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Second War of Coalition

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Second War of Coalition Empty Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:11 pm

War breaks out between France and Coalition in March of 1804

Both sides either are still in the process of mobilization and have mobilized troops given current tenisons.

Primary theaters of conflict will be Rhine Valley and Po Valley for initial phase of combat for the Spring of 1804.


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Second War of Coalition Empty Re: Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:34 pm

Early April 1804

French officials received word that Papal State is mobilizing its army( Expeditionary force) to support the Austrians. Apparently Austrian agents have managed to convince the Pope to join against France.


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Second War of Coalition Empty Re: Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:38 am

Second War of the Coalition

April 1804

Rhine Theater

The North German armies set in motion a plan to cross the Rhine at Koblenz, they begin their march to their goal. Meanwhile the French Grand Army of the Rhine sets in motion its goal to prevent the Germans from combining forces and crossing the Rhine. Whereas the South German Army in Bavaria is still in process of mobilization and not combat ready.

The Rhienarmee march south to meet their counterparts at the North German side of Rhine near Koblenz. Armee von Hesse marching from Marburg and Jagerkorps from Wiesbaden. However, Blucher receives word from his scouts the French Grand Army at Cologne is on the move and had just cross the Rhine, with heavy cavalry screen preventing his forces from determine their direction of attack. He sends word to his counterparts to rally to his position as soon as possible to attack the French army.

Order of Battle

North German Forces

Rheinarmee - Dortmund (65,000 men) [Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher]
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Hesse - Marburg (65,000 men) [Louis William, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg]
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Jägerkorps - Wiesbaden (15,500 men) [Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]
3 rifle divisions, 1 artillery battalion

Engineer Brigade – Marburg

French armies

Grand Army of the Rhine (Cologne to Dortmund) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-15 Infantry Divisions
-9 Cavalry Divisions
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Columns

French fleet

Manche Fleet (Brest to Ostend, Blockading North Sea Coast) (Commander: Pierre-Charles Villeneuve)
-2 BB1s (Ville de Paris, Royal Louis)
-18 BB2s (Foudroyant, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient, Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe, Entreprenant, Redoubtable, Palmier, Languedoc, Couronne, Guerrier, Espérance)
-12 Frigates (Juste, Normandie, Spartiate, Rhin, Bucentare, Gaulois, Colosse, Marengo, Polonais, Ajax, Regulus, Charlemagne)
-5 Brigs

North Seas Combat
The French captured 3 North German Shipping units

April 08-10, 1804

Battle of Wuppertal, 20 Miles south of Essen

The North Germans encounter the French just outside this town. Blucher realizes he must hold off the French army long enough for reinforcements to arrive. However, he is left alone to face the full force of the French Grand Army. The initial rounds of the battle were heavily in favor of the French who inflicted heavy losses on Blucher forces, and shatter 3 Infantry Divisions and 3 Cavalry Divisions( reduced to 3 Inf Brigades and 3 Cav Brigades), while taking moderate losses of 2 Infantry Divisions getting shattered and 1 cavalry division shattered as well( both reduce to brigades). The French use their superior number of cavalry to act as screen and conduct a flanking maneuver to keep the pressure on the North Germans and to keep lookout for the other North German armies.

For two days, the North Germans off the French attacks trying to buy time for their support, meanwhile the French focus on hammering the North German armies (both sides stuff 3 additional infantry divisions are reduced in step and two French Cavalry. By the end of April 10th, the North German Army was shattered, and Buchler orders his remaining forces to retreat.

Meanwhile the French army soon encounters the forward elements of the Jägerkorps and Armee Von Hesse. Having his forces worn out from the heavy fighting. Marshal Dumouriez opts for tactical withdraw back to his base on the other side of the Rhine, while fighting a tactical retreat. The Jagers are able to inflict some moderate losses on his remaining cavalry units( all remaining French cav units reduce to brigades), while taking some moderate losses. But the North Germans are force to re-stabilized their lines as one of their field armies have suffer heavy losses.


North Germans
Rheinarmee all Division size units are shattered and reduced to brigades
Armee von Hesse- all Cav divisions reduced to Brigades, losses due to screening forces combats

French losses

9 Cavalry Divisions reduce to Brigades
8 Infantry Divisions reduce to Brigades

Po Valley Theater

April 1804

With declarations of war officially, made Napoleon set in motion to take the fight to Austrians heartland, knowing they are still in mobilization of their vast armies for coming battles in summer. He orders his field army to march on Trieste with plans to take the city.

Austrian garrison of Trieste
1 Garrison Division
1 Fortress

French forces

Army of the Po (Milan to Trieste) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Italian Army of Italy (Milan to Trieste) (Commander: Napoleone Buonaparte)
-8 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Artillery Battalion

Army of Florence (Florence)
-1 Fortress
-3 Garrison Brigade
-1 Infantry Regiment

Mediterranean Fleet (Tunis to Venice, Blockading Adriatic Coast) (Commander: Louis-Thomas Villaret-Joyeuse)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-8 Frigates (Souverain, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Jemappes, Barra, Tunis, Droits de l'Homme, Algiers)

Adriatic Naval Combat
2 Austrian shipping unit captured by the French fleet.

By mid May 1804, the French forces reach Trieste and with overwhelming firepower are take the port city with light losses. However, news of the Papal armies joining the Austrians, forces Napoleon to deploy his Italian allies to deal with Rome, while his main force is focus on beating Austria.

Austrian garrison of Trieste wipe out and Port take intact.
1 Garrison Division
1 Fortress


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Second War of Coalition Empty Re: Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:38 am

June 1804

Dutch formally declare war on North German Confederation and South German Confederation and join the French war effort.


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Second War of Coalition Empty Re: Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Fri Mar 12, 2021 1:58 pm

Summer 1804

July 1804

Rhine Theater

The combine North German armies of Rheinarmee, Armee von Hesse, Armee von Franken, Jägerkorps, and 1 Engineer brigade across the Rhine River and with orders to engage the French forces in order to take Cologne.

Meanwhile another field army-Armee von Westfalen is assigned to watch the Dutch frontier.

Rheinarmee - [Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher]
2 Infantry Divisions( using garrison division to bring back up to strength),7 infantry brigades, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Westfalen - [Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg]
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Hesse - [Louis William, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg]
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry brigades, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Armee von Franken - [Duke Eugen of Württemberg]
9 infantry divisions, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

Jägerkorps - [Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]
3 rifle divisions, 1 artillery battalion

1 Engineer brigade

French Forces

Meanwhile the French Grand Army of the Rhine under Dumouriez is given orders to assume a defensive posture and defend any potential attempt to cross and attack this vital region of Rhine.

Military Forces in Europe


Manche Fleet (Ostend, Blockading North Sea Coast) (Commander: Pierre-Charles Villeneuve)
-2 BB1s (Ville de Paris, Royal Louis)
-18 BB2s (Foudroyant, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient, Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe, Entreprenant, Redoubtable, Palmier, Languedoc, Couronne, Guerrier, Espérance)
-12 Frigates (Juste, Normandie, Spartiate, Rhin, Bucentare, Gaulois, Colosse, Marengo, Polonais, Ajax, Regulus, Charlemagne)
-5 Brigs

Grand Army of the Rhine (Cologne) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-7 Infantry Divisions
-9 Infantry Brigades
-9 Cavalry Brigades
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Columns

Army of the Seine (Paris to Nijmegen) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme), arrives at position by Mid August
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of the Rhone (Lyon to Saarbrucken) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann), arrives at position by Mid August
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Dutch Republican Army
3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train under commander of Major General Jean Baptiste van Merlen at Nijmegen

July 3-5, 1804

The North German armies cross the Rhine, north of Cologne. This is due to the fact, that overall commander Blücher realizes the French are already well in trenched at Cologne and frontal cost will be not produce a favorable outcome for his forces. He decides he must force the French to find in open ground. The French scouts quickly rely the news of the North Germans crossing, the Grand Army is on move to incept and the prevent the North Germans from taking the area for further operations. The two armies meet at Kleve, meanwhile the Dutch Army is on the move join the battle as soon they hear about the North German movements…

Battle of Kleve

The French reach the location first and quickly take positions to insure they have advantage against the incoming North Germans. Knowing full well that North Germans had superiority in manpower at this point and time. While the French only had the superiority in terms of the well trained artillery crews and battle harden veterans, which they hope would shift the odds in their favor.

As the North German formations arrived in Kleve, the French use their artillery to full effect and cavalry screens to shell and prevent the North Germans from determine the extract positions of the French forces.
The French heavy artillery fire was enough to completely 5 North German Infantry Brigades(effectively wipe out), and 3 cavalry brigades(destroyed). The North Germans deploy their artillery and cavalry to turn the favor. They are able destroyed 4 French cavalry brigades, but two North German Cavalry Divisions are reduced to a brigades. The North German cannon fire was not as effective as the French, but they do managed to shatter 3 French Infantry brigades. However the North German rifle divisions had more luck inflicting heavy losses on the French, with deadly effective rifle fire, which is able to shattered 4 French Infantry brigades.

As the opening rounds between the French and North German armies occurring, the Dutch Army arrives to battle, coming out of the woods north of Kleve, getting tactical surprise(free fire round) on the North German flanks. This Dutch army was not the Dutch army of old, this army was one that rebuilt by the British army and it was hellbent to make the North Germans pay for occupying their homeland. The Dutch forces throw the North German forces off their axis, forcing them to commit troops to deal with the Dutch threat. This gives the French a opening to inflict their main formations to attack, while the Dutch launch their own unforgiving attack on the North Germans.

In midst of the chaotic fighting, a Dutch cannon shell lands near North German General Louis William location who was leading a key attack on the French center, effectively killing him and his command staff, which throws his lines into disarray in middle of the battle, which allow the French counter and drive his troops back. The French succeed in inflict heavy losses on the already depleted Rheinarmee, causing the remaining troops to route and retreat. Forcing Blucher to order for his remaining forces to do tactical retreat. A combination of North Cavalry and Rifle Divisions were able to finally drive the Dutch off and inflict heavy losses on their forces, but at steep price. The morale in the remaining North German forces was falling after seeing the Blucher withdraw from the battle, more units were routing under French artillery fire.. Feeling that they have inflict heavy losses on the French, while taking heavy losses of their own. The remaining North German field commanders opt to withdraw back to their side of Rhine and re-group for another go later on.

For now the French hold the ground , but paid a heavy price….

French losses

Grand Army of the Rhine (Cologne) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)
-5 Infantry Divisions- all reduced to brigades
-9 Infantry Brigades all wipe out
-9 Cavalry Brigades- reformed into 3 Cavalry Brigades

Dutch Republican Army losses
3 infantry divisions all reduce to 3 Infantry Brigades
, 1 cavalry division reduced to brigade

Rheinarmee - [Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher] losses
2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades
5 infantry brigades destroyed
2 cavalry brigades destroyed

Jägerkorps - [Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]
1 rifle divisions reduced to 1 Rifles Brigade

Armee von Hesse - [Louis William, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg]- KIA
5 Infantry Divisions reduced to 5 Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Brigades shattered

Armee von Franken - [Duke Eugen of Württemberg]
3 infantry divisions reduced to 3 Infantry Brigades
1 cavalry divisions reduce to 1 Cavalry brigades

Po Valley Theater
July 1804

French forces

Italian Fixed Positions
-5 Fortresses (Turin, Milan, Verona, Venice, Genoa)
-8 Garrison Brigades (Turin, 2x Milan, Genoa, 2x Verona, 2x Venice)

Army of the Po (Venice) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Italian Army of Italy (Venice) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-8 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Artillery Battalion

Italian Army of Padania (Milan to Rome via Florence) (Commander: Joachim Murat)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of Florence (Florence)
-1 Fortress
-3 Garrison Brigade
-1 Infantry Regiment

Austrian forces
Imperial Army- 15 infantry divisions, 3 supply columns, 5 artillery battalions, 3 artillery brigades, 9 cavalry divisions under command of Archduke Charles

Papal Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train

The Tactical moves...

Napoleon forces were march to Austrian City of Laibach, until his scouts and spies report that Austrian Imperial army(Grand Army) was marching straight towards him. He decides in that instance to make a tactical withdraw into Italy to avoid being cut off and encircle by the Austrians in their homeland. His army withdraws from Laibach to Trieste to Venice to assume a defensive posture in the area, they don’t return to Venice until end of July. Meanwhile the Austrian forces are on the march from Vienna to Trieste, they reach the city by end of July. They quickly reestablish control of the city/port and setup operations for Italy.

The Archduke opts to march into Italy and force the French to attack them, he orders his commanders not to brother to siege the cities or towns just strip the local areas of anything of value to support the war effort.
Both sides engage each other with Cavalry screens to hide their troop movements near the countyside by Portogruaro.

Franco-Austrians cavalry battles of early August 1804

The French take moderate losses to their cavalry forces, as do the Austrians, however they fulfill their objective of delaying the Austrians long enough to allow the Napoleon his main army to withdraw from Venice area to Verona.

French losses
3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 3 Cavalry Brigades
Austrian losses
3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to 3 Cavalry Brigades

The Austrians must decide now should they go deeper into Italy or force a siege to make Napoleon come to them.

Also, in Italy, Joachim Murat’s Army of Padania is ordered to march south on Rome, stopping in Florence on the way to ensure that the Papal forces are not seeking to seize the city. He engages the Papal Expeditionary army at Florence and was able to shatter the small army with light losses, he continues his march his army to Rome, by end August of 1804, he puts the city under siege.

Papal Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division all reduce to brigades at Rome


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Second War of Coalition Empty Re: Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:57 pm

Fall 1804

Rhine Theater

The North Germans reorganized their forces for another attempt to break though French lines on the other side of the Rhine. They move their army guarding the Dutch frontier( Armee von Westfalen) to Dusseldorf. Then join the other field armies for the coming offensive. They are ordered forces to cross at Dusseldorf to attack the forces at Cologne. However, an outbreak of camp sickness of dysentery and influenzas breakouts in the North German camps take a total on the morale and combat strength of the army. The North Germans are force to delay their march by two weeks to allow to their forces to recover from the outbreaks.

Combat strength after outbreak

Rheinarmee - [Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher]

6 infantry divisions,2 infantry brigades, 1 supply column, 2 cavalry divisions, 2 artillery brigade, 4 artillery battalions

2  Infantry Divisions take a step lose and reduce to 2 Infantry Brigade, 1 Infantry brigade is disbanded

Armee von Westfalen - [Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg]

8 infantry divisions,1 Infantry Brigade, 1 supply column, 3 cavalry divisions, 1 artillery brigade, 6 artillery battalions

1  Infantry Divisions take a step lose and reduce to 1 Infantry Brigade

Armee von Franken - [Duke Eugen of Württemberg]

6 infantry divisions,2 Infantry Brigades, 1 supply column, 1 cavalry divisions,1 cavalry brigade, 1 artillery brigade, 6 artillery battalions

2 Infantry Divisions take a step lose and reduce to 2 Infantry Brigade, 1 cavalry division reduced to 1 cavalry brigade

Jägerkorps - [Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]

3 rifle divisions, 1 artillery battalion

All the forces should cross at Dusseldorf to attack the forces at Cologne. The armies should be aware of the foes at Nijmegen.

French/Dutch Forces

The French are trying to shore up their defenses and prepare for one last round of combat before winter sets in. Like the Germans a outbreak occurs in the French camps, which also takes a hit on morale and combat effectives. Painful aware of his situation, Dumouriez sends orders to his counterparts to rush to come to aid his position. Knowing he was outnumber and the recent outbreak has impact his manpower.

Grand Army of the Rhine (Cologne) (Commander: Charles François Dumouriez)

-2 Infantry Divisions
-3 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigades
-3 Artillery Brigades
-5 Artillery Battalions
-3 Supply Columns

Outbreak losses 2 Infantry brigades and 1 cavalry brigade wipe out due to camp sickness.

Army of the Seine (Nijmegen to Cologne) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)* No attrition losses this round, as they just arrived*

-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Dutch Republican Army is marching elsewhere from Nijmegen….

2 Infantry Divisions committed from Reserve,3 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade , 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train under commander of Major General Jean Baptiste van Merlen at Nijmegen

Army of the Rhone (Saarbrucken to Cologne) (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann) )* No attrition losses this round, as they just arrived*

-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

September 25- Oct 2, 1804

The Battles of Rhine

Blücher prepares to siege the city and take it within the next few weeks as he know the French numbers for their Grand Army has been depleted. However, he soon receives word of the 2 French Field armies plus the Dutch Army coming to attack his forces from north and south. Once again the North German Armies are caught in pincer movement by the French forces from North and South. He orders his forces to do a tactical retreat back to their side of the Rhine. He is forced to attack head on the Army of the Seine to get a clear path to Essen, while the Army of Rhone coming up his rear.

The French and North German cavalry screens clashed, along with North German Rifle units, the French cavalry inflict heavy losses on North German cavalry forces, while taking moderate losses.

French losses

Army of the Seine  
-3 Cavalry Divisions reduce to Brigades

Army of the Rhone
-2 Cavalry Divisions reduce to Brigades

North Germans
All Cavalry Divisions reduce to Brigades
1 Rifle Division reduced to Brigade

Battle of Neuss

The North German forces finally meet French army of Seine at Neuss, blocking their retreat to their land. Blücher givens the order for his forces to push for breakthrough to his forces across the Rhine, he orders Jägerkorps and Armee van Franken to act as rear guard and fight the Grand Army/Rhone forces, his main armies fight the Seine. Despite the dire situation, Blücher rallies his men for fight to save the North German armies, the North Germans are able to inflict heavy losses on the Seine army with superiority in artillery, which to allows  them to have break in the French lines to allow his forces to begin their retreat. However Grand Army/Rhone forces overwhelm and shatter the frame Jagerkorps and rear-guard forces with heavy artillery.  Forcing Blucher to do a hasten retreat cross the Rhine, which sacrificing the rear guards to save the overall army for another day.

French losses

Army of the Seine (Nijmegen to Cologne) (Commander: Jacques Bernard d'Anselme)* No attrition losses this round, as they just arrived*
-9 infantry Divisions shattered, reduced to 7 Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry brigades shattered, reformed into 1 Cavalry Brigades

Army of the Rhone  (Commander: François Christophe de Kellermann) )* No attrition losses this round, as they just arrived*
-4 infantry Divisions reduced to 4 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Divisions reduced to Cavalry Brigade

North German losses

Jägerkorps - [Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel]
2 rifle divisions reduced to 2 brigades
1 artillery battalion destroyed

Armee von Franken - [Duke Eugen of Württemberg]
3 infantry divisions reduced to brigades
2 Infantry Brigades destroyed
1 cavalry brigade destroyed

Rheinarmee - [Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher]
4 infantry divisions reduced to brigades
1 cavalry brigade destroyed
1 Infantry brigade destroyed

Armee von Westfalen - [Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg]
2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry Brigade destroyed

However he was finally in other side of the Rhine, he received word that Dutch army cross the frontier and sacked Essen, while he and entire Rhine armies was on the other side of the Rhine by the time his forces get to Essen. The Dutch were long ago.
All income value from Essen PC is gone for 2 years and Dutch get 4 points worth of loot.

Effective 1805, in order to fight in Rhineland region, both sides will need to build logistics bases, as the supply situation has gotten bad with all the heavy fighting.

North Sea/ Baltic raids

The Dutch commit their fleet to raid the North German shipping fleet to add more insult to injury
3 FF1 (Batavier, Goes, Brakel, Cerberus)
5 Brigs
By the end of fall, the Dutch sink 2 German shipping units and captured 1 shipping unit.

Winter ends most operations in the region with heavy snow/rain and rough seas.
Also the South Germany withdraws to Munich for the Winter.

Italian Theaters

Fall 1804

French forces
Army of the Po (Verona towards Milan) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Italian Army of Italy (Verona towards Milan) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-8 Infantry Brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Artillery Battalion

Italian Army of Padania (Rome to Florence, if Rome captured) (Commander: Joachim Murat)
-9 infantry Divisions
-3 Cavalry Divisions
-1 Artillery Brigades
-4 Artillery Battalions
-1 Supply Column

Army of Florence (Florence)
-1 Fortress
-3 Garrison Brigade (2 to Rome, if captured)
-1 Infantry Regiment

Swiss Federal Army (Lucerne to Milan) (Commander: Jean-de-Dieu Soult)
-3 Infantry Divisions
-1 Cavalry Division
-1 Supply Train

Austrian forces
Imperial Army- 15 infantry divisions, 3 supply columns, 5 artillery battalions, 3 artillery brigades, 6 cavalry divisions, 3 cavalry brigades under command of Archduke Charles

Fall of Rome

Joachim Murat’s Army of Padania is ordered to continue the siege of Rome until it surrenders. If it surrenders this season, he is to leave behind a token garrison (shifting two of the Florentine Garrison Brigades into the city) and to march as quickly as possible up north to join forces with Napoleon’s Army -- though, if it does not appear there will be enough time for them to make it all the way north to Milan, they are ordered to stop at Florence to encamp.

French forces can bleach the walls of Rome by mid-September 1804, rather to allow the French sack the city, the Pope surrenders and offers the French heavy tribute of 40 points worth of valuables. Allows for occupation by the Army of Padania, Murat then takes the bulk of his army up north. But won’t reach Napoleon until end of season.

Meanwhile In Switzerland, the Federal Army under Soult is to march south from Lucerne to Milan to support Napoleon’s defense of that area.

Elsewhere, Napoleon is ordered to bide for time and fight delaying actions to draw the Austrian army further west, if necessary. His main orders are not to allow himself to be besieged and to try and ensure the Austrians are enticed to march towards Milan, rather than to the south. If the Austrians do give chase, Napoleon is instructed to engage them near the city, though he is also encouraged to delay until the Swiss reinforcements have arrived to ensure he has the best possible odds.  As is the case, the Austrians under the command of the Archduke chase after Napoleon towards Milan. However, they are operating towards the edge of their supply lines from Trieste by the time reach Milan.

September 18-20, 1804

Battle of Melegnano , 9 miles southeast of Milan

Napoleon decides to face off the Austrian Grand Army just outside of Milan to stop their advance and force them to attack him, while his forces were entrenched in the town.  Meanwhile the Archduke orders his field commanders to inflict as much damage as possible on the French forces in hopes of shattering their lines. The Austrians make use of their artillery superiority to hammer the French lines, returning the favor of last war where the French made heavy use of artillery to shift the odds to their favor. The Austrians inflict heavy losses on the French forces and their Italian allies. However, the French have better organizational focus and skill artillery crews, which somewhat gives them a better advantage against the Austrians and inflict moderate losses on the Austrians forces. As the two sides use their artillery to hammer eachother, Napoleon makes good use of his cavalry screens to inflict heavy losses on the Austrian cavalry forces, forcing the Austrians to commit more of their cavalry reserves to battle. Which allowed Napoleon to shell their positions as soon they got exposed.

The sides clashes for two days, as the Austrians attempt to break the French lines multiple times, Napoleon ability to rally his troops to standfast was reported to legendary and they were able to rally inflict heavy losses on the Austrian forces. After taking moderate to heavy losses to his main infantry divisions, the Archduke was please that he has able to inflict heavy losses of his own on the French forces. He gives the order to his generals to withdraw back to Trieste to rebuild and rest his forces. Knowing full well Napoleon forces were in no condition to chase after him.

French losses

Army of the Po (Verona towards Milan) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-9 infantry Divisions , all reduced to brigades
-3 Cavalry Brigades, shattered reformed as 1 cavalry brigade

Italian Army of Italy (Verona towards Milan) (Commander: Napoleon Bonaparte)
-8 Infantry Brigades, all shattered, reformed as 4 infantry brigades
-2 Cavalry Brigade, shattered, reformed as 1 cavalry brigades

Austrian losses
3 Cavalry brigades destroyed
6 cavalry divisions reduced to 6 brigades
8 Infantry Divisions reduced to 8 Infantry Brigades


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Second War of Coalition Empty Re: Second War of Coalition

Post by Ottoman Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:54 pm

Winter 1805

No combat for either side, as both sides are busy rebuilding their armies and planning for spring operations.


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