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Indochina NPCS

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Indochina NPCS Empty Indochina NPCS

Post by TLS Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:08 pm

Indochina NPCS Laos_-_Division_territ%C3%B2riala_v%C3%A8rs_1750_%28vuege%29
Note: This map does not reflect the partition of Vietnam between Northern (Trinh) and Southern (Nguyen) nor the slow integration of the Mekong Delta into the Nguyen lands (Saigon has already been founded, Cambodian rule in this region is nominal)

Taungoo Dynasty

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 2,000,000
Prestige: B
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Taungoo Dynasty
Conventional: Burma
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Inwa
Sovereign: Taninganway

Taxes: .5 (inefficient taxation system due to TL and corruption)
Resources: Inwa
Ports: Pegu


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-5 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Inwa)
-15 Infantry Battalions
-2 Cavalry Regiments

Kingdom of Mrauk-U

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 500,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Kingdom of Mrauk-U
Conventional: Arakan
Political System: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Mrauk-U
Sovereign: Taninganway

Taxes: .1
Ports: Mrauk-U


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-1 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Mrauk-U)
-10 Infantry Battalions

Kingdom of Ayutthaya

Indochina NPCS 128px-Seal_of_Ayutthaya_%28King_Narai%29_goldStamp_bgred

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 2,000,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Ayutthaya Kingdom
Conventional: Siam
Political System: Monarchy
Capital: Ayutthaya
Sovereign: Thai Sa

Taxes: .5
Resources: 1 (Ayutthaya)
Ports: Krung Thep (Bangkok) [Dutch]


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-5 Garrison Brigades

Royal Army (Ayutthaya)
-15 Infantry Battalions
-2 Cavalry Regiments

Lan Na Kingdom

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 1,000,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Lan Na Kingdom
Conventional: Lan Na
Political System: Monarchy (under Burmese vassalage)
Capital: Chiang Mai
Sovereign: Mang Raenra

Taxes: .2
Resources: 1 (Chiang Mai)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-2 Garrisons

Lan Na Army (Chiang Mai)
-10 Infantry Battalions

Kingdom of Champassak

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 500,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Kingdom of Champasak
Conventional: Champasak
Political System: Monarchy
Capital: Champasak
Sovereign: Nokasad

Taxes: .1
Resources: .5 (Champasak)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-1 Garrison

Champasak Army (Champasak)
-6 Infantry Battalion

Kingdom of Luang Prabang

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 500,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Kingdom of  Luang Prabang
Conventional:  Luang Prabang
Political System: Monarchy
Capital: Luang Prabang
Sovereign: Ong Kham

Taxes: .1
Resources: .5 (Luang Prabang)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-1 Garrison

Luang Prabang Army (Luang Prabang)
-6 Infantry Battalion

Kingdom of Vientiane

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 500,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Kingdom of Vientiane
Conventional: Vientiane
Political System: Monarchy
Capital: Vientiane
Sovereign: Setthathirath II

Taxes: .1
Resources: .5 (Vientiane)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-1 Garrison

Vientiane Army (Vientiane)
-6 Infantry Battalion

Trinh Lords

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 1,000,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Trinh Lords
Conventional: Tonkin
Political System: Monarchic feudal stratocracy
Capital: Dong Kinh (Hanoi)
Sovereign: Trịnh Cương

Taxes: .20
Port: 1 (Hanoi)


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-2 Garrisons

Trinh Army (Hanoi)
-10 Infantry Battalions

Nguyen Lords

National Statistics as of 1714
Population: 1,000,000
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 2

Political Organization
Official Title: Nguyen Lords
Conventional: Annam
Political System: Monarchic feudal stratocracy
Capital: Phú Xuân (Hue)
Sovereign: Nguyễn Phúc Chu

Taxes: .25
Port: 1 (Hue)
Colonial Town: .25 Saigon


Ground Forces

Fixed Positions
-2 Garrisons

Nguyen Army (Hue)
-13 Infantry Battalions

Last edited by TLS on Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Indochina NPCS Empty Re: Indochina NPCS

Post by Haven Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:02 pm

In 1725 VOC representatives are sent to both the Taungoo and Ayutthaya kingdoms, requesting permission to establish trading posts and open up trade relations. The Ayutthaya in particular are reminded of previous Dutch support against the French.


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Indochina NPCS Empty Re: Indochina NPCS

Post by TLS Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:35 pm

Haven wrote:In 1725 VOC representatives are sent to both the Taungoo and Ayutthaya kingdoms, requesting permission to establish trading posts and open up trade relations. The Ayutthaya in particular are reminded of previous Dutch support against the French.

The Ayutthaya, never keen on the French to begin with, are most gracious with the Dutch envoys, and are willing to entertain the possibility of a Dutch trading post in return for funds (3 points, on top of the 3 to build the trading post) and a sharp restriction on the Dutch garrison (no more than 1 LI Regiment).

The Burmese, when they hear that the Dutch have also approached the Ayutthayans, throw the VOC envoys out. They want no part with anyone who aids and abets the barbarians to their east.

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Indochina NPCS Empty Re: Indochina NPCS

Post by Haven Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:38 pm

TLS wrote:
Haven wrote:In 1725 VOC representatives are sent to both the Taungoo and Ayutthaya kingdoms, requesting permission to establish trading posts and open up trade relations. The Ayutthaya in particular are reminded of previous Dutch support against the French.

The Ayutthaya, never keen on the French to begin with, are most gracious with the Dutch envoys, and are willing to entertain the possibility of a Dutch trading post in return for funds (3 points, on top of the 3 to build the trading post) and a sharp restriction on the Dutch garrison (no more than 1 LI Regiment).

The Burmese, when they hear that the Dutch have also approached the Ayutthayans, throw the VOC envoys out. They want no part with anyone who aids and abets the barbarians to their east.

The Ayutthaya are told to expect payment in the coming year, and plans are drawn up to begin establishing the trade post.

The rough treatment by the Burmese of the VOC envoys elicits a harsh reaction, with some calling for punitive action to be taken to show the backwards Burmese their place.


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Indochina NPCS Empty Re: Indochina NPCS

Post by TLS Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:00 pm

The Raid on Pegu

Fall, 1726

In punishment for their insolence in dealing with the VOC envoys, the Dutch decide that a show of force against the Burmese is in order. After receiving approval from the Shareholders in the Netherlands, the fleet assembles off Ceylon for a raid on the Taungoo Dynasty's primary port and waits for the end of Cyclone season. In late November it sets sails across the shallow waters of the Bay of Bengal and arrives off the Irrawady Delta. The Burmese "port" is, in reality, some distance from the water--reliant on smaller river-going vessels to come from the larger Rangoon River up to the center of commerce (OOC note: This is why the British built the city of Rangoon much closer to the Ocean, where the river was navigable for larger ships).

The Dutch begin firing wildly at any and all commercial vessels in the navigable parts of the river before assembling its raiding party to strike deeper. With 11 BB2s, 21 frigates, and 4 PatRons the Dutch throw together 2 Marine Regiments, plus two Light Infantry regiments they brought for the express purpose of the raid. Proceeding north on the PatRons, their light ships sail up the river, guns blazing, as the raiders come ashore and engage the panicked defenders.

Raid on Pegu

-1 Garrison Brigade
-2 Militia Infantry Brigades

-2 Marine Regiments
-2 Light Infantry Regiments

Though the Burmese are defending a fortified city, they are not only taken off-guard but also fighting at an extreme disadvantage (TL difference means that, though the Burmese get an FF, they only hit if they roll a 1, and Dutch get a bonus to rolls). The fighting quickly descends into brutal hand-to-hand combat, as the Dutch fight through the narrow streets of the ancient city (Turn 1: FF Burmese roll a hit, shattering 1 LI regiment. MF: Burmese roll 0x, Dutch roll 1x, shattering garrison brigade). Distracted by the prospect of loot, the Dutch attack is hardly a paragon of military efficiency, but their superior training and better firepower eventually proves enough to win the day against the defenders (Turn 2: FF 0x, MF Burmese 0x, Dutch 2x).

Casualties of the Raid on Pegu

-1 Garrison destroyed
-2 Militia Infantry Brigades destroyed

-1 Light Infantry regiment destroyed

The Dutch are thus able to pillage at will, and do their best to desecrate temples, thieve sacred relics of gold and fine rubies, and trundle off with any and all trade goods they can carry. What they can’t carry, due to the lack of larger ships, they simply burn. As the fires burn into the night, the Dutch re-embark on their fleet of sloops and other smaller vessels and sail to rejoin the main fleet (Game Effect: VOC gains .5 income for 1727).

When news of the raid reaches the Taungoo capital, the Burmese enragedly proclaim that any and all Dutch citizens are banned from the Taungoo Kingdom, on penalty of enslavement. The Burmese also hurriedly send out envoys to any and all French holdings or commercial outposts in the region, offering both free land and the right to station military units in return for a promise of defense against further Dutch aggression (France has to pay nothing to the Taungoo kings for a trade post, and has the right to build a fortress and station a more sizeable force there).

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Indochina NPCS Empty Re: Indochina NPCS

Post by Haven Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:17 pm

Messages are sent through local interlocutors to the Burmese asking again for permission to open a trading outpost in Pegu, this time with offers of payment. Along with the trading discussions comes a warning that the entrance of foreign soldiers into Burma, or even arms, would precipitate a hostile response. Efforts are also made to quietly reach out to elements in Burma who might be more reasonable (friendly to the Netherlands).

In response to the Burmese kicking out Dutch traders, a general blockade on the Tuangoo Kingdom is declared (maintained by ships operating out of the Dutch ports of Banda Aceh, Malaca, Ceylon). Any Burmese ships are to be seized, and Burmese traders in any Dutch controlled territories or ports until the Burmese renormalize relations. Dutch friends are asked to participate in the blockade, including the Thai.

In Batavia and the Netherlands the reaction is positive, and few see reason for further escalation. It is felt a strong message has been delivered to the region at low cost.


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