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Commonwealth of Virginia

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:26 am

Commonwealth of Virginia Seals_of_Virginia
Seals of Virginia

Commonwealth of Virginia Virginiacolony
Map of Virginia

Political Organization
Official Title: The Commonwealth of Virginia
Conventional: Virginia, The Old Dominion
Political System: Constitutional Democratic Republic
Capital: Richmond

President: Patrick Henry
Council of State: Secretary of the Commonwealth; Attorney General; Minister of the Exchequer; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Secretary of State for War; Secretary of State for the Interior; Superintendent of Indian Trade; and High Delegate to the Continental Congress
General Assembly: The Senate of Virginia, The House of Burgesses
Governing Document: Constitution of 1776

Population (1784): 750,000 (59% free white, 2% free colored, 39% slave)
Resources: 3
Port: Norfolk
Trade Posts: Point Pleasant, Louisville
Frontier and Claimed Territories: Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, northwest Minnesota, Illinois
Frontier Population: 25,000 (83% free white, negligible free colored, 17% slave) [Kentucky], 5,000 (90% free white, negligible free colored, 10% slave) [West Virginia], negligible [Everywhere Else]

Force Limit: 15,000 Regulars (13,500 Free, 1,500 Slave); 33,000 Militia (27000 Free, 6,000 Slave)

No standing army

Fixed Positions
4 Forts
- Fort at Old Comfort Point, Norfolk, Virginia
- Fort Washington, Alexandria, Virginia
- Fort Nelson, Louisville, Kentucky
- Fort Randolph, Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Militia (Wartime Maintenance: 10.75)
Winchester: 1 Infantry regiment (1000 men)
Loudoun: 2 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry company (2200 men)
Alexandria: 1 Infantry regiment, 1 Cavalry company (1200 men)
Culpeper: 4 Infantry regiments, 2 Cavalry companies (4400 men)
Frederick: 2 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry company (2200 men)
Ablemarle: 1 Infantry regiment, 1 Cavalry company (1200 men)
Lynchburg: 1 Infantry regiment, (1000 men)
Tappahannock: 2 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry company (2200 men)
Hanover: 2 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry company (2200 men)
Richmond: 4 Infantry regiments, 2 Cavalry companies (4400 men)
Petersburg: 2 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry company (2200 men)
Williamsburg: 3 Infantry regiments, 1 Cavalry company (3200 men)
Norfolk: 4 Infantry regiments, 2 Cavalry companies (4400 men)
Emporia: 1 Infantry regiment, 1 Cavalry company (1200 men)

- 1 PatRon

Last edited by Lefty on Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:55 pm; edited 15 times in total

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Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:31 am

3 Resources, 1 Port, 0.75 taxes = 4.75 x 3 = 14.25

1 Fort (Norfolk): free
3 Forts (Alexandria, Point Pleasant, Louisville): 12 points
1 Trade post (Louisville): 1.75/2
1 PatRon: .5 points

Maintenance: .4 (fort), .1 (patron): .5

Last edited by Lefty on Tue Apr 09, 2019 11:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:32 am

March 29, 1784
the Virginia Gazette
"Containing the freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestick."

Richmond Mar 14, 1784
THE fall of the Confederation brought consternation to the General Assembly who hoped to move forward in a more unified manner with Virginia's sister States. Yet, the business of the Commonwealth carries on. The General Assembly plans to meet in the coming days to discuss the future of Virginia. To reflect on the new Independence of Virginia, a number of voices, including this one, call to designate the newly elected Patrick Henry as "President." Indeed, this paper recommends that the Commonwealth reclaim some of its unique history and rename the House of Delegates to a more unique nominclature, the House of Burgesses. Though it comes from Virginia's colonial past, it more importantly reminds the sister republics of Virginia's status as the first Colony.

Alexandria Jan 16, 1784
CONSTRUCTION on "Fort Washington" is complete today near Alexandria. This fortification, named after the fallen hero of the Revolution and former neighbor to noble Alexandria City, will protect the Potomac River and the Upper Neck region from incursions, while recently refurbished "Fort at Old Point Comfort" will protect the Hampton Roads area and the Port at Norfolk. With the demise of the Confederation, Fort Washington will serve as a rallying point for militia in the region, should the fragile peace in the Chesapeake come to an end.

Point Pleasant Jan 1, 1784
ABLE bodied men are sought to settle the fertile lands of Virginia's Western Domains. Interested parties should cross the mighty Blue Ridge and meet along the Ohio River to the Fort at Point Pleasant or Louisville. Land grants can be purchased at either location. Veterans of the Revolution from any state are invited to settle Virginia's domains. Proof of service in the Continental Army or militia along, a pledge of loyalty to the Commonwealth, and registration with the local militia will be rewarded with significant tracks of land.

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Age : 35

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:02 pm

1784 Build

Revenue: 4.75 points
3 Resources
1 Port
.75 taxes

Maintenance: .5 points
- 4 Forts: .4
- 1 PatRon: .1

1 Trade post (Louisville)(2/2): .25
1 Trade post (Point Pleasant): 2
1 Fort (Wheeling) (year 1/2): 2

Last edited by Lefty on Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:06 pm

June 28, 1784
the Virginia Gazette
"Containing the freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestick."

Richmond May 14, 1784
THE General Assembly has mirrored that of a beehive these past few months. President Henry has pushed for Virginia to quickly adopt the means to govern itself as an independent entity. The Council of State was established with eight Councilors appointed, to be headed by the President: Secretary of the Commonwealth; Attorney General; Minister of the Exchequer; Minister of Foreign Affairs; Secretary of State for War; Secretary of State for the Interior; Superintendent of Indian Trade; and High Delegate to the Continental Congress. Notably, Mr. Thomas Jefferson was appointed with unanimous consent to the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs, where he will continue to build relations with the European allies. James Monroe will travel to Philadelphia to serve as High Delegate to the Continental Congress. Along with this key institution, the House of Delegates has indeed voted to rename itself the House of Burgesses to reflect Virginia's unique heritage.

Richmond Jun 16, 1784
WORD of negotiations in New England begin to trickle into Richmond. Mr. Thomas Jefferson of Mount Vernon has apparently written to the newly assembled persons at Boston to discuss future cooperation among the New England states. Many in Virginia remain interested in the cause of Union, but President Patrick Henry is a noted skeptic of the "Confederation" project, and Virginia is likely to carve its own path in the meantime. Despite this, the General Assembly has dispatched Mr. John Walker to Hartford, Connecticut to observe matters in New England and New York.

Point Pleasant Jun 28, 1784
EBENEZER Zane of Moorefield recently completed his trek up the Muskingum River, where at the confluence with Licking River he met with local savages, initiated in trade, and planned future settlements. While the General Assembly has no intention of dedicating funds at this time, it is hoped that the fertile lands of the Ohio Country may one day be civilized by the good Virginian people.

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Age : 35

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:50 pm

1785 Build

Revenue: 5.15 points
3 Resources
1 Port
.4 Trade Posts
.75 taxes

Maintenance: .5 points
- 4 Forts: .4
- 1 PatRon: .1

1 Fort (Wheeling) (year 2/2): 2
1 Fort (Cincinnati) (year 1/2): 2
1 Fort (Boonsborough) (year 1/2): .65

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Age : 35

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:46 pm

May 28, 1785
the Virginia Gazette
"Containing the freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestick."

Richmond Mar 11, 1785
THE General Assembly re-elected President Patrick Henry for his second term. The representatives of Virginia back his plan for continued fortification of the Frontier for the protection of settlers. With recently a recently ratified agreement with North Carolina to certify the border, the Minister of the Interior has drawn up a plan to organize the lands between the border and the Ohio River. He plans to establish two territories, Transylvania which includes the lands east of the Kentucky River with a capital at Louisville, and Washington which would be the lands north of the Kentucky and west of the Appalachians, with a seat of government located at Point Pleasant. Both territories will have governors nominated by the President and confirmed by the Assembly, with each having a territorial council to advise the governors. As the lands are populated, the territories will be divided into counties and given representation in the General Assembly. To facilitate this process, the General Assembly further plans a census to be taken every ten years, beginning in 1790. The Ohio Country and what is known as Indiana to the west remain unorganized, although several entrepreneurs begin discussing ways to profit from trade with the Indians there.

Richmond May 16, 1785
WITH the new organized territories in the west, the General Assembly takes up a proposal from the Ministry of War to find and train two companies of cavalry to defend the west. It is proposed that these troops be under the Ministry of Interior during times of peace and the Ministry of War during wartime. These companies will be trained as rangers, acting as scouts, law enforcement, and even possibly delivery of government mail. It’s further proposed that these Mounted Rangers be given training by European Dragoons to enhance their ability in war. Many in the Assembly support the idea, and it is said that these units will provide young gentlemen an honorable career in the military supporting Virginia’s Western domains, while providing them the dignity of a mount.

Norfolk Apr 20, 1785
CITIZENS of Norfolk express their concerns about the deterioration of peace in the Independent States. Rumbles of war in Vermont and slave rebellion in South Carolina bring an unease throughout the city and indeed the Commonwealth. While many support President Henry and his securing of the West, some wonder if more attention to the settled coastline is not more prudent. Edmund Randolph, a prominent Senator from Williamsburg has begun to organize and promote the development of an army and navy to protect the settled areas of the Commonwealth and reduce investment in the west. Many prominent businessmen support Randolph, however, there remains concerns over the cost to liberty and coin that a large military would have, and many of the concerns are mitigated by the development of the Mounted Rangers who could supplement the militia. Even so, it seems that natural factions are developing between those seeking to settle the west and those interests focused on the coast. For now, Virginia politics remains somewhat united, but that may not always last.

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:43 pm

1786 Build

Revenue: 7.15 points
3 Resources
1 Port
.4 Trade Posts
.75 taxes
2 point loan

Maintenance: .6 points
- 5 Forts: .5
- 1 PatRon: .1

1 Fort (Cincinnati) (year 2/2): 2
1 Fort (Boonsborough) (year 2/3)(2/4): 1.35
1 Fort (Cumberland Pass) (year 1/2): 2
2 Cavalry companies: 1

Funds to develop a road to North Carolina: .2

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Age : 35

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Sun May 19, 2019 1:46 pm

1787 Build

Revenue: 5.15 points
3 Resources
1 Port
.4 Trade Posts
.75 taxes

Maintenance: .9 points
- 6 Forts: .6
- 2 Cav companies: .2
- 1 PatRon: .1

Loan repayment (.25/2): .25

1 Fort (Boonsborough) (year 3/3)(4/4): 2
1 Fort (Cumberland Pass) (year 2/2): 2

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Commonwealth of Virginia Empty Re: Commonwealth of Virginia

Post by Lefty Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:53 pm


Revenue: 5.15 points
3 Resources
1 Port
.4 Trade Posts
.75 taxes

Maintenance: 1.15 points
- 8 fort .8
- 2 Cav Company .2
- 2 Brig .1
- 1 militia company .05

Loan repayment (.75/2): .5

1 Fort (Cleveland)(year 1/2)(1/2): 1
1 Fort (Zanesville)(year 1/2)(2/4): 2
1 FF1 (year 1/4)(.5/1.5): .5

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Age : 35

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