Commonwealth E20
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Starting Economy and Military stats as of 1768

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Starting Economy and Military stats as of 1768 Empty Starting Economy and Military stats as of 1768

Post by Ottoman Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:51 pm


Here is the initial military for each nation. It includes upkeep cost and manpower usage.


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

Personal Union with Hanover, no need for build. May become important potential later.

Debts owes 500 points at 5% interest, yearly payment of  10 points interest payment, principal payment 25 points.  Total yearly payment of 35 points

Population: 11.4 million( Tax revenue:2.85)( Ireland Pop 3.5 million, Great Britain-7.9 million)

Ports: Plymouth, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow: 10 points income
Financial Center: London (5)= 5 points income
Entrepot: London = 5 points income
Craft Centers:8 Craft Centers( 1 London , 1 Birmingham , 1 Glasgow , 1 Manchester, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Leeds)=8 points
Resources: 8 resources (1 Manchester, 1 Birmingham, 1 Cardiff, 1 Glasgow, 1 Edinburgh, 1 Dublin, 1 Belfast)= 6 points
40 commercial fleets = 20 points

Total 56.85 points

British West Indies
Populations: .250 million
3 Ports: Bermuda, Bahamas, Kingston= 3 points of income
1 Resource- Kingston
12 Sugar Islands St Lucia, Grenada, Grenadines, St Vincent, Dominica, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Kitts, ,Montserrat, Tobago and Barbados (.25 points each)
Total income =6.5 points
British Florida
Population: 4,000

2 Towns at St. Augustine,Pensacola= .5 points of Income
Total Income=.5 points

British Canada( includes RL Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland)
Port: Quebec, Halifax, St.Johns
1 Resource: Montreal
Total Income 4 points

British West Africa Trading Post for Slave Trade
2 Trading Post at Accra( Fort James),  Bunce Island( Near Freetown)
Total Income= .5 points

East India Trading Company* Special Rule on East India Trading Company, income must be spent on upkeep and operations in India, any excess after that may go to the Crown)
Financial Center: London(1)
Ports: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
Commence Income 2 points( indirect taxes and trade in India via client states)
Chinese Trade Income= 1 point
9 Commercial fleets =4.5 points
Total income 11.5 points

Hudson Bay’s Company* Special Rule on Hudson Bay’s Trading Company, income must be spent on upkeep and operations in the Bay, any excess after that may go to the Crown)
Financial Center: London(1)
9 Commercial fleets= 4.5 points* Using Canadian Ports)
7 Trading Post(Fort Rupert, Moose Factory, Fort Albany, Fort Severn, Fort York, Port Nelson, Fort Churchill)= 1.75 points
Total income:7.25 points


Mod note: This timeline France took over Corsica a year early, and  it was allowed to keep its Africa holdings in Dakar)

Debt owe: 800 points at 15% interest, annual payment interest payment of 24 points, principal payment of 120 points so in theory yearly payment of 148 points. However payment terms can “discuss” with the lenders.

Population: 25 million( 1.85 tax revenue, 30% reduction modify due to the fact the Upper Class and Church don’t pay taxes)
Ports: Marseilles, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre (4 points)
Craft Centers: Paris 1, Lille 1, Metz 1, Marseilles 1, Bordeaux ,1 Lyon 1 (6 points)
Resources: 9 Resources (Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Nantes, Vichy, Corsica) (9 points)
Commercial Shipping
24 merchant flotillas (based out of Marseille, Bordeaux, Brest, Le Havre,Port-au-Prince, Cap-Francais, Martinique, Guadeloupe:) for 12 points
total: 32.85 points

French West Indies( Rl Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana)
Population: 700,000
Port: Cap-Francais, Port-au-Prince, Martinique, Guadeloupe: = 4 points of income
Resources: Martinique, Guadeloupe, 1 Cap-Francais, 1 Port-au-Prince: 6 points of income
French Guiana (Cayenne is the only town of any size) sugar exports (.25)
Total Income: 10.25

French West Africa-
2 Trading Outpost (Dakar, Saint Louis) - .5 points

French Indian Ocean
Population 40,000
1 Resource- Reunion island
1 Port-  Saint Louis, Mauritius
Total income 2

French India
1 Port-Pondicherry
2 points of income from trade with the Indian Client States and indirect taxes
Total income 3 points


Population:9.2 million( .70 points of tax revenue)

4 Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Bilbao= 4 points
Craft Centers: 1 Barcelona, Bilbao= 2 points
2 Resources (1 Madrid,1 Seville) = 2 points
12 commercial flotillas= 6 points
Total income =14.7

Caribbean Territories (Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, Trinidad )
Populations: 360,000(counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
3 Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo= 3 points
4 Resources: Cuba 2 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 2= 4 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
= 10 points

Spanish Louisiana (Formerly French Louisiana)
Population: 40,000(only accounting for settled area which is rl Louisiana)
1 Port: New Orleans= 1 points
1 Resources: Baton Rouge = 1 points
1 Trading post: St.Louis = .25 points
Total income= 2.25 points

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacremento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga)
population: 5.5 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types)
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco: 2 points
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico,  Albuquerque, NM , Santa Fe, NM= 2 points
resources: Chihuauha 2 (silver), Leon 2 (silver), Mexico City 2 (agriculture), Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver)
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income=15 points

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations:2.3 million (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted)
Ports: Panama, Cartagena de Indias= 2 points
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture), Bogota, Medellin, Caracas, Quito= 5 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income= 10 points

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia)
population: 2 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia
Port: Callao, Lima, Valdivia: 3 points
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 5 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture), Santiago de Chile  = 7 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income= 13 points

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 400,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo
Resources: Buenos Aires (2 agriculture)
3 commercial flotillas = 1 point
Total income=5 points

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Trade Outposts:  Rio Muni, Fernando Po= .5 points

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2 Million People
Port: Manila= 1 point
Trading Posts: 2 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay)=.5 points
Resources: Manila= 1 point
1 commercial flotilla= .5 points
Total income=2 points

Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily (Controlled by Spanish King as personal union, builds and military are separate of that of Spain )(client state) remaining funds to the Spanish Crown
Population: 5 million (1 point)
Port: Naples (1 point)
Craft Center: Naples (1 point)
Resources: 1 Palermo (1 point)
merchant marine: 3 merchant flotilla (1.5 points)
total 5.5 points
2 Fortresses( Palermo, Naples) for .5 points
1 depot (Taranto)
8 garrison brigades (2 each Naples, Taranto, Syracuse, Palermo) for .8 points
6 Brigs for .6 points


Population: 1.9 million( .475 points)
Financial Centers:  2 Amsterdam
1 Port: Rotterdam:1 point
Entrepot: Amsterdam:5 points
Craft Centers: 4 (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht) = 4 points
Shipping: 13 commercial fleets at 6.5 points
Total Points =19 points

Dutch Cape Colony( VOC colony)
Population: 50,000
1 Port: Capetown: 1 point

Dutch West India Company (WIC)
1 Financial center (Hoorn, represents shareholders)= 1 point
Shipping: 3 Commercial fleets base out of Capetown for 1.5 points
Population: 100k people (70% Black slaves),as follows:
Islands:Curacao, Aruba, St Maartin,Bonaire, St Eustatius, and Dutch Suriname produce .25 points each
Total Value=1.5 points
WIC West Africa Holdings
Trading Posts Africa: Godomey, Elmina Castle for .5 points
Total income:4.5 points

Dutch East India Company (VOC) (controls Dutch East Indies, Ceylon)

1 Financial center (Rotterdam, represents shareholders)= 1 point
6 commercial fleets for 1 point
Trading Posts East Indies: Surabaya, Makassar, Ambon, Banten, Tidore, Ternate, Malacca, Dejima= 2 points
2 Ports: Batavia, Trincomalee: 2 points
Resources: Ceylon 2
2 points of income from East Indies Trade and indirect taxes
Chinese trade income= 1 point
Total Income: 11 points


Population:2.4 million(.6 points income from taxes)
Ports: 4 (Lisbon, Porto,Goa, Macau)
Craft Centers: 1 (Lisbon)
Resources: 4 Resources (Lisbon, Porto,Luanda, Guinea)
Trading Posts: 1.5 (Sao Tome, Luanda, (Bolama) Guinea, Island of Mozambique, Mozambique ,(Dili) Timor, Daman and Diu)

Commercial Fleets: 2.5 (9 fleets)= 4.5 points
Total Income = 15.6 points

Brazil 1.6  million
Ports: 2 (Salvador, Rio de Janeiro)
Resources: 4 (Recife, Fortaleza, Natal, Belem)
Total Income= 6 points

13 American Colonies

-  Self-governing colonies of the British Empire, there is no centralized government yet or nor is there a desire for a united colonial government, each colony is its own domain in terms of law, trade and economic, for gameplay sanity  I’ll allow the player for the colonies to have one build, however the player at start of the game is not allowed to raise income tax for now or build a navy.
Also considered 13 colonies as settled( i.e no new cities), anything beyond line of Proclamation of 1763 is frontier lands to be settled.
Population: 2.4 million
Port:  11 (Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Boston, Providence, New Haven) = 11 points
3 Craft Centers (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia) = 3 points
Resources: resources  2 NY( Iron/ Fur)  2 PA( Iron, Lumber) 4 NE (Lumber, Naval Supplies) , 4 CA(Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Supplies), VA 3 (Tobacco,Grain),  1GA( Cotton/Indigo)= 14 points
6 commercial flotillas= 3 points
Total income=31 points
Colonial Forces, unofficially the standing army of the colonies is just militia units, but in reality, they are more or less regular units
14 Depots at (Baltimore, Annapolis, Wilmington(DE), Philadelphia, Portsmouth (NH), New York City, Yorktown, Wilmington(NC), Charleston, Savannah, Boston, Providence, New Haven, Perth Amboy)
14 *Militia* Light Infantry Regiments, 1 at each Depots for 1.4 points upkeep


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Join date : 2017-09-23

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