Commonwealth E20
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Ground Units, Effective 1715

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Ground Units, Effective 1715 Empty Ground Units, Effective 1715

Post by TLS Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:57 pm

Ground Units, Effective 1715

General Changes and notes:

Combat: Now on a d10 scale, not a d6

Movement: Now noted in miles per day, armies will move at the speed of their slowest unit unless otherwise instructed.

Names: Because I kept messing up Battalion and Regiment, they’re just all called Regiments now.

Unit Types and Sizes: Divisions and HQs have not been added; these are later-century innovations, and seeing as the War of the Lateran Coalition was smaller than the RL Spanish Succession, there is no reason to think there is sufficient reason to create these institutions.

Professional Units

NOTE: Brigades are limited to TL 2.5 countries and above.

Light Infantry Regiment - 1,000 men, combat 2, move 15, cost 1, maintenance .1

Cavalry Regiment – 1,000 men, combat 3, move 20, cost 2, maintenance .25

Infantry brigade - 2,500 Men, combat 7, Movement 8, Cost 4, maintenance .25

Light Infantry Brigade – 2,500 Men, Combat 5, Movement 12, Cost 3, Maintenance .2

Cavalry brigade – 2,500 Men, Combat 6, Movement 18, Cost 5, Maintenance .5

Engineer Brigade- 2,500 men, Combat 0, Cost 5, Maintenance 2: A brigade sized unit equipped with sappers for siege work, bridging equipment, boats and other equipment. Allows field armies to cross rivers without penalty and attack across them with the penalty reduced by 50%. A country can only build 1 per 25,000 regular soldiers under arms, and can only have 1 attached to any army. Allows all Infantry and Light Infantry units in a field army to treat forts and fortresses as field units after 4 months of siege.

Militia Units:

Militia units can be mobilized for self-defense (within 50 miles of their base) at any time, but can only be used for mobile operations for 2 consecutive seasons per year. If Militia moves outside of their home region (defined as w/in 100 miles of their base) or across a border during that time, they will suffer 50% attrition at the start of the 2nd turn (I will roll a d2 for each unit, on a 1 they desert) and will reconstitute at their home-base.

Militia Infantry Regiment – 1,000 men, combat 1, move 5. Cost .5, maintenance .05

Militia Cavalry Regiment – 1,000 men, combat 1, move 10. Cost .5, maintenance .05

Militia Infantry Brigade - 2,500 Men, combat 2, movement 4, Cost 1, maintenance .1

Militia Cavalry Brigade  - 2,500 Men, combat 2, movement 3, cost 2, maintenance .25,

Colonial Units:

Specify if a unit consists of locals or imported soldiers. Colonial units need to be based off the white population of the colony, though this can be broadened to include the mixed population if justified by game actions. This will influence decisions in battle, morale, etc, at moderator discretion. For trading companies, manpower is 50% drawn from the European homeland, 50% from local populations.


Garrison brigade – 2,500 Men (they count as reserves), combat rating of 2, movement of 5, Cost 2, maintenance .1. Actually consists of small garrisons and weak forts to establish control over an area, as a general rule 1 per 1,000,000 is bare minimum to maintain control over a region (which works out to about 1 soldier per 400 subjects—or about 1/3rd the rate of NYPD cops to citizens of New York.)

Fortified Cities:
All cities have inherent defensive capacities, but depending on which region of the world they’re in/their size, they have different values. The rules governing FF turns still exist (fighting against a lower TL enemy, defending an entrenched position, the presence of an engineer brigade, etc) and the roll bonuses only apply to units within the walls:

Old World Capitals – Provide +2 to defensive rolls, +3 Militia Brigades, can hold up to 50,000 soldiers

Old World Cities with Resources/Ports/Craft Centers: – Provide +1 to defensive rolls, +2 militia brigades, can hold up to 25,000 soldiers

Old World Cities RL Pop 100,000+/Colonial Cities with Ports/Resources – Provide +1 to defensive rolls, +1 Militia, can hold up to 10,000 soldiers

All other Old World cities - +1 to defensive rolls, can hold up to 5,000 soldiers

Colonial Settlements below Port, above village – defensive rolls only against lower TL units or militia, can hold up to 2,500 soldiers (1 brigade or 2 regiments)

Trade posts, settlements village or below – no additional defensive bonuses.

Fortress- – 1,000 men (they count as regulars), Combat 8, cost 4, maintenance .25, +2 to defensive rolls for up to 7,500 men (3 brigades, 7 regiments) inside, can be stacked with city for extra bonuses, though the stacking only counts for units inside the fortress (so those 3 brigades have +4 defensive rolls). Still only contains a light infantry battalion if abandoned.

Logistical Units

Depots - cost 2 point to build, free to maintain. These never move, and represent the recruiting grounds, barracks and training grounds for several regiments of troops so can train up to 1 brigade at a time. Countries are limited to one per 500,000, with a minimum of one allowed for countries below that threshold--this includes colonies with populations above 35,000 (the minimum population to support 1 infantry battalion). If destroyed during a war, it cannot be rebuilt until the area is reoccupied, but re-establishing a depot costs only 1 point.

Base- this is the administrative center of a field army and where supplies are gathered to be sent to the army, as well as were communications from home are received and transmitted further on to the field commander. A base must be a city or fortress within reasonable distance (as defined by common sense and the referee) but typically is within 300 miles of the army it is supporting. You will want to leave a garrison behind to guard your base. It costs 2 point to establish a base unless it is a fortress (those have already been paid for and are designed for this purpose).

Building times and Upgrades:

Infantry, Cavalry require 2 seasons to build and train (treat as militia until then)
Garrisons require 1 season to build and equip
Fortresses require 2 years to build and equip
Militia can be used the same season they are raised and equipped
Depots and bases requires 1 season to establish

Units can be combined/upgraded if the difference in cost is covered, and the process takes 1 turn. The exception is if sufficient units are combined that no cost difference is required (i.e. if 3 LI regiments are combined to form 1 brigade), that process takes only a month (to represent the building of unit cohesion and reorganization).[/u][/u]

Last edited by TLS on Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ground Units, Effective 1715 Empty Re: Ground Units, Effective 1715

Post by TLS Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:44 pm

Rule Change Effective 1726:

I'm cutting the cost of a garrison brigade to 2 points--when doing NPC builds I realized it cost literally 0 points to upgrade from a garrison to a LI brigade otherwise, which doesn't make much sense balance wise.

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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