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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:16 pm

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth IhBnhqP

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 900px-Chor%C4%85giew_kr%C3%B3lewska_kr%C3%B3la_Zygmunta_III_Wazy.svg

National Statistics as of 1726
Population: 10.4 million
Official Name: The Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Other Names: The Most Serene Commonwealth of Poland, Rzeczpospolita, Poland, Poland-Lithuania, the Commonwealth of Two Nations
Official Languages: Polish (official language of the Crown), Latin, Ruthenian, German, Hebrew, Armenian
Motto: Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos (If God is with us, then who is against us)
Prestige: B
Credit Rating: B

Political Organization
Political System: Confederated Oligarchic Elective Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: Warsaw
Head of State: Augustus II "The Strong", by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia, Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Livonia, Kiev, Volhynia, Podolia, Smolensk, Severia and Chernihiv, and Hereditary Duke and Elector of Saxony, etc.
Legislature: The Sejim

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is based on the "Golden Liberty" (Polish: Złota Wolność, a term used from 1573 on), included:

  • wolna elekcja, election of the king by all nobles wishing to participate;
  • Sejm, the Commonwealth parliament which the king was required to hold every two years;
  • Pacta conventa, "agreed-to agreements" negotiated with the king-elect, including a bill of rights, binding on the king;
  • religious freedom, guaranteed by Warsaw Confederation Act 1573;
  • rokosz, the right of szlachta to form a legal rebellion against a king who violated their guaranteed freedoms;
  • liberum veto, the right of an individual Sejm deputy to oppose a decision by the majority in a Sejm session, nullifying all the legislation that had been passed at that session;
  • konfederacja, the right to form an organization to force through a common political aim.

Kingdom of Poland
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Duchy of Courland and Semigallia
Codominium of Livonia
Neu Kurland
Courlander Africa

Last edited by Lefty on Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:04 pm; edited 14 times in total

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:16 pm

Poland-Lithuania 1726
Population: 10.4 Million
Ports: 2 (Gdansk, Konigsburg)
Financial Center: 1 (Gdansk)
Craft Center: 3 (Warsaw, Krakow, Konigsburg)
Resources: 8 (Warsaw, Lviv, Vilnius, Krakow, Riga, Reval, Smolensk, Kiev)
Commercial Fleets: 6

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
Population: 10,000 total (10% white, 90% slave)
City: Port of Spain
Resources: 1 (Sugar)
Trading Post: 6 (Gambia, Congo River, Kinshasa)
Resources: 1 (Congo)

Total = 23.85 points

Population: 3.1 Million
Craft Center: 1 (1 Leipzig)
Resources: 1 (1 Leipzig)

Total = 2.8

Last edited by Lefty on Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:28 pm; edited 18 times in total

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:17 pm

Military as of Spring 1728
Manpower Breakdown
Regulars: 92,500 (out of 312,000 limit)
Militia/Reserves: 78,500 (out of 728,000 limit)

Infantry Brigade: 2
Cavalry Brigade: 1
Cavalry Regiment: 1
Militia Inf Regiment: 1
Garrison Brigade: 17
Fortress: 12
Depot: 6
Base: 5

BatRon: 5
CruRon: 15
PatRon: 18
Commercial Fleet: 6

ORBAT as of Winter 1729
Royal Army of Poland
2 Polish Infantry Brigades
1 Polish Cavalry Brigades
1 Polish Cavalry Regiment

Called up

1 Fortress, 2 Depot, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Depot, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Depot, 1 Base
1 Naval Yard
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Depot
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Depot, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress, 1 Base
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade

Russian Garrisons
6 Garrison Brigades

Polish Fleet
1 FF1 (Fireblaze)
3 PatRon
2 Merchant Fleets

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania Colonial Forces
Kompania Fleet (Summer/Fall in Gdansk, Winter/Spring in Neu Kurland)
5 BB2 (The Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Elector, Warsaw, Thunderbolt, Virgin Mary)
7 FF1 (Saint George, Prophet Samuel, Noah's Ark, King David, White Eagle, Black Eagle, Fortune)
6 PatRon

Neu Kurland
1 Fortress
1 Militia Regiment (Polish)
3 FF1 (Riga, Hussar, Humility)
3 PatRon
2 Merchant Fleet

Congo Station
1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade (Polish)
3 FF1 (Saint Peter, Great Sun, Gdansk)
3 PatRon
1 Merchant Fleet

Gambia Station
1 FF1 (Daugava)
3 PatRon
1 Merchant Fleet

Saxon Army
Nizhny Novgorod
1 Infantry Brigade
1 Cavalry Regiment

1 Fortress, 1 Depot, 1 Base
3 Garrison Brigade

Romanov Army
2 Fortress (Moscow, Pskov)
6 Garrison (Moscow, Tver, Pskov, Ryazan, Belozersk, Yaroslavl)

Last edited by Lefty on Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:54 pm; edited 33 times in total

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sat Oct 07, 2017 2:04 pm

14 * 15 = 210 total points available

6 Militia Battalion 3 pts
6 Infantry Brigade 24 pts
3 Cav Brigade 12 pts
10 Militia Inf Brigade 10 pts
3 Militia Cav Brigade 6 pts
4 Garrison Brigade 12 pts
4 Fortress 16 pts
6 Depot 12 pts
2 Base 4 pts
Army Total: 99 pts

2 Batron 18 pts
4 Cruron 18 pts
16 Patron 32 pts
1 Naval Yard 25 pts
Navy Total: 96 Pts

1 Commercial Fleet 3 pts
3 Trade Posts (Diu, Damman, Libreville, Port Harcourt, Kinshasa): 15 pts
Economic Total: 18 pts

Grand Total: 210 pts


5 Infantry Brigade 20 pts
2 Cavalry Brigade 8 pts
1 Garrison Brigade 3 pts
1 Fortress (Leipzig) 4 pts
2 Depot (Leipzig) 4 pts
1 Base (Leipzig) 2 pts
Army Total: 41 pts

.25 to the Arts

Grand Total: 41.25 pts

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:16 am

1701 Build
Resource: 4
Port: 1
Craft Center: 2
Taxes (war): 3
Merchant Flotilla: 1.5

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Maint: 19.05

Gross Total: -1.8

1.8 pts of loans (1.8 of 15)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.5

Maint: 5.25

Gross Total: -1.75

1.75 pts of loans (1.75 of 15)

Posts : 309
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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:22 am

Upholding the secret alliance with Russia, Augustus II, by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia, Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Livonia, Kiev, Volhynia, Podolia, Smolensk, Severia and Chernihiv, and Hereditary Duke and Elector of Saxony, etc. issues a declaration of war against Sweden for her numerous offenses against Christendom and human decency.

A second notification is sent to the Margrave of Brandenburg demanding he allow the Saxon forces safe access to his roads and unfettered access to his stores in order to wage war on the Swedish menace.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Oct 09, 2017 11:56 am

Noting that the Margrave of Brandenburg has sided with an alien power against a fellow prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Augustus II issues a declaration of war against Brandenburg.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:07 pm

1701 Summer Build
3 Infantry Battalions: 3 points

3 Points of Loans (4.8/15)

3 Infantry Battalions: 3 points

3 Points of Loans (4.75/15)

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:23 pm

1702 Build
Resource: 4
Port: 1
Craft Center: 2
Taxes (war): 3
Merchant Flotilla: 1.5
Prussian Tribute: 1

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Maint: 18.05
Interest: 0.96

Gross Total: -0.76

3.39 pts of loans (8.19/15)
2.63 points to hire mercenaries

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.5

Maint: 3.35
Interest: 0.95

Gross Total: -0.8

3.8 pts of loans (8.55 of 15)
3 points to upgrade Infantry Battalion to Infantry Brigade

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:11 am

News of great victories in Prussia, Livonia, and even far away Trinidad bring joy to the streets of Warsaw. King Augustus plans a celebratory feast to celebrate his triumph and a return to glory for the Commonwealth. While much of the 17th Century was disastrous for Poland, it is hoped these triumphs will usher in a new revival in Polish greatness.

More politically minded Poles begin wondering whether the centralization plans that the King has will gain momentum with his victories.

Thomas Tew, the anti-hero of the Battle of St. Ferdinand is invited to Warsaw to receive a lordship and named honorary Castellan of Trinidad. There is some speculation as to whether or not he will show up to receive his title.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:32 pm

1703 Build
Resource: 5
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 1.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.25
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1
Subtotal: 20

Maint: 11.75
Payments (year 2/10): .63
Payment to Brandenburg (year 1/5): 1
Interest: 1.64
Net Total: 4.98

Repair Trade post: 1
Repair Port of Stettin: 1

Build CruRon (year 1/4): 1
Repay loans: 1.98 (new total: 6.57)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.25
Interest: 1.71
Net Total: -0.16

.21 pts of loans (8.76 of 15)

Last edited by Lefty on Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:08 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bad math)

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty The Great Sejm of 1703

Post by Lefty Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:06 pm

Returning from Paris with news of an accord on the "Great" Northern War, Stanisław Antoni Szczuka is made Marshal of the Sejm of 1703, and leads a passage to approve the amended Treaties of Brussels and Reval and the Paris Accords as a whole. Poland made numerous gains, restoring the Duchies of Latvia and Prussia, and the defense of Trinidad remains a high point for the troubled Commonwealth Navy. Indeed, many nobles admire the pirates for their liberties, and a minor craze strikes Poland as reports of dozens of young men (and women!) attempting to travel to the Caribbean for adventure.

The Sejm also addresses the matter of administration of Latvia and Ducal Prussia. The Duchy of Latvia was formerly a co-dominium of Poland and Lithuania, and the fictional voivodeships still sent representatives to the Sejms. Now that these positions actually have land behind them, the transition is relatively smooth, and new sejmiks (local parliaments) are held. There is some dispute, as local nobles from during Swedish rule remain and must have their rights protected, although the King takes care to adjudicate these disputes as best as possible.

Ducal Prussia is more of a challenge. The German nobility, sometimes called junkers, held significant privileges under Hohenzollern rule. Ducal Prussia was it's own entity and held a high degree of autonomy, even before the Treaty of Oliva. Still, Augustus, seeking to centralize his domains, elects to place Prussia under the Crown of Poland, and assigns a commission to delineate borders for a number of voivodships. Ahead of this commission, the crown sends agents to meet with the German nobles to seek their homage to the Crown of Poland and inform them of their rights privileges as szlachta. These administrative changes are decreed to be completed by 1707, and a local noble is appointed administrator by the King until then.

Though a busy session, the mood of the Polish elite is high, as the King has brought them a great victory and a reversal of decades of Polish decline.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:58 pm

1704 Build
Resource: 5
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 1.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1
Subtotal: 21

Maint: 9.65
Payments (year 3/10): .63
Payment to Brandenburg (year 1/5): 0 *suspended*
Interest: 1.31
Net Total: 9.41

Build CruRon (year 2/4): 1
Build CruRon (year 1/4): 1
Consolidate 6 militia brigades into 2 garrison brigades: 0
Upgrade 1 Militia Infantry Brigade to Infantry Brigade: 3
2 points to Saxony
Repay loans: 2.41 (new total: 4.16)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
2 points from Poland
Subtotal: 3.75

Maint: 1
Interest: 1.75
Net Total: 2

Repay loans: 2 (new total: 6.76)

The results of a census ordered come back that nearly 33% of Polish subjects are unaccounted for, and an increase in taxation brings a benefit to the coffers. Meanwhile, some shoddy accounting the year before required that the planned BatRon is scrapped in order to continue to pay off the debt. Saxony, which itself is in substantial debt, is granted 1 point to pay off debts, in order to help the Saxon treasury reach solvency. Lastly, based on recommendations from the Kurlandian Colonial Commission, a restructuring of colonial forces is undergone. The losses taken during the Swedish war indicated that the current structure was ineffective, and it is hoped these changes will better solidify administration and enhance protection for the more vital areas.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:14 pm

1705 Build

As King Augustus spends the year in Dresden, frustrated over his failures at Imperial Election, the Polish political scene hums with with excitement. The Russo-Turkish War sparks a lively debate among the szlatchta. The general view starts off with gratitude that two of the Republic's enemies are fighting one another instead of Poland. Cossack raids along the southern border diminish significantly, giving the border regions a needed respite. Beyond that, opinion is divided. One side, led by Grand Crown HetmanHieronim Augustyn Lubomirski believes that the momentum of grand military victories should be continued, and Poland should strike against the Muscovites to the East and Smolensk and Kiev should be reclaimed. Another side, primarily filled with supporters of Augustus and led by Grand Master of the Hunt of Lithuania Stanisław Ernest Denhoff, push for intervention in the war on behalf of Russia. Not only did Poland just recently support Russia in the Anti-Swedish Coalition, but it remains the Christian duty of Poland, the bulwark of Christendom in the East, to defend the faithful against the heathen. The last faction calls for complete non-intervention in the war. Poland has fought numerous wars and should use the time for peace. Though somewhat disunited, a young Polish magnate,Stanisław Leszczyński finds some traction in debates. Little is decided, except to expand the army, as all parties understand their positions will be strengthened with a stronger force.

Resource: 5
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.25
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1
Subtotal: 21

Maint: 6.65
Payments (year 4/10): .63
Payment to Brandenburg (year 2/5): 1
Interest: 0.83
Net Total: 11.89

Build CruRon (year 3/4): 1
Build CruRon (year 2/4): 1
Build CruRon (year 1/4): 1
Train 2 Infantry Brigades: 8
Repay loans: 0.89 (new total: 3.27)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 3.75

Maint: 0.85
Interest: 1.35
Net Total: 1.55

Repay loans: 1.55 (new total: 5.21)

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:11 pm

Confederated Sejm of 1705
As 1705 carries on, the szlatchta continue their debates, with no side gaining a clear majority. The Sack of Kiev does little but to inflame the debate, giving each side ammunition to push their agenda: the Turks are vile and should be stopped, or the Russians are weak, or the violence is evidence Poland needs peace. However, the debate takes a turn when the King arrives in Warsaw in Spring.

Few in the Sejm noticed or cared about the absence of the King. The legislative debates did not need a German to rule over them, and the Marshal ensured debate carried on with a sense of honor and dignity. However, once the King arrived, a different energy spread through the city. Rumor had it that the King had spent time in Dresden depressed over his electoral loss, and that his absence would mean less interference. Instead, the King arrived with an agenda. Arriving at the Sejm, an army of lawyers behind him, the King announced that he intended great victories for Poland and a golden age not seen since the Jagiellonians. King Augustus then announced that the Royal Army had been sent to Smolensk to demand a reversal of the Truce of Andrusovo and the unlawful Treaty of Perpetual Peace of 1686, including the transfer of the cities of Kiev and Smolensk, as well as the territory of Estonia. To follow up on his action, the King asks the Sejm for a conditional declaration of war, should the Muscovites not acquiesce.

This action seems to cement the divide in the Sejm, although several more practical nobles seem to be swayed by the fait accompli. Still, a number of nobles quickly exercised their veto, ending the session. The King, knowing this would be the case, announced that the Sejm would be reconstituted under a "confederated sejm" on an ad hoc basis, negating the veto. Instead, all action in the session would require majority rule. Frustrated by this unprecedented show of "tyranny," dozens of nobles left. Still, most stayed, and a vote was quickly organized and passed. Afterwards, Augustus worked with the remaining nobles to procure funds for the war. Realizing the unpopularity of his decision, Augustus elected to not enact war taxes, instead funding the raising of militia forces with loans.

Supplementary Build Summer 1705
5 points of loans (new total: 8.27)

2 Militia Infantry Brigades
1 Militia Cavalry Brigade (Cossacks)
1 Base (Minsk)

After the election, more disaffected nobles returned home rather than join in the fight. Opposition to war and centralization of powers loomed over the King's decision. Still, Augustus had his war declaration, and he rode off to join his army.

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:28 pm

1706 Build
Resource: 5.25
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.25
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
City: 0.5
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

4 point English Loan
5 Point Saxon Loan
5 point Poland Loan

Subtotal: 35.25

Maint: 6.55
Payments (year 5/10): 0.75
Payment to Brandenburg (year 3/5): 1
Old Loan Interest: 0.65
New Loan Interest: 0.5
Net Total: 25.8

Repay old loans: 0.8 (new total: 2.47)
Repay new loans: 0.5 (new total 10

Build CruRon (year 4/4): 1.5
Build CruRon (year 2/4): On Hold
Build CruRon (year 1/4): On Hold

Build 4 Infantry Brigades: 16
Build 1 Cavalry Brigade: 5
Build 1 Cavalry Regiment: 2

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1. 5
Subtotal: 3.5

Maint: 0.85
Interest: 1.04
Net Total: 1.61

Repay loans: 1.61 (new total: 3.6)

Posts : 309
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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:51 pm

1707 Build
As the war continues into it's third year, the limited successes bring frustration to the Sejm. The lack of battlefield victory creates resentment among a number of nobles who wish to seek an end to the war. The entry of Leszczyński's rebel army, and news of his radical ideas, dampens these frustrations for two reasons. First, the dissatisfied nobles mostly joined the rebels, reducing the support of that faction considerably. Secondly, those who stayed did not want to seem too treasonous, especially with Saxon troops marching to Warsaw. The news of the conquest of Smolensk and rebellion pushes the Sejm to enact war taxes, and continue funding for Augustus's war. As long as he continues to show victory, the Polish will support him.

Resource: 4.75
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (war): 4.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
City: 0.5
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 23.5

Maint: 6.2
Payments (year 6/10): 0.75
Payment to Brandenburg (year 4/5): 1
Old Loan Interest: 0.49
New Loan Interest: 0.5
New Loan Interest: 1.4
Net Total: 13.16

Repay old loans: 1.26 (new total: 0.67)
Repay new loans: 0.5 (new total 10)
Repay new loans: 1.4 (new total 12.6)

Build CruRon (year 2/4): On Hold
Build CruRon (year 1/4): On Hold

Build Base in Smolensk: 1
Upgrade 4 Garrison Brigades to Infantry Brigades: 4
Build 1 Cavalry Brigade: 5

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.5
Subtotal: 3.5

Maint: 0.85
Interest: 0.72
Net Total: 1.93

Upgrade Garrison to Infantry Brigade: 1
Repay loans: 0.93 (new total: 2.67)

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:02 pm

1708 Build
With the war against Russia coming to a successful end and Leszczyński's rebellion coming to a relatively bloodless end, the Commonwealth returns to peace. Augustus knows his relationship with the Sejm is strained.With the defeat of the Brandenburgers and the Russians, many noblemen have lost their foreign backers, and so he begins a small campaign to ease the financial burdens through "repayment of war taxes." The budget also completes loan payments for the Swedish War, and allocates funding towards training forces to garrison the newly conquered lands. Notably, the Crown takes an interest in reasserting itself on the high seas, with a purchase of two BatRon groups and continuing construction of a CruRon fleet. The Kurlander colonial empire has proved profitable and the Crown recognizes that expansion might be a future possibility.

Administratively, the crown looks into two reforms. First, recognizing that his empire has become even further expansive and diverse, while also potentially less governable, the King begins meetings with important leaders in those lands about granting them more autonomy through the creation of two new Duchies in the Commonwealth: The Duchy of Livonia and the Duchy of Ruthenia. Giving these lands governance would help administer the lands better while also saturating the nobility with new members and reducing the relative power of his rivals. This would also make Augustus the King over Five Peoples, the idea of which soothes his still bitter ego after losing the Imperial election. The second reform is the creation of a Kurlander Colonial Company. The Duke of Kurland is young and weak, and his colonial administration is essentially run by the merchant class of the Commonwealth. Giving them an official company might help with administration and give the Crown more influence. Nothing is settled in 1708, but the King explores it with his advisors.

Resource: 7.25
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.25
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 23.25

Maint: 8.6
Payments (year 7/10): 0.63
Payment to Brandenburg (year 5/5): 1
Old Loan Interest: 0.13
New Loan Interest: 0.5
New Loan Interest: 1.4
Net Total: 10.99

Repay old loans: 0.67 (new total: 0)
Repay new loans: 0.5 (year 2/10) (new total 9.5)
Repay new loans: 1.4 (year 3/10) (new total 11.2)

Build CruRon (year 3/4): 1
Build CruRon (year 2/4): 1
Purchase 2 BatRon: 4 (year 1/5) (4/20)
Build 2 garrison brigades (2/6)
"Tax repayments" to Nobles: .42

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1
Interest: 0.53
Net Total: 1.22

Repay loans: 1.22 (new total: 1.45)

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:36 pm

1709 Build
Resource: 7.25
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.25
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 23.25

Maint: 10.1
Payments (year 8/10): 0.63
New Loan Interest: 0.5
New Loan Interest: 1.4
Net Total: 10.62

Repay new loans: 0.5 (year 3/20) (new total 8.5)
Repay new loans: 1.4 (year 4/10) (new total 9.Cool

Build CruRon (year 4/4): 1.5
Build CruRon (year 3/4): 1
Purchase 2 BatRon: 4 (year 2/3) (8/12)
Purchase 2 BatRon: 2 (year 1/3) (2/Cool
Build 2 garrison brigades (2/6)
"Tax repayments" to Nobles: .22

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1
Interest: 0.29
Net Total: 1.46

Repay loans: 1.45 (new total: 0)
Funds for the Arts: .01

Last edited by Lefty on Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:33 pm

The French Ambassador mentions that it is a shame that the Poles have been so under represented in the Papacy. Indeed the Poles should have a greater voice in the Church, and at least 3 more Bishops and more say in the Holy See. For too long the Empire has had domination of Papal positions.

Indeed when has there been a Polish Pope? It is time for Ireland and Poland to have a greater voice in the Church
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:17 pm

The French Ambassador informs the Polish Crown that further Polish financial support of the Lanteran Coalition is an unfriendly act, particularly in light of the strong efforts France made on the behalf of Augustus to gain the throne of the Holy Roman Empire a mere decade ago.

France requests that Poland refrain from supporting the powers that stole that throne from Augustus

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Polish Builds 1710-1714

Post by Lefty Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:11 am

The years following the Russian War and the Great Ruthenian Famine brought political troubles to the Commonwealth's administration. King Augustus had not yet fully recovered from losing his arm, and the nobility was torn on how to address the numerous crises. Basic civil functions at the national level were slow, exacerbating the response to the famine. Still, eventually the Szlachta was able to work out a budget for the Republic, with the excess funds being used to pay off the massive debts accumulated from the wars.

While King Augustus sat in Leipzig healing, he began to initiate plans to properly administer Poland's eclectic colonial empire. With Russian influence utterly destroyed, the Duke of Courland was left without any balance, and so the King was able to pressure the child to "sell" his colonial possessions to the Crown, which organized a colonial office that would oversee creation of joint stock companies that would facilitate trade. The first was the Polska Kompania Wschodnioindyjska (PKW) which was granted the trade posts in Gujarat and tasked with expanding the Republic's interest in the region. Other likely companies will be set up in Africa.

In 1714, two CruRons are sent out along with gifts to seek out trade opportunities. One along the west coast of Africa, and another along the east coast. Both are to complete their missions in Bombay for permanent stationing.

1710 Build
Resource: 7
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.25
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 23.25

Maint: 10.6
Payments (year 9/10): 0.63
New Loan Interest: 0.5
New Loan Interest: 1.4
Net Total: 10.12

Repay new loans: 0.5 (year 3/20) (new total Cool
Repay new loans: 1.4 (year 4/10) (new total 8.4)

Build CruRon (year 4/5): 1
Purchase 2 BatRon: 4 (year 3/3) (12/12)
Purchase 2 BatRon: 2 (year 2/3) (4/Cool
Build 2 garrison brigades (2/6)
"Tax repayments" to Nobles: .22

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1
Net Total: 1.75
1 Garrison Brigade: 1.75(1.75/3)

1711 Build
Resource: 9
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 25.25

Maint: 11.1
Payments (year 10/10): 0.63
New Loan Interest: 0.5
New Loan Interest: 1.4
Net Total: 11.62

Repay new loans: 0.5 (year 4/20) (new total 7.5)
Repay new loans: 1.4 (year 5/10) (new total 7)

Build CruRon (year 5/5)(4.5/4.5): .5
Build CruRon (year 1/4)(1/4.5): 1
Purchase 2 BatRon: 4 (year 3/3) (8/Cool
Build 2 garrison brigades: 0 (2/6)
4.22 to pay off loans early (new total: 2.78)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1
Net Total: 1.75
1 Garrison Brigade: 1.25 (3/3)
1 Infantry Brigade: .5 (.5/4)

1712 Build
Resource: 9
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 25.25

Maint: 11.6
New Loan Interest: 0.5
New Loan Interest: 1.4
Net Total: 11.75

Repay new loans: 0.5 (year 5/20) (new total 7)
Repay new loans: 1.4 (year 6/10) (new total 1.38)

Build CruRon (year 2/4)(2/4.5): 1
Build CruRon (year 1/4)(1/4.5): 1
Build 2 garrison brigades: 0 (2/6)
1.38 to pay off loans early (new total: 0)
6.47 to pay off loans early (new total: .53)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.1
Net Total: 1.65
1 Infantry Brigade: 1.65 (2.15 /4)

1713 Build
Resource: 9
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 25.25

Maint: 11.6
New Loan Interest: 0.5
Net Total: 13.15

Repay new loans: 0.53 (finished) (new total .0)

Build CruRon (year 3/4)(3/4.5): 1
Build CruRon (year 2/4)(2/4.5): 1
Build CruRon (year 1/4)(1/4.5): 1
Build 2 garrison brigades: 4 (6/6)
Upgrade 3 infantry batallions to garrison brigades: 5.62 (5.62/6)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.1
Net Total: 1.65
1 Infantry Brigade: 1.65 (3.80 /4)

1714 Build
Resource: 9
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
Town: 0.25
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 25.25

Maint: 11.8
Net Total: 13.45

Build CruRon (year 4/4)(4.5/4.5): 1.5
Build CruRon (year 3/4)(3/4.5): 1
Build CruRon (year 2/4)(2/4.5): 1
Build CruRon (year 1/4)(1/4.5): 1
Upgrade 3 infantry batallions to garrison brigades: .38 (6/6)
Build 1 cavalry brigade: 5
Build 1 garrison brigade: 3
.57 gifts to foreign despots

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.1
Net Total: 1.65
1 Infantry Brigade: .2 (4/4)
1 Cavalry Brigade: 1.45 (1.45/4)

Last edited by Lefty on Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:59 pm

Neu Kurland's treaty with the pirates of Trinidad expires in 1714, and at the end of the year, the colonial governor approaches the leadership of the pirates, many of whom seem far more pacified than their predecessors of the past decade. He reaches out to them about the symbiotic relationship between Neu Kurland and the pirate enclave and offers to allow the pirates to remain in their location, as well as the opportunity to be legitimized by the Polish Crown and become paid members of the military.

He also seeks an updated roster of who occupies his island. Non-Polish forces after the Battle of San Fernando included:

1 Fortress
1 Infantry Brigade
1 Militia Brigade
3 PatRons

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:04 pm

1715 Build
The Commonwealth sets forth a plan for properly defending the colonies as well as the homeland. 10 forts are to be built in Europe, covering major cities an areas. An additional fort will be constructed in Bombay and Neu Kurland. Additionally, the standing army will be doubled in size, and additional garrisons brigades will be constructed. Lastly, an official Cossack force of militia will be raised.

The second matter is that of the colonies themselves. While the PKW has been officially established, there is discussion of how to address the African colonies and Neu Kurland itself. Many szlatcha are hesitant to involve themselves in overseas affairs, and the costly naval construction campaign is at times seen as a distraction from pressing matters at home. A second company is established and much of the fleet will be leased to the companies for their use.

Resource: 8
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Neu Kurland
City: 0.5
Resource: 1

Courlander Africa
Trading Post: 1.5
Resource: 1

Courlander India
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 24.5

Maint: 11.05
Net Total: 13.45

Build 3 CruRon (year 4/4)(4.5/4.5): 1.5
Build 3 CruRon (year 3/4)(3/4.5): 1
Build 3 CruRon (year 2/4)(2/4.5): 1

3 Fortress (Kiev, Lviv, Bombay) (year 1/2)(6/12): 6
1 Infantry Brigade (1/4): 1
Upgrade 1 militia brigade to 1 garrison brigade: 2
1 militia regiment: .5
.45 to art

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: .85
Net Total: 1.90
1 Cavalry Brigade: 1.9 (3.35/4)

Last edited by Lefty on Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:05 pm

Negotiations with the pirate stronghold continue throughout 1715. Ultimately, it is agreed that the pirates will be legitimized and hired on by the Nowa Kurlandia Kompania, and their forces incorporated into the Company's force. The former pirates are encouraged to join the main settlement at Jacobsstadt (Port a Prince).

Additionally, the Company begins a recruitment drive in the German Imperial provinces, especially among the Protestants. Outreach is also made to the German residents of the former Austrian colony who would prefer to keep speaking German. Growth in Neu Kurland is slow (1/3rd growth from tropical setting), and the Company hopes that it can increase it with a recruitment drive in an effort to make the City a full Port.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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