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American Colonies

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Ottoman Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:25 pm

Haneastic wrote:The British proposal for such a high sum per year causes most Colonial representatives to balk. Such a financial sum per year would be represent a huge proportion of Colonial funding, and largely for ships manned by British sailors defending other areas in the world. This causes to be a sticking point, while other issues seem to largely be amenable to most delegates, particularly the elected head of state from the colonies, as well as further lands for exploration.

News of war largely manages to settle the issue. After substantial negotiation the Colonial delegates agree to fund the asked upon sum by the British for 1772, without formally agreeing to provide such level of funding going forward. The Colonial delegates by themselves nominate Ben Franklin to serve as the first President, given the uncertainty of the times and the delay there will be to elect representatives and create a Parliament. Ben Franklin returns to Philadelphia, where he begins working to establish a more formal parliament.

March 1772

Philadelphia, PA, British North America

Representatives lead by Jefferson and John Adams call for the Lord President Ben Franklin for Constitutional convention to formally write out the powers of the North American Parliament and to specifically spell out whats are reserved for the colonial governments, the people, parliament and the Crown. They also push to include a debate on the future location of the permanent capital of the British North America.


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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:14 am

A More Perfect Union

With the fires of a new war raging, Ben Franklin calls for a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia for all groups to meet and determine the scope and aim of the new unified American government. While some of the bare bones have already been laid out, such as a Lord President who oversees the government, an independent judiciary nominated by the president and approved by the legislature, and 2 houses, 1 chosen by the people the other by the states, much is up in the air.

Primary sticking points include the location of the capital (Philadelphia is seen as too north by some southerners, and too connected to Pennsylvania by many), what and how rights should be enumerated by the colonial government, how to split powers between the states, colonial authority, and the Crown, and how exactly to formulate the colonial legislature (how many seats, how will they be apportioned, and how much power they have).

The delegates agree that any agreement must be approved by both houses, and ratified by all states before any agreement is made official. These talks promise to take months to resolve.

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:38 am

Summer 1772
Word of the passage of the Dominion of Ireland Act is received in the American colonies

The Dominion of Ireland Act gives the Irish Parliament control over the internal affairs of Ireland, allowing Catholics the vote, to serve in the Irish Army, and to enter the lower house of the Irish Parliament. Freedom of worship is also passed. As the Irish Peerage remains subordinate to the British Crown, it still has restrictions requiring membership in the Anglican Church, but otherwise, former restrictions and penalties on the Catholic Faith in Ireland are ended.

Catholics are also allowed to serve as officers in the Irish Army up to the rank of Colonel (commander of a regiment). Control over foreign policy still rests with the British Parliament and the Crown.

The Bank of Ireland is formalized in Dublin (although it is merely a branch of the Bank of England at this point)

Restrictions regarding emigration of Irish Catholics to North America and the Caribbean are also lifted.

As an amendment to this act, the status of Newfoundland as a Crown Colony, with the same status as Bermuda, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands is confirmed. This removes it from any incorporation into British North America. The Caribbean colonies and Florida also retain their status as Crown Colonies, while the new colony of Upper Canada remains under Crown control, Quebec (Lower Canada) retains its separate status, but the Maritime portions of Canada (Prince Edward, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia) are formerly transferred to the jurisdiction of the North American Parliament. The Hudson Bay Territories retain their special status, as does the territory under the authority of the British East India Company.

Galveston Bay
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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:13 pm

Effective 1773

The British North America receives the following Maritime colonies as part of their dominion
Maritime colonies ( includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island)
Port: Halifax


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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:02 pm

Summer 1772
Word reaches New York City and the Lord Lieutenant that ship money would be desirable for 1773, but the Crown would prefer instead that the Americans pay of the construction costs of the 11 frigates started this year (and pay for there entire construction and manning), as those ships are seen as the basis of a new Colonial Navy. A commandant has been appointed to direct this new arm of the Crown Forces, Sir Charles Hardy (former governor of New York and currently Admiral of the White and director of Greenwich hospital).

The Crown asks that a Navy consisting of 11 frigates and 22 Brigs be raised to patrol the North American coast and conduct offensive operations against the Franco-Spanish alliance. Recruitment and maintenance will be up to the North American Parliament, although senior officers (the Commandant, and any flag officers) will initially at least by appointed by the Royal Navy until such time as the Americans have reasonable experience.

The proposed American naval yard at New York City would also come under the jurisdiction and authority of this new force.

Obviously a Colonial Marine Corps will also have to be recruited.
Galveston Bay
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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:11 pm

The American colonies, exercising their new Colonial Bank, take 5 points of loans out:

Fort (Vicksburg): 2
3 Light infantry regiments: 3 (raised and trained in the Carolinas/Georgia)

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Ottoman Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:10 pm

Dec 1772-Jan 1773

Baron von Steuben finds employment in the new British Americans army after years of exile from Prussian army, he joins as advisor to the British American army, developing training manuals and drills for the regiments to follow.


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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:31 pm

With funds freed up, the Colonial government appropriates funds for the start of a colonial fleet, as well as taking over British fortifications throughout North America, replacing them with American troops. Large sums are channeled south to raise more troops in the Carolinas and Georgia to fight back against the Creek, and aid the Colonial Army further west.

1773 Build

Population: 2.5 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
3 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia)
2 NY (Iron/ Fur)
2 PA (Iron, Lumber)
4 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
3 VA (Tobacco,Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
13 commercial flotillas
Total income: 35.5 points

Military upkeep: 5.65
4 Light Infantry Regiments
32 Militia Regiments
6 Militia Brigades
27 Forts (All prior US forts, plus GB forts in America, plus forts in Western US)
2 Garrison Brigades
3 Militia Cavalry Regiments

Net: 29.85
Bribes to Natives: .6
Loan Interest: .25
Fortress (NYC): 2 (4/4)
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (1/10)
11 Frigates: 4 (1/4)
2 Brigs: 1
5 LI Brigades: 15
2 Fortresses: 4 (1/2)- Charleston, Boston

Last edited by Haneastic on Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:59 pm

A Meeting in Philadelphia

Colonial negotiations drag on throughout 1772, delayed by the sudden acceptance of English maritime territories to the formal Colonial meetings regarding the future of their relationship with the motherland. With a combined population of just 95,000 citizens, these territories are smaller than nearly every other colonial territory, save Rhode Island, Delaware, and Georgia (which despite its small stature considers itself a large state due to its potential for growth). Their arrival as well as their position within North America gives an upper hand to the so-called "Loyalists" led by Joseph Galloway, and threatens to splinter an alliance of small states, allowing a combination of Loyalists, larger states, and slave-holding states to combine to support legislation friendly to their interests.

The status of the newly-added territories is a heated issue, the possibility of three new sparsely populated states contentious until an initial compromise is brokered by Franklin, Galloway, and Adams, wherein these territories are combined into one administrative state (the 14th Colonial State), known simply as Nova Scotia, with its capital Halifax. Legislatively proves to be a deadlock, however the "Loyalist alliance" persuades the majority of delegates that a lower house should be comprised by popularly elected representatives from the states, proportioned by population. The total number of delegates would be adjusted every 10 years, with the number of delegates based to ensure the smallest state is awarded at least one (eg. the smallest state gets a delegate and the number of delegates are based on the population divided by the smallest state).

This causes controversy in two ways. First the slave states demand equal representation for slaves, which is a red line for northern states. After nearly a month of deliberation, both sides agree to count slaves as 3/5ths of a vote, while allowing Congress to directly tax based on the same formula (thus granting Congress the power to directly tax individuals). The lower house, however angers smaller states which view their power as substantially smaller in such an arrangement. In the end, both sides comes to an agreement which establishes an Upper House, with each state granted 2 representatives, chosen by the state (each state given the choice of popular vote or legislative appointment). While the Lower House will originate and pass legislation, the Upper House will have the power to review and revise legislation (OOC: essentially House of Commons/House of Lords setup). The President will be elected by popular vote, with the representatives officially "confirming" his appointment by vote, and being allowed to remove him for mismanagement or crimes by a 2/3rds vote.

By the end of 1772, the general agreement outlining the new structure is ratified by the colonial legislature, and is sent to the individual colonies to be ratified. 7 states ratify the agreement relatively quickly, although detractors demand that there be a further clarification of rights, and that the freedoms given to the colonists be more specifically spelled out.

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:13 pm

Fall 1773
The British Army and Royal Navy both petition the American Parliament for land grants to be offered to soldiers and sailors who have served in the war, or who are willing to enlist.

With so much land, 160 acres for service to the end of the war would be a just reward. The American Parliament would have jurisdiction on where these grants would be located.

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:22 pm

The 2 Colonial (American) frigates Hermoine (John Paul Jones) and Industry (John Barry) are sent home, with official thanks, and each captain is presented a sword honoring their fine service. It is assumed that the young officers and crew aboard those ships will be available to provide trained cadre for the new ships that the Americans are building. Captain Jones in particular heads home notably richer in prize money, as do all of the officers and sailors aboard both ships.
Galveston Bay
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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:42 pm

1773 is a hard year for the Colonies. The grand expedition to seize New Orleans and drive the Spanish and French from the continent hangs in the balance, by year's end the halls of power are silent, anxiously waiting news from the West. Georgia and South Carolina have been ravaged by Papist hordes, who clearly care not about upsetting the natural balance in the South, as evidenced by their freeing and arming of slaves. Tales of woe and brutality are shouted from every street corner and pub in the Colonies, and towns in Virginia, Georgia, and Maryland nervously eye the horizon in fear of marauding slaves or invading Spaniards.

News of the liberation of Charleston and South Carolina comes as a relief, and General Arnold's stout defense of Columbia makes him a hero, and the Continental Assembly treats him as such, awarding him a sizable reward and large sums of land where he deems fit. Similar legislation is passed to provide land to any English, Irish, or Hessian soldier and their family who wishes to settle in America after the war. The Assembly begins plans to send surveyors west in preparation of opening huge tracts of land for settlement, as well as planning on slicing up the lands of the nefarious Native tribes who fought the Crown. In contrast, the Iroquois and Choctaw are lauded for their support, and delegations are sent to both Tribes to formally delineate their territory and keep it protected from settlement.

1773 does bring one final boost of good news, when the final colony ratifies the Articles drawn up in Philadelphia, and formally approves the constitution prepared there. The Assembly immediately begins plans to draw up an additional Act of Rights and Responsibilities, which will spell out specific rights accorded to everyone in the colonies.

Last edited by Haneastic on Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Ottoman Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:04 pm

By end of 1773,

Consensus along the Colonial Government was best sum up as driving the Spanish out of the colonies and end the war once that goal has been achieved. The idea of another seven years war was not appealing to the colonial population who just wanted to have peace and settle the frontier. Despite the strong ties to the Crown and Britain, there was some worry of constanting fighting in overseas wars in the name of the Crown, without a strong defense at home.


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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Ottoman Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:51 pm


An influx of colonial settlers arrive in Fort Pitt to support the logistics efforts of British army in Mississippi, they convert the surrounding land around the into a town known as Pittsburgh.

Effective 1774 build

You get a town known as Pittsburgh,provides .25 of income.


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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:59 pm

With Charleston secure yet again, the Colonial legislature appropriates funds to begin construction of a new Fortress where the initial one had been burned down. Southern and coastal legislators of all stripes are clamoring for similar funds to be allocated to their cities going forward, citing the danger of Spanish and French troops burning their docks and warehouses. Funding is appropriated towards the raising of new troops to finally drive out the Spanish from Georgia, as well as to begin rebuilding South Carolina.

1774 Build

Population: 2.5 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
3 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia)
2 NY (Iron/ Fur)
2 PA (Iron, Lumber)
4 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
3 VA (Tobacco,Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
13 commercial flotillas
1 Town (Pittsburgh)
Total income: 35.75 points

Economic Losses: 3 (Charleston, GA/SC Resource)

Military upkeep: 5.7
1 Light Infantry Brigade
1 Light Infantry Regiment
26 Militia Regiments
5 Militia Brigades
1 Fortress
23 Forts (All prior US forts, plus GB forts in America, plus forts in Western US)
2 Garrison Brigades
3 Militia Cavalry Regiments
2 FF1

Net: 27.05
Bribes to Natives: .55
Loan Interest: .5
Repair Grants in South Carolina: .5
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (2/10)
9 Frigates: 4 (2/4)
1 Fortress: 2 (2/2)- Boston
2 Fortresses: 4 (1/2): Philadelphia, Charleston
2 Artillery Companies: 1 (using captured Spanish guns)
3 Infantry Brigades: 12

Last edited by Haneastic on Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:49 pm

The Lord Lieutenants office in New York City provides a copy of the Spanish terms for ending the war

Spain will cede the Falklands, Britain will give up Minorca, all else to be status quo antebellum

These are provided without comment, along with the British terms

As the French Crown has honorably fought alongside its ally, the British Crown has authorized the following:
1.  Self government for French colonials in Louisiana and Quebec as Crown Colonies directly under the British Crown including the freedom to practice their faith without restriction.  
2.  Status quo antebellum between France and Britain otherwise
3.  Cessation of hostilities
4.  France would recognize British claims to the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, and the eastern coast of Australia.   Britain would recognize French claims to Polynesia so far mapped by France, as well as Tasmania.  Any additional cartographic information obtained would be shared with France and discussion over who should be awarded which portions of Pacific Oceania conducted in conjunction with the Dutch, who have also claimed Australia previously (and surrendered some of that to the British Government in exchange for payment)
5.  Britain would enforce a peace between Morocco and France and take no action to support other governments or individuals along the Barbary Coast that have attacked France.
6.  Status quo antebellum in India

Britain has asked Spain to accept the following terms:
1.  Louisiana shall be British (see above), with a border along the Red River and Sabine River separating Louisiana from Texas.   The British Crown claims the entire Missouri/Mississippi River drainage system.  west or north of the Red River any border shall be the Rocky Mountains, with a border determined once those are actually mapped.
2.  Britain shall obtain the Falkland Islands
3.  Britain shall retain Gibraltar, unless the Spanish have taken it by the Spring Equinox of 1774, then it shall go to Spain. (so if not Spanish by the end of the winter turn, it stays British)
4.  Morocco shall be restrained as above.
5.  Spain will recognize British, Dutch and French claims in the Pacific Oceania
6.   Status quo antebellum elsewhere, with an immediate withdrawal from Florida.  (Note that slaves liberated by the Spanish, as well as the Indian issue is ignored by this)

The Americans are asked regarding their views
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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:49 pm

Summer 1774
General Amherst is promoted from Baron to Marques, while General Washington is promoted from Baronet to Baron of Mount Vernon.   Amherst and Washington are both promoted because of their campaign that secured the Ohio Valley and St Louis.

Fall 1774
Amherst is promoted from Marques to Earl of New England in honor of his service in North America during the Seven Years War and Falklands War.   Washington is promoted to Marquis of Missouri for his victory at Baton Rouge.   Soon after word comes that for his victory at New Orleans, Washington is promoted to Earl of Mississippi, while General Carleton is promoted to Marques of Florida.  

The position of Lord Lieutenant of North America (also that of Ireland and India) are made equivalant of Life Peerage equal in rank to a Duke.   The man holding that position is thus known as Duke of Manhattan

all 3 men are summoned to England for formal investiture

Meanwhile, Benedict Arnold and Daniel Morgan are both knighted with the rank of Baronet for their actions at the Battle of Columbia.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:32 am

1775 Build

Population: 2.5 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
3 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia)
2 NY (Iron/ Fur)
2 PA (Iron, Lumber)
4 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
3 VA (Tobacco,Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
13 commercial flotillas
1 Town (Pittsburgh)
Total income: 35.75 points

Economic Losses: 3 (Charleston, GA/SC Resource)
Depression: 1.75

Military upkeep: 7.7
3 Infantry Brigades
2 Artillery Companies
1 Light Infantry Brigade
1 Light Infantry Regiment
26 Militia Regiments
5 Militia Brigades
2 Fortress
23 Forts (All prior US forts, plus GB forts in America, plus forts in Western US)
2 Garrison Brigades
3 Militia Cavalry Regiments
2 FF1

Net: 23.3
Loan Interest: .5
Repair Grants in South Carolina: .3
Repay Loans: 10
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (3/10)
9 Frigates: 4 (3/4)
2 Fortresses: 4 (2/2): Philadelphia, Charleston
Fortress: 2 (1.2): Yorktown

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:06 am

1774-1775 Political Developments

The end of the Falklands War brings an air of exuberance to the North American colonies. Twice in a short period the French and Spanish have been thrashed, and the Crown is again triumphant. The colonial army has proven itself more than capable of defeating the French and Spanish, and heroes on both land and sea have been born. Accompanying the joy is a more sobering reality. Two Southern cities were sacked, their ports largely lie undefended from an enemy armada, and the Georgian and South Carolinian countryside lies in ruins in many areas. The colonial navy was not in place to stop the enemy fleet, and the colonial armies had dwindled to a shadow of their former selves by the end of the conflict.

The Colonial Assembly immediately appropriates funds to continue the construction of further fortifications along the coast, the merchant class demanding a stout fortress at every major port along the coast at a bare minimum, and further funding for more frigates once the current construction is completed. Some in the south are angry at the devastation wrought- the English dragging them into a war for their own interests did not benefit them. The Patriot faction of the Assembly looks likely to see gains when the next election is held in 1778, and already hero generals like Benedict Arnold and George Washington are being whispered as potential candidates themselves.

Further west, a surge of Hessian, Irish, and British soldiers accepting land grants, coupled with settlers from the established colonies begin to make their way west, spurred by the mapping done by Daniel Boone and others, as well as their adventures marching to St. Louis and New Orleans. The forts built to accommodate these expeditions soon see a surge of settlement around them. The Colonial Assembly also signs an agreement with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, thanking them for their efforts (or for remaining neutral), and formally recognizing their territories along the Mississippi river (OOC: The Choctaw are recognized as owning the bottom 2/3rds of RL state of Mississippi, Chickasaw top 1/3rd)

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:41 pm

The British Parliament formerly requests that the Parliament of North America eventually take over naval patrol duties for the Western Atlantic and North American coast as well as the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. The goal is that the Royal Navy Antilles Fleet be entirely an American command by 1790 if possible.

British warships could then be redeployed to other waters. However, the North American Station Battlefleet would remain British unless the Americans choose to build a similarly sized fleet of battleships. No such request is made, but should the Americans wish to do that than the Royal Navy will provide advice and technical assistance.
Galveston Bay
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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:13 pm

In 1780, Field Marshal Amherst completes his term of office as Lord Lieutenant of North America. The Crown appoints George Washington, Earl of Mississippi, as Lord Lieutenant of North America and Duke of Manhatten, to take office in 1781.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Ottoman Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:44 pm

effective 1776 and jump builds

Population of 1786: 3.9 million( waves of immigrants from Great Britain/Ireland/Germany/ other parts of Europe and importation of slaves)
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah,)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hanford, Pittsburg)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton ( rl Louisville), Saint Louis
13 commercial flotillas


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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:52 pm

1776-1780 Builds

1776 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton ( rl Louisville), Saint Louis
13 commercial flotillas
Total income: 46.5 points

Economic Losses: 3 (Until 1780)
Depression: 3

Military upkeep: 4.9
23 Garrison Brigades
4 Fortress
12 Forts
2 FF1

Net: 35.6
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (4/10)
9 Frigates: 2 (4/4)
Fortress: 2 (2/2): Yorktown
2 Naval Yards: 5 (1/10)- Yorktown, Boston
2 Forts: 2 (West Point, St. Louis)
14 Commercial Fleets: 21 (1/2)
Development Grants:
1777 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
13 commercial flotillas
Total income: 46.5 points

Economic Losses: 3 (Until 1780)
Depression: 3

Military upkeep: 6.95
23 Garrison Brigades
5 Fortress
12 Forts
11 FF1

Net: 33.55
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (5/10)
2 Naval Yards: 5 (2/10)- Yorktown, Boston
14 Commercial Fleets: 21 (2/2)
12 Frigates: 3 (1/4)
2 Garrison Brigades: 2
Development Grants: .05
1778 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
27 commercial flotillas
Total income: 53.5 points

Economic Losses: 3 (Until 1780)
Depression: 3

Military upkeep: 6.15
25 Garrison Brigades
5 Fortress
12 Forts
11 FF1

Net: 41.35
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (6/10)
2 Naval Yards: 5 (3/10)- Yorktown, Boston
12 Frigates: 3 (2/4)
9 Commercial Fleets: 13.5 (1/2)
7 Fortresses: 14 (1/2)
Development Grants: .35
12 Frigates: 3 (1/4)
1779 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
27 commercial flotillas
Total income: 53.5 points

Economic Losses: 3 (Until 1780)
Depression: 3

Military upkeep: 6.15
25 Garrison Brigades
5 Fortress
12 Forts
11 FF1

Net: 41.35
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (7/10)
2 Naval Yards: 5 (4/10)- Yorktown, Boston
12 Frigates: 3 (3/4)
9 Commercial Fleets: 13.5 (2/2)
7 Fortresses: 14 (2/2)
Development Grants: .35
12 Frigates: 3 (2/4)
1780 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 12 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
36 commercial flotillas
Total income: 58 points

Depression: 3

Military upkeep: 7.9
25 Garrison Brigades
12 Fortress
12 Forts
11 FF1

Net: 47.1
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (8/10)
2 Naval Yards: 5 (5/10)- Yorktown, Boston
12 Frigates: 9 (4/4)
Development Grants: 1.6
12 Frigates: 6 (3/4)
11 Garrison Brigades: 11
Settlement: 3 (Washington DC)
18 PatRons: 9

Posts : 230
Join date : 2017-09-23

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Haneastic Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:38 pm

1781 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
36 commercial flotillas
Total income: 59 points

Depression: 5

Military upkeep: 14.2
36 Garrison Brigades
12 Fortress
12 Forts
23 FF1
18 PatRon

Net: 39.8
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (9/10)
2 Naval Yards: 5 (6/10)- Yorktown, Boston
Development Grants: 1.3
12 FF1: 6 (4/4)
Explorations: 2 (Alabama, Ohio, 2xMichigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois)
6 Fortresses: 12 (1/2)
Graft/Economic Losses: 5
National Road: 2 (1/20)
3 Commercial Flotillas: 4 (1/2)
1782 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
36 commercial flotillas
Total income: 59 points

Depression: 5

Military upkeep: 14.2
36 Garrison Brigades
12 Fortress
12 Forts
35 FF1
18 PatRon

Net: 39.8
Naval Yard (NYC): 2.5 (10/10)
2 Naval Yards: 5 (7/10)- Yorktown, Boston
Development Grants: 1.3
Explorations: 2 (Alabama, Ohio, 2xMichigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois)
6 Fortresses: 12 (2/2)
Graft/Economic Losses: 5
National Road: 2 (2/20)
3 Commercial Flotillas: 4 (2/2)
15 FF1: 6 (1/4)
1783 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
39 commercial flotillas
Total income: 60.5 points

Depression: 5

Military upkeep: 15.7
1 Naval Yard
36 Garrison Brigades
18 Fortress
12 Forts
35 FF1
18 PatRon

Net: 39.8
2 Naval Yards: 5 (8/10)- Yorktown, Boston
Development Grants: 2.3
Explorations: 2 (Alabama, Ohio, 2xMichigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois)
Graft/Economic Losses: 5
National Road: 2 (3/20)
15 FF1: 6 (12/22.5)
7 PatRons: 3.5
12 Garrison Brigades: 12
4 BB2: 2 (1/6)
1784 Build

Population: 3 million
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
39 commercial flotillas
Total income: 60.5 points

Depression: 5

Military upkeep: 20
1 Naval Yard
48 Garrison Brigades
18 Fortress
12 Forts
35 FF1
25 PatRon

Net: 39.8
2 Naval Yards: 5 (9/10)- Yorktown, Boston
Development Grants: 2
Explorations: 2 (Alabama, Ohio, 2xMichigan, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois)
Graft/Economic Losses: 5
National Road: 2 (4/20)
15 FF1: 5.5 (17.5/22.5)
12 Garrison Brigades: 12
4 BB2: 2 (2/6)
1785 Build

Population: 3.9 million
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
39 commercial flotillas
Total income: 60.5 points

Military upkeep: 21.2
1 Naval Yard
60 Garrison Brigades
18 Fortress
12 Forts
35 FF1
25 PatRon

Net: 39.3
2 Naval Yards: 5 (10/10)- Yorktown, Boston
Development Grants: 2
Encouraging Western Settlement: 5.3
National Road: 2 (5/20)
15 FF1: 5 (22.5/22.5)
4 BB2: 2 (3/6)
16 BB2: 8 (1/6)
10 Forts: 10
1786 Build

Population: 3.9 million
Port: 13 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Halifax, Savannah)
6 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Springfield(MA), Hartford, Pittsburgh)
4 NY/NJ (Iron/ Fur/Lumber/Food supplies)
4 PA (2 Iron, Lumber, Pittsburg)
5 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies)
4 NC/SC (Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies)
4 VA (Tobacco, Grain)
1 GA (Cotton/Indigo)
2 Towns- Wolfeton (rl Louisville), Saint Louis
39 commercial flotillas
Total income: 60.5 points

Military upkeep: 25.2
3 Naval Yards
60 Garrison Brigades
18 Fortress
22 Forts
50 FF1
25 PatRon

Net: 35.3
Development Grants: 2
Encouraging Western Settlement: 5.3
National Road: 2 (6/20)
4 BB2: 2 (4/6)
16 BB2: 8 (2/6)
2 Fortresses: 4 (1/2)
3 Forts: 3
Establish settlements: 9 (Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus)

Posts : 230
Join date : 2017-09-23

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American Colonies - Page 2 Empty Re: American Colonies

Post by Galveston Bay Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:56 pm

Petitions from settlers living Vermont and Maine to the Crown requesting formal status are received.  The British Parliament sends a formal request to the North American Parliament that a process and procedure be established in North American Law for admission of new settled territories into the North American Dominion with fair representation under the North American Constitution.  

Transfer of territories currently held by the Crown west of the Mississippi depend on this, as does the eventual transfer of Ontario from Crown to Parliamentary jurisdiction.

By 1785, the Royal Navy is looking to transfer the ships of the Antilles Fleet to other duties. As the Colonial Fleet now has 50 Frigates, and a fair number of Brigs as well, the Royal Navy feels that the Colonial Fleet can readily take over this responsibility. Captain Richard Dale, RN (Colonial Fleet) is suggested as the first commander of this station, which comes with the Rank of Rear Admiral. At least 10 frigates and a similar number of brigs would be needed

The West Indies Fleet will continue to operate out of New York in the Summer and Fall, and out of Jamaica in the Winter and Spring.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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