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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:10 pm

1716 Build

The King's budget for 1716 follows along the policies from before, with completing construction on the third round of fortresses, and training of new forces. Funds are also allocated towards a "hiring incentive" for the former pirates of Trinidad: 5 points, to be paid out over no more than 10 years. Some of the szlatcha gripe at this use of funds, but the material benefits of the colonies is beginning to make itself known in the Commonwealth.

Resource: 8
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2
Trading Post: 1.5

Polska Kompania Wschodnioindyjska
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Subtotal: 24.5

Maint: 12.95 + .5 (.5/5)
Net Total: 11.05

Build 3 CruRon (year 4/5)(4/4.5): 1
Build 3 CruRon (year 3/4)(3/4.5): 1

.5 for transporting 3 Infantry Regiments
3 Fortress (Kiev, Lviv, Bombay) (year 2/2)(12/12): 6
1 infantry brigade (1.5/4): .5
Upgrade 1 militia brigade to garrison brigade: 2
.05 to art

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: .85
Net Total: 1.9
1 Cavalry Brigade: 1.65 (5/5)
1 Infantry Brigade: 0.25 (1.25/4)

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:56 pm

News of the expanding colonial war catches the Sejm by surprise. With the King undertaking a pilgrimage to Rome, few were aware of the actions of the New Courland Company. Historically, the overseas colonies were the interest of the Dukes of Courland, who managed to create a plucky little empire. As the Duchy fell into the hands of a child, and the King felt constrained by the institutions in Poland, he turned to a Company to fuel his adventurism. This adventurism turned slightly anarchic, when the New Courland Company found itself first settled by, then defended by, then employing latent pirates. The riches and prestige brought by the Colonial empire has made some newly wealthy coastal nobles quite happy.

Now that Poland finds itself possibly at war, the Sejm begins a debate over Colonial oversight. They agree to send an emissary to London to engage in diplomatic negotiations with Portugal, while the nobility discusses new rules for this rowdy bunch.

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1717 Build

Post by Lefty Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:50 pm

The Colonial war in the Atlantic creates serious consternation among the szlatcha. A number of nobles decry the absent King and his adventurism, threatening to invoke the right of rebellion. Still others see it as an unnecessary expense of the Commonwealth's resources. However, a silent majority arises among the Sejm believing that so long as the Companies exist, the King is able to expend his energy on colonial affairs rather than act at home. In fact, there is little support among the szlatcha for serious oversight, as this would entangle Poland in the King's overseas follies.

Resource: 8
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2
Trading Post: 1.5

Polska Kompania Wschodnioindyjska
Trading Post: 1
Indian Trade: 1

Spoils of War: 1.75

Subtotal: 26.25

Maint: 13.15 + .5 (1/5)
Net Total: 12.6

Build 3 CruRon: .5 (year 5/5)(5/4.5)
Build 3 CruRon: 1.5 (year 4/4)(4.5/4.5)

Build 2 Fortresses (Riga, Smolensk)(4/8): 4
1 infantry brigade: 4
1 infantry brigade: 2.6 (4/4)
.1 to art

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.35
Net Total: 1.4
1 Infantry Brigade: 1.4 (2.65/4)

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by TLS Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:42 pm

The Two Commonwealths


Poland is, of all the European powers, perhaps the least interested in the affairs of Britain—after the barbaric Turk, of course. This is not to say that the war goes unnoticed in the Rzeczpospolita. Polish emissaries to the English Parliament, many of whom are Calvinists like the Roundheads who run Great Britain, are profuse in their letters and accounts. Their clear bias in favor of the English is made manifest by their reports of the “miraculous” escape of the English ships from the Irish Sea, their accounts of Jacobite rebels as “slaves of tyrants hell-bent on destroying England’s own Golden Liberties,” and their joy at learning of the Orangemen rebellion seeps through on every page. The most adamantly anti-Saxon deputies the Sejm rejoice at the news, and are given further evidence of God’s disdain for Monarchy by the reversals suffered by Augustus’ ventures at sea.

Poland has hardly been consumed by anti-Royal fervor, though. Calvinism is a religion very much on the retreat in Poland, and though the fires of more radical republicanism have been kept alight by periodic rebellion, the average Noble finds the current situation more than satisfactory. Concerns about expanding royal powers have been mollified by few open power grabs and plenty of victories on land. The English example is as much feared as respected due to its dangerous insistence on universal male equality. The szlachta are increasingly dependent on their serfs to keep their precarious wheat harvests profitable, and the weakest nobles are the most violently opposed to the end of their noble privileges. Some 10% of the Polish population counts itself among the nobility, and for the bottom 5% all that separates them from a moderately successful burgher are their title and rights.

Regardless, Poland has other fish to fry. Her neighborhood has become unsettled by chaos on the Russian frontier, while the new Jesuit Pope increasingly speaks of redeeming Christendom—losses to the Protestants, losses to the Schismatics, and losses to the Saracens all must be reversed. As the Saxon King sinks deeper into his harebrained colonial seas, looking to leverage his remaining assets into increasingly fantastical schemes to settle disposed nobles and serfs on distant lands, the Sejm clamors for resources to be poured into the much-neglected army. For a country situated primarily on plains, the lack of mobile land forces is viewed as a fundamental threat to the integrity of the country; even if her enemies are currently weakened or distracted, it was not too long ago that the entire country was under Swedish, Brandenburger, and Muscovite occupation. God saved Poland from destruction then, but He might eventually grow tired of protecting his playground.

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1718 Build

Post by Lefty Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:28 pm

With the newest adventure of the King coming to a close, the Sejm reconvenes to address the issue. The szlachta, frustrated by the costly escapades that ended in failure and concerned about the state of the Commonwealth demands the King take action before they do. The King, already on mission to arrange as honorable a peace as possible, also begins to temper his expectations. Poland, it seems, is not destined for a global empire... at least not yet. While many of the troublesome piratical employees of the Kompania have passed from this mortal coil, many others are fired, arrested, or hanged, and their contracts are erased. He further arranges a sale of Polish assets on the Indian Subcontinent, and determines that the funds will be used to repair the Nowa Kurlandia Kompania's assets and construct a fortress in Congo. With the destruction of so many outposts in Africa, the slave trade presents a profitable opportunity, and the King and his mercantile supporters are not quite yet ready to give up their dreams of empire.

Meanwhile in Poland, the fortification plan enters its final stages, completing a ring of fortifications that can protect the Commonwealth, as well as be forward bases in the event of a war with any of the Rzeczpospolita's neighbors. Calls for the army to increase are not ignored, however, and the King declares his intention to triple the size of the cavalry force in as many years.

Resource: 8
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2
Trading Post: .5

Sale of India (1/7): 3

Subtotal: 24.5

Maint: 12.05
Net Total: 12.45

Ship repairs: 2.5
Gambia Trade post repair: 2
Build 2 Fortresses (Riga, Smolensk)(8/8): 4
Build 2 Fortresses (Congo, Tallinn)(3.95/8): 3.95

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.35
Net Total: 1.4
1 Infantry Brigade (4/4): 1.35
Arts: .05

Last edited by Lefty on Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:22 pm

Heir-Raising Endeavors

For many years, King-Elector Augustus has been occupied with various foreign projects.: the Companies, the Papal Election, and the Diet in Regensberg have all kept the King's attention away from matters in Saxony. Few in the Electorate seem bothered by this, primarily focused on rebuilding the Army. However, over the Winter of 1717-1718, the King-Elector makes a trip to his Saxon domain to visit his son, Frederick Augustus, and call upon his favorite bastard, [url=Maurice de Saxe]Maurice[/url], who has spent his youth in a military career. Both sons are of age, 22 years of age, and the King-Elector is getting no younger, being 48 himself. He decides that it is time to secure the future of his dynasty.

First, Augustus announces that he will recognize his son Maurice as a legitimate son, elevate him to the rank of Count, and welcome him to his court. He offers to provide a position for Maurice in the military, either in Saxony or Poland, and plans to wed him to one of his subjects in Saxony, Countess Johanna Viktoria Tugendreich von Loeben.

Second, Augustus informs his first son, Frederick Augustus, that he will seek a bride for him that will secure the dynasty's place abroad. The Wettins have few true allies abroad, but many potential enemies surrounding them, and a marriage will be the first step to an alliance.

Third, and completely unrelated, the King issues a decree to search for the missing Romanov family. Though Russia and Poland fought against one another, Augustus considered Peter a friend, and the chaos to the East troubles the King-Elector, as did the death of Peter by the hand of Mongol savages. Augustus declares that it is his Christian duty to discover if any of the children of Peter still live and to provide them safe harbor should they desire it. He further decrees that a reward will be provided to anyone who can provide the whereabouts of Peter's family and deliver them from the clutches of the Pagan.

Posts : 309
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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1719 Build

Post by Lefty Wed May 23, 2018 8:59 pm

Resource: 8
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2
Trading Post: .75

Sale of India (2/7): 3

Subtotal: 24.75

Maint: 12.55
Net Total: 12.2

2 Fortresses (Congo, Tallinn)(8/8): 4.05
1 Cavalry Brigade: 5
1 Cavalry Brigade (3.15/5): 3.15

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75

Maint: 1.6
Net Total: 1.15
Garrison Brigade (1.15/3): 1.15
Arts: .05

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1720 Build

Post by Lefty Thu May 24, 2018 12:37 pm

Resource: 8
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.5
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2
Trading Post: .75

Sale of India (3/7): 3

Subtotal: 24.75

Maint: 13.55
Net Total: 11.2

1 Cavalry Brigade (5/5): 1.85
1 Cavalry Brigade: 5
1 Infantry Brigade: 4
Military Aid to Saxony: .35

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .75
Subtotal: 2.75
+.35 from Poland

Maint: 1.6
Net Total: 1.5
Garrison Brigade (2.65/3): 1.5

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1721 Build

Post by Lefty Thu May 24, 2018 12:45 pm

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.6
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Sale of India (4/7): 3

Subtotal: 26.85

Maint: 14.8
Net Total: 12.05

2 Fortresses (Vilnius, Konigsburg)(4/8): 4
1 Cavalry Brigade: 5
1 Garrison Brigade: 3
.05 to art

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .8
Subtotal: 2.8

Maint: 1.6
Net Total: 1.2
Garrison Brigade (2.65/3): .35
Garrison Brigade (0.85/3): .85

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1722 Build

Post by Lefty Thu May 24, 2018 12:46 pm

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.6
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Sale of India (5/7): 3

Subtotal: 26.85

Maint: 15.4
Net Total: 11.45

2 Fortresses (Vilnius, Konigsburg)(8/8): 4
6 Garrison Brigade (7.45/18): 7.45

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .8
Subtotal: 2.8

Maint: 1.7
Net Total: 1.1
Garrison Brigade (1.95/3): 1.1

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1723 Build

Post by Lefty Thu May 24, 2018 12:47 pm

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.6
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Sale of India (6/7): 3

Subtotal: 26.85

Maint: 15.9
Net Total: 10.95

1 Fortress (Poznan) (2/4): 2
6 Garrison Brigade (16.4/18): 8.95

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .8
Subtotal: 2.8

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1724 Build

Post by Lefty Thu May 24, 2018 12:47 pm

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.6
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75
From Saxony: .65

Sale of India (7/7): 3

Subtotal: 27.5

Maint: 15.9
Net Total: 11.6

1 Fortress (Poznan) (4/4): 2
1 Garrison Brigade: 3
6 Garrison Brigade (18/18): 1.6
1 Cavalry Brigade: 5

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .8
Subtotal: 2.8

Maint: 1.8
Net Total: 1

To Poland: .65
To Art: .35

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1719-1724 Overview

Post by Lefty Tue May 29, 2018 11:00 pm

As Augustus’s reign continues into its third decade, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth’s position seems as strong as the king it elected. Poland’s biggest threats have been defeated, it’s armies grow, and it’s domains stretch further than ever. Having recovered from famine and war, the Sejm approves a series of taxes to levy a strong army, and the Polish cavalry corps looks to return to its former glory.

Even so, Poland’s neighbors include many young, ambitious kings, several of whom would enjoy seeing the Commonwealth’s demise. The King uses his time and resources to send emissaries abroad to attempt to repair ties and perhaps seek cooperation where possible. Many wonder if Augustus will seek the Emperorship as last time or will use his vote in the college to support another candidate.

Abroad, Poland’s ambitions were curtailed, although perhaps for the best. The costly fleet has been reduced to a manageable size, and the consolidation of the companies turned out to be a profitable enterprise. In fact, with goods from Africa and the West Indies supplementing Poland’s increasing dominance in the Baltic has meant that Gdańsk has grown in prominence to become a financial center. Some in Warsaw question the ethics of profiting from the sale of men as the Tartar and Turk do, but far more evidence of the profits of the slave trade arrive in Poland than does proof of its horrors.

Perhaps of biggest consequence is the realization of Augustus’s search for the missing Romanovs. In 1721, rumor reaches Warsaw that the remnants of the royal family have fled to Ingria, and live protected by loyalists. The King orders an expedition to search for the family, and they are brought to Warsaw a few months later. Young Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna, perhaps the last pretender to the throne of Muscovy is given a royal treatment and introduced to Augustus’s son and heir. Court rumors are confirmed when a few months later the two are engaged to be married. In May 1723, a Royal Wedding is held in Warsaw, and invitations are sent to the numerous monarchs of Europe to celebrate the young couple’s newfound love.

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:01 pm

1725 Overview

The Sejm continues to fund expansion of the army, and establishes bases in border territories to provide logistical support to potential excursions. The defensive plan is now complete, with a series of fortresses surrounding Poland in each major city, and one in Warsaw and Vilnius, and bases in the northern, eastern, southeastern, southwestern, and western positions to provide support against any of Poland's neighbors, should conflict arise.

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (peace): 2.6
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Subtotal: 23.85

Maint: 17.35
Net Total: 6.5

1 Infantry Brigade: 4
2 Militia Brigades: 2

Aid to Saxony: .5

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (peace): .8
Aid from Poland: .5
Subtotal: 3.3

Maint: 1.8
Net Total: 1.5

1 Garrison Brigade (1.5/3): 1.5

Last edited by Lefty on Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Advance the Cause of Liberty

Post by Lefty Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:05 pm

Advance the Cause of Liberty
December 1725

As the Sejm meets to discuss the next year's budget, war fever has fully engulfed the hearts of the szlachta. The past decade has been spent restoring the Polish armies to the glory of the past. The Hussar corps has been almost quadrupled in size, while the ranks of the infantry have grown in size and importance. The establishment of a financial center in Gdansk has allowed for a rapid expansion, and the chaos in Rus has revived the dream of the Commonwealth-Muscovite union of the last century.

Still, some see the uprising to the south, and with it an opportunity to drive the Turk from the Europe. Regaining Moldavia and Crimea would be a worthy goal, and with the support of the Habsburgs and possibly the Empire, Poland could see gains to its southern border. However, others are concerned at the spilling of Polish blood and coin to increase the power of the Habsburgs. Though they are not Poland's enemy, they neither hold much favor with Poland.

With this division, the King brings word of his successful diplomatic missions. The king has signed an accord with Sweden to wage war on the pagan Rus to the east. With promises of northern lands of Ingria, Karelia, Kola, and the Port of Arkhangelsk, Sweden will support an invasion to the North, while Poland will lead an attack to seize Muscovy, and restore it to Christian rule. The newly married Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna, last pretender to the Romanov throne and wife to the Prince Augustus III, has granted her blessing for this endeavor, and will issue a call to her subjects to join the Polish liberation. The vile depredations of the Khagan will be stopped by the righteous cause of Christian liberty. The King asks the Sejm to declare war and issue war taxes for the next year, and sends a letter to the Pope asking for his blessing on Poland's holy mission. Come the end of winter, Poland will march to war.

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:13 pm

Overview 1726

Preparation for war begins, and the Sejm pushes for serf militia to be raised to supplement (and act as meat shields for) the Royal Army. The reserves are also called up, and three armies are created to drive the pagan from Russia.

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (war): 5.2
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Subtotal: 26.45

Loan of 5.35 points (5.35/30)

Maint: 17.8
Net Total: 14

Raise 6 militia infantry brigades: 6 (raised in Spring)
Upgrade 8 garrison brigades to light infantry brigades: 8

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.6
Subtotal: 3.6

Loan of 4.7 (4.7/15)

Maint: 1.8
Net Total: 6.5

1 Infantry Brigade (4/4): 2.5*
1 Infantry Brigade: 4

*note: converted from prior garrison brigade being trained

Last edited by Lefty on Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:47 pm

Royal Happenings

After the marriage of Augustus III and Grand Duchess Anna Ivanova, the couple announce in 1724 that they gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Friedrich Augustus Peter. A parade is held in Dresden, and a celebratory orchestra is ordered to be composed in the child's honor.

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Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:09 pm

Overview 1727 Build
The war in Rus continues, and the early successes have bolstered the war party's position. The mild reception that the Grand Duchess has received has produced some concern, but without suffering a battlefield loss, the Sejm agrees to continue its war footing. Loans are taken out to finance the training of more cavalry, as well as garrison duties for the occupation. Advisors are sent to Moscow with Grand Duchess Anna Ivanova to "guide" Muscovy, and a small army is drawn up and trained. The Commonwealth Army will continue to carry the burden.

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (war): 5.2
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Subtotal: 26.45

Loaned: 5.35/60
Interest (on 5.35): .54
Principal (.54/5.35): .54

Maint: 17.65
Net Total: 7.72

2 cav regiment to 2 cav brigade: 6
2 cav brigade: 10
5 militia brigade to 5 garrison brigade: 5

Loan of 13.28 points (18.09/60)

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.6
Subtotal: 3.6

Loaned: 4.7/30
Interest (on 4.7): .47
Principal (on 4.7/30): .47

Maint: 2.3
Net Total: .36

Cavalry Brigade (.36/5): .36

Resource: 2
Taxes (war)(penalty): 1.5
Subtotal: 3.5

Maint: .35
Net Total: 3.15

6 Militia Brigades: 6
1 Fortress (Moscow): 2/4
1 Depot (Moscow): 2
1 Base (Moscow): 2

Bribes & incentives for Russians: 1.15

Loan of 10 Dutch points (backed by Poland)

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1728 Build

Post by Lefty Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:47 am

Overview 1728

Despite some challenges, the war in Rus continues unabated. The frustrating loss in Nizhy Novgorod brings about its share of critics and armchair generals, and even a few who question the wisdom of making the bastard son of the King in charge of the Polish army. By winter, however, word arrives of the conquest of Kharkov, and the critics are largely sidelined. Funds are allocated for additional infantry, as well as a small package for the Romanovs to establish their own protection.

Notably, the Minister of finance delivers a report to the Sejm regarding Poland's loan regime. It seems that loan payments were far too large, and interest was incorrectly calculated. Additionally, the pay schedule was shorter than it should have been. This brings a minor scandal to the court, which immediately launches an investigation into the source of the high payments. It is determined that the bankers in Gdansk played no role in the error, and instead it is deemed to be a mixture of corruption and incompetence on the part of the King's finance ministry. Several men are rounded up and charged with corruption, and agreements are made with the Gdansk bankers to ensure that proper payments are made to the satisfaction of all. (ooc: I realized I was charging myself 10% interest, when it should have been 7%. Oops.)

Lastly, the Kompania finalizes its report on the Naval Yard in Gdansk. It's determined that the facilities there are too costly to maintain, and the port of Gdansk can adequately provide repairs, as will the port of Jakobsstadt once it is completed in 1730. Any construction of naval vessels can be outsourced to other states that utilize their facilities, including the Netherlands, which maintains a friendly relationship with Poland. The Sejm agrees, and the naval yard closes in 1728.

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (war): 5.2
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Subtotal: 26.45

1726 20 yr Loan: (7%)(Original: 5.35; Balance: 4.54)(Interest: .37; Principal: .27) Total: .64
1727 20 yr Loan: (7%) (Original: 13.28; Balance: 11.95)(Interest: .93; Principal: .66) Total 1.59

Maint: 14.7
1728 20 yr Loan (7%): 10
Net Total: 19.52

1 Cavalry brigade: 5
2 Infantry brigades: 8
1 Garrison brigade: 2

Aid to Romanovs: 3.55
Pay off 1726 loan: .97

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.6
Subtotal: 3.6

1726 20 yr Loan: (7%)(Original: 4.7; Balance: 3.99)(Interest: 0.33; Principal: .24) Total: .57

Maint: 2.05
Net Total: .98

Cavalry Brigade (1.34/5): .98

Resource: 3
Taxes (war)(penalty): 2.5
Subtotal: 5.5

1727 20 yr Loan: (7% [backed by Poland])(Original: 10; Balance: 3.99)(Interest: .7; Principal: .5) Total: 1.2

Maint: .85
Aid from Poland: 3.55
Net Total: 4

1 Fortress (Moscow)(4/4): 2
Upgrade 5 militia brigades to garrison brigades: 5

Posts : 309
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:26 am

Summer 1728
The French Crown urges the Wettin family to again put forward candidacy for the Imperial thrown. The French court remains impressed by the determined and successful efforts the Wettins have made to push back paganism in the East, and contrasts the incompetency of the Hapsburgs (who have lost yet another war with the Turks) and the neglect of the Wittelsbachs, who failed to support their own vassals effectively but instead chose to enlarge Spanish territory instead by seizing Malta.

Surely a more worthy emperor can be found and France believes that Augustus the Strong is that man
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Post by Lefty Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:19 pm

Supplemental build Summer, 1728

2 point loan

2 points for 1 base (Nizhny Novgorod)

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty 1729 Build

Post by Lefty Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:50 pm

The 1729 budget becomes a highly contentious issue, with the war in Muscovy continuing. Though Royal propaganda describes the Battle of Kazan a success, those holding the purse strings find it difficult to swallow. Maurice arrives in the Capital to discuss his future plans, asking for an increase in funding, more loans, and another buildup. The murderous pagan must be brought to justice!

The Sejm agrees to continue the war, but does not order additional loans. Instead, war funds are directed to reconstitute the Army, and Maurice is ordered to entrench in Nizhny Novgorod.

In Moscow, the Polish advisors to the Grand Duchess secure a loan for the Muscovite army to continue development of the garrisons. Continued attempts are made at gaining support from the Boyars, while several Magnates begin searching for attempts at making the de facto union de jure.

Resource: 8
FC: 1
Port: 2
Craft Center: 3
Taxes (war): 5.2
Merchant Flotilla: 3

Nowa Kurlandia Kompania
City: 0.5
Resource: 2+1 bonus
Trading Post: .75

Subtotal: 26.45

1726 20 yr Loan: (7%)(Original: 5.35; Balance: 3.8)(Interest: .37; Principal: .27) Total: .64
1727 20 yr Loan: (7%)(Original: 13.28; Balance: 10.36)(Interest: .93; Principal: .66) Total 1.59
1728 20 yr Loan: (7%)(Original: 12; Balance: 11.4)(Interest: .84; Principal: .6) 1.44

.63 to 1726 Loan (Balance: 3.17)

Maint: 12.15
Net Total: 10

5 Garrison brigades: 10

Resource: 1
Craft Center: 1
Taxes (war): 1.6
Subtotal: 3.6

1726 20 yr Loan: (7%)(Original: 4.7; Balance: 3.42)(Interest: 0.33; Principal: .24) Total: .57

Maint: 1.05
Net Total: 1.98

Infantry Brigade (Converted from Cavalry Brigade) (3.32/4): 1.98

Resource: 3
Taxes (war)(penalty): 6
Subtotal: 9

1727 20 yr Loan: (7% [backed by Poland])(Original: 10; Balance: 9)(Interest: .7; Principal: .5)
Total: 1.2

20 yr Loan (Poland): 10

Maint: 1.1
Net Total: 16.7

8 Garrisons: 16
.7 for bribes for Boyars

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Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 35

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Page 2 Empty Re: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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