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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:20 pm

Fall 1794
Sir Thomas Dundas arrives in Holland and travels to Maastricht in his new role a British Secretary of State in hopes of brokering peace.  

Minimum goal is to end the fighting in Germany and that between British-Dutch forces and Prussian forces, but the more ambitious goal is to broker a general peace ending the war started when Prussia and Austria invaded France.     Another goal is to settle the borders of the Netherlands, including partitioning the former Austrian Netherlands between Holland (Flemish speaking areas) and France (Walloon speaking areas) as a stable Netherlands is vital to British interests.  

The British Parliament has already written off the claims its royal family had in Germany, unwilling to sink more money, troops and prestige into what most Britons view as a continental attachment that has long outlived whatever usefulness it ever had.   However Germany has not become more stable as a result of the war and indeed less so and French ambitions to establish its border along as much of the Rhine as possible are almost certainly going to be unwelcome by the Austrians and Prussians.  

In general, it appears that at least peace between Prussia and Britain/Netherlands is within reach.   As for the rest.....

The British governments asks that the Austrians, Prussians, and French provide their opening positions regarding a general peace.

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Tue Dec 22, 2020 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Ottoman Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:07 pm

The Austrians send Johann Amadeus von Thugut as their envoy to the Summit, represent their interest, but not to provide terms yet.


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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:18 pm

As the Prussians and French have yet to arrive or present proposals, the British Foreign Minister asks the Danish ambassador to meet with him to discuss items of mutual interest, as well as the Portuguese, Swedish, Russian and even the Turkish ambassadors as they are in Holland and he has time to do so. A large Ball is organized for the upcoming Christmas season as well
Galveston Bay
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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Lefty Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:14 pm

(OOC: Sorry, thought I posted something!)

The Prussian delegation sends Karl August von Hardenberg, as well as several lesser-known statesmen from Hannover. Von Hardenberg makes it known that the North German Confederation seeks peace -- most especially with France -- but the armies of Germany will resist any attempts by foreign powers to subjugate German lands.

He makes it known that he is given full authority to negotiate a reasonable resolution to the border between the Dutch and German lands.

He further makes it known that Denmark's provocative behavior will not go unchallenged, and he intends to debate the legality of the Danish crown's annexation of Schleswig-Holstein.

Lastly, he declares his intention to attend the Christmas ball.

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Ottoman Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:47 pm

The Danish envoy remarks the Prussians have no standing to challenge their holdings in Schleswig-Holstein, since they been duchies of the Danish Crown since 1400s. Since the HRE is no longer functioning the Danish crown is merely acting to insure that it's holdings are protected from outside powers.


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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Ottoman Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:53 pm

Ottoman wrote:The Danish envoy remarks the Prussians have no standing to challenge their holdings in Schleswig-Holstein, since they been duchies of the Danish Crown since 1400s.  Since the HRE is no longer functioning the Danish crown is merely acting to insure that it's holdings are protected from outside powers.

Also the Imperial Russian Envoy to the Dutch court concurs with Danish opinion and makes it known that Russia will defend the Danish right to protect its holdings.


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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Lefty Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:53 am

Ottoman wrote:The Danish envoy remarks the Prussians have no standing to challenge their holdings in Schleswig-Holstein, since they been duchies of the Danish Crown since 1400s.  Since the HRE is no longer functioning the Danish crown is merely acting to insure that it's holdings are protected from outside powers.

Von Hardenburg objects to the Danish arguments for three reasons:

"First, Holstein remains a part of the Holy Roman Empire until it is fully dissolved. The North German Confederation is in negotiations with the Habsburg Crown to call an Imperial Diet to make the necessary legal formalities.

Second, Holstein is a land populated overwhelmingly by German-speaking peoples. The Confederation objects to their subjection to foreign rule and will seek to guarantee their rights.

Finally, Holstein presents a key strategic territory, bordering the key port cities of Lubeck and Hamburg, as well as Westphalia. It presents a serious vulnerability to the German heartland. It is vital those lands do not present a danger, as the reckless mobilization of the Danish army exemplifies.

We do not object to the Danish crown's legal authority over the land, but merely seek a reasonable solution. Therefore, we propose that rather than continue with annexation, instead Holstein join the North German Confederation as an associate member in accordance with the Confederation's role as successor to the Empire in northern Germany. The territorial integrity would be ensured by both the Confederation Army and the Danish Army, Germany would have a security guarantee, the people of Holstein would be able to trade with their German neighbors, and the King of Denmark would maintain his legal dominion over the territory is crown has held for generations."

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Ottoman Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:34 am

Lefty wrote:
Ottoman wrote:The Danish envoy remarks the Prussians have no standing to challenge their holdings in Schleswig-Holstein, since they been duchies of the Danish Crown since 1400s.  Since the HRE is no longer functioning the Danish crown is merely acting to insure that it's holdings are protected from outside powers.

Von Hardenburg objects to the Danish arguments for three reasons:

"First, Holstein remains a part of the Holy Roman Empire until it is fully dissolved. The North German Confederation is in negotiations with the Habsburg Crown to call an Imperial Diet to make the necessary legal formalities.

Second, Holstein is a land populated overwhelmingly by German-speaking peoples. The Confederation objects to their subjection to foreign rule and will seek to guarantee their rights.

Finally, Holstein presents a key strategic territory, bordering the key port cities of Lubeck and Hamburg, as well as Westphalia. It presents a serious vulnerability to the German heartland. It is vital those lands do not present a danger, as the reckless mobilization of the Danish army exemplifies.

We do not object to the Danish crown's legal authority over the land, but merely seek a reasonable solution. Therefore, we propose that rather than continue with annexation, instead Holstein join the North German Confederation as an associate member in accordance with the Confederation's role as successor to the Empire in northern Germany. The territorial integrity would be ensured by both the Confederation Army and the Danish Army, Germany would have a security guarantee, the people of Holstein would be able to trade with their German neighbors, and the King of Denmark would maintain his legal dominion over the territory is crown has held for generations."

The Danish Envoy with the backing of the Russian Envoy replies "The Danish are open for Holstein to join the the confederation as associate member. As measure to reduce tenisons, the Danish Royal Army will stand down and withdraw to its peacetime positions. However Prussians do not have the right to station troops in Holstein and the Danish decline this request by the Prussian government."


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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Lefty Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:58 am

Ottoman wrote:
Lefty wrote:
Ottoman wrote:The Danish envoy remarks the Prussians have no standing to challenge their holdings in Schleswig-Holstein, since they been duchies of the Danish Crown since 1400s.  Since the HRE is no longer functioning the Danish crown is merely acting to insure that it's holdings are protected from outside powers.

Von Hardenburg objects to the Danish arguments for three reasons:

"First, Holstein remains a part of the Holy Roman Empire until it is fully dissolved. The North German Confederation is in negotiations with the Habsburg Crown to call an Imperial Diet to make the necessary legal formalities.

Second, Holstein is a land populated overwhelmingly by German-speaking peoples. The Confederation objects to their subjection to foreign rule and will seek to guarantee their rights.

Finally, Holstein presents a key strategic territory, bordering the key port cities of Lubeck and Hamburg, as well as Westphalia. It presents a serious vulnerability to the German heartland. It is vital those lands do not present a danger, as the reckless mobilization of the Danish army exemplifies.

We do not object to the Danish crown's legal authority over the land, but merely seek a reasonable solution. Therefore, we propose that rather than continue with annexation, instead Holstein join the North German Confederation as an associate member in accordance with the Confederation's role as successor to the Empire in northern Germany. The territorial integrity would be ensured by both the Confederation Army and the Danish Army, Germany would have a security guarantee, the people of Holstein would be able to trade with their German neighbors, and the King of Denmark would maintain his legal dominion over the territory is crown has held for generations."

The Danish Envoy with the backing of the Russian Envoy replies "The Danish are open for Holstein to join the the confederation as associate member. As measure to reduce tenisons, the Danish Royal Army will stand down and withdraw to its peacetime positions. However Prussians do not have the right to station troops in Holstein and the Danish decline this request by the Prussian government."

These terms are agreeable to Prussia and the North German Confederation.

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by TLS Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:01 pm

France, making no apologies for its tardiness and lack of physical presence, sends a note to the assembly at Maastricht. The People of France, empowered by Reason and their Creator to establish Liberty upon the European Continent, will make no treaty with the tyrants of Berlin and Vienna that does not recognize the following fundamental truths:

1) France, as the Leading Light of the World, is entitled to its natural borders. This includes the Rhine, the Cisalpine lands, and any other territory necessary to secure France's -- and therefore, Freedom's -- frontiers.

2) The People of Central Europe deserve true Freedom, Liberty and Equality, not a sham imposed upon them by an inbred Junker vampire. Liberty, not the language of a decadent elite, is the truest common bond. Claims to identity predicated on the tongue spoken by noblemen, rather than that of the people, has no bearing on the true fraternity, that of common people. As such, the North German Confederation must be disbanded, as must the Holy Roman Empire, and freely-elected bodies of free men must be allowed to take power wherever Oppression reigns.

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Lefty Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:51 pm

Von Hardenburg scoffs as the French demands are met.

“The French screed demands the Germans bow to French whims, masking an imperious stance that would make the Sun King blush with flowery rhetoric. The North German delegation will remain at talks to set peace with rational parties of Europe, but the sons of Germany will stand in defense of their country against French bloodthirstiness. We ask those assembled here to condemn French warmongering and cease all support for their aggression.”

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:00 pm

In secondary talks between the British Foreign Minister and Austrian ambassador, the Austrians are told they must cede all territory between the Rhine and 1789 French borders to the Prussians and Dutch, as well as agree cede the Austrian Netherlands to the Dutch and French (with the Flemish portions going to the Dutch, the remainder including Brussels to France).  This will achieve Austrian peace with Britain.  

The British make no mention of the Holy Roman Empire or North German Confederation and indeed seem completely uninterested regarding the outcome in Germany itself.  

However, Lord Dundas does advise the Austrians to ask to retain Catholic Germany and give up claims in Italy in hopes that France will relent and ask for peace.   However the Austrians are informed that Britain will not intervene against France in continued hostilities between Austria and France, nor will it do so in hostilities between France and Prussia.

In direct talks with Prussia, the British government asks for an indefinite truce until such time as a formal peace treaty can be established between the Dutch/British governments and Prussia.

Again the British fail to mention the North German Confederation. Indeed there is an obvious unwillingness to admit that such exists but it is noted that there is no request by Britain for the return of Hanover or other previously held German territory.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Lefty Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:51 pm

Von Hardenburg makes it known that Prussia and its allies will agree to a truce with Britain, the Netherlands and all other belligerents. German armies will not engage in hostile actions, but will defend German lands (ooc: roughly described as modern Germany borders).

Indeed Von Hardenburg informs his British counterparts that he is ready to sign a lasting peace with Britain.

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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Ottoman Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:17 pm

The Austrian envoy after reading the French response, rejects the British terms. To allow France control of the Po Valley is too dangerous to Austrian interest. He also remarks that Austrian doesn't have any lands in Rhineland, aside from Flanders and Liege was Prince Bishop state that is under French occupation. The Austrians withdraw their delegation from the talks.


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Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795  Empty Re: Treaty of Maastricht Winter 1795

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Dec 22, 2020 4:42 pm

Lefty wrote:Von Hardenburg makes it known that Prussia and its allies will agree to a truce with Britain, the Netherlands and all other belligerents. German armies will not engage in hostile actions, but will defend German lands (ooc: roughly described as modern Germany borders).

Indeed Von Hardenburg informs his British counterparts that he is ready to sign a lasting peace with Britain.

The British government signs the Treaty of Maastricht, ending the war between Britain and Prussia.

The British Foreign Minister leaves for home after the Austrians depart having achieved half a loaf
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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