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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:57 am

The Carpathian War (1725-)

Combatants (as of Winter, 1726)

Ottoman Empire
-Principality of Transylvania
-Principality of Wallachia
-Principality of Moldavia
-Crimean Khanate
-Zaporizhian Sich

Anti-Ottoman Alliance
-Hapsburg Monarchy
-Grand Duchy of Sclavonia
-The Holy Roman Empire
-The Kingdom of Spain
-The Kingdom of Portugal

Fall, 1725

The Ottoman Empire has stood as the dominant power in Southeast Europe for the near half century following the Sack of Vienna. The Empire’s gaze has been otherwise preoccupied in the 18th century, with victorious campaigns against the Russians, Persians, and Arabs projecting an aura of invulnerability. Within the vast holdings stretching from the Carpathians to the Aegean, and the Adriatic to the Black Sea, life has slowly but surely been changed by the extensive presence of the Ottomans. In the two centuries since the Ottoman victory at Mohács the core of the old Hungarian kingdom, directly administered by the Sublime Porte, has become a cosmopolitan mixture at the center of this great European power.

The Ottoman regional capital at Budin (known as Buda to the Hungarians) is, in fact, a majority Muslim city, as are many in the Pannonian plain. A combination of migration by Muslim South Slavs, Turks themselves, and conversion of Hungarians has resulted in the creation of a polyglot ruling class in the region. Though Muslims probably number no more than 20% of the population of the region, the main result of their dominance in the religious sphere has been the flourishing of Protestantism among the Magyars. Over 70% of the Magyars in Ottoman Hungary and Transylvania are Calvinists, with the remainder split 2-1 between Muslims and Catholics, and the Magyar identity has become fiercely intertwined with that of the Reformation. The Hapsburgs had previously strongly promoted the Counter-Reformation in their lands, but with the fall of Hapsburg power the Reformed Church was able to thrive under the tolerant eye of Constantinople.

The Magyars, then, remain generally positively predisposed towards Ottoman rule, but this has further repercussions. The Ottoman vassals on the periphery, the Principality of Upper Hungary and the Principality of Transylvania, are both states ruled by pro-Ottoman Hungarians lording over non-Magyar, non-Protestant populations. The Danubian Principalities, meanwhile, are Romanian lordships where the Ottoman yoke has neither engendered substantial loyalty nor altered the population in a more favorable way. The chaos in Rus has minimized the threat of a Russian Orthodox invasion of the region, but in many ways, this has further heightened tensions—without an outside protector, it seems, the last Orthodox states in Europe might well be in Romania.

This noxious brew of competing elites, creeds, and tongues has been kept in check for centuries by Ottoman power, but even the mighty Sultan can’t control every aspect of his domain. The Hapsburgs, fervently looking for an opportunity to restore their house to greatness, have spent the better part of a decade giving aid and shelter to anti-Turkish nobles, while the Polish Sejm has veered wildly between wanting to rampage across the Russian steppe or wanting to plunge south and control all the lands between the Baltic and Black Seas. What may be the weakest of the Ottoman vassals, Upper Hungary, is thus at the center of the maelstrom.

The Principality is ruled, in fact, by a Princess: Erzsébet Thököly, half-sister of the Prince of Transylvania, Ferenc Rákóczi—himself a loyal subject of the Ottoman crown, more out of enmity towards the Hapsburgs than anything else. Unwilling to marry and give up her real power, she is without issue, and though an able-enough ruler in her own right sits on a throne propped up by the Hungarian minority and the Turkish backers. Most of her subjects are Slovak Catholics, and though they are under-represented in the nobility of the court they are not without allies even among the Magyars. The Hapsburg counter-reformation did its work well here, after all, and the fact that the Princess is Lutheran sits uneasily with many.

Throughout 1725 it becomes evident that the Princess is wasting away from some disease (later medical historians postulate it was breast cancer) leading to frantic jostling to succeed the ailing vassal. Among some of the Magyar nobility the main push is for her half-brother Ferenc to inherit the throne and create a union between the Hungarian principalities, while the Turkish party at court believes this is the opportune situation to finally integrate the region directly into the Empire and benefit from direct absorption into what is, by many metrics, the most powerful state in Europe, if not the world. However, perhaps the largest party (though outside the court) is to take this opportunity to break once and for all from Constantinople.

In late October the Princess succumbs to her illness and chaos finally erupts. The Magyar nobility assemble to declare their allegiance to Ferenc, while the Turkish vizier sends to the Sublime Porte urging the absorption of the region once and for all. In the mountain town of Kassa (Kosice) a band of Slovak nobles, led by Count Juraj Jánošík—a former lieutenant in the Princess’ father’s army—declare that they will no longer kneel before the Sultan’s envoys and the Magyar overlords and rise in revolt. They raise the Double Cross and turn to enflame the countryside.

Seizing the brief time before the snow will hamper the ability of Transylvanian and Ottoman armies to swing up into the Carpathians, the rebels quickly move over the rest of the region. The Magyars are strongest in the southern reaches of the principality and in the capital of Pressburg, where the large Ottoman garrison moves to restore order quickly. The Ottoman vizier in the vassal state, awaiting input from the Sublime Porte, has yet to declare the Principality annexed, but also has not recognized the claim of Ferenc to the throne—the Magyars, as such, move only to secure their holdings against what they view as a Slovak serf uprising.

By the time the snows have fallen the rebels have effectively seized control of most of the country and declared the Grand Duchy of Sclavonia to be an independent state. The title of “Grand Duke” is, for now, left empty, but Jánošík emerges as the clear leader of the endeavor and takes the title of Voivode. Desperate pleas are sent out by the Sclavonians to the princes of Europe—the Austrians, the Emperor in Bavaria, and the Poles—to come to their aid in their war against the Turk. Meanwhile, the news spreads like wildfire throughout the Ottoman lands, moving most quickly through the Catholic periphery. Ottoman governors in the Balkan eyalets are concerned about the noises coming from their Slovene and Croat subjects, and though the Danubians are generally quiet their loyalty is also being questioned by the Porte’s viziers.

Forces in Europe, End of 1725

Ottomans and Vassals

Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-15 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Zagreb ,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Malta, Gyor, Pecs)
-7 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Malta, Istanbul, Pressburg, Zagreb, Szeged, Athens)

Orta Macar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-3 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-6 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades

Zagrep Ordusu (Zagreb)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade

Sultan Ordusu (Istanbul)
-1 Engineer Brigade

Vassal Forces

Erdel Ordusu (Alba Iulia)
-4 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Orta Macarlar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-1 Transylvanian Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-4 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-4 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-4 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Istanbul)
-10 BB2
-11 FF1
-6 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Malta)
-10 FF1
-6 PatRon


Ground Forces

Košická armáda (Kosice)
-3 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Prešovská armáda (Presov)
-2 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Nitraská armáda (Nitra)
-2 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Last edited by TLS on Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:11 am; edited 4 times in total

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:41 pm

Winter, 1726

The Hapsburgs have spent the fall furiously working their diplomatic angles in an attempt to amass backing to aid the Sclavonian rebels. Their campaign is met at every turn by backsliding, minimization, or outright disdain: the Protestants in the Empire refuse to mobilize their troops to aid, the rest of the Empire refuses to send their troops into the Ottoman heartlands, while the Poles are off on some Russian misadventure and the Emperor seems to vacillate between joining or not. However, they are able to corner a few commitments out of their erstwhile allies, and feel comfortable enough to finally declare for the fray.

In early January the Hapsburgs formally deliver notice to the Sublime Porte that a state of war exists between their two crowns. This comes on the heels of a concerted Hapsburg campaign to arm the Sclavonian rebels in preparation for the campaign ahead. Hapsburg agents start to tear through the Balkans as well, trying to motivate the South Slavs into rebellion, but the Ottomans have a firm grip on the rest of their empire—or at least it seems. Though it can’t be discounted that some of the Ottoman vassals may just be biding their time for more opportune moments, the Sublime Porte has also been working hard to shore up support. The Sultan has blessed the Magyar nobility’s attempt to unite the crowns of Upper Hungary and Transylvania, pushing off that risk, while the Wallachians and Moldavians are now without the prospect of Polish aid in any attempted rebellion.

Forces in Europe, end of Winter 1726

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-15 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Zagreb ,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Malta, Gyor, Pecs)
-7 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Malta, Istanbul, Pressburg, Zagreb, Szeged, Athens)

Orta Macar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-4 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades

Zagrep Ordusu (Zagreb)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade

Sultan Ordusu (Istanbul)
-1 Engineer Brigade
-2 Hotak Cavalry Regiments
-4 Cavalry Regiment ( combat ready- Summer 1726)
-2 Infantry Brigades ( combat ready- Summer 1726)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade ( combat ready- Summer 1726)

Ottoman Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Istanbul)
-10 BB2
-11 FF1
-6 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Malta)
-10 FF1
-6 PatRon

Vassal Forces

Erdel Ordusu (Alba Iulia)
-4 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Brigade

Orta Macarlar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-1 Transylvanian Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-4 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Brigade

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-4 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-4 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-3 Garrison Brigades (Venice, 2 Naples)
-5 Light Infantry Brigades ( Innsbruck, Prague, Breslau, Brussels, Antwerp)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Vienna)
-4 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Cavalry Brigades
-1 Engineer Brigade

Austrian Circle Army (Vienna)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Army of Bohemia (Prague)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade [

Army of Italy (Venice)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Army of Brabant (Brussels)
-2 Infantry Brigades

Burgundian Circle Army (Brussels)
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-12 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza, Madonna della Salute)
-10 PatRons


Košická armáda (Kosice)
-3 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Prešovská armáda (Presov)
-1 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Nitraská armáda (Nitra)
-2 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:10 pm

Spring, 1726

With the Spring thaw the Hapsburg war machine rolls into motion. The various forces of the Empire have pledged in one way or another to aid the Austrians in their crusade against the Turk, but it will take months for them to coalesce and move into defensive positions across the Hapsburg monarchy. The core of the Austrian army, however, is based in their capital at Vienna, and a quick march from the Turk’s frontier fortress at Pressburg. The Ottomans have spent the better part of the last quarter century preparing for the inevitable Christian onslaught, littering their lands with fortresses and defensive garrisons, and are content to lie in wait as the war begins.

In early April the Hapsburgs and their Sclavonian allies amass three armies—from Vienna, Prague, and Nitra—at the small village of Lozorno, north of Pressburg. They then move to besiege the Ottoman-Hungarian army within the fortress and city, with little opposition. The Ottomans and their vassals have settle on a defensive posture for now, and feel secure behind their walls, but do shift their vassal forces to begin engaging with the Sclavonian rebels. The Hapsburg army is mightier than that of their relatively weak allies, the Ottomans gamble, and they plan to expose the Austrian flank by collapsing the rebellion as quickly as possible.

Cossack and Romanian cavalry units descend on the eastern parts of the rebellion, harassing the rebels in Kosice and Presov. Though an attack on Presov would isolate the rebels in Kosice as well, the terrain in the highlands is ill-suited to mass cavalry action. Thus, the raiders focus their effort on the rebel garrison at Kosice.

Battle of Kosice, April 18

-3 Militia Infantry Brigades

-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-4 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades
-1 Crimean Militia Cavalry Brigade

The rebels have the advantage of geography when fighting the skirmishing raider cavalry of their enemies (FF turn and defensive roll bonus) but are distinctively outnumbered in the fight over 2-1, while the presence of regular units among the attackers furthers their firepower deficit. The sheer numbers of the attackers is what overwhelms the defenders (two turns of combat, the defenders are unable to land any hits, while the attackers roll 2 hits and then 1 hit) who are slaughtered in the ensuing melee.

Casualties of the Battle of Kosice

-3 Militia Infantry Brigades destroyed

The Crimeans and Cossacks loot and pillage the town wantonly over the ensuing days, rampaging over the countryside, paying no heed to the fact that they are technically destroying the property of their fellow vassal the Prince of Transylvania. Their departure is followed by the arrival of Transylvanian militia (previously sent to assist Pressburg, though receiving news well before their arrival in that city that the Austrians have cut it off, and thus they re-route to garrison Kosice) who are incensed at the outrages carried out by their supposed allies. Other vassal cavalry forces base themselves out of the fortress at Budin and feint north to keep the combined Sclavonian-Austrian army at Nitra occupied and distracted by the fight ahead.

Further south, the Austrian army based out of Venice trudges across the border to besiege the Ottoman fortress at Zagreb, placing it under siege by early May. Towards the end of Spring the first Imperial reinforcements arrive in the Austrian lands, the Bavarian contingent in the city of Vienna, though the remaining Imperial units are still coalescing deeper in the German heartland and are not expected to arrive in Austria until the late Summer. The German princes, other than the Emperor and the Austrians, have not made any promises to make soldiers available for offensive war within the Ottoman lands, though their presence is bound to open more Austrian soldiers for service.

The war at sea is fairly quiet, with both the Ottoman and Hapsburgs playing conservatively with their naval forces. However, the Austrians elect to keep their fleets closer to shore, to protect their ports, leaving their shipping outside the Adriatic in peril—something the Turkish fleet based at Malta takes advantage of en route to its new base at Alexandria (Austria loses 1 Commercial fleet to raiding).

Forces in Europe, end of Spring 1726

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-15 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Zagreb ,Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Malta, Gyor, Pecs)
-7 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Malta, Istanbul, Pressburg, Zagreb, Szeged, Athens)

Orta Macar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-4 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades

Zagrep Ordusu (Zagreb)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade

Sultan Ordusu (Istanbul)
-1 Engineer Brigade
-2 Hotak Cavalry Regiments
-4 Cavalry Regiment ( combat ready- Summer 1726)
-2 Infantry Brigades  ( combat ready- Summer 1726)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade ( combat ready- Summer 1726)

Ottoman Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-10 BB2
-11 FF1
-6 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Alexandria)
-10 FF1
-6 PatRon

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Brigade

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Alba Iulia)
-2 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigades

Orta Macarlar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-1 Transylvanian Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-4 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-3 Garrison Brigades (Venice, 2 Naples)
-4 Light Infantry Brigades (Venice, Zlin, Brussels, Antwerp)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Besieging Pressburg)
-6 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-1 Engineer Brigade

Army of Bohemia (Nitra)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Army of Italy (Besieging Zagreb)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Lowlands Army (Liege)
-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-12 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza, Madonna della Salute)
-10 PatRons


Prešovská armáda (Presov)
-1 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Nitraská armáda (Nitra)
-2 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades


Bavarian Circle Army (Vienna)
- 1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
- 3 Bavarian Light Infantry Regiments
- 1 Bavarian Cavalry Regiment

Electoral Rhenish Circle Army (Mainz)
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment

Franconian Circle Army (Wurzburg)
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment

Swabian Circle Army (Stuttgart)
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment

Upper Rhenish Circle Army (Kassel)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment

Lower Rhenish–Westphalian Circle Army (Munster)
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:25 pm

Summer, 1726

As the year reaches the hotter months the dueling Empires—Roman and Ottoman—continue their dance of avoiding pitched combat between their largest armies. In the rebellious Upper Hungarian provinces, the rebels decide that their forces at Presov are too exposed and withdraw them back to Nitra—getting out barely a few days before an offensive force of Ottoman vassals arrives to wrest the city from them. At Pressburg, the focus of the Austrian invasion, the Hapsburg siege not only makes no progress, it goes surprisingly poorly for the defenders (2 of the 3 turns see a roll of 1; 2 infantry brigades shattered). The Ottomans, meanwhile, are intent on lessening the pressure on the capital of the region, and send a massive cavalry force to harass and cut the lines between Pressburg and Nitra. The Hapsburgs, having sent their light infantry and cavalry to try to screen any raids, move to intercept the Turkic horde and keep the lines open.

Battle of Galanta, August 5

-4 Cavalry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade

-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-4 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades
-1 Crimean Militia Cavalry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Brigade

The Hapsburg infantry take up positions around the small village of Galanta as their cavalry seek to engage in the rolling battles with the Ottoman forces. Though they are technically outnumbered two-to-one, the Hapsburgs are resolute in their ability to hold the line (FF turn due to TL difference). As the light cannons from the village fire into the unkempt masses of Cossacks, the heavier Austrian cavalry are able to assist in making short work of much of the left wing of the Turkish advance (FF turn: Austria rolls 3x, shattering 2 Cossack militia cavalry brigades and 1 Wallachian cavalry brigade). The Ottomans force is large enough to absorb those losses to their most unwieldy units and press forward, enveloping the Austrian positions. The Hapsburgs fire furiously but are overwhelmed by the tide of man and horse which envelops them (MF turn: Austria rolls 2x, shattered 1 Cossack Brigade, 1 Transylvanian brigade; Ottomans roll 5x, shattering all the defenders). As the panicked Austrians attempt their escape they are swallowed up by the Ottoman forces, leaving only a paltry remnant able to escape the fray.

Casualties of the Battle of Galanta

-4 Cavalry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 Brigade
-1 Light Infantry Brigade destroyed

-3 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1
-1 Wallachian Cavalry brigade shattered, reduced to regiment
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Brigade shattered, reduced to regiment

The heavily mauled Cossacks withdraw back to the Ukraine for the year, alongside their Crimean compatriots, but the combined Vassal cavalry remains based out of the village, harassing up and down the line and obfuscating any sort of communication between the armies at Nitra and Pressburg. The Austrians draw more troops down from Bohemia to reinforce their allies at Nitra, but otherwise hold on to await the coming season.

Further south, in the Croat lands, the Austrians have more luck. The Austrian siege becomes so overwhelming that the small Ottoman garrison within surrenders (Austrians roll a 6 in August, the city falls). Over the coming weeks additional reinforcements arrive in the form of Bavarian soldiers (the Emperor’s own) and a small contingent from Italy. By early September, the Hapsburgs thus have a sizeable force in Ottoman territory, and convince some locals to flock to their banner (1 Croat Militia Infantry Brigade formed). Before they can plot their next move, however, they learn that a large Ottoman army has arrived in Sarajevo, threatening their ability to move deeper into the Balkans.

The entrance of the Emperor more fully into the war results in the opening of a proper naval theater. The main Ottoman and Hapsburg fleets decide to turn more fully to commerce raiding—avoiding combat while seeking to exact pain from the other—resulting in a fairly inconclusive bout of raiding over the summer (Ottomans capture 1 Austrian fleet, Austrians sink 1 Ottoman fleet). The Emperor, however, is intent on rectifying the terrible loss of Malta caused by Franco-Ottoman Perfidy a decade prior. With a combined Spanish and Portuguese fleet, the product of a secret clause in the treaty which ended the Lateran War, the Emperor moves to avenge Christendom’s loss.

Battle of Malta, September 19

-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison

-3 Spanish BB1s
-12 Spanish BB2s
-12 Spanish FF1s
-2 Spanish PatRons
-6 Portuguese BB2s
-8 Portuguese FF1s
-2 Portuguese PatRons
-1 Spanish Marine Regiment
-1 Portuguese Marine Regiment
-3 Spanish Light Infantry Regiments

The Ottoman garrison is woefully outnumbered by the Imperial fleet offshore, but is determined to hold on as long as possible. The Spanish first focus their fire on the defending fortress, which is only able to get off a desultory shot before it is reduced by concentrated fire (Turn 1: Fortress hits 1 Spanish BB1 for 2x, fleet rolls 33 hits, reducing the fortress to an LI regiment). With the way thus cleared, the Imperial landing force is thrown ashore in a desperate scrum to seize the island (Ottomans get FF turn for defending against amphibious assault). The fighting takes the better part of the day, as the Imperial forces suffer heavy losses in the initial landing (Turn 2: FF Spanish shatter 2 Spanish Light Infantry regiments MF: Ottomans roll 0x, Spanish roll hit to destroy LI reg). As dusk begins to fall, however, the attackers gain the upper hand, and the Ottoman defenders finally raise their flag in surrender (Turn 2: FF 0x, MF Ottomans 0x, Spanish 1x).

Casualties of the Battle of Malta

-1 Fortress destroyed
-1 Garrison captured

-1 BB1 (2x) lightly damaged, [1 turn, .5 points to repair]
-2 LI regiments shattered, reduced to 1 regiment

The Emperor has thus returned Malta to Christendom and, more importantly for the war at hand, firmly penned the Ottomans into the Eastern Mediterranean.

Forces in Europe, end of Summer 1726

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-13 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Pressburg, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Gyor, Pecs)
-5 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Pressburg, Szeged, Athens)

Orta Macar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-4 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades

Sultan Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade
-2 Hotak Cavalry Regiments
-4 Cavalry Regiment

Ottoman Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-11 BB2
-11 FF1
-6 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Alexandria)
-10 FF1
-6 PatRon

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-2 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigades

Galanta Ordusu (Galanta)
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Regiment

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Presov)
-2 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades

Orta Macarlar Ordusu (Pressburg)
-1 Transylvanian Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-3 Garrison Brigades (Venice, 2 Naples)
-2 Light Infantry Brigades (Brussels, Antwerp)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Besieging Pressburg)
-5 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade

Army of Bohemia (Nitra)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade

Army of Italy (Zagreb)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-2 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Lowlands Army (Graz)
-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-12 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza, Madonna della Salute)
-10 PatRons

Ottoman Rebels

Nitraská armáda (Nitra)
-3 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Croat Rebels (Zagreb)
-1 Croat Militia Infantry Brigade


Bavarian Circle Army (Zagreb)
- 1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
- 3 Bavarian Light Infantry Regiments
- 1 Bavarian Cavalry Regiment

Combined Rhenish Circle Armies (Graz)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

Bavarian/Franconian/Swabian Circle Armies (Vienna)
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-3 Bavarian Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Bavarian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment

Imperial Navy (Malta)
-2 Spanish Light Infantry Regiments
-2 Spanish BB1s
-1 Spanish BB1, 2x damaged
-12 Spanish BB2s
-12 Spanish FF1s
-2 Spanish PatRons
-6 Portuguese BB2s
-8 Portuguese FF1s
-2 Portuguese PatRons[/u][/u]

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Ottoman Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:00 am

Ottoman Envoys in the Courts of France, The Dutch Republic and England issue a formal protest in regards to the lack of declaration of war by the Spanish/Portuguese crowns.


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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:35 am

France strongly condemns the Spanish entry into the war without issuing a formal declaration of war and the Spanish Ambassador in Paris is given a strong dressing down by King Philip VIII in a private meeting (although pains are taken to indicate that it is not for the Ambassador personally).
Galveston Bay
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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Hussam B. Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:17 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:France strongly condemns the Spanish entry into the war without issuing a formal declaration of war and the Spanish Ambassador in Paris is given a strong dressing down by King Philip VIII in a private meeting (although pains are taken to indicate that it is not for the Ambassador personally).  

The French reaction is considered outrageous particularly when put in context of the French's King's acknowledged guilt that led to the fall of the island of Malta in the first place.

The Spanish ambassador and other diplomatic delegations are withdrawn from France in response, for consultation.

Hussam B.

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:32 pm

In response, France recalls its ambassadors from Spain and Bavaria
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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:48 pm

Fall, 1726

The Austrian failure to take Pressburg becomes all the more critical in light of the Ottomans cutting supply lines around their army with their cavalry dominance. The siege is able to continue, but the cavalry dominance of the Turks impedes many of the Austrian supply convoys and wrecks general havoc. However, the Austrian siege finally makes progress in early October, when the beleaguered defenders of the Upper Hungarian citadel are forced to strike their colors and plead for terms. (Austria rolls a 4 in October, which is enough to take the city).

Having taken Pressburg, the Austrians and their allies march into the Upper Hungarian capital and proclaim its liberation from Turkish rule. The Sclavonian leadership, in return for Austrian aid in liberating their capital, elects the Hapsburg Archduke as Grand Duke of Sclavonia—though they retain their own voivode, leading to an uncertain legal relationship between the main Hapsburg army and that of their rebel allies. Regardless, it is taken as a key victory for the alliance, and a natural precursor to the absorption of Upper Hungary into the Hapsburg realm. Of course, the Hungarians in attendance are not at all pleased with this development, but they have been marginalized by the turn of events.

After the niceties are completed, the combined Hapsburg armies move on the next Ottoman fortress in their path: Gyor, some fifty miles southeast down the Danube. It takes some time for the Austrians to recombine their armies, including reinforcements from Graz in Austria proper, and so the citadel is not placed under siege until early November. Their Sclavonian allies, meanwhile, remain in Pressburg, intent on moving east in the coming Spring to liberate their countrymen still under the Turkish yoke. The Ottomans withdraw their forward cavalry between Pressburg and Nitra when the Austrians move their army from Nitra, seeking to avoid combat, and withdraw back to their main citadel at Buda, alongside troops shuffled down from the Upper Hungarian highlands.

In the Balkans both the Ottomans and Austrians are generally content to keep an eye on each other while remaining in their respective bases, at Sarajevo and Zagreb. The Austrians send for reinforcements from the Lowlands, but they only make it as far as Salzburg before forced into winter quarters. Both armies send their cavalry and light infantry forward to seek to distract and engage the enemy, and they encounter each other in the fields around Banja Luka.

Battle of Banja Luka, October 27

-2 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Ottomans (Commanded by Nader Shah, GC)
-2 Hotak Cavalry Regiments
-4 Cavalry Regiment

As both forces have orders to engage the enemy and attack, the Ottomans are considered “defenders” because they are on home ground (no FF roll for Austria). Additionally, the Ottomans are unknowingly led by a great military genius, a Hotak cavalryman by the name of Nader Afshar (granting the Ottomans +1 to rolls). The sides engage cautiously at first, with the Austrian light infantry and the Ottoman cavalry, respectively, bearing the brunt of the violence (Turn 1: Austrians shatter 2 Ottoman Cavalry regiments, Ottomans shatter 1 LI Brigade). The aggressive Ottomans, however, are intent in trying to deny the Austrian their eyes in the region, and Nader continues to press the advance, running circles around their Austrian counterparts and whittling down their Infantry further (Turn 2: Austria 0x, Ottomans 1x, reducing LI Brigade to Regiment).

Nader’s aggressive tendencies win out yet again and he seeks to finally reduce the Austrian force and wipe out their cavalry. This time the Austrian cavalry prove the equal of their attackers and use their heavier equipment to just tear through the lighter Afghan horsemen, but the Ottoman wing of the attack takes advantage of the situation to slam into the flank of both the Austrian infantry and cavalry, whittling them down further (Turn 3: Austria 1x, shattering both Hotak cavalry regiments, Ottomans 2x, shattering the remaining LI regiment and reducing the Austrian cavalry to a regiment). With the Hotaks in disarray and the Austrians left with barely enough of a screen to cover their retreat, the Hapsburg and Afsharid leaders both elect to withdraw from the field.

Casualties of the Battle of Banja Luka

-2 Light Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade reduced to 1 Regiment

Ottomans (Commanded by Nader Shah, GC)
-2 Hotak Cavalry Regiments shattered, reduced to 1 regiment
-2 Cavalry Regiments shattered, reduced to 1 regiment

In the Mediterranean the Spanish and Portuguese, though defamed by the French for their perhaps legally dubious entrance, are intent on pressing their advantage at sea. The Ottomans have remained cautiously close to their ports throughout the year, but the Spanish are intent on trying to drag out the Ottoman battlefleet. The Turks, however, are just as dead-set on keeping their heaviest ships in-being, and refuse to move from their anchorage at Athens. The Spanish and Austrians fleet, then, content themselves with aggressively pursuing Ottoman shipping in the region, and going after the Ottoman ships on escort duty. The outnumbered and outgunned Ottomans are on the losing end of this naval season, whittling down their numbers in the Eastern Med. All the while, the Spanish use their increasing naval superiority to reinforce their holdings in Sicily against the threat of Ottoman raid or invasion.

Casualties of Naval Combat

-2 Spanish FF1s heavily damaged [4 turns, 1 point to repair]
-1 Portuguese FF1 heavily damaged [4 turns, 1 point to repair]
-1 Austrian FF1 sunk

-3 FF1s Sunk
-3 FF1s Heavily Damaged [4 turns, 1 point to repair]
-4 PatRons sunk
-2 Commercial Fleets sunk
-1 Commercial fleet captured by Austria

Finally, though the war has heretofore been consigned to Europe, spies in the Ottoman port of Basra note that the battlefleet stationed there sets sail in early October. European eyes lose track of the fleet once it sails through the Strait of Hormuz, meaning that the ultimate destination of the fleet—one that is comparable in size to the Sublime Porte’s European fleet—is unknown.

Forces in Europe, end of 1726

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-12 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Gyor, Pecs)
-5 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Szeged, Athens, Salonika)

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades

Sultan Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiments
-3 Cavalry Regiment

Salonika Ordusu
-2 Infantry Brigades

Belgrad Ordusu
-2 Light Infantry Brigades

Ottoman Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-11 BB2
-8 FF1
-4 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Alexandria)
-7 FF1
-3 FF1s, 4x damaged
-4 PatRon

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-2 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Regiment

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Presov)
-1 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-3 Garrison Brigades (Venice, 2 Naples)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Besieging Gyor)
-10 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Engineer Brigade

Army of Italy (Zagreb)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Army of Salzburg (Salzburg)
-2 Light Infantry Brigades

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-11 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza)
-10 PatRons

Ottoman Rebels

Nitraská armáda (Pressburg)
-3 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Sclavonian Militia Infantry Brigades

Croat Rebels (Zagreb)
-1 Croat Militia Infantry Brigade


Bavarian Circle Army (Zagreb)
- 1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
- 3 Bavarian Light Infantry Regiments
- 1 Bavarian Cavalry Regiment

Ejercito de Sicilia (Palermo)
-3 Spanish Infantry Brigades

Combined Rhenish Circle Armies (Graz)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

Bavarian/Franconian/Swabian Circle Armies (Vienna)
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-3 Bavarian Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Bavarian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment

Imperial Navy (Malta)
-2 Spanish Light Infantry Regiments
-2 Spanish BB1s
-1 Spanish BB1, 2x damaged
-12 Spanish BB2s
-10 Spanish FF1s
-2 Spanish FF1s, 4x damaged
-2 Spanish PatRons
-6 Portuguese BB2s
-7 Portuguese FF1s
-1 Portuguese FF1, 4x damaged
-2 Portuguese PatRons

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:10 pm

Fall 1726
The French Crown quietly authorizes Turkish diplomats and agents to offer letters of marque in French ports in France and in the New World. This includes 'unofficial agents' hired by the Turks to handle the paperwork.

Galveston Bay
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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Ottoman Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:12 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Fall 1726
The French Crown quietly authorizes Turkish diplomats and agents to offer letters of marque in French ports in France and in the New World.   This includes 'unofficial agents' hired by the Turks to handle the paperwork.  

The Ottoman Envoys quickly get to work.


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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:06 am

Winter, 1727

Though winter in the Balkans is not necessarily as harsh as it is further north, the main combat areas of the campaign are among the snowier parts of the region. Snow blankets the Carpathians and Pannonian Plain, locking the Hapsburgs and their allies in place throughout the season. As is customary, the first part of the year is generally spent training, rearming, and preparing for the coming year of combat. The Austrians find that most of the banks of Europe are preoccupied with other affairs, or not inclined to fund Hapsburg expansionism, and thus they continue to be reliant on domestic sources of credit. While this hasn’t exactly undermined them, and they continue to arm and train their Slavic allies, the Hapsburgs are thus unable to substantially increase the size of their army over the season—though they are hardly fielding an insignificant force as it is.

The main action of the campaigning season is the siege of Gyor, where the Austrians and their Imperial allies are continuing to whittle down all the fortresses between themselves and the main Ottoman citadel at Buda. The force in Gyor is substantially smaller than the larger Ottoman army captured at Pressburg, but it still must be addressed before the campaign can get underway. Though the bitter cold takes its toll on the besiegers, by the end of the harsh winter the defenders are without supplies and forced to give in (in January, a 1 is rolled, and the Austrians lose 1 Cavalry regiment destroyed. A 3 is rolled in February, but a 6 in March, and the fortress surrenders).

At sea, the war of attrition against the Ottomans continues apace, but the Turks are dead-set on expanding the theaters of war. The Ottoman offers to fund piracy against the Spanish and Portuguese do not reach the New World until it is practically Spring, and thus no actions are taken in the Winter, but it becomes apparent that other governments have no issue with Turkish gold being spent to hurt their opponents. Turkish agents, either Ottomans themselves or hired locals working on their behalf, begin proliferating throughout the Caribbean and North America, in the ports of English and French colonies—threatening to re-start the otherwise waning pirate industry in the region. The threat is enough that the Portuguese begin considering a disengagement, at least in part, from the Mediterranean theater, though through the Winter they continue to carry out joint patrols with their Spanish and Austrian allies. By this point, what remains of the Ottoman commercial fleets have learned to hug the coasts and the protection provided by the myriad ports of the Levant, but limited action does take place.

-1 Spanish FF1 sunk
-1 Portuguese PatRon sunk
-1 Austrian PatRon sunk

-1 FF1 Sunk
-1 FF1 captured by Portugal
-1 PatRon sunk
-1 Commercial fleet captured by Spain

Forces in Europe, end of Winter

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-11 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Pecs)
-5 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Szeged, Athens, Salonika)

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades

Sultan Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiments
-3 Cavalry Regiment

Salonika Ordusu (Salonika)
-2 Infantry Brigades

Belgrad Ordusu (Belgrade)
-2 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade (Ready Summer)
-1 Infantry Brigade (Ready Summer)
-5 Light Infantry Regiments (Ready Summer)

Tirane Ordusu (Tirana)
-3 Light Infantry Regiments (Ready Summer)

Ottoman Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-12 BB2
-8 FF1
-4 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Alexandria)
-5 FF1
-3 FF1s, 4x damaged, under repair (combat ready by April)
-3 PatRon

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-2 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Regiment

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Presov)
-1 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-6 Garrison Brigades (3 Vienna, Venice, 2 Naples)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Gyor)
-10 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade

Army of Italy (Zagreb)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Army of Salzburg (Salzburg)
-3 Light Infantry Brigades

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-11 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza)
-10 PatRons

Ottoman Rebels

Nitraská armáda (Pressburg)
-4 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades

Croat Rebels (Zagreb)
-1 Croat Light Infantry Brigade


Bavarian Circle Army (Zagreb)
- 3 Bavarian Infantry Brigades

Ejercito de Sicilia (Palermo)
-3 Spanish Infantry Brigades

Combined Rhenish Circle Armies (Graz)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

Bavarian/Franconian/Swabian Circle Armies (Vienna)
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Bavarian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment

Imperial Navy (Malta)
-2 Spanish Light Infantry Regiments
-2 Spanish BB1s
-1 Spanish BB1, 2x damaged
-12 Spanish BB2s
-9 Spanish FF1s
-2 Spanish FF1s, 4x damaged
-2 Spanish PatRons
-6 Portuguese BB2s
-8 Portuguese FF1s
-1 Portuguese PatRon

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:41 am

European Campaign

Spring, 1727

Hapsburg forces and their allies begin the campaigning season with armies just inside the Ottoman frontier, a fact that leaves the Turks none too pleased. Agram (Zagreb) and Gyor, as bases of Hapsburg operation, leave them within striking distance of the Ottoman fortresses at Sarajevo and, most importantly, Buda. The Ottomans thus begin a series of maneuvers to either dislodge or block the Hapsburgs from advancing on those two key citadels, seeking to leverage their network of fortifications to hem the Hapsburgs and Imperials in. The Austrians, meanwhile, receive a large cash infusion in the form of Irish loans, which they use to reinforce their position. A base of operations is established at Agram, to supply a push deeper into the Balkans, while the majority of their funds are spent raising garrisons for their homeland—the war has denuded much of the Austrian interior of the necessary forces to keep law and order, a state of affairs which was untenable in the long run, and thus saving the Austrians from having to re-direct their forces back home.

The Ottomans, knowing that their forces are at a disadvantage against the Imperials, seek to reinforce their positions as best as possible. Forces are drawn to Buda from across the Empire, but it takes considerable time to draw up forces from as far away as Sarajevo and Salonika. The Turks therefore spend the season primarily harrying the Austrian supply lines between Vienna (the nearest Hapsburg base) and Gyor. The Austrian commander’s lines are heavily exposed to the superior Turkish cavalry, and though the Sclavonians are intent on moving east—to take back Presov and Kosice—the Hapsburgs essentially demand that their allies help provide logistical support. The Austrians are also assisted in that the army remains along the Danube; the Turkish cavalry superiority is far less effective at intercepting water-borne supplies, and the Austrians need only to secure the roads from the riverine trading posts to their army inland. The Turkish cavalry do, however, take their toll on the defenders, whittling down the hapless forces left to secure the supply lines (Casualties: 1 Austrian, 1 Sclavonian LI Brigades reduced to Regiments; 2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades, 1 Crimean Militia Cavalry brigades shattered, removed from theater).

The Balkans see more movement, as the Austrians both reinforce their army at Agram and continue to delve deeper into the heart of the Ottoman Empire. Though limited by supply lines (the base at Agram is only constructed this turn, and thus is not operational until summer) the army is bolstered by the forces transferred from Salzburg. Forced ultimately to stop at Banja Luka, the Hapsburgs are only 90 miles from the Ottoman fortress at Sarajevo and 140 from Pecs. The Ottomans have mostly denuded the area of cavalry, unlike before, and thus this army remains relatively well supplied and unharassed until it reaches the limits of its range.

The maritime campaign continues its quiet nature, and, in fact, sees some de-escalation of combat. The Portuguese begin to withdraw much of their naval contingent, citing the risk of piracy in the New World, while the Ottoman ships have begun to avoid open ocean entirely. The Spanish on Malta, and their Austrian allies, sweep the sea lanes in vain for Ottoman shipping. Observers sense that, perhaps, none of the combatants in this theater are particularly interested in vigorous combat. This does not leave the Ottomans unscathed, however, as the de facto blockade of the entire Eastern Mediterranean has had a negative effect on the sea trade in the region. Traders can only go so far hugging the coasts, many refuse to take to the sea at all, and the economies of the Levant, as a result, begin to suffer. (Game Effect: The Ottoman ports of Athens, Constantinople, and Alexandria bring in .75 income each 1728; potential for further decrease in revenue as naval blockade continues)

Thus, Spring proves to be a fairly bloodless affair, all told, as the dueling powers primarily utilize the season to prepare for combat in the summer. However, while Southeast Europe sees relatively little bloodshed, by the end of June reports begin to trickle in of combat across the Seven Seas, bringing tales of shocking events…

Forces in Europe, end of Spring

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-11 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Pecs)
-5 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Szeged, Athens, Salonika)

Sultan Ordusu (Buda)
-9 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades
-1 Engineer Brigade
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiments

Bosna-Saraj Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-3 Light Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry Regiments

Belgrad Ordusu (Belgrade)
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Infantry Brigade
-5 Light Infantry Regiments

Tirane Ordusu (Tirana)
-3 Light Infantry Regiments

Ottoman Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-1 Naval Yard (Istanbul)

Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-12 BB2
-8 FF1
-4 PatRon

Malta Filosu (Alexandria)
-5 FF1
-3 FF1s, 3x damaged, under repair
-3 PatRon

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Buda)
-2 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Regiment
-3 Crimean Militia Cavalry Brigades
-1 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigade

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Presov)
-1 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-13 Garrison Brigades (Vienna, Venice, Naples, Taranto, Salzburg, Graz, Innsbruck, Brussels, Antwerp, Prague, Breslau, Brno, Pressburg)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Gyor)
-10 Infantry Brigades
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade

Army of Italy (Banja Luka)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-11 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza)
-10 PatRons

Ottoman Rebels

Nitraská armáda (Pressburg)
-3 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Sclavonian Light Infantry Regiment

Croat Rebels (Zagreb)
-1 Croat Light Infantry Brigade


Bavarian Circle Army (Banja Luka)
- 3 Bavarian Infantry Brigades

Ejercito de Sicilia (Palermo)
-3 Spanish Infantry Brigades

Combined Rhenish Circle Armies (Graz)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

Bavarian/Franconian/Swabian Circle Armies (Vienna)
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Bavarian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment

Imperial Navy (Malta)
-2 Spanish Light Infantry Regiments
-2 Spanish BB1s
-1 Spanish BB1, 2x damaged
-12 Spanish BB2s
-9 Spanish FF1s
-2 Spanish FF1s, 4x damaged
-2 Spanish PatRons
-2 Portuguese BB2s
-4 Portuguese FF1s
-1 Portuguese PatRon

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:42 am

Colonial Campaign

Spring, 1727

The entry of the Spanish into what was previously a war between neighbors sufficiently infuriates the Ottomans that the Sultan approves a series of audacious plans to strike at the profitable appendages of the Iberian empires. The New World is replete with Spanish and Portuguese ports, settlements, and other sources of precious income for Madrid and Lisbon, rich targets that have traditionally been subject to raids by Englishmen, Frenchmen, Dutchmen, and all sorts of rogues and pirates. The Sultan decides to leverage this history of violence to his own ends, using intermediaries in friendly governments in London and Paris (who, it is rumored, perhaps even throw in a little of their own spare gold) to hire experienced Spanish-hunters.

By the Spring this campaign begins to bear fruit. Though the English and French ports of the Caribbean are technically closed to such activities, their patrols and harbormasters turn a blind eye to bejeweled and turbaned representatives of the Sublime Porte (of course, those wearing the turbans are often simply Europeans with a flair for marketing, rather than actual Turks). The Caribbean is plunged into chaos, as the unanticipated upsurge in piracy catches the Spanish Caribbean fleet completely off-guard. Light, peace-time patrols, are beset by the rapacious raiders, and merchants who have let down their defenses are easily caught by the rambunctious pirates. The Spanish Main is thrown into chaos as shipments are intercepted, patrols disappear, and the fear of naval attacks return once more. (Game Effect: Spain loses 3 PatRons destroyed, 2 FF1s 2x damaged [2 turns, .4 points each to repair], 4 Commercial Fleets captured by Pirates. Pirates lose 4 PatRons destroyed, 1 FF1 1x damaged)

While this is bad enough for merchant concerns based out of Spain, the news that arrives in June absolutely stuns Spaniards throughout all levels of society. Though ministers within El Escorial had received reports that the Ottoman fleet had sailed from Basra, it was generally assumed that the force had been sailing around the Cape to reinforce the battlefleet in the Mediterranean. Instead, the Ottomans—along with a contingent of Zanzibaris—made for the Straits of Malacca. Once there, the fleet (bearing Zanzibari flags at this point) stopped at the French trading post at Penang to obtain information and supplies, before sailing to the Sultanate of Sulu. The Sultan there gave the Ottomans an ecstatic welcome, knowing that he could use their presence to his advantage.

What followed was a concerted island-hopping campaign, where Ottoman marines, Zanzibari pirates, and the Sultan’s Moro infantry took to attack outposts large and small of the Spanish presence in the Philippines. Attacks on Davao and Panay took the Spanish completely by surprise, as Ottoman cannons suppressed the militia regiments defending them, enabling landing forces to overtake the settlements and burn them to the ground (Casualties: 2 Spanish Colonial Militia Regiments destroyed, 2 Trading Posts seized by Sulu [2 points each to repair, 1 Sulu Light Infantry Regiment destroyed). As panicked traders sailed north to Manila, they were followed by the Ottoman fleet, intent on victory.

Battle of Manila Bay, April 15

-10 BB2s
-2 PatRons

-4 BB2s ( Teşvikiye, Mahmudiye, Selimiye, Mukkademe-i Hayir)
-20 FF1s
-10 Zanzibar FF1s ( Mughamara, Suzana, Al-Ibn As-Sabie, Hamama, Yaqub, Mubarak, Maryam, Jayiza, Al-Makhawi, Tajir)

The combined Ottoman-Zanzibari-Sulu fleet was met by the Spanish towards the mouth of the bay, in the shadow of Corregidor island. Though the Moros had contributed a host of junks to aid in the attack (carrying with them 7 Light Infantry Regiments) they were essentially useless in combat, and so they held around the coast, waiting for the battle to end. The Spanish hoped their larger guns would the battle to a favorable conclusion, though they were heavily outnumbered.

The Battle of Manila Bay was hardly an example of naval master tactics; the combined attacking fleet relied on sheer force of numbers rather than a great arraying of forces. Sometimes brute force is all that is necessary, however, as the 3-1 advantage in ships gave the Ottomans and their allies the ability to simply unload massive volleys on the defending fleet, tearing it to shreds over the course of the first hour of combat (Turn 1: Spain rolls 6x, no crits, damaging 3 BB2s and 3 FF1s 1x each; Ottomans roll 24x, 3 of which are crits though one is wasted, sinking 2 BB2s, Capturing 1 BB2, Damaging 1 BB2 3x, 3 BB2s 4x). The Spanish admiral at this point recognized that his cause was lost, and that the best opportunity was to try and punch through the Ottoman line and escape to open ocean. His ships unloaded everything they had as they trird to shoot their way out of the bay, inflicting substantial hits on the heaviest Ottoman ships, while the Ottoman gunners saw a drop off in their accuracy (Turn 2: Spain rolls 8 hits, 1 crit; 2 BB2s damaged 2x, 1 BB2 Sunk by Crit, 1 FF1 damaged 1x, 1 FF1 damaged 2x; Ottomans roll 16 hits, 3 crits, sinking 4 BB2s and 2 PatRons, capturing 1 BB2s). The admiral’s flagship and another BB2 managed to break through, and the Ottomans did not pursue—they had a more important target.

Casualties of the Battle of Manila Bay

-6 BB2s sunk
-2 BB2s captured [5x damaged, 2 points, 1 year to repair]
-1 BB2 4x damaged [1 point, 3 turns to repair]
-1 BB2 3x [.75 points, 2 turns to repair]
-2 PatRons sunk

-1 BB2 Sunk (Selimiye)
-3 BB2s 2x damaged (Teskiviye, Mahmudiye, Mukkademe) [1 turn, .5 points to repair]
-2 FF1s 2x damaged [2 turns, .4 points to repair]
-1 FF1 1x damaged [1 turn, .2 points to repair]

Battle of Manila, April 15

-1 Fortress
-2 Militia Brigades
-3 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments
-4 Colonial Militia Infantry Regiments

-3 BB2s (Teşvikiye, Mahmudiye, Mukkademe-i Hayir)
-20 FF1s
-10 Zanzibar FF1s ( Mughamara, Suzana, Al-Ibn As-Sabie, Hamama, Yaqub, Mubarak, Maryam, Jayiza, Al-Makhawi, Tajir)
-2 Ottoman Marine Regiments
-7 Moro Light Infantry Regiments

The Ottoman fleet turned against the Spanish fortress at Manila proper. The panicked city came under heavy fire as the ships sought to reduce the fortress, but the Spanish defenses also swung into gear. This wasn’t the first time the Spanish colonial capital had come under attack. The fleet was able to destroy the fortress, but not before its guns took down another Ottoman battleship, while the city defenses mobilized their militia (Turns 1-2: Ottomans roll 14 hits, then 20 hits, destroying the fortress. The Spanish fortress rolls 2x and 2x, sinking Tesvikiye. The Spanish Naval Yard adds 1 Militia Brigade, and the city being a colonial port adds 1 more. The Ottoman bombardment reduces the defensive bonus and turns the Fortress into an LI regiment, but the Spanish still get an FF turn).

The Ottoman marines led the charge as the core of the Sultan of Sulu’s army tried to seize the Spanish city (the Moros, as TL2 units, only have a firepower of 1. The Ottomans hit on a 1 or 2.) The hastily assembled defenders, behind their heavy walls, unleashed an uneven but still deadly series of salvoes against the attackers. The attack was hampered by the loss of the Ottoman marine vanguard in the opening part of the battle, though the Spanish still suffered casualties (Turn 3: FF Spain rolls 2x, shattering 1 Ottoman Reg and 1 Moro Reg, MF Spain again rolls 2x, shattering 1 Ottoman reg and 1 Moro reg, while the Ottomans roll 2x, shattering 1 LI regiment and 1 Militia regiment). The Moros refused to give up the attack, even with the loss of their Ottoman allies, but this proved to be a bridge too far for the attackers, and the assault was ultimately repulsed with light casualties (Turn 4: FF Spain rolls 2, shattering 2 regiments, MF Spain rolls 1, shattering 1, Ottomans roll 0).

Casualties of the Battle of Manila

-1 Fortress reduced to LI regiment
-1 Colonial LI regiment destroyed
-1 Colonial Militia Infantry Regiment destroyed

-1 BB2 Sunk ( Teşvikiye)
-2 Ottoman Marine regiments shattered, reduced to 1 [1 point to replace]
-5 Moro Light Infantry regiments shattered, reduced to 2

With the assault by land thwarted, the Ottomans had to content themselves with firing wantonly into the city throughout the night. The large Spanish garrison, having repelled the attackers, tried its best to put out fires and help deal with the damage, but the undefended port and waters were ultimately wrecked by the attackers. The Ottomans sail out of Manila Bay the next morning, chagrined by their failure to take the city but ultimately consoled by the cost they have inflicted on the Spanish. The fleet spends a few more weeks sailing around the islands, harassing commercial fleets and dropping the Moros off around the archipelago, before sailing back West, for home. (Game Effects: Naval Yard at Manila will take 15 points, 3 years to repair. Port at Manila provides .5 income in 1728. 2 Commercial Fleets destroyed).

Relevant Colonial Forces, End of Spring


Indian Ocean Fleet (Sulu)
-2 2x damaged BB2s ( Mahmudiye, Mukkademe-i Hayir)
-17 FF1s [no marines]
-2 2x damaged FF1s [no marines]
-1 1x damaged FF1 [no marines]
-10 Zanzibari FF1s

Muscat Fleet (Muscat)
-4 FF1
-20 PatRon

Zanzibari Fleet (Zanzibar)
-4 PatRons

Pirates (Caribbean, no central base)
-3 FF1s
-1 1x damaged FF1
-4 PatRons

Sultanate of Sulu

Fixed Positions
-1 Garrison (Sulu)

Mindanao Army (Davao)
-2 Light Infantry Regiments

Visayas Army (Panay)
-1 Light Infantry Regiments

Sulu Army (Sulu)
-1 Light Infantry Regiments

North Borneo Army (Sandakan)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment


Philippines Garrison (Manila)
-3 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments
-3 Militia Infantry Regiments

East Indies Fleet (Manila)
-1 4x damaged BB2
-1 3x damaged BB2

Caribbean Fleet (Havana)
-6 BB2s
-2 2x damaged FF1s
-7 PatRons

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sat Jun 23, 2018 7:28 am

Balkan Campaign

Summer, 1727

After spending the Winter and Spring preparing for a bloody campaign season, the time for bloodshed arrives. The Hapsburgs and their Imperial allies decide to make for the two most important citadels standing in their way, those of Buda and Sarajevo, intent on breaking the back of the Ottoman armies are opening the Balkans fully to Christendom’s expansion. The Ottomans, however, are not content to leave the pace of combat solely to the invaders, and move to make battle on their own terms.

In the north the Ottomans leverage their cavalry superiority to screen their movements. The Ottoman commander, the Hotak Nader Afshar, skillfully utilizes his forces to entice the Austrians. The Hapsburgs are under orders to sally from Gyor if the Ottomans begin to move, and to force the Ottomans into attacking if they do sally. The overwhelming Ottoman cavalry superiority, however, allows Nader to set the contours of the battle, pushing and feinting until he has the Austrians right where he wants them—surrounded, with no hope of victory except to break through the Ottoman lines.

The Battle of Kocs, July 16

-10 Austrian Infantry Brigades
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
-1 Bavarian Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Austrian Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Austrian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Austrian Engineer Brigade

Ottomans (Commanded by Nader Shah, GC)
-9 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigades
-2 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Engineer Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiment

Nader has arrayed his infantry line with Ottomans in the center and vassals along the flanks—a risky move, considering the fact the war is being fought because of a vassal mutiny, but he gambles that the emboldening presence of the cavalry will help keep the vassals in line. The Austrians, having been forced into a battle for which they have no stomach, begin the battle in disarray. (The Austrians have been maneuvered into battle, but are still defending, and so get an FF roll but no dice bonus. The Ottomans get a dice bonus for their GC.)

Nader’s cavalry, having enveloped the Austrians as there are no geographic features against which they can put their backs, begins a push to pen the Austrians in. The Hapsburgs try to array themselves to defend against the attack from all sides, but the Ottoman cavalry wheel and slice their way through the Austrians at leisure. Regiments array themselves haphazardly and begin firing into the Ottoman mass, while the envelopment tightens itself around the Hapsburg-Imperial force. (FF: Hapsburgs roll 5 hits, shattering 1 Ottoman Infantry Brigade, 2 Vassal cavalry regiments, a Moldavian LI Brigade, and a Wallachian LI Brigade, and 1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade).

Nader’s noose continues to tighten, however, and the Hapsburgs begin to panic. Their lines falter and collapse under the pressure of the Ottomans’ sheer numbers and skillful use of cavalry. In desperation they begin to inflict heavier casualties on their attackers, but it proves to be not enough. Caught in the envelopment and forced into the Ottoman infantry core line, the Hapsburgs are torn apart (MF turn: Ottomans roll 15x, shattering everything, Hapsburgs roll 6x, shattering 3 Ottoman infantry, 1 Transylvanian Light Infantry, 1 Ottoman Cavalry, 1 Moldavian Cavalry). The Hapsburgs are nearly annihilated, and the Ottoman cavalry dominance remains even after taking substantial losses in the battle, allowing for Nader to run down and eliminate almost the entire Austrian force. Those that escape only managed to do by abandoning almost all their equipment and running through the chaos.

Casualties of the Battle of Kocs, July 16

-10 Austrian Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 2 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade shattered, destroyed
-1 Bavarian Light Infantry Brigade, shattered, destroyed
-1 Austrian Light Infantry Regiment, shattered, destroyed
-1 Austrian Cavalry Brigade, shattered, reduced to 1 Cavalry Regiment
-1 Austrian Engineer Brigade, shattered, destroyed

-4 Ottoman Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 2 brigades
-1 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to LI regiment
-1 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigade shattered, reduced to LI regiment
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigade, shattered, reduced to LI regiment
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Brigade, shattered, reduced to regiment
-1 Crimean Cavalry Brigade, shattered, reduced to regiment
-1 Transylvanian Cavalry Regiment destroyed
-1 Wallachian Cavalry Regiment destroyed

Having obliterated the Austrian army, and with his force still largely intact, Nader moves to retake Gyor from the Hapsburgs. The Austrians have left little in the way of a garrison behind, though the remnants of the army from Kocs have taken refuge back within the walls of the city. Nader knows that he is decisively out of his element if he attempts to seize the fortress by force of arms, and is content to lay the city under siege and await its inevitable surrender.

In Bosnia, the two empires also come to blows. The Ottomans move to reinforce their fortress at Sarajevo, but the Hapsburgs anticipate this move and try to intercept the Ottoman reinforcements. While their army is substantially larger, their regular infantry is slow and cannot hope to intercept the reinforcements in time. Thus, the Imperial Light Infantry and Cavalry go on ahead, and come upon the Ottomans while they are near the village of Bratunac.

Battle of Bratunac, July 12

-1 Cavalry Brigade
-5 Light Infantry Regiments

-4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

The larger Austrian force falls on the Ottomans with vigor, while the Turks have been caught in the open and scramble to defend themselves (no FF or special dice rolls). The Ottoman cavalry is able to help run circles and buy the core of the infantry time to regroup, but the Austrians are still able to inflict casualties (Turn 1: Ottomans roll 1x, shattering 1 Light Infantry brigade, Austrians roll 1x, shattering 2 Light Infantry Regiments). The Ottomans are unable to break away and escape, and the battle continues, this time to greater success for the Hapsburgs (T2: Ottomans roll 1x, shattering another LI Brigade, Austrians roll 2x, shattering all of the Light Infantry regiments). The Ottoman cavalry attempts to shield the shattering units in retreat, but suffers casualties in the ensuing melee. The Hapsburgs are unable to complete their pursuit, however, and thus the Ottomans are able to slightly reinforce their citadel at Sarajevo.

Casualties of the Battle of Bratunac

-5 Light Infantry Regiments shattered, reduced to 2
-1 Cavalry Brigade shattered, reduced to regiment

-2 Light Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1

The Austrians move their army to their new base at Tuzla, whence they could theoretically strike north towards Buda, east towards Belgrade, or south towards Sarajevo. The Ottomans have won a glorious victory in Hungary, but the war is hardly over. The Austrians retain a strong army in the field, and, what’s more, the war at sea gives the anti-Ottoman alliance another theater in which to try and establish dominance…

Forces in Europe, end of Summer

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-11 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Pecs)
-5 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Szeged, Athens, Salonika)

Sultan Ordusu (Besieging Gyor)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades
-1 Engineer Brigade

Bosna-Saraj Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-3 Light Infantry Brigades
-4 Cavalry Regiments
-2 Light Infantry Regiments

Belgrad Ordusu (Belgrade)
-1 Infantry Brigade

Tirane Ordusu (Tirana)
-3 Light Infantry Regiments

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Besieging Gyor)
-1 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Wallachian Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Transylvanian Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Regiment
-1 Crimean Cavalry Regiment
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiment

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Presov)
-1 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-13 Garrison Brigades (Vienna, Venice, Naples, Taranto, Salzburg, Graz, Innsbruck, Brussels, Antwerp, Prague, Breslau, Brno, Pressburg)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Austria (Gyor)
-2 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Army of Italy (Tuzla)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-3 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Ottoman Rebels

Nitraská armáda (Pressburg)
-3 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Sclavonian Light Infantry Regiment

Croat Rebels (Zagreb)
-1 Croat Light Infantry Brigade


Bavarian Circle Army (Tuzla)
- 3 Bavarian Infantry Brigades

Ejercito de Sicilia (Palermo)
-3 Spanish Infantry Brigades

Combined Rhenish Circle Armies (Graz)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

Bavarian/Franconian/Swabian Circle Armies (Vienna)
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:55 am

The French Ambassador in Vienna delivers official condolences to the Austrian crown when the results of the Battle of Kocs reaches the city.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Age : 62
Location : Astride the Ozark Plateau

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:02 pm

Naval Campaign

Summer, 1727

While the Ottomans have a wildly successful season on land, at sea they find that the combined Imperial fleet gives their enemies a substantial advantage. News of the Manila raid infuriates El Escorial, and provokes the Spanish—who were prepared to cut and run from the war after taking Malta—into further action. A joint Spanish-Austrian fleet assembles with a series of targets in mind. Though the Ottoman capital at Constantinople is far too well defended, the Turks have a long coastline and a series of delicious targets for the vengeful Iberians. After thinking long and hard about which targets are ripe for the taking, the Spanish decide upon a two-pronged strategy. First, they will strike at the Ottoman fleet based in Egypt, while second, they will deny the Ottomans control of the sea and attack their vulnerable islands.

Raid on Alexandria, August 8-9

-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison
-2 Militia Brigades
-5 FF1
-3 FF1s, 2x damaged, under repair
-3 PatRon

-2 Infantry Brigades
-3 Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Marine Regiment
-3 Spanish BB1
-7 Spanish BB2
-12 Spanish FF1

Having fallen victim to repeated raids themselves, it is only natural that the Spanish have a good idea of what a naval raid entails. The battle takes two prongs—the first sees the fleet try to reduce the Ottoman ships and their fortress at the Citadel of Qaitbay, while the other sees a landing down the coast in preparation for an attack on the city.

At sea, the small Ottoman fleet is little match for the overwhelming Spanish flotilla. Aided by the guns of the fortress, the Ottomans are able to inflict some meaningful casualties on the Spanish but are ultimately swept aside (Turn 1: Ottomans roll 5 hits, 1 crit. 1 Spanish BB1 sunk, 1 Spanish BB1 1x damaged,  2 Spanish BB2s 1x damaged. Spaniards roll 19 hits, 2 crits. Ottomans lose 3 PatRons sunk, 3 FF1s sunk, 5 FF1s captured). The Spanish turn their aim then on the fortress at Qaitbay, while their units go ashore. The fleet continues to fire on the fortress through the afternoon and into early evening, and the sustained fire eventually causes the fortress to crumble—though not before heavily damaging another of the heavy Spanish vessels (takes two turns to reduce the fortress, 1 Spanish BB1 takes 4x damage, putting it up to 5x damaged).

The next morning the Spanish decide to begin their attack on the city (Spain reduces the fortress, which is now an LI regiment, and removes the defensive bonus, but the defenders still get an FF turn). The first Spanish push on the city is not enough to dislodge the defending Ottomans, and the Spanish suffer not insignificant casualties (Turn 1 FF: Ottomans roll 0x. MF: Ottomans roll 1x, shatter 1 Inf brigade. Spanish roll 1x, shatter 1 Garrison). The Iberians are not dissuaded, and continue to push their attack across the marshy Nile delta—in this attack they are somewhat more successful, and manage to penetrate deeper into the city (Turn 2 FF: Ottomans roll 1x, shattering 2 Light Infantry regiments. MF: Ottomans roll 0x, Spanish roll 2x, shattering 2 Militia Brigades). The Spanish make one last deep push into the city, as the Ottomans cling to the ruins of the citadel, but the attackers finally prevail in spite of heavy Ottoman resistance (Turn 3 FF: Ottomans roll 0x. MF: Ottomans roll 1x, shattering 1 Light Infantry Regiment. Spanish roll 1x, shattering 1 LI Reg.)

Casualties of the Raid on Alexandria

-1 Fortress destroyed
-1 Garrison destroyed
-2 Militia Brigades destroyed
-5 FF1 4x damaged, captured [1 point, 1 year to repair]
-3 FF1s sunk
-3 PatRon sunk

-1 BB1 Sunk
-1 BB1 5x damaged [2.5 points, 3 turns to repair]
-2 BB2s 1x damaged [.25 points, 1 turn to repair]
-1 Infantry Brigade shattered, reduced to Light Infantry regiment
-3 Light Infantry regiments shattered, reduced to 1 Light Infantry regiment

The Spanish proceed to loot and pillage the city for all they can, setting fire to the docks, burning warehouses, and lifting priceless artefacts. The original plan called for the army to then march on Cairo to do more raiding, but the losses in the attack on Alexandria were heavy enough to dissuade the Spanish of this notion. A week later the fleet sails back for Malta, content in its victory. (Game Effect: Spain gains .25 points in loot for 1728, port provides 0 income in 1728, .5 in 1729, 1 in 1730.)

As their comrades are busy assaulting Alexandria, Spanish marines and light infantry are fanning out across the Eastern Mediterranean. The islands of Cyprus and Crete give the Ottomans plenty of anchorages and ports at which to hide their vessels, military and commercial, and restive populations eager to eject the Turk. The Spanish anticipate an easy series of liberations, and so only send a few thousand men to each island to subdue them. It works, to an extent, but the Turks are not entirely unloved in these islands—nor is the return of the Franks (I.e., Catholics) particularly hoped for. Nevertheless, by the end of the season the Spanish have been able to conquer most of the islands save for a few Turkish holdouts; Candia and Chania in Crete, and Nicosia and Limassol in Cyprus. Each of those four cities is barely defended (each is just large enough to provide 1 Militia Brigade for defense) and would fall against a concerted effort, but the Spanish are spread so thin that all they can do is besiege and wait—which is enough, at least, in the case of Limassol (siege rolls for August and September, only 6 is rolled in Limassol in August).

Simultaneously, in the Caribbean, the Ottoman piracy campaign begins to run into the well-oiled machine of the Spanish anti-piracy fleets. Though caught off-guard by the sudden appearance of well-funded fleets, the Spanish have centuries of experience at this, and it shows. With more and more ships being added to the waters, the introduction of convoys, and an aggressive stance, the pirates find far less to loot, and instead find more and more Spanish hunter squadrons. (Game Effect: Spain loses 3 PatRons destroyed, 1 BB2s 2x damaged [1 turn, .5 points to repair], 1 Commercial Fleets captured by Pirates. Pirates lose 3 PatRons destroyed, 2 FF1 sunk)

Finally, in the Far East, it emerges that the Ottomans haven’t completely decamped from the region, after all. The remnants of the Ottoman fleet continue to lurk around the Philippines in pursuit of the coveted Manila Galleon. The attack on the city, however, has interrupted the sailing of the Galleon, meaning they have no luck this season—though that doesn’t stop them from interdicting some lesser Spanish loot (1 Spanish Commercial Fleet captured—Spain now has no more commercial fleets out of Manila).

Relevant Naval and Colonial Forces, End of Spring


Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-12 BB2
-8 FF1
-4 PatRon

Indian Ocean Fleet (Basra)
-2 2x damaged BB2s ( Mahmudiye, Mukkademe-i Hayir)
-2 2x damaged FF1s [no marines]
-1 1x damaged FF1 [no marines]

Raider Fleet (Sulu)
-17 FF1s [no marines]
-10 Zanzibari FF1s

Muscat Fleet (Muscat)
-4 FF1
-20 PatRon

Zanzibari Fleet (Zanzibar)
-4 PatRons

Pirates (Caribbean, no central base)
-2 FF1s
-1 PatRons


Chania Force (Besieging Chania)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment

Candia Force (Besieging Candia)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment

Cyprus Force (Besieging Nicosia)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-12 PatRons (Limassol)

Mediterranean Battle Fleet (Malta)
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Spanish BB1
-1 5x damaged Spanish BB1
-11 Spanish BB2
-2 1x damaged Spanish BB2s
-13 Spanish FF1
-1 Spanish PatRon
-2 Portuguese BB2s
-4 Portuguese FF1s
-1 Portuguese PatRon

Philippines Garrison (Manila)
-3 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments
-3 Militia Infantry Regiments

East Indies Fleet (Manila)
-1 4x damaged BB2
-1 3x damaged BB2

Caribbean Fleet (Havana)
-5 BB2s
-1 2x damaged BB2
-2 2x damaged FF1s
-3 PatRons

Hapsburg Naval Forces

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Venice, Antwerp)

North Sea Squadron (Antwerp)
-1 BB1 (L'imperatore Giuseppe)
-6 BB2s (Stella Maris, Iride, San Sebastian, Aurora, Tigre, Sol d’Oro)
-8 FF1s (Leon Trionfante, San Giacomo, Buon Consiglio, Fedelta, Forza, Corriera Veneta, Diligenza, Fenice)
-5 PatRons

Mediterranean Squadron (Venice)
-4 BB2s (Giove, Amazzone Guerriera, Rizzo d’Oro, Aquila Valiera)
-11 FF1s (Galatea, Vittoria, La Guerriera, Medea, Eolo, San Giorgio, San Lorenzo Zustinian, Croce Rossa, Colomba d’Oro, Grand’Alessandro, Costanza)
-10 PatRons

Last edited by TLS on Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Lefty Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:15 pm

The Neu Kurland Kompania's Governor General Michał Zdzisław Zamoyski, a Polish magnate with extensive lands near Gdansk and appointed by the Sejm to legitimize NKK operations, sees an opportunity to do just that and sends a letter to the Spanish Captain General in Cuba pledging the support of the Polish fleet in suppression of the pirate threat in the Caribbean.

5 BB2 (The Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Elector, Warsaw, Thunderbolt, Virgin Mary)
7 FF1 (Saint George, Prophet Samuel, Noah's Ark, King David, White Eagle, Black Eagle, Fortune)
6 PatRon

It is hoped that this pledge of support will help erase Poland's disgraceful past, and showcase a new era of responsibility in colonial matters.

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Hussam B. Sat Jun 23, 2018 1:32 pm

Lefty wrote:The Neu Kurland Kompania's Governor General Michał Zdzisław Zamoyski, a Polish magnate with extensive lands near Gdansk and appointed by the Sejm to legitimize NKK operations, sees an opportunity to do just that and sends a letter to the Spanish Captain General in Cuba pledging the support of the Polish fleet in suppression of the pirate threat in the Caribbean.

5 BB2 (The Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Elector, Warsaw, Thunderbolt, Virgin Mary)
7 FF1 (Saint George, Prophet Samuel, Noah's Ark, King David, White Eagle, Black Eagle, Fortune)
6 PatRon

It is hoped that this pledge of support will help erase Poland's disgraceful past, and showcase a new era of responsibility in colonial matters.

Polish cooperation in the Caribbean is welcomed as the threat of piracy certainly harms all existing mercantile interests.

Hussam B.

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Kilani Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:56 pm

The Commonwealth, while neutral, notes that those English citizens currently undertaking to serve the Turk in the Carribean, have been issued legal letters of marque and that any attempts to treat its citizens that are so employed as common pirates will be viewed in a dim light.


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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Hussam B. Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:07 pm

Kilani wrote:The Commonwealth, while neutral, notes that those English citizens currently undertaking to serve the Turk in the Carribean, have been issued legal letters of marque and that any attempts to treat its citizens that are so employed as common pirates will be viewed in a dim light.

The English are assured that those serving the Turks are treated as Turkish combatants.

Hussam B.

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sat Jun 30, 2018 2:58 am

Fall, 1727

The disastrous Summer season sends waves of panic through the Hapsburgs and their allies.  Once more, the Turks have crushed an army and threaten to besiege Vienna, with only a small garrison at Gyor and a slapstick mishmash of Imperial forces to garrison the capital.  The more successful army in the Balkans is exposed between Belgrade and Sarajevo, while supply lines are stretched thin.  However, the Archduke refuses to countenance any talk of peace:  he has gambled the reputation of his dynasty on the outcome of this war, and to surrender now would scuttle any and all hope he has of victory in the next Imperial election.  The war must go on until it can go no further.

Nader Afshar is granted the title Pasha (thus becoming Nader Pasha) and is told to use his skills to overcome the Austrian army in the Balkans.  He leaves his heavier forces behind to continue the siege of Gyor and rushes south.  The Austrians in Tuzla move their army to besiege Sarajevo, and a desperate race ensues.  The city is besieged before reinforcements from Belgrade and Tirana can arrive, and they are much too weak to threaten the Austrian force.  They thus move north in an attempt to block any potential Austrian move towards Belgrade.  Nader’s scouts eventually come across this force, assembled near Vlasenica, and they move to join the larger relief force coming down from Hungary.  The armies join near Tuzla, and Nader moves to envelope the Austrian besiegers.  

Battle of Sarajevo, November 2

-3 Bavarian Infantry Brigades
-2 Austrian Infantry Brigades
-3 Austrian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Austrian Cavalry Regiment

Ottomans (GC Nader Pasha commanding designated units *)
-2 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-3 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades
-4 Ottoman Cavalry Regiments
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade*
-1 Ottoman Infantry Brigade*
-1 Ottoman Cavalry Brigades*
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigade*
-5 Ottoman Light Infantry Regiments*
-1 Wallachian Light Infantry Regiment*
-1 Transylvanian Light Infantry Regiment*
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Regiment*
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Regiment*
-1 Crimean Cavalry Regiment*
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiment*

Nader is attempting to replicate his success in Hungary, and wipe out another Imperial army, but the situation here is drastically different. His cavalry advantage, though existent, is smaller than it was before, and the Austrians have the benefit of fighting with more entrenched positions.  His army is also divided, with the forces within Sarajevo essentially out of communication and facing heavier Austrian defensive positions. Though the combined Ottoman force does outnumber the Austrians, the odds are hardly overwhelming.  (Austrians get FF roll because defending against lower TL force. Only * units get Nader’s roll bonus, so the forces sallying from the city are decidedly at a disadvantage due to roll bonus to Austrians, which is negated against Nader’s forces. The Ottomans within the city leave their fortress on defense mode, and so the militia aren’t activated to sally either)

The Austrians, however, don’t have a perfect situation in front of them.  They leave the Bavarians to handle the sallying Ottoman garrison and turn their forces against Nader, but even with their defensive positions splitting their already small army is not ideal.  The city-facing side of the army, the hearty Bavarians, are almost overwhelmed within the opening phase of the battle, barely managing to repulse the first Ottoman foray and cling to their entrenchments for dear life (City Turn 1: FF Austrians roll 1x, shattering 1 LI brigade. MF Austrians roll 2x, shattering 1 Infantry brigade and 2 Cavalry regiments. Ottomans roll 3x, shattering 2 infantry brigade and reducing 1 to a regiment. Defensive roll bonus saved the Austrians from being completely overwhelmed.)  On the side facing out towards Nader’s army, the Austrians fare better and inflict heavier casualties on the attackers, though themselves take a series of heavy hits (Country Turn 1: FF Austrians roll 2x, shattering 3 Ottoman LI regiments. MF Austrians roll 2x, shattering 1 Ottoman LI Brigade and 2 LI regiments. Ottomans roll 5x, shattering 1 Austrian inf B, destroying 1 Cav Regiment, and reducing 3 LI Brigades to LI regiments).

Nader continues to press the attack, viewing his losses as more than acceptable.  The Austrian lines come under repeated strain, then, as the sallying garrison of Sarajevo tries makes it over the Bavarian lines in a bloody scrum.  The scrappy Bavarians hold their line against the attackers, buying a bit of respite for their Austrian allies (City Turn 2: FF Austrians roll 1x, reducing 1 Ottoman infantry brigade to an LI regiment. MF Austrians roll 0x, Ottomans 0x).  The Austrian commander can’t take much solace in this effective defensive action, however, as his force is engulfed by Nader’s other horde.  Like his Bavarian allies, he is able to stay on the field, but the Ottomans have pushed his smaller army to the brink.  (Country Turn 2: FF Austrians 0x. MF Austrians 1x, destroying 2 LI regiments. Ottomans 3x, destroying 3 LI regiments.)

As night begins to fall the Austrians begin to desperately plot a potential withdrawal from the field, but their lack of cavalry severely hampers their options.  Nader is intent on achieving total victory, and does not give the Austrians the space they would need to retreat.  Smashing one Austrian army brought him the glory to become Pasha, who knows what smashing two would bring.  His quest is aided when the garrison is finally able to overcome the Bavarians and take control of the positions they had established (City Turn 3: Austrian FF 1x, reducing 1 LI Brig to Reg, MF Austria 1x, destroying 1 LI reg. MF Ottomans 2x, destroying LI reg).  The Austrians are thus left with one solitary brigade on the field, which withdraws in on itself to try and effectively repulse the circling Ottomans.  They fight heroically and push the Ottomans closer to the brink than Nader would have liked, but ultimately succumb (Country Turn 3: FF Austrians roll 1x, shattering 1 Moldavian LI reg and 1 Moldavian Cavalry reg. MF Austrians roll 1x, shattering the Ottoman cavalry brigade. FF Ottomans roll 3x, destroying the Austrian infantry brigade). The vanquished Imperial armies attempt to break through the Ottoman lines to escape, utilizing the night and the exhaustion of the Ottomans to facilitate their flight, but the Ottomans still have cavalry units to help mop up.  Some of the Imperials do escape, but it has been another costly defeat.  

Casualties of the Battle of Sarajevo

-3 Bavarian Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 Brigade
-2 Austrian Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 regiment
-3 Austrian Light Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1 Brigade
-1 Austrian Cavalry Regiment destroyed
-2 Ottoman Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1
-2 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced to 1
-2 Ottoman Cavalry Regiments shattered, reduced to 1
-1 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigade* shattered, reduced to regiment
-1 Ottoman Cavalry Brigade* shattered, reduced to regiment
-5 Ottoman Light Infantry Regiments* shattered, reduced to 2 regiments
-1 Wallachian Light Infantry Regiment* destroyed
-1 Transylvanian Light Infantry Regiment* destroyed
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Regiment* destroyed
-1 Moldavian Cavalry Regiment* destroyed

This battle has been bloodier for Nader, but it is still a thumping victory.  The news is made all the sweeter by news that, in early December, Gyor surrenders to the besieging Ottoman army.  The Austrians have been thoroughly and utterly vanquished in their attempts to penetrate both the Balkans and Hungary.  Though they end 1727 in control of Agram (Zagreb) and Pressburg (Bratislava), they are almost entirely dependent on their allies to hold those positions.  Indeed, all that is left to hold Vienna itself is a ragtag bunch of terrified allies.  Even before new begins to trickle back to the capital of the naval campaign, the Archduke is essentially faced with an ultimatum from the Imperials helping him hold his capital:  end the war soon, or we’ll leave you to the Turk.

Forces in Europe, end of 1727

Ottomans and Vassals

Ottoman Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-11 Fortresses (Istanbul, Budapest, Azov , Belgrade, Iassy, Bucharest, Constanta, Alba Iulia, Szeged, Salonika, Sarajevo, Athens, Pecs)
-5 Ottoman Garrison Brigades (Budapest, Istanbul, Szeged, Athens, Salonika)

Sultan Ordusu (Gyor)
-7 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-1 Ottoman Cavalry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade

Bosna-Saraj Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-2 Ottoman Infantry Brigades
-2 Ottoman Light Infantry Brigades
-3 Ottoman Light Infantry Regiments
-4 Ottoman Cavalry Regiments

Vassal Forces

Budin Ordusu (Gyor)
-1 Wallachian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Transylvanian Light Infantry Brigade

Bosna-Saraj Ordusu (Sarajevo)
-1 Moldavian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Crimean Cavalry Regiment
-1 Hotak Cavalry Regiment

Kaşa Ordusu (Kosice)
-2 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigades

Erdel Ordusu (Presov)
-1 Transylvanian Militia Infantry Brigade

Eflak Ordusu (Bucharest)
-2 Wallachian Militia Infantry Brigades

Buğdan Ordusu (Iassy)
-2 Moldavian Militia Infantry Brigades

Kırım Ordusu (Azov)
-4 Crimean Militia Infantry Brigades

Kazak Ordusu (Mikholaiv)
-2 Cossack Militia Cavalry Brigades

Anti-Ottoman Alliance

Hapsburg Ground Forces

Fixed Installations
-6 Fortresses (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)
-13 Garrison Brigades (Vienna, Venice, Naples, Taranto, Salzburg, Graz, Innsbruck, Brussels, Antwerp, Prague, Breslau, Brno, Pressburg)
-6 Depots (Vienna, Prague, Breslau, Venice, Naples, Brussels)

Army of Italy (Zagreb)
-1 Bavarian Infantry Brigade
-1 Austrian Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Austrian Light Infantry Regiment

Ottoman Rebels

Nitraská armáda (Pressburg)
-3 Sclavonian Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Sclavonian Light Infantry Regiment

Croat Rebels (Zagreb)
-1 Croat Light Infantry Brigade


Imperial Army(Graz)
-1 Palatinate Inf Brigade
-1 Munster Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurttemberg Light Infantry Brigade
-1 Wurzburg Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Wurzburg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Wurttemberg Cavalry Regiment
-1 Trier Light Inf Regiment
-1 Mainz Light Inf Regiment
-1 Cologne Cav Regiment
-1 Hessian Cav Regiment
-1 Munster Cavalry Regiment

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by TLS Sat Jun 30, 2018 4:09 am

Naval Campaign

Fall, 1727

Spain’s campaign against the Ottomans at sea continues to pay dividends for them and their Imperial allies. The Ottoman fleet at Athens remains in a defensive disposition, seeking to guard the Aegean and by extension defend Istanbul from any potential naval invasion. This means, however, that the Spanish campaign to continue its domination of the Eastern Mediterranean continues apace. The remnants of the raid on Alexandria are re-distributed throughout the two islands of Crete and Cyprus to continue with the sieges and hunt down any irregular forces. Chania (rolls 6 in October) and Nicosia (rolls 5 in October) both fall to the Spanish in short time, but the Turks in Candia continue to cling to the battlements and resist the Spanish forces that have, by now, subdued almost the entire island.

The Spanish have plans for a more concerted naval action in the region, but news of the Ottoman thumping victories in both Hungary and now Sarajevo leave the Spanish unwilling to commit more resources to the war, for now. They join the Austrians for a spot of raiding up and down the Greek Adriatic coast and Morea, taking advantage of the Ottoman defensive disposition and lack of fortifications in the area. They also attempt to incite revolt against Constantinople, but news of Nader Pasha’s victories have reached this part of the Empire, and a few Spaniards and Austrians dropping off guns is not enough to touch off a full-blown rebellion (though the weapons are squirreled away, for potential later use).

The combination of the raids and Spanish naval dominance has severely damaged the Ottoman economic infrastructure in the region, however. Trade has effectively collapsed in the Eastern Mediterranean, plunging the ports of the Ottoman Levant into a full-blown depression. Merchant houses are beginning to go under, private loans come due and go unpaid, and food and bread riots are becoming more common. Spain and Austria rule these waves, and the Ottoman coasts are paying the price. (Game Effect: Port at Constantinople now only provides .25 income in 1728 [was previously going to provide .75 points]. Port at Athens provides 0 income [would be .25, but raiding cuts down the last .25]. Alexandria is already at 0 income. FC at Constantinople only provides .75 income in 1728. Loan cap for the FC at Constantinople drops 5 points for 1728.)

Abroad, the Ottoman war against Spanish America is decisively defeated in the Caribbean. Though they do manage to still inflict a few costly blows on the Spanish, they are essentially outmanned and outgunned by the anti-pirate defenses. Without the influx of funds necessary to keep the effort afloat, and an increase in the Spanish colonial naval presence, the pirates are essentially run out of the region. (Game Effect: Spain loses 2 PatRons destroyed, 1 Commercial Fleets captured by Pirates. Pirates lose 1 PatRon destroyed, 1 FF1 sunk, other FF1 just sails away for safer climes)

The war takes another interesting turn, however, when the Ottoman fleet arrives off the coast of Mexico in December. The Ottoman fleet at Sulu, after riding the currents around the Pacific, arrives in pursuit of the famous Manila Galleon. On December 22 the Ottomans attack Acapulco, intent on scuttling or seizing as much booty as they can. The forces are depleted, and so they do not attempt to stage a naval attack on the city, but they do head after the ships in and around the harbor. The Spanish have no ships on the Pacific Squadron, and can only look on in horror as the Ottomans run amok. (Game Effect: Spain loses 1 Commercial Fleet sunk, 1 Captured. Ottomans don’t get the income from the Commercial Fleet until they return to friendly waters.) The Ottomans sail north, to the tiny Spanish village along the Baja California peninsula at La Paz, to regroup and plot their next moves.

Relevant Naval and Colonial Forces, End of 1727


Sultan'ın Filosu (Athens)
-12 BB2
-8 FF1
-4 PatRon

Indian Ocean Fleet (Basra)
-2 2x damaged BB2s ( Mahmudiye, Mukkademe-i Hayir)
-2 2x damaged FF1s [no marines]
-1 1x damaged FF1 [no marines]

Raider Fleet (La Paz, Baja California)
-17 FF1s [no marines]
-10 Zanzibari FF1s

Muscat Fleet (Muscat)
-4 FF1
-20 PatRon

Zanzibari Fleet (Zanzibar)
-4 PatRons


Chania Force (Chania)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment

Candia Force (Besieging Candia)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Infantry Brigade

Cyprus Force (Nicosia)
-2 Light Infantry Regiments
-12 PatRons (Limassol)

Mediterranean Battle Fleet (Malta)
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Spanish BB1
-1 5x damaged Spanish BB1
-11 Spanish BB2
-2 1x damaged Spanish BB2s
-13 Spanish FF1
-1 Spanish PatRon
-2 Portuguese BB2s
-4 Portuguese FF1s
-1 Portuguese PatRon

Philippines Garrison (Manila)
-3 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments
-3 Militia Infantry Regiments

East Indies Fleet (Manila)
-1 4x damaged BB2
-1 3x damaged BB2

Caribbean Fleet (Havana)
-5 BB2s
-1 2x damaged BB2
-2 2x damaged FF1s
-1 PatRons

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Lefty Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:11 am

Aware of the dire situation his Habsburg neighbors have put themselves in, King-Elector Augustus sends emissaries to the Imperials and the Turks offering to host peace talks in Gdańsk.

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The Carpathian War (1725- 1728) Empty Re: The Carpathian War (1725- 1728)

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:38 am

Lefty wrote:Aware of the dire situation his Habsburg neighbors have put themselves in, King-Elector Augustus sends emissaries to the Imperials and the Turks offering to host peace talks in Gdańsk.

King Henri V of France, the new King, similarly urges the Turks to consider a peace as they have held their lands but face serious trouble in the eastern Mediterranean. France recommends that talks be held in Poland also.
Galveston Bay
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