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The Franco-Georgian Treaty of Cooperation, 1785

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The Franco-Georgian Treaty of Cooperation, 1785 Empty The Franco-Georgian Treaty of Cooperation, 1785

Post by Hussam B. Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:48 am

Representatives of the State of Georgia and the French Crown agree to further cooperation between each other on the matters of commerce and territory. In May, the following Treaty is announced to have been agreed:

  • The State of Georgia and the Crown of France agree to mutually outlaw any and all smuggling activities within their respective territory and the Spanish territory.
  • Georgia shall direct its naval forces, such as they are, to ensure that Georgia's territorial waters are not used to smuggle goods from the aforementioned realms.
  • To assist in this endeavor, The State of Georgia shall commission a small French naval squadron to be based in Savannah to pursue smugglers and vagabonds in international waters. (The Commission fee is nominal and is covered by the fee for granting naval access to the port of Savannah).
  • France and Georgia shall jointly construct and man a fort in Savannah to defend the harbor and ensure that it is free of illicit activities. (France will shoulder 3/4 of the cost, and provide 1/4 of the men, for the fort)
  • A French embassy will be established in Savannah and there will be full cooperation with the French representative and the Savannah port authorities to ensure that the terms of this treaty are carried out.  
  • France shall intercede on behalf of Georgia to ensure a just and amicable resolution to the border dispute with the Spanish Crown.

Hussam B.

Posts : 157
Join date : 2017-09-25
Age : 36

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