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Falklands War 1771-1774

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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:26 pm

British Empire

vs Spanish Empire, Kingdom of France

War is formally declare Oct 1, 1771.

Orders/news are sent as quickly as possible to overseas fleets/stations and colonies of war. However due to distance and other factors, the 13 colonies for example won't hear of war until the start of November 1771.

However in European Theater is there much movements in progress....and the potential for combat is high...

Last edited by Ottoman on Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:15 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:22 pm

News of the War doesn’t reach the various command outpost in New World until roughly November  1771 timeframe.  No battles to be fought in that area until November.

However, there is fighting occurring in European theater for October, that occurs within weeks of the declaration of war between Britain and Spain.

Early October 1771

The Spanish forces were already on alert given tensions with the British rising, they were pre-positioned to march on their target areas.  They quick move a force to put Gibraltar under siege with Army of the South.

Army of the South (Malaga)
5 Infantry Brigades
3 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 Cavalry Regiment

They also dispatch a army against the Portuguese frontier to be ready, in case Portugal were decide to join Britain in the war.
Army of Portugal (Seville)
7 Infantry Brigades
2 Artillery Companies
5 Cavalry Brigades (Screening)
1 Cavalry Regiment (Screening)

October 7,1771

Meanwhile the Spanish fleet at Cadiz under Admiral Luis de Córdova y Córdova enact orders to screen and harass prevent the prevent them from venturing into the Med and if possible try destroy that fleet with the advantage of numbers before reinforcements can arrive from England

3 BB1 :San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando
San Carlos is the flagship
17 BB2: San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Francisco de Asis, San Lorenzo, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San Francisco de Paula, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante, Dichoso, Monarca, Diligente, Principe
4 FF1 (La Galga, Pena, Jupiter, Mercurio)

The British fleet at Gibraltar Known as the Southern Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Richard Howe was already aware of situation, he enacted standing orders from the Admiralty in the event of war with Spain.  To inflict as much damaged as possible on the Spanish.

1 BB1: Impregnable Flagship
12 BB2: Hero, Valiant, Triumph, Arrogant, Cornwall, Defence, Superb, Hercules, Thunder, Fame, Kent, Warspite, Mars
10 FF1: Venus, Pallas, Brilliant, Minerva, Vestal, Diana, Juno, Southhampton, Richmond, Thames
5 Brigs: Lively, Rose, Galatea, Daphne, Unicorn

The two fleet meet each in the straits of Gibraltar.

The Battle of the Straits

The Spanish had the advantage in heavy ships, but the British had the advantage in Frigates and Brigs. The battle was intense clash between the old foes, both sides had well trained crews and officers. The superior Spanish firepower do manage to sink the BB2s HMS Arrogant, Kent, Cornwall, while heavily damaging BB2 HMS Valiant. The British managed to wipe out the outnumber Spanish frigates with their superior number of Frigates and Brigs.  However, the Spanish inflict heavy losses on the British frigate and brig fleet in return.  Vice Admiral Howe flagship and his BB2s manages to inflict heavy damaged on the Spanish battle line and sink 3 Spanish BB2s. Howe manages heavily damaged the Spanish flagship.  The attack on the flagship wounds Admiral Córdova( will take three months to recover), his second in command after seeing the damaged to his fleet and decides to call it day and return the fleet to Cadiz.

Vice Admiral Howe believing he has  done his duty and inflict as much damaged as he could to the Spanish, orders to the fleet head to Bristol for repairs. Who reaches Homeport around Late November/Early December 1771.

Analysis,The British were able to prevent Spain from enacting a blockade, however the Spanish did inflict heavy damaged on the British fleet.

Spanish losses

3 BB1 :San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando(heavy damaged 4 points to repair each ship, 1 year to repair)
3 BB2: San Juan Nepomuceno, Principle, San Francisco( sunk)
3 BB2: San Francisco de Asis, San Lorenzo, Dichoso( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
11 BB2s:San Pascual Bailon, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante , Monarca, Diligente( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair,six months to repair)
4 FF1 (La Galga, Pena, Jupiter, Mercurio) all sunk

British losses

1 BB1: Impregnable(  Light damage, 1 point to repair, 3 months to repair)
3 BB2: Arrogant, Cornwall, Kent,( sunk)
3 BB2: Valiant, Triumph, Hercules( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
6 BB2: Hero, Defence, Superb,Thunder, Fame, Warspite, Mars (Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair,six months to repair)
4 FF1: Pallas, Brilliant, Thames, Venus sunk
6 FF1: Minerva, Vestal, Diana, Juno, Southhampton, Richmond( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)
5 Brigs: Lively, Rose, Galatea, Daphne Unicorn all sunk

The British were able to prevent Spain from enacting a blockade, however the Spanish did inflict heavy damaged on the British fleet.

Oct 12, 1771

The fleet at Cartegna (1 BB2, 11 BB2, 4FF1) under Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra is  ordered to provide naval and marine support and escort for the Mahon invasion force (2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Company, Louis des Balbes de Berton de Crillon commanding), which lands on the island and siege the British fort.

Spanish fleet

1 BB1: San Luis flagship
11 BB2: Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Terrible, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante, Serio, Poderoso
4 FF1: Perla, Dorada, Esmeralda, Venganza

The British fleet at Mahon, already had standing orders from the Admiralty to attack Spanish shipping as soon as war broke out. They were able to receive word of war by Oct 4 and were already at sea by the time the Spanish fleet arrived.

Mediterranean fleet

5 FF1 (Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool)
5 Brigs (Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine, Tamar, Favorite)

Meanwhile in Britain, the Nore Fleet, Channel Fleet and Home Fleet combine into one force heading to attack the Spanish fleet at Cartagena.   Overall command of the combine fleet is under Admiral Rodney, with Admiral Hood as second in command, and Vice Admiral Keppel.

The fleet took two weeks to organize for departure from Britain,  

3 BB1:Princess Royal, Royal Sovereign, Ramilies( Ramiles is the flagship of the fleet)
27 BB2: Bellona, Dragon, Superb, Defense, Valiant, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Resolution, Burford, Boyne, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Rippon, Dunkirk, Achilles, America, Cambridge, Chichester, Medway, York, Oxford, Vanguard,Swiftsure
15 FF1(Active,Lyme, Greyhound,  Blandford, Shoreham, Scarborough, Garland, Seaford, Lowestoffe, Rose, Deal Castle, Fox, Gibraltar)
3 Brig(Flora, Merlin, Racehorse)

By late Nov 1771, the combined fleet finally arrives in Spanish waters near Cadiz, where they received word  that Spanish fleet at Cartagena is currently partaking in blockade of Mahon. Admiral Rodney decides that it best to go forward and break the blockade of Mahon.

By December 10, 1771, the British fleet arrives at Mahon, Admiral Antonio Barceló y Pont de la Terra realizes he is outgun and outnumbered. He opts do a fighting retreat to save face and maintain to fight another day. He notes that Spanish forces on the island are more than capable of maintain the siege without his fleet for now.

Battle for Mahon

The vast British fleet inflicts heavy damage on the Spanish battleline, as it does a fighting retreat. The Spanish fleet inflict moderate to heavy damage of their own and sink some British warships. However, they also have a few ships captured by the British sailors/Marines. By the end of the day, the Spanish fleet barely escapes without losing the whole fleet.  Admiral Rodney is able break the blockade of Mahon and bring in much needed supplies to the naval base. Before opting to head  back to Britain for new orders.

Spanish losses

1 BB1: San Luis (  Light damage, 1 point to repair, 3 months to repair)
6 BB2: Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Serio, Poderoso( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
2 FF1: Perla, Esmeralda sunk
2 FF1 Venganza, Dorada taken by British ( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)

British losses

8 BB2 Dragon, Superb,Valiant, Cambridge, Chichester, Resolution, Burford, Boyne(Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)
3 FF1(Greyhound, Garland,Fox) sunk
1 FF1 (Blandford) ( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)
2 Brig(Flora,Racehorse) sunk
2 FF1 Venganza, Dorada taken by British ( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)

West Indies Theater Nov-Dec 1771

The Spanish fleet for now stays in Port due to Hurricane season, while the British West Indies fleet actively hunts for it.  

Shipping lane wars Oct-Dec 1771

The British deploy to close 20 Frigates/27 Brigs to raid the Spanish shipping lanes in Atlantic and West Indies.

The British Atlantic raiders managed to capture 2 shipping units

The British West Indies fleet managed to capture 1 shipping units

As another fleet that left Mahon 5 Frigates/ 5 Brigs to raid the Spanish shipping lanes in Mediterranean

Meanwhile the Mediterranean fleet captures 1 shipping unit

For any captured shipping unit, figure out if gets assigned to a port or given the American colonies in case of Britain or convert into a troop transport for the war.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:06 pm

Mod Note's

Privateers are running around trying to take shipping units, I am decided to factor that in with the number of actual naval units conducting raids.

So figure John Paul Jones and others are doing their thing as part of the war effort.

Once the Spanish start their own raids, their privateers will try to make their mark as well.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:36 pm

Meanwhile in Morocco

Late 1771

The Sultan of Morocco watches the British war with Spain, he notes most of the Spanish fleet is knock out of action. He decides now is perfect opportunity to attack and take Melilla from Spain. He begins to munster a force of Berber/Arab tribesmen and Royal Moroccan Army to fulfill the task. He attempts to enlist the help of the Bey of Algiers, who declines because he is middle of fight with Danes.( OOC: look that actually happened).

January 15, 1772

The Spanish Governor John Sherlock of Melilla sees a large force of Moroccans troops gathering outside the city limits. He quickly calls for the Militia to manned the old city walls.

For now the Moroccans plan to lay siege to the City.

Moroccan forces
1 Infantry Brigade- tech 3
2 Cavalry Regiments-tech 3

4 Militia brigades-Arab/Berber tribesmen( 2 infantry, 2 cavalry)- tech 2.5


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:26 am

Winter of 1772- Jan-Feb

News of the French declaration war doesn’t reach the West Indies until late February, won’t reach Indian Ocean colonies and outpost by April 1772.

However, for Mediterranean and Atlantic theaters become active right away

Sea lane wars in Atlantic and Mediterranean

Main Spanish/French/ British battle fleets in Europe stay in Port for repairs or coming out of mothballs.

British naval operations in Mediterranean are redirected to other operations…

Whereas the Spanish/ Neapolitan fleets go on the raiding offensive raiding British shipping in the Mediterranean, however due to the war there is not as much shipping as normal would be in peace time. They managed to capture 1 British shipping unit and 1 British shipping unit is destroyed.

Meanwhile the French assigned their 8 Brigs lane protection in the Atlantic and particularly the Gulf of Lyon, none of the Brigs are assigned to patrol the waters in the English Channel….

The Battle and Evacuation of Port Mahon

The Spanish forces under General Louis des Balbes de Berton de Crillon are given the order to attack. He prepares his forces for the attack against Fort Mahon. However close to three months of siege, camp sickness sets in does have an impact on his entrenched troops, at least 1 Infantry brigade is reduced to regiment. However, with rainy weather and fog the assault is delayed until January 15th.

Spanish forces attacking
1 Infantry Brigade,1 Infantry regiment, 1 Artillery Company

British forces
Fort: Port Mahan
Mediterranean Fleet (Rear Admiral Samuel Drake)
5 FF1 (Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool)
5 Brigs (Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine, Tamar, Favorite)
2 shipping units

Meanwhile the British Mediterranean fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Samuel Drake arrives with 2 captured shipping units on January 13th with orders to evacuation the fort and naval yard. He realized there isn’t enough time to evacuated for all the personnel. He meets with the fort commander; they decide its best for delaying action. Under the cover of the fog and rain, the dock workers and civilian population remove anything that value or specialized equipment and load it into the transports. By January 15th, their luck ran out the weather improves the allow to the Spanish to assault the fort. The Spanish artillery knocks out the Fort Mahon walls and the Spanish troops attack though the bleach. They managed to overwhelm the British defenders at heavy cost.

By the time the Spanish arrived at the dockyard, they realized the civilians and dockworkers have already left with the fleet and wreck anything of value in the yard. However, they were force to leave the heavy equipment behind for the Spanish to take. It was enough material to allow the Spanish to build a craft center in Madrid by 1773.

British losses

1 Fort destroyed
1 Naval Yard lost

Spanish losses

1 Light Infantry regiment

But gain a Craft center from the captured shipyard material in Madrid by 1773

By early February Rear Admiral Samuel Drake arrives in Gibraltar and off loads the naval personnel and sends the transports with the civilians back to Bristol.
The naval personnel are converted into two militia brigades to support the Gibraltar garrison.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:27 am

Meanwhile at Gibraltar Jan-February 1772

The Spanish army maintains its siege with the Army of the South, which gains 3 Infantry brigades from Army of Portugal.  Camp sickness does cause one infantry brigade to be reduce to infantry regiment. For now they must potentially wait for French support in terms of engineers to arrive to help for their planned assault. However, they have to wait until Late Spring or early Summer for the help to show up.

Army of the South (Malaga) Sieging Gibraltar
7 Infantry Brigades
1 Infantry regiment
3 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 Cavalry Regiment

Army of Portugal (Seville)* Watching the Portuguese frontier*
4 Infantry Brigades
2 Artillery Companies
5 Cavalry Brigades (Screening)
1 Cavalry Regiment (Screening)

However, the British are keeping busy for the defense of Gibraltar

The Channel (Portsmouth) Fleet under the command of Admiral Rodney leaves port on January 2nd with troop transport carrying over 5 infantry regiments from Ireland to Gibraltar (they form 2 light infantry brigades once they arrive). They arrived on January 27th, 1772 just barely a week after France joined the war on January 15.

Channel Fleet ( Admiral Rodney) now at Gibraltar
1 BB1 Prince Royal (fleet flag)
8 BB2 Belonna, Defense, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon Shrewsbury
5 FF1( Seaford, Lowestoffe, Rose, Deal Castle, Gibraltar)

Last edited by Ottoman on Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:28 am

English Channel raids of Jan 30, 1772- February 2,1772

The British Home fleet under Admiral Hood is tasked with sweep the seas of the French in English Channel, they aren’t to able to catch any French shipping or naval vessels in the area. However they are able to provide cover for British raids on the Northern French coast.

A group of 11 Brigs carrying 2 regiments of British infantry conduct a series of raids on the French channel port of Dunkirk, Calais and Caen. Plans were made to attack Dieppe but were call off once the British realized the size of the garrison. The damaged to the towns was Ports was light. However, it causes a panic in Northern France causing the locals governors to demand for Royal Court to dispatch troops to their cities to protect from further British raids or invasion.

Home Fleet (Admiral Hood) Plymouth

2 BB1: Royal Sovereign, Ramilies( Ramiles is the flagship of the fleet)
20 BB2: Bellona, Defense, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Rippon, Dunkirk, Achilles, America, Medway, York, Oxford, Vanguard, Swiftsure
4 FF1 Active, Lyme, Shoreham, Scarborough

British raider forces
Brigs Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:30 am

West Indies and America theater

January-February 1772

Sea Lane raids

The Spanish deployed  8 FF1 out of Havana (Aguila, Victoria, Flecha, Hermiona, Industria, Liebre, Venus, Ventura) and 8 of the PatRons/Brigs to begin operating against British shipping and providing escorts for Spanish shipping where possible. With standing orders avoid engagements where possible; avoid fighting British frigates, brigs, etc.

Meanwhile the British have as the Antilles Fleet continues to raid Spanish and once word is received, French shipping in February. Those ships are to avoid combat with enemy warships

21 FF1 Hastings, Sapphire, Gosport, Lynn, Faversham, Folkestone, Eltham, Thetis, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowey, Ludlow Castle, Mary Galley, Pearl, Lark, Roebuck, Hector, Torrington, Angelsea, Woodwich, Humber, Rainbow, Crown

16 Brigs Nautilus, Swift, Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Swan, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Fly, Swift, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture, Spy, Cormorant

The French only assigned 3 brigs to help with protecting the sea lanes.

Results by end of February

Franco-Spanish forces inflict heavy damaged to the British West Indies shipping lanes and managed to capture 6( 4 Spanish, 2 French shipping units) and sink 2( both sunk by French) shipping units.

The British forces managed to sink French 3 shipping units and capture 1 French shipping unit. However, the British managed to return the favor and capture 6 Spanish shipping units and sink 2 Spanish shipping units.

In the fighting control of the sea lanes, whenever the British frigates and brigs encounter their French/Spanish rivals at sea and were aggressive on attacking them. Whereas the French/Spanish tried to avoid engagement.

British naval losses

5 Brigs   Swift, Swan, Spy, Cormorant, Fly- sunk
3 FF1 Humber, Rainbow , Eltham  sunk or lost at sea
1 FF1 Lark, captured by Spanish( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)

French navy losses
1 Brig sunk

Spanish losses

2 FF1s Hermiona, Industria taken by British ( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)
1 FF1 Venus taken by British( heavily damaged, 1 point to repair, 1 year to repair)
2 FF1s Aguila, Victoria ( Light damage, .5 points to repair, 6 months to repair)
3 Brigs sunk

Spanish Troop Movements

January-February 1772

2 cavalry regiments in Northern Mexico( Monterrey, Mexico) to march overland to a port ofc Tampico and where they will be shipped  up the coast by transport to join the forces at New Orleans. They will not reach New Orleans until May 1772.

-3 of the 5 light infantry regiments at New Orleans will entrench around the city and fort and to provide protection; the other two will move up-river to Baton Rouge to provide an early warning/tripwire defense, ideally to be replaced by the cavalry regiments when they arrive.
-2 of the PatRons/Brigs out of Havana will skip over to New Orleans and head upriver to support the infantry tripwire and provide gunfire support for them and the city/fort if it becomes needed.

British troop movements

The British relocated two light infantry regiments from Nassau to their fort at Mobile Bay by end of February 1772.

West Indies fleet movements

By the time word got out that French had joined the war, it was already late February 1772  and word was quickly send to West Indies Fleet  under the command of Vice Admiral Foul Weather Jack Byron who was coast of Jamaica determine his next moves against the Spanish. Vice Admiral Jack determined the news that the French barely found it and would likely a make run to join up with the Spanish fleet at Havana. He decides to make a move attempt to intercept the French West Indies fleet.

West Indies Fleet (Vice Admiral Foul Weather Jack Byron)
BB1 Victory(flagship),
BB2 Arrogant, Superb, Triumph, Medway, York, Oxford, Northumberland, Buckingham, Princess Amalia,
FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale

Meanwhile the French West Indies fleet under Comte de Guichen was trying to enact the orders to join up with the Spanish fleet before the British can stop him.  By sheer luck he barely missed the British fleet by a few days. But the mission wasn’t a total loss for Vice Admiral Jack, he was able to sink 2 addition French shipping units and capture 1 shipping units.

Caribbean Fleet (Cap-Francais) (Commander: Luc Urbain de Bouëxic, comte de Guichen)
-3 BB2s (Robuste, Diligent, Citoyen)
-5 Frigates (Actif, Bourgogne, Marseillais, Destin, Victoire)


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:17 pm

By March 1772,

The impact of the raiding on the shipping causes collapse of trading for British, French, Spanish sea lanes. As shipping insurance rates spike and shipping merchants are force to change their shipping methods to convoy system to reduce the heavy losses that they have incurred by raids.

Effective for 1773 build

British(including British America), French, Spanish shipping units values are cut by half and port income values are cut by half.

Neutral shipping becomes the prefer method of transport for most traders

Dutch, Portuguese shipping units and port income goes up by 25% for 1773

The Dutch West Indies trading colony of St Eustatius becomes a key port in this neutral shipping boom.

As warning parties use the colony as means to tranship their goods to neutral ships to go back to home port without fear of raiders attacking them.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:21 pm

Ottoman wrote:Meanwhile in Morocco

Late 1771

The Sultan of Morocco watches the British war with Spain, he notes most of the Spanish fleet is knock out of action. He decides now is perfect opportunity to attack and take Melilla from Spain. He begins to munster a force of Berber/Arab tribesmen and Royal Moroccan Army to fulfill the task. He attempts to enlist the help of the Bey of Algiers, who declines because he is middle of fight with Danes.( OOC: look that actually happened).

January 15, 1772

The Spanish Governor John Sherlock of Melilla sees a large force of Moroccans troops gathering outside the city limits.  He quickly calls for the Militia to manned the old city walls.

For now the Moroccans plan to lay siege to the City.

Moroccan forces
1 Infantry Brigade- tech 3
2 Cavalry Regiments-tech 3

4 Militia brigades-Arab/Berber tribesmen( 2 infantry, 2 cavalry)- tech 2.5

Update by March 1,1772

The Moroccans forces are still trying to siege the City but with not much luck, they another sent request for aid to their counterparts in Algiers*, Tunis, and Tripoli. It remains to be seen if they will response or ignore the request.

*Algiers just finished the war with Danish by having the Danish paid them off and which in turn they freed any Danish slaves.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:40 pm

Indian Theater

April-May 1772
The French Indian station finally receives orders from France on their course of action. The Indian Ocean Station and India Squadron are to join forces at Pondicherry, while the Light Infantry Brigade based in Mauritius is to sail to Pondicherry and join the French forces there. It takes whole two-month period for the French forces to move their new locations. Once the army is combined , they have to spend the hot months staving off disease and meanwhile they focus on trying to get Indian allies in preparation for their war against the British.

Meanwhile the Indian Ocean theater is oddly quiet for the EIC and the Royal Navy in Indian Ocean. The French aren’t sure what moves they could be making…
India Squadron (Pondicherry) (Commander: Pierre André de Suffren) as end of May 1772
-1 BB2 (Solide)
-3 Frigates (Ardent, Triton, Saint Michel)
-2 Brig

Army of India (Pondicherry) (Commander: Guillaume de Bellecombe)
-2 Light Infantry Regiments
Army of Mauritius (Mauritius)* Relocated to Pondicherry*
-1 Light Infantry Brigade


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:18 pm


April-May 1772

Spanish Operations

The Spanish withdraw most of their forces from Mahon, save for one infantry brigade to act as garrison. The artillery is withdrawal to Spain.

The Army of Portugal is organized as the following
4 Cavalry Brigades (screening force)

Army of the South (Malaga) Sieging Gibraltar, the army camp continues to grow as does the cases of camp sickness along the men as they wait for orders to assault Gibraltar. A major outbreak of Dysentery/ Pneumonia occurs at the Spanish encampment, causing a high amount of losses.

5 Infantry Brigades
4 Infantry brigades reduce to infantry regiment due to Camp sickness
1 Infantry regiment*disbanded due to Camp sickness*
4 Artillery Companies
1 Cavalry Brigades
1 Cavalry brigade reduce to Cavalry regiment to Camp sickness
1 Cavalry Regiment*disbanded due to Camp sickness*

The other forces are established as an Army of Reserve in Madrid:

3 Infantry Brigades
2 Artillery Companies (1 from Mahon)
1 Cavalry Brigade
1 Cavalry Regiment

Meanwhile the Spanish fleet-in-being and continue repairs. Naples (6) and Spanish (2) brigs are conducting scout and escort missions in the western Mediterranean.

British operations in Mediterranean

The British garrison at Gibraltar has be reinforced (1 infantry brigade, 2 light infantry brigades, 2 militia brigades), however a minor outbreak occurs, 1 militia brigade is reduced to a 1 militia regiment.
The Mediterranean, Channel (they bought the reinforcements to Gibraltar) fleets are recalled to London for new mission. For now, operations against France/Spain in Mediterranean are stopped.

French Operations

Meanwhile the French are shift their military forces to protect the northern coast and Atlantic coastal region. For now, they avoid sending ships to the Channel. The French engineers and their support units are still marching to Gibraltar, they should reach the area by early Summer at their current rate of progress.

Army of the Seine (From Paris to Arras) (Commander: Noël Jourda, comte de Vaux)
-4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Brigade
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-4 Artillery Companies

Army of the North (From Paris to Rouen) (Commander: Claude Gabriel, Marquis de Choissey)
4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Brigade
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-4 Artillery Companies

Army of the Garonne (Bordeaux) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau)
-4 Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-2 Artillery Companies

Army of Spain (moving from Bordeaux to Gibraltar)
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade

The French fleets maintain defensive positions against potential British raids or attacks. However word does reach the British in late April via passing Portuguese trade ships that the French Atlantic fleet was on the move and appears to heading the West Indies.


Manche Fleet (Brest) (Commander: François Joseph Paul, Comte de Grasse)
-2 BB1s (Ville de Paris, Royal Louis)
-12 BB2s (Soleil Royal, Foudroyant, Formidable, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient, Saint-Esprit, Languedoc, Couronne, Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe)
-3 BB2s (Phénix, Espérance, Ferme)
-5 Frigates (Neptune, Juste, Aimable, Savoyard, Normandie)
-4 Brigs

Atlantic Fleet (Bordeaux) (Commander: Louis Guillouet, comte d'Orvilliers) in route to West Indies
-1 BB1s Bretagne)
-9 BB2s (Superbe, Dauphin-Royal, Terrible, Invincible, Magnanime, Conquérant, Monarque, Intrépide, Sceptre)
-1 BB2 (Magnifique)
-3 Frigates (Couronne, Florissant, Prudent
-2 Brigs

Mediterranean Fleet (Based in Marseilles, currently in Brest) (Commander: Charles Hector, comte d'Estaing)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-10 BB2s (Entreprenant, Redoutable, Palmier, Guerrier, Défenseur, Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-1 Frigates (Souverain)
-1 Frigates] (Mascarin On Expeditions)
-2 Brigs

British naval operations

The West Indies fleet is recalled to London, should arrive by end of April/early May. The Mediterranean/ Channel fleet don’t reach London until Mid-April.  The Home fleet is already position near London. The exact nature of what the British are attempting do is not clear to anyone. That area of the North Sea is now heavily patrol by British warships.

Antilles Fleet heads to New York City and arrivals in early May(damaged ships, as they are all frigates, retire to various American ports (1 damaged ship per American port, starting north to south), to await for new orders from the Admiralty.

Last edited by Ottoman on Sat Jul 25, 2020 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:21 pm

North African theater

Meanwhile Morocco continues its siege of Ceuta, however the Moroccan fleet( 4 FF1s and 6 Brigs) is becoming active and starting to aggressively patrol its waters. Its only matter of time before they use their fleet for operations against Ceuta.

Moroccan forces

1 Infantry Brigade- tech 3
2 Cavalry Regiments-tech 3
4 Militia brigades-Arab/Berber tribesmen( 2 infantry, 2 cavalry)- tech 2.5


1 Militia brigade( walled city)

However by May of 1772, The Moroccans are able to finally get the Bey of Algiers to join the war against Spain. He quickly lays siege to the Spanish holding of Oran and Mers El Kébir. The Algerian fleet(8 FF1s, 8 Brigs) for now stays in the safety of the harbor of Algiers under the guns of the mighty fortress.

Algerians forces

At Oran

1 Infantry Brigade- tech 3
1 Cavalry Regiments-tech 3
2 Militia brigades-Arab/Berber tribesmen( 2 infantry, 2 cavalry)- tech 2.5


1 Militia brigade( walled city)

At Mers El Kébir

1 Infantry Brigade- tech 3
1 Cavalry Regiments-tech 3
2 Militia brigades-Arab/Berber tribesmen( 2 infantry, 2 cavalry)- tech 2.5


1 Militia brigade( walled city)


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 25, 2020 12:03 am

North America
April-May 1772

Spanish troop movements

The three light infantry regiments in New Orleans will form a light infantry brigade and continue patrols and preparing entrenchments, along with the garrison brigade and militia regiment.

The two light infantry regiments station around Baton Rouge will continue to support the construction of the fort and provide an early warning trip-wire if any expedition approaches from the north or north-east.

The Spanish/British Americans attempt overtures were made to the Choctaw to join their side, for now the Choctaw adapted a wait and see approach for this conflict.


2 light infantry brigades (1 ready end of June; second one on expedition to Kingston in May so it may end up a little roughed up)
1 militia infantry brigade (ready by May)
1 garrison brigade
1 fortress
naval yard

New Orleans

1 fort
2 light infantry brigade (1 formed from regiments by end of April, the other upgraded from the garrison brigade)
1 light infantry regiment
1 militia regiment
2 cavalry regiments (en route) will arrive by early May 1772
2 brig flotillas

Baton Rouge

1 fort
1 light infantry regiment

San Juan
1 fort
1 light infantry brigade (ready by May)
1 garrison brigade
1 militia brigade (ready by May)

Santo Domingo

1 fort
1 light infantry brigade (ready by May)
1 garrison brigade
1 militia brigade (ready by May)

British American movements

A colonial force composed of regiments raised in Southern Colonies is dispatched to British fort of Mobile. The force is assembled at the Fort in Macon, where they have a base of operations. Once assembled, they will proceed towards RL Mobile to link up with British units (and build a base there). This whole movement takes the whole season to carry out. The colonial militia acts as rear guard to protect lines of communication and supplies. The regular forces finally arrive in Mobile by end of May 1772.

4 Light Infantry Regiments (one of the regiments is led by Washington as colonel)
2 Militia Cavalry Regiments (redirected from VA/NC)
1 Militia Infantry Brigade (from Maryland)

May 20,1772

The raid on Kingston

Antonio María de Bucareli, Viceroy of New Spain and Governor of Cuba, takes expedition to avoid sitting and waiting for the British to strike; the combined Franco-Spanish fleet and a light infantry brigade (formed from three light infantry regiments) from Havana will circle east and then south to approach Jamaica from the west and raid Kingston; the objective is to suppress the fort, burn or otherwise severely damage the naval yard and port or otherwise deprive the British of its use; this is not to be an occupation (unless the fort simply surrenders out of hand).

The Franco-Spanish fleet sails into the harbor in the morning causing a panic for the locals. The British Governor/Commander of the Kingston tries to mobilize the local forces and the fort to defend the port. The Combined fleet can suppress the Forts guns with minimal damaged to their ships. The Combined fleet landed their forces under the cover of shell fire. They managed to overwhelm the defenders of the fort with light losses. However, the defenders of the dockyards put up more of a fight and managed to destroy the marine battalions. But the well-trained Spanish troops of the brigade managed to crush them with heavy losses. (1 Infantry brigade reduce to regiment.) But by nightfall the port has fallen to the Combine fleet, who wreck the yard and port. Before departing back to Havana under the impression, the British fleet might be nearby.

British forces

1 Fort at Kingston* Destroyed*
Naval Yards: Kingston (Jamaica)- 2 Militia brigades *Destroyed*
FF1 Jamaica, Bermuda (year 3 of 4, 1 points, 3 points of 3) Kingston Naval Yard* both hulls are wrecked as result of the raid and considered as lost
Naval yard is heavily damaged-12 points to repair, 2 years, out of service until fixed
Port- 2 points to repair, six months

Franco-Spanish Fleet

Armada de Barlovento (Combined Windward Squadron, Havana)
10 Spanish BB2 (Hércules - flagship, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa)
3 Spanish FF1 (Flecha, Liebre, Ventura*)-  Ventura lightly damaged .5 points, 6 months to reapir
3 French BB2 (Robuste, Diligent, Citoyen)
5 French FF1 (Actif, Bourgogne, Marseillais, Destin, Victoire)

The landing forces

1 light infantry brigade reduce to regiment
Losses marine battalion and two marine companies all lost, will need to spend  2(.5 point for French forces, 1.5 points for Spanish) points to rebuild marines battalion/companies.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:37 pm

By the end of May, the Choctaw after much debate decide to support the Anglo-American war effort.

Early June of 1772

They dispatch two militia infantry regiments to British Fort of Mobile as sign of their support.


They are armed with tech 3 weaponry, but are treat as irregular forces.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:35 pm

Summer of 1772

European Theater

Paranoid and panic grips military and political leadership of Spain/France out of fear or worry that Britain has the audacity to invade the land powers of Franco-Spanish…

The Franco-Spanish armies were reorganized to counter their potential threat to their homelands.

Army of the North (Bilbao) -The Army of the North will respond to any incursions in the north of the country or, if necessary, march north into France to assist their allies.
5 Infantry Brigades
3 Cavalry Brigades (1 from Reserve Army)
1 cavalry regiment (from Reserve Army)
4 Artillery Companies

Reserve Army (Madrid)
2 Infantry Brigades
3 Artillery Companies
1 Cavalry Brigade

Army of the South- maintain its siege of Gibraltar (now with the cooperation of the fleet), however it continues to take losses due to various camp sicknesses
7 Infantry Brigades
1 infantry regiment* wipe out*
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 Cavalry Regiment

Neapolitan Army
1 infantry brigade moved to Cartagena.

Army of Observation- watching the Portuguese frontier
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 Infantry Brigade each in Ferrol, Mahon
2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Fortress Cadiz
1 Infantry Brigades, 1 Fortress Cartagena, plus the Neapolitan Infantry Brigade when it arrives.

Plus fortresses: Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Ferrol, Valencia, Pamplona, Bilbao, Figueres, San Sebastian, Cartagena

French Armies- With the threat of a British invasion looming, the armies in France are ordered to maintain their vigilance. The Army of the North (based in Rouen) is ordered to move to Rennes, while the army of the Seine (in Arras) is ordered to hold fast. In the event that the British do attempt a landing, the armies are to seek to combine. If the British land in the direction of Brittany, the armies are to combine at Rennes before moving to engage the British. If the British land elsewhere on the Channel coast, the armies are to retreat to Paris to consolidate. If the British land on the Atlantic Coast, the armies in the north are to consolidate at Tours.

The army in Spain is ordered to adhere to their Spanish counterparts besieging Gibraltar.

Army of the Seine (Arras) (Commander: Noël Jourda, comte de Vaux)
-4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Brigade
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-4 Artillery Companies

Army of the North (Rouen) (Commander: Claude Gabriel, Marquis de Choissey)
-4 Light Infantry Brigades
-1 Infantry Brigade
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-4 Artillery Companies

Army of the Garonne (Bordeaux) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau)
-4 Infantry Brigades
-3 Cavalry Brigades
-2 Artillery Companies

Army of Spain (Gibraltar)- just recently arrived no hits from sickness this season.
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Engineer Brigade

Meanwhile the French fleet was kept in their precarious watch. However, if the British navy moves en masse to affect an actual landing on the French Coast—a full fleet, rather than just raids by small ships—the combined fleets under the Comte de Grasse and the comte d’Estaing are to move to intercept. They are not ordered to die needlessly—if they meet overwhelming force, they are instructed to withdraw as soon as honor allows. However, the British cannot be allowed to land in France unopposed.
By adapting this stance, The French Admirals felt they are forced to adapt a defensive stance then to offensive stance with the Royal Navy. But for good of the Kingdom, they accept their orders without protest and waited for the forthcoming attack. Which never did come...

Manche Fleet (Brest) (Commander: François Joseph Paul, Comte de Grasse)
-2 BB1s (Ville de Paris, Royal Louis)
-12 BB2s (Soleil Royal, Foudroyant, Formidable, Duc de Bourgogne, Océan, Orient, Saint-Esprit, Languedoc, Couronne, Sceptre, Bourbon, Saint Philippe)
-3 BB2s (Phénix, Espérance, Ferme)
-5 Frigates (Neptune, Juste, Aimable, Savoyard, Normandie)
-4 Brigs

Mediterranean Fleet (Based in Marseilles, currently in Brest) (Commander: Charles Hector, comte d'Estaing)
-1 BB1s (Tonnant)
-10 BB2s (Entreprenant, Redoutable, Palmier, Guerrier, Défenseur, Protecteur, Diadème, Glorieux, Zodiaque, Minotaure)
-1 Frigates (Souverain)
-2 Brigs

Meanwhile the Spanish fleets

The main Spanish fleet-They have orders to maintain a blockade of Gibraltar in order to help bring the siege to an end; if a British fleet attempts to break it, they will give battle but will not fight against overwhelming odds.

1 BB1: San Luis( flagship)- Admiral Luis de Córdova y Córdova
16 BB2s: San Pascual Bailon, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante , Monarca, Diligente Velasco, Terrible, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante
2 Spanish Brigs/Patrons- The two Spanish Brig flotillas are orders to scout into the Atlantic to try and find the British fleet and give the fleet at Cadiz warning should they approach.

The Neapolitan fleet has orders to keep supply lines open to Ceuta and Melilla and pick at the Algerian fleet and raid their shipping, as well as escort the transfer of a Neapolitan infantry brigade to Cartagena.
6 Neapolitan Brigs/Patrons

However, despite all rumors and appearances of preparation for invasion, the British had something else in mind for their war in the European theater…

Home Forces: Commanded by Lieutenant General John West, the Earl of De la Warr
Depots: each 1 militia brigade (22 total, Lieutenant General and Chief of Ordinance Thomas Gage)
York, Cardiff, Norwich, Leeds, Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Inverness, Exeter, Hull, Durham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Bristol, London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dover, Southhampton
Army of Observation (Exeter area) Major General Burgoyne w 3 Infantry Brigades, 2 cavalry regiments, 2 artillery companies PLUS 1 Hessian Infantry Brigade,
MISSION: MILITIA and Army of Observation are to repel any invasion

Irish Army: commanded by Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Major General George Townshend
Depots: Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Londanderry, Dublin
Garrison Brigades: Belfast, Sligo, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Londenderry
artillery companies: Belfast, Dublin
Cavalry regiments: Limerick, Waterford, Sligo, Dublin
Lord Lieutenants Guard: 3 Hessian Infantry Regiments

Army of Gibraltar (General Robert Boyd)
1 fortress,
1 infantry brigade
2 light infantry brigades
1 militia brigade
1 militia regiment* wipe out by camp sickness*
, plus naval shipyard staff (2 militia brigades in an emergency)

For period of July-August 1772

The Western Approaches and Nore fleet were actively patrolling the waters around British Isles and the Channel coast in the case of the Nore Fleet. French observers on the French Channel coast were able to spot these ships, but report no signs of invasion or transports carrying troops for invasion…

Western Approaches Fleet (Vice Admiral Howe)
MISSION: Patrol Irish Sea and southern approaches to British Isles to protect shipping
1 BB1: Impregnable
6 BB2: Hero, Defence, Superb,Thunder, Fame, Warspite, Mars
FF1 Bideford, Seahorse, Squirrel, Aldborough, Experiment, Rye, Phoenix, Sheerness, Dolphin, Tartar, Kennington

Nore Fleet (Vice Admiral Keppel who wears second hat as Vice Lord of Admiralty under Sea Lord Admiral Hawke)
Mission:(Patrol North Sea and Upper Channel)
FF1 Gosport, Lynn, Faversham, Folkestone, Eltham, Thetis, Prince Edward, Poole, Chesterfield, Looe, Fowey, Ludlow Castle, Mary Galley, Pearl, Lark, Roebuck, Hector, Torrington, Angelsea, Woodwich, Humber, Rainbow, Crown

Courier Fleet (new command, created January 1772, ) based at Penzance (riders from London carry mail/messages to station where ships then depart)
Brigs (Flora, Merlin, Racehorse, Pelican, Roman Emperor, Ferret, Senegal, Beaver, Martin, Raven, Scorpion, Echo, Rattler, Calypso, Brisk, Swallow, Stork, Zephyr, Scourge
With 19 ships (plus hired merchants) there are sufficient ships to have one sail weekly to New York and Jamaica and Gibraltar (hired ships generally sent to New York) carrying dispatches, orders and mail

Battle of Barrosa( Between Gibraltar and Cadiz)- July 22,1772

British forces

Home Fleet (Admiral Hood) Plymouth
2 BB1: Royal Sovereign, Ramilies( Ramiles is the flagship of the fleet)
22 BB2: Bellona, Defense, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Rippon, Dunkirk, Achilles, America, , Medway, York, Oxford, Vanguard, Swiftsure, Superb, Triumph,
4 FF1 Active, Lyme, Shoreham, Scarborough plus 2 shipping units (1 supply ship, 1 carries a Brigade of Hessian Infantry)(carry all militia and all possible useless mouths (ie civilians) to England

Channel Fleet ( Admiral Rodney ) Portsmouth)
2 BB1 Prince Royal (fleet flag) Victory,
18 BB2 Defense, Cornwall, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon, Shrewsbury, Superb, Valiant, Cambridge, Chichester, Resolution, Burford, Boyne, Dragon, Northumberland, Buckingham, Princess Amalia,
6 FF1( Seaford, Lowestoffe, Rose, Deal Castle, Gibraltar, Blandford)

1 BB1: San Luis( flagship)- Admiral Luis de Córdova y Córdova
16 BB2s: San Pascual Bailon, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Triunfante , Monarca, Diligente Velasco, Terrible, Atlante, Tridente, Arrogante
2 Spanish Brigs/Patrons- The two Spanish Brig flotillas are orders to scout into the Atlantic to try and find the British fleet and give the fleet at Cadiz warning should they approach.

The bulk of the British Battlefleet under the commands of Admiral Rodney and Hood set off to carry a mission of vital important to the war effort to bring additional troops to Gibraltar and the break/destroy the Spanish blockade of the fortress. The frigates of the fleets were acting as recon and escorting the transports. Whereas the battleships were given orders to bear the bunk of the fighting.
One of the Brigs that Admiral Córdova has send out give him early warning of the British fleets reports back they have seen the British fleet, which turn out to be Rodney battle formation. However due to fog and need to withdraw before being spotted by the British frigate screens, they were unable to spot Hood’s fleet that was 5 miles behind Rodney(semi decent spotting role for seeing Rodney fleet, but not for Hood’s fleet, which was slightly behind due to bad weather). Aside from some frigates that were scouting ahead of his fleet. Admiral Córdova decides despite the British having a few more battleships base on his scout reports, he could still make battle and give them a blood nose then withdraw to the safety of Cadiz.

Initial contact was made between the Spanish and British fleets midday, with Admiral Rodney fleet in formation heading to attack. However not long after signing Rodney’s fleet, Admiral Córdova realized the grave error that his scouts made. He finally saw Hood’s battle fleet coming in not to far from Rodney fleet(less than a mile away from Rodney fleet position.) He orders the fleet to withdraw to Cadiz noting he was massively outnumbered by the British fleets. However, the Rodney and Hood are able to intercept the Spanish fleet off the coast of Barrosa in Gulf of Cadiz. Which results in intense melee as the Spanish fight to retreat to safe harbor within ranges of the Fortress guns at Cadiz. The battle was savage but sadly one sided, the Spanish battleships inflicted as much heavy damage they could do before being overwhelmed with cannon fire or boarding attacks. Admiral Córdova killed by a Royal Marine sharpshooter in the battle, as he was directing Spanish marines to defend off boarding from HMS Dunkirk. Only a handful of Spanish battleships managed to use the cover of smoke from their comrade warships as screen to slip into safety of the harbor. News of the disaster reaches Madrid by rider the next day.

Admiral Hood/Rodney carry the day with major victory for Britain and were able to complete their supply mission and troop transport mission.They return to home in mid-August 1772 with number of captured Spain warships are wars prizes.

Spanish losses
1 BB1 : San Luis( flagship)(heavy damaged 4 points to repair each ship, 1 year to repair)- Captured by British
4 BB2: San Isidro, Santo Domingo, Terrible, Triunfante-Sunk
1 BB2: San Agustín ( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)- Captured by British
3 BB2 Arrogante*, San Pascual Bailon, Monarca*( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
Monarca, Arrogante - Captured By British

British losses
4 BB2- Rippon, Dunkirk, Dragon, Defense( Heavy damage, 2 points each to repair, 1 year to repair)
9 BB2s Achilles, America , Medway, Burford, Boyne, Canada, Dublin, Norfolk, Lexon ( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair,six months to repair)

North African theater

July-August 1772

Meanwhile Morocco continues its siege of Ceuta, while Algerians maintain their siege of Oran and Mers El Kébir.

There is more action at sea…

The Algerian fleet (8 FF1s, 8 Brigs) leave harbor of Algiers and engages in raiding of Spanish/French/ Neapolitan. They run into the Neapolitan brigs and engage in combat all over the Mediterranean.
6 Neapolitan Brigs/Patrons

3 Neapolitans brigs lost
2 Algerian Brigs lost
1 Neapolitan shipping captured
1 Spanish shipping unit captured
1 French shipping destroyed
2 Algerian/Moroccan shipping units captured by Naples
The capture of Canary Islands August 4th, 1772

A large British taskforce led by Vice Admiral Byron is join by the Moroccan fleet. Their orders are to capture the islands and gain control of key shipping lane for the war effort and dispute Spain’s ability to send treasure fleets to Cadiz. The large Anglo-Moroccan fleet sails into the harbors of Tenerife and Las Palmas. They control without firing a single shot. However, their hopes of capturing treasure fleet are for none, as it is no in sight. They do manage to capture one Spanish shipping unit that was in the area. The British start plans to build two forts in the Islands. Whereas for the Moroccan were aren’t allow to take slaves from local population. Decide its best to return to home port and await new orders.


Moroccan fleet(4 FF1s and 6 Brigs)* 1 Infantry Regiment* Sultan’s Guards tech 3*

British fleet
BB2 Belonna Medway, York, Oxford,
5 FF1 (Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool)
5 Brigs (Ariel, Weazel, Porcupine, Tamar, Favorite)
Plus 1 battalion of Hessian Infantry to garrison once taken, 1 British artillery company (after securing island build forts at Tenerife and Las Palmas)


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:38 pm

North American theater

July-August 1772

La Plata raids of August 1772

The British South Atlantic Squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Hughes is spotted off the coast of La Plata with a mission to raid the local Spanish shipping in the area. The mission is considered a major success for the squadron.

2 Spanish shipping units sunk
2 Spanish shipping units captured

South Atlantic Squadron

FF1 Penzanze, Expedition, Assurance, Prince Henry, Bridgewater, Success, Port Mahon, Lively, Experiment, Winchelsea

July-August 1772

Leeward Islands Campaign

The French Caribbean fleet escort Spanish forces to seized control of the British West Indies islands of St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, ,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados. The Franco-Spanish forces are raid the islands and assume control of them.( OOC: you maintain control by year end, you may count it for income for 1773 build, .25 points each island. 50/50 split)

Caribbean Fleet (Havana) (Commander: Luc Urbain de Bouëxic, comte de Guichen)
-3 BB2s (Robuste, Diligent, Citoyen)
-5 Frigates (Actif, Bourgogne, Marseillais, Destin, Victoire)
-2 Brigs

July 20,1772

The Assault on Pensacola/ Siege of Mobile

The French Atlantic Fleet providing support to the Spanish landings on the Gulf Coast. As well providing 1 regiment of marines to the Spanish invasion of the British West Florida capital of Pensacola. As soon as vast taskforce show up, the British Commander realized he was out gunned, he fired a few shots as honor commands and surrenders the fort and settlement the Franco-Spanish forces. Who quickly take over and get work started on building a base for major operations against the British Americans forces in the area. The Franco-Spanish once their secure new base, they quickly began to march on Mobile in Late August by the time they reach to Mobile in the first week of September. They discovered a bunk of the Anglo-Americans forces have left the area leaving militia and fort garrison at Mobile. The Franco-Spanish decided to lay siege to the fort.

Army of Florida
2 Light Infantry Brigades (from San Juan, Santo Domingo)
1 Militia Brigade (from Havana)
2 cavalry regiments (from New Orleans)

Atlantic Fleet (Havana) (Commander: Louis Guillouet, comte d'Orvilliers)
-1 BB1s Bretagne)
-10 BB2s (Superbe, Dauphin-Royal, Terrible, Invincible, Magnanime, Conquérant, Monarque, Intrépide, Sceptre, Magnifique)
-3 Frigates (Couronne, Florissant, Prudent)
-2 Brigs

1 Fort* Surrendered at Pensacola

Mississippi Campaign

July to August 1772

The Anglo-American force under the command of Colonial General George Washington and with second in command Brigadier General Cornwallis march the Expeditionary force up into the northern Choctaw of rl Alabama. The march slow and painful as they force to go thou creek lands, with the leadership of Washington and Choctaw scouts are able to get to their target location. They quickly begin work on building base/fort in the area that will be known as Vicksburg for further operations against the Spanish in Louisiana.

Expeditionary Force Southern North America (General Washington, deputy is Brigadier General Cornwallis)

2 British Infantry regiments under American command plus American forces
4 Light Infantry Regiments (one of the regiments is led by Washington as colonel)
2 Militia Cavalry Regiments (redirected from VA/NC)
2 Native American militia infantry regiments

1 British Fort at Mobile*
1 Militia Infantry Brigade (from Maryland) guarding Mobile*
1 Militia Infantry Brigade( from SC) protecting supply lines

*Both under siege as of end of August 1772

Invasion of Tejas

August 21 , 1772

While Franco-Spanish fleets are busy in Gulf Coast or West Indies or in repairs in Havana. The British West Indies fleet returns to its home waters with special orders to invade the Spanish frontier region of Tejas. The fleet is under the command of Vice Admiral (newly promoted) Samuel Drake, the land forces are under the command of General Howe( Admiral Howe’s brother). They land at Corpus Christi, and quickly setup base and begin work on building a fort for the area. A week later August 27 they mapped out the area around Galveston bay and begin work on building a base/fort there as well. By the beginning of September the British army quickly take control of the surrounding areas( 50 mile radius). The region is lightly settled by the Spanish(about 1000 settlers and bunch of angry Native Americans…) and no major garrisons to note. Meanwhile the West Indies fleet cuts communication/supply lines to New Orleans from New Spain(Mexico).

West Indies Fleet
BB2 Arrogant, FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale, Venganza, Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire, Brigs Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, , Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture

Expeditionary Force Gulf of Mexico (General Howe who has Major Ferguson with him)
2 British Cavalry Regiments, 2 Hessian Cavalry Regiments, 1 Hessian infantry regiment , 1 British artillery company

Spanish forces as of July 1772

Windward Squadron in port for repairs
10 Spanish BB2 (Hércules - flagship, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa)
4 Spanish FF1 (Flecha, Liebre, Ventura, Lark (Renamed Alondra))- Ventura and Lark (Alondra) lightly damaged .5 points, 6 months to repair
5 brigs (on assignment)-carrying 2 light infantry regiments for West Indies campaign

Garrison of New Orleans- Army of Louisiana to maintain it's presence in the New Orleans area.
1 fort
1 light infantry regiment
1 militia regiment
2 light infantry brigades
2 brig flotillas (seconded)

Baton Rouge
1 Fort
1 light infantry regiment

Army of Havana
1 light infantry brigade
1 light infantry regiment
1 garrison brigade
1 fortress

San Juan
1 fort
1 garrison brigade
1 militia brigade

Santo Domingo
1 fort
1 garrison brigade
1 militia brigade

Cartegna de Indias
1 fortress

Port of Spain (Trinidad)
1 fort

British forces at the start of July 1772

North American Army: Commanded by Lord Lieutenant of North American, Lieutenant General Amherst
following were transferred to Americans
forts: Fort Albany, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Pitt, Fort Niagara, , Fort Oswego, Fort Stanwix, Fort William, Savannah, Halifax, Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Williamsburg, New Bern, Charleston, St John
Americans asked to supply troops to man these 16 forts in 1773 so that the 8,000 British troops can be formed into Regiments for active service.
All British and North American troops except for those in Florida, the Caribbean, Quebec, the Hudson Bay area are under the command of Amherst (but the American player handles them)

Canada (Upper Canada is Quebec, Lower Canada is Ontario, Hudson Bay Territory) Brigadier General Clinton (subordinate to Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Montreal, Quebec City, Fort Detroit, Fort Vincennes, Kakaskia, Fort Sault St Marie, Fort Churchill
plus 2 Hessian Infantry Regiments (1 each Montreal, Quebec)

Caribbean and Florida (Major General Guy Carleton) (subordinate to Lord Lieutenant of North America)
Forts: Nassau, Barbados, Bermuda, Fort Mobile, Pensacola, St Augustine,
3 Hessian Infantry Regiments (Nassau, St Augustine, Bermuda)

Indian Theater

No action from either side for this season


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:31 pm

Early Fall 1772

Native American reacts to Falklands War in North America

Six Nations of the Iroquois decide to throw their support to the British in their war against Franco-Spanish, they contribute four regiments of 1 Militia Infantry and 1 Militia Cavalry with 3 tech weaponry  and present themselves to Anglo-American commanders at Fort Pitts.

Cherokee- decided after much heavy debate to stay neutral.

Creek-Muscogee Confederacy after years of bad blood with Colonial Americans(mainly in Georgia) , decide to cast their lot with the Franco-Spanish and fight the colonial forces that are trespassing on their lands. Currently are busy conducting war raids on the colonial frontier with Georgia and attacking Anglo-American supply lines to Mississippi theater.  

Military: 4 Militia regiments of Infantry- tech 2.5,some armed with tech 3 weaponry.

The colonial governor of Georgia calls for support to counter this threat.

Choctaw- Sided with Anglo-Americans and currently on deployment

Chickasaw- Stay neutral

Comanche, Pawnee, Osage, and Caddo declare their neutrality in the war. In the case of the Comanche, they agree to have peace with Britain and Spain for now.

Meanwhile Karankawa attempts to raid both British and Spanish settlements with little success in Tejas region.


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Post by Ottoman Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:56 pm

European Theater
Sept- Dec 1772

In the European theater both sides enter into a period of naval patrols and armies being on standby in event of invasion.

For the French fleets- Manche fleet was task to watch any potential attack from the British via the Channel.  
Meanwhile the French Mediterranean fleet is ordered to sail to Bordeaux to pick up two infantry brigades and sail them to Cadiz to spend the winter and prepare for potential actions in the spring.  The fleet and troops arrived in Cadiz early October.

As for the Spanish, they move their remaining battle line to Cartagena and send reinforcements/supplies (1 infantry brigade) to Ceuta

Meanwhile the Spanish siege of Gibraltar progresses….however with the arrival of French siege engineers there is hopes that the fortress walls will be bleach by news year’s day.

Attrition losses-aka Camp Sickness
1 Spanish Cavalry Regiment- Disbanded- Due to Camp Sickness losses

As for the British

The Royal Navy is actively patrolling its water with the Channel Fleet, Nore Fleet, Irish Sea Patrol.  Vice Admiral Howe is task guarding a supply convey to Gibraltar and support any Moroccan actions against Ceuta. However nothing of note occurs given the Franco-Spanish defensive stance and the Moroccans opt to keep a loose siege of Ceuta. Vice Admiral Howe mission to resupply Gibraltar occurs without any issue. He returns to Britain by years end.

Gibraltar Relief fleet
1 BB1: Impregnable
6 BB2: Hero, Defence, Superb,Thunder, Fame, Warspite, Mars
FF1 Bideford, Seahorse

North African theater

September -Dec 1772

Meanwhile Morocco continues its siege of Ceuta with not much success. However, there is no signs of the Moroccan fleet.  Some observers wonder why the Moroccans don’t attempt to blockade the city to bring it to its knees.

While Algerians are finally able to force the peaceful surrender of Oran and Mers El Kébir. They allow the Spanish militia and civilians to leave via ship.


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Post by Kilani Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:31 am

In late December of 1772, after some negotiation and exchange of letters, the Spanish Empire concludes a peace agreement with the Dey of Algiers, ceding Oran and Mers El Kebir in exchange for a sum of money in compensation (ooc: two points); also included is an exchange of prisoners, release of civilian captives and merchantmen, etc.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:18 am

North American Theater

Sept-Dec 1772

Creek/Muscogee Confederacy- British American war

The Creek raid several colonial forts in the colonial frontier of Georgia; however, the Georgian militia are able to fend them off. For now, either side incurred any major losses.

The Great Northern Route

Meanwhile the British-Americans undertake a major mission to create a new supply route to their forces in Western theaters. The British establish base at Fort Pitt (Ohio River), then at Falls of Ohio (RL Louisville, founded in 1778 historically, which needs a new name, so probably going to name it Wolfeton, in honor of General Wolfe). Supplies  are sent overland and by water to Fort Pitt, then down the Ohio River to the Falls of Ohio, then portage and down river to Mississippi, then upriver to St Louis (which is about 100 miles north of the conflux of the Mississippi and Ohio). The British have plans to   create a fort at RL modern day Cairo Illinois to strength the supply route in the following year.
The colonials send 3 Northern Militia (New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts bridges to garrison these new bases for the war effort.

Late September 1772

Spanish scouts are sent up from Mobile siege to determine what’s going with British-Colonial forces at Vicksburg. They are shocked to report, there is no major colonial encampment, rather just a fort with small garrison.  They aren’t sure where they could have gone with their supplies cut….

Also, the Spanish send scouts in the direction of Macon,GA to scout the area. However, a colonial patrol encounter them and attack them before they could retreat.
1 Cav Regiment lost in the fighting

Early September 1772….

General Washington and Brigadier General Cornwallis decide the best course of action is keep on the attack, after hearing news that Pensacola has fallen, and Mobile is under siege.  Rather then to march back to Mobile and attack the Franco-Spanish forces.  General Washington decides to march on St Louis, knowing he already cut off communications and supplies for the outpost that it was ripe for the taking. Plus, it will allow him to closer to potential supply routes from Ohio River Valley region.  He knew he had to act now due to only having enough supplies to last him a season and the weather wouldn’t be favorable didn’t move now. For two months he marched his troops up the Mississippi valley to the Spanish trading post of St. Louis, he barely made it with last of his supplies almost gone. The Spanish governor of St. Louis surrender the settlement without a fight on the November 5th of 1772.

By the British supply network was finally sending material and supplies to his worn-out forces in St. Louis. Word of the fall of St. Louis won’t reach the Spanish in New Orleans until late Dec 1772.

Expeditionary Force Southern North America (General Washington, deputy is Brigadier General Cornwallis) at St. Louis
2 British Infantry regiments under American command plus American forces
4 Light Infantry Regiments (one of the regiments is led by Washington as colonel)
2 Militia Cavalry Regiments (redirected from VA/NC)* disbanded due to attrition losses
2 Native American militia infantry regiments

September 4, 1772

Mobile/Pensacola- The Great Storm of September

Two Spanish light infantry brigades maintain their siege of Mobile, while they sent their militia bridge to Pensacola to guard their supply base. They to offer rather generous terms - if the American militia surrender, the will be paroled and allowed to march back home to Maryland (or if they want to, they can be shipped to Havana and take a neutral vessel home from there). The British regular garrison are likewise offered terms - should they surrender, they will likewise be paroled and allowed to march back to Georgia or etc, provided they do not take up arms again against France, Spain, or the Creeks until properly exchanged.

However, the offer was rejected by the colonial/British garrison hoping for relief force to save them or General Washington force to help rescues them.  Just has the siege set in, by September 7th a rather large hurricane Cat-3 that originally already hit the Leeward Islands area, made landfall in Mobile/ Pensacola and hit area with full force. It wipe out the Spanish base at Pensacola as well shattering the militia unit base there. As well destroying the Spanish siege encampment at Mobile. The fort itself steadfast in face of the winds. But the Spanish forces were in disarray from the storm and loss of supply and take step losses, both brigades are shattered and the survivors  reform into 1 light infantry regiments. Whereas the fort forces are left intact, however sickness does breakout in the Fort that cause the Maryland militia brigade to be dissolved.

The impact of this hurricane to Leeward island region in terms of damage and impact was seen by an young Alexander Hamilton, who was sheltering with his family in Danish West Indies islands. He would later write about his experiences to newspapers in British America, would allow him to study in New York City in 1773.

By September 12

The Antilles fleet led by Vice Samuel Drake arrives from Tejas theater with reinforcements to retake Mobile and Pensacola. The remaining the Spanish forces disorganized and ridden with sickness as result of the hurricane. They surrender without firing a shot.  With Mobile/ Pensacola secure. Vice Admiral Samuel Drake enacts his secondary orders to retake the Leeward Islands, however he is force take his time due to hurricane season.  Spanish massager frigates soon realized the situation and send message to Havana of the situation by September 20 .

Spanish POWs
1 Light Infantry Regiments
1 Cav regiment, once it gets back to Mobile.

West Indies Fleet (Vice Admiral (newly promoted) Samuel Drake) (1 BB2, 8 FF1, 25 Brigs, 2 battalions of Infantry)
BB2 Arrogant, FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale, Venganza, Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire, Brigs Zebra, Cameleon, Fairy, Nymph, Savage, Fury, Delight, Thorn, Bonetta, Shark, Alligator, Nautilus, , Vulture, Otter, Swallow, Falcon, Kingfisher, Cygnet, Atalanta, Pegasus, Dispatch, Fortune, Hound, Hornet, Vulture, 1 Hessian infantry battalion, 1 British artillery company aboard 4 shipping units

In October 15, 1772

The West Indies fleet arrives in Nassau under the command of Admiral Hood, with more troops for Fort Mobile with orders to take Major General Guy Carleton and take his 2 regiments Hessian/British to combine with Major General Burgoyne forces to help support operations in Mobile.  By the time the fleet arrives in Mobile bay by October 30th, they realized the Spanish have been taken out by weather and Antilles fleet. Admiral Hood enact orders to a joint operation to retake the British Leeward islands with Vice Admiral Drake’s fleet…which will take place around Mid-November...

West Indies fleet
2 BB1: Royal Sovereign, Ramilies( Ramiles is the flagship of the fleet).
12 BB2: Bellona, Cornwall, Canada, , Shrewsbury, Dorsetshire, Pembroke, Chathem, Oxford, Vanguard, Swiftsure, Superb, Triumph,
9 FF1 Active, Lyme, Shoreham, Scarborough, Alarm, Stag, Mermaid, Coventry, Liverpool
plus 3 shipping units carrying Expeditionary Force Caribbean

Major General Burgoyne/ Major General Guy Carleton, now at Mobile, rebuilding the base there
(drawn from Army of Observation) 2 infantry brigades, 1 artillery company, plus will pick up 1 Hessian, 1 British Infantry Regiment from Nassau
1 Hessian infantry battalion, 1 British artillery company from Drake's force at Pensacola base

Sept-Nov 1772

With the arrival of the British fleets in the area, communications and supplies to New Orleans were cut via overseas and the overland routes in Tejas were cut as well by the British army in the area.

Multiple hurricanes hit the West Indies to varying degrees of severity, which slows down much of the naval combat for the region.

With news of the arrival of Admiral Hoods fleet in Mobile reaches Havana November 4th, 1772, the French admirals decided is it better hold off on planned operations against the British until they can determine the true size of the combined fleet and intention(poor spotting rolls causes the French admiral to decide it’s best to fight another day then to risk the fleet in one sided battle like in Cadiz). Plus, they weren’t willing to risk leaving Havana unprotected, but this move does come at a cost.

Word later reaches Havana in late December that Hood’s combine fleet was spotted in Leeward Islands area, where they have taken control of St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados.

The British Royal Marines are able to overtake the Spanish garrisons which were spread accross the islands.


2 Spanish infantry regiments

November raid of Port of Spain

The Moroccans decided to make Spain understand they are not a backward nation, they decided to strike one of Spain colonial holdings in the Americas. They decide to raid Port of Spain and take the Island as gift for the British. They set sail from Casablanca on October 1st,1772 and reach their target area in early November 1772. They quickly raid the Spanish fort in a risky night attack. Which catches the Spanish garrison off guard and the Moroccans  seize the fort with minimal losses(very lucky dice roll). They loot the Spanish outpost and received word the Admiral Hoods fleet was area in mid-November. They formally hand over the Island to the British and leave for home in December.

Moroccan fleet(4 FF1s and 6 Brigs)* 2 Infantry Regiment* Sultan’s Guards tech 3*

Meanwhile in Tejas…..

Sept-Dec 1772

Spanish spy’s and ship recons report Anglo-German forces have built bases/ building Forts: New Godwin (Galveston), Goliad (the fort garrison of Corpus Christi moves here to escape the mosquitoes)

Texas Army (General Howe)

Forts: New Godwin (Galveston), Goliad (the fort garrison of Corpus Christi moves here to escape the mosquitoes)
They have deployed their cavalry regiments in the following areas. However, some of their units have incurred losses fighting the Karankawa
San Antonio: 1 Hessian Cavalry Regiment* disbanded after taking heavy losses in Indian raids and camp sickness
Goliad: 1 Hessian Cavalry Regiment
encamped near modern day Lagrange Texas: 1 British Cavalry Regiment
encamped near modern day Nacogdoches (at former Spanish mission): 1 British Cavalry Regiment

Spanish Latin America

The Spanish viceroys of the regions quickly begun shifting regulars out of the Fortress and stationing militia in their place. It will take time for these regulars coming from South America and other parts of New Spain to arrive at their destinations. By years end, The Spanish have gather the following force at Ciudad Victoria in Mexico.
Army of Mexico
Concentrating at Ciudad Victoria
2 light infantry brigades
2 cavalry regiments
2 militia cavalry regiments

Antilles Fleet retires to New York City at end of year, West Indies Fleet returns to Plymouth end of year

Indian Theater,

Nothing of note occurs aside from the fact the French order Admiral Pierre André de Suffren return to France to take command of her fleets in Europe.


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:58 pm

The news of Washington's capture of St Louis and thus establishing British dominion over the central Mississippi River Valley results in his being awarded the rank of Major General in the British Army, as well as the award of Knight of the Bath (in absentia, Lord Cornwallis is delegated the duty of the formal investiture). Major General Sir George Washington gains considerable celebrity in London as word of the harsh travails his army has endured in the West during his campaign reaches Britain
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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:34 pm

Orders January-March 1773

Mission: Resupply of Gibraltar

Taking advantage of the fact that storm and sea conditions make any move to land troops in the Home Islands essentially impossible, the Channel and Home Fleets make another resupply run to Gibraltar. They arrived in Gibraltar without incident on February 1st, the Spanish blockade force of brigs quickly retreated when they spot the British fleets. The fleet resupplies the garrison and taken on any sick or wound personnel before departing. They arrived back to Portsmouth by March 6th,1773.

In January 1773 ,  a mad dash in the rain.

The French main fleets stay in Port, then to  risk going out in rough weather, however exception is that the 4 Brig units are tasked with running guns and a few Irish “Wild Geese” up to Ireland, looking to drop caches of arms and a handful of favorable Irishmen near Wexford, Cork, Galway and Limerick (each brig gets .25 worth of arms and a handful of Irish agents, for a total of 1 point). They come bearing pamphlets decrying the attempt by the perfidious English to buy the loyalty of long-suffering Catholic Irish with some pieces of paper and the “right” to serve in a puppet Parliament—so that they can fight, die and pay for a war against their Catholic brothers in France and Spain, rather than against the English colonizer and oppressors. Vague promises are made of future French and Spanish aid, to come even as early as this year, but the Irish are encouraged to make use of these arms.

However, the oceans weren’t too favorable to the bold action of the French brigs.  1 Brig was lost at sea and its wreckage was found on the coast of Wales by Welsh sheep herdsmen.  2 Briggs was captured by the Rear Admiral Hughes Western Approaches fleet, who discover the arms, pamphlets and agents. One brig got into a fight the with the Frigate HMS Prince Henry and was destroyed by the Frigate

In total 2 Brigs captured, 1 wrecked in the coast of Wales, 1 sunk in battle.

January-March 1773

Meanwhile in Gibraltar...

The Siege continues, the French siege engineers make progress in breaking down the British Fortress walls, by late March they create a bleach in the section of the wall,the yet terrain is still mountainous and unforgiving for any would be attacker.  Despite success, there is another major outbreak hits the Franco-Spanish forces entrenched outside the Fortress and takes serve total on the army and its morale.

Army of the South (Gibraltar and Environs)
2 Infantry Brigade reduce to 2 Infantry regiments
2 Infantry Brigade
4 Artillery Companies
2 Cavalry Brigades
1 Cavalry Regiment (shifted from Army of the North)- Disbanded, due to attrition losses
1 French Cavalry Brigade reduced to Cavalry Regiment
1 French Infantry Brigade
2 French Infantry Brigade
1 French Engineer Brigade

British forces
1 fortress*technically damaged, but can provide 1 light infantry brigade of troops for combat, 1 infantry brigade, 2 light infantry brigades,
1 militia brigade reduced to  1 Militia infantry regiment
1 militia regiment* Disbanded due to attrition losses
, plus naval shipyard staff (2 militia brigades in an emergency)

January-March 1773

Siege of Ceuta?

The Siege of Ceuta seems to have pretty much disappeared aside of the presence of 2 Moroccan Berber Militia Cavalry aggressively patrolling the countywide. No one is sure where the Moroccan regular troops have disappeared to. The Spanish use this time to beef up their defenses in the garrison.

1 militia brigade
1 infantry brigade
1 artillery company

The Reconquest of Canaries

The Spanish were hellbent on retaking the Canaries and attacking any Moroccans force could be nearby. The Spanish don’t encounter any Moroccans forces in the area but arrived in the Canaries without issue by January. They quickly make short work of the half finish forts in the area and take Las Palmas and Tenefite. The Islands are garrisoned to insure they don’t fall again to British/Moroccan forces without a fight.  The Spanish fleet returns to Cadiz without issue on January 30th, barely missing the arrived of the British fleets….

Spanish Expeditionary fleet

3 BB1 (San Carlos, Santiago, San Fernando)
6 BB2 (San Julián, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Diligente Velasco, Atlante, Tridente)
5 FF1 (Santa Rosilia, Concepción, Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona)
4 Brigs

British forces
2 Forts at Las Palmas, Tenerife, half completed and were overpowered by the Spanish, the local personnel are POWs.

Spanish Canary Islands Garrison after Island reconquest
2 regiments at Las Palmas
1 regiment at Tenerife

Army of the Canaries, returns to Spain for new mission
1 Infantry Brigade
1 Artillery Company
2 French infantry brigades

Attack on Senegal

The Moroccans next target for raiding was the French slave exporting ports of Senegal. They recalled their main army units from Ceuta for this operation. The fleet left Tangiers around late February, they reach Dakar on March 1st, the local French naval commander and garrison were on guard, but were shocked by the sheer audacity of the Moroccans. A brief but intense naval battle occurred, the French naval commander Captain Louis Antoine de Bougainville in single handedly wreck 6 Moroccan brigs with his Frigate Fleuron, before his ship was overpowered and taken over by the Moroccans forces. The remaining French brigs were heavily damaged and sunk shortly after.

Once the naval battle was finished the Moroccans landed their troops to attack the forts in Dakar, Saint Louis. The French fight as much they could and inflict heavy losses on the Moroccans before being overpowered. By days end, the two forts had fallen. The Moroccan loot the 2-trading post and burn them to the ground. The Moroccans then provide arms and gunpower to the local Dakar leaders and return to their home port by March 10th. Once news hits Paris by March 15th, the royal court is outraged…

March 1st 1773

Moroccan losses
1 Infantry brigade reduce to 1 Infantry Regiment
1 Infantry regiment destoryed
6 Brigs sunk

Remainder forces
4 FF1s and 2 Brigs, 1 shipping unit
1 Infantry regiment tech 3
1  Infantry Sultan guard regiments tech 3

-1 Frigates (Fleuron)- Lightly damaged .5 points, six months to repair- Captured by Morocco - Captain Louis Antoine de Bougainville, POW guest of the Sultan in Fez
-2 Brig- Sunk
Forts (Dakar, Saint Louis)
2 trading post destroyed- need to rebuild to provide income

India theater

January- March 1773
The Spanish fleet arrives in Pondicherry by mid-January, it was rough journey given they were traveling to against the trade winds. The Spanish forces also land 3 light infantry regiments to support any potential operations against the British with their French counterparts.

Late January-end of March 1773
Franco-Spanish combine frigate fleet commanders decide this is the best time to raid British trading lanes in the region, given the fact the British Royal Navy was not in the area. However the trade winds weren’t in their favor initially. But they managed to captured 2 shipping units( both taken by the French).

Raider fleet
French forces
-4 Frigates (Ardent, Triton, Saint-Michel,Mascarin)
-2 Brig
Spanish forces
4 Frigates (Ventura, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)
The frigate Juno is under the command of Jose Salazar for record


India Squadron (Pondicherry) (Commander: Jean-Baptiste Barthélémy Thomas, comte d’Orves)
-1 BB2 (Solide)
Armada de Manila
2 BB2 (San Cristobal, Soberbio)


Army of India (Pondicherry) (Commander: Guillaume de Bellecombe)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade
-2 Light Infantry Regiments
3 Spanish Light Infantry regiments

Last edited by Ottoman on Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:37 am; edited 1 time in total


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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:31 am

Winter 1773
Irish agents in the employ of the French or Spanish are treated as officers of that nation and thus imprisoned for the duration of the war instead of being treated as spies. This is mostly to avoid creating Irish martyrs at a time when the future Dominion of Ireland is looking within reach and unnecessary political fodder is viewed as counterproductive
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Falklands War 1771-1774 Empty Re: Falklands War 1771-1774

Post by Ottoman Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:41 am

North American Theater

Jan-Mar 1773

Georgia theater – Creek war

Despite the cold weather, the colonial forces war aggressive war against the Creek warriors, the colonials suffer minor losses (in hundreds) compared to the Creek, who lost 1 militia regiments of warriors.

They now only have 3 regiments worth remaining.

Colonial forces/ British troops

1 Garrison Brigades (GA)
5 Light Infantry Brigades (being raised January 1773, won’t be ready for combat until July,1 Brigade being in raise in VA, NC, SC, MD,and GA
Forts at Georgia/Florida Border, Macon GA, Athens, GA
Colonial Militia /Regiments
Charleston- 1 Militia Infantry brigade
Charleston -2 regiments
Savannah -2 regiments, 2 British Infantry Regiments move to St. Augustine

Louisiana theater

Jan-Mar 1773

The Spanish Army of Louisiana maintain its entrenchments and disposition around New Orleans for the time being as the winter , although they use the better wilderness mobility of their light infantry to send two regiments toward Vicksburg to scout out the enemy base and establish a forward tripwire at Natchez. They have orders to retire toward Baton Rouge in the face of enemy aggression; it’s more important that they provide information than they fight.

Army of Louisiana - commanded by Luis de Unzaga, Governor of Louisiana.
1 fort
1 militia regiment
4 light infantry brigades
2 brig flotillas

Baton Rouge
1 fort
1 light infantry regiment

Battle for Baton Rouge

However, the Spanish were incorrect in thinking the British-American forces were staying in one place.  General Washington decides its time to take Baton Rouge. He has forces build a fleet of flatboats to travel down the Mississippi river. By late January, the fleet was ready to go. They travel down the Mississippi river from St Louis to Baton Rouge, as they travel down the river. They are spotted by the Spanish forces (2 Light Infantry regiments in Natchez in February 14, however by the time they pack up their camps and march south. The British-Americans forces are long gone and heading straight to Baton Rouge. By February 21st, the British-American forces landed near Baton Rouge and Washington led his troops to attack the fort.
After brief but tense battle, the Colonial forces overwhelm the Spanish defenders with moderate losses. Washington secures the area and ops to wait for word for his British counterparts to arrive before marching on New Orleans.

British-American losses
1 Native American militia infantry regiment lost
1 Light Infantry Regiment lost

Spanish forces
1 Fort at Baton Rouge lost
1 Light Infantry regiment lost

Expeditionary Force Southern North America (General Washington, deputy is Brigadier General Cornwallis) at Baton Rouge
2 British Infantry regiments under American command plus American forces
3 Light Infantry Regiments
1 Native American militia infantry regiments

Spanish scout force finally arrives near Baton Rouge by February 23rd and realized the city has fallen. They opt to retreat to New Orleans and report the fall of the fort to the Spanish governor

Texas theater

Jan-March 1773

The long march of the Army of Mexico…
The Spanish army based at Ciudad Victoria begin their long march in winter to Laredo to setup a base to further the goal of retaking Tejas region. The march is slow but steady they don’t reach Laredo and setup their base until end of March 1773.

Army of Mexico at Laredo
2 cavalry regiments
2 militia cavalry regiments
2 light infantry brigade

February 5th, 1773

Battle for New Godwin

A small Spanish naval force of 5 brigs carrying 1 inf brigade and 3 infantry regiments land near New Godwin/Galveston are shocked to find the British Cavalry forces have been relocated to the half finished fort at New Godwin in hopes of a sea lift out of the area…but sadly that wasn’t the case.
British forces

3 Cavalry regiments( 2 British, 1 Hessian) under the command of Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall
1 Half finished fort at New Godwin

The Spanish fight the British with superior artillery and infantry fire, but the British were able to up spirited defense of the base and managed to inflict moderate losses on the Spanish forces. Before the Spanish overwhelm them with Colonel Rall dying shortly after the battle from his wounds. Now leaving the British fort at Goliad cut off from support.

2 Infantry regiment destroyed

British losses
3 Cavalry regiments forces
1 half finished fort

Spanish forces at New Godwin
1 light infantry brigade
1 light infantry regiments

By the end of Winter the Spanish are able to send one regiment will be sent to Trinidad as a garrison and re-establish the flag.

Caribbean theater

The British consolidate a large fleet from the Antilles fleet, South Atlantic fleet, West Indies fleet( formally Irish Seas fleet) at Bermuda, the Antilles fleet was first to the arrived in mid-January from New York City, heavy Atlantic storms delay the South Atlantic and West Indies fleet by week. They finally arrived around early February.  The fleets then head to Nassau late February and begin their journal southwards to their target New Orleans. They will reach the Florida Keys by March 2nd, 1773.

Meanwhile the Franco-Spanish fleet was actively patrolling its waters in the hopes of confronting the West Indies fleet and denying them the ability to control the waters arounds New Orleans and Havana.  Spanish Admiral Díaz was preparing to send his fleet to the waters around Puerto Rico, based on a report from French brig that British frigates were sighted in the area in Mid-February, but news doesn’t reach Havana until Late February . However as soon his fleet begins to leave another French brig brings news that large British fleet was sighted heading towards to Florida keys direction from Nassau, they also relay a message to the Franco-Spanish fleet that the British were on the move and appears they(Franco-Spanish) have the advantage in terms of battleships while compare to the British. Admiral Diaz had to decide, potential he had two large British fleets invading the West Indies at once or he only dealing with one big fleet and smaller raider fleet. He had to make the decision to divide his fleet or keep it combined. He decided the best course of action was keep the fleet combined and use his superior in battleships to carry the day and deal with the raiders another time…

The battle of Key West

March 4, 1773

As the British fleets were making their transit, on the horizon the British spotted the Franco-Spanish fleet compose of 24 battleships plus some frigate’s vs 16 of theirs, Vice Admirals Howe and Bryon realized their they were outnumbered, they decided to do a fighting retreated to allow the Vice Admiral Drake’s Antilles fleet to withdraw and try to inflict as much damage as possible on the French-Spanish fleet before retreating. Howe and Bryon order their frigates to act work in coordination with Antilles frigates to act as screen to hide the movement of the troop transport and other ships.

Vice Admiral Diaz and his French counterparts were able to inflict heavy damaged on British battle line and were able to sink 4 battleships and a number of frigates on the British line. But Howe’s and Bryon’s intentionally took on the blunt of the fighting to allow Drake’s fleet to withdraw first by doing this action they were able to return the favor and hit the Franco-Spanish fleet hard and scoring a few lucky hits in return. Forcing the Franco-Spanish fleet realized despite the superior numbers, the British were still pulling up a tough fight. During the battle the French battleship Bretagne laid down heavy fire on the Vice Admiral Howe flagship(heavily damaging the ship), an British royal marine sharpshooter manage to take shot and wound the French Admiral Louis Guillouet in the battle, causing the ship to withdraw to assess the situation  Towards the end of the battle ,the winds were starting to shift in favor of the British to allowing them to withdraw from the area under screen of burning ships and thick smoke.  The Spanish-Franco won this day at a price and return to Havana to celebrate.

Vice Admiral Drake was forced to cancel plans for New Orleans, he opts to drop off General Burgoyne forces at St. Augustine on March 14th, where they meet 2 British Infantry regiments from Savannah. Vice Admiral Drake takes his fleet back to New York City.  Whereas Howe and Byron set course for Britain.

Assault Force Army of Mississippi w 8 infantry regiments, 1 Hessian infantry regiments, 1 artillery company commanded by General Burgoyne at St. Augustine,  General Burgoyne plans to start his march by late March to take New Orleans via an overland route then to a sea route as planned...

British losses/damaged
4 BB2s: Fame, York, Oxford, Triumph sunk
4 FF1s: Experiment,Sheerness, Squirrel, Rye sunk
7 FF1:  Hastings, Sapphire, Bideford, Seahorse, Phoenix, Sheerness, Dolphin, (moderate damage , .75 points to repair, 1 year to repair)
1 BB1 Impregnable ( heavy damage, 4 point to repair, 1 year to repair)
6  BB2 Hero, Defence, BB2 Belonna, Mars,Medway( Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)

Franco-Spanish losses/damage

2 Spanish FF1s: Flecha, Liebre sunk
1 French FF1s: Couronne sunk
2 French FF1: Prudent, Actif(moderate damage , .75 points to repair, 1 year to repair)
2 Spanish BB2- Hércules , Content(Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair
1 French BB2: Diligen sunk
7 French BB2s Superbe, Dauphin-Royal, Terrible, Invincible, Magnanime, Sceptre, Robuste (Moderate damage, 1 point each to repair, six months to repair)

Order of battle for the naval battle

Gulf Coast Expedition
and Antilles Fleet (Vice Admiral Drake) BB2 Arrogant (flag), FF1 Drake, Phoenix, Nonsuch, Diamond, Kinsale, Venganza escorting 3 shipping units carrying army
FF1 Dorado, Hastings, Sapphire
Brigs Vulture, Hornet, Hound, Fortune, Dispatch, Pegasus, Atalanta, Cygnet
Brigs Nautilus, Alligator, Shark, Bonetta, Thorn, Delight, Fury, Savage, Nymph, Fairy, Chameleon, Zebra

Covering this is the
South Atlantic Fleet (Vice Admiral Howe),  
BB1 Impregnable, BB2 Hero, Defence, Superb, Thunder, Fame, Warspite, Mars
FF1 Bideford, Seahorse,
Which has the mission of covering the Antilles fleet above and engages any enemy naval forces seeking to intercept

Irish Sea Fleet becomes West Indies Fleet (Vice Admiral Byron)
BB2 Belonna (flag), Medway, York, Oxford, Valiant, Triumph, Hercules,
FF1 Squirrel, Aldborough, Experiment, Rye, Phoenix, Sheerness, Dolphin, Tarter, Kennington,

also attached are FF1 Woolwich, Humber, Rainbow, Crown which sail off the coast of Puerto Rico, which were spotted by a French brig

Franco-Spanish fleet

Windward Squadron - commanded by José de Solano y Bote Carrasco y Díaz
10 Spanish BB2 (Hércules - flagship, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, Africa)
2 Spanish FF1 (Flecha, Liebre)

French Atlantic Fleet
(Commander: Louis Guillouet, comte d'Orvilliers, wound in action, out of commission for four mouths
1 BB1s Bretagne
10 BB2s (Superbe, Dauphin-Royal, Terrible, Invincible, Magnanime, Conquérant, Monarque, Intrépide, Sceptre, Magnifique)
3 Frigates (Couronne, Florissant, Prudent)

French West Indies Fleet
(Commander: Luc Urbain de Bouëxic, comte de Guichen)
3 BB2s (Robuste, Diligent, Citoyen)
5 Frigates (Actif, Bourgogne, Marseillais, Destin, Victoire)


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Join date : 2017-09-23

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