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Falklands War 1771-1774

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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:03 am

April-June 1773

European Theater

Meanwhile in Gibraltar...

The Siege continues, the Spanish maintain a loose blockade of the Gibraltar by deploying the Cartagena Fleet/French Med fleet, both sides suffer some attrition losses on the ground.

British forces
1 fortress*technically damaged, but can provide 1 light infantry brigade of troops for combat, 1 infantry brigade, 2 light infantry brigades
1 Militia infantry regiment disbanded due to attrition losses
, plus naval shipyard staff (2 militia brigades in an emergency)

Army of the South (Gibraltar and Environs)
1 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry brigade reduce to regiment, attrition losses
2 Infantry Regiments (Reinforced to brigades by summer ‘73)
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 French Cavalry Brigade
3 French Infantry Brigade
1 French Engineer Brigade

Moroccan naval raids…
The Spanish deploy 5 Brigs to attack Morocco shipping lanes, so far, they only managed to capture 1 shipping unit.

Cartegna Naval Department
1 BB2: San Pascual Bailon
8 Spanish Brigs/Patrons* 5 deployed for raiding*
3 Neapolitan Brigs
Mediterranean Fleet (Cadiz) (Commander: Pierre André de Suffren)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-1 Frigates (Souverain)
-2 Brigs

For now, the Moroccans seem to be playing it low, however rumors are spreading that Moroccans use the loot from their raid on Dakar to hire Algerian, Tunisian, Tripoli corsairs/ mercs to help their war effort. But exact information seems to be lacking in this regard. As for the siege of Ceuta for now, they seem to have pack up and left a Cav regiment to watch Spanish activity…

Bay of Biscay

April-June 1773

After the attempt to land Irish rebels’ earlier year, the British Royal Navy enacted policy of deploying frigates squadrons outside the French ports of Brest/ Bordeaux to watch for Franco-Spanish naval movements for a potential invasion of the Home Islands or elsewhere. Frigates will remain inshore in groups of 6 to watch the 2 primary French bases, while others will stand out to sea in patrol lines to watch for any incoming fleets. If a French fleet was spotted, they had standing orders to relay the message to the Combine fleet…

The presence of the British Frigates forces most of the French shipping in the area to avoid to open sea and travel close to the coast. Which returns reduces the ability for the French to gather intel of British fleet movements due to the Frigate screens that were operating close to their waters…

Bordeaux patrol
FF1 Mary Galley, Pearl, Lark, Roebuck, Hector, Torrington,
Brest patrol
FF1 Gosport, Lynn, Faversham, Folkestone, Eltham, Thetis,
Southern patrol (watching for Spanish fleets coming up from the south)
FF1 Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowey, Ludlow Castle,
Western patrol (watching for enemy fleets coming in from the west)
FF1 Scarborough, Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool

Mobile patrol (grabbing merchant ships that pass through the other blockades, also inshore raiding of minor ports on Bay of Biscay coast between Spanish border and Brest)
FF1 Penzanze, Expedition, Assurance, Prince Henry, Bridgewater, Success, Port Mahon, Lively, Experiment, Winchelsea, plus Colonial Fleet FF1 Hermoine (John Paul Jones) and Industry

By the end of June

1 French shipping unit on its back from Indian Ocean was captured by the Colonial frigate Hermione under the command of Captain John Paul Jones.

April 2 1773

Port of Brest

The Army of the North (based in Brest) is ordered to prepare for a grand adventure. The men are told in port that they are heading for oppressed British lands—Irish-descent officers are paraded about and given command positions—and resources are amassed. Supplies are brought to build a base and a depot, as well as plenty of guns to arm friendly locals. The Manche Fleet departs port early morning April 2nd  it is not until they are out at sea that the commanders are to reveal their true destination: Canada…

Admiral Comte de Grasse decided to the fleet had to make a dash to open to avoid any confrontation with the British, his goal was to make to open sea and head to the target. However, he only knew there were British frigates out there, but wasn’t sure if the British had a fleet nearby. He orders all his captains to be on their guard as they made the passage to open sea.

As the fleet is making pass Fort de Bertheaume, they are spotted by the HMS Hector which was about 10 miles away(was not spotted by the French fail detection roll), The Hector sails to inform the combine fleet of the French fleet movement….

Manche (Brest) (Commander: François Joseph Paul, comte de Grasse; Second: Charles Hector, comte d'Estaing)
-2 BB1s (Ville de Paris, Royal Louis)
-20 BB2s (Soleil Royal, Foudroyant, Formidable, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient, Saint-Esprit, Languedoc, Couronne, Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe, Entreprenant, Redoutable, Palmier, Guerrier, Défenseur, Phénix, Espérance, Ferme)
-5 Frigates (Neptune, Juste, Aimable, Savoyard, Normandie)
-5 Shipping Units

Army of North  (Brest) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, second in command François Claude Amour, marquis de Bouillé)
-4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Brigade
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-4 Artillery Companies

The Combine fleet had one goal which was prevent the French fleet combing with Spanish fleet for potential invasion of the Britain and Ireland.  Admirals Hood and Rodney gambled that the Spanish main fleet was elsewhere after their operations in Canaries.  But they need to ensure that the French don’t join the Spanish fleet at all cost. With the backing of the Admiralty, the Combine fleet was sent with full force of the British battleline to strike at heart of the French navy. The fleets assume position close enough to be in striking range of Brest out of sight of French observers. (OOC:for gameplay assume 60 miles west of Ushant).  By early afternoon, they received word of the French fleet was its way to open sea.  Admiral Hood signal the fleets to intercept the French near Ushant….

Combined Fleet (battle force)
BB1 Ramilies (Hood), BB2 Bellona, Cornwall, Black Prince, Shrewsbury, Superb, Valiant (Blue Squadron)
BB1 Royal Sovereign (Hughes) BB2 Pembroke, Chathen, Oxford, Vanguard, Swiftsure, Superb, (White Squadron)
BB1 Prince Royal (Rodney) BB2 Wolverine, Cornwall, Canada, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, (Red Squadron)
BB1 Victory (Howe) BB2 Warrior, Vanguard, Emperor , Superior, Triumph, York, (Yellow Squadron)
BB2 Saint Patrick(Keppel), Achilles, America, Medway, Burford, Boyne, Witch, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon( Green Squadron)

The Battles of Ushants

April 2, 1773, early evening, lasting into the night

The French frigates Neptune, and Juste who were slightly ahead of the main fleet, spotted the British Yellow and Red Squadrons and quickly rely the message to Admiral Comte de Grasse, who assume this was the British fleet send to stop him. He decides to fight them and break their lines with his superior number of 22 battleship ships. Which in turn will ensure the safety of the invasion fleet. However, as his fleet got closer to British fleet, he realized his error of his move when other British fleet squadrons came into range, it was close to 37 battleships. By now it was too late to retreat to Brest, he had to fight and make a stand in the hopes of causing enough damaged on the British to allow him to withdraw back to port with his honor preserved and the invasion force saved for another day.

Just the battle has begun with the French aggressively attacking and opening cannon fire as soon they were in range of the British warships. The fighting is brutal and close between the two fleets; however the British have the edge and use to inflict as much damaged on the French. Most of the British captains were given standing orders not to allow the French to break though in their potential invasion of the Ireland or Britain.  Even if it were to cost them their ship and their lives.  The battle progressed into the night, causing a breakdown in communications within the two fleets as the individual captains did what was for the best. Eventually the French resolve to fight further into the night dissolved, as their ships took heavy damaged and the lost of contact with their leadership damaged morale.  The French ships made a run to Brest to save what’s left of the fleet and avoid further bloodshed. By daybreak, the British realized the they won the battle.

They managed to capture one of the troops transport ships and sink another one the fighting. They quickly realized this force was not heading to Ireland or Britain, it was meant for Canada…

That morning a rider from Brest goes to Paris to inform the King of the defeat. He goes into shock and faints after he heard the news.

French losses

2 BB1s -Ville de Paris, Royal Louis- (Moderate damage, 2 point to repair each,6 months to repair)
4 BB2s- Soleil Royal, Ferme, Saint-Esprit. Formidable – Sunk
4 BB2s - Foudroyant, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient ( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
6 BB2s (Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe, Entreprenant, Redoutable, Palmier) ( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, 6 months to repair)
2 BB2s( Défenseur, Phénix) ( Moderate damage 1 point to each to repair, 6 months to repair) captured by the British ****
4 BB2s (Languedoc, Couronne, Guerrier, Espérance)( Light damage, .75 points each, 3 months to repair
3 Frigates sunk- (Neptune, Aimable, Savoyard)

Invasion force losses
1 shipping unit captured by British, 2 Light Infantry Brigades now POWs of Britain
1 shipping unit destroyed by British,  1 Infantry brigade was lost, 2 artillery companies lost and François Claude Amour, marquis de Bouillé was on board and his body was not found.

British losses
2 BB2s- Chathen, Lexon- Sunk
1 BB1 Royal Sovereign  (Light damage, 1 point to repair, 3 months to repair)
5 BB2s- Boyne, York,, America, Wolverine, Pembroke, Saint Patrick,  ( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
10 BB2s- Cornwall, Black Prince, Triumph, Emperor, Vanguard, Warrior, Medway, Burford, Canada, Valiant( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, 6 months to repair)


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:35 pm

April-June 1773

North American Theater

After their reconquest of the Canaries islands in January, the Spanish organized their plan to take the war to the heart of the British Empire, much like how the French had planned, but was not able to carry out. In early March the invasion fleet left Cadiz for their target destination of Savannah then Charleston.

Spanish Expeditionary Force - under command of Louis des Balbes de Berton de Crillon, 1st Duke of Mahón
5 Spanish Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Brigades
3 Artillery Companies

Invasion fleet-Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra
3 BB1: (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando)
11 BB2: (San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Lorenzo, Dichoso)
5 FF1 (Santa Rosilia, Concepción, Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona)
4 Brigs

Colonial Forces as of April 1773

Charleston( Depot)
Savannah( Depot)
Fort at Savannah and Charleston
Fortress in progress at Charleston, no combat value
1 Frigates under construction( 1 at Charleston)
Charleston  can raise 1 Militia Infantry Brigade from the Port in the event of invasion
Charleston x2 Militia  Infantry regiments
Savannah x2 Militia Infantry regiments
Charleston: 1 Militia Brigade
2 Light Infantry Brigades being raise at Savannah and Charleston will be considered as Militia Infantry Brigades for this context

Other forces
Forts at Georgia/Florida Border, Macon GA, Athens, GA
1 Garrison Brigades (GA) Represents various forts and slave patrols

British forces
6 British infantry regiments, 1 Hessian Infantry regiment, 1 British artillery company (under General Burgoyne) at St. Augustine Fort

General Howe is ordered to march to Baton Rouge with 3 British Infantry Regiments (and Ferguson) from St. Augustine, will not arrived at New Orleans/ Baton Rouge area until Summer.

April 13-14, 1773

The Spanish invasion of Colonial Georgia and South Carolina

The vast Spanish invasion fleet arrives on the shores of Savannah to the horror of the local garrison and colonial government. The Spanish expeditionary force commander Duke of Mahón, sends an offer to the garrison commander of Savannah Brigadier General Robert Howe(Not related to British General Howe) to surrender the city and its garrison. Brigadier Howe declines the offer and orders his forces to mobilize for the defense of the city and sends riders to British and other colonial garrisons in the area. With receiving Colonial rejection to surrender, the Duke gives the order to assault the city.

The Spanish battleships shell the port and wreck the Colonial Fort of Savannah. The fort managed to get off a shot at the Spanish before being overwhelm. It managed to cause some damaged on a Spanish frigate Concepción.  The Duke lands his troops in rl Thunderbolt, Georgia, which is just outside the city. They march and attack the hastily Colonial defenses of the city. The Spanish were able to use their superior firepower from the battleships and artillery companies to dispute and inflict heavy losses on the colonial forces.  

By morning of April 14th, Savannah has fallen to the Spanish army.  Brigadier Howe is now POW with the remainder of his forces. The Spanish light losses in the fighting, whereas it was complete route for the colonial forces.

Colonial losses
Savannah( Depot) destroyed
Fort at Savannah destroyed
Savannah x2 Militia Infantry regiments destroyed
1 Light Infantry Brigades being raise at Savannah will be considered as Militia Infantry Brigades for this context, destroyed

Spanish losses
FF1 Concepción ( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)
1 Infantry brigade reduce to Infantry regiment

With Savannah secured, The Duke leaves infantry brigade and cavalry brigade and artillery company to guard his logistics base.

Spanish assault force on Charleston

3 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry Regiment
1 Cavalry Brigades
2 Artillery Companies

The Battle for Charleston

May 6-7, 1773

While he enacts his next phase of his plan, which was to march to conquer Charleston. He gives orders to the fleet to sail up the coast and blockade the port for his planned assault. It takes nearly two weeks on unpaved roads and trails to reach to their target by May 6th, 1773. By this time, the colonial forces under the command of Brigadier General Christopher Gadsden had time to prepared for the coming Spanish attack unlike Savannah.   Much like Savannah, the Duke request for the surrender of the city and the colonial garrison declines the offer.  Once he received the response, he orders the fleet and his artillery companies to shell the wreck the incomplete fortress and fort. The Spanish wreck both the incomplete fortress and fort with little to no damage to their forces. The Duke then give the order for his forces to assault the port. Unlike Savannah, the colonial forces are better organized and dig in, but still are out gunned by the Spanish force, who managed to overwhelm their lines and win the day. However, the colonials managed to inflict some losses on their Spanish foes before being forced to surrender. Brigadier General Christopher Gadsden is now a POW and the Duke has conquered both key southern ports of British America, and a great feat for the Duke was taking the Port of Charleston in relative good condition without much damage(Not going to generate money for the occupy, can be act as logistics base for Spanish forces) . The Spanish invasion fleet now sets a course to Cadiz leaving Charleston May 15th, will reach Cadiz by early July.

Spanish losses

Spanish assault force on Charleston

1 Infantry Regiment shattered
1 Infantry Brigade reduce to Regiment

Colonial losses

Charleston( Depot)- Destroyed
Fort -Charleston- Destroyed
Fortress in progress at Charleston, no combat value-Destroyed
1 Frigates under construction(1 at Charleston)- Colonial forces set it on fire to avoid having the Spanish take it. The unit is considered losted.
Charleston  can raise 1 Militia Infantry Brigade from the Port in the event of invasion- Destroyed
Charleston x2 Militia Infantry regiments- Destroyed
Charleston: 1 Militia Brigade- Destroyed
1 Light Infantry Brigades being raise at Charleston will be considered as Militia Infantry Brigades for this context- Destroyed

The 2nd Battle of Savannah

May, 18-20th 1773

By April 19, General Burgoyne receives word of the fall of Savannah at his base in Fort Saint Augustine, he realizes has only sizeable force in the area to counter the Spanish invasion in the colonies. He decides the best course of action is take back Savannah at all cost. He also notes that General Howe’s forces are on marching to meet with Washington and decides its best to let keep on their march, in not to waste more time waiting, while the Spanish are attacking the colonies.  He gives the order for his forces to begin a long march to Savannah. Which nearly takes 3 and half weeks for his forces to reach Savannah by May 18th. The Spanish garrison and his forces were evenly match in terms of training and firepower. The only slight advantage the Spanish had over Burgoyne was being dig in and ready to defend. The fighting is heavy and violent, but British overwhelm the Spanish garrison with heavy losses, but they paid in blood to retake a key colonial city.  By May 23rd, the Spanish General the Duke is informed of the lost of Savannah, but realizes his forces out of position to help. He order his forces to dig in and wait for new orders from Havana.

British losses
3 British infantry regiments shattered
1 Hessian Infantry regiments shattered
Survivors are reorganized into one British regiment with a hessian company attached to it.

Spanish losses
1 Cavalry brigade shattered, survivors are POWs
1 Infantry brigade shattered, survivors are POWs
Artillery company now POWs, British or Colonials Americans can use the artillery from this unit to raise their own unit for .5 points.

British forces at Savannah by the end of May 1773

3 Infantry Regiments
1 Artillery company

Economic impact of the Spanish invasion

Spanish gain 1.5 point of loot income generated from the attack, they are able to use it for this year 1773 build.
Colonial Georgia economic is wrecked, no income from the resource for 1774 turn
Colonial South Carolina economy is wrecked, no income from Port and 1 resource is no longer providing income as result of this invasion

The news of the Spanish invasion cause panic and shock within the British American government with Southern colonial leaders calling for troops to be send to deal with the Spanish invasion.

Native American front…

Meanwhile the Creek continue their raids against colonial forts in Georgia and North Carolina with mixed results, no major losses reported.
However, by end of May, the tribal leadership of the Cherokee decide its time to join with their Creek counterparts and attack the colonial’s forts.
Close to 4 regiments (Militia regiments) of Cherokee warriors join the war against the Anglo-Americans

Meanwhile in West Florida

Mid April 1773

Rumors spread along British agents in West Florida that Spanish forces( estimate a few regiments) were sighted landing and marching somewhere inland…

In Texas…

Late April 1773

The Spanish forces finally reach Goliad, where the token British garrison surrendered without a fight.

The Battle for Baton Rouge

April 5th, the Spanish governor of Louisiana received orders to drive the Anglo-American forces out of Baton Rouge and destroy them, he orders most of his garrison to be deploy and march to take the settlement back.  Its long rough march (90 miles) for the large Spanish forces though rivers, rough terrain and swamp lands working with dirt trails. By April 26, 1773, his forces finally reach Baton Rouge to find that Generals Washington and Cornwallis have entrenched themselves in the city, while waiting for reinforcements.  He gives the order to attack to his troops the Anglo-Americans, the Spanish had the advantage in numbers, however the Anglo-Americans were well led and dig in, it was not going to be a easy fight for either side. The fighting was heavy as the Spanish were shocked how well trained the Anglo-Americans regiments, after sustaining heavy losses the Governor personally led his troops to rally them to victory over the remaining Anglo-American forces. However, in the fighting, he is shot in the leg and badly wounded. Which cause his troops to  withdraw and retreat to New Orleans. But Spanish did make sure that Washington was left in tough position with most of his forces mauled. With the Cherokee joining the war on the Spanish side, the southern route of his supply lines were now in jeopardy.

British forces led by Washington(GC)
2 British Infantry Regiments, 3 American Infantry Regiments, 1 Native American Regiment

Spanish forces led by the Governor Luis de Unzaga
4 light infantry brigades, 2 light Infantry regiments

1 British regiment destroyed
1 Native American Regiment destroyed
1 American Regiment destroyed

Spanish losses, field commander wounded in battle
2  Light Infantry regiments shattered
3 Light Infantry Brigades reduce to regiments

West Indies Theater

No combat is reported for this period, however the Franco-Spanish commanders received reports of British frigates/brigs sighted all over the West Indies.

Indian Theater

No combat is reported, however Franco-Spanish raiders managed to find 1 British shipping unit and captured it.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:46 pm

Honors lists come out in late summer 1773 from England

Among the honors, are knighthoods for William Moultrie (in his gallant defense of the fort at Charleston), Robert Howell for his defense at Savannah, Christopher Gadsden for his efforts at Charleston, John Burgoyne is promoted to Baron, and becomes the Baron of Suwanee (its a river in Florida near St Augustine), George Washington is granted the rank of Baronet for his victory at Baton Rouge (and as no natural children exist, that rank is modified so that his oldest stepson, John Parke Custis can inherit). Numerous medals are also awarded, and a new Medal, the Military of Military Merit is established for non commissioned British and American soldiers and sailors, while the Distinguished Service Order is established for commissioned British and American soldiers and sailors.

Numerous awards are made for the Battles of Ushant, Baton Rogue, Charleston, Savannah and the Siege of Gibraltar. Robert Boyd is promoted to the social rank of Baron of Gibraltar.

Meanwhile in Gibraltar, Brigadier George Elliot is promoted to Major General. This engineer officer has already served very effectively thus far.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:22 am

European Theater July -September 1773

July 3rd,1773

Moroccan moves..

The Moroccan fleet attempt to slips pass the straits of Gibraltar from their base in Tangiers to join their Barbary comrades in planned raid against the Franco-Spanish holdings in Mediterranean Sea. However they encounter 4 Spanish Brigs on patrol and are force to engage to prevent them from reporting their position to the Spanish fleet. They managed to sink brig but at the cost of losing 2 brigs of their own, but the other got away to warn their counterparts in Cadiz that Moroccans were on the move but to where no one seems to know. But the Spanish are able to sink another Moroccan shipping unit by summer's end.
Spanish losses
1 Brig

Moroccan fleet
2 Brigs
1 shipping unit sunk

The Moroccan fleet( Tech 3)
4 FF1s
1 shipping unit
2 Infantry regiments*tech 3

July 7 1773

Five days later, the Moroccan taskforce arrives in Algiers, where they join with their corsair counterparts. After much discussion, they decided set to their targets to take Mahon from the Spanish….

Algerian/Tunisian/ Tripoli Corsairs(tech 3 aka Mercs paid to fight for Morocco with loot from Dakar and British money)
4 Brigs( 2 from Algiers, 1 from Tunis, 1 from Tripoli)
4 FF1s(1 from Algiers, 2 from Tunis, 1 from Tripoli)
2 Shipping units( Algerian)
4 Infantry regiments( 2 Algiers, 1 Tunis, 1 from Tripoli)

The attack on Mahon, Menorca

The taskforce arrives in Mahon in July 12, 1773. The local Spanish commander was aware of the Moroccans were on the move but didn’t expect to see them and the barbary states joining to support them. He quickly rally the troops (1 Infantry brigade) to organize and defense the town. Hoping his superior training and heavy infantry can carry the day.

The 6 regiments of North Africans attack the Spanish lines, hoping to overwhelm the Spanish, however the Spanish have the advantage of having better training and dig in. They were able to repulse the North Africans initial wave( 2 infantry regiments shattered), however the North Africans come in two more waves attempting to break the Spanish lines. They were repulsed again, but not without inflicting heavy losses on the Spanish. But Moroccan commander decides to call it a day and have his forces withdraw back to Algiers. The Spanish held the day.

Spanish losses
1 Infantry brigade reduce to regiment

North Africans
Morocco 2 Infantry regiments*tech 3- Shattered, reformed as 1 Infantry regiment
4 Infantry regiments(2 Algiers, 1 Tunis, 1 from Tripoli) shattered, reformed as Algerian 1 Infantry regiment

Siege of Gibraltar, July to September 1773

The Siege continues, the Spanish maintain a loose blockade of the Gibraltar by deploying the Cartagena Fleet/French Med fleet, Franco-Spanish suffer some attrition losses on the ground.
Spanish forces

Army of the South
3 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry Regiment* disbanded due to attrition losses*
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 French Cavalry regiment, reduce from Brigade- attrition losses*
2 French Infantry Brigade
1 French Infantry regiment, reduce from Brigade attrition losses*
1 French Engineer Brigade

British forces

1 fortress*technically damaged, but can provide 1 light infantry brigade of troops for combat, 1 infantry brigade, 2 light infantry brigades
, plus naval shipyard staff (2 militia brigades in an emergency)

The Chase of the Spanish Invasion fleet

British mail courier ship leaves Wilmington, NC on April 16, 1773 to Bermuda. It arrives on April 21st, to provide Vice Admiral John Byron news of the Spanish invasion of the Colonies. He realizes his outgunned/outmatched by the size of the invasion fleet but decides the best course of action is attempt to find/shadow the Spanish fleet on its way back and ambush with the support of the British fleets on the other side of the Atlantic. He sends his idea to the admiralty, before ordering his ships to make ready for operation, the Courier ship leaves the same day as it arrived and reaches Britain around May 18th. His fleet leaves port on April 30th to patrol the Sargasso Sea with gives order to head back east to Portuguese currents in the hopes of coming up behind the Spanish fleet while engaging the Combine fleet. Meanwhile the Spanish invasion fleet doesn’t leave Charleston until May 17th.

Due this time difference, Bryon main battleline was roughly two weeks ahead of the Spanish battleline, however Bryon had several frigates scouting behind and head of his positions in the hopes of getting an idea of where his foe might be located. His frigates(Hasting and Drake) managed to run into Spanish scout ships and engage them in combat on June 5th.

The managed to sink 2 Spanish brigs, and captured 1 Spanish brig. They attempt to determine the last location of the Spanish fleet in hopes of catching them in open sea. They copy the last known coordinates from the captured Brig and send the message to the batteline. However, the frigates ran into a storm that delayed them by two, by that time they reach the fleet, the trail had gone cold. Vice Admiral Bryon wasted time traveling back in hopes of intercepting the fleet in open and however he felt, he was only a week away from his target due to the fact the same storm that hit his frigates likely also slow down his foes as well…

Spanish losses
2 Brigs sunk
1 Brig captured by the British

Bermuda Fleet (Byron)
BB2 Warspite (flag), Superb, Thunder, Arrogant, Valiant, Hercules,
FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale, Venganza, Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire, Bideford, Seahorse

As soon word reaches the Admiralty, they kick into action a plan to try intercept the Spanish invasion fleet before it arrives back to Cadiz. They order any combat ready battleship or frigate to be send to join in the hunt and attempt attack the Spanish. The Combined fleet and Southern Patrol are deployed in the waters of the Portuguese current, they will make to the general area spread out by June 20th, 1773. Admirals Hood and Rodney relay messages to the Southern patrol to focus patrols southern half of the Portuguese current to watch for Spanish fleet attempting to make a run to Cadiz.

Combined Fleet (Battle Force)
BB1 Ramilies (Hood), BB2 Bellona, Cornwall, Shrewsbury, Superb, Pembroke, Oxford, (Red squadron)
BB1 Victory (Howe), BB2 Superior, Achilles, Witch, Dublin, Norfolk, Superb, Swiftsure (Blue squadron)
BB1 Prince Royal (Rodney) Saint George BB2 Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, (White Squadron)

Southern patrol (watching for Spanish fleets coming up from the south)
FF1 Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowey, Ludlow Castle

June 18, 1773,

Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra knew he was almost home, he was worried at the fact the British could be out there patrolling for his fleet base on the fact he hasn’t heard back from his 3 brigs that were send out as part of scouting parties. He orders his fleet commanders to head to Cadiz at top speed and avoid combat with the British unless the odds favor his fleet. He deployed his remaining frigates and brig to act as screening force and provide him with early warning in the event of running into the British battlefleets.

Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra*
3 BB1: (San Carlos*, Santiago, San Fernando)
11 BB2: (San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Lorenzo, Dichoso)
5 FF1 (Santa Rosilia, Concepción(light damaged), Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona)
1 Brigs

Battle of Lagos( 250 miles west of Lagos, Portugal)

By June 30th, the Spanish frigates scouts are spotted by the Southern Patrol frigates Looe, Fowey, Ludlow Castle. Who relay their location to Admiral Hood and Rodney to set course to catch the Spanish battle line, however both Admirals battle squadrons were out of position in terms of getting to the Spanish in timely fashion due to winds not in their favor. Whereas Admiral’s Howe squadron was close enough to get into range. Meanwhile the Bermuda fleet’s frigates Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire, Bideford, Seahorse spot the Spanish fleet as well. However, the Bermuda fleet’s battle line is farther away from and won’t make it in time. The British frigates race to take out the Spanish frigates in attempt to prevent them from warning the Spanish battle line.

Admiral Terra realizes he has the superior in heavy ships vs Howe’s squadron, however Howe most likely not alone and if he stays too long then Howe’s counterparts will join and could potential wreck his fleet. He orders his fleet commanders to do running battle and fend off the British attack. He realizes the weather gage was slowly turning in his favor and he make a break for Cadiz. Just a battle begin between Howe’s squadron with support frigates vs the Spanish fleet. It was intense battle, but with wind conditions changing it was difficult for the British to gain the advantage. Neither side were able to land much in terms of critical hits to knock out the other warships compare to the recent battles. Admiral Terra used the advantage in the wind to gain the upper hand and withdraw from battle after giving the British bloody nose, he was painful aware only if he stays longer the other fleets will hammer him. However, he did take received bloody nose from the British warships as well. He makes back to Cadiz, July 7 1773.

Admiral’s Hood and Rodney squadron’s arrive to the scene a few hours too late...

Spanish losses
2 FF1 (Santa Rosilia, Concepción)-sunk
3 FF1 Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona-( Moderate, .75 points to repair each ,1 year to repair)
1 Brigs sunk
1 BB1( San Carlos) ( Light damage, 1 point to repair, 3 months to repair)
4 BB2: (San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, San Lorenzo, Dichoso) (Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)

British Losses
Southern Patrol
1 FF1- Ludlow Castle sunk
Bermuda fleet’s
1 FF1- Bideford sunk
1 FF1 Hastings ( Moderate, .75 points to repair each ,1 year to repair)
Combined Fleet
5 BB2 Superior, Achilles, Norfolk, Superb, Swiftsure (Blue squadron) (Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Kilani Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:49 am

Admrial Antonio Barceló, once all is made clear, is highly praised for his skillful work in bringing (nearly) his entire battlefleet home safe. For his efforts and his skill, he is named a Knight of the Royal and Distinguished Order of Carlos III.

The commander of the defense of Mahon is likewise lauded for his valiant efforts.


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Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:03 am

North American Theater

July-September 1773

The Carolinas/ Georgia front

Southern Colonies forces

2 Garrison Brigades (Fayetteville, NC and Augusta, GA)
3 Light Infantry Brigades*newly raised* (Amass at Fayetteville, North Carolina) under the command of Major General Horatio Gates,  Second in Command Brigadier General Charles Lee, Third in Command Brigadier General Benedict Arnold( each one in command of a Light Infantry Brigade)
Forts (Georgia/Florida Border, Asheville, Macon, Athens)
4 Militia Regiments (Augusta, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Columbia) ( Mod note, these units were not listed at the Ports, when the Spanish initially invade they were located elsewhere not at the ports, hence why they weren’t destroyed) under the collective command of Brigadier General Daniel Morgan
2 Ad Hoc Militia Regiments( zero combat value, but can inflict attrition losses on light infantry and cavalry units in region) 1 near Charleston area, 1 near Savannah area)

July-September 1773

Counter raids….

The colonial forces mobilized their newly raised forces under the command of Major General Horatio Gates enact a policy of avoiding direct contract with Spanish Forces and focus on smashing the Native American/runaway Slave forces.  Acting under orders from Lord Burgoyne, the colonial forces under the command of Daniel Morgan burn and raze any Native American villages or hamlets of Cherokee/Creek lands.
They inflict heavy damage and wipe several Cherokee/Creek warriors war bands with light losses of their own. They forced the Cherokee/Creek forces to pull forces back to try to protect their homelands.


Both lose
2 Regiments of Warriors(Milita)

With the Spanish occupying Charleston and looting the countryside of cash crops or anything of value and freeing slaves to take arms up against their colonial masters.  The rural colonial citizens take up arms and form ad hoc militias to fight back and attack the Spanish patrols.  Over the course of the Summer they managed to make a dent on the Spanish patrols and kill many cavalry men before the Spanish are finally able to crush the ad hoc militia in the area. But other colonial formal militia units take their place being led by Daniel Morgan forces conducting raids on Spanish patrols.

Spanish losses
1 Cavalry Brigade reduce to regiment
Colonial losses
1  Ad Hoc Militia Regiments near Charleston destroyed

Meanwhile at Charleston

The Spanish garrison Charleston hold fast and try to maintain control of the surrounding area as best they could with the support of free African slave regiments. An outbreak of yellow fever occurs in the city, which results in regiment of Spanish infantry being disbanded due to attrition.

Spanish forces at Charleston at end of September 1773
2 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry Regiment disbanded due with attrition losses.
1 Cavalry Brigades reduced to regiment
2 Artillery Companies
4 Freed Ex Slave Militia regiment-Ad Hoc( zero combat value, but can inflict attrition losses on light infantry and cavalry units in region)
4 regiments (Militia regiments) of Cherokee warriors in Colonial Frontier* down to 2 by end of Sept 1773*
3 regiments(Militia regiments of Creek warriors in Colonial Frontier* down to 1 by end of Sept of 1773.
2 Spanish Infantry regiments reported somewhere in Florida/Georgia area supporting Native American operations

The Naval War…

July-Sept 1773

Vice Admiral Drake and his fleet of frigates and brigs is ordered to ensure that the only supply ships that reach the Spanish in Charleston or New Orleans are by strongly escorted convoys. However, in reality given the presence of the French/Spanish fleets near New Orleans, he was force to focus more on sea lanes near Charleston. The British frigates and brigs attack any Spanish supply/courier ships and sunk them. However, they were force to break off when they spotted sight of the Spanish fleets.

Spanish losses
1 shipping unit

British fleet
FF1 Aldborough, Phoenix, Dolphin, Tarter, Kennington, Woolwich, Humber, Rainbow, Crown
Brigs Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture

August 4th, 1773

The Spanish Windward Squadron arrives off the coast of Savannah and large Spanish colonial forces near Savannah with orders to retake the port from the British. However, they find that Lord Burgoyne had entrench himself in the city and was prepared to fight hard to keep it as per his orders from his superiors.

Battle of Savannah

Spanish colonial forces
2 colonial infantry brigades
3 colonial light infantry brigades
2 colonial artillery companies

British forces under Lord Burgoyne at Savannah
3 British Infantry Regiments
1 Artillery company

Lord Burgoyne forces were overwhelmed after taking heavy losses; however he did manage to inflict some hits on the Spanish and mauled two light infantry brigades before being force to surrender the city to the Spanish and being taken as POW.

All British forces shattered
1 Artillery company now POWs, Spanish can use the artillery from this unit to raise their own unit for .5 points.
Spanish losses
2 Light Infantry brigades reduced to 2 Light Infantry regiments

After securing the city, the Spanish free the local slaves and gain 2 regiments of ex slaves as support forces for the area. The Spanish commander decides to leave the 2 light infantry regiments, plus ex slaves and artillery company to act as garrison of the city. He takes 1 light infantry brigade and 2 infantry brigades to join forces with the army in Charleston. The Windward Squadron returns to Gulf to protect supply lanes in the area,just before Hurricane season starts to pick up.

Mid-August 1773

Rumors reach the Spanish commander in Charleston, a large British force has landed in Philadelphia….but he is not sure which theater they could be send to nor the size of this force…

Louisiana Theater

July-September 1773

Mid July of 1773

General Howe/Major Ferguson forces (3 British infantry regiments) finally reach Baton Rouge to provide much needed reinforcements for the Anglo-American forces in the area.  Major Ferguson was eager to show General Washington his Ferguson rifle and how it worked. The General took a keen interested in rifle and wish to study it in greater detail at another time.

Baton Rouge

Anglo-American forces led by Washington(GC)
4 British Infantry Regiments, 2 American Infantry Regiments

Only a few weeks later, Late July 1776

A Spanish force under the commander of General Bernado de Galvaez arrives near Baton Rouge, they realized the that Anglo-American force had gotten bigger compare to the last time they engaged them.  General Galvaez was not willing to attack a entrench force. He opts to besiege the Anglo-American forces and wait for a opportunity to strike.

3  light infantry brigades
2 cavalry regiments (marching overland from New Godwin)

New Orleans Garrison:
1 fort
1 militia regiment
1 light infantry brigade
4 light infantry regiments
French Expeditionary Force (New Orleans) (Commander: Jean-François Vincent de Montarcher)
-2 Colonial Light Infantry Regiments

Indian theater

Franco-Spanish forces see little action while monsoon season in effect but do make diplomatic overtones to Sultan of Mysore to prep his forces to join the war against the British.

North American illnesses…

July-Sept 1773

Smallpox outbreak/ Yellow fever are more European soldiers and Colonial troops enter the fields of combat in North America, the higher the chances of outbreaks of these diseases occur.  Colonial/ British officials received notes from their agents in Native American outbreaks of smallpox occurring in Southern Colonies region of where the civilized tribes are located. This will soon spread all over the continent and threaten those not born in Europe and have little to no immunity to the Small poxes.

Meanwhile as more Spanish/ British(European) troops enter North America theater and fight in the Southern Theater, they risk having dealing with outbreaks of yellow fever in Summer months of fighting. However  malaria has a month-long incubation period, most of the soldiers had not begun to exhibit symptoms, until a month into their deployment.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by TLS Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:39 pm

Summer, 1773

The French Expeditionary Force, with officers drawn from the sons of the slave-owning aristocracy of the Caribbean and with enlisted men from the petits-blancs of the colonies, finds itself the toast of the town in the Spanish colony of Nueva Orleans. Long-standing trading and cultural ties still connect the creole elites of both colonies, countrymen in the none-too-distant past, with similar outlooks on the climate, the economy and the culture. Dashing young officers court the belles of New Orleans high society, cocky enlistedmen drink, brawl and game with cajun journeymen, and all extol the virtue of the French language, the perfidy of the English and the shame that has befallen their former Canadian brethren.

When news reaches New Orleans of the armed bands of slaves rampaging around the Carolinas, however, the mood turns decidedly more sour. Slavery is the system that underpins the entire societal edifice, granting wealth to the creole elite and "dignity" to the impoverished petits-blancs, and the news of rampaging former slaves running about with European arms, exacting revenge, is anathema to any and all involved. Echoing the over-exaggerated romanticism that is all the rage in the salons of France, the French officers begin issuing oaths of fealty and brotherhood with the Creole inhabitants of la Luisiana, swearing to defend their rights and homes against the specter of slave and hireling aggression.

The leader of the French expedition, the metropolitan intendant Jean-François Vincent de Montarcher, is quick to recognize the difficult situation he finds himself in. He struggles to enforce a ban on fraternization between the French forces and local society, and so elects to move his camp to the outskirts of town under the guise of "health and safety." The colonial forces, who have almost to a man already "come of age" by surviving cholera and other tropical diseases in their colonial home, grumble at the obvious ploy. He begins to write hurriedly back to Saint-Domingue, and thence to France, of the serious concerns he has about the French mission to the American continent; all the while, however, his own subordinates are writing letters back to their island homes about the need to ensure that what happens in the Carolinas, God forbid, does not replicate itself at home.

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Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:12 am

European Theater

Oct-Dec 1773

Oct 4th 1773

The Spanish hellbent to Morocco paid for their raiding and supporting the British war effort, decide to march on Tangier and take the small strategic sea town for themselves, before the British could use it as secondary port to raid their shipping lanes. A expeditionary force under General Alejandro O’Reilly led force the force the mountainous unforgiving terrain of the Rif region. The Spanish are unsure where the Moroccans have disappeared, after they seem to completely pull out of the siege of Ceuta. The Spanish believe the Moroccans saw the large the Spanish force and decide to retreat. Unknown to the Spanish their progress on the unforgiving terrain was closely being watch by the Berber tribesmen…

Spanish Expeditionary forces under the command of General Alejandro O'Reilly
1 infantry brigade, 1 artillery company, 1 cavalry brigade

Oct 5, 1773

Battle of Ain El Hamra,+Morocco/@35.7632291,-5.6005168,1460m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0xd75799b991d1aab:0x8284208434d2b166!2sA%C3%AFn+el+Hamra,+Morocco!3b1!8m2!3d34.566667!4d-4.466667!3m4!1s0xd0b7d0cd413d8fd:0x4a2017be545e349f!8m2!3d35.7649006!4d-5.5946159

Only 21 miles away from Tangiers, General O’Reily column arrive at the base of Ain El Hamra mountain. The Spanish were believing they won’t encounter any Moroccan forces until they hit the city. Allowing them to use their artillery superior to full potential.   His scouts report nothing in the path ahead, the he gives the order to keep the column marching. However, his scouts were not familiar with the land and stayed primary on the trail path.  As his troops march to the summit of the mountain, he suddenly start hearing Arab war cry Ululation coming out of the woods and Arab/Berber warriors(Infantry brigades) running out and opening fire from both sides of the forest( 1 infantry regiment, 1 militia brigade from one side and another militia brigade from side). He quickly tries to really his troops into defensive formation and fight off the ambush.
Meanwhile a wave of Berber/Arab cavalry(2 Militia Cav, 1 regular cav regiment) rides out of the foothills and attack from behind. Force his rear forces to defend them off, while a another group(2 Militia Cav, 1 regular cav regiment) of Berber/Arab cavalry come surging from ahead of his column.   The Spanish were being attacked from all sides by mixture of irregular/ regular forces, who were waiting for this opportunity. The Spanish fight to break out and retreat, unable to put their artillery in position due to the fact they caught out of formation and ambushed from all sides.

The fighting is brutal and savage, but the Moroccans use the terrain to their advantage and bleed the Spanish forces. However, the Spanish are able to fight off several groups of Moroccans with some success. But they are taking heavy losses in the battle, are slowly are getting overwhelm. Lucky the Spanish are barely able to stage a breakout and retreat to Ceuta with heavy losses. General O’Reily barely manages to get out alive.  For now, the Moroccans win the day at heavy losses…

Morocco force
1 Infantry Regiment- tech 3
2 Cavalry Regiments-tech 3
6 Militia brigades-Arab/Berber tribesmen(2 infantry, 4 cavalry)- armed with tech 3 weaponry, imported from Britain

Spanish Artillery company lost, and artillery taken by Moroccans forces
1 cavalry brigade shattered, reduce to 1 cavalry regiment returns to Ceuta with General O’Reily
1 infantry brigade shattered, and survivors are captured by Moroccans and made POWs.

Morocco losses
2 Militia infantry brigades shattered, reformed in 1 Militia Infantry brigades
4 Militia cavalry brigades shattered, reformed in 2 Militia cavalry brigades
1 Cavalry regiment- destroyed

Blockade of Gibraltar

October 1773

The Spanish fleet watched carefully as the British fleet arrive with the supplies for Gibraltar in late September as soon, they left. They (Spanish) impose a blockade at the start of October of the military port in order to support for coming assault on the fortress itself.

Spanish blockade fleet - Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra
2 BB1: (Santiago, San Fernando)
8 BB2: (San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Pascual Bailon)
8 Spanish Brigs/Patrons
3 Neapolitan Brigs

Meanwhile the French Mediterranean fleet is on duty watching the Spanish coast from Cadiz.
Mediterranean Fleet (Cadiz) (Commander: Pierre André de Suffren)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-5 BB2s (Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-1 Frigates (Souverain)
-2 Brigs

October 15, 1773 Midnight

The night raid of the Gibraltar blockade

The Moroccans and their Corsairs are still angry about their failed assault on Mahon, decide to attempt to see if they inflict some damaged on the Spanish blockade fleet. They decide to convert 4 brigs squadrons(units) into fireships with sole orders to burn as many Spanish warships are possible. They plan to time their attack at night, when the Spanish least expect a attack on their fleet.  By Midnight of October 15, the Spanish brigs squadron notice several brigs approaching. Before they could react, the ships were on fire and on ramming course. Giving the Spanish barely enough time to try to react, the scene from the Spanish lines near Gibraltar was very unnerving as ships on fire where heading to their fleet.

The few of the Spanish brigs did catch fire and were sunk by the fire. However once the battleships were alert they quickly put a end to the threat of the fireships by blowing them apart.


Moroccan Corsairs
4 Brigs/Fireships sunk

Spanish losses
2 Brigs sunk

Spanish Sahara raid

However, there is no reports or sighting of Moroccan frigate fleet. Two weeks later reports come in that Moroccans have raid the Spanish Sahara outpost of Villa Cisneros( which is not really a outpost in game terms, just a few buildings and blockhouse) and ransack it.

Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian/ Tripoli Corsairs(tech 3 aka Mercs paid to fight for Morocco with loot from Dakar and British money)
8 FF1s(4 from Morocco ,1 from Algiers, 2 from Tunis, 1 from Tripoli)
2 Shipping units( Algerian)
2 Infantry regiments( 1 Algerian,1 Moroccan)

Assault of Gibraltar

Army of the South - Martín Antonio Álvarez de Sotomayor
4 Infantry Brigades
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 French Cavalry Regiment*
2 French Infantry Brigade*
1 French Infantry Regiment*
1 French Engineer Brigade*
*Under the command of Commander: François Marie, comte d'Aboville

Army of the Garonne (Gibraltar) (Commander: Claude Gabriel, Marquis de Choissey)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-2 Artillery Companies

Plus Spanish blockade fleet for naval shelling

British forces under command of Major General George Elliot

1 fortress*technically damaged(at the wall section, but most of the fortress is built into the mountain itself so that part is still intact to degree), but can provide 1 light infantry brigade of troops for combat, 1 infantry brigade, 2 light infantry brigades, 2 militia brigades from shipyard

Dec 4-5,1773

The French army of Garonne has finally arrived from its long march though Southern France and though Spain.  The time has come for Gibraltar to fall to the Franco-Spanish forces,  General Sotomayor give the order for the Six Artillery companies( 4 Spanish, 2 French) to shell whatever remains of the wall section shipyard/town, and attempt to inflict as much damage to the mountain lines as possible.

For two days non-stop the Franco-Spanish artillery (and naval artillery) fire all their ammo on the fortress and surrounding area. They were able to reduce the wall section to ruins, as wrecking the garrison town and shipyard.  However, sections of the fortress in the mountain were out of range of the cannon fire. The British move their troops into the mountain area of the fortress to avoid direct fire of the cannons. However, they aren’t sure how much casualties they inflicted on the British by the shelling.

In game terms the shipyard is petty much wrecked, will 15 points and 5 years to rebuild.

However, the British fortress artillery are able to return some fire at the Spanish warships shelling before being knock out of action.

1 Spanish BB2 Atlante(Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
1 Spanish BB2 Ángel de la Guard( Light damaged, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)

During night of Dec 5 after the shelling had stopped

The British attempt to build makeshift walls at what remains of Bayside and Forbes barriers with the rubble from the artillery fire as means to slow down the Franco-Spanish waves.  As put as much debris on the causeway for the Inundation to force the French Engineers to stop and clear for the troops to advance.,_Gibraltar

Dec 6 1773, morning

The Spanish organized the Franco-Spanish assault force at the trenches in front of the Lines of Contravallation of Gibraltar, into two waves, with the cavalry troops as reserve under the command of François Marie, comte d'Aboville. The reason for the wave attack method was the fact the land was narrow near Gibraltar and only a few brigades can attack at time.

First Wave Spanish troops
4 Infantry Brigades under the command of Martín Antonio Álvarez de Sotomayor

Second Wave of French troops
4 Infantry Brigades, 1 Infantry regiment under the command of Claude Gabriel, Marquis de Choissey
Plus French combat engineers supporting efforts to clear a path forward

The First Wave begin its assault on the wreckage of the Landport, their progress was slowed by the crossing the Inundation causeway, but with the support of the French engineers they were able to preform the task. Where launch their assault on the North Bastion section, which was heavily damaged by the artillery shelling and engineering efforts of bleaching the walls. There they made contact with the British troops, in major confrontation ensures the British troops who are fighting to protect this forsaken rock against the Spanish who were hellbent on taking it for the Spanish crown. The fighting was salvage and brutal, the fighting eventually spreads to the Grand Battery area. The British can inflict heavy losses on the Spanish attackers, which force them to retreat after sustaining heavy losses by the end of the day But the British paid a heavy price to repulse the first wave.

Spanish losses
4 Spanish Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced in step to regiments

British losses
2 Light Infantry brigades reduce to 2 regiments, reformed into 1 Light Infantry Brigade
2 Militia Brigades reduce to 2 regiments, reformed into 1 Militia Infantry Brigade
1 Light Infantry Brigade reduce into a regiment

Dec 7th 1773, morning

The French launch their second wave of assault hoping that the Spanish have paved the way for them. They choose the same path as the Spanish to assault the remaining British lines.  This time the French have better luck pushing into the heart of the Gibraltar unlike the Spanish first wave, they get close the old Moorish castle area. However the French commander Claude Gabriel, Marquis de Choissey is badly wound(out of action for six months) in the battle, while his troops were almost winning the battle in some areas of the fortress. The British fought with everything they had to turn the tide; it was nonstop blood letting that finally resulted in the French being driven back by days end. Seeing the French second wave rout, this cripple the morale of the reserve cavalry wave troops and fight.  The Spanish commander was unwilling commit more men to slaughter and calls it a day. Noting to his superiors that the Rock is no longer a functional naval yard for their foes.

For now the British hold the Rock at a high cost.

French losses
4 Infantry Brigades shattered, reduced in step
1 Infantry regiment wipe out

British losses
1 Light Infantry regiment destroyed
1 Militia Brigade reduce to 1 militia regiment
1 Light Infantry Brigade reduce to 1 Infantry regiment
1 Infantry brigade reduce to Infantry regiment


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:54 am

At Gibraltar, the British commander, Robert Boyd, and his deputy, George Elliot, gather the surviving troops together after their final stand.   An offer is made to the Spanish for a week long truce so that the many dead can be properly and honorably interred, and the countless wounded can be evacuated.  

This would extend to an area within 15 miles of the city, so that the British wounded and sick, as well as the many injured and sick civilians can be safely evacuated by sea across the Strait to Tangiers.  This would also allow the Spanish to use the waters to evacuate their many wounded, saving much hardship and pain to those men as they would be moved by boat, instead of by cart over rocky and bumpy roads.

In addition, in honor of the heroic assault, a selection of French and Spanish tunes are played in respect. As a finale, the bugle call "Last Post" is played, and flags are dipped in salute, and honors are shown by a company of infantry in formation.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Kilani Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:13 am

Martín Antonio Álvarez de Sotomayor agrees to a week-long truce to inter the dead and take care of the wounded; he offers the use of Algeciras for the evacuation of civilians and British wounded, with his solemn word of honor that wounded military personnel will be unmolested and allowed to use it as a stopping point. He dispatches a message to the Spanish fleet, requesting they provide boats for the movement of the wounded.

There is likewise a tribute to the defense of the British with a rendition of "The Grenadier March" and "God Save the King".


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Post by Ottoman Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:04 pm

North American Theater

Georgia/ South Carolina theater

Oct-Dec 1773

Early Oct 1773

The colonial forces under the command of Major General Horatio Gates move troops near Columbia in preparation for major push against the Creek/Cherokee forces out of his own initiative to allow coming British regular forces to focus on the Spanish forces. However, by the time they reach Columbia, they soon realize they will have to defend the small settlement against the Spanish army that was marching from Charleston to burn the settlement and surrounding countryside. Both forces arrive in the settlement within days of each other...

2 Infantry Brigades
1 artillery company

Colonial forces
3 Light Infantry Brigades under the command of Horatio Gates,  Second in Command Charles Lee, Third in Command Benedict Arnold( each one in command of a Light Infantry Brigade)
3 Militia Regiments (Columbia) under Daniel Morgan

Battle for Columbia

Oct 5th 1773

The Spanish are quick attack the Colonial forces, which was primary compose of light infantry and colonial militia. The Spanish artillery inflict damaged on the colonial forces. Wrecking some of the militia units. However Horatio Gates orders his troops to stand firm and counterattack, which fails as the Spanish have superior fire and fight off his initial attack. While wounding the second in command Charles Lee(wounded, six months out of action), Gates press on the attack while Arnold and Morgan try to maintain their units against the Spanish.  However, attempting to rally his troops, Gates is killed by Spanish cannon fire, almost causing a near rout of the colonial forces. But Arnold quickly took command and rally the troops to keep on fighting.  The colonial forces inflict heavy losses on the Spanish forces, forcing them to withdraw to Charleston.  Benedict Arnold won the day for the colonial forces; however, his forces weren’t in any shape to chase after the Spanish after the engagement.

Spanish losses
2 Infantry Brigades, reduce to 2 regiments

Colonial losses, Horatio Gates(KIA), Charles Lee(WIA)
2 Light Infantry brigades reduce to 2 regiments
2 Militia regiments destroyed

Oct 1773
Savannah partisan fighting is on going at this point, with colonial Ad Hoc Militia Regiments conducting hit and run tactics on Spanish patrols and ex slave patrols.

Eventually the Spanish are crush them by the end of month at the expanse of ex slave allies.
Colonial losses
1 ad hoc militia regiment destroyed
Spanish losses
2 ad-hoc Slave militia regiments destroyed.

Mid October 1773

Siege of Macon

Spanish Infantry regiment that was hidden in Albany, GA marches north and besieges the Colonial fort at Macon once its base was established at Albany, GA

By the end of October 1773

Spanish forces choose to withdraw from Charleston to Savannah in order to consolidate their forces in one area. They decide to wreck the Port of Charleston and burn any available war material in the city before leaving. They reach Savannah by the end of October.

Spanish forces in Georgia/Florida area by end of Dec

CHARLESTON - Louis des Balbes de Berton de Crillon
2 Colonial Infantry Brigades
1 Light Infantry Brigade
4 Light Infantry Regiments
1 Cavalry Regiment*disbanded due to yellow fever outbreak*
3 colonial cavalry regiments
2 Artillery Companies
2 colonial artillery companies
2 Freed Ex Slave Militia regiment-Ad Hoc* lost 2 regiments due to smallpox breakout in their camps*


1 infantry regiment

Albany, GA Spanish base

By Early November 1773

British reinforcements fleet under the command of Admiral Rodney finally arrive in Yorktown,VA, There General Amherst will take personal command, and with 3 British Infantry Brigades, 1 Hessian Infantry Brigade under the command of Wilhelm von Knyphausen,  2 British Cavalry Regiments and join 3 Virginian Militia Infantry regiments( one of the regiment is led by Robert Rogers and another led by Anthony Wayne), but overall the Virginian regiments were led by Brigadier General Peter Muhlenberg. Amherst and the colonial forces proceed south by Mid November marching into Charleston back by early December. Where they final the Spanish has made a tactical retreat and left the port and surrounding countryside in ruins to much angering the colonial regiments and locals.
Game effect Charleston will take a while to recover as port, won’t be full recovered by 1780.
SC Resource will provide income by 1778, if allowed to recover.

South Atlantic Fleet (Rodney)- Supporting Amherst march south
BB1 Prince Royal (Rodney) Saint George, Royal Sovereign, BB2 Resolution
Joined by Bermuda Fleet
Bermuda Fleet (Byron)
BB2 Warspite (flag), Superb, Thunder, Arrogant, Valiant, Hercules,
FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale, Venganza, Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire, Bideford, Seahorse
Working inshore to prevent any supply ships from moving in or out will be a number of Brigs that will also help the army move across the rivers and estuaries of Virginia and the Carolinas
Brigs Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator

Louisiana theater

Oct-Dec 1773

Mid October 1773

1 French Infantry regiments was conducting recon activity ahead of Baton Rouge to monitor any British troop movements on the Mississippi river to their horror, they see large convoy of British flatboats heading down to Baton Rouge via the Northern Route supply route(8 regiments of Infantry from Ireland). They quickly withdraw and give alarming news to the Spanish commander Galvaez, who orders his forces to break camp and withdraw to New Orleans before Washington launch attack with his new troops.

General Washington reorganizes his army as the following The Irish and British troops will be formed into 4 light infantry brigades, 1 Irish and 1 British infantry regiment, plus 2 American regiments and the regiments are light infantry and scouting units. Erskine, who is a gifted quartermaster general, will be in charge of maintaining the supply line from Fort Pitt to Baton Rouge. Howe will command the light infantry regiments (which are the scouting forces), with Cornwallis serving as Washington’s deputy.
Washington’s Army (Army of the Mississippi)
2 American infantry regiments, 1 British infantry regiment, 1 Irish infantry regiment, 4 Light Infantry brigades (mixed Irish/British)
By Mid-December, Washington gives the order for his troops to march to New Orleans planning to assault the port on Christmas day.


Mid November 1773

Meanwhile the secondary British invasion fleet under the command of Hood arrives in Nassau (and pick up General Carleton and his troops in Mid-November, they leave the area by December 1st, due to bad weather.

December 20, 1773

The Spanish brigs of the Windward Squadron spotted the British fleet heading towards New Orleans they quickly inform the Spanish Admiral Díaz of the incoming force. He realized he wouldn’t have the support of the French fleet this time, given the fact they were patrolling Saint-Domingue area. He gives the order for his fleet to mobilized and attack the British fleet to stop their latest invasion attempt like last time at Key West.


WINDWARD SQUADRON (HAVANA) - José de Solano y Bote Carrasco y Díaz
10 Spanish BB2 (Dragon - flag, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa, Hércules, Contento)
2 Spanish FF1 (Ventura, Alondra (formerly Lark)
10 brigs


West Indies Fleet
BB1 Ramilies (Hood), BB2 Bellona, Cornwall, Shrewsbury, Superb, Pembroke, Oxford, (Red squadron)
BB1 Victory (Howe) BB2 Witch, Dublin, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife,, (Blue squadron)
FF1 Woolwich, Humber, Rainbow, Crown (scouts for West Indies Fleet)
3 Shipping units containing troops

Drakes Fleet  (Drake)
FF1 Aldborough, Phoenix, Dolphin, Tarter, Kennington,
Brigs Nautilus, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture

Battle of Dauphin Island, Alabama

December 21, 1773

The two fleets meet near Dauphin Island, 20 miles away from the shore. The British have slight edge in firepower with the BB1 flagships, both sides are battle harden and won’t it be an easy fight. As Admiral Díaz notes if he fails then the path to New Orleans is open. He orders all his ships to fight as long as possible to prevent this outcome.  Soon as the battleships of both sides got into range, the fighting begun. The Spanish inflicted as much damage as possible on the British fleet, however the edge in firepower for the British allow them to return a large volley of cannon fire inflicting heavy damage on the Spanish line of battleships. As the fighting progress Admiral Díaz was force to make a decision to retreat or keep fighting on. He knew if he lost the fleet today, then all of the Spanish West Indies will become an open target for the British. He orders his fleet to withdraw to Havana, knowing he did inflict a good beating on the British.

Spanish losses
2 Spanish FF1 (Ventura, Alondra (formerly Lark) sunk
2 Brigs sunk
4  Spanish BB2 (Poder, Africa, Hércules, Contento)( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)
6 Spanish -BB2 Dragon – flag, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Brilliante ( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)

British losses
FF1 Crown sunk
4 Brigs - Atalanta, Hound, Hornet, Vulture- Sunk
6 British BB2 -Dublin, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Cornwall, Shrewsbury, Bellona( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)
2 BB1 Ramilies, Victory(  Light damage, 1 point to repair, 3 months to repair)

After the battle, the path was open to New Orleans, Admiral Hood gives the order to advance to New Orleans.

By December 22th, 1773

The British invasion force sails into an anchorage just east and between Lake Ponchetrain and Lake Borgne, disembark the troops and naval forces will support Carleton as he makes an attack on New Orleans timed for Christmas.

Carletons Army (Army of Louisiana) to the South of New Orleans
2 British infantry brigades, 2 Hessian infantry regiments

As Carleton forces, were landing and organizing.  Vice Admiral Drakes fleet gets ready to sail up the Mississippi River to keep the enemy pinned in New Orleans, block the river for any escape and eliminate enemy naval units present and support the final assault on the city.  Admiral Hood assigns a few more frigates to insure Drake has more then enough firepower to hammer the Fort of New Orleans and the entrench lines.

Inshore Fleet (Drake)
FF1 Aldborough, Phoenix, Dolphin, Tarter, Kennington, Woolwich, Humber
Brigs Nautilus, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet,Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune,

Meanwhile Washington army has just barely arrived when they received word from scouts that the British army/fleet was finally in the area. Just began the battle for New Orleans

Washington’s Army (Army of the Mississippi) to the north of New Orleans
2 American infantry regiments, 1 British infantry regiment, 1 Irish infantry regiment, 4 Light Infantry brigades (mixed Irish/British)
For the final assault, Carleton is in overall command with Washington being in tactical command of his army working in coordination

With the Governor unable to lead his troops, General Galvaez took formal command of the Franco-Spanish garrison and was prepared to defend the city at all cost.

NEW ORLEANS - Luis de Unzaga, Governor of Louisiana (recovering from his wound, but commanding the defense of the city), General Galvaez as front commander
5 light infantry brigades
1 artillery company
4 infantry regiments
2 cavalry regiments
2 French colonial infantry regiments
1 fort
1 militia infantry regiment
1 Militia Infantry Brigade from the Port of New Orleans
2 brigs (patrolling the lakes and coast)

The battle of New Orleans

The morning of Dec 25th, 1773

With the British army in position on both sides of the city, General Carleton give the signal Washington to begin their assaults.

Vice Admiral Drakes fleet to sail up the Mississippi River on the night of Dec 24, his forces quickly sink 2 Spanish brigs assigned to defend New Orleans. He moves to silence the guns of New Orleans. He takes heavy losses but managed to perform this feat.

Inshore Fleet (Drake)
FF1 Aldborough-Flag, Phoenix, Dolphin, Tarter, Kennington, Woolwich, Humber
Brigs Nautilus, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet,Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune

British losses
Brigs-Otter, Falcon, Dispatch, Swallow sunk
FF1 Dolphin, Tarter sunk

Spanish losses
Fort New Orleans heavily damaged

The two-way assault from British forces begins, General Galvaez decides to deploy his artillery to face off Carlton forces to inflict the most damage on the British as they attack his entrench lines.  The fighting with Carlton is bloody affair. The Spanish artillery volley was able shatter an 1 Hessian regiment. On the other side, Washington forces make headway into the lines with Irish regiments pushing hard to prove their worth, while taking losses.  While Drake’s fleet was providing naval shelling and hammering the Spanish lines near the shore and docks. The Spanish keep on fighting in the hopes of repulsing the Anglo-American invaders. In the fighting, a sharpshooter from Major Ferguson regiment using a Ferguson rifle takes a shot and kills the French commander Jean-François Vincent de Montarcher as he was rallying his troops. Which causes chaos in the French lines, that allows for Washington’s to rush forward.

Meanwhile Carlton forces are still pinned down by the Spanish artillery, who managed to inflict more damaged on the British invaders and shatter Infantry brigade as it was trying to attack a Spanish position. However, with the support of the Frigates and Brigs, the Spanish militia lines near the dockyard are hammered to allow for Carlton’s force finally breaks thou and push through the weak spot in the Spanish lines. However, they lose another Hessian regiment in the fighting to take break though. While Washington’s troops inflict heavy losses on the Spanish lines, slowly but surely pushing forward.  As the two sides fight bitterly for most of the day, General Galvaez realizes his lines in the north were in danger of breaking, he rushes troops in attempt to push Washington assault back. However as he was directing his lieutenants to relay the messages, a cannon shell from Frigate Phoenix lands nears his position and blows up. Heavily wounding the General Galvaez and insuring chaos in the Spanish lines. Allowing Carlton/ Washington exploit this opening to finish off the Spanish forces. However, the Spanish fight more determine to honor their wounded commander. Yet the lost of their commander does impact their ability to organize an effective defense, slowly surely the Anglo-Americans make more progress to take the city and force the remaining the Spanish forces to surrender after sustaining heavy losses and not being able to retreat.

By morning of Dec 26, New Orleans has fallen to the Anglo-American forces at heavy cost. General Carleton receive General Galvaez surrender from his hospital bed.

British losses

Carleton’s Army (Army of Louisiana) to the South of New Orleans
2 Hessian infantry regiments destroyed
2 British Infantry Brigades, reduce to 2 infantry regiments

Washington’s Army (Army of the Mississippi) to the north of New Orleans
1 American infantry regiment destroyed
1 Irish infantry regiment destroyed
4 Light Infantry brigades (mixed Irish/British) reduced to 4 Regiments

Spanish losses , General Galvaez WIA, POW and will take six months to recover

5 light infantry brigades shattered, survivors troops now POWs
1 artillery company,  captured by Americans can be converted into a artillery company unit for .5 point
4 infantry regiments- destroyed, survivors  troops now POWs
2 cavalry regiments -survivors troops now POWs
2 French colonial infantry regiments ,destroyed survivors troops now POWs
1 fort- destroyed survivors  troops now  POWs
1 militia infantry regiment shattered, survivors troops now POWs
1 Militia Infantry Brigade from the Port of New Orleans shattered, survivors troops now POWs

Port of New Orleans is heavily damaged, it will not produce income until 1780.

Oct-Dec 1773,

The smallpox outbreak spreads to the Midwest Native Americans tribes and causes large numbers of deaths.
Outbreaks out of smallpoxs are starting to report in Southern colonies and Middle Colonies.

Indian Theater

Oct-Dec 1773

Mid October 1733

A Franco-Spanish army and fleet besieges Madras

India Squadron (Pondicherry) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Barthélémy Thomas, comte d’Orves)
-1 BB2 (Solide)
-4 Frigates (Ardent, Triton, Saint-Michel, Mascarin)
-2 Brig
Spanish fleet
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)* assigned for raiding with no luck so far.

Spanish army of India supporting siege

3 light infantry regiments
French army
Army of India (Pondicherry) (Commander: Guillaume de Bellecombe)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Artillery Company

British forces besieged

Fortress Madras

3 Sepoy Infantry regiments
1 Artillery  company
1 cavalry regiment
2 Militia Infantry Brigades from Port

Meanwhile Mysore joins the war and besieges Vallore with army of 4 Infantry brigades tech 2.5


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:38 pm

Late December 1773

The news of Mysore joining the European conflict between France/Spain vs Britain cause a number of Indian Princes and Nawabs to take sides in Southern India.

The Arakkal Kingdom and Nawab of Banganapalle joins on Mysore side

Travancore,Hyderabad Deccan, and Nawabs of the Carnatic side with the British side

Meanwhile there is much debate within the Maratha Confederacy on a potential plan of action.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Kilani Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:29 am

The Spanish Court does float potential peace terms - Spain will cede the Falklands, Britain will give up Minorca, all else to be status quo antebellum.


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Post by Ottoman Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:30 pm

European Theater

Jan-March of 1774

No major action reported since both sides were in peace talks. However the Spanish use the time to send a fleet to Algiers….

The Spanish battle fleet move into the Mediterranean to end the threat of the Moroccan raiders to Mahon, once and for all, with 3 Spanish Brigs and 3 Neapolitan Brigs to act as scouts. They  essentially show up off the coast of Algiers and send a diplomatic note to the Algerians, demanding they abide by the peace treaty recently signed and expel the Moroccans and cease aiding them or there will be hell to pay. The Bey of Algiers remarks there is no Moroccans here in his city/port. But he does agree to recall his Corsairs from Morocco and send a letter to Beys of Tunis and Tripoli to also recall their Corsairs.

Spanish battle fleet - Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra
3 BB1: (Santiago, San Fernando, San Carlos)
6 BB2: (San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, San Francisco de Asis, San Pascual Bailon)
3 Spanish Brigs/Patrons
3 Neapolitan Brigs

The Spanish later find the Moroccans have withdrawal their assets form Mediterranean months ago. But the Spanish Admiral calls this a victory and returns to home port.

North American Theater

Georgia/ South Carolina theater

Jan-March 1774

The Spanish commander of Army of Savannah decides to cut loose from the city after destroying everything of economic value and begin a march overland to New Orleans and Mobile, passing through Albany on the way west. The captured British guns will be spiked and dumped into the harbor to prevent their reuse, since they cannot be taken with them and training new crews will take too long. The Spanish infantry regiment at besieging Macon fail to take fort , they'll retire to Albany and join the Army of Savannah as it moves west. Their orders are to attack New Orleans from the overland route. Any British, Hessian, or Colonial prisoners remaining will be paroled and left behind in Savannah.

By mid-January, as the Spanish have left British-Americans forces from South Carolina under the command of General Amherst and write a angry note to his superiors of state of Georgia colony. He spends the remainder of the season, restoring order in the colony.

By the end of the season, the Army of Savannah reaches Mobile area, where they hear news of the peace talks.

Mobile- Louis des Balbes de Berton de Crillon, with Juan Manuel Cajigal
2 Colonial Infantry Brigades
2 Light Infantry Brigade (formed from three of the regiments)
1 infantry regiment
3 colonial cavalry regiments
2 Artillery Companies
2 colonial artillery company
2 Ex Slave ad-hoc militia regiments dissolves and members of the regiment fled to Florida as refugees**

Indian Theater

Jan-March 1774

Meanwhile in India, news of peace talks hasn’t reached this theater. The War continues, between the British and Franco-Spanish plus native allies.

Franco-Spanish siege of Madras with no movement from either side.

The British suffer some minor losses with due to outbreak
2 Militia Infantry Brigades from Port reduce to 2 Militia regiments.

As for the Franco-Spanish, they suffer a minor outbreak that hits their brigade
-1 Light Infantry Brigade reduced to light infantry regiment.

However, news spread of Nawabs of the Carnatic has raise a force to besiege Pondicherry by Mid-January This puts the Franco-Spanish forces commander in difficult position as their supply lines are from that Port, even with supplies coming in via sea, should the port fall he’ll be out of supply. The news also arrives that Mysore force are fighting Hyderabad forces near Vellore, they won the battle, but are force to break off the siege of Vellore by Mid-January to deal with Travancore invasion of Arakkal Kingdom.

Siege of Pondicherry

Carnatic forces
2 Infantry brigades tech 2.5
1 Cavalry brigade tech 2.5

Fort at Pondicherry
Plus 2 Militia Infantry brigades

By Late January, the French commander decides it's more important to save Pondicherry then risk having it fall into British allies’ hands. He orders his forces to break the siege and march South. While ordering he fleet to maintain the blockade.  He decision turn out to be a wise, as large Hyderabadi force(1 Infantry regiment tech 3, 2 Infantry brigades tech 2.5 and 1 Cavalry Brigade tech 2.5) was marching to Madras to help the British break the siege. He barely misses that force by week. By early February, his forces break the Carnatic siege and crush their forces with little losses to his own.

But now the British hand has been strengthened by Hyderabadi forces. He writes his counterparts in Mysore to join him in attacking the area. But Mysore out of position dealing with threats to its southern frontier for season.

By the end of the season

British forces under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir Eyre Coote

Fortress Madras
3 Sepoy Infantry regiments
1 Artillery  company
1 cavalry regiment
2 Militia Infantry Regiment  from Port
Hyderabad force(1 Infantry regiment tech 3, 2 Infantry brigades tech 2.5 and 1 Cavalry Brigade tech 2.5) at Madras



Army of India (Pondicherry) (Commander: Guillaume de Bellecombe)
-3 Light Infantry Regiments
-1 Artillery Company
3 Spanish Light Infantry Regiments

Mysore army somewhere in Malabar coast
4 Infantry Brigades tech 2.5
4 Cavalry brigades tech 2.5
2 Infantry regiments tech 3

Franco-Spanish maintaining blockade of Madras

Armada de Manila
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)
4 FF1 (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)
India Squadron (Pondicherry) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Barthélémy Thomas, comte d’Orves)
-1 BB2 (Solide)
-4 Frigates (Ardent, Triton, Saint-Michel, Mascarin)
-2 Brig

Meanwhile in North America

By end of March 1774

The smallpox pox breakout spreads all over the colonial settlements(from Quebec to Louisiana) and most of the Native American tribes east of the Mississippi. The colonial settlements are less impacted compare to the Native Americans tribes who have a high death rate from the disease.

General Washington recommends to the colonial government led a public inoculation campaign to cut down on the rate of infections.


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Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:14 pm


The War in India goes on between the client states with the Europeans powers standing down.

North America by Fall of 1774

Once it becomes clear that the war is basically over, the British assemble an army at Fort Pitt to be in place by early summer. 2 brigades from the Caribbean (Jamaica and Nassau), 1 brigade from Carolina, plus the 3 Americans light infantry (rangers) regiments

This army in the Fall of 1774 will fall upon the Cherokee/Creek and destroy every town, every corn field, every hamlet, every dwelling until the Cherokee are homeless and starving and surrender. Amherst will take command of this personally, while leaving the Army in Carolina to Clinton, who is called down from Quebec. Clinton and his Army of the Carolina will help the Americans deal with the slave rebellions and Indian clashes in the Carolinas and Georgia.

Both regiments in New Orleans and Carleton will move to Quebec, where Carleton will take over as governor.

Drake is appointed new Governor of the West Indies and Florida, with his Antilles Fleet and gets 3 Hessian regiments from Ireland to help deal with problems in Florida.

Indian tribes and bands that surrender before Anglo-American forces get to their towns and hamlets get to remain, those that surrender after being burned out will be removed to southern Florida (south of the St Augustine / Cedar Key line running east to west). Tribes that voluntarily agree, are issued very large land grants in Arkansas if they agree to cross the Mississippi River within 2 years.

The result of this campaign is that Creek/Cherokee tribes have crushed as organized nations by the British/American forces. Only faction of their tribes remain in their homelands, the others are force to march to Florida along with some ex slaves fleeing to Florida to avoid their owners. Another group of Creek/Cherokee tribes fled to Arkansas to start a new life far from home.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 - Page 2 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:02 pm

Ottoman wrote:
Meanwhile in North America

By end of March 1774

The smallpox pox breakout spreads all over the colonial settlements(from Quebec to Louisiana) and most of the Native American tribes east of the Mississippi. The colonial settlements are less impacted compare to the Native Americans tribes who have a high death rate from the disease.

General Washington recommends to the colonial government led a public inoculation campaign to cut down on the rate of infections.

Ending notes on North American epidemic Smallpoxs

The outbreak spread throughout the North American continent. In the South, it reached Tejas region in late 1774, New Orleans was especially hard hit due to its densely populated urban area. By early 1775 the disease had spread to Mexico and would cause the deaths of tens of thousands. At its end the epidemic had crossed the Great Plains, reaching as far west as the pacific coast, as far north as Alaska and as far south as Mexico, infecting virtually every part of the continent.

One of the worst tragedies of the pandemic was the massive toll it took on the indigenous population of the Americas. The disease was likely spread via the travels of the Shoshone Indian tribes. Beginning in 1777 it reached the Pueblos of the territory comprising present day New Mexico. It also showed up in the interior trading posts of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1778. It affected nearly every tribe on the continent, including the northwestern coast. It is estimated to have killed nearly 11,000 Native Americans in the Western area of present-day Washington, reducing the population from 37,000 to 26,000 in just seven years.


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