Commonwealth E20
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Economic Rules

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Economic Rules Empty Economic Rules

Post by TLS Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:06 pm

Base Income
Income can be collected from resources, taxes, production centers and commerce.
governments in this era are not very good about putting aside cash reserves, so any income not spent is lost (spent on nice parties, new dresses for the Queen etc)

General Income: Rather than having multiple convoluted systems of trying to discern what makes how much income, every country now just has an "income" value. This is determined by the mod and broadly reflects the value of excise and other production taxes.

Personal taxes:
The Americans are a tax-averse people. Taxes can be, and are, levied on certain types of property, but otherwise taxation is not very widespread. As such, taxes are levied at a rate of .1 per 100,000 people. This includes slave population. Every country gets at least .1 in taxes, but otherwise the number rounds down or up to the nearest 50,000. The numbers can be small, but not necessarily meaningless ;.05 is enough to pay maintenance for a single militia infantry company if its mobilized, while .1 will pay full-time maintenance for a regular infantry company or a fort. These can be doubled in wartime, but only after the start of the second year of war (for example, war is declared in December 1788, but can't start being collected until 1799) and at great peril for a tax-averse people.

This represents international trade, etc, and is dependent your number of viable ports (not blockaded essentially). You get 1 Point per Port and these are determined by the referee; blockades can reduce this eventually down to zero, but Americans are known for being some of the best smugglers and so this takes quite an extended blockade. 

This system became a little too math-heavy for my taste. To simplify, you can now borrow up to 100% of your base income (General Income + Personal Taxes + Commerce), and you have to pay it back within 10 years. This makes credit cheaper than real life but this isn't "Intro to Macroeconomics." Also, note in the ground rules thread how if your economic prospects are dire you can just not pay some people.

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Join date : 2017-09-19

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