Commonwealth E20
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Russian Empire

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Russian Empire  Empty Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:24 pm

Russian Empire
population 50 million (internal taxes: 25 points)
special ability: Russia has 1 million people available hard labor service annually used to maintain roads, build new ones and build bridges and canals as well. This enables Russia to add 5 hexes of highway annually (Asia, 10 hexes annually in Europe) as well as provide upkeep for previously build infrastructure. HOWEVER, this reduces the manpower pool avaiable for military service from 5 million to 4 million (half that in peacetime)

Russia is a commercial power and is not yet industrialized

20 Craft Centers: Vitebsk, Kalinin, Moscow 3, Yagoslavl, Gorki, Saratov, Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad), Don Basin (Stalino), Kiev, Tula, St Petersburg 2, Riga, Kronsodar, Sevastapol, Saratov, Kursk, Odessa,
plus Asian Russia
6 craft centers: Kazan, Perm, Nicolayevsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk,
22 resources: Moscow (fur), Ukraine 4 (food x4), Voronezh (food x2), Don Basin (iron), Tiflis (tar, Iron), Kursk (food), Penza (coal), Urals (iron x2, coal), Karaganda (cotton), Kuznetsk (fur), Barnoal (gold), Chita (Silk trade), Amur Valley (Fur, silk, iron)
15 Ports: St Petersburg, Riga, Odessa,
16 minor ports: Sevastapol, Kerch, Novorssyrsk, Batumi, Soki, Memel, Liepujua, Rarpu, Talinn, Archangel, Vladivostok, Alexandrpsk, Nicoloysk, Petrapavolosk, Konstanthivsk, Toyoha
69 Special commercial income (special trade and roads)
American Fur trade 4, China Trade 8, Japan trade 1, Moscow/Ryzan/Penza/Kazan/Perm/Sverdlovsk/Omsk/Novosibirsk/Kransyorsk/Irkutsk highway (The Grand Siberian Highway) 18
St Leningrand- Moscow highway (Rodina Highway) 6
Moscow to Kiev (Ukraine Highway) 6"
roads 26 (all other road hexes in Russia are seasonal unpaved but can be converted to highways)
(all road hexes on Asia WIF map are seasonal trails except for the Grand Siberian Highway)(they will have to be converted to roads to generate income at 1 per 5 hexes, 1 per 2 hexes if highway)
Financial 148 x 2= 298 , additional financial 12
total available ncome 310 plus 25 taxes, 335 total income (plus special construction)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Russian Empire  Empty Re: Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:13 pm

Russian Military 1825
Professional Army (long service volunteers with some conscripts)
Proficiency: experienced army with frequent service fighting in Central Asia since 1815 subduing Kazakhstan and fighting rebels in the Caucasus region
Tech level 3 Commercial nation
26 craft centers, 3 major ports – 29% reduction in cost production and maintenance for ground units
26 craft centers, 3 major ports- 29% reduction production and maintenance costs naval forces

peacetime military manpower available 2 million plus 500,000 for labor service
Officer status is available to Russians, Belorussians, Balts, Volga Deutch and Ukrainians (combat arms) and Jews are allowed to serve in officer positions in engineers, quartermasters and artillery services. Cossacks and Kazakhs are allowed to serve in the cavalry, while Georgians and Armenians are allowed infantry service only. This also applies to enlisted positions. Muslems however are only allowed serve in labor service and as teamsters and cooks. Officers must be politically reliable, and positions are made available first to the greater and lesser nobility, then gentry, then urban men of property, finally to rural men of property who are not noble (are found usually in non combat arms).

Only Russians, Georgians and Cossacks are allowed service in the Ministry of Police (Okhrana) and only Russian Nobles and Gentry are allowed service as officers in the Russian Imperial Guard, although enlisted men are recruited for special regiments based on certain nationalities. Foreigners (such as Prussian nobles and gentry, some others) are found in officer positions in STAVKA (general staff) and Engineers and Navy. Balts are found heavily represented in the Navy (indeed overwhelmingly so compared to their service in the Army).

The military recruits from 53 Oblasts, 6 territories (Central Asia and Caucasus region) plus from some small or scattered minority populations as special districts. 20 years of service allows for retirement, which includes elimination of serfdom for those recruited (and that of their wife and children), permission to marry is available after 10 years of service and reaching the rank of corporal or higher. Retirement pay is small but real, and usually includes a small land grant in Siberia or Kazakhstan or permission to reside in a city or town (and civil service or police job). Volunteers are thus readily available. Minorities who serve gain full rights as a Russian citizen, even the Jews and Muslems. The exception are political prisoners who return to their previous status upon completion of 20 years of service. Service in wartime adds 1 year of seniority for every two years of war time service. So many who fought in the Coalition war retired with only 15 years of actual service.

The Russian Military has 4 armies and a Navy. The Okhrana are for ensuring order is maintained in the empire and safeguarding the rule of the Russian Imperial Throne. The Imperial Guard are the professional troops raised to ensure the safety of the Crown and Government, while the Cossacks are feudal levies loyal to the Tsar personally. The Russian Army is for the defense of the Motherland (the Rodina) as well (and unstated) expansion of the Empire, while the Navy has a similar mission to the Army.

Okhrana (Ministry of Police and Militia)
organized into 60 Police garrison brigades (150,000 men) plus 2 special corps (each corps has 1 cavalry, 1 infantry, 1 engineer brigade, 1 supply column and 1 depot brigade (13,500 men each) plus 11,500 men organized into 5 pioneer (labor service) brigades. (25,000 each construction corps). This are being used for road building projects and a constant stream of replacements is available. In addition there are Police divisions at St Petersburg, Baku, Riga and Moscow. (20,000 more men).
Total manpower Okhrana: 220,000 men
4 garrison divisions, 60 garrison brigades, 2 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades, 2 engineer brigades, 2 supply columns, 2 depot brigades
(cost 82 points (61 points after discount), maintenance 10.5 plus 5 points for internal and foreign intelligence gathering
total cost 16 points (includes some special pay for some units)
Officers are drawn mainly from the Gentry and petty nobles, while enlisted troops are drawn from the most reliable members of the population. There are also a very large number of informers and officials who report to the Okhrana and not a few political prisoners serving in pioneer brigades.

Imperial Guard – 3 depots (Moscow, St Petersburg, Kiev, Tsartsyn), 4 Guards Rifle Brigades, 4 Guards Cavalry brigades (20,000 men)
Cost 22 (29% discount, 17 points to build. Maintenance 2.25 points (after discount)
The Cossacks- these are essentially the last of the feudal troops in the Russian Empire, consisting of 10 Cossack brigades (2.5 points) raised from the southern Steppe between the Volga, Prut and Dniester rivers. 25,000 men (militia quality)
No cost to raise or maintain but no more than 10 regiments can be in service in peacetime and no more than 20 regiments in wartime

Imperial Army
Home Army
60 depots (1 each Oblast plus 1 for Imperial War Academy and an additional 6 depots at Omsk for Siberian, Kazakh ad other minorities found east of the Urals)
120 garrison brigades (act as training units and a place for the older men to serve out the final years of their 20 year term of service, one stays at home and the other becomes a supply column in wartime)
300,000 men
Cost: 120 points (85.2 after discount), maintenance 12 (8.52 after discounts)
6 Field Armies
Army of the Dvina (Riga), Army of the Dniester (Odessa), Army of the Crimea (Sevastapol), Southern (Kazakhstan) Army, Siberian (Novosibirsk) Army plus the Reserve Army (which is not made up of reservists and is near Moscow)
each is a regular field army of 65,000 men ( 390,000 men total) with the mission of repelling invasion or acting as the core of a counterinvasion force
total cost: 450 points (320 with discounts) maintenance 64 points (after discounts)
3 Expeditionary Armies
Army of the Caucasus, Army of Jazartes, Army of the Amur, each an expeditionary army of 25,000 men each
total 75,000 men, build 75 points (54 with discounts), maintenance 16.5 points (11.75 w discount)
Fortress Armies
Fortified area- St Petersburg (15,000 troops), build 12 points, maintenance 1 point
Fortresses- Moscow, Kiev, Tallinn, Riga, Kaunus, Minsk, Vilnius, Sevastopol, Tblisi, Irkutsk, Chita, Kranoyarsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Batumi, Odessa, Lvov, Baku, Kerch, Brest Litovsk, Archangel, build points, cost 80 maintenance 5 points, (20,000 troops total),
Total fortress troops 35,000 men, cost: 92 (64 points after discount), maintenance 6 points (4.25 points)
Total army: 800,000 men, cost: 521 after discounts, maintenance: 88.6 (after discounts)

Total Ground forces: 1,065,000 men, maintenance 106.3 points (620 points to build after discounts)

Imperial Russian Navy
naval yards: Archangel, St Petersburg, Sevastapol, Konstantinovsk
Northern Fleet: 15 FF1, 10 Brig
Baltic Fleet: 1 BB1, 6 BB2, 3 FF1, 15 Brigs
Black Sea Fleet: 1 BB1, 6 BB2, 3 FF1, 15 Brigs
Pacific Fleet: 15 FF1, 10 Brig
2 BB1, 12 BB2, 36 FF1, 50 Brigs (61 points w discounts to build, 16 points maintenance after discounts)
total (132 points after discounts for builds), 17.5 maintenance after discounts)
Manpower: 40,000

total military 1,105,000 manpower, maintenance 106.1 points
(build costs: 653 points after discounts)

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Russian Empire  Empty Re: Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:37 pm

1825 Russian budget
no debt
Income: 335 points
military maintenance: 106.1 points
available: 228.1 points
Irkutsk/Chita/blagoveshchensk/Khaborvosk/Konstantinovsk highway (36 hexes) 100 points due to harsh terrain, climate and having to bring in labor from far away. (one building army is involved plus a lot of hired and convict labor). (This project will kill 40,000 people over 10 years), project time 1825-1835 (improves a series of trails and paths into a full scale highway thus upgrading the caravan route to an actual road)
purchase of Amur Valley from Qing Dynasty 100 points
build 20 construction brigades and 8 supply trains for Pacific Highway project

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Russian Empire  Empty Re: Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:38 pm

December 1825
rumors reach foreign embassies in St Petersburg and the consults in Moscow that the Tsar and his wife have died suddenly, and so it appears has Prince Nicholas.

There appears to be some confusion as to whether Constantine (the brother between Alexander and Nicholas) has taken the throne or even if he will......

By the end of the year that confusion remains
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Russian Empire  Empty Re: Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:32 pm

In February, the Russian Crown makes a formal announcement
Prince Konstantin, the middle (and surviving brother) declares himself Regent, and announces that the oldest (legitimate) son of Prince Nicholas will be crowned as Alexander II (age Cool will be crowned as Tsar immediately although will not rule until he is age 21.  

In addition, the capital is formerly moved to Moscow and all government functions are to move their headquarters there and foreign embassies are requested to do the same.   This move will be completed by 1830.  

The Duma is to meet in the late spring of 1827 in temporary quarters in Moscow

The Regency also signs a formal military alliance with the Greek Republic

in the interim, the Russian government places orders overseas for ships, weapons and supplies for it and Greece, shopping first in North America (where existing excellent relations exist with merchants and producers there)

1826 Russian budget
no debt
Income: 335 points
military maintenance: 106.1 points
available: 228.1 points
+ 5 points for ongoing work on Irkutsk/Chita/blagoveshchensk/Khaborvosk/Konstantinovsk highway (36 hexes)  
available 223
moving capital from St Petersburg to Moscow 73 points
allocated for army expansion, military modernization and aid to Greece (details to follow)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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