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Barbary Wars of 1800

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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:48 pm

Summer of 1800

Franco-Spanish fleets set out to deal with threat of the Barbary states once and for all...

Barbary Wars of 1800 William-eaton-to-the-shores-of-tripoli7

More to come tomorrow


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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Re: Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:15 pm

Summer of 1800

Background: In February 1800, the French government declares that, at the invitation of the Sublime Porte in Constantinople, it will undertake a military campaign in order to assist its ancient allies of the Ottoman Empire and to rid Europe of the scourge of Piracy forever. A state of war is declared between France and the Barbary Pirates based on the North African coast that nominally swear loyalty to the Empire but which, in reality, have been independent for decades. Nominally, the war is being undertaken to restore the Sultan's writ to the Barbary Coast, as well as to return land lost by the Spanish Empire in the Falklands War.

France and Spain will work in concert to crush the pirates, starting first with the Dey of Algiers and Oran. While Spain's fleets focus primarily on Oran, France will send the Mediterranean Fleet, along with an Expeditionary Force under the command of the glorious hero of the Revolution, the Marquis de Lafayette, to attack Algiers itself. The fleet is ordered to blockade the city and land the Army of Africa, which will place the city under siege. If the city falls before the end of Summer, Lafayette is empowered to secure the surrounding countryside and establish martial law under French oversight in anticipation of further actions against other pirate strongholds along the coast.

Spanish forces

Armada Africana - Admiral Federico Gravina
2 BB1 (Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias)
6 BB2 (Rubí, Sagrario, Real Familia, Real de Mazi, Porto Coeli, Santa Terasa)
4 FF1 (Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)
10 Brigs/PatRon

Armada Atlántica - Admiral Jose de Mazarredo y Salazar
2 BB1 (Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad)
16 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante)
4 FF1 (Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona, Ventura)
4 Brigs/PatRon

Spanish army
2 infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division, 2 Marine Regiments

French Forces

Mediterranean Fleet (Marseilles to Algiers) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Union, Droits de l'Homme, Hercule)
-2 Brigs
-5 Transport Units


Army of Africa (Marseilles to Algiers) (Commander: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)
-3 infantry Divisions
-1 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Bey of Oran Forces
Tech 2.5 Fortress at Oran
6 Infantry Regiments
2 Militia Infantry Brigades
2 Frigates
6 Brigs
3 Shipping units

Bey of Algiers Forces
Tech 2.5 Fortress at Algiers
6 Infantry Regiments
2 Militia Infantry Brigades
6 Frigates
6 Brigs
3 Shipping units

Spanish invasion of Oran

July 8-10, 1800

The Spanish combine fleet arrives off the coast of Oran and overwhelm the local fleet by sheer firepower, while incurring no losses to their own.

Bey of Oran losses
2 Frigates sunk
6 Brigs sunk
2 shipping units destroyed
1 shipping unit captured

The Spanish fleet then focuses it attention on the Fortress of Oran, despite being old. It was still formable foe to deal with. The Spanish fleet shell the fortress day and night to silence its guns and create bleaches in the walls. Which they are able to do by the morning of July 10, however at a cost.

Spanish losses
4 Frigates heavily damaged, out of commission for six months in dry-dock- Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)
4 Brigs sunk

Now with the fortress crippled, the Spanish forces land to seize the city from defenders. The fighting was brutal as Spanish Infantry/Marines clashes with the Bey forces, the Spanish forces are well trained and inflict heavy losses on the Bey forces with support of the fleet artillery. However, the Bey forces who are fighting for home, also inflict heavy losses on the Spanish. But by days, they have shattered and force to retreat from the city with heavy losses. The Spanish have taken Oran once again.

Spanish losses
1 Infantry Brigade reduce to Infantry Regiment
2 Marine Regiments shattered, need to be rebuilt

Bey forces
2 Militia Infantry Brigades shattered
4 Infantry regiment shattered

July 12-16 , 1800

The French fleet arrives outside of Algiers and engages combat with Bey of Algiers fleet, who barely received word of the fall of Oran. The naval balance of power was heavily in favor of the French, who use their superior firepower in attempt the shatter the Bey’s fleet. However, the Bey’s can inflict some damage with the support of their fortress before being overwhelmed and wipe out.

Bey fleet’s
6 Frigates sunk
6 Brigs sunk
3 Shipping units all sunk

French losses
2 Frigates sunk- Droits de l'Homme, Hercule
2 Frigates heavily damaged- Barra, Union heavily damaged, six months of repairs in dry-dock

The French fleet then heads to cripple and disable the fortress, they shell the Fortress night and day, while the French army lands outside the city to siege it. By July 14th, they have crippled the fortress and created multiple bleaches in the walls. But do take some moderates losses of their own.

French losses
2 Brigs sunk
2 BB2 Zodiaque, Minotaure- moderate damage- three months of repairs in dry-dock

As the French were barely digging in for their siege, the Marquis de Lafayette receives word that a sizeable force of Berber/Arabs tribemens were mobilizing to take arms to drive the French out within the next week or so. He marks the call to assault the city with heavy support of the fleet and artillery.

The Battle of Algiers July 16-18, 1800

The combined French force attack the Bey’s forces, whos morale was already low from shelling and loss of the fleet. However, they were determined to defend their home.  The fighting was brutal was the defenders did their best to hold off the French attacks and were nearly successful at times. However, by sheer determination, the French forces managed to overpower their foes and take the city with moderate losses. However, the Bey of Algiers was nowhere to be found.

Bey force’s all shattered
6 Infantry Regiments
2 Militia Infantry Brigades

French losses
3 Infantry Divisions shattered, reduced 3 Infantry Brigades

Both Oran and Algiers are considered ports in game terms, and will start producing income by 1802
Algiers also has a resource, will start producing income by 1802.


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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Re: Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:26 pm

Early Fall 1800

With the capture of Algiers, the French elect to continue their war against the Barbary corsairs. Not only have Tunis and Tripoli not yet fallen to French power, but the Dey of Algiers continue to evade French justice. Campaigns against the other two states are delayed until 1801, but are on the cards.

For the Fall 1800, French forces are ordered to focus on securing the coast. Reinforcements are ferried across the Mediterranean by the French fleet (6 infantry divisions, 2 cavalry divisions, 3 artillery battalions, 1 artillery brigade; 9 transport units are employed, which is paid for out of the 3.45 points left in reserve in this year's budget), strengthening the French hold on Algiers, and then Lafayette is ordered to march eastward along the coast to establish French control. Lafayette's army is to be shadowed by the Mediterranean Fleet; in this way, the French hope to simultaneously burn out corsair bases and sink their ships in a methodical march along the coast. At the same time, the Atlantic Fleet is to be redeployed from Bordeaux into the Mediterranean in anticipation of the 1801 campaigns.

Jourdan, left in command of the Algiers garrison, is ordered to continue securing the surrounding area and to defend Algiers. Both Lafayette and Jourdan are empowered to deviate from their orders and try to capture the Dey of Algiers if they learn of his whereabouts. However, the French Ministry of War is considering a campaign deeper into the Atlas mountains once the coasts have been secured.

The French forces shatter the remaining Bey forces at Béjaïa, and the Bey of Algiers is force to surrender with whatever remains of his "Ottoman" Janissaries, who by this time are mostly compose of locals.

However local Arab,Berber, and Moorish tribes in Atlas mountain region organize and take up arms to defend their lands against the Franco-Spanish invasion. Exact numbers are unknown at this time.


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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Re: Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:07 pm

Spring of 1801

Now that the Dey of Algiers has been captured, he is ordered to be imprisoned on Corsica until the end of hostilities. He is not formally deposed as ruler of the city, pending the completion of the campaign and formal negotiations with the Ottoman Sultan, but Jourdan is ordered to continue his reorganization of the newly captured lands along French administrative lines.

After leaving a garrison at Annaba, Lafayette continues his march towards Tunis, accompanied by the Mediterranean Fleet. He is ordered to carry out a similar campaign as before, aiming to burn out the corsair coastal bases en route. Once he arrives at Tunis, he is to besiege and capture it and secure the Bey of Tunis--upon his capture, he is likewise ordered to be imprisoned on Corsica. The Mediterranean Fleet is ordered to assist in the blockade and siege.

The Atlantic Fleet, which has been relocated to the Mediterranean, is ordered to step up patrols of the Western Mediterranean in an attempt to capture any and all Corsair fleets that escaped to sea.


Atlantic Fleet (Algiers) (Commander: Pierre-Charles Villeneuve)
-5 BB2s (Conquérant, Monarque, Intrépide, Magnifique, Robuste)
-8 Frigates (Florissant, Bourgogne, Marseillais, Destin, Lion, Cassard, Sceptre, Magnifique)
-2 Brigs

Mediterranean Fleet (Annaba to Tunis) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-3 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Union, Droits de l'Homme, Hercule)


Army of Algiers (Algiers) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Jourdan)
-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Division
-1 Artillery Brigade

Army of Africa (Annaba to Tunis) (Commander: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)
-4 Infantry Divisions
-2 Cavalry Divisions
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Annaba Garrison
-1 Infantry Division

Bejaia Garrison
-1 Infantry Division

Meanwhile the Spanish army and fleet is focus on securing its new holdings at Oran.

The long march to Tunis…

The remaining Barbary ships and forces in Algeria withdraw to their stronghold in Tunis, not giving the French and Spanish fleets the chance to sink their ships or remaining shipping. However for the army of Africa, the march to Tunis is painful one with Berber/Arab tribes launching a war of hit and run attacks on French supply lines and remote garrisons. The French forces are able to fight off the raids and attacks but slows down progress to Tunis to snails pace.

French losses

Annaba and Bejaia garrisons are reduced to Infantry brigades

Army of Tunis takes the following losses
2 Cav Divisions reduced to 2 Cav Brigades

Berber/Arab tribes losses
6 Militia Infantry/ Cav brigades shattered

By end of June 1801, the French army arrives in Tunis and starts the siege with the French fleet enacting a blockade of the port

Bey of Tunis forces in Tunis
1 Fortress at Tunis tech 3.5
2 Infantry Militia Brigades
1 Militia Cav Brigade
4 Infantry Regiments tech 4

Bey’s fleet in harbor
4 Frigates
2 Brigs
2 shipping units


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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Re: Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:14 pm

Summer of 1801

The siege of Tunis continues with no change, however Berber/Arab raids on French supplies is becoming a issue for French logistics. French commanders request more troops to setup garrisons and forts along the coastal road from Algiers to Tunis.


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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Re: Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:30 pm

Fall of 1801

By September 5th , the French forces have finally create a bleach in walls of the Tunis, the Marquis offers terms to the Bey to surrender. However, the Bey rejects any idea of surrendering to the French. With that Marquis makes preparations to take the city by force and shatter the threat of barbary pirates raiding the European coast once and for all. However at the night of September 5th, as the French army was sleep. The Bey give orders to his fleet commander to attempt to break though the French blockade by use of fireships and cover of night.

The night battle of Tunis

The Beys fleet use the cover of darkness to approach the French fleet and begin the attack. The French admiral didn’t expect such a brazen move by the Bey forces. However, he did have ships maintain a lookout for any movements from the harbor. But it was difficult to keep watch in dark of night. Giving the Barbary slight advantage for their attack.

The Barbary fireships caught the French frigates by surprise and inflict heavy damage and causing the sinking of the Union and Tigre. However, the French warships quickly organize themselves to counter the threat of the Barbary fireships and blasted them out of the water. However, it difficult for the French Admiral to get his fleet into formation due to the fact the battle was taking place at night and using signal flags was useless. The fighting was more one on one basic, the French use their superior training and warships to hammer and break the Barbary attack. By morning, the French have won the battle but at heavy cost to their fleet to much to horror of the Admiral.

Mediterranean Fleet (Annaba to Tunis) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
2 Frigates sunk Tigre, Union
4 Frigates heavy damaged, six months in dry dock( Droits de l'Homme, Hercule, Tyrannicide, Jemappes)
1 BB2- moderate damage, three months in dry dock for repairs(Glorieux)


Bey’s fleet
Frigates- 2 sunk, 2 captured, heavy damaged , six months of repairs in dry dock
2 Brigs sunk
8 fireships sunk
2 shipping units captured by the French

By the morning of September 6th, the Marquis give the order to attack the city with whatever remains of his naval support. The French use rely on their artillery and naval artillery to break the backs of the Barbary defenders who’s morale was already weak in light of losing the fleet and the bleach. The fighting was intense along the sections of the Barbary manned by Bey guards. However, the areas manned by the militia were abandon as the French assault them. Allowing the French forces to focus their might on the Bey’s guards. The fighting was intense but hopeless for the Bey’s forces who were outnumbered and outgunned , which led to them being completely shattered by the French forces. By the end of September 6th, the city has fallen to France at moderate cost.


Army of Africa (Annaba to Tunis) (Commander: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)
-2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades

Bey of Tunis forces in Tunis all shattered and the Bey formally surrenders the city to Marquis.
1 Fortress at Tunis tech 3.5- bleach
2 Infantry Militia Brigades
1 Militia Cav Brigade
4 Infantry Regiments tech 4

France gains 1 port at Tunis and 1 Craft Center at Tunis, will produce 50% income for 1802 and full income in 1803.


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Barbary Wars of 1800 Empty Re: Barbary Wars of 1800

Post by Ottoman Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:39 pm

Winter of 1802

With the successful capture of Tunis, the French government believes that the core of the campaign against the Barbary Pirates has come to an end. While the Pashalik of Tripoli remains, the Foreign Ministry believes that the best course of action at this point would be a show of force followed by negotiations to guarantee an end to piracy out of the ports of Tripoli and Benghazi, among others.

With the Mediterranean Fleet still battered after the battle of Tunis, the Atlantic Fleet is sent to blockade and lightly bombard Tripoli. Instead of aiming to follow it up with a quick invasion, however, the Fleet is to then send ashore a delegation from the French government. The delegation will then present an ultimatum to the Pasha of Tripoli: either put an end to pirates using his territory as a base and return to obeying the Sultan in Constantinople, or face the prospect of ending up like the Dey of Algiers and Bey of Tunis.

The Pasha of Tripoli and Benghazi seeing no choice in matter accept the French terms and send a envoy to Ottoman Sultan renewing their oath of loyalty to the Empire.

Meanwhile in Algeria and Tunisia, as the French forces retreat to their winter quarters, the Berber/Arab tribes set up their strongholds in Mountain regions or rural areas as they prepare for long battle over control of the region. Local French officials and commanders write to Paris to setup garrisons and forts to maintain control of the coastal region.


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