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French colonial developments

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French colonial developments Empty French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:21 pm

Recommend a thread like this for colonies, because the world is a big place and we need to be able to find things

Florida and the French Caribbean 1701-1704
The French government trades Buccaneer ridden, mountainous, Yellow Fever infested Haiti for Florida, which is swampy and Yellow Fever ridden (in southern and eastern Florida) but does not have Buccaneers hiding in the hills or in fortifications, and is considerably larger in total land and in arable land and still has some development (Church Missions) and a couple of villages (Fort Augustine and Pensacola).

French troops arrive from Martinique and France in 1702 (and about half of them die over the next year from Yellow Fever and Malaria but this is part of the cost of keeping troops in the Caribbean and other tropical regions of the world for European nations, a steady stream of replacement drafts continues to flow in, which along with desertions and death means roughly 3 soldiers needed to keep 1 on the rolls and on duty)

The sell of the French Virgin Islands and French Leeward islands triggers tumult in the Lesser Antilles.

From "History of the Pirate Wars"
The combined pirate fleets strike out for both the soon-to-be-Irish and soon-to-be-English possessions, while avoiding the French fortress and base of operations at Martinique. Many of the French colonists who are leaving the islands have liquidated their assets and are uniquely susceptible to brigandage and shakedowns. Even the assembled pirate hosts are too small to effectively seize all of the islands, and the Irish fleet is able to ensure that the islands of Anguilla and St Kitts emerge unscathed, but their squadron arrives too late for Barbuda and Montserrat--though it does scare away the pirates and prevent them from establishing a stronghold on either. Meanwhile, the to-be-English colonies are patrolled by smaller squadrons, while the French seem thoroughly uninterested in dying for islands that they are abandoning wholesale. Martinique throbs with the refugees, while the outer islands depopulate and cower before the pirate raids.

More tumult is also triggered in France by a Financial Panic but between that and fleeing pirates which brings about a surprising quick flood of French immigrants into Florida from France and the Caribbean.

Florida as of 1704
Villages: Pensacola (West Florida), Fort Augustine (East Florida)
Outposts: Tallahassee (West Florida), Fort Caroline (OTL Jacksonville), Potano (OTL Gainesville), all three of which are built near the surviving inhabitants of Spanish missions (or former sites).
Trading Posts: Miami, Tampa

1 infantry battalion each outpost and Village
2 cavalry regiments Gainesville (back up patrols and keeping the trails open for couriers and travelers, as well as Irish slave raiders from the Carolinas from stealing any more of the surviving Indians)

In addition to the small mixed French and Spanish settlers, and the 7,000 (plus or minus each Yellow Fever season) there are roughly 15,000 remaining Indians in the 14 surviving Catholic Missions, plus another 14-20,000 further south in the Swamps of South Florida. The rest are gone.. from Spanish slavers over the last 150 years, from English then Irish slavers from Carolina, from disease and from military action against the Spanish.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:29 pm

French Caribbean post 1704
The pirate raids and French divesture of Haiti, the French Virgin Islands and Leeward islands causes many to flee to Martinque.  By the end of the 1704 the city of Fort de France becomes a true city, while previously empty land in Martinique fills up.  

The city becomes a safe haven and port for merchant ships from all over the islands, who seek shelter from pirate raids and to join convoys run by Irish, English, and French warships or to depart from them after their arrival from the Atlantic.  

In late 1703, the Crown announces that it will be funding the basis of a bank as well as a small mint at Fort de France.   Reinforcements are also scheduled to arrive to strengthen the garrison.

Unofficially it is made known that deposits made in the bank by foreigners will remain strictly confidential.  

It is also announced by the Crown that Protestants are welcome in French Florida and the French Caribbean, as are Jews.  

This is in an effort to increase development of both which are viewed as future jewels of the French Colonial Crown.  

To be blunt, French authorities are looking the other way at any ship, no matter is likely legality, that has something to sell in Florida or the French Caribbean.... be they legal traders, smugglers, or pirates as long as they have cargo transactions to make or money to deposit or invest.

French Caribbean
Martinique :  city (Fort de France) (.5 points), sugar exports (.25 points)
Guadalupe: sugar exports (.25)
French Guiana (Cayenne is the only town of any size) sugar exports (.25) Penal Colony destination for Murderers and Highwaymen
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:07 pm

French Colonial Expansion

New France
(note: will reexamine populations in 1710)

Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
pre 1701
Towns: Port-Royale (.25 points) (becomes city in 1710)(too small to become a port)
Villages: Portland, St. John, Montpelier, Louisbourg (become towns in 1710, cities in 1720)(St John and Portland become ports, others are too small for that)(towns of Portland and Montpelier transferred to New England in 1712)
outposts: Ile St Jean (OTL Prince Edward Island) (village 1710, town 1720, city 1730, too small for a port)
trading posts: Carenten (OTL Halifax), Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island) (.5 points)(Halifax is big enough to become a port eventually once it becomes an outpost)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Population: 50,000 people
Ports: Quebec City
City: Montreal (remains a city until the Lakes generate more actual commerce)
Towns: Trois-Rivieres (.25 point)(becomes a city 1710)
outpost: Ottawa (village 1710, town 1720, city 1730)

town: Cahokia – majority of population are Native Americans so the unpleasant reality of disease is going to keep this population pretty static until a sizable Mixed Race (Metis) population develops and distance from any nearby European population base has the same effect.  So treating it as tropical (takes 3 times as long to expand).  City develops in 1715 (majority Metis, with small numbers of Europeans and sizable Native American population)

Tropical:  Yellow Fever and Malaria zone (until humans figure out that mosquitoes instead of bad air causes those things... in 2 centuries more or less) Takes 3 times normal to expand (15 years per increase)

Villages: Pensacola (West Florida), Fort Augustine (East Florida) (both villages pre 1701, become towns in 1715, cities 1730, and Pensacola as a port 1745)
Outposts: Tallahassee (West Florida), Fort Caroline (OTL Jacksonville)(East Florida) Potano (OTL Gainesville)(East Florida), all three of which are built near the surviving inhabitants of Spanish missions (or former sites) and founded 1702.  Become villages in 1717.  Fort Caroline is ideally located to become a port
Trading Posts: Miami, Tampa (both South Florida)(due to shallow water neither should become a port prior to the steam dredge).  Both get flattened about every decade by a hurricane.  
It should be noted that it took until 1860 in OTL (from 1820 effective annexation by the US) for Florida to go from frontier with a few thousand Indians to 140,000 (half of whom are Black or mixed race Black/White or Black/Indian)

French Caribbean
city: Fort de France, Martinique (.5) sugar exports (.5 points)  (1 point)
population 16,000 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, , remaining 62% Black slaves)
normal expansion would make Fort de France a port in 1719 (due to tropical location)

French Guiana
15,000 people (05% White, 3% mix race, mostly free, remainder evenly mixed population of North African and West African slaves) value .25 points
Cayenne is the urban center (so to speak) here, and would become a town around 1715
the Native American population will end up being replaced mostly by mixed race African/Native Americans (Maroons)

French Indian Ocean
Bourbon (Reunion in OTL) Island is not a Yellow Fever zone but Malaria came with slavery and suger cane.   Prior to that it was just rainy.   It is also a very long way from France.  Historically it doesn't reach a population of 2,000 in 1717, and then jumps to 12,000 in 1724.   This was due to the importation of a lot of slaves and start of sugar cane production.  Which in this timeline, as France has sold off a lot of its sugar islands, seems about right in this timeline too.   Slaves were bought from the Portuguese from Mozambique.  
Village in 1705, Town in 1715, port in 1730 (so 10 years, due to distance mainly, then 15 year increments after that)

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:52 pm

The French East India Company

January 1707 announces a formal claim for a portion of the coast of southern Africa between Portuguese Mozambique and the Lovu River, and three miles inland from those borders.   France notes that this is nearly 1,000 miles away from the Dutch Cape Colony

In March, the Crown of France and the Regent of Naples announce that beginning in 1708 there will massive investment in the East India Company by both governments, to a total of 30 points, split equally, over 3 years.  This will financed by borrowing.

The Sultan of Jahore in Malaya and the King of Siam have both given permission for French traders (and southern Italian traders will be allowed to use the French Flag for this purpose) to trade with them.   There will also be investment in military forces to defend Company interests in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia.

In addition to that, investment will be made for the defense of Bourbon (Reunion) Island and finally a new colony will be established at New Gascony (see above South African claim.)

The government of France and Naples will each split the income equally between them.

OOC:  Claimed area in South Africa is basically RL modern day Kwaza Zulu Natal province

Additional efforts will be made once a solid foothold is established in SE Asia to open up trade with Indochina and possibly even China, Japan and Korea
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:12 pm

In the Summer of 1712, the French trade Montpelier and Portland to the English in exchange for a military alliance.   The 2 French infantry battalions (one at each location) are sent to Quebec City.  Those that which to leave with them are so allowed.   2 English battalions arrive to take their place and a brief change of flag ceremony is held, with the French offering a choice of beverages due to the Puritan nature of their replacements.

Thus the English colonies of Maine and New Hampshire are born
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:40 pm

In the winter of 1713, the French and Irish Crowns sign the last few pages of the agreement made long ago transferring East Florida (see above) to Ireland. As the population is mostly Catholic Spanish, Catholic Indians, and Priests running the few surviving missions, along with a few French and some slaves, the French Crown sees that as an end to a potential security threat.

(Village of Fort Augustine, outposts of OTL Jacksonville (Fort Caroline), and Potano (OTL Gainesville) see above for border

The Irish pay 3 points for this acquisition
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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:05 pm

French Colonial Empire as of Summer/Fall 1713
The Franco Dutch War cost France its territory on the Guyana coast of South America (French Guyana/Cayenne/Devils Island) and forced the sale of East Florida to the Irish and Monteplier (now New Hampshire), Maine (Portland) and Pondicherry to the English. The War also resulted in the destruction of Singapore and disruption of trade with Siam. However France retains the rights to return to both places. For time Capetown was held by France, Martinique/Guadalupe by the Dutch but with peace between those two nations both sides returned those territories to the previous owners.

The Lanteran War has resulted in the conquest of Philippia, which is renamed Louisiana to honor the French Queen Louise. For the first time in decades France controls the entire Mississippi River as well as the Ohio and Illinois Rivers, plus the Great Lakes, allowing for waterborne travel from Quebec / Halifax to New Orleans (which Leopoldville is renamed to its previous incarnation). With sailing craft able to reach as far north as Baton Rouge, and sometimes St Louis, it is also possible to return part way up the rivers by water, and this gives the growing Creole/Metis population of Cahokia in Illinois access to the sea as well.

The vast territory of French North America is too large to be ruled as a single unit thus is divided into 3 major provinces along with smaller territories and colonies.

Province of New France (French Canada)
Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
City: Port-Royale (becomes city in 1710)(too small to become a port)
Towns: St. John, Louisbourg (become towns in 1710, cities in 1720)
outposts: Ile St Jean (OTL Prince Edward Island) (village 1710, town 1720, city 1730, too small for a port)
trading posts: Carenten (OTL Halifax), Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island) (.5 points)(Halifax is big enough to become a port eventually once it becomes an outpost)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Population: 50,000 people
Ports: Quebec City
Cities: Montreal, Trois-Rivieres,
village: Ottawa (village 1710, town 1720, city 1730)
resources: 2 (1 fur, 1 timber)
income: 4.25 points
population as of 1710 is around 75,000 European and Mixed European/Native Americans (Metis)
Quebec supports 3 commercial shipping fleets whose income is counted as part of France commercial income

French Hudson Bay Company
Administered now out of Carentan (logistics) and Quebec (administration)
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts. Plus a lot of bears
Trading posts at Chisasibi, Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)
total: .75 points

The Great Lakes and Ohio/Illinois River basin
With Louisiana and the Mississippi River under French control, the old province of Illinois is subdivided into Ontario (the Great Lakes), Ohio (and its river valley), Illinois, and Missouri
Ontario and Ohio fall under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Canada (who is also over Acadia and Canada proper) while Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and the new territory of Arkansas are under the governor at Louisiana, based out of Baton Rouge (to get away from summer fevers, fall and spring floods).

trading posts: (Cool Fort Frontenac, Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, Sault Ste Marie, Fort Niagara, Thunder Bay, Fort St Louis (modern day Superior, Wisconsin),
a few hundred French and French Metis people live in a vast land surrounded by over 200,000 Native Americans.
Resource: 1 (fur)
income: 3 points

As yet untroubled by substantive contact or a French permanent presence except for Fort Miami (modern day Maumee Indiana) but home to large numbers of Native Americans. Consists of the area west of the Alleghenies / Appalachians (OTL western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia plus parts of Kentucky). On the other side of those mountains are the Dutch in the north and the Irish in the south.
trading post: Fort Miami
trade .25 points
total .5 points

Total Province of New France Income: 10.65 points

Province of Louisiana
consists of Philippia, Illinois and the new territories of Missouri and Arkansas. This is the vast river heartland of North America, connected to the Great Lakes by the Illinois River (and thus to Chicago and by Great Lakes to Quebec) and to the Gulf of Mexico (via New Orleans and also through the Atchafalya River further west). It is also where the Missouri River leads north west into the Great Plains. By agreement with the Irish, French control and future settlement is limited to north of the Ohio River and west of the Mississippi River except for the Florida Coastal strip (see Florida) and Philippia itself.

Town: Cahookia (across the river from OTL Saint Louis) due to become a city in 1715
this town is unique in that it consists overwhelming of Metis (mixed European/Native American) and is more akin to places like Mexico City than Quebec in terms of its ethnicity.
trading posts: Fort Pimiteouit (modern day Peoria),
special income: .75 points trade with natives
income: 1 point total

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
Population: 30,000 Whites (15,000 French, 7,000 Austrian-German, 5,000 Walloons, 3,000 Flemish), 15,000 Black slaves
Port: New Orleans
Towns: Mobile, Baton Rouge
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland
total income: 2.5 points
commercial shipping: 1 captured with fall of New Orleans, plus 1 captured merchant fleet from Genoa (commercial shipping income is part of the Metropol Commerce income)

West Florida
transferred from Florida with the sale of East Florida to Ireland and the capture of New Orleans
towns: Mobile (see above)
village: Pensacola (becomes a town 1715)
outpost: Tallahassee (becomes a village 1715)
income: .1 points as of 1714 (with Mobile income included in Phillipia above)

Arkansas Territory: The Ozark Plateau and points south along the Atchafalaya River into the Great Plains (into modern day Oklahoma). As yet explored but only barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
Income: none yet

Missouri Territory: part of the Ozark Plateau but mainly that area east of the Mississippi River (includes modern day Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota) and along the Missouri River northwest into the Great Plains. Also somewhat explored and barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading post: Cape Girardeau
income: .25

Total Province of Louisiana Income 3.85 points

French Caribbean Colonies
not technically a province but treated as such as the Governor in Martinique has authority over all French Caribbean colonies

South Florida
Essentially the swampier areas of Florida that still have surviving remnant Native American populations living outside of the Spanish missions and with a border running along the Suwannee /St Johns River but at time of transfer this border was changed to the 28th Parallel (parallel running north of Orlanda, south of Ocala Florida in modern day)
Trading Posts: Miami, Key West, Tampa
income: .75 points

Guadalupe, Martinique
city: Fort de France, Martinique (.5) sugar exports (.5 points)
population 17,600 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, , remaining 62% Black slaves)
total income: 1 point

Total French Caribbean Income 1.75 points

Total Income from French Territories in the New World (Territoires français dans le Nouveau Monde)
16.25 points

Other Colonial Holdings
French East India Company: income included with either South Africa holdings or Metropol holdings
French Africa
French West Africa
Slave Resource and Trading post:  Senegal (1.25 point)
French South Africa
Town:  Caronville (OTL Durban, Natal) village in 1713, becomes a town in 1723, city 1733, port 1743
(roughly 250,000 Bantu live in OTL Natal/Zulu)
Isle de Bourbon (Reunion)  town (became a town in 1710, city 1720, port 1730)

France retains trading rights in Malaya and Siam, although it will have to rebuild its trading posts

total colonial income 17.85 points
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:51 pm

In 1713, as the year draws to an end, France and Ireland complete their deal regarding Florida

Florida talks
As first part of the deal between Ireland and France that resulted in loans at a time of French need and transfer of funds as well, East Florida is transferred to Ireland, with the border being the 28th Parallel.

As the year 1713 draws to a close, France begins transfer of West Florida (Pensacola and Tallahassee) which includes the Fortress at Pensacola once an Irish Infantry battalion arrives to take over ownership

The French garrison (which will be an infantry battalion) will march to Mobile at that point to take up residence. French citizens, including Native Americans and Free Blacks, are welcome to move themselves and what property they wish to take with them with landgrants available anywhere in the Province of Louisiana they desire of 200 acres per adult male or they may remain in Irish territory if they wish.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:13 pm

French colonial empire 1718
French Colonial Empire as of 1718
The vast territory of French North America is too large to be ruled as a single unit thus is divided into 3 major provinces along with smaller territories and colonies.

Province of New France (French Canada)
Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
City: Port-Royale (becomes city in 1710)(too small to become a port)
Towns: St. John, Louisbourg (become towns in 1710, cities in 1720)
outposts: Ile St Jean (OTL Prince Edward Island) (village 1710, town 1720, city 1730, too small for a port)
trading posts: Carenten (OTL Halifax), Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island) (.5 points)(Halifax is big enough to become a port eventually once it becomes an outpost)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)
income: 2.5 points

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Ports: Quebec City
Cities: Montreal, Trois-Rivieres,
village: Ottawa (village 1710, town 1720, city 1730)
resources: 2 (1 fur, 1 timber)
income: 4.25 points
population as of 1710 is around 75,000 European and Mixed European/Native Americans (Metis)
Quebec supports 3 commercial shipping fleets whose income is counted as part of France commercial income

French Hudson Bay Company
Administered now out of Carentan (logistics) and Quebec (administration)
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts. Plus a lot of bears
Trading posts at Chisasibi, Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)
total: .75 points

The Great Lakes and Ohio/Illinois River basin
With Louisiana and the Mississippi River under French control, the old province of Illinois is subdivided into Ontario (the Great Lakes), Ohio (and its river valley), Illinois, and Missouri
Ontario and Ohio fall under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Canada (who is also over Acadia and Canada proper) while Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and the new territory of Arkansas are under the governor at Louisiana, based out of Baton Rouge (to get away from summer fevers, fall and spring floods).

trading posts: (Fort Frontenac, Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, Sault Ste Marie, Fort Niagara, Thunder Bay, Fort St Louis (modern day Superior, Wisconsin), (2 points)
a few hundred French and French Metis people live in a vast land surrounded by over 200,000 Native Americans.
Resource: 1 (fur)
income: 3 points

As yet untroubled by substantive contact or a French permanent presence except for Fort Miami (modern day Maumee Indiana) but home to large numbers of Native Americans. Consists of the area west of the Alleghenies / Appalachians (OTL western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia plus parts of Kentucky). On the other side of those mountains are the Dutch in the north and the Irish in the south.
trading post: Fort Miami
trade .25 points
total .5 points

Total Province of New France Income: 11 points

Province of Louisiana
consists of Philippia, Illinois and the new territories of Missouri and Arkansas. This is the vast river heartland of North America, connected to the Great Lakes by the Illinois River (and thus to Chicago and by Great Lakes to Quebec) and to the Gulf of Mexico (via New Orleans and also through the Atchafalya River further west). It is also where the Missouri River leads north west into the Great Plains. By agreement with the Irish, French control and future settlement is limited to north of the Ohio River and west of the Mississippi River except for the Florida Coastal strip (see Florida) and Philippia itself.

City: Cahookia (across the river from OTL Saint Louis) became a city in 1715
this town is unique in that it consists overwhelming of Metis (mixed European/Native American) and is more akin to places like Mexico City than Quebec in terms of its ethnicity.
trading posts: Fort Pimiteouit (modern day Peoria),
special income: .75 points trade with natives
income: 1.25 points total

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
Population: 30,000 Whites (15,000 French, 7,000 Austrian-German, 5,000 Walloons, 3,000 Flemish), 15,000 Black slaves
Port: New Orleans
Towns: Mobile, Baton Rouge (cities as of 1720)(Mobile as a port 1725)
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland
total income: 2.5 points
commercial shipping:  3 commercial fleets (included in Metropol income)

Arkansas Territory: The Ozark Plateau and points south along the Atchafalaya River into the Great Plains (into modern day Oklahoma). As yet explored but only barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
Income: none yet

Missouri Territory: part of the Ozark Plateau but mainly that area east of the Mississippi River (includes modern day Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota) and along the Missouri River northwest into the Great Plains. Also somewhat explored and barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading post: Cape Girardeau
income: .25

Total Province of Louisiana Income 4 points

French Caribbean Colonies
not technically a province but treated as such as the Governor in Martinique has authority over all French Caribbean colonies

South Florida
Essentially the swampier areas of Florida that still have surviving remnant Native American populations living outside of the old Spanish missions and with a border running along the Suwannee /St Johns River but at time of transfer this border was changed to the 28th Parallel (parallel running north of Orlanda, south of Ocala Florida in modern day)
Trading Posts: Miami, Key West, Tampa
income: .75 points

Guadalupe, Martinique
city: Fort de France, Martinique (.5) sugar exports (.5 points)
population 17,600 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, , remaining 62% Black slaves)
total income: 1 point

Total French Caribbean Income 1.75 points

Total Income from French Territories in the New World (Territoires français dans le Nouveau Monde) 16.75

Other Colonial Holdings
French West Africa Company
Slave Resource and Trading post: Senegal (1.25)

The French East India Company 1717
Headquarters and shipping
Bordeaux (financial center)(included in metropol income)
2 shipping units (included in metropol income)
Responsible for trade with the Orient and Indian Ocean territories
Natal (South Africa)
Caronville (village 1713, becomes a town 1723, city 1733, port 1743)
current income: .1 points
A small French colony trades with 250,000 Bantu tribesmen for beef cattle, hides, tallow, plus exotic items like Rhino Horn, Ostrich Eggs, Elephant Ivory.  The exotic items are sent on to China  as trade goods.  A few vineyards have also been planted and agreements are being worked out with the natives regarding land use.
Maputo Bay (southern Mozambique)
a small trading post that trades with the locals who come down from 5 different rivers to trade ivory, jade, and other exotic goods for French manufactured goods. income.25
Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
St Denis (village 1705, town 1715, city 1725)
current income . 25 points
A population of French planters , French indentured servants (convicts) and African Slaves raises Sugar cane, and Bourbon Vanilla is now being grown.  Another product of the island is Spiced (Vanilla) Rum which the French East India Company hopes to sell in Europe and China.  
A new trading post (factory) has been established to function as a stop over point for ships voyaging between Natal/Reunion and Canton China but also to allow trade with various Malay Princes and Kings. It exports pepper specifically, which is purchased with French goods and coin.  
Current income: .25 points
China Trade – Canton, where French, Portuguese and Dutch traders deal with Chinese Hongs (merchants) in order to trade with China.   Primary French purchases are silk and porcelain.  
Current income: .25 points
Total French East India Company income 1718:  1.1 points
while down from the 1.35 points of income the Company was generating in 1710, this income is expected to increase sooner rather than later.

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:38 pm

Fall 1716
After careful review of the terms ending the Portuguese- Dutch War, it is determined that the Dutch refused to take Mozambique, while discussions with the Portuguese show that they have given it up

Thus establishment trading post Port Bourbon (formerly Lourenco Marques (modern day Maputo) is funded for 1717. This trading post is to seek to expand the ivory trade, other exotic animal products, and explore what else might be available for trade out of this region. Also desirable is the fine harbor that exists there, right off the southern entrance of the Mozambique Channel.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:45 pm

Penal Colony Act of 1717
2,000 convicts a year will be exiled to French colonies.

Special provisions: Catholic Women are to be exiled to Canada, where there is a shortage of household servants and Black Slaves are simply unable to bear the rigors of the climate as well as Whites are. Some men are allowed to go to Canada (usually when they can bribe their way there but lack the funds to bribe their way out of jail entirely)

Protestant and Jewish women are to be exiled to Reunion and Natal, where the primary settler population is heavily leaning toward their religion in any event. All Protestant and Jewish male convicts are sent to Reunion (for plantation labor) or Natal (for construction labor).

All other convicts, particularly those sentenced to 10 year terms of hard labor are to be sent to Louisiana for now, where there is a need for productive labor and the slave population has a tendency to run off into the swamps. It is felt that eventually the surviving convicts after their term (or should they escape) would help build up the Metis/Creole population or eventually make their way up the Mississippi and bring more land under cultivation (and likely marry local Native American women).

As always of course men can choose to join the Army or Navy to avoid imprisonment and indeed in the case of minor crimes (short jail terms or corporal punishment) have those crimes pardoned by serving their King.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:29 pm

French colonial empire 1720
The vast territory of French North America is too large to be ruled as a single unit thus is divided into 3 major provinces along with smaller territories and colonies.

Province of New France (French Canada)
Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
City: Port-Royale, St John, Louisbourg
Towns: Ile St Jean (1720)
Outpost: Carentan (OTL Halifax), Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)
Convict population:  720 (Catholic women primarily, sent between 1717-1720)
Settler population: 40,000 (plus convicts above)
income: 2.75

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Ports: Quebec City,  
Cities: Trois-Rivieres, Montreal
town: Ottawa (city 1730)
resources: 2 (1 fur, 1 timber)
income: 4.25 points
population as of 1720 is around 100,000 European and Mixed European/Native Americans (Metis)
Quebec supports 3 commercial shipping fleets whose income is counted as part of France commercial income

French Hudson Bay Company
Administered now out of Carentan (logistics) and Quebec (administration)
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts. Plus a lot of bears
Trading posts at Chisasibi, Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)
total: .75 points

The Great Lakes and Ohio/Illinois River basin
With Louisiana and the Mississippi River under French control, the old province of Illinois is subdivided into Ontario (the Great Lakes), Ohio (and its river valley), Illinois, and Missouri
Ontario and Ohio fall under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Canada (who is also over Acadia and Canada proper) while Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and the new territory of Arkansas are under the governor at Louisiana, based out of Baton Rouge (to get away from summer fevers, fall and spring floods).

trading posts: (Fort Frontenac, Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, Sault Ste Marie, Fort Niagara, Thunder Bay, Fort St Louis (modern day Superior, Wisconsin), (2 points)
a few hundred French and French Metis people live in a vast land surrounded by over 200,000 Native Americans.
Resource: 1 (fur)
income: 3 points

As yet untroubled by substantive contact or a French permanent presence except for Fort Miami (modern day Maumee Indiana) but home to large numbers of Native Americans. Consists of the area west of the Alleghenies / Appalachians (OTL western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia plus parts of Kentucky). On the other side of those mountains are the Dutch in the north and the Irish in the south.
trading post: Fort Miami
trade .25 points
total .5 points
Treaty of Gouda 1718 ceded most of Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania to the Dutch, while retaining Indiana, Michigan.  The Maumee River is the border (location of Fort Miami).  The area east and north of the Cumberland River and south of the Ohio River had previously been ceded to Ireland as its sphere of influence (most of OTL Kentucky)

Total Province of New France Income: 12.25 points

Province of Louisiana
consists of Philippia, Illinois and the new territories of Missouri and Arkansas. This is the vast river heartland of North America, connected to the Great Lakes by the Illinois River (and thus to Chicago and by Great Lakes to Quebec) and to the Gulf of Mexico (via New Orleans and also through the Atchafalya River further west). It is also where the Missouri River leads north west into the Great Plains. By agreement with the Irish, French control and future settlement is limited to north of the Ohio River and west of the Mississippi River except for the Florida Coastal strip (see Florida) and Philippia itself.

City: Cahookia (across the river from OTL Saint Louis) became a city in 1715
this town is unique in that it consists overwhelming of Metis (mixed European/Native American) and is more akin to places like Mexico City than Quebec in terms of its ethnicity.  Roughly 10,000 people consider themselves French (and are at least mixed blood)
trading posts: Fort Pimiteouit (modern day Peoria),
special income: .75 points trade with natives
income: 1.25 points total

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
Population: 30,000 Whites (15,000 French, 7,000 Austrian-German, 5,000 Walloons, 3,000 Flemish), 15,000 Black slaves plus 1,800 White Catholic male convicts between 1717-1720
Port: New Orleans
Towns: Mobile, Baton Rouge (cities as of 1720)(Mobile as a port 1725)
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland
total income: 2.5 points
commercial shipping:  3 commercial fleets (included in Metropol income)

Arkansas Territory: The Ozark Plateau and points south along the Atchafalaya River into the Great Plains (into modern day Oklahoma). As yet explored but only barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
Income: none yet

Missouri Territory: part of the Ozark Plateau but mainly that area east of the Mississippi River (includes modern day Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota) and along the Missouri River northwest into the Great Plains. Also somewhat explored and barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading post: Cape Girardeau
income: .25

Total Province of Louisiana Income 4 points

French Caribbean Colonies
not technically a province but treated as such as the Governor in Martinique has authority over all French Caribbean colonies

South Florida
Essentially the swampier areas of Florida that still have surviving remnant Native American populations living outside of the old Spanish missions and with a border running along the Suwannee /St Johns River but at time of transfer this border was changed to the 28th Parallel (parallel running north of Orlanda, south of Ocala Florida in modern day)
outpost: Miami (1720, village 1735, town 1750, city 1765, port 1780)
Trading Posts: Miami, Key West, Tampa
income: .5 points
native population: 15-20,000 Native Americans of various surviving tribal remnants, some of whom are mixed African or European blood.  Plenty of snakes and alligators.  Orange trees have been planted in Florida for 150 years.  While the oranges have too short a life to be shipped out of the colony, sweet orange oil does have a decent shelf life and is used for herbal medicines and perfumes.  

Guadalupe, Martinique
port: Fort de France, Martinique (1720, 100 years after initial settlement) (1) sugar exports (.5 points)
population 25,000 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, remaining 62% Black slaves) (75% of this population is on Martinque)
total income: 1.5 points
as yet no shipping built for Fort de France but when built will join Metropol commercial income

Total French Caribbean Income 2 points

Other Colonial Holdings
French West Africa Company
Slave Resource and Trading post: Senegal (1.25)

The French East India Company 1717
Headquarters and shipping
Bordeaux (financial center)(included in metropol income)
2 shipping units (included in metropol income)
Responsible for trade with the Orient and Indian Ocean territories
Natal (South Africa)
Caronville (town 1720, city 1730, port 1740)
population: 1,000 settlers plus 800 French convicts of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths dumped there 1717-1720, with 200 a year (survivors) continuing to arrive.  
current income: .25 points
A small French colony trades with 250,000 Bantu tribesmen for beef cattle, hides, tallow, plus exotic items like Rhino Horn, Ostrich Eggs, Elephant Ivory.  The exotic items are sent on to China  as trade goods.  A few vineyards have also been planted and agreements are being worked out with the natives regarding land use.
Maputo Bay (southern Mozambique)
a small trading post that trades with the locals who come down from 5 different rivers to trade ivory, jade, and other exotic goods for French manufactured goods. income.25
Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
St Denis (village 1705, town 1715, city 1725)
current income . 25 points
A population of French planters , French indentured servants (convicts) and African Slaves raises Sugar cane, and Bourbon Vanilla is now being grown.  Another product of the island is Spiced (Vanilla) Rum which the French East India Company hopes to sell in Europe and China.  Population is approaching 10,000 settlers, plus 2,000 Convicts (French Protestants, male and female) who are working as indentured servants and arrived 1717-1721.  This immigration group will continue at roughly 500 a year (survivors) for the next 10 years.
A new trading post (factory) has been established to function as a stop over point for ships voyaging between Natal/Reunion and Canton China but also to allow trade with various Malay Princes and Kings. It exports pepper specifically, which is purchased with French goods and coin.  
Current income: .25 points
China Trade – Canton, where French, Portuguese and Dutch traders deal with Chinese Hongs (merchants) in order to trade with China.   Primary French purchases are silk and porcelain.  
Current income: .25 points
Total French East India Company income 1718:  1.25 points
while down from the 1.35 points of income the Company was generating in 1710, this income is expected to increase sooner rather than later.

Total French colonial income 1721
New France 12.25 plus Louisiana 4 plus Caribbean/Florida 2 plus French East India Company 1.25
total 18.5 points
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Sat May 19, 2018 9:09 pm

French Colonial Empire 1721
The vast territory of French North America is too large to be ruled as a single unit thus is divided into 3 major provinces along with smaller territories and colonies.

Province of New France (French Canada)
Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
City: Port-Royale, St John, Louisbourg
Towns: Ile St Jean (1720)
village: Carentan (OTL Halifax, often referred to as Nova Scotia due to the influx of 5,000 Scottish Highlanders post Anglo-Irish War)(village 1721)
Outpost: Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island)(1720, village 1730)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)
Convict population: 720 (Catholic women primarily, sent between 1717-1720)
Settler population: 45,000 (plus convicts above)
income: 2.85

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Ports: Quebec City,
Cities: Trois-Rivieres, Montreal
town: Ottawa (city 1730)
resources: 2 (1 fur, 1 timber)
income: 4.25 points
population as of 1720 is around 100,000 European and Mixed European/Native Americans (Metis)
Quebec supports 3 commercial shipping fleets whose income is counted as part of France commercial income

French Hudson Bay Company
Administered now out of Carentan (logistics) and Quebec (administration)
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts. Plus a lot of bears
Trading posts at Chisasibi, Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)
total: .75 points

The Great Lakes and Ohio/Illinois River basin
With Louisiana and the Mississippi River under French control, the old province of Illinois is subdivided into Ontario (the Great Lakes), Ohio (and its river valley), Illinois, and Missouri
Ontario and Ohio fall under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Canada (who is also over Acadia and Canada proper) while Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and the new territory of Arkansas are under the governor at Louisiana, based out of Baton Rouge (to get away from summer fevers, fall and spring floods).

trading posts: (Fort Frontenac, Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, Sault Ste Marie, Fort Niagara, Thunder Bay, Fort St Louis (modern day Superior, Wisconsin), (2 points)
a few hundred French and French Metis people live in a vast land surrounded by over 200,000 Native Americans.
Resource: 1 (fur)
income: 3 points

As yet untroubled by substantive contact or a French permanent presence except for Fort Miami (modern day Maumee Indiana) but home to large numbers of Native Americans. Consists of the area west of the Alleghenies / Appalachians (OTL western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia plus parts of Kentucky). On the other side of those mountains are the Dutch in the north and the Irish in the south.
trading post: Fort Miami
trade .25 points
total .5 points
Treaty of Gouda 1718 ceded most of Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania to the Dutch, while retaining Indiana, Michigan. The Maumee River is the border (location of Fort Miami). The area east and north of the Cumberland River and south of the Ohio River had previously been ceded to Ireland as its sphere of influence (most of OTL Kentucky)

Total Province of New France Income: 12.25 points

Province of Louisiana
consists of Philippia, Illinois and the new territories of Missouri and Arkansas. This is the vast river heartland of North America, connected to the Great Lakes by the Illinois River (and thus to Chicago and by Great Lakes to Quebec) and to the Gulf of Mexico (via New Orleans and also through the Atchafalya River further west). It is also where the Missouri River leads north west into the Great Plains. By agreement with the Irish, French control and future settlement is limited to north of the Ohio River and west of the Mississippi River except for the Florida Coastal strip (see Florida) and Philippia itself.

City: Cahookia (across the river from OTL Saint Louis) became a city in 1715
this town is unique in that it consists overwhelming of Metis (mixed European/Native American) and is more akin to places like Mexico City than Quebec in terms of its ethnicity. Roughly 10,000 people consider themselves French (and are at least mixed blood)
trading posts: Fort Pimiteouit (modern day Peoria),
special income: .75 points trade with natives
income: 1.25 points total

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
Population: 30,000 Whites (15,000 French, 7,000 Austrian-German, 5,000 Walloons, 3,000 Flemish, 5,000 Anglo-Irish Protestant refugees), 15,000 Black slaves plus 1,800 White Catholic male convicts between 1717-1720
Port: New Orleans
Towns: Mobile, Baton Rouge (cities as of 1720)(Mobile as a port 1725)
village: Vermionville (OTL Lafayette) (settled by an influx of Irish and English Protestants from Ireland)
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland
total income: 2.6 points
commercial shipping: 3 commercial fleets (included in Metropol income)

Arkansas Territory: The Ozark Plateau and points south along the Atchafalaya River into the Great Plains (into modern day Oklahoma). As yet explored but only barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
Income: none yet

Missouri Territory: part of the Ozark Plateau but mainly that area east of the Mississippi River (includes modern day Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota) and along the Missouri River northwest into the Great Plains. Also somewhat explored and barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading post: Cape Girardeau
income: .25

Total Province of Louisiana Income 4.1 points

French Caribbean Colonies
not technically a province but treated as such as the Governor in Martinique has authority over all French Caribbean colonies

South Florida
Essentially the swampier areas of Florida that still have surviving remnant Native American populations living outside of the old Spanish missions and with a border running along the Suwannee /St Johns River but at time of transfer this border was changed to the 28th Parallel (parallel running north of Orlanda, south of Ocala Florida in modern day)
outpost: Miami (1720, village 1735, town 1750, city 1765, port 1780)
Trading Posts: Miami, Key West, Tampa
income: .5 points
native population: 15-20,000 Native Americans of various surviving tribal remnants, some of whom are mixed African or European blood. Plenty of snakes and alligators. Orange trees have been planted in Florida for 150 years. While the oranges have too short a life to be shipped out of the colony, sweet orange oil does have a decent shelf life and is used for herbal medicines and perfumes.

Guadalupe, Martinique
port: Fort de France, Martinique (1720, 100 years after initial settlement) (1) sugar exports (.5 points)
population 25,000 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, remaining 62% Black slaves) (75% of this population is on Martinque)
total income: 1.5 points
as yet no shipping built for Fort de France but when built will join Metropol commercial income

Total French Caribbean Income 2 points

Other Colonial Holdings
French West Africa Company
Slave Resource and Trading post: Senegal (1.25)

The French East India Company 1717
Headquarters and shipping
Bordeaux (financial center)(included in metropol income)
2 shipping units (included in metropol income)
Responsible for trade with the Orient and Indian Ocean territories
Natal (South Africa)
Caronville (town 1720, city 1730, port 1740)
Peterville (OTL Pietermaritzburg)(village 1721)
population: 10,000 settlers plus 800 French convicts of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths dumped there 1717-1720, with 200 a year (survivors) continuing to arrive. A large influx of Anglo-Irish Protestants have arrived and move inland.
current income: .35 points
A small French colony trades with 250,000 Bantu tribesmen for beef cattle, hides, tallow, plus exotic items like Rhino Horn, Ostrich Eggs, Elephant Ivory. The exotic items are sent on to China as trade goods. A few vineyards have also been planted and agreements are being worked out with the natives regarding land use.
Maputo Bay (southern Mozambique)
a small trading post that trades with the locals who come down from 5 different rivers to trade ivory, jade, and other exotic goods for French manufactured goods. income.25
Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
St Denis (village 1705, town 1715, city 1725)
current income . 25 points
A population of French planters , French indentured servants (convicts) and African Slaves raises Sugar cane, and Bourbon Vanilla is now being grown. Another product of the island is Spiced (Vanilla) Rum which the French East India Company hopes to sell in Europe and China. Population is approaching 10,000 settlers, plus 2,000 Convicts (French Protestants, male and female) who are working as indentured servants and arrived 1717-1721. This immigration group will continue at roughly 500 a year (survivors) for the next 10 years.
A new trading post (factory) has been established to function as a stop over point for ships voyaging between Natal/Reunion and Canton China but also to allow trade with various Malay Princes and Kings. It exports pepper specifically, which is purchased with French goods and coin.
Current income: .25 points
China Trade – Canton, where French, Portuguese and Dutch traders deal with Chinese Hongs (merchants) in order to trade with China. Primary French purchases are silk and porcelain.
Current income: .25 points
Total French East India Company income 1718: 1.35 points
after 11 years (from 1710) the French East India Company finally returns to the income it had before the Franco-Dutch War.

Total French colonial income 1721
New France 12.25 plus Louisiana 4.1 plus Caribbean/Florida 2 plus French East India Company 1.35
total 19.7 points
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Mon May 21, 2018 10:40 pm

French Colonial Empire 1725
The vast territory of French North America is too large to be ruled as a single unit thus is divided into 3 major provinces along with smaller territories and colonies.

Province of New France (French Canada)
Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
City: Port-Royale, St John, Louisbourg
Towns: Ile St Jean (1720)
village: Carentan (OTL Halifax, often referred to as Nova Scotia due to the influx of 5,000 Scottish Highlanders post Anglo-Irish War)(village 1721)
Outpost: Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island)(1720, village 1730)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)
Convict population: 720 (Catholic women primarily, sent between 1717-1720)
Settler population: 45,000 (plus convicts above)
income: 2.85

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Ports: Quebec City,
Cities: Trois-Rivieres, Montreal
town: Ottawa (city 1730)
resources: 2 (1 fur, 1 timber)
income: 4.25 points
population as of 1720 is around 100,000 European and Mixed European/Native Americans (Metis)
Quebec supports 3 commercial shipping fleets whose income is counted as part of France commercial income

French Hudson Bay Company
Administered now out of Carentan (logistics) and Quebec (administration)
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts. Plus a lot of bears
Trading posts at Arviat, Chisasibi, Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)
total: 1 point

The Great Lakes and Ohio/Illinois River basin
With Louisiana and the Mississippi River under French control, the old province of Illinois is subdivided into Ontario (the Great Lakes), Ohio (and its river valley), Illinois, and Missouri
Ontario and Ohio fall under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Canada (who is also over Acadia and Canada proper) while Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and the new territory of Arkansas are under the governor at Louisiana, based out of Baton Rouge (to get away from summer fevers, fall and spring floods).

outpost: Frontenac (OTL Kingston Ontario, 1721, village 1731)
trading posts: ( Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, Sault Ste Marie, Fort Niagara, Thunder Bay, Fort St Louis (modern day Superior, Wisconsin), Fort Rouge (Winnipeg) (2 points)
a few hundred French and French Metis people live in a vast land surrounded by over 200,000 Native Americans.
Resource: 1 (fur)
income: 3 points

As yet untroubled by substantive contact or a French permanent presence except for Fort Miami (modern day Maumee Indiana) but home to large numbers of Native Americans. Consists of the area west of the Alleghenies / Appalachians (OTL western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia plus parts of Kentucky). On the other side of those mountains are the Dutch in the north and the Irish in the south.
outpost: Maumee (RL Maumee, Indiana)(1721, village 1731)
trade .25 points
total .25
Treaty of Gouda 1718 ceded most of Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania to the Dutch, while retaining Indiana, Michigan. The Maumee River is the border (location of Fort Miami). The area east and north of the Cumberland River and south of the Ohio River had previously been ceded to Ireland as its sphere of influence (most of OTL Kentucky)

Total Province of New France Income: 11.35 points

Province of Louisiana
consists of Philippia, Illinois and the new territories of Missouri and Arkansas. This is the vast river heartland of North America, connected to the Great Lakes by the Illinois River (and thus to Chicago and by Great Lakes to Quebec) and to the Gulf of Mexico (via New Orleans and also through the Atchafalya River further west). It is also where the Missouri River leads north west into the Great Plains. By agreement with the Irish, French control and future settlement is limited to north of the Ohio River and west of the Mississippi River except for the Florida Coastal strip (see Florida) and Philippia itself.

City: Cahookia (across the river from OTL Saint Louis) became a city in 1715
this town is unique in that it consists overwhelming of Metis (mixed European/Native American) and is more akin to places like Mexico City than Quebec in terms of its ethnicity. Roughly 10,000 people consider themselves French (and are at least mixed blood)
trading posts: Fort Pimiteouit (modern day Peoria), Fort La Salle (modern day Padacuh KY)
special income: .75 points trade with natives
income: 1.75 points total

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
Population: 30,000 Whites (15,000 French, 7,000 Austrian-German, 5,000 Walloons, 3,000 Flemish, 5,000 Anglo-Irish Protestant refugees), 15,000 Black slaves plus 1,800 White Catholic male convicts between 1717-1720
Port: New Orleans, Mobile (Mobile as of 1725)
Towns: Baton Rouge (cities as of 1720)
village: Vermionville (OTL Lafayette 1721, town 1731) (settled by an influx of Irish and English Protestants from Ireland)
outpost: Natchitoches (1721, village 1731)
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland
total income: 3.1 points
commercial shipping: 3 commercial fleets (included in Metropol income), can support 3 more commercial fleets

Arkansas Territory: The Ozark Plateau and points south along the Atchafalaya River into the Great Plains (into modern day Oklahoma). As yet explored but only barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading posts: Fort St Pierre (OTL VIcksburg MS), Chicksaw Bluffs (OTL Memphis TN), Arkansas Post,
income: .75 points

Missouri Territory: part of the Ozark Plateau but mainly that area east of the Mississippi River (includes modern day Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota) and along the Missouri River northwest into the Great Plains. Also somewhat explored and barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading posts: Cape Girardeau, St Genevieve
income: .5

Total Province of Louisiana Income 7.1 points

French Caribbean Colonies
not technically a province but treated as such as the Governor in Martinique has authority over all French Caribbean colonies

South Florida
Essentially the swampier areas of Florida that still have surviving remnant Native American populations living outside of the old Spanish missions and with a border running along the Suwannee /St Johns River but at time of transfer this border was changed to the 28th Parallel (parallel running north of Orlanda, south of Ocala Florida in modern day)
outpost: Miami (1720, village 1735, town 1750, city 1765, port 1780)
Trading Posts: Key West, Tampa, Kissammee (OTL Orlando)
income: .75 points
native population: 15-20,000 Native Americans of various surviving tribal remnants, some of whom are mixed African or European blood. Plenty of snakes and alligators. Orange trees have been planted in Florida for 150 years. While the oranges have too short a life to be shipped out of the colony, sweet orange oil does have a decent shelf life and is used for herbal medicines and perfumes.

Guadalupe, Martinique
port: Fort de France, Martinique (1720, 100 years after initial settlement) (1) sugar exports (.5 points)
population 25,000 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, remaining 62% Black slaves) (75% of this population is on Martinque)
total income: 1.5 points
as yet no shipping built for Fort de France but when built will join Metropol commercial income

Total French Caribbean Income 2.25 points

Other Colonial Holdings
French West Africa Company
Slave Resource and Trading post: Senegal (1.25) + 1 bonus

The French East India Company 1717
Headquarters and shipping
Bordeaux (financial center)(included in metropol income)
2 shipping units (included in metropol income)
Responsible for trade with the Orient and Indian Ocean territories
Natal (South Africa)
Caronville (town 1720, city 1730, port 1740)
Peterville (OTL Pietermaritzburg)(village 1721)
population: 10,000 settlers plus 800 French convicts of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths dumped there 1717-1720, with 200 a year (survivors) continuing to arrive. A large influx of Anglo-Irish Protestants have arrived and move inland.
current income: .35 points
A small French colony trades with 250,000 Bantu tribesmen for beef cattle, hides, tallow, plus exotic items like Rhino Horn, Ostrich Eggs, Elephant Ivory. The exotic items are sent on to China as trade goods. A few vineyards have also been planted and agreements are being worked out with the natives regarding land use.
Maputo Bay (southern Mozambique)
a small trading post that trades with the locals who come down from 5 different rivers to trade ivory, jade, and other exotic goods for French manufactured goods. income.25
Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
St Denis (village 1705, town 1715, city 1725)
current income . 25 points
A population of French planters , French indentured servants (convicts) and African Slaves raises Sugar cane, and Bourbon Vanilla is now being grown. Another product of the island is Spiced (Vanilla) Rum which the French East India Company hopes to sell in Europe and China. Population is approaching 10,000 settlers, plus 2,000 Convicts (French Protestants, male and female) who are working as indentured servants and arrived 1717-1721. This immigration group will continue at roughly 500 a year (survivors) for the next 10 years.
A new trading post (factory) has been established to function as a stop over point for ships voyaging between Natal/Reunion and Canton China but also to allow trade with various Malay Princes and Kings. It exports pepper specifically, which is purchased with French goods and coin.
Current income: .25 points
China Trade – Canton, where French, Portuguese and Dutch traders deal with Chinese Hongs (merchants) in order to trade with China. Primary French purchases are silk and porcelain.
Current income: .25 points
Total French East India Company income 1718: 1.35 points
after 11 years (from 1710) the French East India Company finally returns to the income it had before the Franco-Dutch War.

Total French colonial income 1725 (in progress)
New France 11.35 plus Louisiana 7.1 plus Caribbean/Florida 2.25 plus French East India Company 1.35 plus French West India company 2.35
total 25.4
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:12 pm

St Denis (Reunion Island) expands to a city in size (+ .4 points income increase)
a trading post was established on the Arkansas River at Little Rock (+ .25 points)

Colonial income increases to 26.05 beginning 1726
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:42 pm

France places outposts on Isle de Sable in the new French Texas territory (OTL Galveston), which is named Port Akosia (after a local tribe).  

In the far South Atlantic, the new outpost of Anchorage is placed on Isle de Penguin (East Falkland Island, OTL Port Stanley)

Both are Crown colonies and initially under naval jurisdiction.  A PatRon is stationed at each to provide protection and assistance
Galveston Bay
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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:09 pm

Summer 1730
Major Jacque Loyes, Troupes de Marine, and Lieutenant Guilleme Klerk, Engineers, are given the go ahead to organize their company for an expedition to the follow the Missouri River to its headwaters and then crossing to the Pacific Ocean.   They will depart from Cahookia in the Spring of 1731 and considerable sums are allocated (1 point) to organize their company of mixed engineers, marines and civilian trappers and packers. 

The expedition is expected to take 2-3 years and they are to take copious notes on everything found, as well as mapping their expedition.
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French colonial developments Empty Re: French colonial developments

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:26 pm

French Colonial Empire 1731
The vast territory of French North America is too large to be ruled as a single unit thus is divided into 4 major provinces along with smaller territories and colonies.

(Population figures pending for results of census... OOC update from referee)

Province of New France (French Canada)
Acadia (OTL New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick)(Maine and New Hampshire ceded to New England in 1712)
(treating as Arctic due to the Little Ice Age and harsh winters, so twice as long for increases)
City: Port-Royale, St John, Louisbourg, Ille St Jean (all are too small to become ports)
Towns: Caretan (OTL Halifax) (OTL Halifax, often referred to as Nova Scotia due to the influx of 5,000 Scottish Highlanders post Anglo-Irish War)(town 1731)
village: Dinard (OTL Sydney Cape Breton Island)(village 1730)
Resources: 1 Lumber (1 point)
NATIVE POPULATION: Abenaki (20,000), Mohicans (10,000)
Convict population: 720 (Catholic women primarily, sent between 1717-1720)
Settler population: 45,000 (plus convicts above)
income: 3.35

treating as Arctic for same reasons as Acadia
Canada (RL Quebec limited to area within 100 miles of St Lawrence river)
founded in the 1580s, harsh climate keeps population small.. see above)
Ports: Quebec City,
Cities: Trois-Rivieres, Montreal,
resources: 2 (1 fur, 1 timber)
income: 4 points
population as of 1720 is around 100,000 European and Mixed European/Native Americans (Metis)
Quebec supports 3 commercial shipping fleets whose income is counted as part of France commercial income

French Hudson Bay Company
Administered now out of Carentan (logistics) and Quebec (administration)
Population: A handful of Europeans manning the trading posts. Plus a lot of bears
Trading posts at Arviat, Chisasibi, Churchill, and Moosonee
Resources: each trading post generates .25 points a year income, mostly ivory (Walrus), furs, and whale oil
NATIVE POPULATION: Inuit, Assissiboine (numbers are unknown, but fairly numerous and widespread)(no organization large enough to field significant military power)
total: 1 point

The Great Lakes and Ohio/Illinois River basin
With Louisiana and the Mississippi River under French control, the old province of Illinois is subdivided into Ontario (the Great Lakes), Ohio (and its river valley), Illinois, and Missouri
Ontario and Ohio fall under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Canada (who is also over Acadia and Canada proper) while Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, and the new territory of Arkansas are under the governor at Louisiana, based out of Baton Rouge (to get away from summer fevers, fall and spring floods).

city: Ottowa
village: Frontenac (OTL Kingston Ontario, village 1731)
trading posts: ( Fort Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, Sault Ste Marie, Fort Niagara, Thunder Bay, Fort St Louis (modern day Superior, Wisconsin), Fort Rouge (Winnipeg) (2 points)
a few thousand French and French Metis people live in a vast land surrounded by over 200,000 Native Americans.
Resource: 1 (fur)
income: 3.6 points

As yet untroubled by substantive contact or a French permanent presence except for Fort Miami (modern day Maumee Indiana) but home to large numbers of Native Americans. Consists of the area west of the Alleghenies / Appalachians (OTL western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia plus parts of Kentucky). On the other side of those mountains are the Dutch in the north and the Irish in the south.
village: Maumee (RL Maumee, Indiana)( village 1731)
trade .25 points
total .35
Treaty of Gouda 1718 ceded most of Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania to the Dutch, while retaining Indiana, Michigan. The Maumee River is the border (location of Fort Miami). The area east and north of the Cumberland River and south of the Ohio River had previously been ceded to Ireland as its sphere of influence (most of OTL Kentucky)

Total Province of New France Income: 12.3 points

Province of Louisiana
consists of Philippia, Illinois and the new territories of Missouri and Arkansas. This is the vast river heartland of North America, connected to the Great Lakes by the Illinois River (and thus to Chicago and by Great Lakes to Quebec) and to the Gulf of Mexico (via New Orleans and also through the Atchafalya River further west). It is also where the Missouri River leads north west into the Great Plains. By agreement with the Irish, French control and future settlement is limited to north of the Ohio River and west of the Mississippi River except for the Florida Coastal strip (see Florida) and Philippia itself.

City: Cahookia (across the river from OTL Saint Louis) became a city in 1715
this town is unique in that it consists overwhelming of Metis (mixed European/Native American) and is more akin to places like Mexico City than Quebec in terms of its ethnicity. Roughly 10,000 people consider themselves French (and are at least mixed blood)
trading posts: Fort Pimiteouit (modern day Peoria), Fort La Salle (modern day Padacuh KY)
special income: .75 points trade with natives
income: 1.75 points total

Philippia (RL Louisiana and coastal Mississippi)
Population: 30,000 Whites (15,000 French, 7,000 Austrian-German, 5,000 Walloons, 3,000 Flemish, 5,000 Anglo-Irish Protestant refugees), 15,000 Black slaves plus 1,800 White Catholic male convicts between 1717-1720 and 10,000 (6,000 survived) White Catholic male convicts 1721-1730 (ended in that year)
Port: New Orleans, Mobile (Mobile as of 1725)
city: Baton Rouge (city as of 1720)
town: Vermionville (OTL Lafayette town 1731) (settled by an influx of Irish and English Protestants from Ireland)
village: Natchitoches (village 1731)
resources: 1 (Agriculture, mostly Sugar)
NATIVE POPULATION: has died off or moved inland
total income: 3.85 points

Arkansas Territory: The Ozark Plateau and points south along the Atchafalaya River into the Great Plains (into modern day Oklahoma). As yet explored but only barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading posts: Fort St Pierre (OTL VIcksburg MS), Chicksaw Bluffs (OTL Memphis TN), Arkansas Post, Little Rock
income: 1 point

Missouri Territory: part of the Ozark Plateau but mainly that area east of the Mississippi River (includes modern day Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota) and along the Missouri River northwest into the Great Plains. Also somewhat explored and barely mapped and not yet substantively penetrated.
trading posts: Cape Girardeau, St Genevieve
income: .5

Total Province of Louisiana Income 7.1 points

French Texas (under direction of Louisiana for now)
initial settlement 1729
outposts: Port Akosia Isle de Sable (OTL Galveston)(village 1734), Beaumont (village 1735)
no income yet

French Caribbean Colonies
not technically a province but treated as such as the Governor in Martinique has authority over all French Caribbean colonies

South Florida
Essentially the swampier areas of Florida that still have surviving remnant Native American populations living outside of the old Spanish missions and with a border running along the Suwannee /St Johns River but at time of transfer this border was changed to the 28th Parallel (parallel running north of Orlanda, south of Ocala Florida in modern day)
outpost: Miami (1720, village 1735, town 1750, city 1765, port 1780)
Trading Posts: Key West, Tampa, Kissammee (OTL Orlando)
income: .75 points
native population: 15-20,000 Native Americans of various surviving tribal remnants, some of whom are mixed African or European blood. Plenty of snakes and alligators. Orange trees have been planted in Florida for 150 years. While the oranges have too short a life to be shipped out of the colony, sweet orange oil does have a decent shelf life and is used for herbal medicines and perfumes.
Beginning in 1731 French Florida will be the destination for convict resettlement (2,000 a year, of which half will survive)

Guadalupe, Martinique
port: Fort de France, Martinique (1720, 100 years after initial settlement) (1) sugar exports (.5 points)
population 25,000 (includes 12% White, 7% mixed race (mostly free), 19% North African slaves, remaining 62% Black slaves) (75% of this population is on Martinque)
total income: 1.5 points

Total French Caribbean Income 2.25 points

Other Colonial Holdings
French West Africa Company
Slave Resource and Trading post: Senegal (1.25) + 1 bonus

French Falkland Islands
Outpost: Anchorage, Isle de Penguin (OTL Port Stanley) no income yet, founded 1729

The French East India Company 1717
Headquarters and shipping
Bordeaux (financial center)(included in metropol income)
2 shipping units (included in metropol income)
Responsible for trade with the Orient and Indian Ocean territories

Natal (South Africa)
Caronville ( city 1730, port 1740)
Peterville (OTL Pietermaritzburg)(town 1731)
population: 10,000 settlers plus 800 French convicts of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths dumped there 1717-1720, with 200 a year (survivors) continuing to arrive. A large influx of Anglo-Irish Protestants have arrived and move inland.
current income: .6 points
A small French colony trades with 250,000 Bantu tribesmen for beef cattle, hides, tallow, plus exotic items like Rhino Horn, Ostrich Eggs, Elephant Ivory. The exotic items are sent on to China as trade goods. A few vineyards have also been planted and agreements are being worked out with the natives regarding land use.

Maputo Bay (southern Mozambique)
a small trading post that trades with the locals who come down from 5 different rivers to trade ivory, jade, and other exotic goods for French manufactured goods. Income.25

Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
St Denis (village 1705, town 1715, city 1725, port 1735)
current income .5 points
A population of French planters , French indentured servants (convicts) and African Slaves raises Sugar cane, and Bourbon Vanilla is now being grown. Another product of the island is Spiced (Vanilla) Rum which the French East India Company hopes to sell in Europe and China. Population is approaching 10,000 settlers, plus 2,000 Convicts (French Protestants, male and female) who are working as indentured servants and arrived 1717-1721. This immigration group will continue at roughly 500 a year (survivors) for the next 10 years (ended in 1730, with 10,000 convicts sent to Reunion, 7,000 of which survived)

A new trading post (factory) has been established to function as a stop over point for ships voyaging between Natal/Reunion and Canton China but also to allow trade with various Malay Princes and Kings. It exports pepper specifically, which is purchased with French goods and coin.
Current income: .25 points

China Trade – Canton, where French, Portuguese and Dutch traders deal with Chinese Hongs (merchants) in order to trade with China. Primary French purchases are silk and porcelain.
Current income: .25 points
Total French East India Company income 1718: 1.85 points

Total French colonial income 1725 (in progress)
New France 12.3 plus Louisiana 7.1 plus Caribbean/Florida 2.25 plus French East India Company 1.85 plus French West Africa company 2.25
total 25.75 points
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