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The Kingdom of France

Galveston Bay
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:48 pm

1712 budget

total French Income 48.30 points
special adjustments
+ 15 points
- 2.5 tax income lost to 50% reduction due to tax evasion and protests
- 1.5 points merchant shipping assigned to military service
total income after adjustments
59.30 points

Loan 1708 8 points (at 7% interest, 20 year loan) interest .56 + principal .5 (reduces to 7.5 points) 1.06 points
loan 1709  4 points (at 7% interest, 20 year loan) interest .25 plus principal .5 = .75 (reduces to 3.5 points)
Loan 1710 9.5 points (at 7% interest, 20 year loan) interest .67 plus .5 = 1.17  
Loan 1711 6.70 points (at 7% interest, 20 year loan) interest .47 plus .33 principle = .9 points
total 3.88 points debt servicing
available income 59.30 - 3.88= 55.42 available

Naval Forces (20.5 points in 1711)
4 HBatRons (4), 11 BatRons (8.25), 11 CruRon (5.5), 7 PatRons (1.75), 2 naval yards (1),
losses 1711:  sunk: 1 HbatRon, 1 BatRon, 1 CruRon,  damaged: 1 BatRon (4 points, out of service for 1712, 1 CruRon 3 points, out of service for 1712, both at Brest)
adjusted initial naval budget: 20.5 – 2.25 = 18.25 + repairs 7 = 25.25 points + 2 points replacing personnel losses = 27.25 points + France is paying for Naples Navy and 6 merchant flotillas for use as transports 2 points (for all 8 units) = 29.25 points
available 55.42 - 29.25 = 26.17 available

Total Force: 15 fortresses (7.5), 15 infantry brigades (3.75), 6 cavalry brigades (4.5 points), 25 infantry battalions (2.5), 3 cavalry regiments (.6 ) 2 militia brigades (.2) 21 depots (no maintenance cost)
total cost  19.05 points
losses: 1 fortress, 1 infantry battalion (Battle Martinique), 3 infantry battalions (Capetown) - .9 points
adjusted army budget is 18.15
available 26.17 - 18.15 = 8.55 points available
pay off loan 1708 (7.5 points)
available 1 point
borrow (loan 1712) 10 points

available for spending 11 points
aid to Italian Allies 5 points
raise 6 militia brigades (1 each at fortresses Dunkirk, Soissons, Verdun, Belfort, Toulon, Brest), recruited from Protestants and Catholics willing to swear loyalty to Crown over Church (6 points)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:32 pm

Winter 1712
The Crown announces that taxes will remain at peacetime levels, while the traditional tithe collected by the Crown for the Church will no longer be collected and is permanently waived.  

People are allowed to donate to their local Churches or to religious institutions that provide succor to the elderly, disabled, widows and orphans, the sick and the poor as their conscience dictates.  

The Crown states that people are to render unto the Crown what is the Crowns, and unto God what their conscious decrees as long as it does not threaten the Crown.    

Witch and treason trials are to follow the proper dictates of the law, and all death sentences are to be referred to the Crown for review.   Many of these will be commuted to transportation for life to Florida, New France, Africa or French Guyana as circumstances determine. This Crown review of capital offenses is extended to ALL capital offenses, including such crimes as theft, murder, robbery etc.
Galveston Bay
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:58 pm

Winter 1712 supplimental build
5 points are borrowed from Jewish bankers in Constantinople, a deal made possible by long standing friendly ties between the French Crown and Sublime Port and the newly ended restrictions on Jews in France

5 points - 5 militia brigades raised to defend the walled cities of Toulouse, Bordeaux, Bayonne, Marseilles, and Strasbourg. Recruitment is from people willing to swear an oath that the Crown has jurisdiction of the defense of France, not the Pope
Galveston Bay
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:06 pm

Winter 1712
The Crown begins selling off lands it holds (intending to make up for that by keeping some of the Church land seized) to favored nobles and members of the 3rd Estate.  Versailles is also stripped of useless gildings that the King finds either in poor taste or wasteful.

This raises 5 points, which is used to raise 5 battalions of infantry (which are kept with the Army of Paris as part of the Strategic Reserve).
Galveston Bay
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:57 pm

Winter 1712
Letters and official couriers are sent across the Channel to travel on English ships to make the voyage to Carentan (OTL Halifax). They will not reach New France until spring but they have instructions ordering the transfer of Maine (Portland) and nearby Montpelier to English control during the summer months. The 2 battalions of troops (1 at each location) will leave once the English arrive to protect the settlers living there. This is to be kept quiet, particularly from the Indians who might have misgivings about the English setting up shop

Similarly, again traveling by English ship, couriers and instructions are sent from the French East India Company to Portugal, where they travel by Portuguese ships to Pondicherry. The British East India Company has purchased Pondicherry and all assets, including the locally raised army of 3,200 troops (3 infantry battalions and 1 depot) are to be transferred. These instructions too are secret

In Versailles, the Crown considers this a worthwhile price to keep the English Navy from being a threat and instead being an co bellegerent. It also solves the long standing worry that the English population growth in New England will simply overwhelm the rather small French population in southern Acadia.

While South Africa is seen as the key to the Indian Ocean and worth giving up the small French presence in India (and Singapore is viewed as more important now as a gateway to points further north in East Asia, including perhaps trade with China)

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:14 am

Spring 1712
The French Crown accepts offers by banks in Ireland and Prussia to extend credit and borrows 5 points from each.  

10 points borrowed
2 points spent on special intelligence efforts
3 points spent on 3 infantry battalions raised at Brest
5 points spent on 2 cavalry regiments, 1 infantry battalion at St Denis, Chartres, and Versailles depots

France has 20 depots
Depots (18): Ile de France: St Denis, Paris, Versailles, other: Chartres, Orleans, Compiegne, Amiens, Dieppe, LeMans, Rennes, Nantes, Poitiers, Bourges, Valence, Vichy, Montpelier, Bergerec, Turennes, Toulouse, Bayonne

The depots at Amiens, Dieppe, Compiegne, Paris, and Rennes are abandoned and the 200 men at each are marched to Versailles to form an infantry battalion. (reducing depots to 15).
Galveston Bay
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:35 pm

Summer 1712 Wartime taxes are imposed (50% reduction as year is half over, 50% reduction due to tax evasion) = 1.25 points

.25 points, propaganda (internal)
1 point raise militia brigade Metz (walled city)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:52 pm

Galveston Bay wrote: France military 1713

Military Forces
New France (3 fortresses 2 militia brigades, 1.7 points)
1 fortress, 1 militia brigade (Quebec), 1 Fortress (Louisburg), 1 Fortress, 1 militia brigade (Carentan OTL Halifax)
Florida/Louisiana  (2 fortresses, 4 infantry battalions, 2 cavalry regiments 1.8 points)
1 fortress (Key West), 1 Fortress, 2 infantry battalions (Pensacola)  2 infantry battalions,2 cavalry regiments (Baton Rouge)
other locations vary see war threads
South Africa/Reunion (2 fortress, 5 infantry battalions, 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry regiment, 1.95 points)
Sicily / S Italy (3 garrison brigades, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 infantry brigade, .75 points)
France/North Italy  (10 depots:  Orleans,  LeMans, Rennes, Nantes, Poitiers, Bourges, Valence, Vichy, Bergerec, Turennes, as all others have been abandoned or taken, no maintenance cost)(2 fortresses, 11 militia brigades, 14 infantry battalions 2 cavalry regiments, 1 Brandenburg infantry battalion, 1 Brunswick Infantry Brigade, 5 cavalry brigades, 3 infantry brigades  7.35 points)
Total Army maintenance 13.8 points

Navy (as of January 1713)
at Brest: 1 naval yard, 2 HvBatRons, 5 BatRon, 7 CruRon, 4 PatRon plus 6 transport fleets on loan to English (they are paying for those) 10.75 points
also at Brest: 1 HvBatRon (6 points including damaged, this unit is scrapped, personnel formed into an infantry brigade), 2 BatRon (4.5 points including damage) 10.5 points to restore, only paying 1.5 points as they are remaining in port as guard ships) (so 1 HvBatRon w 5 points of damage, 1 BatRon w 1 point of damage, 1 BatRon w 2 points of damage)
at Messina: 1 PatRon .25 points
total Navy costs: 12.5 points

France has suffered heavy losses over the last year, with nearly 60,000 Army (5 fortresses, 25 brigades worth of troops lost), and 25,000 naval casualties (2 HvBatron, 4 BatRon, 2 CruRon, 2 PatRon lost)

But they have inflicted heavy losses on the enemy too, and while a quarter of France is occupied or in hands of traitors, the King vows to fight on and he has a lot of support

It took decades to drive out the Spanish and the English in previous wars, and more decades to defeat the Habsburg threat in the 16th Century

France will again triumph
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:37 pm

1713 Economy and income

French Control
Population: 14 Million [Tax penalty of 25% to represent non-compliant areas]
Ports: Bordeaux, Brest
FC: Bordeaux
Craft Center: Bordeaux
Resources: Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes, Vichy
Merchant Flotillas: 6
(wartime taxes 7 plus 2 ports plus Bordeaux FC, CC 2, resources 4 = 15 plus 3 (merchant shipping) 18
Colonial Income
New France (Canada, Hudson Bay, Acadia, Illinois) 14.7 plus Florida, French Guyana 1.15 = 15.85
French Africa (South and West) 1.5
subtotal 17.35
special income 2.5 points (sale of Pondicherry)
Sicily/unoccupied South Italy population 3 million (1.5 /2 = .75 points) Pallermo (Sicily) 1 resource = 1.75
total 18 plus 17.35 plus 2.5 plus 1.75 = 39.6 points

Military Forces
New France (3 fortresses 2 militia brigades, 1.7 points)
Florida/Louisiana (2 fortresses, 4 infantry battalions, 2 cavalry regiments 1.8 points)
South Africa/Reunion (2 fortress, 5 infantry battalions, 1 infantry brigade, 1 cavalry regiment, 1.95 points)
Sicily / S Italy (3 garrison brigades, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 infantry brigade, .75 points)
France/North Italy (10 depots: Orleans, LeMans, Rennes, Nantes, Poitiers, Bourges, Valence, Vichy, Bergerec, Turennes, as all others have been abandoned or taken, no maintenance cost)(2 fortresses, 11 militia brigades, 15 infantry battalions 2 cavalry regiments, 1 Brandenburg infantry battalion, 1 Brunswick Infantry Brigade, 5 cavalry brigades, 2 infantry brigades 9.1 points)
Total Army maintenance 13.8 points

at Brest: 1 naval yard, 2 HvBatRons, 5 BatRon, 7 CruRon, 4 PatRon plus 6 transport fleets on loan to English (they are paying for those) 10.75 points
also at Brest: 1 HvBatRon (6 points including damaged), 2 BatRon (4.5 points including damage) 10.5 points to restore, only paying 2.5 points as they are remaining in port as guard ships) (so 1 HvBatRon w 5 points of damage, 1 BatRon w 1 point of damage, 1 BatRon w 2 points of damage)
at Messina: 1 PatRon .25 points
total Navy costs: 12.5 points

Total Military Maintenance 26.3 points

Income: 39.6 points
military maintenance 26.3 points
available 13.3 points
Debt Service (interest for 3 x 10 point internal loans x 7%= .21 plus 2 external loans to Brandenburg, Ireland at 5 points x 7% interest =.7 plus principal .5 at .25 each loan) .78 points
available 12.52
5 Point loan from Brandenburg

total available 17.52 points
4 infantry battalions at Brest form into 1 infantry brigades (zero cost), 1 militia brigade, 1 navy brigade drawn from marines and sailors from HBatRon plus other marine volunteers from fleet, 2 infantry battalions form 2 infantry brigades (1 points) at Brest (so 3 infantry brigades at Brest) (1 point total)

(NOTE: 4 infantry battalions from New France and 1 infantry battalions from the Paris area did not make it onto the Forces in France post for Fall 1712...4 of them are at Bordeaux, so that is 6 total at Brest, 5 total at Bordeaux, 1 at Toulouse, 1 at Bayonne, 1 at Limoges and 1 with Savoy)
1 infantry battalion at Bayonne, 4 at Bordeaux plus 1 militia brigade at Bayonne plus 4 at Bordeaux are merged to form 5 infantry brigades (10 points)
1 Brandenburg infantry brigade recruited back up to strength at Bordeaux (3 points)
1 infantry battalion and 1 militia brigade at Limoges formed into 1 infantry brigade (2 points)
1 militia brigade formed at Brest (1 point) releases 1 infantry battalion at the fortress as militia take over

17 points to add 10 infantry brigades to the French Army

available .52 points used to pay debt service for Neopolitan debt (to selected bankers who aren't in Genoa, Rome, or Florence) .52 points

Neopolitan debt is 15 points, the Crown declares that debts owed to Florence, Genoa, Rome, and Venetian bankers by the Regency of Naples are declared void, only debts owed to bankers in Naples and Sicily will be honored, as well as debts owed to banks in Savoy/Milan once peace and victory are won. For now interest only will be paid

5 point loan from Ireland- 3 points to repair 2 BatRons (see above), 2 points to Durban for continued upgrades to that colony (traveling on neutral shipping)

5 point loan from Ottoman Empire
upgrade 3 garrison brigades in Sicily to 3 infantry brigades (3 points)
build 1 cavalry regiment at Belfort (2 points)

3 points sale of East Florida
fixing a math error 1.75 points
available 1.25  plus 5 point loan from Netherlands = 6.25 points
upgrade 1 infantry battalion at Toulouse to 1 infantry brigade 3 points
upgrade 1 infantry battalion at Brest to 1 infantry brigade 3 points
espionage attempts .25

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:20 pm

Work begins on a law that in essence states
"Every man, conducting himself as a good citizen, and being accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, ought to be protected in worshiping the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience."

This is closely held, with only the King, a few advisors and the Queen discussing it but it fits closely with the Kings view that the Church has no business dictating to the State and the subject has a duty to the Crown that differs from his duty to God.  As Jesus himself had taught.

While not openly a Protestant, it is clear to those who know him that only political considerations have thus far kept him from declaring such.  Certainly he seemed not in the least bit upset about any Papal action blocking him from God.

The Army is given orders that no specific retribution is to be conducted against anyone for their religious views. However, the duty of all in the Kingdom to support the Army when the Kingdom has been invaded by foreigners remains, and evasion or refusal to follow that duty will bring the full force of the Crown and Army upon those who fail to perform their duties.

While there are protests that under the rules of feudalism the duty of the crown goes to the subject as well as the subject to the crown, they are met with the argument that the first duty of the Crown is to defend the Realm from invaders and those from outside of the realm who wish to rule it for themselves.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:42 pm

Late Spring 1713
In Quebec (city), the news of the liberation of New Orleans is met with jubilation. For the first time in decades it is possible to travel through the interior of the continent of North America by boat and never leave French territory. A voyage by sailing craft to Chicago and then by canoe or keel boat can now reach the Gulf of Mexico, where a ship can be taken back to Quebec.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:49 pm

French debt as of the end of 1713

Internal debt
3 x 10 point internals loans at 7% [ interest only 50% not being repaid due to treason]: 1.05 point [with principle over 20 year loan, 1.8] However, in order to not break the French economy, the Crown announces that all debts to French lenders will be paid in full with payments to begin on principle and interest effective 1714
These loans were taken out in the 2 years up to the war, plus the first year of the war

External loans
Ireland x 2, Brandburg x2, Ottoman Empire x 1 (one was forgiven previously),and the Netherlands x 1 (each loan at 5 points each, only interest was paid the previous 2 years)

Debts owed by the Kingdom of Naples
15 points. The Crown of France permanently defaults on 75% of that, only the 3.75 points owed to bankers in Turin and Milan will be paid by France. The Lanteran Alliance is free to make its own arrangements to avoid disaster to lenders in central and southern Italy. As this was not covered in the Treaty ending the war, France feels no obligation to pay loans for a territory it no longer owns.

Total debt: 30 internal + 3.75 Northern Italian banker debt + 30 other foreign debt = 63.75 points at 7% interest over 20 years. To aid those lenders, France alters the debt structure so that all debt will be paid within 15 years or less. (ooc: and for my own sanity). In addition, even though some principal was paid to foreign lenders already, as a gesture of good faith, France will treat all debts as at full (5 or 10 depending) at the start of 1714

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:45 pm

Fall 1713
After 3 years of war, the French military has sent 300,000 men to war, and roughly 40% of them are dead.   The Navy has fallen to half its prewar strength, the Army is about 40% of its prewar strength, but the survivors are tough experienced veterans.  

To honor those that remain, the King orders several actions.

All veterans who served are to be issued a special medal, the Médaille du Service Valeureux (brass for enlisted ranks, silver for officer ranks).  

Ship captains who took, captured or destroyed an enemy ship, if not already of noble rank, are inducted into the Order of Military Merit, with the rank of Chevalier.   Multiple awards result in increasing land grants (which is extended to officers who are already of noble rank as well) in the French colonies (which can be sold or retained as desired).  This is a not an inheritable title.    This Order is Military Merit is also extended to include Marine and Army officers who distinguished themselves in battle for acts of notable courage, bravery or battlefield skill.   Unlike other French orders of knighthood, this one is extended to non Catholics.   The Star of Military Merit is awarded to battlefield and naval commanders who distinguished themselves through victory. S

Cash awards, to be paid in 1714, are budgeted for all officers and men of the Navy, Marines and Army.  

Meanwhile the Army and Navy are moved to a peacetime footing as foreign armies leave France.    

(ooc more to come on how much is spent on this and where everyone ends up)

French military forces by Christmas 1713

Reunion Island (patrolling Natal coast and southern Indian Ocean)
1 CruRon

South Atlantic Fleet (en route home to Brest)
2 BatRons, 1 CruRon, 1 PatRon w 2 infantry battalions embarked among the ships

Mediterranean Fleet (en route home to Brest with transports making a stop in England)
3 BatRon, 3 CruRon, 4 PatRon, 6 merchant fleets (as transports)(carrying the English Army from Sardinia)

Atlantic Fleet
1 HvBatRon, damaged [3 turns, 5 points], 2 BatRon, damaged [2 turns, 3 points each]

French Army
Colonial Forces
South Africa/Indian Ocean
2 fortresses (Caronville, Reunion), 1 cavalry regiment (Natal), 1 infantry brigade (Caronville)
New France
3 Fortresses (Quebec, Louisburg, Carentan (OTL Halifax)) 2 militia brigades (Quebec, St John)
1 infantry battalion (New Orleans), 1 infantry battalion (Mobile), 1 garrison brigade (Baton Rouge)
South Florida
1 fortress (Key West)

Home Forces
2 fortresses (Belfort, Brest)
5 depots (Rennes, Nantes, Poitiers, Vichy, Bergerac, Turenne)
Eastern France
1 militia brigade, 1 cavalry regiment (Belfort)
1 militia brigade, 1 infantry battalion (from Italy)(Vichy)
1 infantry battalion (Brest)
Southern France
1 militia brigade, 1 cavalry regiment (Poitiers)
1 militia brigade, 1 cavalry regiment (Bergerac)
6 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigades (Bordeaux)
en route home: 1 German Infantry Brigade (mixed Brunswick/Brandenburg), 1 Cavalry Regiment (mixed Brandenburg/French)
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:12 pm

Kingdom of France 1714 (Provisional build)
Population: 20.06 million (peacetime taxes 5 points, wartime taxes 10 points)
Ports: Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Lille (4 points)
Financial Center: 1 Bordeaux (represents French East India Company)(1 point)
Craft Centers: Paris 1, Lille 1, Metz 1, Marseilles 1, Bordeaux (5 points)
Resources: 8 Resources (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy) (8 points)
Metropol income 23 points

French maritime commerce
(supported by ports of Quebec, Marseille, Bordeaux, Brest, Lille) 15 commercial flotillas 7.5 points

colonial income 17.75 points
total: 48.25 points

military maintenance 17 points

Loan servicing
total debt that will be paid back: 63.75 points
Interest 7%
2 x 5 point loans Ireland (interest .35 x 2 = ..7)
2 x 5 point loans Brandenburg (interest .35 x 2 = .7)
1  x 5 point loan Ottoman Empire (the other 5 point loan was forgiven) (.35 interest)
1 x 5 point loan Netherlands (.35 interest)
3 x 10 point loans internal  (.7 x 3 = 2.1 interest)
1 x 3.75 point loan remainder of Naples debt that will be honored (.27 interest)
total interest owed 1714  = 4.47 points

subtotal interest plus military maintenance 21.47
available 26.48
pay off in full German debts 10 points
pay off in full Ottoman debts 5 points
pay off in full northern Italian debt 3.75
pay .5 points each principle 3 internal, 1 Dutch and 2 Irish debts (3 points)
total principle paid: 21.75 (of 63.75 owed)
available 4.73 points
1714 loan from Netherlands 5 points
sale of warships to England 3 points
available 12.73 points
10.73 points
1 militia brigade, 1 cavalry regiment (Belfort) plus 2 points = 1 cavalry brigade
1 militia brigade, 1 infantry battalion (from Italy)(Vichy) plus 1 point = 1 infantry brigade
1 infantry battalion (Brest) + 2 infantry battalions (that came with fleet + 1 infantry battalion (marines from ships sold) + 2 points = 2 garrison brigades (which are sent to Martinique and Mobile winter 1714)
Southern France
1 militia brigade, 1 cavalry regiment (Poitiers) plus 2 points = 1 cavalry brigade
1 militia brigade, 1 cavalry regiment (Bergerac) plus 2 points = 1 cavalry brigade

total military upgrades 8 points
Cash Bonuses to Naval and Army officers and enlisted men 4.23 points (some of these bonuses may be postponed into 1715 and 1716)
If need be, if there are income shortfalls from Metropol income, principal payments to Dutch, Internal, and Irish loans reduced to .25 (so 1.5 points total instead of 3 point)
Other spending .5 points for maintenance at Marseille naval yard. More work is planned for next year

Brunswick and Brandenburg are informed that money to completely rebuild their damaged units will be provided in 1716 (9 points each)

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:37 pm

A small judicial reform is ordered
Bailliages and présidiaux, which are the first court for certain crimes (so-called cas royaux) including sacrilege, lèse-majesté, kidnapping, rape, heresy, alteration of money, sedition, insurrections, and the illegal carrying of arms which previously had appeals limited to regional parlements, are ordered to allow defendents found guilty the right of appeal to the Crown for clemency in cases involving sacrilege, heresy and witchcraft.  This is to ensure that Catholic and Protestant sensibilities and passions do not result in innocent people being convicted of the crime of being of the 'wrong religion'.    

Increasingly, unless those crimes involved the proven harm to another person or property damage, clemency is given, usually any time served being as the commuted sentence and if the verdict was arrived at by questionable means or in questionable circumstances, pardons are issued.  A number of special assistants (lawyers of good character and known honesty) are placed on retainer to review these cases in the name of the Crown.   The rights of Churches to expel members is left strictly alone but the State retains its right to enforce civil law.

Those that claim to have been victimized by witch craft are given the opportunity to relocate far away, specifically to Canada.  This offer is made particularly in cases where no obvious physical harm can be found.  

As before, most previously capital crimes are commuted to exile to the Colonies, with Protestants and Jews sent to Natal, Catholics to Canada although either may request Florida or Louisiana.   Only cases of murder, rape, treason, and insurrection remain subject to execution, while cases of Lese Majeste and Desertion are frequently sentenced to 10 years hard labor in Martinque. Guadalupe or Phillippia on Sugar plantations.

The Royal Residences
with the destruction of Versailles Palace by the Kings order during the war, the Royal Family now lives seasonally at 3 locations. In the Fall and Winter the residence at Poitiers continues, in the spring the court moves Fontainbleau Palace (near Paris), and in the summer retires to Orleans. Ministries remain in Paris, but the High Council is required to travel with the Court, as are certain other specialists and advisors.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:25 pm

no longer relevant

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Galveston Bay

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:07 pm

Creation of the Defense Council Fall 1714
After reviewing the events of the war, King Philippe VIII decides that reform is needed. He puts much of the blame on himself, but he has also vowed that France will never be so weak again. To that end he summons to Orleans what he intends to be a permanent body of counselors to devise a defense policy for the Realm, specifically regarding the organization and improvement of the Army and the Navy.

The Chancellor of France
The Secretaries of State for War, Foreign Affairs, Navy,
the Controller of Finances
Lieutenant General of Police (of Paris) who is promoted to Constable of France (and now heads all police in France)
Dukes of the Realm (Royal and Great Nobles)
The Princes of the Realm (Royal and Great Nobles)
Marshals of France (includes Eugene of Savoy as a Marshal of France and as Duke)
Major Generals of Infantry, Engineers, Artillery, Cavalry (branch chiefs)
Vice Admirals of the Fleet (and higher)
Colonial Governors (when visiting France)

the Defense Council will meet once a year for 2-6 weeks, longer if needed. For the first meeting the Army and Navy are required to provide battle reports, campaign logs, and a full accounting of losses, current state of their services, and immediate needs.

The first meeting is to be held on June 30, 1715 and reports are expected at that time.
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:25 pm

1715 Budget
under revision

Last edited by Galveston Bay on Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:00 am

Fall 1714  The Mediterranean, Caribbean and Canadian Patrols are established, consisting of PatRons and are essentially a glorified coast guard and local patrol force. There are now 2 Fleets, the Indian Ocean Fleet, with a small force of frigates and 4 PatRons, and the Mobile Fleet, which is the heavy units of the Navy, as well as frigates for scouting duties and a PatRon to carry messages..

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty REVISED 1715 budget

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:30 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:1715 Budget
under revision

 1715 Budget
income 49.25 points
Military Maintenance: 16.25 points
available 31
remaining outstanding debt as of 1715  48.75 points
Interest 7%
2 x .4.5 point loans Ireland (interest .32 x 2 = .64)
1 x 5 point loan Netherlands (.35 interest)
1 x 4.5 point loan Netherlands (.32 interest)
3 x 9.5 point loans internal  (.67 x 3 = 2.01 interest)
1 x 1.75 point loan remainder of Naples debt that will be honored (.12  interest)
total interest: 3.45
principal payments: .25 points 1714 Dutch loan + .25 points 1713 Dutch loan
payments of .25 each for Irish, internal loans (1.25 points) plus 1.75 points to Italian loans (paying it off)
total principal paid: 3.5 points
total debt service: 6.95 points
available: 24.05  points
3 points to French East India Company (Qing / Canton trade plus trading post Penang)(year 1 is payments to Qing, trading posts to follow next year)
4 points repairs Marseille Naval Yard (year 1 of 3, 4 of 12 points)
start 1 merchant fleet 1 point of 3 (year 1 of 2)
rebuild 12 depots St Denis, Paris, Versailles, Chartres, Orleans, Compiegne, Amiens, Dieppe, Le Mans, Bourges, Valence, Montpelier (12 points)
start fortresses Martinique, (2 points of 4)
naval construction 2 x BB2 (Bretagne, Gascogne) (year 1 of 6, 2 points of 12)
Galveston Bay
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:44 pm

(doing builds a bit early as busy this weekend)

 1716 Budget
income 49.5 points
Military Maintenance: 16.25 points
available 33.25

Debt payments continue on time and on schedule.  The French government has determined that one brake on Dutch plans for expansion is to pay off the debt owed to the Dutch exactly on time to limit their borrowing and thus expansion.  While little else can be done to help the Portuguese at least that much can be accomplished.  

remaining outstanding debt as of 1715  45.25 points
Interest 7%
2 x .4.25 point loans Ireland (interest .3 x 2 = .6)
1 x 4.75 point loan Netherlands (.33 interest)
1 x 4.25 point loan Netherlands (.3 interest)
3 x 9.25 point loans internal  (.65 x 3 = 1.95 interest)
total interest:  3.18
principal payments: .25 points 1714 Dutch loan + .25 points 1713 Dutch loan
payments of .25 each for 2 Irish, 3 internal loans (1.25 points)
total principal paid: 1.75 points
total debt service: 4.93 points
available 28.32  

The planned investment in China Trade continues as planned, with funds allocated for personnel, building materials and initial trade goods are budgeted for the upcoming year

economic investment (6 points)
6 points to French East India Company (Qing / Canton trade plus trading post Penang)(year 1 was payment to Qing, this year is building the trading posts to support that trade) (1 trading post at Canton, 1 Penang)

The new agreement with Ireland will assist in the needed expansion of Navy, which will allow the construction of frigates quickly while Marseille Naval Yard remains under repair.  Meanwhile more ships of the line of the 1715 class are laid down and small expansion of patrol craft is ordered.

Naval expansion (12 points)
4 points repairs Marseille Naval Yard (year 2 of 3, 8 of 12 points)
complete 1 merchant fleet 2 points, 3 points of 3 (year 2 of 2)
naval construction 2 x BB2 (Bretagne, Gascogne) (year 2 of 6, 2 points  4 of 12) at Brest Naval Yard
naval consruction 2 x BB2 (Normandie, Provence) (year 1 of 6, 2 points, 2 of 12) at Brest Naval Yard
naval construction 4 x FF1 (Puma, Carcajou, Loutre, Orque) (1.5 points, 1.5 of 6, year 1 of 4) at Charleston Naval Yard
naval construction 1 PatRon (Great Lakes class)(.5, year 1 of 1)

The Army continues replacing infrastructure lost during the war and one of the first recommendations of the Defense Council is to improve the professionalism of French officers. To that end, the Depot at Fontainebleu will be the home of the Ecole Militaire, an academy to train officer cadets from poor Noble families (OTL created in 1750, but seeing as France lost every battle it fought aside from two in the last war, officer training is apparently an issue) while the Cavalry School at Samaur (OTL created 1763, coming early because the French Cavalry failed to accomplish much last war).   Both schools are to train officer cadets and junior officers in the art and science of being a professional soldier.

Army expansion (10 points)
complete fortress Martinique, (2 points, 4 points of 4)
start fortress New Orleans (2 points, 2 points of 4, year 1 of 2)
start fortress Marseille (2 points, 2 points of 4, year 1 of 2)
build 2 depots, Samuar (Cavalry School), Fontainebleau (Officer School)  (4 points of 4)

total 6 economic plus 12 naval plus 10 army = 28 plus 4.93 debt service plus 16.25 military maintenance = 49.15
available .32 … allocated to gifts to friendly Indians in the Louisiana, New France and Florida
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:05 pm

Fall 1715
The Mobile Fleet prepares for an extended voyage to visit Reunion and Caronville with orders to make sail the day after Christmas, so as to avoid the worst of the winter gales and reach the South Atlantic in the summer months.

BB2 Tonnant (Fleet flag), Formidable, Intrepide, Terrible, Orient, Ocean, Triomphe, Sceptre, Juste, Neptune, Superbe (secondary flag), Robuste, Diligent, Achille, Ajax,
FF1 Sirene (tertiary flag), Tigre, Galant, Assure, Constant, Trident, Indien, Africain, Dryade,
plus 1 PatRon
6 of of the frigates will remain behind to replace the 6 frigates on station with the Indian Ocean Fleet which have earned a trip home

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:33 pm

Fall 1715
A formal declaration of war is declared on the Sultan of Zanzibar and war time taxes will be imposed next year to pay for an expedition to reduce piracy in the Indian Ocean (and to punish the Sultan for his previous support for the Dutch during the Franco-Dutch War)

The 5 additional points of revenue are allocated to paying down Irish loans (5 points worth, or 5 out of 8 points owed) which will allow the Irish to borrow more if they wish and reduce the French national debt further

The Mobile Fleet is already preparing for an expedition to South Africa and the Indian Ocean
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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by TLS Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:56 pm

With the declaration of a Papal Conclave, and by the terms of the Lateran Treaty, the Cardinals of France petition the King for permission to attend the Papal Conclave in Rome. The Treaty clearly dictates that the Cardinals are allowed to travel to Rome with or without the King's permission, but can only travel under armed guard with the King's permission and under a joint Church/Royal escort. As the journey to Rome is somewhat perilous, denying the Cardinals said permission will likely reduce their numbers in attendance at the Conclave.

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The Kingdom of France - Page 3 Empty Re: The Kingdom of France

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:45 pm

TLS wrote:With the declaration of a Papal Conclave, and by the terms of the Lateran Treaty, the Cardinals of France petition the King for permission to attend the Papal Conclave in Rome. The Treaty clearly dictates that the Cardinals are allowed to travel to Rome with or without the King's permission, but can only travel under armed guard with the King's permission and under a joint Church/Royal escort. As the journey to Rome is somewhat perilous, denying the Cardinals said permission will likely reduce their numbers in attendance at the Conclave.

Permission is granted to attend the Conclave with suitable escort and a number of officers of suitable rank and appropriately Catholic are appointed to oversee this
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