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Major Wars 1805-1824

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Major Wars 1805-1824 Empty Major Wars 1805-1824

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:25 pm

The Great War
By the end of 1805, most Europeans and Americans were referring the to Franco-German and Anglo-Spanish War as a singular and were calling it the Great War.  A name it would rapidly live up to.

The British and Spanish go to war, as do the German powers and France.   The Dutch rapidly joins in on the French side, while early 1805 the Russians side with the British, and a the Swedes and Danes declare neutrality.   Italy, the Rhineland, and the oceans become battlegrounds, as does Louisiana, Hispaniola and the Plata region of New Spain.  Although considerable casualties are suffered, nothing particularly dramatic occurs as the combined German offensives in the Rhineland and northern Italy fail or fail to achieve decisive results, although the French overrun and conquer Rome, thus gaining control over the Pope.    However while the Austrian army is marching through northern Italy chasing the French, it arrests and imprisons large numbers of Italian pro French nationalists, many of which end up being executed and many more are imprisoned for the remainder of the war.  

The Danes and Swedes declare that the Baltic Sea entrance is closed to warships that do not have home ports on the Baltic Sea, backed up by the Russian battlefleet.   This prevents a raid by the Franco-Dutch fleet which is unwilling to add enemies facing the homeland if possible.  The Austrians and Bavarians invade Switzerland from the north, while the French send an army into the country to assist the Swiss.  This results in the Austrians securing Zurich (and German speaking Cantons) while the French secure Bern (and French speaking Cantons).   With the ugly terrain, and having secured the upper Rhine, neither side makes much effort in the region for the rest of the war.   In Italy, Napoleon again takes Venice and threatens Trieste, and Italian nationalists begin a murder spree against Pro Austrian Italians, forcing many to flee and killing thousands.  

In Argentina, the British siege is broken when a ship carrying cholera arrives from India and the British army is badly devastated, as is the local population and eventual the defenders too.   The British evacuate, with over half of their army dead and a significant death toll in the fleet as well.   However the British win a major victory when a early and large hurricane smashes into western Cuba, and taking advantage of the situation, Admiral Nelson raids the city of Havana with a combined British and North American fleet, where defenses are still recovering from wind and wave damage, and smashes the Spanish fleet and burns the fortress and naval yard into ashes.   British and American casualties are heavy but they withdraw in good order and this clears the way for a firmer blockade of New Orleans.    

In the Pacific Russian frigates join in with the British to raid Spanish shipping and the Russians also seize the undefended islands of Guam and Saipan and convert them into small bases to support their Pacific Fleet.   The British meanwhile provide support to Muslims in the southern Philippines who revolt and in exchange for allowing British ships to reprovision, are recognized as the Celebes Sultanate.  

Meanwhile the French and Germans glare at one another from across the Rhine or the Dutch border.  A Russian army begins an epic march in the summer that will last two years and eventually place them on the Pacific coast, unknown to everyone else except the British are already arranging for a fleet of transports to be there when the time comes.

The biggest event outside of Europe is the Anglo-American army led by General Wellesley defeating the Spanish Colonial Army along the Neches River near the little village of Nacogdoches.   This cuts the overland supply line to New Orleans from Mexico, and threatens San Antonio.   Wellington (who gains a Baroncy as a result of the battle) then chases off the remaining Spanish garrisons in Texas before returning to Louisiana.   This causes a flight of Mexicans from Texas as the frontier is now wide open to Comanche and Apache pillaging, and the Spanish speaking population of Texas plummets as a result.  Only San Antonio, Goliad and Laredo retain any sizeable population but all fall in population to villages.   Another severe blow is a hurricane that levels the Spanish port of Galveston, with most of the survivors fleeing after the horrific storm.  

In Europe, a lull occurs as the Germans and the French glare at each other from across the Rhine and Dutch border, and the rugged terrain prevents much from being accomplished by the French in Italy other than holding their ground.   Napoleon takes the opportunity to choose the wrong side in France and ends up being forced to flee into exile.    French light warships take the flag as Spanish warships and raid British commerce.   This in turn triggers the final linking of two wars into one very large one.   A French and Spanish army invades Portugal, forcing the government and Crown to flee to Brazil, along with the Portuguese Navy and much of its army (and the treasury).    This sets the stage for the large and decisive Battle of Trafalgar, where a British fleet led by Lord Nelson crushes a combined Franco-Spanish fleet that was moving on Lisbon, and although Nelson is killed in the battle, it wrecks the bulk of the remaining Spanish battlefleet and inflicts serious loss on the French.   It also ends permanently any threat of invasion by the Franco-Spanish of Britain.  

The siege of New Orleans finally ends in the surrender of Spanish and French native forces, while Black Caribbean troops are landed in eastern Cuba, triggering a savage slave uprising and vicious fighting that would last the next two years.   Puerto Rico surrenders without a fight once news of the fall of New Orleans and disaster of Trafalgar is received and is taken over by American troops.   The Dutch sue for peace once the news of the British naval victories is received, and is allowed to exist the war unhindered in exchange for strict neutrality.  The French allow it as they have a secure flank in the north (and a route for smugglers) while the British and Germans allow it as they simply do not have armies to spare to beat up on the Dutch.

An Austrian Army invades northern Italy, and in a savage battle near Milan, manages a draw, but once again retreats to Trieste.  This is a costly fight for both the French and Italians as well, and inflicts yet more damage to a steadily growing poorer northern Italy.   Meanwhile a French Army crosses the Rhine and in the Battle of Main, defeats a Prussian one, but a combined North German/Russian Army then battles it to a draw at Leigzig and with the Bavarians threatening their supply lines, the French withdraw back across the Rhine.   This campaign costs the Germans and French each over a 100,000 dead, plus large numbers of Russians dead as well, while the Austrians and French between them have lost similar numbers in northern Italy.  

The first attempts at talks begin, but rapidly fall apart due to Prussian stubbornness and Austrian pride.  However British funds allow the Germans and Russians to rebuild their armies, while herculean efforts in France manage the same.   The Spanish however lack the means to rebuild their fleets, and have only their armies remaining but cannot deploy them outside of where they are currently located.    

To the shock of New Spain, a Russian Army escorted by a combined British Russian fleet arrives at Santa Cruz in Monterrey Bay, and then marches overland and seizes most of California.   The Spanish possessions to the north all the way to Puget Sound also surrender soon after.   Wellington is sent to Germany along with a British Army to assist the Germans and Russians.   The British blockade of Spain and France essentially cuts off communication to their colonies.   In Chile, a newly arrived Napoleon rapidly makes friends with local people of wealth and discussions begin about what to do long term in Latin America.    The British evacuate the remaining Caribbean African soldiers from Cuba as another hurricane has made continued supply difficult and little is being accomplished.   It withdraws to Haiti and Jamaica to refit.  

Having suffered serious losses the year before, neither side makes a substantial move along the Rhine or in Italy.  However in Naples talks are underway between the British and local leaders, while the British also seize Malta.   Morocco enters the war on the British side and forces the surrender of the remaining Spanish toeholds in North Africa.    French efforts to get the Turks to enter the war on their side continue to fail as the Turks are wary of Russian Armies and British Fleets.  

By the end of the year Spanish officials in South America are looking the other way when Anglo-America, Dutch and Scandinavian merchant ships begin calling, which is the start of a brisk trade.    

A British Indian Army and a French Indian Army fight in India but achieve little except casualties and both retreat to their bases.   Chile rises up in rebellion and a local army led by Napoleon marches on and seizes Lima and the critical silver mines.  Argentina revolts after a Portuguese-Brazilian army overruns Ascunsion (and thus secures Paraguay) and a British fleet sails off the waters of Buenos Aires.    Napoleon will spend the next three years unifying Chile, Peru (including OTL Bolivia) and Argentina into a country of sorts.   In Italy the French Army marches south, conquers Naples and forces local nobles to flee, many of whom flee to South America with their belongings and cash.   Sicily then revolts in a massive peasant rebellion and a Republic is formed which is friendly to France but otherwise neutral.   The British decide that Sicily is not worth occupying or subduing after arranging for trade and neutrality.  

This shocks the Germans into action however, resulting in a major attempt to cross the Rhine and enter France.  The German/British Army meets the French at Aachen, where Wellington earns the rank of Duke after a shattering victory occurs.  However the French pull back to a fortress line they have constructed over the centuries and having suffered heavy casualties in what Wellington calls “a near run thing”, the Germans and British decline to pursue.   Another 150,000 French dead are added to 100,000 German, 20,000 British and 50,000 Italian dead this year and everyone is growing war weary.  

However the Spanish remain stubborn, while the French are still in excellent position to prolong the war if needed.   French commerce raiders continue to be a problem, along with some Spanish ones as well, while a mutiny in the Royal Navy results in better pay and discipline but sidelines the British battlefleet for months.  

A British /Caribbean African army seizes Panama after landing in Colon and marching overland to seize the city, aided by Maroons who live in the jungle and quickly side with the British in exchange for a permanent ending of slavery in Panama.   This is the final straw for Spain, which is essentially bankrupt as soldiers whose pay is long in arrears mutiny and Catalonia threatens independence.   Spain sues for peace, giving up the lands it has already lost in South America, as well as Panama and agreeing to end slavery in the Antilles and what remains of New Spain.   Texas is divided into Indian Territory (north of the  Guadalupe River), Spanish Texas (Goliad / San Antonio and points south plus El Paso) and a sliver of territory goes to the North Americans, who also gain Louisiana and the vital port of New Orleans.   The Spanish are also forced to give up California north of Santa Barbara and Tejon Pass, which goes to the Russians who promptly under preexisting treaty transfer it to the British North Americans in exchange for forgiveness of all loans to date, plus some additional cash and the right of Russian fur traders to continue to hunt offshore.   The British gain use of Russian trade connections with China in addition to California and points north.  

Spain exits the war, while the French decline to create a front by intervention there.  

In Italy another massive campaign erupts along the Po Valley, which again results in huge casualties, a lot of pillaging and more damage to Italy.   However the Austrians are again forced to withdraw, while a battered French army falls back to Turin.  A group of Italian nobles and major merchants persuade Murat, who has been running the pro-French Italian Army, to declare a Kingdom of Italy.   He manages to avoid the secret leaking out for now.

The British Army is down to nominal strength in Germany as British and Portuguese troops are drawn into Portugal to restore order and the rule of the Portuguese crown.  The Germans attempt to battle their way into France but are seriously defeated at the Battle of Saar.   The French hold, and the Germans retreat to their bases.  Another 100,000 German and similar number of French troops have been lost for no decisive result.   The Rhineland however has been badly wrecked in the see saw campaign and finally the French and Germans begin serious talks.  A refusal by the Prussian Crown to participate results in the Army mounting a coup and forcing the Prussian court to flee to Konigsburg.   This allows for talks to finally get somewhere and both the Germans and French agree to a temporary armistice to further discuss matters.  

Meanwhile in Italy Murat leads a revolt against French authority, backed by the Papacy, and declares a Kingdom of Italy and neutrality.   Although the French are angered, they also realize that further campaigns south while the Germans are in position to threaten from the north are dangerous in the extreme without local assistance.    As a sign of good faith, the Austrians release political prisoners who return home to Italy.   In Hungary, sick of the war that only results in dead Hungarians, the local officials lead a revolt that tears Hungary away from Austria, although the Austrians manage to retain control of Slovenia.   The Hungarians then form a defensive alliance with the Turks and declare their neutrality.  

Heavy pressure in North America and at home forces the British government to enter into serious discussions to end the war with France.  With that, the Germans also find a way to agree to it, although Prussia objects strongly.   The Germans respond by creating a German state consisting of everything except for Prussia which also includes Bohemia, Slovakia and Austria as well as Bavaria.   The Bavarian Royal Family is made senior Crown head as the Prussians have been forced out, and the Habsburgs have little to bargain with and have been discredited for the continued failures in Italy and for starting the war to begin with.    

A peace is finally signed at Cologne on November 12, 1813.    The Germans get to keep most of the Rhineland but surrender claims to the Saar as well as Alsace Lorraine, and Switzerland is further divided as the Kingdom of Italy takes over the Italian speaking parts of that land.   French occupation of Corsica and Sardinia is honored with it gaining control of both, as well as Turin and Nice, while the Austrians keep Trieste and Slovenia including Pola.    The French are allowed to keep their colonies, none of which have really been touched during the war, while Portugal takes over the Canary Islands and Spanish possessions in West Africa.   Although the Swedes and Danes still hold part of lands the Germans think as there territory, and the Prussians remain bitter and angry and isolationist in East Prussia (and Poland), the Germans have managed a unified state, as have the Italians (less of course Sardinia and Sicily).    

Peace comes just in time to avoid an economic collapse in France and Germany but all of the warring powers (except Russia and the Scandinavians and Dutch)  have huge debts to pay and rapidly begin demobilizing as quickly as possible.    Meanwhile Spain is on the brink of civil war.  

Historians estimate that over 3 million people died during the wars that were fought on a truly global scale.   The financial cost was just as staggering.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Age : 62
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Major Wars 1805-1824 Empty Re: Major Wars 1805-1824

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:38 pm

The Fall of the Spanish Empire

With considerable effort and the dint of heavy taxation, the Spanish manage to put together an army with the hopes of reconquering Peru. This would turn out to be a fatal mistake.

Arriving in Colombia in late 1814, the last remaining Spanish fleet lands the only available expeditionary army with the goal of taking Peru back. Marching into the northern Pacific coast in early 1815, this army is met by Napoleon and his army and shattered at the Battle of Guaranda. Napoleon then pursues, overrunning the fleeing Spanish and then proceeds over the next two years to conquer Gran Colombia.

The utter failure and following disaster leads to a Republican revolution in Spain, along with the secession of Catalonia and also a Basque secession. Irregulars, militia and a few regiments of regulars fight for the next three years resulting in Spain being devastated and when the Republicans threaten to take Madrid and Cadiz, leading to the flight of the Spanish Royals to Mexico City via Portugal.

The Dutch take advantage of the situation in the Pacific and sail into Manila Bay, where the governor agrees to surrender in exchange for becoming part of the Dutch Empire (and retaining his position and valuable pension). Thus the Dutch end up with Luzon and trade rights with the Celebes Sultanate and the Spanish have lost their Pacific empire forever.

Loyalists in Mexico, particularly the large ruling class aristocracy, decide to make the Spanish Crown the King of Mexico and Cuba and Puerto Rico join in as well in hopes of restoring a form of normality.

The final fighting in Spain ends in a Spanish Republic, a Basque Republic and a Catalonian Kingdom and Spain falling into irrelevance as a European power.

The Russians sell Guam and Saipan and the rest of their holdings in the Marianas Islands to the Dutch soon after as the Czar sees little point in holding small islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that have no particular trade value. The sale of those islands, along with the forgiveness of the war debt owed to Britain and some additional loans allows the Russians to construct a network of all weather Roman style roads (highways in effect) throughout the Russian Empire (although at the cost of nearly 250,000 convict lives between 1800-1824).

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Major Wars 1805-1824 Empty Re: Major Wars 1805-1824

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:24 pm

Greek/Serbian wars of Independence
Serbia 1804-1817
Servia revolts and after a long bloody war, ended only by the threat of Russian, German and British intervention, Serbia gains independence as a monarchy.

Greece 1821-23
Greece revolts and again a bloody war breaks out. The threat of Russian, British and German intervention again is decisive, particularly when Hungary and Italy also threaten. Greece gains independence but the Turks keep Cyprus and Crete (for now).

The Turks modernize their army as much as possible beginning 1823 with the help of French advisors. They also do what they can to train up their navy.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Major Wars 1805-1824 Empty Re: Major Wars 1805-1824

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:27 pm

Indian Removal North America
Aside from a few reservations in New York, Maine and Massachusetts, the Native American population is forced west of the Mississippi River or into southern Florida or into some reservations in Upper Canada. Many settle in Arkansas and Oklahoma with financial help from the North American government, while investment is made in south Florida as well. However diseases and hardship still kills roughly 20% of those displaced and is known as the Trail of Tears by many.

A few clashes occur in California and Oregon between settlers (Russians and Americans) and local tribes, usually with disastrous results for the local tribes in question.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Major Wars 1805-1824 Empty Re: Major Wars 1805-1824

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:48 pm

Peasant revolts in Central America
several peasant revolts occur in Central America including Mexico, led by radical Catholic priests. These revolts are all brutally put down over the course of 1815-1825 period.

A similar revolt occurs in Peru and is similarly put down

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Age : 62
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