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East Indies NPCs

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East Indies NPCs Empty East Indies NPCs

Post by TLS Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:24 pm

Note: The East Indies are replete with tiny Sultanates, Kingdoms, chiefdoms, and other such governments. Most of them are not worth identifying and are of negligible value economically, militarily, etc. This is not to say that players can't try to utilize ties with them to their advantage, just that they will provide very small payoffs, generally. The mod only has so much bandwidth.

Thus, in addition to the states below, the following ports/locations for potential trading posts exist:

  • Sultanate of Kedah: Penang (French)
  • Sultanate of Perak: Pangkor (Dutch)
  • Sultanate of Siak: Pekanbaru
  • Sultanate of Tidore: Tidore (Dutch)
  • Sultanate of Ternate: Ternate (Dutch)

Sultanate of Mataram

National Statistics as of 1730
Population: 1,100,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Sultanate of Mataram
Conventional: Mataram
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Kartosuro (Surakarta)
Sovereign: Pakubuwono

Geography: Central and Western Java (Dark Orange area here, through to the West Coast as marked, though the island of Madura is Dutch)

Taxes: .25
Resources: 1 Surakarta


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-2 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Surakarta)
-8 Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Cavalry Regiments

Kasultanan Banten
Banten Sultanate

National Statistics as of 1730
Population: 1,100,000
Prestige: D
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Banten Sultanate
Conventional: Banten
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Banten
Sovereign: Abu al-Mahasin Muhammad Zainul Abidin

Geography: Southern Sumatra and Far West Java (Map here, but reduced to the coast in Java, basically from Banten itself southwards)

Taxes: .2
Port: 1 Banten (Dutch)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-2 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Banten)
-6 Light Infantry Regiments

Sumatra Army (Bengkulu)
-4 Light Infantry Regiments

کسلطانن جوهر
Johor Sultanate

National Statistics as of 1730
Population: 1,100,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Johor Sultanate
Conventional: Johor
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Tanjung Puteri (Johor Baru)
Sovereign: Abdul Jalil Shah IV

Geography: Central and Southern Malaya

Taxes: .2
Port: 1 Johor Baru (Dutch)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-2 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Johor Baru)
-10 Light Infantry Regiments

کسلطانن بروني
Brunei Sultanate

National Statistics as of 1730
Population: 550,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Brunei
Conventional: Brunei
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan
Sovereign: Hussin Kamaluddin

Geography: Northern (except Northeast) and Western Borneo

Taxes: .1
Port: 1 Brunei (Dutch)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-1 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Brunei)
-10 Light Infantry Regiments

كسولتانن ماڬوايندنااو
Sultanate of Maguindanao

National Statistics as of 1730
Population: 1,000,000
Prestige: D
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Sultanate of Maguindanao
Conventional: Maguindanao
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Davao
Sovereign: Badarud-Din

Geography: Mindanao, Visayas

Taxes: .1
Trading Posts: .5 (Davao, Panay)


Ground Forces

Mindanao Army (Davao)
-4 Light Infantry Regiments

Visayas Army (Panay)
-2 Light Infantry Regiments

Last edited by TLS on Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:36 am; edited 5 times in total

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East Indies NPCs Empty Re: East Indies NPCs

Post by Haven Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:14 pm

(Reposting here for easier reference now that we have this thread)

Late 1713
From Batavia, a delegation of the VOC led by Jon von Heemskerck sets out to meet with Sultan Abdul Jalil IV of the Johor Sultanate. The large delegation, bringing with it gifts and good from Europe, ostensibly is going to inform the Sultan that the VOC plans on garrisoning the port city of Malaca in the coming year in line with the 1606 agreement giving the Netherlands control. Jon also reiterates the value the VOC and the Netherlands places in the previous military cooperation between the two and the successes that has led to in the past. Privately, Jon offers a renewed military alliance, coupled with favorable trading privileges for pepper and tin, against an old Johor rival on nearby Sumatra.

As the delegation approached Batam, a second ship accompanying the delegation broke off and headed west into the straits. This ship carried a similar delegation heading to Pulo Brayan to meet with King Tuanku Panglima Padrap of the Deli Sultanate, bringing with it a similar offer.


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East Indies NPCs Empty Re: East Indies NPCs

Post by Haven Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:19 pm

Summer 1714

A delegation to the Kedah Sultanate informs them that the Netherlands is highly displeased to hear the Sultanate has granted rights to the French to open a trading post. No formal action is taken or threatened, but informally traders from the Kedah Sultanate begin to be harassed when in Dutch controlled ports.

A separate delegation to Brunei requests rights to build a trading post and potentially place a garrison in Brunei. In exchange, Brunei is offered protection from both outside powers and from internal rebellions.


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East Indies NPCs Empty Re: East Indies NPCs

Post by TLS Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:36 pm

The Sultans of Johor and Deli, both cognizant of the enemy in mind, gleefully enter into arrangements with the Dutch in light of their plans.

The Sultan of Brunei, cognizant that it is on the back-foot when it comes to its influence over the island of Borneo (having lost much of its control over the southern coast, especially) is willing to engage in trade relations with the Dutch, but are not interested in a Dutch garrison in Brunei. The Sultan, of course, will vouch for the safety of the trading post, in return for a payment made to his crown (2 points, on top of the 3 points to build the trade post).

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East Indies NPCs Empty Re: East Indies NPCs

Post by Haven Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:10 pm

The Sultanate of Perah is approached by VOC representatives asking for permission for VOC warships to resupply in Pangkor, ostensibly to better participate in hunting for Burmese ships, and by extension, for rights to establish a trading outpost.


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East Indies NPCs Empty Re: East Indies NPCs

Post by TLS Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:27 am

Haven wrote:The Sultanate of Perah is approached by VOC representatives asking for permission for VOC warships to resupply in Pangkor, ostensibly to better participate in hunting for Burmese ships, and by extension, for rights to establish a trading outpost.

The Sultan of Perak (OOC: I misspelled it Perah originally, my bad), already unhappy over the French presence in the neighboring Sultanate of Kedah, is willing to grant the VOC rights at Pangkor, provided they limit their presence (1 LI regiment) and help fund an expansion of his military (2 points, in addition to cost of trading post).

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East Indies NPCs Empty Re: East Indies NPCs

Post by TLS Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:32 am

The Sulu Expedition

Fall, 1729

In late 1729, reports trickle back to Europe of a Dutch campaign in the East Indies. Proclaiming their desire to enforce the terms of the Treaty of Lorient, the Dutch East India Company sent a large fleet to attack the Sultan of Sulu. Having violated the sanctity of that most precious resource--a European's life--Sulu demonstrated itself to be undeserving of continued independence. The Moros had left themselves exceedingly thin on the ground, with their armies primarily occupying Spanish settlements in the Philippines, and thus their capital on Sulu island was left undefended, save by a single regiment. When the mighty Dutch fleet arrived offshore, they came bearing a face-saving offer: after a nominal defense, if Sultan Sultan Badarud-Din were willing to go into exile, his heir could take the throne, swear fealty to the VOC, and be allowed to continue his life of leisure. Otherwise, when the city fell the Sultan and his whole family would be handed over the Spanish in Madrid--to almost certain death.

Discretion being the better part of valor, the Sultan accepted the Dutch terms, and surrendered the island after 10 minutes of shelling. His son, Nasarud-Din, quickly ascended the throne and "invited" the Dutch in as overlords. As the old Sultan slipped away to the mainland of Mindanao, unaccosted by the Dutch, they began to exert their influence over the archipelago. A few dozen Spanish prisoners are released from the Sultan's dungeons on the island (the sole survivors of a much larger contingent--tropical disease being compounded by mistreatment) and sent to Manila on Dutch ships. The Dutch also make a point of planting the VOC's flag on Palawan, but the status of that island is disputed--Spain, Brunei, and Sulu all claimed sole control of the island, and the Dutch seem to be selectively interpreting the Sulu claim as meaning the island is up for grabs. However, the Dutch do not move against Moro forces in the Philippine mainland, which continue to fly the Badarud-Din's banner.

(Game Effect: The Sulu Archipelago, including the port at Sulu, is now under Dutch control. Sulu forces in the Philippines are not, however, and continue to wage war against the Spanish, under the banner of the Sultanate of Maguindanao.)

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