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Starting economic statistics and borders

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Starting economic statistics and borders Empty Starting economic statistics and borders

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:16 pm

Metro France (eastern border hexes are in pink)

Population 40 million (taxes are at peacetime levels, that income allocated to social/education/general government purposes)
Industrial Nation  Tech level 3.5 (TL 4 begins 1830)
8 Industrial centers Brussels, Liege, Lille (3), Paris (3) (counts double for financial power)
11 Craft Centers Rouen, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Bern, Lyon(2), Marseilles, Turin (2), Toulouse
6 Resources; Saar (coal, iron), Turin (iron), Nantes (food), Lehavre (food), Picardy (coal),
50 Internal commerce:  Highways /Canals (converting to rail at 10%, rail doubles value from 1 to 2) starting 1830
20 Major Ports: Brest, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Marseilles (5 points each)
15 minor ports: Toulon, Nice, Bayonne, La Rochelle, St Nazaire, Lorient, St Malo, Cherbourg, Rouen, Le Havre, Boulogne, Calais, Ajacejo, Caglieri, Albio,
4 merchant marine: 4 shipping units
Financial Services: (generated by all of the above) 127 points
Total Metro income:  354 points
efficiency bonus + 16
total 370 points internal income

National Debt 1825:   3100 points at 5% interest (perpetual national debt

Overseas France
French North Africa:
minor ports: Oran, Algiers, Bone, Tunis (Income 4 port plus 4 commerce) 8 points
French Caribbean
minor port:Guadalupe, Martinique, (2 ports plus 2 commerce + 1 resource (sugar))
French West Africa
minor port: Dakar (1 port plus 1 commerce plus 1 resource (Phosphate)
French Ivory Coast
Minor port: Bingerville (1 port plus 1 commerce plus 2 resource (coffee, rubber)
French Africa (French East India Company has been taken over by government, commercial activity now open to any French firm)
commerce 10 points, access to cotton, opium
Merchant marine: 5 shipping units
35 points    ... there is considerable pressure to expand this bounty

total French income:  405 points

(available to spend on units  1000 points total available as considerable government income has been spent on paying down the debt) (ground units at 45% discount, naval units at 20% discount)
(for free is 36 points for fortifications, no discount)

Starting economic statistics and borders France10
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Starting economic statistics and borders Empty Re: Starting economic statistics and borders

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 30, 2021 7:23 pm

Germany and the Kingdom of Prussia 1825
German borders outlined in pink, Kingdom of Prussia highlighted in orange

population: 45 million (peacetime taxation is paying for social/education/government services)
7 Production centers: Hamburg, Essen, Dusseldorf,Hannover, Berlin, Breslau, Prague (will reach TL 4 in 1835)
9 craft centers: Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart, Nuremburg, Munich, Vienna, Bratislavia, Trieste, Zagreb
8 Resources: Sudetenland (coal) Hanover (coal) Essen (iron), Hesse (food), Oder Valley (food), Chenmetz (coal), Danube valley (iron), Hartz Mountains (Coal)
110 Highway/Canals/Rhine traffic/Danube traffic (can begin converting to railroad 1835, converts 1 point to 2 points, covert 20 points annually beginning 1835)
10 Ports: Trieste, Hamburg
6 minor ports: Bremen, Stettin, Kolborg, Pola, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf
deep water shipping: 2 shipping units
Financial (commerce above 142 + 8 point bonus) 150
total home income: 292 points

National Debt: 2700 points (perpetual national debt, 5% interest)
available for builds: 1500 ground units (30% discount), 100 points fortification (no bonus), the Germans initially have no navy as it was destroyed during the war and never replaced.

Prussia (not available to Germany) has 39 points of income but no debts, will spend 300 points on ground forces and fortifications

a significant number of Prussians and Poles are serving in the German Army as it pays better and out of patriotism.   As they send some money home the King of Prussia is allowing it.  

Starting economic statistics and borders German10
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Starting economic statistics and borders Empty Re: Starting economic statistics and borders

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:43 pm

The Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, North America and Pacifica

The British economy, and to a lesser extent the North American economy, boomed throughout the war due to massive military orders from Anglo-America and Europe and even Russia. Industrial manufacturing is springing up everywhere, the steam engine has become essentially routine, and even now new methods of transportation such as the steamboat and railroad locomotive are coming into use. Economically the British have a sort of hegemony at the moment. But will it hold together?

British Isles (Industrial)
Population: 24 million (head count taxes are paying for social/education/government costs)
11 Production centers: London, Birmingham, Coventry, Manchester, Leeds, Hull, Sheffield, Belfast, Southhampton, Glasgow, Liverpool,
Resources: Cardiff (coal), Coventry (wool), Dublin (food)
50 Highways / Canals (converting to rail at 5 points a year, which will double this value from 50 to 100 by 1850)
25 Entrepot: London
45 ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Hull, Liverpool, Newcastle, Edinburg, Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin,
13 Minor ports: Inverness, Aberdeen, Derry, Holyhead, Harwich, Pembroke, Cardiff, Bristol, Southhampton, Cork, Waterford, Dover, Barrow
Commercial (154 x 2= 358) plus 143 bonus= 500 points
War Debt: 8,000 points (at 1% interest in perpetual nation debt, down from 10,000 at wars end)
Government has instituted a 10 year rule regarding defense spending… assume no major war next 10 years and no need for an army to deploy to Europe
this has been in effect since 1815
defense spending: 2000 points for navy and army (60% discount) 200 points for naval and defense infrastructure (60% discount), no more than 240,000 permanent regular Navy/Army personnel

British Dominions (includes Britain and Ireland above)
Dominion of North America (Industrial)
Population: 14 million (plus a fair amount of uncounted Indians)
The monopolies of the North American and Hudson Bay Fur companies remain but their income is simply part of the rest
4 Production centers: Boston, New York City, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia
11 Craft centers: Buffalo, Metropolis (Toronto), Gotham (Detroit), Montreal, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Mobile, New Orleans, Vancouver, St Louis,
6 Towns: Memphis, Chattanooga, Seattle, Milwaukee, Jacksonville, Juneau, Winnapeg, Minneapolis, Tulsa, Atlanta (craft centers at one per year beginning 1840)
(Tulsa and Miami are Indian Territory but count as towns) Dallas becomes a town in 1826 (founded by the noted Cherokee/Scots Irish attorney Steve Dallas and will also be in Indian Territory). Denver becomes a town in 1825 due to Gold Rush
22 Resources: Atlanta (cotton), Richmond (food) Charleston (cotton), Wilmington (tobacco), Memphis (cotton), Hudson Valley (food), St Louis (fur x 2), Winnipeg (fur), Newport (fisheries), Halifax (fisheries x 5), Cincinatti (food), Savannah (cotton), Nashville (food), Indianapolis (food), Vancouver (fur) , Denver (gold, silver),
17 special Commercial: Erie Canal 2, Mississippi River 3, Ohio River 2, Great Lakes 10
5 Highway 10
30 Roads / other canals and rivers 110
(both of the above will start converting to rail at rate of 5 points a year beginning 1827, will provide a total of 220 points when completed. This railroad rate doubles when Tech Level 4 is reached)
A transcontinental railroad will be possible around 1860
25 Entrepot New York City
35 Ports: Boston, Halifax, Quebec, New Orleans, Mobile, Baltimore, Philadelphia
14 Minor ports: St Johns, Portland, Newport, Bridgeport, Norfolk, Washington, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Pensacola, Vancouver, San Francisco, Bermuda, Juneau,
commercial 163 x 2= 326 plus 36 bonus financial) = 360 points
The North Americans have gone into an isolationist mode, only 50,000 Regular Army allowed, plus a Navy with no more than 100 ships and no battleships are viewed as needed. The Americans get a 60% discount (as they can buy British if desired) and cannot spend more than 500 total points including fortifications. They may however have up to 5% of the population in the Militia and those points do not count against the Regular Military build or maintenance
The American War Debt is 500 points and is a perpetual national debt paid at 1% interest. There is a great deal of pressure to pay this off

(FYI, a Confederacy would be carved out of the Southern States should that happen and would be a Commercial power, not an industrial one)

British Merchant Marine
consisting of the large ocean going ships based in the British Isles, North America plus East Indiaman: 30 shipping units (30 points plus 60 commercial)
110 points (goes to Navy budget which includes infrastructure although can be spent on British National Debt)

Dominion of Caribbean
includes independent client states of Haiti (all of Hispanola) and Panama plus Crown colonies
Ports: Panama, Jamaica
minor ports: Key West, Miami, Nassau, Antiqua, Barbados, St Vincent, Colon,
Resources: Haiti (coffee), Jamaica (sugar),
Commerce bonus: Panama Highway (connects Colon to Panama by all weather road) 1 point
total value: 21 points (goes to British economy)

British Africa (all are Crown colonies)
Craft center: Capetown
minor ports: Capetown, East London, Durban, Freetown, Lagos
resource: Fisheries (Capetown)
plus town of Pretoria (consists of Dutch Boers, income is not part of British Africa)
total value: 7 points (goes to British economy)
Rail will require a special project

British India (back to Crown Colony status)(goes to British economy)
Ports of Bombay, Calcutta,
Minor ports: Madras, Rangoon, Brunei, Tarakan, Penang, Singapore, Okinawa,
additional income: 10 points China trade, 1 point Japanese trade, 1 point Indochinese trade, 5 points Malayan trade, 1 point Burmese trade, 10 points India trade
total value: 45 points (goes to British economy)
rail will require a special project and political effort

British Oceania
consists of Australia and the client states of Fiji, Hawaii and New Zealand
2 craft center: Sydney, Melbourne,
3 Resource: Honolulu (fisheries) Auckland (fisheries) Sydney (wool)
5 Port: Sydney
8 minor ports: Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, Auckland, Honolulu, Hilo, Suva
25 Additional commercial: (12 x 2= 24) plus 1 point bonus
There are only trails in Australia and no other roads, rail will start from scratch and require a special project
Total value: 43 (to British economy)

Total colonial income to British economy: 227 points plus home economy of 500 = 727 points
but there is that war debt…..

separate build for North America (360 points)

Yes I realize how huge this is... double the size of France or Germany, and with the Americans bigger than both combined plus the Dutch

on the other hand... its historically correct in terms of economic power for the period and while the British have North America, they have less India .. a lot less... and no motive to expand further really in India or Africa right now

note the rather draconian measures on the size of the British and American militaries

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Starting economic statistics and borders Empty Re: Starting economic statistics and borders

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:57 pm

The Andean Confederacy
(OTL Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru)
population:Chile 1 million, Argentina 1 million, Bolivia 1 million, Peru 1. 5 million, Ecuador 600,000)(35% Native America, remainder European, no significant African or Asian population)
total 5.1 million (includes 250,000 immigrants from Italy last 20 years) taxes used for social services (primary education and small hospitals)
industrial power
1 production center Valpariso (courtesy of Napoleon, OHiggins and Italian immigrants)
3 craft centers: LIma, Santiago, Buenos Aires
8 resources Santiago (copper, coal), Tucunam (tar), Caldera (potasium nitrate), Sucre (tin, silver), Iquiqne (Gold), Mollendo (silver)
10 Major port: Valperisio, Buenas Aires
7 minor ports: Bahia Blanca, Magallanes, Concepcion, La Serena, MOllendo, Callao, Guayaquil
Grand Incan Highway (rebuilt by Napoleon 1815-22) Puerto Montt/Valdiva/Santiago/Valperieso/La Serana/Caldera/La   Paz/Cuzco/Lima/Trujillo/Payta/Guayaguil/Quito  15 points
8 additional roads (semipaved) 8
special resources: fisheries 2
total: 55 x 2 = 110 + 20 extra commercial

Total inome 130 points
national Debt 200 (mostly owed to British banks)

The Andean Republic has 600 points available to spend on its military (army, navy and military infrastructure) and has a Professional Army model and must also build a Garda Civilia (national police) consisting of at least 1 militia division per million people.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Starting economic statistics and borders Empty Re: Starting economic statistics and borders

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:39 pm

Dutch Republic
Homeland Economy
population 2.8 million (headcount taxes are paying for government services and education)
1 Production Center Rotterdam
1 craft center: Amsterdam
1 resources: Eastern Netherlands (food)
5 major port; Rotterdam
1 minor port Amsterdam,
Rhine/Maas River commerce 10
internal commerce 5 (highways and canals)
special merchant marine 5
total commercial: 29 x 2= 58 plus 142 special financial (banking and diamond trading)
total homeland income: 200 points

Colonial Income
Dutch East Indies (all of OTL Indonesia except for Borneo (British) and Timor (entirely Portuguese) and New Guinea (unclaimed)
5 Major Port: Batavia
7 minor ports: Medan, Padang, Palembang, Surubaya, Jakarta, Ambonr, Monado
2 Resources: Ambon (spices), Palembang (spices)
headcount taxes 10 points
total income: 24 x 2= 48 + 2 special financial=
total DEI 50 points

Dutch Philippines
Luzon plus Marianas Islands are directly held
remainder of Philippines is Sultanate of Sulu and is a client state
5 major port: Manila
3 minor port: Apari, Legaspi, Guam
additional income: 5 points taxes from Sulu Sultanate and headcount taxes from Luzon
total income: 13 x 2 = 26 points
Total Philippines income: 26

Dutch Ceylon
5 major port: Tricomolee
1 minor port: Colombo
1 Resource: Ceylon (tea)
7 points x 2 = 14 plus 1 special = 15 points
total Ceylon Income 15

Dutch Caribbean
Curacao: 10 points (major port plus resource (sugar)

Dutch Africa
Walvis Bay (anchorage only, no income, minimal population of 2,500 including 2,000 convicts ... this is the Dutch Penal Colony)

the Dutch surrendered their rights to Darwin to France as a cost of escaping the War of the 2nd Coalition (the Great War)

starting situation
the Dutch have a national debt of 120 points (perpetural debt, 1% interest, pay 1/25 of principal of debt each year in bond payments)
in addition, the Dutch may spend combined income (291) x 10 years to determine available military forces
However the Dutch have a manpower problem in that only 3% of 2.8 million are available for full time military service (and another 7% of population can serve as either militia or army reservists).   The Navy does not have conscription, only the Home Army can have conscripts.

However, up to 50,000 Colonials can serve in the Navy and Colonial Army (in total) as long as they do not make up more than 35% of the total manpower of either force.   In part this is due to political reliability issues but also due to language issues. Points left over after spending for initial forces are simply ignored (do not forget you have to pay annual maintenace for this beginning 1826 however)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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