth Africa
Population: 10,000 (est.)
Town: Lambertia (RL Port Elizabeth)
4 trading posts (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry) - 1 total, .25 each

1.25 pts income

52.9 total income

15 fortresses (Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Dover, Southhampton, Boston, New Haven, CT, Providence, RI, Lambertia) (3.75 upkeep)
4 Naval Yards (Plymouth, London, Portsmouth Bristol) (2 upkeep)
43 BB2 (10.75 upkeep)
1 BB1 (.5 upkeep)
50 FF1 (10 upkeep)
24 PatRon (2.4 upkeep)
6 infantry brigades (1.5)
1 cavalry brigades (.25)
9 Garrison Brigades (.9 upkeep)
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades (.5 upkeep)
1 Militia Cavalry Regiment (.05)
9 Colonial Militia Regiments [New England] (.45 upkeep)
1 Colonial Light Infantry Regiment [New England] (.1 upkeep)
4 Light Infantry Regiment (.4)

33.65 upkeep

19.25 discretionary income

10 BB2 - 5 [15/30; year 3 of 6]
5 BB1 - 3.5 [10.5/35; year 3 of 10]
10 BB2 - 5 [5/30; year 1 of 6]
10 Patron - 5
.75 - misc


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

Post by Kilani Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:36 pm

Rumblings from the continent make their way to Parliament and the halls of government in London and there is much discussion, especially in coffeehouses and elsewhere; as of yet, the government has not taken a position on the brewing trouble, especially considering that the policy of relative isolation has lasted over the last decade or so.

That may yet change...

The radicals, who had been somewhat silenced by the outcome of the last war, are brought back into the public eye with a scathing pamphlet denouncing Spanish-Papist domination of the continent (and, as it seems, of the New World).


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The Commonwealth of England and Scotland - Page 3 Empty Re: The Commonwealth of England and Scotland

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