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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:31 pm

Summer of 1794

The Austrians agents finally convince the various Italian city states and duchies to join their cause to repel the French Republican invasion of the Po Valley.

Tuscany,Venice, Parma and Modena join the war against France

Tuscany, Parma/Modena each provide 3 Infantry Brigades, plus Cav Brigade, 1 Artillery battalion

Venice provides 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cav Division, 2 Artillery battalions

The quality of the troops being provided to the war effort is debatable.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Lefty Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:46 am

The Prussian armies establish a simple occupation force in Hannover, largely leaving administration to local officials. Orders are given to treat the locals with respect, although any British citizens may find themselves detained until they can be repatriated. Little acknowledgement is given to the Hannoverian declarations, and the Prussian army generally moves on.

Prince Louis Ferdinand, however, spends his time in Hannover meeting with whoever among the local government can find the time. His politics are increasingly liberal, and he hosts weekly discussions about possible reforms for Prussia and Germany as a whole. As the discussions go on, he eventually pens a letter to his relative, the King of Prussia and has it distributed among the soldiers and sent to major Prussian and German cities.


The hour is at hand for Germany's metamorphosis. We come upon a new era and we must answer the call. It is an era of ideas and invention, of people and progress, of the Nation! The medieval institutions that govern the German people no longer allow us to provide prosperity, and it is time we look to change that.

The Germans must look to a common cause, that of one nation. We must unite our disparate principalities or find ourselves conquered. I believe, Cousin, that it is time for us to call for the people to come together and form a true nation that sees us not as Prussians or Hannoverians, but as Germans. I continue to fight alongside the brave men of Prussia, but I hope that you can see this era for what it is.

Loyally yours,

Louis Ferdinand

Though the letter causes quite a stir among the court in Berlin, it is clear that forces may be beyond the King's control.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:08 am

Summer 1794

Italian Theater

July-Sept 1794

Army of the Rhone (Mantua to Italy) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-2 Infantry Brigades
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-2 Artillery Brigade
-6 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Mediterranean Fleet (Marseilles) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Union, Droits de l'Homme, Hercule)
-2 Brigs

Garrison at Mantua
3 Infantry Divisions , 4 artillery battalions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 Fort, 1 Engineer Brigade under the command of General Joseph Nikolaus de Vins

Army of Po Valley( renamed from Army of Galicia and Lodomeria)- field army 7 infantry divisions, 4 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, ,3 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions) under command of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen, currently at Verona

Italian state
Tuscany, Parma/Modena each provide 3 Infantry Brigades, plus Cav Brigade, 1 Artillery battalion
Venice provides 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cav Division, 2 Artillery battalions at Verona

Austrian Fleet
2 Brigs
Venetian Fleet
5 Frigates
10 Brigs

July 1794

Napoleon has standing orders to take out the Austrian stronghold of Mantua and finally free Italy of the Austrian rule. Meanwhile Archduke Charles is determined to ensure that Mantua stays in Austrian hands. He gives orders to his men to march to relieve the stronghold and break the French siege.  The Austrians sally forth from their base at Verona with the goal of breaking the French from two fronts. One from the defenders of Mantua and one from Verona.

July 4-5, 1794

The Battle of Mantua/ Castelbelforte
Napoleon is aware of the Austrian troop movements by cavalry patrols, he orders cavalry force to act as screening force as moves to intercept the main Austrian army before it gets close to Mantua. He leaves a force under the command of 2 Infantry Brigades, 2 Infantry Divisions and 4 artillery battalions under with his second in command General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas to watch the Austrian garrison at Mantua. While he takes the main army to incept the Austrians outside the village of Castelbelforte.

The French Cavalry forces engage the Austrian cavalry forces and were able to overwhelm them in quick battle, along those Cavalry officers who proven their worth in battle was Joachim Murat, who is becoming one of Napoleon top commanders. As they were not expecting Napoleon to shift the whole main body of his army to engage them.

Austrian losses
3 Cavalry Brigades shattered
French losses
Light losses

Once again Napoleon uses his advantage in artillery to hammer the Austrian forces as they attempt to march forward with their own artillery forces. The French artillery fire proves dearly effective in inflict heavy losses on the Austrians lines. The Austrian counterfire was not as effective, but they still were able to inflict some losses on the French. But morale was falling, due to the heavy French artillery fire and French Cavalry attacking their flank without any issue. Considering they shattered the Austrian Cavalry forces. The main infantry forces soon came into range of one another and exchange fire. The battle harden Austrian regulars were finally able to hold their ground despite the heavy artillery losses, they were able to inflict heavy losses on the French troops, who were as able to inflict as many hits as the Austrians.  

However, Napoleon with heavy use of his artillery and cavalry forces beat back the Austrian lines by late day. The Archduke realizes he has suffered heavy losses and opts again to withdraw back to Verona via tactical retreat. Before Napoleon can take in his victory, he receives word that Austrians at Mantua are attempting to break out under the impression their Austrian allies are near by as per the old plan and are attempting to attack the French rear guard under the command of General Dumas. Napoleon rushes to aid his second in command and finally take Mantua for France.

The Battle of Castelbelforte losses
3 Cavalry Brigades shattered reformed into 1 Cavalry Brigade
3 infantry divisions reduce to 3 Infantry Brigades
4 Infantry Brigades wipe out

French losses
5 Infantry Divisions reduce to 5 Infantry Brigades

The Battle of Mantua

As main armies were fighting it out, General Dumas was force to engage the Austrians under the command of General de Vins who were attempting to break their lines. The French were dig in with orders to stay on the defensive. He can withstand the Austrian artillery and was able to return artillery fire in kind.  But Austrian assault with infantry and cavalry resulted in deadly battle between the two forces. The Austrians attempt to overpower the French lines, which they almost did at times. But the French army stood their ground and held off the initial assaults. By late day, the French lines were near the point of breaking after suffering heavy losses. The Austrians attempt to send in the last of their infantry reserves to shatter the French forces once and for all in the night of July 4, as they were beginning their attack, massive wave of French cavalry divisions  under the command of Joachim Murat arrive and turn the tide of the battle in favor of the French army.   The fighting progresses into the fight as Napoleon finally arrives with the last of his infantry reserves to help overwhelm what’s left of the Austrians. By morning of July 5th, 1794., Mantua has finally fallen to the French.

Austrians losses
3 Infantry Divisions  shatter and now POWs,
4 artillery battalions shatter and now POWs, French can rise 4 new artillery battalions for .25 points each to crew them
3 cavalry divisions shattered and now POWs
, 1 supply column shattered and now POWs
1 Fort Destroyed
1 Engineer Brigade  shattered and POWs
General Joseph Nikolaus de Vins POW

Special Note, the French Capture several Polish officers and cavalrymen who volunteer to join the French army in hopes of one day freeing their homeland from Prussian-Russian-Austrian rule.
They form one cavalry division known as the Polish Lancers for Napoleon army.

French losses
-2 Infantry Divisions reduce to Infantry Brigades
-2 Infantry Brigades wipe out

July-September 1794

Aftermath of the battle is felt all over Northern Italy, the Austrians were trying to reform their shattered army in Verona with the support of the Venetian army. However in Tuscany, Parma and Modena republican uprisings break out as pro French forces attempt to seize control of their governments. This prevents them from any meaningful material support to the Austrian army.
For the French, Italian revolutionaries’ volunteers arrive in Mantua to support the French cause.
4 Militia Infantry Brigades of Italian Republicans.

As the land battles were breaking out, the French fleet sails into the Adriatic Sea to raid Austrian/Venetian and blockade Venice.

Mediterranean Fleet (Marseilles) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Union, Droits de l'Homme, Hercule)
-2 Brigs

The French capture 3 Venetian shipping units, 1 Austrian shipping unit and sink two Austrian brigs with no losses to their own.

August 5, 1794

Naval battle of Venice

Venetian Fleet attempts to break the French blockade, however they haven’t fought another major European power in sea for long time, they were primary geared for dealing with Barbary pirates or Ottoman Turks. The French fleet was able to wreck the Venetian fleet with minimal damage and

Venetian fleet losses
5 Frigates( 3 Sunk, 2 Captured)
10 Brigs ( 6 sunk, 4 Captured)

Flanders Theater
July-September 1794

Army of Austrian Netherlands- 3 infantry divisions,6 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 1 cavalry divisions, 2 cavalry brigades ,1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- General Prince Frederick Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Second in Command, General Karl Mack von Leiberich

Army of the Garonne (Brussels) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Division
-1 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column
-2 Wallonian Militia Infantry Brigades
-2 Flemish Militia Infantry Brigades

The French army maintains their siege of Brussels in hopes of forcing the Austrians to surrender, the siege drag on for two months. Was until September of 1794, the conditions within the city were worsening to the point the Austrians attempt to make a breakout and retreat into Germany.  With low morale chances of their success was low. The French soon engage the Austrians were they attempt to sally forth and break out.  The fighting was brief but heavy, but not successful, whole Austrian army of Flanders was captured with minimal losses on the French.

Austrian losses
Army of Flanders wipes out all POWs
French losses

Meanwhile in Austrian Antwerp and Liege, Pro French Republican uprisings occur and overwhelm the Austrian garrisons and hand control of the cities to the French Republicans.  The French are busy for the remainder of the month restoring law and order in the region.

French Forces gain the following units and economic values
-2 Wallonian Militia Infantry Brigades
-2 Flemish Militia Infantry Brigades
French Economic gains
4 Million
Ports:  1 ( Ostend)
PC: 5 (Brussels)
Craft Centers: 1 (Antwerp)
The Home Theater

Summer of 1794

War in the Vendée

As the French Republican government is busy with building a force to deal with the Royalist rebels, the Royalist rebels setup their  own government in the areas under their control. They soon institute a White Terror hunting down Pro Republican supporters and killing them off in mass.  Word of their radical actions reaches Paris, which creates a sense of outrage along the Republic supporters.

Rhine Theater

The Grand Army of the Seine is ordered to remain in Metz and recuperate, as substantial funding has been set aside for the army to be replenished. The cavalry divisions are ordered to screen and harry the Austrians to ensure that, if the Austrian army decides to move either towards Brussels or Paris, the high command will know.

At Strasburg
As for the Austrian army, reinforcement meant for Army of Flanders were send to the Army of the Rhine to help rebuild the army to be combat ready in the fall.

Army of the Rhine- 6 infantry brigades upgraded to 6 Infantry Divisions, 3 Infantry Brigades , 1 supply column,4 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade- General Count von Wurmser at Metz

Meanwhile the Bavarian army cross the Rhine to support the Austrian army
Bavarian Royal Army-4 infantry divisions, 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions-General Maximilian Joseph of Batavia

Dutch Theater

July-September 1794
With the French in the Flanders and the British in East Frisia, Dutch Republicans who been underground all this time begin organizing their plots to overthrow the deeply unpopular Prussian back regime.  The moment the British army march into Holland was their signal to stage the uprising.

Royal Dutch Army

Home Forces
11 garrison division (5 Amsterdam, 5 Rotterdam, 1 Den Haag)
3 Fortress (Nijmegen, Maastricht, Groningen)
1 Naval Factory (Rotterdam)
8 FF1 (Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)
11 Brigs

British forces

Army of Frisia

it now consists of the following:
Commander: General Abercromby
British I Corps (General Eskine) 2 British infantry divisions, 1 Anglo Dutch infantry division 1 artillery battalion (former III Corps)
British II Corps (General Moore) 3 British infantry divisions, 1 artillery battalion
Cavalry Corps (General David Dundas) 1 Irish Cavalry division, 1 British Cavalry Division
1 Irish engineer brigade, 1 British artillery brigade, 1 Irish artillery brigade, 1 British supply column

North Sea patrol ( supporting operations in Holland)
10 FF1 Hull, Southampton, Newcastle, Suffolk, Berwick, Liverpool, Kent, Norfolk, Cornwall, Cumberland,

The British invasion of Holland/ Batavian Revolution

Early July 1794

British force soon march on the Dutch Fortress Groningen, without firing a shot the garrison defect to the Republican cause. More Dutch Republicans begin to organize, soon Frederick III, Prince of Salm-Kyrburg arrives from hiding in exile in Britain to help aid the Dutch Republican troops in their mission to retake their homeland.  They soon realize the local population was very supportive of their invasion, viewing as liberation from years of being under Prussian occupation.

The British-Dutch army march on to Amsterdam and Rotterdam expecting a fight from the Orangist forces. However that wasn’t the case, the Dutch fleet refuse to leave port stating the situation was pointless and join the revolt against the Orangsit Government. The garrison forces in Amsterdam, Rotterdamn and The Hague munity and join the republican cause. They overwhelm the Orangist forces in their cities and declare their cities open to the British forces.

Republican losses
2 Garrison Divisions
Orangist Losses
3 Garrison Divisions

The New Republican Government quickly proclaims their new name as Batavian Republic, they hand over the members of the House of Orange to British officials to take them into exile. They formally announce a deal with the British Government.

1  Declaration of War against Prussia
2.  Restoration of True Dutch Republic
3. British return of Ceylon and Sumatra to Dutch Empire and in return Dutch give up claims on Malaysia, and Borneo.

Also the British will help rebuild the Dutch army
OOC: to rebuild the Portuguese Army OTL the British seconded officers and NCOs from the British army for that purpose during the campaign in Spain
Basically the rule would be to treat the Dutch as a Colonial Army for that purpose (25% British, rest Dutch)

Dutch Republican army
7 garrison division (2 Amsterdam, 4 Rotterdam, 1 Den Haag)
3 Fortress (Nijmegen, Maastricht, Groningen)
6 Dutch Republican Militia Brigades at Amsterdam

Dutch Republican fleet
1 Naval Factory (Rotterdam)
8 FF1 (Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus, Verwagting, Zevenwolden, Zeeland, Oostergo)
11 Brigs

North German Theater

Summer 1794

British Hanoverians are order to stay on defensive as Prussian brigs forth their whole might to crush them in Bermen. They use their conscript divisions to bring their forces back up to strength.

British Hanover

Army of the Weser
Anglo Hanover Army of the Weser (General Wilhelm von Knyphausen)(with Major Scharnhorst as an aide de camp)
I Corps (General Harcourt) (Hanover) Infantry 3 infantry divisions, 1 German artillery battalion
II Corps (General Riedesel) (Hessians) Infantry 3 infantry divisions, 1 artillery battalion,
IV Corps (new)(Hanover)(Wuttenberg) 3 infantry divisions (raised winter 94), 1 British artillery brigade
Cavalry Corps (Von Der Vecken) 4 German cavalry brigades
Army level forces: 2 Hanover artillery brigades, 1 German engineer brigade, 1 Hanover supply column,

Nore Fleet (Richard Hughes commanding)
Nore Fleet (Medway/London)9 BB1 (Burford, Medway, Boyne, Superior, Commonwealth, Protector, Dominion, Hercules, Union), 5 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh Brigs Savage, Delight, Thorn, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon

British Baltic Sea squadron
10 brigs Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Porcupine

Prussian and allies forces
Armies of the Elbe (Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen) and the Rhine (Alexander von Knobelsdorff)
Army of Rhine-9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- Mainly compose of conscripts and regulars
Army of Elbe-9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- Mainly compose of conscripts and regulars
Army of Brandenburg-5 infantry divisions,4 Infantry Brigades  1 supply column,3 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- Mainly compose of conscripts and regulars

German allies armies
Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Saxe-Meiningen each provide a infantry brigade( 3 total).
Saxon Royal Army
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train

2nd Battle of Bremen

July  10-11, 1794

The Prussians are hellbent on driving the British out of North German region once and for all. Meanwhile the Anglo-Hanoverians dig in to make sure the Prussians pay a high price for taking the port, they use their engineers to create fortifications to provide some cover from the Prussian attack. The Prussians use their heavy artillery superior to hammer the Hanoverian positions.   The Prussian commanders decide its now time to assault the Hanoverian lines after a days’ worth of shelling.

The battle of Bremen has begun, the Prussian field armies commit most of their forces to attack, hoping to overwhelm the defends. The fighting is intense has the Hanoverians refuse to give ground to the Prussian forces.  The once idealist Prussian volunteers suffer moderate to heavy casualties as they gain over. The fighting between the two sides last for two whole days,before the Prussians with the use of the Saxon Royal army finally break through the Hanoverian lines.   The remaining Hanoverian forces fight in order to provide cover for those being evacuate by the British Nore fleet.

Only 4 brigades worth of troops are evacuated by the British Royal navy, along with the leadership of Hanover. Also a number of pro-British civilians begin the eventually exiled from Hanover as result of this battle more on that later.

Bremen has finally fallen to the Prussian forces at heavy cost, which has demoralized most of the army for the remainder of the season.


British-Hanover losses, all forces are considered wipe out and survivors are now POWs.
Major Scharnhorst is now POW, however the Prussians officers are highly impressed of his ability and find out he was one that help organized the Hanoverians defenses of Bremen. He is treated very well by the Prussians.

Prussian losses

Army of Rhine- 1 Infantry Divisions reduce to 1 Infantry Brigade, 1 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 1 Cavalry Brigade
Army of Elbe-2 Infantry Divisions reduce to 2 Infantry Brigades,1 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 1 Cavalry Brigades
Army of Brandenburg 1 Infantry Divisions reduce to 1 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 1 Cavalry Brigades, 4 Infantry Brigades wipe out

Saxon Royal Army
2 infantry divisions reduce to 2 Infantry brigades, 1 Cavalry Division reduced to 1 Cavalry Brigade

Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Saxe-Meiningen infantry brigades-3 total all wipe out.

Baltic Sea Raids

Meanwhile by the end of Summer

A British fleet crosses into the Danish straits without being stop by the Danish fleet and proceeds to attack the Prussian Baltic merchant fleets. They managed to sink 1 shipping unit and captured 1 shipping unit.

British Baltic Sea squadron
10 brigs Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge, Ariel, Porcupine


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Dec 16, 2020 3:12 pm

The British and Prussian governments enter into talks, and the British government suggests full discussions be held at Maastricht

The British accept the terms, but request an additional round of talks after the treaty is signed to iron out the exact Dutch / North German Confederation border. The British Government urges France to accept peace with Prussia and offer terms of its own in a separate treaty if there is anything specific desired regarding Prussian/French peace.

However, the British urge the Prussian Army to remain in German territory, and east of the River Meuse

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by TLS Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:25 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:The British and Prussian governments enter into talks, and the British government suggests full discussions be held at Maastricht

The British accept the terms, but request an additional round of talks after the treaty is signed to iron out the exact Dutch / North German Confederation border.   The British Government urges France to accept peace with Prussia and offer terms of its own in a separate treaty if there is anything specific desired regarding Prussian/French peace.  

However, the British urge the Prussian Army to remain in German territory, and east of the River Meuse

Representatives of the Legislative Assembly note the peace agreement reached between Prussia and the British Crown, and begin deliberating internally whether this is indication that peace may be possible with the Prussians and their puppet confederation.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Lefty Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:53 pm

TLS wrote:
Galveston Bay wrote:The British and Prussian governments enter into talks, and the British government suggests full discussions be held at Maastricht

The British accept the terms, but request an additional round of talks after the treaty is signed to iron out the exact Dutch / North German Confederation border.   The British Government urges France to accept peace with Prussia and offer terms of its own in a separate treaty if there is anything specific desired regarding Prussian/French peace.  

However, the British urge the Prussian Army to remain in German territory, and east of the River Meuse

Representatives of the Legislative Assembly note the peace agreement reached between Prussia and the British Crown, and begin deliberating internally whether this is indication that peace may be possible with the Prussians and their puppet confederation.

Prussia and the other states of the North German Confederation have sought peace for several years now. It is hoped that an accommodation can be reached to bring an honorable end to this conflict.

However, North German representatives make it known through their various channels that current French offers demand French conquest of the Rhineland, lands inhabited by German peoples for a thousand years. France has engaged in a war of conquest across Europe that would shame the Sun King himself. The North German Confederation declares that not one inch of German land will be subject to a foreign throne, and pledges that any foreign invaders will meet the same fate as Varus’ legions.

Still, should the French come to a peace with reason, the German people will join them.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:57 pm

Fall 1795

Italian Theater

Austrian Force
Army of Po Valley( renamed from Army of Galicia and Lodomeria)- field army 4 infantry divisions, 3 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, ,1 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions) under command of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen, currently at Verona

Italian state
Tuscany, Parma/Modena each provide 3 Infantry Brigades, plus Cav Brigade, 1 Artillery battalion
Venice provides 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cav Division, 2 Artillery battalions at Verona

French army
Army of the Rhone (Mantua to Italy) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-2 Infantry Divisions
-9 Infantry Brigades
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Polish Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-6 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Mantua Garrison (Mantua)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-4 Italian Militia Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigades
-2 Artillery Battalions

The strategic situation was becoming heavily in favor of France, Austrian leadership refuse to leave Italy in the hands of dangerous republicans. They order the Archduke to attempt to help Venice to stand it own against the French, otherwise all of Italy will be lost to republican threat. Meanwhile Napoleon is planning his knockout blows to crush his Austrians foes and deal with untrustworthy Venetians. He orders his army to march on Verona, while leaving a garrison at Mantua He can’t expect any support from the allied Italian states as they were dealing with unrest and republican uprisings. He orders his army and Venetians army to incept the Napoleon army before it reaches Verona. However, morale within his army was weak at best in light of recent defeats, and Venetian forces were poorly trained and had low morale as well.

The Austrian/Venetian army incept the French army at the small village of Vigasio just outside of Verona.

September 4, 1795

Battle of Vigasio

Once again Napoleon had the advantage of artillery and cavalry and use it to full effect. He hammers the Austrians /Venetians lines and use his cavalry forces to overwhelm their flanks. Which was enough to cause the Venetians troop route and retreat to Venice. This force the Archduke to make a hard choice stand and fight, which likely cause Austria lose what’s left of it’s army in Southern theater or make a tactical withdraw. He makes the decision to do a tactical withdraw back to Austrian lands, using what’s left of his cavalry forces as screen, he as retreats to Trento. The quick battle has settled the fate of Austrian influence in Po valley.

Venetian loses
1 Cav Division shattered and destroyed
2 artillery battalions destroyed

Austrian losses
1 Infantry Brigade wipe out and 1 Cav Brigade wiped out

French losses
Light losses

The city of Verona surrenders to Napoleon, who turns his focus on Venice, which is still refusing to surrender. Napoleon marches on the city to make example out of it to show that France will not backdown.

The siege of Venice

Venetian forces
Venice provides 2 Infantry Divisions, 4 Militia Infantry Divisions

Late September to early November of 1795

The combined French army and naval blockade brings the city to its knees, but its leadership refuses to bow to Napoleon. It wasn’t until early November 1795, that French artillery finally create a bleach in the walls. Napoleon tries one last time to force a surrender and Venetians refuse, he gives the order to assault the city.

The battle of Venice

November 12, 1795

The French forces overwhelm the Venetian defenders who already had poor morale but put up a tough fight for the French forces. By nightfall the city has fallen to the French army with moderate losses.

All Venetian defense units are shattered and now POWs.

French losses
2 Infantry Brigades are destroyed.

Napoleon orders his men to selective ransack the Doge palaces and systematic break and to dismantlement the Venetian Naval Factory. This effort takes remainder of the year, but yields France the following

15 points worth of loot, and countless arts and valuables are sent to Paris.

Enough naval equipment use to set up craft centers in 2 Marseilles and 1 Toulon

French gain the following from their conquest of Venice

1 Craft Center at Verona, 1 Resource at Verona

1 Port at Venice, 1 Craft Center at Venice and FC at Venice( none will produce income until 1797, and FC is limited to 20 point loans starting in 1797.)

The remaining Italian city states(Tuscany, Parma/Modena) in the Northern Italy surrender to the French Republic

French gain control of Craft Center at Florence and Resource at Parma, they also provide 5 points of tribute to France in total.

Italian Republicans rise from their armies and offer their services to France

3 Militia Infantry Division worth of troops.

Rhine theater

French forces
Grand Army of the Seine (Metz to Strasbourg) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-3 Artillery Brigades
-3 Artillery Battalions
-2 Supply Columns

From Army of Flanders to Grand Army of the Seine (Brussels to Metz)
-5 Infantry Divisions
-2 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigade

Austrian-Batavian armies
Army of the Rhine- 6 infantry brigades upgraded to 6 Infantry Divisions, 3 Infantry Brigades , 1 supply column,4 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade- General Count von Wurmser at Stuttgart

Meanwhile the Bavarian army cross the Rhine to support the Austrian army
Bavarian Royal Army-4 infantry divisions, 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions-General Maximilian Joseph of Batavia at Stuttgart

French army combines with forces from Flanders to march to retake Strasbourg by early October they finally reach the city and find its been abandon by the Austrian-Bavarian armies, who have retreat back to the other side of the Rhine. Not before ransacking the city and surrounding area of anything of value. ( the Resource and Craft Center at Strasbourg will not produce income until 1798.). For the French army to march on, they must build base in Strasbourg to insure they are still in supply for the next round of conflict.

Meanwhile the Austrian-Bavarians decide in fighting a defensive war in their homeland, to insure they preserve their fighting strength.

The Prussian armies arrive in Koln, stating they are there to defend the Rhineland from French Republicans. Other then annoying the local governments, there is no action or fighting in the region. Nor near the frontier with Holland.

However some Rhinelanders join the Prussian cause to defend the homeland from France

6 Infantry Brigades of militia troops

Home Theater

Fall-Winter 1795

French Republican forces are deployed to crush the revolt in Vendees, a series of small battles occurred between the two forces. The Republicans make some headway, but will take time and more troops to shatter the revolt.

Republican forces

Army of the Vendee
-6 Garrison Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigades (from Paris)

Royalist rebel forces
6 Militia Infantry Brigades
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades

1 Garrison Brigade destroyed
1 Cavalry Brigade destroyed

Royalist losses

2 Militia Infantry Brigades destroyed
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades destroyed


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:35 am

April 1796

Rhine Theater

The French Republicans prepare for a major campaign to knock out the Austrian/Bavarians and prepare to engage the vast Prussian armies at Koln. Meanwhile the Austrian/Bavarians are determined to defend the fatherland despite the fact morale along the troops was long in light of recent defeats and rumors that French Commander that crush their armies in Italy is now leading the French armies in Rhine wasn’t doing a favor for morale. The Prussians themselves were focus on training their armies in hopes of being able to hold off the French armies, however news of French troops delay that plan and force the Prussians to act accordingly..

Meanwhile along the French armies, Napoleon exchanges notes with his counterpart General d'Anselme  in Flanders and comes up with a plan to deal with Prussian threat, while focusing on Austrian/Bavarians.

Order of Battles

Grand Army of the Seine (Strasbourg to Stuttgart) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte, Second: Louis-Alexandre Berthier)
-14 Infantry Divisions
-6 Cavalry Divisions
-4 Artillery Brigades
-3 Artillery Battalions
-2 Supply Columns

Army of Flanders (Brussels) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Division
-2 Cavalry Brigades
-1 Artillery Brigade
-5 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of the Loire (Orleans to Metz) (Commander: Jean Victor Moreau)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Prussian Commanders-Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen and the Rhine Alexander von Knobelsdorff),
Army of the Elbe (Koln)
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Army of the Rhine (Koln)
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry division, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Army of Brandenburg (Koln)
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Saxon Royal Army (Koln)
- 1 infantry division, 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 artillery battalion
Rhineland Defenders (Koln)
- 6  Infantry Divisions

Austrians/ Bavarians
Army of the Rhine- 9 Infantry Divisions, 1 supply column,4 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade- General Count von Wurmser
Bavarian Royal Army-4 infantry divisions, 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions-General Maximilian Joseph of Batavia at Stuttgart

Flanders skirmishes

April 8-10th 1796

As the Prussians were preparing to deal any potential invasion of the Rhineland, words arrive of the French forces marching from Liege into the Rhineland. They seem to be heading in the direction of Aachen. The Prussians aren’t able to determine the size of the French force, due to heavy presence of French cavalry units. Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen who was the overall commander of the Prussian armies, orders the army of the Rhine to be deployed to engage the French army, while the other armies are held in reserve.
The Prussian and French Cavalry screens crash and engage in combat, in on and off fighting. The Prussians are unable to find the French infantry columns. They soon realized this was misdirection, as Napoleon army has cross the Rhine and engage the Austrian/ Bavarians at Karlsruhe and the Prussian armies were out of position and it was too late for them to help their allies.

French losses
2 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 2 Cav Brigades
1 Cavalry Brigade destroyed

3 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 3 Cav Brigades

April 10, 1796

The Battle of Karlsruhe

Napoleon’s Army crosses the Rhine on April 7th, the Austrian-Bavarian army decides it best to attempt to head the French off and drive them back to the other side of the Rhine, then to allow Napoleon to setup a base of operations on this side of the Rhine.

The two force soon meet near the city of Karlsruhe on April 10th, 1796, the French troops were mixed of conscripts and veterans, but were well led by Napoleon, who boost the morale of his troops. Whereas the Austrian-Bavarian armies were weak by best due to recent defeats and poor leadership. However, both sides were roughly equal in terms of troops, but quality was lacking on the Austrian side. As well the fact that the French still had superiority in artillery, shifted the odds in their favor.
Napoleon uses his artillery superior with great effect to shatter several Austrian-Bavarians units( 3 Austrian Infantry Divisions shattered, 2 Bavarian Infantry Divisions shattered ) before sending his forces in to attack. The Austrians-Bavarians attempt to use their artillery to counter Napoleon forces, but their shelling is not as effective as the French, but they are able to inflict some losses on the French forces (2 French Infantry Divisions shattered).   The fighting as intense as Austrian-Bavarians forces attempt hold off the determine French army.  But their morale was failing due to heavy losses inflicted on them by the French artillery shelling, their lines were starting to fall apart as front units begin to panic as they are being overwhelm by the well led French forces.  

With morale falling and taking heavy losses in the fighting, General Wurmser orders a full retreat to their stronghold in Stuttgart in order to reorganize his shattered/demoralized forces.  Napoleon has won the day and shattered the Austro-Bavarian armies in the region. By the time the Prussians react to the Napoleon, he has already withdrew to the safety of his side of the Rhine.


Austrian- Bavarians losses
Bavarian Royal Army-5 Infantry Brigades destroyed
2 cavalry divisions reduced to 2 cavalry brigades
2 artillery battalions captured by French, can be equipped for half cost of raising new unit.
Austrian losses
6 Infantry Divisions shattered to 6 Infantry Brigades
2 cavalry divisions reduced to 2 cavalry brigades

French losses
6 Infantry Divisions reduced to 6 Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 2 Cav Brigades

The news of the latest defeat shakes Munich and Vienna to the core, and news of French army near the alps in Italy and invasion of the Swiss Confederacy, with little to no troops to spare the Austrian/ Bavarian's Court to send an envoy to Napoleon camp.

Italian theater

April-June 1796

The French army deploys their force near the Austrian stronghold of Trento, they note the Austrians are dug in and ready to defend region from French aggression. For now the French opt to merely dig and stay in their positions. Forcing the Austrians to commit their army to the region to then sending badly need reinforcements to Rhine theater.

Army of the Rhone (Venice to Trento) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Polish Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-6 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Army of Austria( renamed from Army of Galicia and Lodomeria)- field army 7 Infantry Divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions at Trento- Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen

Alps Theater

April- June 1796

French forces invade the Swiss Confederation and take it without firing a shot. They quickly setup a new republican government with the support of local population. They call their new government the Helvetic Republic( in other words a French client state) and declare their loyalty to the French Revolutions.

The Army of the Alps (Marseille to Switzerland) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Jourdan)
-3 Infantry Divisions
-2 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Supply Train

Helvetic Republic( French client state)
Population: 1.6 million
Economy:2 FCs at Zurich, Geneva
1 Resource at Basel
3 Craft Centers: Zurich, Geneva, Bern

1 Swiss Infantry Divisions
1 Swiss Cavalry Division
2 Artillery Battalions  

Home Theater

April to June 1796

French Republican forces are deployed to crush the revolt in Vendees, a series of small battles occurred between the two forces. The Republicans are inflicting heavy losses on the Royalist and cracking down on their supporters.

Republican forces

Army of the Vendee (Nantes) (Commander: Jean Baptiste Camille Canclaux)
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-5 Garrison Brigades

Royalist rebel forces
4 Militia Infantry Brigades
1 Militia Cavalry Brigades

Royalist losses
1 Militia Infantry Brigades destroyed
1 Militia Cavalry Brigade destroyed

Republicans losses


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:02 pm

Summer 1796

Rhine Theater

News spreads that Austrian and Bavarians have made peace with French considering recent losses and defeats. Leaving the Prussians and client states to deal with French Republican threat alone. The French are aware the Prussians have superior numbers, they send orders to shift troops from Spanish frontier and Italian Alps to support the Rhine Theater, it will take season for the troops to be in position.
Meanwhile Napoleon and his counterparts decide it’s best to combine and fight the Prussians as one force. In order to do this, he must delay the Prussians or confuse them on his movements, Napoleon and his counterparts to deploy the cavalry screen to engage and attack Prussian cavalry screens.

Army of the Elbe - Count von Kalckreuth
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Army of the Rhine - Alexander von Knobelsdorff
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry division, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Army of Brandenburg - Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (overall commander)
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Army of the Main - Wichard Joachim Heinrich von Möllendorf
- 9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions
Saxon Royal Army - Nikolaus Heinrich von Schönfeld
- 1 infantry division, 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 artillery battalion
Rhineland Defenders - Wilhelm von Freytag
- 6 Infantry Divisions


Grand Army of the Seine (Strasbourg to Metz to Liege) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte, Second: Louis-Alexandre Berthier)
-8 Infantry Divisions
-6 Infantry Brigades
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-2 Cavalry Brigades
-4 Artillery Brigades
-3 Artillery Battalions
-2 Supply Columns

Army of Flanders (Brussels to Liege) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-1 Cavalry Division
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-1 Artillery Brigade
-5 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of the Loire (Metz to Liege) (Commander: Jean Victor Moreau)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of the Rhone (Trento to Zurich) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Polish Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-6 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Grand Army of the Garonne (Bordeaux to Metz) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-15 infantry Divisions
-9 Cavalry Divisions
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Columns

Early July 1796

French and Prussian cavalry clashes all over the Rhine as the Prussians attempt to determine where the French armies are located. The Prussian commander Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (overall commander) determines the French are marching north to meet with the Army of Flanders and Loire. He sends order to his armies to march toward Flanders to in catch Napoleon armies.

Prussian losses
Army of Elbe
3 cavalry divisions reduce to Brigades
Saxon losses
1 cavalry brigade destroyed

French losses
Army of Flanders
-1 Cavalry Brigade destroyed
Grand Army of the Seine
-2 Cavalry Brigades destroyed

Napoleon soon realizes the Prussians are moving to intercept his armies, he gives word to his counterparts to rush to midway and meet at Luxembourg to a stand there and inflict enough losses on the Prussians to give them pause to allow for reinforcements to come elsewhere in France. Meanwhile the Prussians armies march to engage the French near Luxembourg. The Prussians will first engage the army of Seine/Loire. The Army of Flanders was still days away from the battlefield.

Battle of Luxembourg

July 18-21, 1796
The Prussians for once have numeral superiority compare their French counterparts, however the Napoleon has the advantage in better organization of his artillery forces terms of brigades and manned by Italian theater veterans. Also, another advantage for the French was fact that Napoleon was considered a highly skilled artillery commander. Whereas his Prussian counterparts were more along the traditional lines of infantry.

Since the French arrived in the battlefield first, Napoleon organizes his forces in defensive stance and decides to buy time for the army of Flanders to join to help even out the odds. Soon his force make contact first with the Army of the Main, plus the Saxon, and Rhinelander divisions, the other Prussian armies coming into close behind. Napoleon artillery inflict heavy losses on the first wave of Prussian forces, effectively shattering the Saxon/Rhinelander segments of the army, causing them to route to much annoyance of their Prussian allies. The Prussian counterfire was not effective, but they are able to inflict some damage on the French.

Napoleon works against time and forces his field commanders to press hard on the first wave of Prussians and shatter it. The Prussians fight hard and attempt hold off the aggressive French attacks. But French army composed of volunteers and veterans are still able to inflict heavy losses on the Prussians, while taking light losses.
Just as the French have force the Army of Main to withdraw, the three Prussian armies arrived in the night, while the French Army of Flanders arrives to support Napoleon forces. The battle will continue in the morning.

Once Napoleon organizes his artillery forces to inflict maximum damage on the Prussians. However, the Prussians have more artillery compare to yesterday and were able to fire in greater volume compare to the French this time, the only advantage the French will have is highly skill artillery gunners and Napoleon. The artillery exchanges between the Prussians and French was large and massive, which could be heard miles away. The French were able to inflict once again heavy losses on the Prussian lines; however, the Prussians were finally able to return the favor and inflicted heavy losses on the French.

The fighting was intense as the Prussians attempt to overwhelm the French. The Prussians inflict heavy losses on the French forces, nearly breaking the French formations from Flanders. But Napoleon keep driving his forces to attack to keep the Prussians on the guard. In the middle of the fighting, a Prussian sharpshooter manages wound French General Jacques Bernard d'Anselme( out of action, 6 months to recovered) and lightly wound Napoleon second in command Louis-Alexandre Berthier( 2 months out of action). However, during the heavy fighting, the French return the favor with artillery fire and shell the position where the Prussian commander of Rhine Alexander Friedrich von Knobelsdorff and killed him with grapeshot. Causing some confusion within the Prussian ranks, but to add more confusion another artillery shell lands near Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen position and killing the overall Prussian commander of the armies. This forces commander Count von Kalckreuth to take control of the Prussian forces, he orders his troops to keep on fighting.

The fighting finally ends on July 21st, both armies have beaten each to stalemate, as Napoleon despite the odds held his ground, however he opts to make a tactical retreat to regroup his forces in French lands. While the Prussians are in no condition to chase them after losing two senior commanders and suffering heavy losses. They opt to withdraw back to Cologne to take stock of their losses and regroup.

Prussian losses
Army of the Main - Wichard Joachim Heinrich von Möllendorf
- 6 Infantry Divisions reduce to 6 Infantry Brigades
- 3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 3 Cavalry Brigades
-3 Artillery Battalions destroyed

Saxon Royal Army -completed shattered,
- 1 infantry division to reduce to 1 Infantry Brigade
1 infantry brigade, 1 artillery battalion-Destroyed
Rhineland Defenders - Wilhelm von Freytag
- 6 Infantry Divisions all reduce to Infantry Brigades

Army of the Elbe - Count von Kalckreuth
3 Cavalry Brigades destroyed
5 Infantry Divisions reduced to 5 Infantry Brigades
Army of the Rhine - Alexander von Knobelsdorff( KIA)
3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 3 Cav Brigades
4 Infantry Divisions reduce to 4 Infantry Brigades

Army of Brandenburg - Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (overall commander)(KIA)
3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 2 Cav Brigades
5 Infantry Divisions reduce to 5 Infantry Brigades

French losses

Grand Army of the Seine (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte, Second: Louis-Alexandre Berthier( WIA, out of action 2 months)
-6 Infantry Divisions reduce to 6 Infantry Brigades
-6 Infantry Brigades destroyed
-2 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 2 Cavalry Brigades

Army of Flanders (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme, WIA 6 months)
-4 Infantry Divisions reduced to 4 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigades destroyed

Army of the Loire (Metz to Liege) (Commander: Jean Victor Moreau)
-4 infantry Divisions reduce to 4 Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 3 Cavalry Brigades


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:54 pm

Fall 1796

Rhine Theater
The Prussian military reorganized themselves at Cologne to defend their stronghold. They make use of their combat engineers to create fortifications and entrench lines for their forces. Hoping the French would be foolish to head on assault on their stronghold.

Army of the Elbe
9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry brigades, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions - Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (overall commander)
Army of the Rhine
9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry brigades, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions - Count von Kalckreuth
Army of Brandenburg
9 infantry divisions, 3 cavalry brigades, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 9 artillery battalions - Wichard Joachim Heinrich von Möllendorf
Army of the Main
7 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 artillery brigade, 6 artillery battalions - Nikolaus Heinrich von Schönfeld

Meanwhile Napoleon and his forces plus new troops from France and Italy set forth their plans of invasion. His main army marches from Liege to Cologne, while another army from Metz marches on Cologne as well. Soon Napoleon realizes how well dug in the Prussians are at Cologne and opts to besiege and encircle them. Effectively boxing in the last major army formation of North German States in Cologne. He also moves a 4 Infantry Divisions to the other side of the rhine near Bergisch Gladbach to effective cut off the supply lines for Cologne. This allows Napoleon secondary forces to effectively take control of the Rhineland outside of Cologne on the left bank of the Rhine river.

Meanwhile French forces from Swiss Alps march on the Imperial Free City of Frankfurt, which was left with little to no defense in wake of the Bavarian/Austrian armies being shattered. The city surrenders without a shot being fired.

French Armies

Grand Army of the Rhine (Liege to Cologne) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte, Second: Jean Victor Moreau)
-12 Infantry Divisions
-10 Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-9 Cavalry Brigades
-6 Artillery Brigades
-12 Artillery Battalions
-4 Supply Columns

Grand Army of the Garonne (Metz to Cologne) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-15 Infantry Divisions
-9 Cavalry Divisions
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Columns

Army of the Rhone (Zurich to Mainz) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Polish Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-6 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Should the war progress into 1797, both sides will need to build bases at their Rhineland strongholds as the region has been stripped bear of any meaningful folder to support the war efforts.

French gain the following
1.4 million( not including Cologne)
1 Craft Center at Frankfurt
1 Resource at Aachen at half value for 1797-1799
1 Craft Center at Luxembourg
1 Resource at Kleve at half value for 1797-1799


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by TLS Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:08 pm

Winter, 1796

With the city of Cologne completely surrounded, and with it the near entirety of the Prussian-allied military, Napoleon is empowered by the National Assembly to make an honorable term of surrender for the armies trapped inside the certainly-overburdened city. In return for the peaceful surrender of Cologne, all heavy armaments and small arms held by enlisted men, the armies inside will be allowed to march out under colors, officers will be allowed to retain their sidearms, and the surrendered soldiers will be given rations and supplies to make their journeys home.

Simultaneously, French diplomats receive Prussian offers of negotiation and open up a direct dialogue with the Prussians.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Lefty Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:27 am

TLS wrote:Winter, 1796

With the city of Cologne completely surrounded, and with it the near entirety of the Prussian-allied military, Napoleon is empowered by the National Assembly to make an honorable term of surrender for the armies trapped inside the certainly-overburdened city. In return for the peaceful surrender of Cologne, all heavy armaments and small arms held by enlisted men, the armies inside will be allowed to march out under colors, officers will be allowed to retain their sidearms, and the surrendered soldiers will be given rations and supplies to make their journeys home.

Simultaneously, French diplomats receive Prussian offers of negotiation and open up a direct dialogue with the Prussians.

The army agrees to surrender Koln and heavy armaments but requests that soldiers be allowed to retain their weapons. Without cannons, the army is largely unable to wage modern warfare, and many of the small arms consist of the men's personal weapons. Without them they would be subjected to banditry and humiliation.

A contingent of officers and volunteers offers to remain behind as hostages to ensure Prussian compliance.

Additionally, Napoleon is informed that Karl August von Hardenberg will be dispatched to Frankfurt to finalize peace terms.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by TLS Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:37 pm

Lefty wrote:
TLS wrote:Winter, 1796

With the city of Cologne completely surrounded, and with it the near entirety of the Prussian-allied military, Napoleon is empowered by the National Assembly to make an honorable term of surrender for the armies trapped inside the certainly-overburdened city. In return for the peaceful surrender of Cologne, all heavy armaments and small arms held by enlisted men, the armies inside will be allowed to march out under colors, officers will be allowed to retain their sidearms, and the surrendered soldiers will be given rations and supplies to make their journeys home.

Simultaneously, French diplomats receive Prussian offers of negotiation and open up a direct dialogue with the Prussians.

The army agrees to surrender Koln and heavy armaments but requests that soldiers be allowed to retain their weapons. Without cannons, the army is largely unable to wage modern warfare, and many of the small arms consist of the men's personal weapons. Without them they would be subjected to banditry and humiliation.

A contingent of officers and volunteers offers to remain behind as hostages to ensure Prussian compliance.

Additionally, Napoleon is informed that Karl August von Hardenberg will be dispatched to Frankfurt to finalize peace terms.

Upon deliberation, Napoleon and his general staff agree to the German offer of surrender. The Prussians are ordered to select 500 officers and other notables to be kept as guests of the French army in Cologne, including all officers above the rank of captain, until the completion of peace negotiations.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Lefty Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:31 am

TLS wrote:
Lefty wrote:
TLS wrote:Winter, 1796

With the city of Cologne completely surrounded, and with it the near entirety of the Prussian-allied military, Napoleon is empowered by the National Assembly to make an honorable term of surrender for the armies trapped inside the certainly-overburdened city. In return for the peaceful surrender of Cologne, all heavy armaments and small arms held by enlisted men, the armies inside will be allowed to march out under colors, officers will be allowed to retain their sidearms, and the surrendered soldiers will be given rations and supplies to make their journeys home.

Simultaneously, French diplomats receive Prussian offers of negotiation and open up a direct dialogue with the Prussians.

The army agrees to surrender Koln and heavy armaments but requests that soldiers be allowed to retain their weapons. Without cannons, the army is largely unable to wage modern warfare, and many of the small arms consist of the men's personal weapons. Without them they would be subjected to banditry and humiliation.

A contingent of officers and volunteers offers to remain behind as hostages to ensure Prussian compliance.

Additionally, Napoleon is informed that Karl August von Hardenberg will be dispatched to Frankfurt to finalize peace terms.

Upon deliberation, Napoleon and his general staff agree to the German offer of surrender. The Prussians are ordered to select 500 officers and other notables to be kept as guests of the French army in Cologne, including all officers above the rank of captain, until the completion of peace negotiations.

Prince Louis Ferdinand gives his thanks to the Corsican general, and issues a list of 500 officers. He appoints a young Lieutenant Clausewitz as his commander in stead, and issues orders to have the Duke of Brunswick meet the army in Marburg to take command.

Before their departure, he gives a brief speech praising the men for their valor and honor and thanking them for their sacrifices in defending the Fatherland.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  - Page 2 Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:15 am

As the Prussians leave, they spike their cannons to prevent them from falling into French hands. Also all Prussian units from Koln are now classify as Light Infantry, since they left their heavy armaments at Koln.


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