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Imperial Election of 1703

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Imperial Election of 1703

Post by TLS Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:27 pm

Summer, 1703

With the arrival of peace in Europe, the aging Emperor's repeated requests for the Pope to give his blessings for an early Imperial election are granted. Elections prior to the death of the office holder are not unprecedented, and the Pontiff is sufficiently pleased with the Hapsburg patriarch for his vim and vigor in prosecuting a war against heretics to approve the Emperor's move--though technically the Pope's approval is not required, as an election can be held at the behest of a majority of the Electors, his voice grants legitimacy to the request. The 3 electors spiritual, the Brandenburgers, and the Hapsburgs themselves (as Kings of Bohemia) all acquiesce to the vote, and thus it is set on the calendar.

The electoral session itself will be convened in December, 1703. None of the Electoral offices are currently vacant, and none of the Electors are under an Imperial ban. To that end, the Electoral College consists of the following (and more details for the minor electors are available in the German Minor thread).

Electors (de jure political affiliations) [de jure Religious Affiliation]

Elector of Brandenburg [Protestant/Reformed]
Elector of Bavaria (Royal Union with Spain under the von Wittelsbachs) [Catholic]
Elector of Saxony (royal union with Poland) [Protestant/Lutheran]
Elector of Palatinate [Catholic]
King of Bohemia (held by the Archduchy of Austria) [Catholic]
The Archbishop of Mainz [Catholic]
The Archbishop of Trier [Catholic]
The Archbishop of Cologne [Catholic]



The Mechanics of the Imperial election:

This will involve, ideally, a lot of negotiations, scheming, and backstabbing over a very condensed period of time in-game. However, in order to allow for the negotiations to take a reasonable amount of time, the election itself will be held in what is effectively its own timeline. The election will begin on Friday, 11/3 and end no later than Sunday, 11/5. In-game it will take place, at most, over a couple of days in December, 1703.

I'm essentially going to be using the very historical precedent of "the way Imperial elections work in Europa Universalis IV" as a base. There are 8 electors, which makes it possible that there will be a tie. Each night I will post the results of a vote turn (a day, essentially) and whether an Emperor has been elected. In the event no one secures a majority, or there is a tie, the Electors will be sent away to consult and debate further. A tie results in the vote being continued on Friday or Saturday night. However, if by Sunday night there is still a tie or no majority, the standard will be dropped to plurality. If by the end of the 3rd round of voting there is still a tie (either a 4-4 tie, or, say, a 3-3 tie with 2 voting for other candidates), and the current Imperial house is one of the parties involved in the tie, the Hapsburgs will retain the throne. If there is a plurality tie between two candidates, and neither are the Hapsburgs, the Pontiff will decide the victor between the deadlocked parties.

A candidate need not be the sovereign of a member state (or, indeed, even a sovereign, technically), but he must be a male and a Catholic. Conversion to be suitable for the throne is acceptable. Candidates need to be declared by 9:00 PM EST on Friday to be considered for the 1st ballot and 2nd ballots, but in the event of a deadlock undeclared compromise candidates can be nominated/declare by 9:00 PM EST Sunday.

Purpose of this thread

This thread is both for 1) candidates to declare their desire to be considered for the throne, 1) me to post the results of elections, and 3) for you to do all your public speechify and roleplaying. If you want to negotiate with NPCs, the best way to do that is to PM/email me, and not to post here or on the NPC thread. Feel free to begin your machinations and scheming as of this very second. Don't be surprised in NPCs, or other PCs, betray your trust. Bribery is always a good thing.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by Childeric Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:07 am

Joseph, Duke of Milan and heir to the Arch-duchy of Austria declares his candidacy.


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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by Hussam B. Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:21 am

Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria and Regent of Spain, also announces his candidacy.

Hussam B.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:01 pm

With warm and friendly urging during the various social events surrounding his recent coronation, Philip VIII of France urges Augustus of Wittelbach to place his name forward as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by Lefty Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:24 pm

Augustus II, King-Elector of Saxony puts for himself as a nominee for Holy Roman Emperor.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by TLS Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:08 pm

December, 1703

With the Imperial Election slated for December 10th, at the beginning of the month delegations begin arriving in Frankfurt. Winter's grasp on the city has yet to make it glum, and instead the markets are abuzz with the dual activities of the Nativity season and the pomp and circumstance of Imperial pageantry.

OOC: Unless otherwise instructed, I will assume that any PC electors will vote for their own candidates.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by TLS Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:30 pm

First Round of the Imperial Election, 1703

Frankfurt, December 10, 1703

The city of Frankfurt is abuzz with activity for the Imperial Election. Representatives from the Perpetual Diet in Regensburg, princes from across the Empire, and, indeed, ambassadors from across Europe have poured into the city to observe the events. This is widely expected to be the first competitive election in years, if not centuries, and the assembled delegations are eager to watch the machinations unfold. The Empire's three most powerful families are now vying for the title of King of the Romans (the precursor title to Holy Roman Emperor, as the Empire still lives) and the election may well decide the future of the Empire.

The Archbishop of Mainz, as primus inter pares, retains the honor and right to convoke and preside over the election and its proceedings. Each of the Electors is present, in the flesh, at the Election ceremony, though the youthful Elector of Brandenburg has delegated his responsibilities for the opening vote to one of his advisors. After the usual speeches and pabulum at the opening, the Electors move into voting procedures. The results of the first round of the Imperial Election are as follows:

Joseph, Duke of Milan (Hapsburg) 4 votes
-Archbishop of Mainz
-Archbishop of Trier
-Elector of Brandenburg
-King of Bohemia

Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) 3 votes
-Archbishop of Cologne
-Elector of the Palatinate
-Elector of Bavaria

Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland (Wettin) 1 vote
-Elector of Saxony

As there is no majority on the first ballot, the election is deadlocked and the Electors are dismissed for the evening. They all hurriedly return to their bases of operation (the various manors of nobles or wealthy burghers that have been made available to them) to plot their next moves.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by TLS Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:03 pm

Second Round of the Imperial Election, 1703

Frankfurt, December 11, 1703

The interlude between the first and second rounds has been filled with machinations and schemes on the part of the assembled parties. Representatives of the three camps have been making the rounds to all the Electors, bearing promises (and considerable sums of filthy lucre) in an attempt to sway votes hither and thither. Observers have noted three over-arching trends: the Brandenburger Elector seems to be at the mercy of vying camps of Saxon and Hapsburg agents, while his own loyalties are unknown, the Wittelsbach voting block seems solid as a rock, and the Hapsburg plurality is built on shaky foundations. All the while French agents have been seen moving and shaking around Frankfurt, and have brought more than enough furs to clothe an entire village in the finest beaver pelts.

On the evening of the second day of the election, the Archbishop of Mainz again summons the Electors into the chambers. Exhorting his colleagues to do what is right for the Empire and ensure the election of the next King of the Romans quickly and decisively, he only allows for brief speechifying before the assembled Electors go into chambers. The result of the second round of voting are as follows:

Joseph, Duke of Milan (Hapsburg) 3 votes
-Archbishop of Mainz
-Elector of Brandenburg
-King of Bohemia

Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) 3 votes
-Archbishop of Cologne
-Elector of the Palatinate
-Elector of Bavaria

Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland (Wettin) 2 vote
-Elector of Saxony
-Archbishop of Trier

As no candidate has again received a majority of the votes cast, the round is declared deadlocked and the Electors are dismissed--angrily, it seems--by the Archbishop. As the election has twice now been deadlocked, the standard for victory has been lowered and the nominations have been re-opened in case any worthy prince deems himself suitable as a candidate to bring the sides together.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by TLS Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:29 pm

Second Round of the Imperial Election, 1703

Frankfurt, December 12, 1703

The morning of the final day of the election is marked by a surprise: the aging Emperor Leopold, essentially bedridden but still sharp in wit, departs with great hustle and bustle from the Hapsburg headquarters. His son the Duke of Milan makes as if to show that this was a pre-planned event, but his calm exterior belies a panicked demeanor below. As the Emperor departs the city, the squares and inns are abuzz with other news: the Saxon elector, it seems, is being propped up by French money and guile, and the contents of a purported letter from the Wittelsbachs to the Hapsburg Emperor are spread around the city (and soon the Empire) like wildfire. The French, in addition to seeking to prop up the Wettins, have also threatened war against the Hapsburgs if they retain the Imperial crown. The veracity of these rumors is denied by the French delegation, of course, which only causes people to believe them more.

The camps of the Electors are thrown into disarray. The Archbishops of Mainz and Trier, conspicuously wearing French furs, throw them down forthwith. The Brandenburger camp is openly reduced to shouting between the treasury and the advisors, while the Elector is seen clutching a letter in his hand while he ignores the bickering of the older men surrounding him. The Wittelsbachs look out at the maelstrom with stoic glee, recognizing that the chaos may just provide the chance they need to attain their ancestral wish. As the Archbishop of Mainz calls the Electors together one last time, they shuffle into the chamber with an air of excitement. Most notably, however, the Elector of Brandenburg jumps up when the convocation is made, and shoves aside his interlocutor--for this final round, he intends to make the vote himself.

Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) 4 votes
-Archbishop of Cologne
-Elector of the Palatinate
-Elector of Bavaria
-Elector of Brandenburg

Joseph, Duke of Milan (Hapsburg) 3 votes
-Archbishop of Mainz
-Archbishop of Trier
-King of Bohemia

Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland (Wettin) 1 vote
-Elector of Saxony

The hall is stunned into silence. The young Brandenburger cast the final vote, breaking the tie between the Hapsburgs and Wittelsbachs, ignoring both the Wettin and Hapsburg candidates in such a way that exuded utter disdain and hatred. Centuries of Hapsburg domination of the Imperial title have been shattered in an instant--and everyone can see that this has happened, in large part, because the Emperor Leopold abandoned his son and heir. That the Archbishop of Trier returned to the Hapsburg fold after abandoning him leads outsiders to believe that, once bought by the French, it was in France's interest to, in fact, see the Hapsburgs continue on the throne--but if so, why the threat of war? Imperial machinations are as mysterious as ever, but in spite of it all, the election has been decided.

Late that night, the Bavarian Elector is crowned by the Archbishop of Cologne: Maximilian III, King of the Romans.

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Imperial Election of 1703 Empty Re: Imperial Election of 1703

Post by Lefty Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:55 pm

Uproar from the Saxon chamber suggests that Augustus is furious at the mere suggestion that his imperial ambitions are the ploy of the French court. Agents of the King-Elector inform those planning the coronation that King Augustus will be unable to attend the ceremony. His office will be represented by his chancellor, and agents the crown notes that a small sum will be left behind to assist in the cleaning of the royal chambers.

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