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Treaty of Brussels 1774

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:35 pm

Late January 1774
When news of the capture of New Orleans is received at Lord Lieutenant Amherst headquarters, he acts on his previous instructions and sends a peace offer via Dutch Merchant ships to the French colonies at Haiti and Martinique, offering the following:

As the French Crown has honorably fought alongside its ally, the British Crown has authorized me to offer the following:
1.  Self government for French colonials in Louisiana and Quebec as Crown Colonies directly under the British Crown including the freedom to practice their faith without restriction.  
2.  Status quo antebellum between France and Britain otherwise
3.  Cessation of hostilities
4.  France would recognize British claims to the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, and the eastern coast of Australia.   Britain would recognize French claims to Polynesia so far mapped by France, as well as Tasmania.  Any additional cartographic information obtained would be shared with France and discussion over who should be awarded which portions of Pacific Oceania conducted in conjunction with the Dutch, who have also claimed Australia previously (and surrendered some of that to the British Government in exchange for payment)
5.  Britain would enforce a peace between Morocco and France and take no action to support other governments or individuals along the Barbary Coast that have attacked France.
6.  Status quo antebellum in India

In addition, for the information of the French Crown, the following is provided

Britain has asked Spain to accept the following terms:
1.  Louisiana shall be British (see above), with a border along the Red River and Sabine River separating Louisiana from Texas.   The British Crown claims the entire Missouri/Mississippi River drainage system.  west or north of the Red River any border shall be the Rocky Mountains, with a border determined once those are actually mapped.
2.  Britain shall obtain the Falkland Islands
3.  Britain shall retain Gibraltar, unless the Spanish have taken it by the Spring Equinox of 1774, then it shall go to Spain. (so if not Spanish by the end of the winter turn, it stays British)
4.  Morocco shall be restrained as above.
5.  Spain will recognize British, Dutch and French claims in the Pacific Oceania
6.   Status quo antebellum elsewhere, with an immediate withdrawal from Florida.  (Note that slaves liberated by the Spanish, as well as the Indian issue is ignored by this)

later in the season, as news reaches London, a more formal message is sent via the Dutch Government, the Austrian Court and the Prussian Court to France with the above, as well as the message below

Spain has thus far rejected the terms above

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:33 pm

After discussions with the Americans, the British Crown sends the following offer to Spain and France

1.  Louisiana (using the RL Louisiana/Arkansas state line and the Mississippi/Louisiana state line) shall be returned to France.  As a condition, American settlers will not be subject to custom duties on exports via New Orleans port, and shall have access to oceanic commerce through that port. Louisiana shall act as a buffer between the British Dominion of North America and the Spanish Empire. The remainder of the Mississippi Valley and the Missouri River drainage system shall be British. The northern border shall be the Red River for territories to the west, with the Rocky Mountains being the extent of British control west.

2.  Self government for Quebec, as a British client state (called a Crown Colony but religious freedom and local control otherwise).   Britain shall determine its foreign policy

3.  France and Spain will recognize British claims to the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, and the eastern coast of Australia.   Britain would recognize French claims to Polynesia so far mapped by France, as well as Tasmania.  Any additional cartographic information obtained would be shared with France and discussion over who should be awarded which portions of Pacific Oceania conducted in conjunction with the Dutch, who have also claimed Australia previously (and surrendered some of that to the British Government in exchange for payment)

4.  Morocco will cease making war on Spain and France and vice versa
5. Peace will be restored between Britain and France and Britain and Spain
6.  The Falkland Islands are recognized as British territory, and navigation by any vessel of any nation through the Straits of Magellan or Cape Horn shall not be impeded.
7.  Gibraltar remains British
8 Port Mahon and Minorca are returned to Spain
9.  Status quo antebellum everywhere else, including India.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Kilani Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:00 pm

After some discussions, the Franco-Spanish respond that they are willing to broker a peace based on the offer, although they have some adjustments that they would like to make. They propose hosting peace talks in Brussels in the Austrian Netherlands, if the Austrian court is amenable.

Their main points of adjustment will be defining the borders of French Louisiana; Spain has no interest in New Zealand or East Australia and does not anticipate being interested.

With regards to the borders of French Louisiana, they propose moving the border north to the Arkansas River, with the border between Texas and Lower Louisiana / French Louisiana to be defined by the Red River and Sabine Rivers.


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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Ottoman Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:05 pm

The Austrian court is amenable to host peace talks in Brussels.


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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by TLS Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:11 pm

France indicates that it is unwilling to enter into a separate peace with England. However, now that El Escorial has agreed to enter into negotiations, Versailles will participate as well. Charles Gravier, comte de Vergennes, the King's personal envoy and Minister of Foreign Affairs, will personally represent the crown in Brussels, if the parties are willing to begin negotiations.

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:23 pm

The British Government accepts the Spanish counteroffer and agrees to final peace talks in Brussels, it also recommends an immediate truce and prisoner exchange.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Kilani Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:55 pm

The Spanish accept the truce proposal and prisoner exchange and diplomats prepare for a long round of talks in Brussels...


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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Ottoman Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:44 pm

Early February 1774

The Austrian Governor of Austrian Netherlands Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine, opens the peace summit and invites boths parties to formalized terms.


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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:56 pm

British proposal with amended demands by Franco-Spanish

1. Louisiana (using the RL Louisiana/Arkansas state line and the Mississippi/Louisiana state line) shall be returned to France. As a condition, American settlers will not be subject to custom duties on exports via New Orleans port, and shall have access to oceanic commerce through that port. Louisiana shall act as a buffer between the British Dominion of North America and the Spanish Empire. The remainder of the Mississippi Valley and the Missouri River drainage system shall be British. The northern border shall be the Arkansas River for territories to the west, with the Rocky Mountains being the extent of British control west.

2. Self government for Quebec, as a British client state (called a Crown Colony but religious freedom and local control otherwise). Britain shall determine its foreign policy

3. France and Spain will recognize British claims to the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, and the eastern coast of Australia. Britain would recognize French claims to Polynesia so far mapped by France, as well as Tasmania. Any additional cartographic information obtained would be shared with France and discussion over who should be awarded which portions of Pacific Oceania conducted in conjunction with the Dutch, who have also claimed Australia previously (and surrendered some of that to the British Government in exchange for payment)

4. Morocco will cease making war on Spain and France and vice versa
5. Peace will be restored between Britain and France and Britain and Spain
6. The Falkland Islands are recognized as British territory, and navigation by any vessel of any nation through the Straits of Magellan or Cape Horn shall not be impeded.
7. Gibraltar remains British
8 Port Mahon and Minorca are returned to Spain
9. Status quo antebellum everywhere else, including India.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:00 pm

William Nassau de Zuylesten, 4th Earl of Rochford, the new British Secretary of State, representing the King of Great Britain, Ireland and British America, comes to Brussels with a small retinue, and presents the documents.

Already signed.  He waits patiently for the Spanish and French response.   Well liked in both Latin courts, he expects a quick peace.   \

Secondary discussions meanwhile are begun with the Dutch regarding India.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Kilani Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:38 pm

There is a slight modification made (deleting the RL border references):

Louisiana shall be returned to France. As a condition, American settlers will not be subject to custom duties on exports via New Orleans port, and shall have access to oceanic commerce through that port. Louisiana shall act as a buffer between the British Dominion of North America and the Spanish Empire. The remainder of the Mississippi Valley and the Missouri River drainage system shall be British. The northern border shall be the Arkansas River for territories to the west, with the Rocky Mountains being the extent of British control west.

The Spanish delegation is then prepared to sign on behalf of the Empire, provided the French are likewise prepared.


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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by TLS Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:15 am

The French delegation, led by the Comte de Vergennes, is taken aback by the impertinence of the British delegation in presenting documents already signed before the negotiations have even taken place. Vergennes welcomes Spain's commitment to the cause of peace, and indicates that, with Spain's willingness to sign, France will follow suit. However, in addition to noting that custom dictates that the British delegation actually sign treaty documents in the sight of the other parties--and of God--the French raise the following points of propriety.

In particular, Vergennes raises the question of Australia even being included in the scope of these discussions, as well as the allowance of Dutch participants in these discussions at all. Furthermore, the question of Moroccan involvement is curious.

France does not find anything inherently inequitable in the proposed partition of Australia, as France has never laid claim to Eastern Australia or New Zealand. However, Vergennes notes that France has, by its own sacred blood, already explored and claimed the Swan River on the Western coast of the Australian continent, and is adamant that its equities be respected. No blood or treasure has been spilled in Australia by the warring states, and while France is open to negotiations between interested parties, it fails to see why Spain should be consulted at all on this point. If Australia is to be discussed, France would rather move to a formal discussion between interested parties as to the allocation of territories on the continent and the south seas, where diplomats and corporate interests can engage in civilized negotiation.

France is certainly willing to apply peace provisions to the world over, including India. However, Vergennes also notes that the wars in India, yet again, have not involved Dutch blood or treasure. The Netherlands' only recent history in India, in fact, came at the hand of Britain unleashing uncivilized Arabian tribesmen upon them. The fact that the Dutch are being invoked, courted and negotiated with in these very halls is an improper use of the Austrians' graciousnes

Finally, France will agree to end conflict with the Moroccans for the moment, per the terms of the agreement, but it adamantly refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the Moroccan position and actions. Vergennes notes that if Morocco wishes peace, it should be engaged in negotiations on its own. The King of England, as last reported in Versailles, was not the Sultan of Fez. Nor, it should be noted, had England previously indicated that it controlled the Moroccan hordes--the very hordes that were enslaving good Christian subjects of Spain and France.

Vergennes ends, however, by noting that the cause of peace is a Sacred one and he has been empowered by his sovereign to pursue a just and equitable end to the war, and that none of the concerns he has raised should impede an end to the senseless bloodshed launched over some hellish islands in the southern ocean. The core issues under discussion are all amiable to the French court, and he is eager to sign and bring this war to an end.

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:08 am

The Austrian envoy remarks there is no proof that British unlease the Omani raids on the Dutch. He remarks such statements are not relevant to this summit. Any talks about claim that requires Dutch commentary on Australia  must be handled outside of this summit.


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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:56 pm

The Marquis of Rochford listens patiently to the French statements. His first comment is that the Moroccans were not invited, but should we wait until they are and then travel here? In the interest of a rapid return to peace, perhaps allowing Britain to represent them is adequate for now.

Regarding Australia, the interests of peace would be indeed served if Spanish recognition of British, Dutch and French claims to Australia are recognized, and indeed as the Dutch first found Australia to begin with, French and Dutch agreement over western and northern Australia would be valuable. However, if the French would rather discuss the future of western and northern Australia elsewhere, as long as British claims to eastern Australia are recognized, that is acceptable to Britain.

Anglo-Dutch discussions regarding India are not part of this treaty, but close proximity to the Netherlands merely allows the British and Dutch to discuss matters of mutual interest while present on neutral territory. As such, the French concerns are noted. Perhaps a future discussion over all of India, involving Portugal as well, might be in order if the French so desire. But otherwise Britain proposes that other than a return to status quo antebellum and both France and Britain persuading their various allies in India to cease fighting.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Lefty Wed Aug 19, 2020 4:13 pm

Being of close proximity in both geography and interest, the Dutch send an observer delegation, offering to host discussions on myriad issues of import.

Notably, the Dutch note that the VOC currently has no intention of reducing its claims to Tierra Australis, but will consult with its shareholders over the Indian trade. Additionally, British assistance in quelling the upstart Omani barbarians has proven British innocence or penance in any dealings with Oman.

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by TLS Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:59 pm

Vergennes notes that his concerns have been raised and codified for the record. At the behest of their gracious Austrian hosts, he will not press the matters of Australia or India any further, and indicates his willingness to sign the treaty post-haste.

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Treaty of Brussels 1774  Empty Re: Treaty of Brussels 1774

Post by Kilani Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:46 pm

With all that said and done, the Spanish delegation sign on the behalf of His Most Catholic Majesty.


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