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Treaties and Conferences

Hussam B.
Galveston Bay
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Treaties and Conferences Empty Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:37 pm

Treaty of Porto 1701
France and Portugal sign a treaty of military cooperation. France guarantees to defend Portugal from external attack. Portugal and France agree to escort each others merchant shipping, allow the ships of each nation to use each others ports and repair facilities and to cooperate against pirate threats where ever they are a problem In addition France offers support to Portugal in its long term plan to attack and seize Zanzibar.

Barcelona talks 1702
France and Spain enter into discussions regarding the fate of Haiti and Florida. The French are wanting to trade Haiti for Florida, and the Spanish indicate general agreement. Further discussions gain agreement to escort each others merchant shipping in pirate waters, with the France covering trans Oceanic convoys to the West Indies, the Spanish covering the approaches out of Gibraltar as well as patrolling the West Indies.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Kilani Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:55 pm


Following negotiations between the King of Morocco and an English delegation, it is announced that a Treaty of Peace and Friendship (or the Treaty of Tangier) is to be signed between the King of Morocco and the English Majlis, currently chaired by the Wazir "Kroomweel", and all of their successors. As a token of friendship, the King personally pays the ransom of 10,000 "English" in the ports and cities under his control.


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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Ottoman Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:07 pm

Late 1701- Early 1702

Ottomans have trade negotiations with Mughals of India/ Sultan of Aceh, the Ottomans are successful in opening trade relations with the two states. More to come on this...


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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Hussam B. Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:50 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Barcelona talks 1702
France and Spain enter into discussions regarding the fate of Haiti and Florida.    The French are wanting to trade Haiti for Florida, and the Spanish indicate general agreement.  Further discussions gain agreement to escort each others merchant shipping in pirate waters, with the France covering trans Oceanic convoys to the West Indies, the Spanish covering the approaches out of Gibraltar as well as patrolling the West Indies.

The Spanish Government further reconfirms its willingness to seek the territorial rearrangement. The occasion is also used by Madrid to start a discussion to clearly demarcate the frontiers of Spanish and French possessions in the New World and lay the groundwork to update the defunct Treaty of Tordesillas to represent the current situation in the New World and resolve territorial disputes between the two and perhaps use each other's influence to aid in resolving other territorial disputes.

Meanwhile, the Spanish Mediterranean territorial fleets are reorganized and supplemented by the Atlantic Escort fleet to protect Latin shipping through the straits of Gibraltar.

Hussam B.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:55 pm

In the Spring of 1702 the final touches of the Treaty of Barcelona are discussed..

French Terms:
Summer of 1702, France will abandon Haiti, and place infantry battalions to take over possession of the forts in Florida.

The Spanish and French governments will honor the property of Spanish and French settlers in the two respective territories, but those who wish to leave will be allowed to sell out and leave freely.

The Spanish and French navies will cooperate in the war against the Barbary Pirates until peace is established.

This treaty will officially designate the borders as established as the official borders
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Hussam B. Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:10 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:In the Spring of 1702 the final touches of the Treaty of Barcelona are discussed..

French Terms:
Summer of 1702, France will abandon Haiti, and place infantry battalions to take over possession of the forts in Florida.  

The Spanish and French governments will honor the property of Spanish and French settlers in the two respective territories, but those who wish to leave will be allowed to sell out and leave freely.  

The Spanish and French navies will cooperate in the war against the Barbary Pirates until peace is established.  

This treaty will officially designate the borders as established as the official borders

Summer of 1702, Spain will likewise begin the transfer of troops from Florida to Haiti, turning over their forts and facilities to the incoming French troops. The occasion proves to be quite the opportunity to anyone speaking both French and Spanish as they are sought to make the unprecedented transition as smooth as possible.

The Spanish Crown announces that it will likewise honor the property of Spanish and French settlers and allow anyone wishing to leave to do so.

The newly reappointed Admiralty of Castile continues to coordinate with France in the war against the Barbary Estates and remains receptive to the requests of its French allies.

Finally, borders are officially ratified as per agreement.

The Florida Purchase:

Hussam B.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:43 pm

The Transfer of French Hispaniola
trading post (Port of Prince)
.25 points of sugar plantation income
(.5 points total value)
roughly 1,000 French and other Europeans, roughly 5,000 slaves
1 infantry battalion (departs Fall 1702 to Florida)

also a pirate problem

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by TLS Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:58 pm

Treaty of Reval, September 1702

1. Sweden will cede the provinces of Estonia and Ingria to Russia, and the province of Livonia to Poland.
2. The Baltic nobility shall have their current financial systems, self-governance, customs border, and Lutheran religion guaranteed.
3. Sweden will pay Russia and Poland, each, the sum of 5 million riksdolars over a period of 10 years (.5 points/year apiece)
4. All prisoners will be exchanged.
5. Russia, Poland, and Sweden shall sign a treaty of non-aggression for a period of 20 years.
6. Russia and Poland shall aid the Swedes in any war against the Holsteiner usurpers and avoid the possibility of all Scandinavia coming under the thumb of the Danish crown.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:21 pm

Summer 1702
The Russian Emperor approaches by letter (presumably through Sweden) asking for French assistance in bringing the war in the Baltic to an end as well as an exchange of ambassadors.  

As the French are concerned about Germany more than Scandinavia or Russia as far as territorial concessions and the general balance of power, the French politely agree to send an envoy to Russia to establish an embassy and allow the Russians to do the same (traveling on French ships if need be).

Notes as sent to the various warring powers on both sides forwarding the Russian proposal that Sweden, Denmark, and Russia be considered neutral in the current fighting in Germany and elsewhere and adds that as Sweden has suffered a severe defeat, that it hand over in any settlement its territory to the German inhabitants of such.   Other proposals are of course invited.  

As France is neutral in this dispute, it is willing to help arrange a more general peace conference if such is sought.

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Kilani Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:44 pm

With the death of Charles and Sweden thrown into disarray, the Commonwealth is reluctantly forced to concede (at least in their own private council) that the cause of the war seems to be finished. In public, Commonwealth diplomats add support for a conference to end the war.


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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Lefty Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:21 pm

Polish diplomats quietly indicate to their French counterparts that Poland is potentially interested in a cease-fire now that Polish lands lost to Sweden have been reclaimed.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Reddawn Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:30 pm

The Tsar sends Count Andrei Matveev to participate in the negotiations to end the war, and to stay as the Tsar’s ambassador to France.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:58 pm

As it seems a general peace conference is indeed sought after, the French invites delegates interested to attend at conference at Le Havre, which has the advantage of being a port but close to Paris.

The conference is scheduled for September 22, 1702
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Lefty Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:35 pm

Paris Accords
Section 1
There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between the Commonwealth of England and Scotland, the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp and the Holy Roman Emperor, the Tsardom of Russia, the Electorate of Saxony, the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania, and the Electorate of Brandenburg. A full and faithful exchange of prisoners, banners, standards, hostages, etc. shall commence within one month of the signing of this Peace.

Section 2
1) The Swedish Crown shall pass to the Charles Frederick I, son of the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, in return for his renouncing the inheritance of the Duchy. The current Duke shall hold the Duchy until his death, at which point it shall return to the Danish crown.

2) Upon the death of each monarch, the designated successor shall only be crowned after a negotiated settlement between the monarch and the Riksdag, a pacta conventa demonstrating a contract between the nobility and the monarch.

3) In the event that the monarch dies without an heir, the Riksdag shall elect another monarch from the House of Holstein-Gottorp. If no suitable candidate exists, the Riksdag shall then be returned to its ancient prerogative of being able to freely elect a noble from inside or outside the Kingdom to rule.

4) The Swedish crown will cede the provinces of Estonia and Ingria to Russia, and the province of Livonia to Poland. The Baltic nobility shall have their current financial systems, self-governance, customs border, and Lutheran religion guaranteed.

5) The Swedish territory of Bremen shall be transferred to the Kingdom of Denmark.

6) Sweden will declare itself neutral in the affairs of other Scandinavian and Baltic states for a period of no less than 20 years, and thus enter into a non-aggression pact with the nations of: Denmark, Poland, Russia, and Brandenburg.

7) The Riksdag forever banishes the notion of a union of the crowns of Sweden and Denmark, and swears to uphold the independence of Sweden from foreign domination until the last ounce of noble blood is shed.

Cool Sweden swears to renounce any and all claims to be acting on behalf of the Protestant princes and peoples of the Empire.

Section 3
1) The Treaty of Oliva is declared defunct, and Margrave of Brandenburg hereby renounces any claim to the Duchy of Prussia. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth shall entitle the income of the Port of Konigsberg to the Crown of Brandenburg for a total of five years.

2) The Swedish Crown will cede the territory of Swedish Pomerania including the Port of Stettin to the Crown of Brandenburg. Funds shall be provided by the member states of the Coalition to conduct repairs to the Port of Stettin.

3) The Elector shall retain any remaining titles and rights, including status as an elector and the right to choose his religion.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by TLS Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:56 pm

Treaty of Kermanshah

Ramadan 15, 1118 (December 20, 1706)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

The Shah of the Expansive Realm of Iran and the Sultan of the Exalted Ottoman State, seeking to put the quarrels of the past year behind them, agree to the following terms:

1. Persia must pay the Ottoman Empire 2 points in gold,germs, and silk effective 1707.

2. Al-Hasa region will transfer to Sultan as protectorate and all income from the region will be given to the Ottomans, effective 1707.

3. Besides Al-Hasa, the Ottoman-Persian Frontier will remain status quo.

4. In return for a guarantee of their safety and the protection of their holy sites, the citizens of Najaf and Karbala shall lay down their arms.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Treaty of Minsk (Fall 1708)

Post by Lefty Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:42 pm

The Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth agree to a 20 year non-aggression pact, and agree to open trade along their borders and in the Arabian Seas.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Lefty Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:02 pm

Peace of Tver (August 28, 1708)

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ottoman Empire, and Tsardom of Russia and the vassals of each hereby cease hostilities, and agree to the following terms:

1) A full and faithful exchange of prisoners, banners, standards, hostages, etc. shall commence within one month of the signing of this Peace;

2) The Peace of Andrusovo and all territorial changes are hereby overturned, with the lands of Smolensk, the Left-Bank Ukraine, Siever lands, and Kiev returning to the Commonwealth. Additionally, the lands of Estonia, including the city of Reval, shall be annexed by the Commonwealth;

3) The Tsardom of Russia pledges to not fortify the city of Kharkov and surrounding lands;

4) The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ottoman Empire, and Tsardom of Russia, and the vassals of each agree to a non-aggression pact for the duration of 20 years.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Kilani Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:24 pm

Peace of 1713

To sum up:

-Catholic Supremacy wihtin the kingdom of France, but the Civil Rights of Protestants and Jews are accepted

-The Kingdom of Naples is ceded to the Lateran Powers

-English and French withdrawal from Sardinia, Puerto Rico and Balearic Islands; Spain to pay an indemnity to the Commonwealth (OOC: 2 points)

-The traditional French feudal organization remains (Parliaments and Estates General)

-The Kingdom of Lombardy is established (recognized by France and the Holy Roman Emperor)

-Avignon remains a Papal outpost

-The King of France makes his apologies to the Pope, etc.

-The excommunication of the French Royal Family is lifted based on Catholic Supremacy and promises made to retain it

-France keeps Louisiana (Philippia), the Austrians get their merchant flotilla back and Genoa gets its merchant flotilla back


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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Hussam B. Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:55 pm

Kilani wrote:Peace of 1713

To sum up:

-Catholic Supremacy wihtin the kingdom of France, but the Civil Rights of Protestants and Jews are accepted

-The Kingdom of Naples is ceded to the Lateran Powers

-English and French withdrawal from Sardinia, Puerto Rico and Balearic Islands; Spain to pay an indemnity to the Commonwealth (OOC: 2 points)

-The traditional French feudal organization remains (Parliaments and Estates General)

-The Kingdom of Lombardy is established (recognized by France and the Holy Roman Emperor)

-Avignon remains a Papal outpost

-The King of France makes his apologies to the Pope, etc.

-The excommunication of the French Royal Family is lifted based on Catholic Supremacy and promises made to retain it

-France keeps Louisiana (Philippia), the Austrians get their merchant flotilla back and Genoa gets its merchant flotilla back

-France accepts border adjustments between Spain and France, to that of the 1939 WIF map.

Hussam B.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by TLS Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:26 pm

Hussam B. wrote:

-France accepts border adjustments between Spain and France, to that of the 1939 WIF map.

OOC: The terms proposed included France handing over both San Sebastian and the County of Perpignan/ County of Roussillon, so slightly beyond the 1939 Border on the Mediterranean coast (but a reversion to the Franco-Spanish border pre-1659, so a reasonable request for the Spanish considering the province was lost within living memory). It's not particularly significant economically.

Also, we need a better name than the "Peace of 1713". I'll recommend the Peace of Poitiers (to represent where the French Crown was based at the end of the war) unless someone has a better suggestion.

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:36 pm

TLS wrote:
Hussam B. wrote:

-France accepts border adjustments between Spain and France, to that of the 1939 WIF map.

OOC: The terms proposed included France handing over both San Sebastian and the County of Perpignan/ County of Roussillon, so slightly beyond the 1939 Border on the Mediterranean coast (but a reversion to the Franco-Spanish border pre-1659, so a reasonable request for the Spanish considering the province was lost within living memory). It's not particularly significant economically.

Also, we need a better name than the "Peace of 1713". I'll recommend the Peace of Poitiers (to represent where the French Crown was based at the end of the war) unless someone has a better suggestion.

Most likely talks would have been in Ireland, somewhere in North Germany or in the Netherlands, as the King of France was in no mood to host 'guests"

Ireland is probably the most likely spot, due to access for everyone (even if they travel by Irish and Dutch ships to get there)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Kilani Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:23 pm

Treaty of Westminister (1715)

In early 1715, Dutch and Commonwealth diplomats, after almost two years of off and on again talks, agree to a limited opening of trade; the English will be allowed navigation on the Hudson (for nominal fees) and Dutch ships will be allowed to call at Boston for certain, limited amounts of trade (subject to harbor duties, etc). In other respects, the Navigation Acts remain in affect for the Commonwealth and other overseas colonies. The treaty also establishes the border between the two colonies and firms up recognition of such.


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Treaties and Conferences Empty The Saba Agreement (1715)

Post by Haven Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:17 am

The Saba Agreement (1715)

The Geoctroyeerde Westindische Compagnie (WIC) and the Dutch Government have agreed to sell the island of Saba to the Kingdom of Ireland. The transfer is to be effectuated at years end when the garrison will be transferred to Curacao. (Sale is for a sum of 1.5 points)


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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:39 pm

In the summer of 1715, diplomats from France and the Ottoman Empire work out a basic agreement to assist each other against pirates in the eastern and northern Indian Ocean. The Aden Agreement allows French naval vessels to take on food and water at Ottoman Imperial ports in the Indian Ocean and the Turkish Navy to take on food and water at French ports in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.

While not a formal alliance, it is just another stop on the long road of French and Turkish good relations.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaties and Conferences Empty Re: Treaties and Conferences

Post by Hussam B. Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:05 pm

The Kingdom of Spain announces that it is planning to formalize an agreement with Portugal for the mediation of the colonial borders between Brazil and La Plata where the Portuguese Crown is to gracefully make a concession to prevent future conflict regarding the disputed territory of Colonia del Sacramento:

The Portuguese Crown makes this concession and agrees to withdraw its colonists to settle the dispute regarding the border.

At the same time, the Spanish government agrees to allow the Portuguese fleet passage and access to its ports.

In order to maintain its position of neutrality in the war, previous requests for access by the Dutch are now accepted though both sides are urged to avoid confrontations that would damage Spanish interests.

Hussam B.

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