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Imperial Election of 1728

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:16 am

Summer, 1728

The death of the Emperor sets in motion an election to hold the highest position in the realm.  The Pope issues his blessings for the Electors to assemble in Frankfurt, sending the Archbishop of Salzburg (as Primate of Germany) to preside over the election in his stead.  Though the fact that the position is vacant adds some urgency for the election, it takes time to put together this sort of pageantry, and so the Pope sets the date for a few months after he hears the news. The electoral session itself will be convened in October, 1728. None of the Electoral offices are currently vacant, and none of the Electors are under an Imperial ban. To that end, the Electoral College consists of the following (and more details for the minor electors are available in the German Minor thread).

Electors (de jure political affiliations) [de jure Religious Affiliation]

Elector of Brandenburg [Protestant/Reformed]
Elector of Bavaria (Royal union with Spain) [Catholic]
Elector of Saxony (Royal union with Poland) [Catholic]
Elector of Palatinate [Catholic]
Elector of Brunswick-Luneburg  [Protestant/Reformed]
King of Bohemia (held by the Archduchy of Austria) [Catholic]
The Archbishop of Mainz [Catholic]
The Archbishop of Trier [Catholic]
The Archbishop of Cologne [Catholic]



The Mechanics of the Imperial election:

This will involve, ideally, a lot of negotiations, scheming, and backstabbing over a very condensed period of time in-game. However, in order to allow for the negotiations to take a reasonable amount of time, the election itself will be held in what is effectively its own timeline. The election will begin on Tuesday, 7/9 and end no later than Friday, 7/13. In-game it will take place, at most, over a couple of days in October, 1728.

Unlike the last election, this one takes place in a universe of 9 electors, and so the tie rules aren't as pressing but also aren't impossible, particularly in the stages before voters coalesce behind two candidates. I'm essentially going to be using the very historical precedent of "the way Imperial elections work in Europa Universalis IV" as a base.  Each night (my time, which is Indian Standard Time, so morning for most people) I will post the results of a vote turn (a day, essentially) and whether an Emperor has been elected. In the event no one secures a majority, or there is a tie, the Electors will be sent away to consult and debate further. A tie results in the vote being continued on Friday or Saturday night. However, if by Sunday night there is still a tie or no majority, the standard will be dropped to plurality. If by the end of the 3rd round of voting there is still a tie (either a 4-4 tie, or, say, a 3-3 tie with 2 voting for other candidates), and the current Imperial house is one of the parties involved in the tie, the Wittelsbachs will retain the throne. If there is a plurality tie between two candidates, and neither are the Wittelsbachs, the Pontiff will decide the victor between the deadlocked parties.

A candidate need not be the sovereign of a member state (or, indeed, even a sovereign, technically), but he must be a male and a Catholic. Conversion to be suitable for the throne is acceptable. Candidates need to be declared by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, 7/9 to be considered for the 1st ballot and 2nd ballots, but in the event of a deadlock undeclared compromise candidates can be nominated/declare by 11:59 PM EST Thursday.

Purpose of this thread

This thread is both for 1) candidates to declare their desire to be considered for the throne, 1) me to post the results of elections, and 3) for you to do all your public speechify and roleplaying. If you want to negotiate with NPCs, the best way to do that is to PM/email me, and not to post here or on the NPC thread. Feel free to begin your machinations and scheming as of this very second. Don't be surprised if NPCs, or other PCs, betray your trust. Bribery is always a good thing.

Last edited by TLS on Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:23 am

The Archduke of Austria, King of Bohemia, Duke of Burgundy, &c. Charles III declares his candidacy, on behalf of the House of Hapsburg, for the title of Emperor. He points to the recent war against the Turk as both proof of his dynasty's willingness to struggle in defense of the lesser princes of the Empire--for did not Austria risk much to defend the rights of the poor Sclavonians and Croats?--and the need for a proactive Imperial government to push back the bounds of Saracen rule.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:29 am

Summer 1728
The French Crown urges the Wettin family to again put forward candidacy for the Imperial thrown. The French court remains impressed by the determined and successful efforts the Wettins have made to push back paganism in the East, and contrasts the incompetency of the Hapsburgs (who have lost yet another war with the Turks) and the neglect of the Wittelsbachs, who failed to support their own vassals effectively but instead chose to enlarge Spanish territory instead by seizing Malta.

Surely a more worthy emperor can be found and France believes that Augustus the Strong is that man

Elsewhere, the Protestant states are informed that if Augustus is not suitable in their eyes, a Protestant candidate of their choosing will also have French support. The Catholic states are informed that the selection of another Wittelsbach Emperor will mean war as that is completely intolerable to France.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:57 am

The Archbishop of Salzburg, on behalf of the Holy Father and as the guarantor of the integrity of the Imperial election, ejects any and all French observers from the Election on account of their incendiary attempts to threaten the assembled Electors of the Empire. The Election is an ancient rite blessed by Almighty God, and the rhetoric spewing forth from the French is an attempt to undermine the process is an affront to all of the laws and privileges granted by both God and Man to the Imperial process. French subjects cannot be entirely forbidden from the city of Frankfurt, of course, but they will have no part in the official events surrounding the Election.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:10 pm

In Paris, the Papal ambassador is summoned and asked, in polite but blunt terms, whether the Archbishop of Salzburg is indeed speaking for the Pope and whether or not the Pope is directly favoring the Wittelsbach family assuming the throne once again.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:34 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:In Paris, the Papal ambassador is summoned and asked, in polite but blunt terms, whether the Archbishop of Salzburg is indeed speaking for the Pope and whether or not the Pope is directly favoring the Wittelsbach family assuming the throne once again.

When news of the spat finally comes back to the Holy See, the Pope stands by the Archbishop's pronouncement that France's public intimidation is counter to the spirit of the free election. The Pontiff favors no candidate in the Imperial election, leaving this decision to the Princes of the Empire as so dictated by a thousand years of tradition, but He does stand for the proper execution of the electoral process.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Lefty Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:50 pm

The House of Wettin announces that it intends to offer forth the candidacy of Friedrich Augustus of Saxony, son of the Prince-Elector Friedrich Augustus also King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. It is hoped that his election will bring peace and stability to the empire, and provide a unified front against Christendom’s threats.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Hussam B. Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:27 am

The House of Wittlesbach announces that it intends to offer forth the candidacy of Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria.

Hussam B.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:54 am

First Round of the Imperial Election, 1728

Frankfurt, October 15, 1728

The threat of French invasion hangs heavily over the heads of the assembled Electors and various Imperial princes. Though the French are not allowed into any official receptions or dinners, their ambassadors make themselves conspicuous around the city. The various factions parade into the city in displays of force; the incumbent dynasty makes its intentions and capabilities most known, with the Spanish King rolling out his Iberian splendor for all to soak in. Austria’s Archduke attempts a similar display of strength, but the inherited veneer of his ancestors cannot mask the absolute devastation inflicted upon his armies in the last war. Finally, the upstart Wettins—buoyed by the chaos surrounding the vote—stride into the city with the wind seemingly beneath their wings.

Joseph Ferdinand, King of Spain and Elector of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) 4 votes
-Elector of the Palatinate
-Elector of Bavaria
-Archbishop of Cologne
-Archbishop of Trier

Friedrich Augustus of Saxony (Wettin) 3 votes
-Elector of Saxony
-Elector of Brandenburg
-Elector of Brunswick-Luneburg

Charles, Archduke of Austria (Hapsburg) 2 votes
-King of Bohemia
-Archbishop of Mainz

The Wittelsbachs are unable to seal the deal in the first round, as the Protestants swing en bloc to the Wettins. The Hapsburg showing is dismal and much-reduced from the last election a quarter-century earlier, a sign of how fall the house has fallen. As there is no majority on the first ballot, the election is deadlocked and the Electors are dismissed for the evening.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:44 pm

The Kingdom of France announces that 200,000 acres will be gifted from land in New France and Louisiana, half of which will go to the Catholic Church, the remainder split equally between German Lutheran and French Calvinist Churches, if the Wittelsbach and Hapsburgs families are prevented by honest election from gaining the Imperial throne.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:53 am

Second Round of the Imperial Election, 1728

Frankfurt, October 16

The electors re-convene after a night of intense lobbying and discussion. Spanish, Saxon, French, Austrian, and Dutch envoys make the rounds of all the major camps, and no observer walks away thinking that there is not an extensive amount of glad-handing taking place. France's continuing open attempts to sway the election are received even more poorly by the Archbishop of Salzburg, who orders that no news of the French proposals be allowed into the vicinity of the voting and the seizure of all written notices to that effect. Of course, this does nothing to prevent the spread of that news, and the French presence continues to hang over the heads of the Electors.

The results of the second round of voting are:

Joseph Ferdinand, King of Spain and Elector of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) 4 votes
-Elector of the Palatinate
-Elector of Bavaria
-Archbishop of Cologne
-Archbishop of Trier

Friedrich Augustus of Saxony (Wettin) 4 votes
-Elector of Saxony
-Elector of Brandenburg
-Elector of Brunswick-Luneburg
-Archbishop of Mainz

Charles, Archduke of Austria (Hapsburg) 1 vote
-King of Bohemia

The Wittelsbachs and Wettins are tied after the round of voting, as the Archbishopric of Mainz has moved to the Wettin camp. The Protestant electors were rumored to be wavering in their support for the Wettin candidate, but the Brunswickers ultimately elected to follow the lead of the Dean of the Protestant Electors. The Elector of Brandenburg, known for his hatred of the Hapsburgs, keeps his vote with the Wettins. As there is no majority on the second ballot, the election is deadlocked and the Electors are dismissed for the evening. Lobbying begins again in earnest, as all know that a third ballot will result in a Wittelsbach victory unless the tie is broken.

The election is, once again, open for the proposal of compromise candidates.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:01 am

Friedrich Ludwig, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (and distant, and Catholic, cousin to the Elector of Brandenburg) declares his candidacy for the Imperial title.  He proclaims that he will bridge the divide between Protestant and Catholic within the Empire, withdraw the Empire from costly wars on behalf of foreign dynasties and peoples, and seek peaceful ties with all neighboring rulers.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:15 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:The Kingdom of France announces that 200,000 acres will be gifted from land in New France and Louisiana, half of which will go to the Catholic Church, the remainder split equally between German Lutheran and French Calvinist Churches, if the Wittelsbach and Hapsburgs families are prevented by honest election from gaining the Imperial throne.  

Looking the situation over carefully, and relying on intelligence sources, the French Crown has its ambassadors and representatives drop its opposition to a Hapsburg taking the throne. That Ambassador in Paris is treated to a banquet and ball in his honor and has an informal luncheon with King Henri V and his chief advisors were frank and honest discussion is held.

The Germans meanwhile are urged to elect anyone but a Wittelsbach
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:16 pm

TLS wrote:Friedrich Ludwig, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (and distant, and Catholic, cousin to the Elector of Brandenburg) declares his candidacy for the Imperial title.  He proclaims that he will bridge the divide between Protestant and Catholic within the Empire, withdraw the Empire from costly wars on behalf of foreign dynasties and peoples, and seek peaceful ties with all neighboring rulers.

France encourages the Electors (indirectly of course) to consider this compromise
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:58 am


There is a lot of chatter going back and forth, and basically the most non-war player interactions I've seen in the last 3 months. Thus, Rather than letting my time difference delay what should be a series of fruitful negotiations, I am extending the election through to Sunday, 7/15. There still remains only one final round of voting, where a tie would result in a Wittelsbach victory--the only way for a non-Wittelsbach to win the election is to earn at least 5 votes. Keep doing diplomacy my dudes.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by Lefty Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:54 pm

The House of Wettin announces it is suspending its candidacy for Holy Roman Emperor. The blatant attempts by foreign powers to capture the Emperorship through corruption and vice are despicable, and all electors are encouraged to support the Wittelsbachs and maintain the integrity of the electoral process.

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Imperial Election of 1728 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1728

Post by TLS Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:00 am

Final Round of the Imperial Election, 1728

Frankfurt, October 17

The withdrawal of the Wettin candidate and its announced vote for the Wittelsbach seals the fate of the Empire. To dislodge the Wittelsbachs from their perch would have required a sweep of anti-Wittelsbach Electors, an outcome which proved too much. The Protestant Electors, and their foreign backers, choosing to undermine the Wettins just as they were about to achieve a breakthrough with the Hapsburgs ultimately scuttled any united opposition. The outcome of the election is thus essentially pre-ordained even before the Electors march into their chamber.

Joseph Ferdinand, King of Spain and Elector of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) 6 votes
-Elector of the Palatinate
-Elector of Bavaria
-Elector of Saxony
-Elector of Brunswick-Luneburg
-Archbishop of Cologne
-Archbishop of Trier

Friedrich Ludwig, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (Hohenzollern) 2 votes
-Elector of Brandenburg
-Archbishop of Mainz

Charles, Archduke of Austria (Hapsburg) 1 vote
-King of Bohemia

The only surprise from this round of voting, in fact, is when it becomes evident that the Elector of Brunswick-Luneburg has broken ranks with the Elector of Brandenburg to vote for the Wittelsbachs. Though the Hohenzollern candidate has lost the election by a substantial margin, he still doubles the votes received by the Hapsburgs--more insult to injury, and, perhaps, a suitable consolation prize for the vehemently anti-Hapsburg family. Celebrations on the outcome are muted, however, as the prospect of the Empire being plunged into war has become all too real.

Joseph Ferdinand of Spain thus becomes Emperor Joseph II of the Holy Roman Empire.

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