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Kingdom of Ireland

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:06 am

Kingdom of Ireland

Ruler: James II, House of Stuarts
Population: 5,150,000
Capital: Dublin
Government Type: Parliamentary Monarchy

65% Tories (Irish Catholics and English Anglicans)
25% Whigs (Scots Presbyterians and English Puritans)
10% Moderates (English Catholics and Irish Puritans)

Irish Catholic: 60%
Scottish Presbyterian: 15%
English Puritan: 10%
Irish Puritan: 5%
English Catholic: 5%
English Anglican: 5%

Catholic: 65%
Protestant: 35%

Irish: 65%
English: 20%
Scottish: 15%

Crown Colonies
Population: 180,000
Virginia Colony
Carolina Colony
Colony of Bermuda
Crown Caribbean Colony (Jamaica, Anguilla, St Kitts, Barbuda, and Montserrat, Bahamas)
Florida Colony

Last edited by Haneastic on Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:29 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:02 pm

Economic Data

Kingdom of Ireland
Population: 5 Million People
Ports: Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Financial Center: Dublin
Craft Centers: 3 (1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Cork)
Resources: 3 (1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Cork)
9 Commercial Flotillas

Irish North America

Population: 180,000
Ports: Hampton
Cities: Richmond
Resources: 1 (Slaves)

Ports: Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah
Cities: Charlotte, Greensboro, Augusta, Macon, Columbia
Towns: Jamestown (RL Raleigh) New Bern (Cities in 1716)
Villages:  0
2 Trading Posts: Ocumlugee, Lynchburg
Resources: 2 (Slaves, Tobacco)

Bahamas and Bermuda
2 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas

Caribbean Possessions
1 Port: Kingston
1 Resource: Jamaica (Sugar)
4 Islands: Anguilla, St Kitts, Barbuda, and Montserrat

Irish African Possessions
4 Trading Posts

Last edited by Haneastic on Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:00 pm; edited 7 times in total

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:03 pm

Irish Military ORBAT

(Includes 1729 units)

Royal Navy
5 BB1 (Mary of Modena, Anne Hyde, Arabella Churchill, Louisa Maria Theresa, Charlotte Maria)
37 BB2 (Aimend, Aine, Airmed, Anu, Badb, Banba, Crobh Dearg, Danu, Li Ban, Macha, Mebd, Fand, Gaillimh inion Breasail, Tailtiu, Tlachtaga, Fodla, Cethlenn, Brigid, Catherine Sedley, Leinster, Munster, Ulster, Connacht, Henrietta FitzJames, Arabella FitzJames) **25 names**
47 FF1
16 PatRon

3 Naval Yards (Dublin, Cork, Charleston)

Total Personnel:

The Irish Navy patrols the Caribbean to keep their holdings safe from pirates, as well as the trade routes between Crown Colonies in America, the Caribbean, Ireland, and the trading posts in Africa, and keeps the Emerald Isle free of the English scourge.

Royal Army

"I cannot but highly esteem those gentlemen of Ireland who, with all the disadvantages of being exiles and strangers, have been able to distinguish themselves by their valour and conduct in so many parts of Europe, I think, above all other nations."

Army of Ireland
Dublin: Fortress, Depot, 2 Light Infantry Brigades
Belfast: Fortress, Depot, 2 Light Infantry Brigades
Cork: Fortress, 2 Light Infantry Brigades
Limerick: Depot, 1 Light Infantry Regiment
Galway: Depot, Garrison Brigade
Waterford: Depot, Garrison Brigade

Colonial Army
Charleston: Fortress, 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Light Infantry Regiment
Richmond: Fortress, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Militia Regiments
Savannah: Fortress, 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Light Infantry Regiment
Hampton: 2 Militia Regiments
Columbia: 1 Militia Regiment
Charlotte: 1 Militia Regiment
Macon: 1 Militia Regiment
Greensboro: 1 Militia Regiment
Pensacola: Fortress, 1 Militia Regiment
New Bern: 1 Militia Regiment
Gainesville: 1 Militia Regiment

Caribbean Theater
Kingston: Fortress, 1 Militia Regiment
Bahamas: Fortress, 1 Militia Regiment

Last edited by Haneastic on Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:28 pm; edited 16 times in total

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:04 pm

Recent History

With King James II’s ascendancy to the Irish crown, in 1690, he immediately begins to take action to put the Irish island to rights after a period of devastating bloodshed and famine. One of James’ first acts is the Declaration of Indulgence, which ends religious penal laws, and grants toleration to all Christian sects within both Ireland and its colonies. King James also calls a session of the Irish parliament once crowned in order to further consolidate power

The Irish parliament immediately recognizes James as the rightful King, as well as enshrines the Stuart line as the hereditary kings of Ireland. Poynings’ Law, which had given the English veto power over the Irish parliament was also repealed. Parliament also passes the Liberty of Conscience, enshrining James’ declaration into law.

More contentious are laws repealing the 1652 and 1662 Acts of Settlement, which resulted in thousands of Scots and English protestants settling in Ireland, and frequently resulted in the loss of lives and property of many Irish Catholics. In the end, James and Parliament are able to come to a series of compromises that leaves no one ecstatic, but everyone content. Those Scots and English who had settled in Ireland but had since fled to England not to return would see their lands forfeited, with the lands returned to those who had previously owned it when possible. The (far more common) settlers who had stayed and pledged loyalty to James would be offered twice their current holdings in the New World if they accepted, and would be funds and equipment to start a new life in the Irish colonies. Lastly, those that had held land confiscated by settlers who had neither fled nor accepted the New World land swap would be offered twice their previous lands in the New World, and those that didn’t accept would be helped in finding land in Ireland to re-establish themselves.

As the 18th century dawns, King James II rules over a recovering kingdom. Vast sums of money have been spent building a vast navy, and powerful fortresses, in order to guarantee that Ireland will forever remain free.

OOC: No Penal Laws, since they were enacted in 1691

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:07 pm


Taxes: 1.25
Ports: 3
Financial Center: 1
Craft Centers: 2
Resources: 3
6 Commercial Flotillas: 3
Colonial Ports: 3
Towns: 1.25
Colonial Resources: 3

Subtotal 19

Total Maintenance 0

Spendable 19
Pregame Build 307.5

3 Naval Yards: 75
6 Fortresses: 24

8 BatRon: 72
6 CruRon: 27
11 PatRon: 22
12 Commercial Flotillas: 36

2 Colonial Cavalry Battalions: 4
2 Colonial Infantry Battalions: 2
4 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): 4

1 Garrison Brigade: 3
20 Militia: 20
2 Trading Posts: 6 (New Bern, Ocmulgee)
4 African Trading Posts: 12 (Accra, Tombo Island, Togo, Badagry)
Resettlement: .5

Last edited by Haneastic on Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:27 pm

With the Kingdom of Ireland slowly but surely increasing its political and economic stability, King James II and Parliament turn their eye toward increasing the economic strength of the colonies. Large sums of money are pumped into encouraging settlements along the coast of the colonial holdings, with the hope of encouraging many previous settlers of Ireland to seek greener pastures in the New World, as well as encourage many poor Irishmen to seek fortune in the Crownlands. Ireland begins to slowly expand into the interior of America, establishing a trading post further inland, at a settlement named Jamestown, in honor of the new king as in recognition of the recent demise of the Virginian settlement of Jamestown (RL Raleigh).

Kingdom of Ireland 1701 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Towns: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
2 Trading Posts: .5

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 28

Maintenance: 19.45
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
6 Fortresses: 3
4 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
6 CruRon: 3
11 PatRon: 2.75

3 Colonial Cavalry Battalions: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
4 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .4

1 Garrison Brigades: .25
20 Militia: 2

Building: 8.55
1 Garrison Brigade: 3
1 Depot: 2 (Killarney)
1 Trading Post: 3 (Raleigh)
Resettlement Programs: .55

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:58 am

With the war erupting in Northern Europe, the court of King James II takes a neutral view of the battles, unwilling to involve itself militarily in the conflict. Ireland makes it known to both sides, however, that financial loans are available to those in need.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:38 pm

With the dust settling from the first battles of the Northern War, Irish bankers find themselves to be quite popular in the European courts. The Irish lend out 5 million Irish pounds apiece to the Austrian and Russian Empires, while rumors swirl than an additional 10 million pounds have been secured by the Austrians for 1702.

OOC: 5 points to Austria and Russia in 1701, 10 to Austria in 1702

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:19 pm

With the war spreading as Denmark switches sides and England joins the war, the Kingdom of Ireland holds a series of talks with diplomats, planning their response to the growing conflagration.

While Ireland makes clear its continued neutrality, it does announce the purchase of Austrian Jamaica in late 1701. Diplomats are dispatched on the fastest ships to England to inform them of the sale.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by TLS Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:17 pm

Fall 1701-Winter 1702

The specter of religious war on the continent does not do much for the fragile ethnic and religious peace that holds sway over Ireland. In spite of the uneasy settlement reached by the grandees of the restored Stuart dynasty, at the level of the common folk the memories of decades of brutal religious strife do not disappear with the stroke of a pen and the applause of a stuffy room.

The Protestant minority (majority in the entire province of Ulster, and a third of the population in the province of Leinster, especially the environs of Dublin) is too insecure in its place in the Catholic Stuart Kingdom to actively or openly campaign for joining the war on the side of the Commonwealth--so soon after the Restoration, such a campaign would be seen as treasonous, though many might wish it--but is restive at the prospect of Ireland ever taking a side. The Catholic majority, however, sees any open discomfort at the victories of the Catholic powers as effectively treason. When news of the Battle of Cleves (and the death of the Protestant--Calvinist, even--Elector of Brandenburg) reaches Ireland, bands of Catholic Royalists (referred to as Tories, after the bands of Confederate Guerrillas who fought against the Commonwealth) stage increasingly provocative marches.

Armed bands of Tories march outside of Protestant churches, burning effigies of the dead Elector and intimidating the congregants inside, demanding that they step on the burnt "corpse" of the dead Protestant hero or else. Generally the cowed congregants meekly do so and hurriedly escape, though in fiercely Scots-Irish or English Covenanter areas these demands descend into street battles which are (belatedly) broken up by the local militia--which is usually sympathetic to one party or the other, and it shows in the degree to which at the next muster members are congratulated for their black eyes and broken teeth. The disturbances remain localized, but its a reminder to the leaders of the nascent Kingdom that not only do they have to navigate a treacherous European situation--especially if France enters the war, regardless of the side.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:37 am

King James II is distressed to hear of the sectarian conflict that has erupted between his subjects as a result of the ongoing conflicts on Mainland Europe. The brawls between Protestants and Catholics in Ulster and Leinster is viewed with considerable concern, and the lack of a professional military force to secure the peace is noted.

The King personally embarks on a tour of the affected areas with his personal retinue, traveling from Dublin heading north through Leinster to Belfast in Ulster, where he issues a proclamation reaffirming his commitment to religious freedom and toleration throughout the Kingdom. James also makes official the purchase of Jamaica in Belfast, and announces his intention to make the administration of the island a shared prospect, run by Catholics and Protestants alike. He names a number of Protestants and Catholics to various posts there, and extends the resettlement offerings to include Jamaica. Any Irish subject who wishes to emigrate to the New World will be gifted property and the tools to succeed.

More seriously, King James and Parliament note the need for a professional military to keep the peace. The two brigades of garrison troops are concentrated in Ulster and Leinster county, with orders to keep the peace. Additionally, two infantry battalions are raised, one to act as an additional peacekeeper in Ireland, and the other to officially raise the Irish flag in Jamaica. King James issues a final proclamation declaring that the Army must be fully integrated, with every unit consisting of both Protestants and Catholics at all levels.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:19 pm

Kingdom of Ireland 1702 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Towns: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
4 Trading Posts: .75 (New Bern turning to village 2/5)

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 28.25

Maintenance: 19.7
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
6 Fortresses: 3
5 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
6 CruRon: 3
11 PatRon: 2.75

3 Colonial Cavalry Battalions: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
4 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .4

2 Garrison Brigades: .5
20 Militia: 2

Building: 8.55
Purchasing Jamaica: 6.25
2 Infantry Battalion: 2
Resettlement Programs: .3

(Slight adjustments possible based on Austrian decisions)

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:00 pm

With the purchase of new colonial possessions and the continued annoyance of the pirates, the Kingdom of Ireland takes out substantial loans in 1703 to finish their land acquisitions, as well as to raise new troops for any future conflicts. A brigade of garrison troops is transported to the new Caribbean islands to avoid the same embarrassment that occurred in Jamaica. Whispers swirl that the Irish may soon move on the pirates, but such an occurence seems to be at least another year away.

Kingdom of Ireland 1703 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Towns: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
4 Trading Posts: .75 (New Bern turning to village 2/5)
Caribbean Islands: 1

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 29.25

Maintenance: 19.9
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
6 Fortresses: 3
5 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
6 CruRon: 3
11 PatRon: 2.75

3 Colonial Cavalry Battalions: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
4 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .4

2 Garrison Brigades: .5
2 Infantry Battalions: .2
20 Militia: 2

Building: 9.35 (+10 Points taken out as loans)
Purchasing Jamaica: 6
Purchase French Caribbean Islands: 5
Transport Garrison Brigade to French Islands: .25
Converting 2 Infantry Battalions to Brigades: 6
Loan Repayment: 1.10 (1/10)
1 Infantry Brigade: 1 (1/4)

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Kilani Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:46 pm

Despite the very real hostility that still exists on many levels (the restoration of the Stuarts to Irish rule was only a decade or so ago, after all), the Commonwealth makes it know through back channels that they are preparing to undertake an operation in the Carribean in the near future and would not be adverse to cooperating.


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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:58 pm

While relations between Ireland and England are stained at best, the scourge of pirates is worst of all. While outright cooperation isn't planned at the immediate moment, Ireland makes it known that English ships may use Irish ports to take on fresh supplies. Ireland will also keep England apprised of ongoing naval operations, and would obviously appreciate English notifications as well.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:23 pm

Ireland continues their steady buildup of troops for a planned eventual showdown with the pirates who have usurped the Crown's control over several Caribbean possessions, and who have caused economic damage to several newly purchased islands. Rumors begin to swirl that the Crown will make their move in the immediate future...

Kingdom of Ireland 1704 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Towns: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
4 Trading Posts: .75 (New Bern turning to village 3/5)
4 Caribbean Islands: .5

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 29.25 (.5 reduction due to colonial raiding)

Maintenance: 20.3
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
6 Fortresses: 3
5 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
6 CruRon: 3
11 PatRon: 2.75

1 Colonial Cavalry Regiment: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
4 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .4

2 Garrison Brigades: .5
2 Infantry Brigades: .5
1 Infantry Battalion: .1
20 Militia: 2

Building: 8.45
Resettlement Programs: .35
Loan Repayment: 1.10 (2/10)
Convert 2 Garrison Brigades to Infantry: 2
1 Infantry Brigade: 3 (4/4)

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:30 pm

Kingdom of Ireland 1705 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Towns: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
4 Trading Posts: .75 (New Bern turning to village 5/5)
4 Caribbean Islands: .5

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 29.25

Maintenance: 20.55
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
6 Fortresses: 3
5 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
6 CruRon: 3
11 PatRon: 2.75

1 Colonial Cavalry Regiment: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
4 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .4

5 Infantry Brigades: 1.25
1 Infantry Battalion: .1
20 Militia: 2

Building: 8.7
Resettlement Programs: .35
Loan Repayment: 1.10 (3/10)
Convert Infantry Battalion to Brigade: 3
Transporting troops: 1.25
Convert 10 Militia Brigades to Garrison (3/20)

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Reddawn Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:16 am

The Russian Tsardom announces an agreement with the Kingdom of Ireland to take out a 5 million ruble loan, with a term of 5 years.

It is noted that the prior loan by the Russians was paid early.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:13 am

The Irish liberation of Kingston is greeted with initial celebration back at the royal court in Dublin, but as news trickles home, the whole affair fills the royal court and parliament with rumor and gossip over the initial failures of the assault, and the ineptitude of many Irish commanders. Stories swirl of the commander of the frigate Macha, who run is ship aground by accident, or of the ship-of-the-line Cian which was steered by a drunkard and managed to ram another Irish vessel. The poor skills of Irish gunners is also frequently mentioned, given how long they took to silence the pirate fortifications.

While more than a few incompetent commanders had the decency to die in the fighting, many of those who survived find themselves replaced by others who covered themselves in glory in the Battle of Kingston. King James and Parliament, meanwhile, set aside funds from the settlement program to encourage migration from Ireland to Jamaica, for as a macabre joke spreads “there are now many openings…” Irish hangmen are booked solid for days on end, and the land and sea entrances are adorned with many bodies as a warning.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:39 pm

1705 has been a rough year for the Kingdom of Ireland. Numerous warships sunk or damaged, thousands of soldiers killed or wounded, Charleston, Jamaica, and the Caribbean islands badly damaged. The lessons of the wars raging on continental Europe and the naval battles across the Caribbean and Atlantic are being taken to heart by the Kingdom, however, which recognize the need to improve their land forces from ragtag militia to more formally trained reserves, keep a standing force of infantry to repel pirates and other enemies faster. Additionally, the Admiralty recognizes the need to increase the size of the fleet in order to better destroy enemy fleets and project Irish power.

Kingdom of Ireland 1706 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Cities: 2.5
5 Town: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
1 Village: .1
3 Trading Posts: .5 (Raleigh turning to village 1/5)

Irish Caribbean
1 Town: .25
1 Resource: 1
4 Caribbean Islands: 1

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 32.85

Maintenance: 18.6
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
5 Fortresses: 2.5
5 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
5 CruRon: 2.5
8 PatRon: 2.25

1 Colonial Cavalry Regiment: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
3 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .3

4 Infantry Brigades: 1
20 Militia: 2

Building: 14.25
Resettlement Programs: .15
Loan Repayment: 1.10 (4/10)
Convert 10 Militia Brigades to Garrison: 1 (4/20)
4 Heavy BatRons: 3 (1/10)
Repair 3 PatRons: 3
Repair 1 BatRon: 3
Charleston reduction: 1
Rebuild Charleston Fortress: 2 (2/4)

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:27 am

Kingdom of Ireland 1707 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Cities: 2.5
5 Town: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
1 Village: .1
3 Trading Posts: .5 (Raleigh turning to village 2/5)

Irish Caribbean
1 Town: .25
1 Resource: 1
4 Caribbean Islands: 1

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 32.85

Maintenance: 18.6
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
5 Fortresses: 2.5
5 Depots: 0

8 BatRon: 6
5 CruRon: 2.5
8 PatRon: 2.25

1 Colonial Cavalry Regiment: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
3 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .3

4 Infantry Brigades: 1
20 Militia: 2

Building: 14.25
Resettlement Programs: .65
Loan Repayment: 1.10 (5/10)
Convert 10 Militia Brigades to Garrison: 5 (9/20)
4 Heavy BatRons: 3 (2/10)
Charleston reduction: .5
Rebuild Charleston Fortress: 2 (4/4)
Repair 3 PatRons: 2

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Reddawn Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:10 pm

An emissary from the Tsar informs the crown of Ireland that it will not pay the remainder of the loan taken out in 1705.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:08 pm

The Russian failure to repay their loans is viewed with scorn by the Irish. It seems that Russia's attempts to modernize and join the civilized European world forgot that repaying one's debts are a crucial component of that. While the Russian debt is roughly 10% of outstanding debt held by Irish banks, the loss will likely impact their bottom line.

To provide some compensation to the banks, the Irish government offers the banks suffering losses land grants in North America, Jamaica, and the Caribbean islands. With many pirate sympathizers gone, the banks will have an opportunity to invest directly in those areas, and make up for their losses.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by TLS Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:21 am

Though the Caribbean has been more or less quieted by the expeditionary force of the last few years, a loud constituency remains in the Irish parliament (primarily consisting of landed nobles and merchants with interests affected by Avery's attacks in the Caribbean and the North American mainland) for vengeance to be taken against the so-called Sultan of Zanzibar. Though this concern is not entirely widespread, a similar constituency--the unrepentant anti-English--note that this is an opportunity for Ireland to establish a presence in Africa to counter the new claimed English territories as well.

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

Post by Haneastic Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:51 pm

With the Russian failure to repay the last of the money lent to them, the Irish Kingdom makes the decision to step up and provide the necessary finances to make the banks whole on their losses. The Irish additionally sell a BatRon to the Polish to help finance the construction of newer, larger warships.

Kingdom of Ireland 1708 Build
Population Taxes: 1.25
3 Ports: 3
1 Financial Center: 1
2 Craft Centers: 2
3 Resources: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5

Irish North America
3 Ports: 3
9 Commercial Flotillas: 4.5
5 Cities: 2.5
5 Town: 1.25
3 Resources: 3
1 Village: .1
3 Trading Posts: .5 (Raleigh turning to village 3/5)

Irish Caribbean
1 Town: .25
1 Resource: 1
4 Caribbean Islands: 1

Irish Africa
4 Trading Posts: 1

Total: 32.85

Maintenance: 17.85
3 Naval Yards: 1.5
5 Fortresses: 2.5
5 Depots: 0

7 BatRon: 5.25
5 CruRon: 2.5
8 PatRon: 2.25

1 Colonial Cavalry Regiment: .25
3 Colonial Infantry Battalions: .3
3 Colonial Militia Brigades(R): .3

4 Infantry Brigades: 1
20 Militia: 2

Building: 15 (Plus 4 from Poland)
Resettlement Programs: .4
Loan Repayment: 1.10 (6/10)
Convert 10 Militia Brigades to Garrison: 2 (11/20)
4 Heavy BatRons: 4 (3/10)
Charleston reduction: .5
Fortress in Kingston: 4
Recapitalizing Banks: 3
2 Heavy BatRons: 3 (1/10)

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Kingdom of Ireland Empty Re: Kingdom of Ireland

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