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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:22 pm

Early 1770,

As soon the Omani Sultan heard the Dutch message, he allow his son Said Bin Ahmad to kick his plans in actions to drive the Dutch traders out of their waters and teach the VOC a lesson in respect.

As soon as Yemeni issue finished, on March 2,1770, the Omani fleet led by Sultan's son set a course to Trincomalee, Dutch Ceylon to attack the port and wipe out the VOC fleet.

8 FF1s( tech 3 build)
4 Patrons(2 converted into fireship units)
1 shipping unit acting as supply unit and carrying 2 light infantry regiments of troops

The 6 other Patrons are assigned to patrol the line of communication between Zanzibar and Muscat, as well attacking any Dutch VOC merchant ship that should come across.

Dutch Trincomalee

1  Light Infantry Regiments Trincomalee
1 Fort: Trincomalee
2 militia brigades*Mobilized to defend the port*


VOC Ceylon Squadron
2 FF1 (Leiden, Pluto)
2 Brig

The Raid on Trincomalee

March 24, 1770

The VOC Governor of Ceylon barely heard about some exchanges between Omani Sultan representatives and VOC Governor of Cape Town, he decided it was nothing of important and carry on his usual business. Later that night, The Omani fleet arrived and begun their attack by sending two fireship units into the harbor to destroy the VOC fleet. The Dutch at sea and in the Fort  are caught off guard, when they see the fireship head towards them, they are unaware of who is attacking them at first.

The fireships managed to set fire and destroy the Pluto, while heavy damaging 2 Brigs.  The Omani main battle group of 8 Frigates and 2 Brigs then sail into the harbor to inflict as much damaged as possible on the Dutch docks. By now the Dutch Fort was fully engaged to attack the Omani forces. In the heavy cannon exchanged between the remaining Dutch ships and Fort against the Omani fleet.

The Dutch were able to destroy 2 Omani frigates and 2 brig units. However the Omani were barely to silence the guns of the Fort and capture the Frigate Leiden, while incurring heavy losses to their Marines. They also wreck the remaining Dutch Brigs.  The Sultan's son realizing landing troops in the troop would be too costly given the fact the Dutch were fortify and ready to fight. He decides to merely turn his cannons to wreck the docks,warehouses, any ship that was docked in the Port. This last until midday March 25.

The Omani fleet leaves the port to head to their next targets...leaving the Dutch to deal with this disaster. Word of the attack reaches Batavia 14 days later, by time more reports are coming that VOC trading post in India have been raided and sacked.

Capetown will hear of this attack within 30 days of the raid, Holland itself...within 90 days.

The Sultan in Oman will hear the news of the victory in 15 days.

Omani losses
2 FF1s( tech 3 build) destroyed
4 Patrons(2 normal 2 fireship units) destroyed


2 FF1 (Leiden*Taken by Oman*, Pluto* Destroyed/Sunk*
2 Brig(Sunk)
Fort at Trincomalee damaged, 1 point to repair damaged

Port of Trincomalee damaged, 1 point to repair damaged

1 shipping unit lost

Last edited by Ottoman on Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:17 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:41 pm

April 8 1770,

Word of the attack has barely reach Batavia, the VOC Governor of the East Indies, orders the fleet to be on full alert and sends order to the various fleet stations to head to Batavia. While assigning the fleet brigs to patrol the sea lanes and keep a lookout for the Omani fleet.

Holland won't hear of the attacks until late June 1770 and the fleet at Cape Town's too small to engage in operations against Oman for now. The VOC East Indies fleet and forces are on their own for the duration of the year due to sheer distance of travel.

Mid April 1770

Meanwhile the Omani fleet was last seen somewhere in the Bay of Bengal where they incepted a Dutch VOC shipping unit and captured it. The VOC Governor was determine to located where the Omani fleet could be hiding in order to eliminate the threat to his main shipping lanes.

Dutch losses

VOC- 1 Shipping unit


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:48 pm

May 1770

The VOC East Indies Fleets consolidated into one fleet at Batavia with orders to hunt and destroy the Omani fleet that raided Trincomalee. They send out their brigs to search the high seas for their foe, with not much luck so far. They only hear rumors from traders and locals that the Omani fleet is still somewhere in Bay of Bengal.

Dutch order of battle by end of May

VOC Fleet
7 FF1 (Haarlem, Westergo, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)
6 Brig
3 LI Regiments
2 LI Brigades
3 Shipping units to transport the troops

Not known to the Dutch the Omani fleet actually made to Sultanate of Aceh, hoping to enlist the Sultan in their war against the Dutch. However they soon realized that the political situation in Aceh is not stable and there is currently dealing with unrest. They decide to move on and start the journal back to Muscat in late May. To figure out their next set of plans...

However they are leaving the area, a passing Portuguese trade ship caught sight of the fleet and set a course to Batavia with word of the general direction of where the Omani fleet was heading. By the time the Dutch found out in early June. They quickly ordered the entire fleet to leave port to chase after their foes....


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:59 pm

June-July of 1770,

The Dutch searches for the Omani fleet in vain and is unable to locate them in Bay of Bengal, the VOC Admiral decides for the fleet to head to Trincomalee to determine his next moves against Oman and to send word to his superiors about coordinating with the fleet at Capetown.

Meanwhile the Omani fleet finally returns home to Muscat, the Sultan of Oman wasn't pleased with his son's explanation of why he couldn't find allies in East Indies to help with the Dutch conflict. He orders his son and admirals to ready for war to come to them.


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:58 pm

By Nov of 1770, reinforcements from Netherlands arrive in Cape colony to shore up defenses for the area.

Order of battle at Capetown

Cape Fleet Squadron
6 FF1 (Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp, Batavier, Goes, Delft, Beschermer, Pieter Florisz)
4 Brig

Meanwhile the Dutch fleet at Trincomalee is waiting for orders to make their next move, the Dutch admiral on station sends word to his counterpart in Capetown that a coordinated attack might be needed to force Oman to its knees.

Meanwhile in Oman, the Omani forces have moving troops from the remote outpost to core regions of Zanzibar and Muscat. Other then that, no knows what's going on in Oman.


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:23 am

December 1770
orders are sent by Crown messenger to the British East India Company in India to immediately declare neutrality in the Omani-Dutch War, cease the sale of ships and weapons, and to honor the treaty with the Dutch signed earlier in the year

Meanwhile the Dutch are informed of this action but that as the Sultan of Oman is a government, its ships are not considered pirates but that the British East India Company will not allow itself (under Crown orders) to be be a base of attack on Dutch possessions.  

Orders also arrive for the East India Company to seek the release by ransom if necessary any Dutch prisoners held by the Omanis.   Such ransom can includes goods if necessary. If in the judgement of the officials on the scene, the cessation of sales of weapons will be announced AFTER securing any Dutch prisoners to safety.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:00 pm

The naval/land battle of Zanzibar
The Omani forces from Oct 1770 to early Jan 1771 use the time to shift forces to their secondary capital of Zanzibar as staging grounds for potential operations against the Dutch in South Africa and to fend off potential attacks on their key East African port.

1 Fortress (Zanzibar)( Tech 2.5)
Army of Zanzibar (Zanzibar)
-1 Infantry Brigade(armed with Tech 3 weaponry)
-8 Light Infantry Regiments (armed with Tech 3 weaponry)
Tribal Reserves
4 Militia brigades Inf in Zanzibar(plus from Port)( tech 2.5 weaponry)

Omani fleet in Harbor of Zanzibar ( all tech 3)
-7 FF1s(including Leiden)-58
-4 Brigs units

The Dutch fleets arrives from Capetown/ Trincomalee come within a few weeks of each other in late January off the coast of Zanzibar, both fleets were busy as they progress towards Zanzibar by attacking Omani shipping lanes and capturing 4 Omani shipping units. The Dutch are unaware of the true size of the Omani army in Zanzibar, they assume it’s only garrison with a few regiments and militia units.
Combined Dutch Republic fleet/VOC fleet under the command of VOC admiral Enno van Buren(made him up for this battle)

VOC Fleet
7 FF1 (Haarlem, Westergo, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)*
2 Brig
3 LI Regiments
2 LI Brigades
3 Shipping units to transport the troops

Cape Fleet Squadron
6 FF1 (Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp, Batavier, Goes, Delft, Beschermer, Pieter Florisz)
4 Brig

Feb 15,1771
The battle of Kiwani Bay,
The Dutch fleets confront the Omani fleet near Zanzibar in Kiwani Bay.  The Dutch have advantage in terms of numbers, firepower and training. The Omani fleet is outmatch and doesn’t have the element of surprise. Battle is one sided with amazing display of raw fire power, the Dutch don’t hold back anything as they are out for revenge for the raid on Ceylon. The Dutch are able to overwhelm the Omani fleet in the battle, but take moderate losses on their own.

Omani fleet
-4 FF1s(including Leiden) all sunk, 3 Omani frigates are captured, but are heavily damaged and will require 2 points each to repair, 1 year in Dock to repair.
-4 Brigs units all sunk

Dutch fleets

VOC fleet
-1 Brig sunk

Cape fleet
-1 Frigate -Maarten Harpentzoon Tromp sunk
-3 Frigates- Batavier, Goes, Delft- Moderate damage 1 point(each ship) to repair in Dock, six months to repair.

The Battle of Zanzibar

Part 1
Feb 16-20, 1771

The Fortress of Zanzibar, despite being a lower tech compare to the Dutch fleet. It still poses a major obstruction for their plan landing in the city. The Dutch fleet attempt to silence the out of date artillery in the fortress with sheer force of firepower. Four whole days the Dutch laid waste to the eventually knocking out all the artillery positions and bleaching the walls. However, the Dutch do take additional losses, but it was considered worth it. Then they send an envoy to receive the surrender of the city. However, they are shocked to the fact the Zanzibar defenders refuse to surrender in fact, due to the fact that they are by the Crown Prince Said Bin Ahmad and well entrenched in the city. The Dutch Admiral decides it's time to take the city by force, despite the fact he doesn’t know the true numbers of Omani forces. He assumes his Dutch VOC troops are up to the task.

Naval Losses from sea battle of Zanzibar

Cape fleet
Frigates -Pieter Florisz- 1 point to repair, six months in dock, moderately damaged.
2 Brig sunk

VOC fleet
Frigate-Haarlem,Verwagting - 1 point to repair(each), six months in dock, moderately damaged.
1 Brigs sunk
Frigate- Cerberus sunk

Omani losses
Fortress is wrecked; however, they are able to form a light infantry brigade out of the garrison.

Feb 20-24,1771

The Dutch land their troops outside of Zanzibar and march to take the city. The land battle of Zanzibar was heavy and brutal despite having superior training and arms, the Dutch forces encounter heavy resistance from the Omani/Zanzibari forces.  But one thing that Omani have the advantage on was artillery purchased from French/British traders which was used by their heavy infantry to push the Dutch back and inflict moderate losses on them. Despite inflicting heavy losses on the Omani, the Dutch are bled to death by incurring heavy losses. They are forced to break off the attack and retreat to the safety of the fleet.  

1 LI Brigade reduce to regiment
2 LI Regiments destroyed
4 Militia Brigade shattered/destroyed
Port of Zanzibar is wrecked and will take 2 points to repair

2 LI Brigade reduce to 2 LI regiment
2 LI Regiments destroyed

Overall the Dutch won a strategic victory over Oman on control of the seas, Omani won the tactical victory by holding on to Zanzibar.

Last edited by Ottoman on Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:07 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:December 1770
orders are sent by Crown messenger to the British East India Company in India to immediately declare neutrality in the Omani-Dutch War, cease the sale of ships and weapons, and to honor the treaty with the Dutch signed earlier in the year

Meanwhile the Dutch are informed of this action but that as the Sultan of Oman is a government, its ships are not considered pirates but that the British East India Company will not allow itself (under Crown orders) to be be a base of attack on Dutch possessions.  

Orders also arrive for the East India Company to seek the release by ransom if necessary any Dutch prisoners held by the Omanis.   Such ransom can includes goods if necessary.  If in the judgement of the officials on the scene, the cessation of sales of weapons will be announced AFTER securing any Dutch prisoners to safety.  

Sultan of Oman will allow the Dutch prisoners to leave on East India trading company ships after the ransom is paid in full.


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:13 pm

As 1771 wears on, British agents from the East India Company and the Crown manage to obtain the parole and transfer of Dutch prisoners held by Oman and return them to Ceylon or Capetown (depending on location). The Dutch are treated as well as resources allow, particularly those of officer rank.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:53 am

Mid March 1771

The Sultan of Oman sends a peace envoy to Dutch near Zanzibar to see if they are willing to discuss peace terms to end this conflict.


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:45 pm

August 1771
The British government offers naval and military support against Oman if the Dutch surrender their claim and rights to New South Wales and New Zealand

(see this post)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:32 pm

Remainder of the year 1771, the Dutch fleets enact a blockade of Zanzibar. They able to take Comoros and Mayotte without firing a shot, as it becomes apparent Oman has abandon these holdings to be protect the core lands of Oman and Zanzibar.

For now both sides are plotting their next moves for the war.


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:43 pm

By end year of 1771,

The local Zanzibari populations grows restless with the blockade and the fact the Omani rulers drag them into a unwanted war.

The Omani portion of army was limited to a only regiment, the other portion of the garrison was compose of locals, Somali, Balochi soldiers. The Dutch were able to get in touch with one of the local leaders in Mombasa Masud ibn Naisr al-Mazru‘i and offer him support to dispose the Omani forces in Zanzibar and install him as leader.

He gets word to his supporters in Zanzibar to depose and arrest Crown Prince Said Bin Ahmad.

By December 20, 1770 mutiny occurs and Zanzibari forces overwhelm the loyal Omani regiment and Balochi regiment and arrest the Crown Prince.

In game terms

2 Omani regiments are now POWs, including the Crown Prince

The 5 other regiments defect to the Mazru'i side aka pro Dutch

Masud ibn Naisr al-Mazru‘i declares himself Sultan of Zanzibar and Mombasa, which is now a Dutch VOC protectorate

The Omani garrisons units -2 Garrison Brigades (Swahili Coast, Somaliland) defect to Mazru'i side.

Port-Zanzibar( still needs to be repair 2 points)
Resources: 2-Zanzibar, Mogadishu

Dutch will get .5 point of income initial -1772, once the port is repair by them(Dutch), they will get 1 full point of tribute from Sultanate.


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:43 pm

Late Jan 1772,

With fall of Zanzibar, the Oman Sultanate falls in despair. Their Yemeni Vassals revolt and declare their independent from Oman.

Meanwhile Oman representatives enter discussions with EIC representatives to end the war....


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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:52 pm

Word is sent by EIC officials to Capetown, where the Dutch are informed and the Royal Navy squadron present (which was there to assist the Dutch) sails to Oman to investigate further.

The Dutch are informed that the Omanis are seeking to become a British protectorate, which implies that they effectively surrender. British officials suggest that the Dutch keep what they have secured, while the British Omani Protecterate consist of what remains in Arabia. To offset the cost of this war, and of course to apologize for the unwitting British arming of the Omanis for their surprise attack, any income from this new British vassal would be split evenly with the Dutch for a 50 year period
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Lefty Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:22 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Word is sent by EIC officials to Capetown, where the Dutch are informed and the Royal Navy squadron present (which was there to assist the Dutch) sails to Oman to investigate further.  

The Dutch are informed that the Omanis are seeking to become a British protectorate, which implies that they effectively surrender.  British officials suggest that the Dutch keep what they have secured, while the British Omani Protecterate consist of what remains in Arabia.  To offset the cost of this war, and of course to apologize for the unwitting British arming of the Omanis for their surprise attack, any income from this new British vassal would be split evenly with the Dutch for a 50 year period

The VOC officials take note of the British message with great pleasure, and happily accept the offer of split income.

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Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772 Empty Re: Dutch-Omani confrontation 1770-1772

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:21 pm

Lefty wrote:
Galveston Bay wrote:Word is sent by EIC officials to Capetown, where the Dutch are informed and the Royal Navy squadron present (which was there to assist the Dutch) sails to Oman to investigate further.  

The Dutch are informed that the Omanis are seeking to become a British protectorate, which implies that they effectively surrender.  British officials suggest that the Dutch keep what they have secured, while the British Omani Protectorate consist of what remains in Arabia.  To offset the cost of this war, and of course to apologize for the unwitting British arming of the Omanis for their surprise attack, any income from this new British vassal would be split evenly with the Dutch for a 50 year period

The VOC officials take note of the British message with great pleasure, and happily accept the offer of split income.

1773 Effective

British/VOC get 4 points of income from Oman as tribute.

2 points to EIC
2 points to VOC


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