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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:55 pm

French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Spring of 1792


Austrians mobilized two field armies to deal with a potential war with France, the Army of Flanders and Army of Italy are given the orders to mobilized for operations in Italy and Flanders. The Austrians are force to take a 80 point loan from their bankers in Milan at 6 % interest and 8 point loan from Papal bank at 8% interest.

Armies will be combat ready by July 1792.

The other Germans states stall and refuse to mobilize their armies, awaiting to see what French opening moves are.

Savoy has expeditionary army and mobilizes its in home region for 15 points, cost of mobilization cover by internal loan of 15 points at 8% interest.

Plus French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments each, 1 in Flanders, 1 in Savoy.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:07 pm

Late April/May 1792

In reaction of the French mobilization, the Electorates of Bavaria, Saxony, and Hesse all take on internal loans 13 points each to mobilize their expeditionary armies. These forces will remain on the defensive in HRE lands starting late July/ early August 1792.

Bavaria decides only moblize faction of their field army as expeditionary force, due to cost reasons.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Kilani Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:37 pm

Spain remains neutral, but does order the mobilization of the Army of the North to keep a watch on the northern border. The army is expected to be ready by August or September.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:37 pm

Meanwhile in French Louisiana

Summer 1792

The high families of New Orleans look on with horror as the new government in Paris arrest the King and send Peace envoys to the rebel island of now known as Haiti. They realized it was only matter of time before the radicals in Paris will attempt to change their lands to reflect their beliefs and policy.

The local leadership of Louisiana soon decides with the local support of the garrison forces to declare their act of revolt against the Assembly and their loyalty to the King. They soon send word to the other French West Indies holding to join the revolt. But for now, given their population base is smaller, they opt to stay loyal to France.

1 Fortresses ( Nouvelle-Orleans)
-1 Forts (Baton Rouge, Cayenne)
-3 Garrison Brigades (2x Nouvelle-Orleans, Baton Rouge)


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Kilani Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:57 pm

In late summer of 1792, the Viceroy of New Spain orders a portion of the the Windward Squadron to New Orleans, with the blessing of the French Louisiana colonial government, and announces that until such a time as the crisis in France is resolved, Louisiana is under the protection of the Spanish Crown.

This does not entail the transfer of French Louisiana to Spanish rule; merely a guarantee that Louisiana will be defended if attacked.

BB2: Velasco, Atlante, Tridente
FF1: California, Veracruz, Santa Brigida, Medea
2 brig squadrons


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:04 pm

Flanders and Italian Campaigns

July-Sept 1792

Military Deployments

Coalition forces
Army of Italy- field army 9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column ,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- under the command of Johann Peter Beaulieu

Savoy Royal Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train
French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments


Army of Austrian Netherlands- field army 5 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 2 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 2 artillery battalions
French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments
Under the command of Prince Frederick Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld

Rear Guard Army- Staying in Flanders- Under Command of Karl Mack von Leiberich
4 Infantry Divisions, 1 cavalry divisions, 2 artillery battalions

Army of Brandenburg under the command of Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,
3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions, 1 Engineer Brigade

French deployments

Army of Flanders (Lille) (Commander: Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine)
-9 Infantry Division
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of the Rhone (Lyon) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)- marching south to Marseille region by August.
-13 Infantry Divisions
-6 Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-3 Supply Column
4 Artillery Battalions

In reserve at Paris
Grand Army of the Seine (Paris) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-6 Infantry Divisions
-6 Cavalry Divisions
-2 Artillery Brigades
-1 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Flanders Campaign

July 20-22 1792

The Coalition army marches to take the Paris to restore the French King to his rightful place and expcel the Radical French. The Coalition army is not under united command, rather under the various commands of the coalition armies.

Meanwhile the Army of Flanders (Lille) under the command of Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine has standing orders to fight off the invasion and protect the homeland from the Coalition forces. As soon they hear the movement of the Coalition armies to intercept them and send word to Paris to send more troops. Which allows for the Grand Army of the Seine at Paris under Charles François Dumouriez to march to join the Flanders army intercepting the Coalition army.

Battle of Saint-Quentin

The two armies meet at Saint-Quentin and battle occurs..

Both sides have senior and well season NCOs/officers from Seven Years War. The French Army is at slight disadvantage given the fact that it’s officers corps were mainly compose of nobility and sizeable number of those officers had fled or defect to the armies in exile. But to make up for that issue, many of the French troops were fighting for the homeland for the revolution. But the issue of some of the divisions are not being well led, could be a problem…

Coalition army soon encounter the Grand Army/ Army of Flanders forward elements. The battle soon begins as both sides starts exchanging cannon fire. The French armies have slight advantage in terms of artillery, which they use to fire in mass to inflict the maximum damage on the Coalition forces. Meanwhile, the Coalition forces return the favor of the artillery fire. The sounds of gunfire can be heard miles away. The French were barely able to stand firm but were able to shake the morale of the Austrian lines with artillery fire, effectively, whereas the Prussians lines were still holding. Soon the order went to engage the enemy.

The fighting was intense as the French fought with determination hard to allow their newfound freedoms to be crushed as it happens in Flanders and Netherlands. As the infantry units were clashing in the fields, the French and Coalition cavalry armies inflict heavy losses on each other in bloody melee. The French forces were able to shatter the Royalist regiments with no losses, causing them to flee the battlefield to much disappointment of their allies. The fighting remains as stalemate between the two massive forces until…

The French forces under General Dumouriez were able to break thou the Austrian lines with the use of heavy artillery fire and use of cavalry units. This cause the Austrians units to panic and start to flee the battlefield. Exposing the Prussian flank to the attack from Flanders army and Grand Army lines. The Duke of Brunswick orders his troops to stand firm and tries to reach out to his Austrian counterparts to rally his troops. However, has he was issuing orders to his officers, a French shell lands near his position and explosion heavy wounds the Duke of Brunswick(out of action for eight months). However news quickly spreads along the Prussian lines that Duke is wounded, morale along the Prussian lines falls quickly. As the French continue their assault on their lines, despite taking heavy losses. The remaining Prussian commanders issue orders for fighting retreat, as they noted that their Austrian allies have already begin to withdraw their troops. For now, the French have won the battle, the main goal for them was to protect the fighting strength of the Coalition army for another day and retreat to Flanders.

Austrian losses
4 Infantry Divisions reduced to 4 Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 2 Cavalry Brigades
French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments all regiments shattered, and reformed into 2 light infantry regiments
Prussians losses
5 Infantry Divisions reduced to 5 Infantry Brigades
3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 3 Cavalry Brigades

French Losses
8 Infantry Divisions reduced to 8 Infantry Brigades
4 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 4 Cavalry Brigades

Italian Campaign

August 20-21th 1792

Siege/Battle of Toulon

The Coalition army is ordered to march on Marseille, they march along the coastal roads. But they first must take the French Fortress at Toulon to ensure their supply route is protected and provide a clear path to Marseille, they soon enough encounter the Army of the Rhone and force to do combat.

General Kellermann choose to hammer the Savoy lines first with his artillery as he notes they are the weaker of the Coalition forces. The French forces use their superior in artillery to hammer the Savoy and Austrians lines. The shelling was enough to shatter the Royalist regiments and cause them to flee much like in the North. Meanwhile the Savoy Royal Army incurs heavy losses due to the shelling and its morale falls dangerous low. If were not for the Austrian army, they would have already withdraw from battle. Soon the Austrians begin exchanging their artillery fire with the French forces. But they soon realized the French have the advantage in terms of artillery and were able to use it to inflict heavy losses on the Savoy and Austrians lines. General Kellerman orders his troops to begin the assault on the Savoy lines in order to force them to rout, and then force the Austrians withdraw.

The Austrians attempt to shore up the shaken Savoy forces, but its too late. The Savoy forces rout and begin to retreat. The Austrian General Beaulieu orders his forces to do a fighting retreat to save his forces for another day. General Kellerman is able stop the Coalition attack on Toulon and shatter another Royalist army.

Coalition losses

Austrian losses
3 infantry divisions reduce to 3 infantry brigades

Savoy Royal Army losses
3 infantry divisions reduced to 3 Infantry brigades,
1 cavalry division reduced to cavalry brigades
French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments all shattered, reformed into 2 Infantry regiments

French losses
4 Infantry Divisions reduced to 4 Infantry brigades


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:42 am

The British Government congratulates the French government in its heroic defense of its homeland.

Meanwhile, the British Government informs the various warring nations in Europe that only fleets which have home ports on the English Channel will be allowed to send warships through the English Channel. Left unsaid but obvious is that only France and Britain have ports on the English Channel
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sat Nov 14, 2020 12:44 am

Fall 1792

In Flanders,

No combat as both sides dig in and remain on the defensive.

Meanwhile in the Southern Theater/Italy

There is movement, as the Army of Rhone under command of Kellermann, plus French Fleet march on coastal region as means to bypass going over the Alps this late into the year. The Combine forces are force to siege Nice, the Savoy stronghold compose of Fortress and small squadron of ships. With the Austrian-Savoys remaining on the defensive in Turin, there is little hope of reinforcement and the French fleet is able to maintain a effective blockade. The siege last a month before the Nice Garrison surrenders and the fleet is hand over the to the French in October of 1792.

French Forces
Army of the Rhone (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Infantry Brigades
-6 Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column


Mediterranean Fleet (Marseilles ) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Union, Droits de l'Homme, Hercule)
-2 Brigs

Savoy forces

French gain one port at Nice for build for 1793 income
Nice Fortress- Surrender as of October 1792
Plus Savoy Royal Fleet- handed over to the French, the Savoy sailors did attempt to burn their ships, but only 1 Patron is suffers minor damage.
-1 FF1s
-2 PatRons

By Late November-December 1792

The French forces cross into the frontier with Republic of Genoa and issue a demand that Genoa grant them free passage to Turin and provides them a new war loan. The Genoese after much internal debate, refuse to submit to the French and dig in for siege in hopes the Austrians deal with them soon. Forcing the French to delay their plan march to Turin to deal with Genoese.

Genoa forces
1 Fortress
2 Infantry Divisions
2 Militia Infantry Divisions

Republic of Genoa navy, some note the fleet isn’t up to par due to cost cuts over the years.
2 BB2s
6 FF1s
6 Patrons


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:14 pm

Winter of 1793

No combat along the fronts such as Flanders due to the cold winter weather, meanwhile the French maintain their siege of Genoa with no losses from attrition so far. Same for the Genoese. The Austrians await for the weather to improve in April to make their moves in Italy.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:45 pm

The Electorate of Hanover forms the Army of the Weser in the Winter of 1794, to consist of the I Hanover Corps commanded by General Cornwallis with a corps to be commanded by General Abercromby (British Corps), General Wilhelm von Knyphausen (Hessian Corps, including other minor state forces) and with himself in overall command with a young Major Scharnhorst as his aide.   The Cavalry Corps commander will be Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Wuttenberg.   General Knyphausen will command in the field, and his corps will then be led by General Friedrich Adolf Riedesel

However this Army will not be ready fully for war until sometime in the early Fall as many of its regiments are still being organized, trained and assigned to larger brigades, divisions and corps and some require transportation from the British Isles.

Hamburg and Bremen are asked to provide dock space for units arriving from Britain as they then head to Hanover

The purpose of this army is to defend the Protestant States of Northwest Germany, including British Hanover, Hesse and other friendly states that have chosen not to participate in the invasion of France by the Holy Roman Empire.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:03 am

Spring 1793
The Royal Navy sends the Nore Fleet to patrol the North Sea, the Channel Fleet begins patrolling the English Channel, and the Home Fleet begins patrolling the Bay of Biscay to ensure that belligerent warships do not interfere with trade in those waters. French and British shipping are offered escort upon request.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Lefty Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:58 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:The Electorate of Hanover forms the Army of the Weser in the Winter of 1794, to consist of the I Hanover Corps commanded by General Cornwallis with a corps to be commanded by General Abercromby (British Corps), General Wilhelm von Knyphausen (Hessian Corps, including other minor state forces) and with himself in overall command with a young Major Scharnhorst as his aide.   The Cavalry Corps commander will be Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Wuttenberg.   General Knyphausen will command in the field, and his corps will then be led by General Friedrich Adolf Riedesel

However this Army will not be ready fully for war until sometime in the early Fall as many of its regiments are still being organized, trained and assigned to larger brigades, divisions and corps and some require transportation from the British Isles.

Hamburg and Bremen are asked to provide dock space for units arriving from Britain as they then head to Hanover

The purpose of this army is to defend the Protestant States of Northwest Germany, including British Hanover, Hesse and other friendly states that have chosen not to participate in the invasion of France by the Holy Roman Empire.  

The British ambassador is summoned to Berlin to explain highly provocative troop movements in Hanover in the complete absence of any sort of aggression directed at Hanover... ever.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:45 pm

Lefty wrote:
Galveston Bay wrote:The Electorate of Hanover forms the Army of the Weser in the Winter of 1794, to consist of the I Hanover Corps commanded by General Cornwallis with a corps to be commanded by General Abercromby (British Corps), General Wilhelm von Knyphausen (Hessian Corps, including other minor state forces) and with himself in overall command with a young Major Scharnhorst as his aide.   The Cavalry Corps commander will be Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Wuttenberg.   General Knyphausen will command in the field, and his corps will then be led by General Friedrich Adolf Riedesel

However this Army will not be ready fully for war until sometime in the early Fall as many of its regiments are still being organized, trained and assigned to larger brigades, divisions and corps and some require transportation from the British Isles.

Hamburg and Bremen are asked to provide dock space for units arriving from Britain as they then head to Hanover

The purpose of this army is to defend the Protestant States of Northwest Germany, including British Hanover, Hesse and other friendly states that have chosen not to participate in the invasion of France by the Holy Roman Empire.  

The British ambassador is summoned to Berlin to explain highly provocative troop movements in Hanover in the complete absence of any sort of aggression directed at Hanover... ever.

Officially, the British Ambassador informs the Prussian Crown that the purpose of this army is to defend the Protestant States of Northwest Germany, including British Hanover, Hesse and other friendly states that have chosen not to participate in the invasion of France by the Holy Roman Empire.

In other words, he repeats the British official position
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:13 pm

Spring 1793

Flanders front, no major movements as Prussian-Austrian armies are rebuilding from last years campaign. Same for the French armies.

However, rumors are spreading that Austrians sending another field army from Vienna near frontier in Rhine, with support from Batavia expeditionary army. For now, it take a time for that army group to be in position to threaten France holdings in the region…

Italian theater

The situation in Genoa grows worst as blockade and siege inflict a toll on the residents of the city. The local leadership hope for the Austrians to come from Turin and shatter the French siege, which would allow to make attempt to sally fore and attack the French from their side and Austrian side. While their fleet will try to make a break for open sea.

Genoa forces

1 Fortress
2 Infantry Divisions
2 Militia Infantry Divisions

Republic of Genoa navy, some note the fleet isn’t up to par due to cost cuts over the years.
2 BB2s
6 FF1s
6 Patrons

Savoy Royal Army at Turin- morale is too low to do anything outside of defending the city.
3 Infantry brigades,
1 cavalry brigade

French armies in exile, compose of 2 Infantry regiments


Austrian 3 infantry brigades, currently being held in reserve and being rebuilt into divisions

Relief force

Army of Italy- General Beaulieu
6 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

French Forces
Army of the Rhone (Besieging Genoa) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Infantry Brigades
-6 Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column


Mediterranean Fleet (Blockading Genoa) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Union, Droits de l'Homme, Hercule)
-2 Brigs

The battle for Genoa

April 20th, 1793

The Austrian army arrives near Genoa, noting that city was few days away from surrendering to the French. General Beaulieu rushes to prevent the fall of the city. Forcing French General Kellermann to deal with a new front. He moves his army to engage the Austrians, while keep a smaller force to keep pressure on the Genoese, mainly compose of his infantry brigades and 2 artillery brigades.
The French have advantage in numbers and control of the hilly terrain to inflict losses on the Austrian forces. While the Austrians have slight advantage in terms of artillery, it was still a uphill fight for the Austrian forces.

The artillery exchanges between two sides does inflict some damage, on both sides. Each side has infantry division shattered from cannon fire and reduced to infantry brigade. The Austrians attempt to assault the French lines, but the consolidated French lines and combo of artillery was enough to repulse the Austrian attempts to bleach their lines.

2 more Austrian Infantry Divisions are reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades

French 1 infantry division reduce to infantry brigade

Meanwhile as the fighting in the hills of Genoa were occurring. The Genoese attempt to sally force to break the French lines from the area in the hopes of creating an opening for the Austrians to break thou. A Genoese sharpshooter manages to injury the commanding officer of the French siege forces. The Genoese forces rush out to overwhelm the French. However, a young French artillery officer by the name of Colonel Napoleon take commands, rally’s the infantry and artillery to repulse the Genoese assault force, which compose of 2 Infantry Division and 2 Militia Infantry Divisions.

The powerful combo of mass artillery fire and rifle fire shatter the Genoese assault force completely without casualties on the French side. Making Napoleon a hero for organizing and leading the forces against the Genoese attackers.

Meanwhile the Austrians realized the situation was becoming futile and opts for general withdrawal to fight for another day.

The Genoese realized the situation was hopeless and surrender to the French.The Genoese did burn their fleet, then to allow the French to take their fleet over.

The French occupy the city and creation of a puppet state-Ligurian Republic and the French gain access to the FC of Genoa for future loans at discount rate.

French losses
2 French Infantry Divisions reduce to 2 Infantry Brigades

3 Austrian Infantry Divisions reduce to 3 Infantry Brigades

Genoa completely shattered and fleet is lost.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:57 pm

Summer Campaigns 1793

The French Republicans and Austrians set out their movements in the hopes of knocking each other of out of the war. The French goal was to shatter the Prussian-Austrian army in Flanders and finish off what remains of the Austrian-Savoy army in Italy. Whereas the Austrians plan to stay on the defensive in Italy and combine their field army in Flanders with their new arrived armies in Rhine and march on Paris after taking out the French strongholds across the Rhine.

Flanders theater

Austrian-Prussian armies

Army of Brandenburg under the command of Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,
3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions, 1 Engineer Brigade

Army of Austrian Netherlands- field army 5 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 2 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 2 artillery battalions
French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments
Under the command of Prince Frederick Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
Rear Guard Army- Staying in Flanders- Under Command of Karl Mack von Leiberich
4 Infantry Divisions, 1 cavalry divisions, 2 artillery battalions

French Army

Grand Army of the Seine (Saint-Quentin to Brussels) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez, 2nd: Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine)
-15 Infantry Divisions
-5 Cavalry Divisions
-4 Cavalry Brigades
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-2 Supply Columns

July 1793

The Prussian army, which was rebuild from its last engagement from French, was given orders to stay on the defensive and cover the movements of the Army of Austrian Netherlands force which was given orders to join to the Austrian forces in Rhine Theater. However, this was not to be, soon word reaches the Austrian-Prussian armies that French main army was marching towards Brussels and they must be stop. The Austrians force to commit their rear guard army to the front and redirect their main army to join…but both their forces were out of position for a least day for the  initial battle, forcing the Prussians to engage without them and stall for time to allow the Austrians to join.

The Battle of Charleroi

July 5-7, 1793

Day 1

Franco-Prussian Armies first contact near the town of Charleroi, Flanders. The Duke of Brunswick standing orders was remain on the defensive and hold his ground until his Austrian allies come. He soon to engage the full might of the French Grand Army and knew he had to hold out as long as possible.

The French use their superior in artillery to hammer the Prussian lines to inflict damaged and cause chaos long their lines. The Prussians were able to counterattack with their own artillery fire. But it was not as effective as the French who their advantage in numbers to shell in masses at the Prussian lines. Causing 2 Prussian Infantry Divisions to be shatter for the duration of the battle. The French soon launch an assault on the Prussian lines with their infantry divisions along their cavalry units. Forcing the Prussians to commit all their available troops to counterattack. The fighting is brutal between the two sides. As both sides we are well led by the veteran commanders, and season troops.  However, the French use their edge in numbers to nearly break the Prussian lines by the end of the first day. The only good news for the Prussians was the fact that their Austrian allies finally arrived by late evening to shore up their positions.

French losses
5 Infantry Divisions shattered, reduce to 5 Infantry Brigades
4 Cavalry Brigades shattered, reformed as 2 Cavalry regiments  

1 Cavalry Division shattered, reduce to Cavalry Brigade

Prussian losses
6 infantry divisions shattered, reduce to 6 Infantry Brigades
3 cavalry divisions shattered, reduce to  3 Cavalry Brigade

Days 2-3
With Austrians now in play, the odds are now even in terms of troops being deployed, however morale along the Prussian lines was weak. Forcing the Austrians to keep them in reserve to prevent a rout along their positions.

The two sides hammer each other with artillery and Austrian-Prussians barely enough artillery to inflict equal damage to the French forces.  Yet the French were still better organized in terms of using their artillery to shell in masses to inflict the most damaged. Over the course of next two days, the two sides fought bitterly force the other to withdraw. The Austrians barely held on, with the French onslaught, they took major causalities, while managing to inflict heavy losses on the French army.  However, the Austrian lines were showing signs of weakness as it became apparent the French Cavalry forces were able to overwhelm and wipe the remaining French royalist regiments. But their forces were spent, and the French were unable to push any further to attempt to knock out the Austrian-Prussian forces.

The Austrians commanders issued a tactical retreat to their stronghold in Brussels, noting for now they have stopped the French advance and inflict heavy losses. The French forces were also spent and the French commanders soon hear word of the Austrian-Batavian army crossing the Rhine. But they realize they out of position and unable to react for now.

French losses
4 Infantry Divisions shattered reduce to 4 Infantry Brigades
4 Cavalry Divisions shattered reduced to 4 Cavalry Brigades

Austrian losses
6 Infantry Divisions shattered reduced to 6 Infantry Brigades
3 Cavalry Divisions shattered reduced to 3 Cavalry Brigades

French Army in Exile
French armies in exile, compose of 4 light infantry regiments wipe out

Prussians losses
1 Infantry Division shattered, reduced to 1 Infantry Brigade, took losses covering the tactical retreat.

All Austro-Prussian forces are now retreat to Brussels

Rhine theater

July-Sept 1793

Army of Austria- General Count von Wurmser in Stuttgart
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions
Army of Batavia-General Maximilian Joseph of Batavia
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train

French Forces
1 Garrison-Metz
4 Militia Brigades
4  Militia Brigades

Austrian-Batavian armies cross the Rhine on July 6, with intention of taking the French strongholds in Rhine area before heading to take Paris with their armies from Flanders or so was the plan…

The Austrians quickly besiege the French stronghold of Strasburg, on  July 7th  with the French armies elsewhere the city was defend by the local Republican militia. The Austrians decided they had the advantage in numbers and artillery move to assault the city before the French can send the help.

The battle for Strasburg was short one, the Austrians were able to overwhelm the city defenses with light loses and force the remaining French Garrison to surrender on July 8th.

French losses 4 Militia Brigades POWs

The Austrians tend turn their focus on French stronghold of Metz, the Austrian-Batavian army marches on the fortress and lay  siege. The city was more well defended compare to Strasburg. But the Combine armies had more than enough artillery and forces to take the city. However the defenders were dig in and determine to make the Austrians pay in blood for the city.

The Battle for Metz

July 26-29th, 1793

The Austro-Batavian shell the city for 2 days after laying siege for 1 week, to shatter its vast network of defenses to create a bleach for the Austrians to assault. By the end of day 2, the Austrians bleach the walls and order an assault. However, to the shock of the Austro-Bavarians, the French forces were dug in and ready to defend their homeland. The first wave of Austro-Batavians was fought off by the French forces, who take moderate losses of their own. But the next few waves were able to finally overwhelm the French forces.
By the end of July 29th, the Austrians finally take the stronghold with moderate losses.

Austrian losses

2 Infantry Divisions shattered, reduce to 2 Infantry Brigades

Batavian losses

1 Batavian Infantry Divisions shattered, reduce to 1 Infantry Brigade

All French units are shattered.

For the Remainder of the season, the Austro-Bavarian consolidate control of the area and attempt to recruit Royalist supporters to join their army to march on Paris in the fall.

News of the loss of Metz and Strasbourg causes panic in Paris as the radicals blame the moderates and remaining old regime royalist for leaving massive gap in the defenses of the fatherland.  Radical Republican militias are organized to defend the capital from potential invasion.
10 Militia Infantry Brigades are organized by end of summer in Paris, calling themselves the National Guard.

Italian theater

French Army

Army of the Rhone (Genoa to Turin) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-7 Infantry Divisions
-6 Infantry Brigades
-6 Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Army of Rhone, Rear (Lyon to Turin)

-4 Infantry Divisions
-4 Artillery Battalions

Austrian plus allies

Savoy Royal Army at Turin- morale is too low to do anything outside of defending the city.
3 Infantry brigades,
1 cavalry brigade
1 Fortress at Turin

French armies in exile, compose of 2 Infantry regiments

Army of Italy-  field army 4 infantry divisions, 5 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- General Beaulieu

July 1793

French Army of the Rhone that has just liberated Genoa is ordered to march straight to Turin to knock the Savoyards out of the war as quickly as possible. The ruling Bourbons are offered the opportunity to surrender and keep their throne, albeit with a Revolutionary constitution like that in France, however the rulers of Bourbons reject the offer and vow to fight on.  Meanwhile, rear guard of the Army of the Rhone in Lyon is order are to travel over the Alps straight to Turin, to join the main element of the army there.

The Austrian army attempts to stop the main French army at Alessandria, while Savoy forces with royalist allies attempt to dig in in Turin.

The Battle of Alessandria

July 8, 1793

Once again, the French use their advantage in artillery to full potential and under the command of newly promote Major General of artillery Napoleon prefects the art of artillery warfare to shatter the Austrian lines. He can shatter 2 Austrian Infantry Brigades and 1 Austrian Infantry Division. The Austrians attempt to counter fire and attack the French lines, but not as successful. General Beaulieu is forced to make another painful decision withdraw to Milan and protect the stronghold or fight on to save a Turin, which is becoming a lost cause. He opts for fighting retreat to Milan, choosing to inflict as much losses on French as he withdraws from the battlefield.

Austrian Losses
1 Infantry Division reduce to 1 Infantry Brigade
4 Infantry Brigades shattered, reformed into 2 Infantry Brigades

French losses
4 Infantry Brigades shattered, reformed into 2 Infantry Brigades

Siege of Turin/ Battle of Turin

July 15-August 1st 1793-Siege

August 1-2 1793, the battle

French soon resumes its march to Turin and arrived by July 15 1793, they quickly besiege the city. It defenders already had low morale from the recent defeats and news that Austrians have retreat to Milan made matters more worst. By end of July, the Rear-guard army from Lyons arrives in Turin. The French commanders decide it was now or never to take the city, they shell it non-stop until they create a bleach in the walls by August 1st. The order was given to assault the city, most of the defenders were abandoning their post, leaving an infantry brigade and the French royalist regiments as the last line of defense.
The battle was brief as the French overwhelm the defenders and took the city with light losses.

French losses
1 Infantry division reduce to Infantry Brigade

Savoy/French Royalist

The following economic centers are now under French control
Craft Center: 1 Turin
Resources: 1 Turin
Port of Nice

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:23 pm

Fall 1793

Italian Theater


French forces
Army of the Rhone (Turin to Milan) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann)
-10 Infantry Divisions
-5 Infantry Brigades
-6 Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-8 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Army of Italy-  field army 3 infantry divisions, 1 artillery brigade-General Beaulieu
Fortress at Milan

Garrison at Mantua
3 Infantry Brigades, 4 artillery battalions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column,

The French army is given orders to take Milan and remove Austria presence from the Po Valley once and for all. While for the Austrians, the Emperor orders the General Beaulieu to hold Milan at all cost and shatter the French attempt to take the vital city, which contains a key FC that is helping fund the war effort. However, despite the Emperor orders, the General does order a sizeable reserve force to be deploy at Mantua to keep his supply lines/ lines of communications open.

Siege/Battle for Milan

September to October 1793

The French army enacts siege of the city, General Kellermann decides he must assault and take the city before winter sets in. He orders his engineers and artillery commanders to shell and create a bleach for his forces. Two weeks of heavy shelling, results in bleach in the walls by Mid October. Allowing for the General to give the order to assault the city.

Battle of Milan

Oct 30-Oct 31, 1793
The French use their superior numbers of artillery to soft up the Austrian defenses before mounting their assault. The fighting is furious, as the Austrians refuse to give a key Imperial city to the French Republicans, but they are outnumbered and outgunned. The French use their sheer volume of troops and artillery fire to shatter the Austrians defenders who inflict heavy price on the French taking their city.

French losses
3 French Infantry Division’s reduce to 3 Infantry Brigades

All Austrian forces in the city are shattered and General Beulieu is force to surrender the city to French and becomes a POW.
3 infantry divisions, 1 artillery brigade plus General Beaulieu are now POWs.
France gains one craft center at Milan and the FC at Milan is currently wipe out.

Flanders/ Rhine

Grand Army of the Seine (Charleroi towards Paris) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez, 2nd: Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine)
-6 Infantry Divisions
-9 Infantry Brigades
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-4 Cavalry Regiments
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-2 Supply Columns

Army of the Garonne (Bordeaux to Paris) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Division
-1 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Paris Garrison (Commander: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)
-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison Brigade
-10 Militia Infantry Brigades

French Fortress at Verdun
1 Garrison Brigade
2 Militia Infantry Brigades

Austrian/ Bavarian army marching towards Verdun

Army of Austria- General Count von Wurmser
7 infantry divisions,2 Infantry Brigades , 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions
Army of Batavia-General Maximilian Joseph of Batavia
2 infantry divisions,1 Infantry Brigade  1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train

Austrian/Prussian forces in Flanders

Army of Brandenburg under the command of Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick( currently still demoralized from recent defeats, and stays at encampments in Brussels)
2 infantry divisions, 7 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column,
3 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions, 1 Engineer Brigade

Austrian forces in Flanders are kept in reserve to maintain order in restless region.
Army of Austrian Netherlands- field army 5 infantry brigades , 1 supply column, 2 cavalry brigades , 1 artillery brigade, 2 artillery battalions

Under the command of Prince Frederick Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
Rear Guard Army- Staying in Flanders- Under Command of Karl Mack von Leiberich
3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Infantry Brigade,1 cavalry divisions, 2 artillery battalions

Sept-October 1793

Austrian-Bavavian armies marches from Metz to take the French Fortress of Verdun, which will open a path for them to march on Paris.
They begin their siege of the Fortress on September 20, 1793. Unwilling to take heavy losses like at Metz, they opt to force the Fortress to surrender with artillery fire.
Meanwhile the main French army in Flanders conducts a force march to save Verdun and drive the Austrians-Batavians out of France.

The battle of Verdun

Oct 15-16, 1793

The French garrison of Verdun was only composed of local Republican militia and fortress garrison, they were outnumbering and outgunned by the Austrians and their allies. But they had a duty to France to fight on, they refuse the Austrians offers of peaceful surrender and opt to hold on. But it wasn’t until Oct 15, 1793, the walls of Fortress were finally bleach by Austrian engineers and cannon fire. The Austrians commander were about to give the order to assault the Fortress, when order reach them that the French army was nearby.

Meanwhile, the Grand Army of the Seine finally arrives to join the battle to save Verdun from the Austrians-Bavarian. A massive battle occurs, as the French charge to catch their foes deployed facing away from them and towards the Fortress. The French use their artillery brigades’ full effect to inflict as much damaged on Austrian-Batavian lines to dispute their ability to organized and mount a defense. But the Austrian-Batavians had the advantage in raw numbers to help them stand their ground.  The battle is intense as the Austrians/Batavians were determined to break their French foes at Verdun. But sheer volley of French artillery and Austrian-Batavian counter fire was heard miles away from the battlefield.  This help the French counter the Austrian/Batavian superior in infantry numbers, the battle last two whole days as the Austrians keep on pressing to break the French lines. At one point an Austrian artillery lands near General Adam Philippe position and killed the General and the officers that were near his position. But the French kept on fighting bitterly to beat back the Austrians assaults.

By end of October 16,1793, the Austrians still haven’t taken the Fortress and suffer heavy losses. With the weather becoming colder, and the need for reinforcements. They opt to withdraw from the battlefield and retreat to Metz to fight another day, knowing they nearly broke the back of the main French Republican army.

Austrians/Bavarians losses

Austrians losses

3 Infantry Divisions reduced to 3 Infantry Brigades
2 Infantry Brigades shattered and destroyed
2 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 2 Cavalry Brigades
1 artillery battalion destroyed in the fighting

Bavarian losses

1 Infantry Brigade destroyed
2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades

French losses

General Adam Phillippe KIA
2 Militia Infantry Brigades wipe out
6 Infantry Brigades wipe out
4 Infantry Divisions reduced to 4 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry Brigade wipe out
4 Cavalry Regiments wipe out

Elsewhere in Europe…

Early October 1793

British-Hanoverian army marches on Holy Roman Empire free cities of Hamburg and Lubeck, they are force the surrender to Electorate of Hanover.

As soon news reaches the halls of Berlin and Vienna, as met with pure angry and outrage. The Austrian Emperor, who is the Holy Roman Emperor a issues ultimatum to Hanover and British to withdraw from the Imperial Free Cities by the end of December 1793, should the British fail to comply, a state of war will be declared between the British Empire and Austria.

Meanwhile the other North German states such as Saxony, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Saxe-Meiningen rally to Prussia to aid support any moves that they will make against the British and their German allies.

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:45 am

In light of the Austrian ultimatum, the Prince Elector George IV rejects it, as does the British Government, which informs Austria that the repeated failures of Austria to rule the Holy Empire effectively makes it in the eyes of the Anglo Germans ruled by Saxe-Coburg-Gotha branch of the House Wettin no longer useful.  Indeed effective immediately the House rejects its ties and subordination to the Holy Roman Empire.  Neighboring noble houses are invited to join what is recommended as a new Kingdom, the Kingdom of Westphalia, which will be a constitutional monarchy led by the Saxe Coburg Gotha family, with a Diet with the same powers as that of the British Parliament.  In addition a customs union will be in effect with the British Dominions and its merchant shipping will have protection of the Royal Navy.

A custom union and alliance is proposed with the Danes to the north as well.

The Army of the Weser stands ready to defend Westphalia (and is currently in winter quarters in the area between Lubeck and Hamburg), and the Royal Navy stands ready to wage war against the shipping of any belligerent nation.

Ottoman wrote:Fall 1793

Elsewhere in Europe…

Early October 1793

British-Hanoverian army marches on Holy Roman Empire free cities of Hamburg and Lubeck, they are force the surrender to Electorate of Hanover.

As soon news reaches the halls of Berlin and Vienna, as met with pure angry and outrage. The Austrian Emperor, who is the Holy Roman Emperor a issues ultimatum to Hanover and British to withdraw from the Imperial Free Cities by the end of December 1793, should the British fail to comply, a state of war will be declared between the British Empire and Austria.

Meanwhile the other North German states such as Saxony, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Saxe-Meiningen rally to Prussia to aid support any moves that they will make against the British and their German allies.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Kilani Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:44 pm

The Spanish ambassador to the British court delivers a strongly worded note objecting to British adventurism on the continent and voicing support for the Austrian position and a rejection of the apparent war of conquest that the Hannoverians, under the auspices of the British, are apparently attempting.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Lefty Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:14 am

The October Mutiny

With news of the stunning British invasion of Northwestern Germany--one perpetrated with no justifiable casus belli and violating all norms and standards of ethics--the Prussian army is in shock. The Duke of Brunswick, however, is more focused on the matter at hand and insists on continuing the war against France until its conclusion. In October orders his forces to make camp to prepare for campaign in Flanders next spring.

However on the 16th of October, the Duke's subordinates and a large number of their troops issue the Duke a declaration: the Army of Brandenburg will be marching to Emden to expel the British invaders. The Duke is invited to lead the army or he will be escorted to The Hague. The Duke is stunned and angry. He explains his duty is to the King and he must obey his orders or be labeled a traitor. In response, a young major steps forward --violating all codes of conduct--issues a well spoken and clear phrase: "We must do our duty to Germany." The Duke is then escorted out of the command tent, and a relative of the King, Prince Louis Ferdinand is appointed commander by the other officers. The Prussian forces immediately decamp and march to Emden. Prince Louis Ferdinand, a known musical talent, spends his downtime composing patriotic songs that he teaches to the troops to raise morale. Word is sent to the neighboring German principalities to rally to Emden.

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:25 am

The United Kingdom declares war on Prussia after receipt of the Prussian declaration of war against it. In addition, a declaration of war is issued against the Austrians as well, taking care to indicate that it is directed at Bavaria also, and indeed separate declarations are issued against all the smaller German states that have troops serving in the army that has invaded France. Declarations are issued against Savoy as well.

It is made clear to the Spanish and Russian government that Britain will declare war on any nation that attacks it, or France for the duration of this conflict.

All British officers serving foreign governments are ordered home. A blockade is announced against Prussian seaports in Germany and the Prussian dominated ports in Holland. A further blockade is announced against any Austrian shipping attempting to exit the Straits of Gibraltar.

Loan guarantees are issued to France for the upcoming year (50 points)

British forces are ordered to cooperate with the French whenever possible.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:17 pm

Early November 1793

The Austrians formally declare war on British Empire/ German allies, as well making it known that the war against the radical French will not end until the radical Republicans are defeat. However Bavarians make it know they are withdrawing their troops from France to defend Bavaria.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Kilani Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:33 pm

The Spanish, again, urge the Austrians to make peace with the French; the Radical Republicans are merely a fraction of the new king's government.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:17 pm

Winter 1793-1794

The British Navy enacts a blockade of Prussian, Austrian, Dutch in the North Seas and Mediterranean near the straits of Gibraltar.

This will impact the ability of the Prussians, Dutch and Austrians to generate income from maritime trade, figure for now a lost of 25% income starting 1795 from Ports/Shipping.

Naturally this produces outrage along the Dutch and Austrian Flemish merchant communities.


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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:44 am

Spring 1794

After much heavy debate within the Austrian leadership, a decision is made not to support the Prussians in their operations in Northern Germany. The Austrians feel the Prussians have more then enough firepower to handle a tiny British army, so they claim. The Austrians choose to deploy their army from Poland to the Italian theater to prevent their position in Italy from being completely wipe out by the French army. Which would give the French an opening to march on potential to Vienna. They send to their allies in Bavaria to maintain defensive stance against the British German armies for now.

Italian Theater

Army of the Rhone (Milan) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-11 Infantry Divisions
-4 Infantry Brigades
-6 Cavalry Division
-2 Artillery Brigade
-8 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Column

Garrison at Mantua
3 Infantry Divisions , 4 artillery battalions, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 supply column, 1 Fort, 1 Engineer Brigade under the command of General Joseph Nikolaus de Vins
Plus 2 Infantry Divisions being trained in Vienna to be deploy in Summer to Italian Theater
Army of Po Valley( renamed from Army of Galicia and Lodomeria)- field army 9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, ,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions) under command of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen, currently at Trento

April 1794

Newly promoted General Napoleon orders a siege to take the Austrian stronghold of Mantua, which allow him to deal with the Republic of Venice and other pro Austrian client states near by.

The city is bounded on its north and east sides by a large lake formed by the Mincio River. In 1794, Mantua was nearly surrounded by water and connected by causeways to the fortified suburbs of Cittadella to the north and San Giorgio to the east. In the 18th century, the city was notoriously unhealthy in the warm months. The nearby marshes and lakes were an ideal breeding ground for malaria-carrying mosquitoes, though no one understood this at the time.Mantua lies in the Po River basin. The Po lies 13 km to the south of the city and Peschiera on Lake Garda is 32 km north. Running due east, a major road connected with Padua via Legnago. Another highway went northeast to Verona and Vicenza. Both roads linked with the Austrian frontier. Several north-to-south running rivers provide defensible positions on the north side of the Po. The most important river is the Adige which rises in the Alps and runs south on the east side of Lake Garda, going past Verona and Legnago.

The Austrians Garrison use their cavalry divisions to maintain communications and supply lines to Austria itself.

The French forces dig and begin their siege of the city, which has some ad hoc forts build by the Austrian Engineers to slow down the French efforts to take the city. Napoleon use their vast artillery force to shell the city fortify positions daily in effort to break their defenses or morale.

Meanwhile recently mobilized Army of the Po Valley led by Archduke Charles makes his position in Trento to provide relief to the garrison in Mantua and drive the French back to Milan then take city back afterword’s.

April 20, 1794

Napoleon receives word of the Austrian army heading his way, he move the bunk of his army to deal with the Austrian threat, he leaves 4 Infantry Brigades and 4 artillery battalions under with his second in command General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas behind to keep an eye on the Mantua garrison, who aren’t inclined to leave their stronghold unless they were sure that French were shattered.

Battle of Castiglione delle Stiviere

The French and Austrian armies engage in combat near the town of Castiglione delle Stiviere which was 30 kilometres (19 miles) northwest of Mantua by road.

Napoleon still has the edge in artillery despite leaving some behind to guard Mantua. He make sure to use it with fullest potential to counter the Austrian moves against his forces. As experience artillery commander, he is able to direct his artillery units with great skill. Which allowed him to inflict chaos on the Austrian lines.( 2 Austrians Infantry Divisions are shattered, after taking heavy artillery fire). But the Austrians still have sizeable number of artillery units of their which they use to counter the French forces. But is not as effective as the French in terms of inflicting heavy damage to their lines.( 1 French Infantry Division is shattered as result of the shelling). Napoleon throws the full might of his army has the advant1age in numbers to overwhelm the Austrian forces and turn their offensive into defensive move. The fighting is heavy and quick bloody as the French army inflict heavy losses on the Austrians.the Austrians morale falls as Napoleon threaten to shatter their lines. The Archduke is seasoned commander is no match for the likes of Napoleon. He opts to retreat to preserve his fighting force to fight another day.

Austrian losses
4 Infantry Divisions reduce to 4 Infantry Brigades
3 cavalry divisions reduce to 3 cavalry brigades

French losses
2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 2 Cavalry Brigades

Napoleon returns to maintain his siege of Mantua, meanwhile the Austrians withdraw to Venetian stronghold of Verona to regroup and await for more troops.
The siege progresses into the Summer for Manuta.

Flanders theater

The French more then determined to take Brussels and end the Austrian threat to their Industrial heartland. Meanwhile the Austrian army in Flanders were still recovering from last years battles and wasn’t combat ready, they were still trying to rebuild. When the French made their move against them.
Army of the Garonne (Paris) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Division
-1 Artillery Brigade
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

The Austrians were still trying to rebuild their battle weary army in Flanders, but won’t be until ready for combat until Summer…however the French force their hand.
Army of Austrian Netherlands- 3 infantry divisions,6 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 1 cavalry divisions, 2 cavalry brigades ,1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- General Prince Frederick Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Second in Command, General Karl Mack von Leiberich

The Austrians opt to withdraw to their stronghold in Brussels and dig for a siege. Hoping their army and allies in Rhineland will break thou and force the French to shift their forces.

The French army marches to Brussels and begins their siege by Mid-April 1794. Meanwhile the Flemish and Wallonia regions rise up in revolt, as French army liberated their lands.
The French gain four militia infantry brigades worth of Wallonian rebels and Flemish rebels.

The Home Theater

Spring of 1794

War in the Vendée

Outrage by the French Republican government actions against the old King and the Church, the region of Vendees rises up in revolt as Royalist supporters take arms against the Republican government.
Figure you’ll need about 6 garrison brigades to restore order and crack down on the Royalist rebels forces.

Royalist rebel forces
6 Militia Infantry Brigades
2 Militia Cavalry Brigades

Meanwhile the National Guard has become a professional force of its own and gain 5 more brigades worth of volunteers.
Paris Garrison (Commander: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette)
-1 Fortress
-1 Garrison Brigade
-10 Infantry Brigades
-5 Militia Infantry Brigades

Rhine Theater

Grand Army of the Seine (Verdun) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-9 Infantry Divisions
-4 Cavalry Divisions
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-2 Supply Columns

Army of the Rhine- 9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- General Count von Wurmser at Metz

The French are hellbent on driving the Austrians from their lands, they given standing orders to General Dumouriez to retake Metz/Strasbourg. Meanwhile the Austrians had orders to resume the army on Paris. However, news of the French army movement changes that plan to remain on the defensive and inflict as much damaged as possible on the French army.

April 18- 19,1794

2nd battle of Metz

The French army was the attacker, whereas the Austrians were dig in as the defenders. It was going to be difficult battle as both sides has well trained forces in play. However, like in Italy, the French had the advantage in artillery compare the Austrians. However, both sides artillery fire proves deadly and inflicts sizeable losses two forces. The French are able to create a bleach in the city rebuild walls. Allowing for Infantry assault. The fighting is heavy and brutal, as the French fight for the homeland and the Austrians fight from defensive lines. The Austrians are barely able to hold on, but they are able shatter the initial waves of French attackers(3 French Infantry Divisions, shattered, 1 Austrian Infantry shattered). But the French second wave has much success in breaking though the Austrian lines in the city. By Morning of April 19, 1794. Austrian morale finally breaks, and the Austrians conduct a tactical retreat to Strasbourg.

However its bittersweet victory for the French, their army was not any condition to chase after the Austrians. However for the Austrians, they took heavy losses and their position in the region was becoming more risky as time processes

French losses
8 Infantry Divisions shattered, reduced to 8 Infantry Brigades
2 Artillery Battalions destroyed

Austrian losses
9 Infantry Divisions shattered, reduced to 9 Infantry Brigades
4 Artillery battalions destroyed

German Theaters

Southern Germany

Bavaria opts to remain on the defensive to insure the Austrian supply lines/communications are left open
Army of the Bavaria- 9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions -General Maximilian Joseph of Bavaria at Stuttgart.

North Germany

The Prussians enact a plan to shatter the British and their German allies. Which will allow Prussia to become the primary power in North Germany. Meanwhile the British set out their own plans to counter the Prussians and try to get the other remaining HRE states in North German to join to them without much success.

Prussian armies plus allies

the Army of Brandenburg (Prince Louis Ferdinand) in Emden and the Armies of the Elbe (Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen) and the Rhine (Alexander von Knobelsdorff)
3 Field Armies each -9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column,3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions- Mainly compose of conscripts and regulars
German allies armies
Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Saxe-Meiningen each provide a infantry brigade( 3 total).
Saxon Royal Army
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train
Fortress at Emden

British Spring 1794

Anglo Hanover Army of the Weser (General Wilhelm von Knyphausen)(with Major Scharnhorst as an aide de camp)
I Corps (General Harcourt) (Hanover) Infantry 3 infantry divisions, 1 German artillery battalion
II Corps (General Riedesel) (Hessians) Infantry 3 infantry divisions, 1 artillery battalion,
III Corps (General Abercromby) (British) infantry 3 infantry divisions (1 Scot, 1 English, 1 Irish), 1 English artillery battalion
Cavalry Corps (General Wuttenberg) 1 British Cavalry Division (mixed Scots, English, Irish), 1 Hanover Cavalry Division, 1 Hessian Cavalry Division,
Army level forces: 2 Hanover artillery brigades, 1 Hanover Cavalry Brigade, 1 German engineer brigade, 1 Hanover supply column,
Total force: 74,000 men (22,500 British/Irish)
Maintenance: (there is a base at Hamburg) (Anglo Irish Depot brigade) 21 points

Fixed positions: Depots Bremen, Hanover, Osnabruck, Gottinge (1,250 regulars)
Raise 5 Hanover Infantry Divisions (conscripts)(Hanover goes to Levee en masse for manpower, but Britain is underwriting cost)

Early April 1794

The Prussian armies set out with their standing orders to attack British Hannover forces. A few days after the Army of Brandenburg left their stronghold of Emden, words reach them that the British have attack the Fortress…

April 5, 1794

Invasion of Emden

objective: seize the port, secure the remainder of Friesland, establish a base to assist Dutch rebels
Attack Force: (attack and destroy the fortress and seize the port) (defenders will be given option to surrender first)
Home Fleet (Admiral Richard Howe commanding)
1 BB1 (Victory) , 14 BB2 ( Canada, Valiant, Defense, Black Prince (Horatio Nelson commanding) , Triumph, Vanguard, Zealous, Resolution, Goliath, Warspite, Hero, Superb, Thunder, Arrogant), Brigs Savage, Delight, Thorn, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon (brigs are carrying the 1,000 Marines drawn from the Fleet as the amphibious landing force) (heavy ships will pound the forts with gunfire to cover the assault)

The large British fleet under the command of Admiral Howe arrives in early morning to Port, demanding the surrender of the Fortress and Port. The Prussian commander refuses and starts shelling on the British warships. The British response with overwhelming firepower that quickly silences the fortress artillery.

However 4 BB2 Hero, Superb, Thunder, Warspite take moderate damaged from Prussian artillery and will out of commission for six months for repairs.

With the Fortress defenses weaken, the Royal Marines make a landing to take the fortress as the Battleships shell the Prussian positions. The remaining the Prussian defenders are overwhelmed by the heavy naval artillery and Royal Marines by the end of the day. The port and fortress have fallen.

The Royal Marines suffer heavy losses and is considered shattered, will need to rebuild, same cost as building a new regiment.

The British also seize 2 Prussian shipping units that were in dock at the Port.

Meanwhile Prince Louis Ferdinand opts to link up with other Prussian forces in Hanover, stating he’ll retake Emden with combine might of the Prussian armies.

By April 7, the secondary force of the Royal Navy arrives

Nore Fleet (Richard Hughes commanding)
Nore Fleet (Medway/London)9 BB1 (Burford, Medway, Boyne, Superior, Commonwealth, Protector, Dominion, Hercules, Union), 5 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh
Escorting 7 shipping units carrying: British Army of Frisia (Major General John Moore) w 1 Scottish, 1 English, 1 Irish infantry division, 1 Irish Cavalry division, 1 Irish engineer brigade, 1 British artillery brigade, 1 Irish artillery brigade, 1 British supply column (drawn from newly mobilized garrison units in Ireland and Britain)
By end of Spring of 1794, an Infantry Brigade of Dutch Republicans arrives from England. News of the British landings near Holland, causes panic for the Dutch Orangist Government as residents cheer the news of the British landing nearby.

The Prussian armies march coming separate directions to take out Hanover in knockout blow. Forcing a change in plans for Anglo-Hanover force, they choose to consolidated their forces and knock out the Army of Brandenburg before they take the port of Bremen.

April 12, 1794

Battle for Bremen

Anglo- Hanoverian forces have slight advantage over the Prussian army, which was the fact their forces were not compose of conscripts, they were drawn from the standing armies as regulars. Aside from this both forces were relatively equal in numbers and strength.
The Prussians were fighting were hellbent intent on showing they were still premier army of Europe. However the Anglo-Hanoverians were able source a few well place artillery shots that effective shattered a few Prussian infantry divisions. But the Prussians were still able to inflict heavy losses on Anglo-Hannoverian lines. However the tide started to change in favor of the Anglo-Hannoverian, when a sharpshooter managed to injury Prince Louis Ferdinand , the commanding officer of the Prussians. This cause panic in the Prussian lines. Forcing the Prussians to opt for tactical retreat to fight another day.

Anglo-Hanoverian losses
I Corps (General Harcourt) (Hanover) 2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades
II Corps (General Riedesel) (Hessians) 1 Infantry Division reduced to 1 Infantry Brigade
III Corps (General Abercromby) (British) – 1 English Division reduce to Infantry Brigade
Cavalry Corps (General Wuttenberg) 1 Cavalry Division reduce to Cavalry Brigade

Prussians losses, remaining forces head to Hanover to meet the other two Prussian armies
General Prince Louis Ferdinand- WIA, out of commission for six months
4 Infantry Divisions reduced to 4 Infantry Brigades
3 Cavalry Divisions reduced to 3 Cavalry Brigades

By Mid April- Early May 1794

Meanwhile the other two Prussian armies plus allies’ march on Hanover, they find the leadership of Hanover including the Diet has withdrew to Bremen. They take the city without firing a shot. For they will consolidate their forces for their next moves in the summer.


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Join date : 2017-09-23

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French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition  Empty Re: French Revolutionary War or (Potential first )War of the Coalition

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:01 pm

Summer 1795
The Electorate of Hanover, as well as the Landgrave of Hesse, who are uncle and nephew respectively through the Landgrave’s mother and Uncles sister, formerly declare the creation of the Kingdom of Westphalia, which will accept the Constitution of 1794 as its governing document. The Landgrave is now called Prince of Hesse, and is next in line to the throne should the Elector and now King George IV have to step down or should die. All territory currently held by Hanover and Hesse, as well as those territories annexed in 1793 and 1794, and the remainder of its legal territory currently occupied by the Prussians, will be included in the Kingdom of Westphalia. The Kingdom signs a defensive alliance with Great Britain.

In Britain, Parliament is torn between the possibility of Hanover no longer being its problem and the somewhat high handed action by George IV but many see it postwar as a way to end British entanglement in Germany. Certainly it deals with the problem of George IV and his Catholic wife.

For now the Executive and Legislative branch of the new kingdom are in Bremen, but they are quickly relocated to Emden soon after signing the declaration of independence from the Holy Roman Empire.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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