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Events for 1775-1785

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Events for 1775-1785 Empty Events for 1775-1785

Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:31 pm

List of conflicts that occurred during the Jump

War of the Bavarian Succession(3 July 1778 – 21 May 1779) Happen per rl

Russia annexes the Crimea in 1783

Final War of Polish Partition( 1780 to 1784) aka Kościuszko's War
- Prussia, Austria, Russia invade Poland to shatter after Kościuszko attempts to rally the Polish people for freedom.

Polish nobility led by Kościuszko attempt restore Commonwealth lands lost in Partition. This results in four-year bitter war between against the Austrians, Prussians and Russian armies. The Poles fight valiantly but are shattered after the fall of Warsaw and Lublin to Austrian-Prussian force in 1783. By 1784, the remaining Polish strongholds fall to the Coalition armies.

The victors decided Poland must be divided between them in order to avoid another conflict in the region, just by end of 1784 Polish commonwealth no longer exist. However each of the victors must garrison their new conquest with a field army to avoid any uprisings by the locals.

Kościuszko and his supporters flee to France as political refugees with Russians chasing after them.

VOC-Aceh war 1776-1780

Sultanate of Aceh watches as the Dutch expand influence on their home island of Sumatra, they decided they had enough and mount a campaign to drive the Dutch of Sumatra in totality. Forcing the VOC to fight a prolong war with Aceh, who are apparently well armed. Thanks to the supplies provided by Omani fleet back in last war of 1772. The VOC decides it needs more troops from East African holdings to help suppress the war creating another issue for the VOC to deal with Aceh war by 1777.  

VOC-Zanzibar uprising of 1777

This create opening for the local Zanzibar elite to stage a revolt with local African sepoy troops against their Dutch overlords.  The revolt spreads to all the East African holdings (including Swahili Coast, Somaliland) the local VOC garrisons are overwhelm and wipe out.

By the time the news reaches Netherlands or Batavia, it will take half a year for VOC forces to retake those lands, while fighting the Aceh forces in Sumatra.

Kettle War of 1777

The Dutch Republican factions reject the attempts by VOC to get once again Republican home army/fleet forces to help them in their colonial struggles. This decision by the republicans was wise. Not long after the Austrians attempt to invade the Netherlands, the Austrians demanded the return of territory in the Overmaas and States Flanders (roughly current-day Zeelandic Flanders), as well as Dutch evacuation of Maastricht and the reopening of the Scheldt. Naturally the Dutch reject these terms and prepared for war. However, within the Dutch Government, the Orangeist weren’t as willing to fight a war with Austrian compare to the Republicans factions. This was partly due to the fact that Duke Louis Ernest of Brunswick-Lüneburg, advisor to the Dutch stadtholder, who was accused of favoring the enemy due to his familial ties to Joseph.
The only war casualties from this conflict was Kettle that was damaged from near collision of Austrian brig with Dutch Frigate.  

With support of France peace envoy, a peace treaty was signed by mid-year between Austrians and Dutch. In which the Dutch were allowed to keep the Scheldt close but paid the Austrians a sum of money for impacts of the closure.
OOC: the date is adjusted to 1777

However, the impacts of this near war and the ongoing war in far east make the divided the between the Orangeist and Republicans bigger by the day. With no support from the Republican Military, the VOC was force to cut their losses and give up East African holdings in focus on fighting the Aceh in order to protect their core interest.

By 1780, the VOC was finally able to beat back Aceh and force them pay for damages and restoration of the status quo. The VOC found itself badly weaken by the heavy fighting and forcing it to seek more support from Dutch Republicans to pay off its debts.

The Dutch sold off some of their claims(what is rl British Guyana) in Guyana to the British in order to raise money to pay off the VOC debts.

1780-1785 Dutch Republican tensions

The Dutch Republican faction begin calling themselves Patriots and were led by Joan Derk van der Capellen tot den Pol with calls for a true Dutch republic and removal of the stadtholder. They begin organizing their militia army which is legal under Dutch law to protect their interest.  Tensions  were building up between the Orange faction and Patriots.

Early 1785, the Confrontation

Eventually it came to a head when William V, Prince of Orange order the Dutch army to disarm the Patriot militia, however the Prince didn’t factor in the States Army was loyal to the Republicans and defected to the Patriot militia armies. Forcing the Prince and his supporters to flee to Prussia to seek refuge.
The Patriots declare the Netherlands a true republic and disband the office of stadtholder. Quickly the new republican government enacted a radical policy of purging the government of Orangist supporters and their offices of the Orangist regents that were now purged in their turn. (For instance, the States of Holland and West Friesland were replaced by having the 18 cities that formally were represented in those States send representatives to a constituent assembly that formally abolished the States and founded a new body, the Provisional Representatives of the People of Holland, that took over the functions of the States of Holland as long as the States General continued to exist). Though the political make-up of the States-General changed appreciably because of this change in personnel, it retained a number of defenders of the old particularist interests. The first order of business of the revolutionaries therefore was to strive for the reform of the confederal state, with its discrimination of the Generality Lands, and of particular minorities (Catholics, Jews), in the direction of a unitary state, in which the minorities would be emancipated, and the old entrenched interests superseded by a more democratic political order.] As a first step the representatives of Brabant were admitted to the States-General.
OOC: modify from Wiki article

By the end of 1785

Meanwhile the Prince of Orange was reported in the halls of Berlin lobbying for support to retake his kingdom from these radical republicans. While other radical thinkers in Europe and the America take a keen interest on what's happening to the Dutch Republic, and also some of them take note on policies that are being enacted by the Dutch Republicans.

Iceland eruptions(1783-1785)

Two major volcanoes erupt in Iceland, causing major impact in local climate and global climate for the next four years.

The Laki eruption and its aftermath caused a drop in global temperatures, as 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide was spewed into the Northern Hemisphere. This caused crop failures in Europe and may have caused droughts in North Africa and India. Nearly 25% of the population of Iceland dies as result of the effect of the eruptions. Nearly 2,000 Icelanders flee board British transports ship to Falklands islands as part of rescue deal with the British consul.

Consequences in Europe from eruptions

An estimated 120,000,000 long tons of sulfur dioxide was emitted, about three times the total annual European industrial output in 2006 (but delivered to higher altitudes, hence more persistent), and equivalent to six times the total 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption. This outpouring of sulfur dioxide during unusual weather conditions caused a thick haze to spread across western Europe, resulting in many thousands of deaths throughout the remainder of 1783 and the winter of 1784.

The summer of 1783 was the hottest on record and a rare high-pressure zone over Iceland caused the winds to blow to the south-east. The poisonous cloud drifted to Bergen in Denmark–Norway, then spread to Prague in the Kingdom of Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) by 17 June, Berlin by 18 June, Paris by 20 June, Le Havre by 22 June, and Great Britain by 23 June. The fog was so thick that boats stayed in port, unable to navigate, and the sun was described as "blood coloured".

Inhaling sulfur dioxide gas causes victims to choke as their internal soft tissue swells – the gas reacts with the moisture in lungs and produces sulfurous acid. The local death rate in Chartres was up by 5% during August and September, with more than 40 dead. In Great Britain, the east of England was most affected. The records show that the additional deaths were among outdoor workers; the death rate in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire and the east coast was perhaps two or three times the normal rate. It has been estimated that 23,000 British people died from the poisoning.

The weather became very hot, causing severe thunderstorms with large hailstones that were reported to have killed cattle, until the haze dissipated in the autumn. The winter of 1783–1784 was very severe; the naturalist Gilbert White in Selborne, Hampshire, reported 28 days of continuous frost. The extreme winter is estimated to have caused 8,000 additional deaths in the UK. During the spring thaw, Germany and Central Europe reported severe flood damage.

The meteorological impact of Laki continued, contributing significantly to several years of extreme weather in Europe. In France, the sequence of extreme weather events included a surplus harvest in 1785 that caused poverty for rural workers, as well as droughts, bad winters and summers. These events contributed significantly to an increase in poverty and famine in France.Laki was only one factor in a decade of climatic disruption, as Grímsvötn was erupting from 1783 to 1785, and there may have been an unusually strong El Niño effect from 1789 to 1793

Last edited by Ottoman on Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:07 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Events for 1775-1785 Empty Re: Events for 1775-1785

Post by Ottoman Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:19 pm

The Issue of British Honduras an unofficial settlement

A 1667 treaty, in which the European powers agreed to suppress piracy, encouraged the shift from buccaneering to cutting logwood and led to more permanent settlement. The 1670 Godolphin Treaty between Spain and England confirmed English possession of countries and islands in the Western Hemisphere that England already occupied. Unfortunately, those colonies were not named and ownership of the coastal area between Yucatán and Nicaragua remained unclear. Conflict continued between Britain and Spain, over the right of the British to cut logwood and to settle in the region. In 1717 Spain expelled British logwood cutters from the Bay of Campeche west of the Yucatán. This action had the unintended effect of enhancing the significance of the growing British settlement near the Belize River.[1]

The first British settlers lived a rough and disorderly life. According to Captain Nathaniel Uring, who was shipwrecked and forced to live with the logwood cutters for several months in 1720, the British were "generally a rude drunken Crew, some of which have been Pirates." He said he had "but little Comfort living among these Crew of ungovernable Wretches, where was little else to be heard but Blasphemy, Cursing and Swearing

During the 18th century, the Spanish attacked the British settlers repeatedly. In 1717, 1730, 1754, and 1772 the Spanish forced the British to leave the area. The Spanish never settled in the region, however, and the British always returned to expand their trade and settlement. At the end of the Seven Years' War in 1763, the Treaty of Paris conceded to Britain the right to cut and export logwood but asserted Spanish sovereignty over the territory. Still, there was never an agreement on the precise area in which logwood cutters could operate. The Spanish frontier town of Bacalar in the Yucatán, refounded in 1730 after having been deserted for almost a century, became a base for operations against the British. However the status of area remains unclear after the Falklands wars and again the British return to cut logwood in the area between the Hondo and Belize rivers. By that time, however, the logwood trade had declined and mahogany had become the chief export, so the settlers petitioned for a new agreement..

However the British were reluctant to set up any formal government for the settlement for fear of provoking the Spanish. On their own initiative and without recognition by the British government, the settlers had begun annual elections of magistrates to establish common law for the settlement as early as 1738..

The Viceroy of New Spain writes his superiors in Madrid requesting clarification on what should be done for this region along with the issue of Mosquito Coast....

Annual income about 1 point of income from lumber resource for Belize


Posts : 536
Join date : 2017-09-23

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