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The Russian Empire

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:52 pm

Russian 1803 budget
Income 46
debt 24

Military budget 40
debt payment 10% interest 2.4
principal payment 2.4 points
total 4.8 points

available 1.2 points used for additional road construction survey work
borrow an additional 5 points to complete St Petersburg to Moscow highway
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:36 pm

1803 Summer
The Southern Army is reorganized into a long term occupation posture
Southern Army – 2 infantry divisions, 1 supply train, 12 cavalry regiments + 10 Cossack regiments when dealing with Kazakhs (37,000 men) 3.3 points converted into 10 garrison brigades pus 10 Cossack regiments serviing in rotation (25,000 plus 10,000 cossacks) new maintenance 1 point

2 cavalry regiments are transferred west to add 1 Guards cavalry regiment each as part of the Imperial Guard at St Petersburg and Moscow respectively (Imperial Guard maintenance increases by .2 and 2,000 men added)

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:04 pm

Russian military 1804
The Russian Army
The Imperial Army is in the process of reform.  It has been taken out of the business of internal security except in the relatively newly acquired regions of the Caucasus and Poland,  many of its best officers have had the chance to study in Europe, and recruitment and administration is being rationalized.    Although a conscript force, in terms of its enlisted men, the Army, conscription is however for 20 years, and is in effect a professional army.   Recent changes have finally allowed men with the rank of corporal or higher to marry, and their wives are now paid as civilian workers (washer women, clerks, nurses, cooks etc).  Each regiment now has an established recruiting area, and so men conscripted are all from at least the same region of the country.   Another change is that now Jews, Balts, Ukrainians, and Kazakhs are subject to conscription, and although the better educated are sent to support units or assigned to the artillery or as clerks, this has had an overall effect of increasing the general education of the army.   Indeed now each regimental depot has a small school, and literacy is taught (Russian writing and basic arithmetic) and the requirement that to reach corporal or higher a man must be literate, as well as allowing for marriage and support for wives, is gradually making the Army more than a mass of manpower.

The Army also has considerable combat experience, with most officers and many of the enlisted men having served against the Chechins, Persians, Turks, Swedes and others over the last 20 years.   While not the sophisticated instrument the Germans, British or French have, it is still a force to be reckoned with and will gradually growing larger.

Russian Army- mission is to defend the Rodina from foreign invasion and expand its borders when needed

Reorganization of 1798
The Army is reorganized and divided into the following branches:
The Imperial Guard
The Cossacks
The Imperial Army

Imperial Guard – 3 depots (Moscow, St Petersburg, Kiev),4 infantry, 7 cavalry regiments (4 Foot Guards, 4 Horse Guards, Oprichnik Cossacks) 1.1 points, 11,000 men
The Cossacks- these are essentially the last of the feudal troops in the Russian Empire, consisting of 10 Cossack brigades (2.5 points) raised from the southern Steppe between the Volga, Prut and Dniester rivers. 25,000 men (militia quality)
The Imperial Army
53 depots (one for each Oblast), 53 garrison brigades organized as Home Army (5.6 points, 150,000 men)
The garrison brigades are primarily training units, organized to take in new conscripts and officer cadets, train them and then after a year send them to the armies or fortresses and they are the training organization and framework for wartime expansion

12 Fortress- Moscow, Kiev, Tallinn, Riga, Minsk, Vilnius, Sevastopol, Tblisi, Irkutsk, Chita, Kranoyarsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for 3 points (12,000 men) 3 points
Western Army- garrison of Poland, 5 garrison brigades, 6 cavalry regiments (18,500 men) 1.1 points
Caucasus Army- garrison of North Caucasus – 4 garrison brigades, 6 cavalry regiments (16,000 men) 1 point
Southern Army – 10 garrison brigades, plus + 10 Cossack regiments when dealing with Kazakhs (35,000 men) 1.1 points
St Petersburg defense Army- fortified area (upgrading Fortress to Fortified area, paid for, complete in 1803) (Naval troops under Army command and maintenance support for now)

Total Army 15.3 points, 260,500 men

Imperial Russian Navy
9 BB2s( 5 BB2s in Baltic Sea, 4 BB2s in Black Sea) -2.25 points
55 Frigates( 6 Frigates in Baltic , 14 Frigates in Black Sea, 5 in Pacific Fleet, 15 Frigates on voyage Archanglesk to Sea of Okholsk, 10 Frigates in White Sea, 5 in Caspian sea) for 11 points
25 Brigs( 13 Brigs in Baltic, 5 in Black Seas, 3 in White Sea, 2 in Caspian sea, 2 in Pacific ) for 2.5 points
4 Naval Yards( St. Petersburg, Riga, Tallinn, Sevastopol- 2 points
Total 17.75
Organized into 3 Fleets (Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific) and 2 Squadrons (White Sea and Caspian)

Ministry of Police (Okhrana)
The militia is now made subordinate to a new service, the Okhrana (Imperial Police) which is created by merging the Imperial Gendarme with smaller and similar forces around the Empire. The Okhrana is also given responsibility for the planned road construction the Czar wants instituted. The head of the Okhrana like the head of the Army and Navy will report directly to the Czar and his first minister. Missions are as follows:
Carrying out recruitment in the Army;
Protection of the state stocks of the foodstuffs;
The customs supervision;
The maintenance and use of the toil of convicted;
Maintenance of serviceability and safety of communications;
Also, the ministry should carry out obvious and secret supervision of foreigners in Russia, carry out censorship functions.

Each Oblast is given a police battalion (formerly an infantry battalion from the Army) so 53 police battalions
the Okhrana gets another 37 police battalions (formerly infantry battalions) to back up the local authorities in the 20 largest towns, with St Petersburg and Moscow getting an extra 5 apiece as well as 7 to serve specifically as Imperial protection battalions (bodyguards in effect). (90 police battalions, 3 points, 27,000 men total). Police battalions are recruited from now on at the Oblast Army Depot (and are recruited for political loyalty)
plus 1 Engineer Brigade, 3 militia construction brigades, 3 supply trains  (1.3 point) which overseas convict and militia labor working on Moscow to St Petersburg Imperial Road (1 point materials, 200 miles to be completed in 1802, giving 600 of 650 needed
Total cost 6 points a year (includes internal intelligence gather functions)

1804 budget
Total Military and Police Budget 39 points
income 46
military budget 39
available 7

debt 27.2  interestt 2.72 plus principal payment 3 = 5.72
available 1 point continued survery road construction plans
celebration of completion of Moscow to St Petersburg highway .28 points
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:58 am

Summer - Fall 1804
The Russian government borrows 100 points from Great Britain (at 1% interest, 25 years) and orders large quantities of arms and equipment and uniforms from British, Danish, Swedish and American contractors.

4 Expeditionary Armies are organized and conscripted over the course of the Fall, consisting of the Army of Vistula, Army of Dnieper, Army of Dniester, and Army of the Don, each with 3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train. Once recruited and trained, in the Spring of 1805 they will move to their assembly positions. Plans are made to potentially mobilize additional units at the start of the year are also made.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Mar 14, 2021 10:19 pm

Fall 1804
With war between France and the Germans, and Spain and the British and Turkey having mobilized, the Czar announces that war time taxes will be instituted for the upcoming year as the nation faces potential emergency

Rumors of Dutch warships entering the Baltic Sea are the final straw making the threat of war more real than ever.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:39 pm

Russian Military Forces 1805

Army of the Don (Rostov)
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train. (1.2 points, 25,000 men)
Army of the Volga (Saratov)
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train.(1.2 points, 25,000 men)
Army of the Dvina (Smolensk) (former Army of the Dniester)
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train. (1.2 points, 25,000 men)
Army of the Dnieper (Kiev)
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train. (1.2 points, 25,000 men)
Western Army- garrison of Poland, 5 garrison brigades, 6 cavalry regiments (1.1 points, 18,500 men)
Caucasus Army- garrison of North Caucasus – 4 garrison brigades, 6 cavalry regiments (1 point 16,000 men)
Southern Army – 10 garrison brigades, plus + 10 Cossack regiments when dealing with Kazakhs (1.1 points 35,000 men)
St Petersburg defense Army- fortified area (1 point, 15,000 men)
Subtotal 8 points, 174,500 men

Home Army
53 depots (one for each Oblast), 53 garrison brigades organized as Home Army (5.6 points, 150,000 men)
The garrison brigades are primarily training units, organized to take in new conscripts and officer cadets, train them and then after a year send them to the armies or fortresses and they are the training organization and framework for wartime expansion

12 Fortress- Moscow, Kiev, Tallinn, Riga, Minsk, Vilnius, Sevastopol, Tblisi, Irkutsk, Chita, Kranoyarsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for 3 points (12,000 men) 3 points

Imperial Guard – 3 depots (Moscow, St Petersburg, Kiev),4 infantry, 7 cavalry regiments (4 Foot Guards, 4 Horse Guards, Oprichnik Cossacks) 1.1 points, 11,000 men
The Cossacks- these are essentially the last of the feudal troops in the Russian Empire, consisting of 10 Cossack brigades (2.5 points) raised from the southern Steppe between the Volga, Prut and Dniester rivers. 25,000 men (militia quality)

Total Army: 20.2 points, 347,500 men + 25,000 militia (Cossacks)

Ministry of Police (Okhrana)
The militia is now made subordinate to a new service, the Okhrana (Imperial Police) which is created by merging the Imperial Gendarme with smaller and similar forces around the Empire. The Okhrana is also given responsibility for the planned road construction the Czar wants instituted. The head of the Okhrana like the head of the Army and Navy will report directly to the Czar and his first minister. Missions are as follows:
Carrying out recruitment in the Army;
Protection of the state stocks of the foodstuffs;
The customs supervision;
The maintenance and use of the toil of convicted;
Maintenance of serviceability and safety of communications;
Also, the ministry should carry out obvious and secret supervision of foreigners in Russia, carry out censorship functions.

Each Oblast is given a police battalion (formerly an infantry battalion from the Army) so 53 police battalions
the Okhrana gets another 37 police battalions (formerly infantry battalions) to back up the local authorities in the 20 largest towns, with St Petersburg and Moscow getting an extra 5 apiece as well as 7 to serve specifically as Imperial protection battalions (bodyguards in effect). (90 police battalions, 3 points, 27,000 men total). Police battalions are recruited from now on at the Oblast Army Depot (and are recruited for political loyalty)
plus 1 Engineer Brigade, 3 militia construction brigades, 3 supply trains (1.3 point) which overseas convict and militia labor working on Moscow to Irkutsk Imperial Road (1 point materials, annually 100 miles a year) (distance 3246 miles, connections Ryazan, Penza, Kazan, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kransyorsk, Irkutsk)
Total cost 6 points a year (includes internal intelligence gather functions)

Imperial Russian Navy
9 BB2s( 5 BB2s in Baltic Sea, 3 BB2s in Black Sea) -2 points
55 Frigates( 6 Frigates in Baltic , 14 Frigates in Black Sea, 19 in Pacific Fleet, 5 Frigates in White Sea, 5 in Caspian sea) for 10.8 points
25 Brigs( 13 Brigs in Baltic, 5 in Black Seas, 3 in White Sea, 2 in Caspian sea, 2 in Pacific ) for 2.3 points
4 Naval Yards( St. Petersburg, Riga, Tallinn, Sevastopol- 2 points
Total 17.1 points
Organized into 3 Fleets (Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific) and 2 Squadrons (White Sea and Caspian)
(1 frigate is lost on the White Sea to Pacific expedition, 2 Brigs are found to be rotten and unseaworthy in Caspian Sea, and 1 BB2 lost to fire in Black Sea)

Total military budget 43.3 points

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Mar 17, 2021 12:45 pm

1805 Budget
Income 46
Wartime taxes instituted 8.75 points
total 54.75 points

Debt 100 (British bonds) 1% interest 1 point plus 4 points (25 years payoff) = 5
Internal debt ebt 27.2 interestt 2.72 plus principal payment 3 = 5.72
payments 10.72
military budget 43.3
total 54.02
available .73 (additional intelligence spending)

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Russian Empire  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Russian Empire

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