Commonwealth E20
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Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715)

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Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715) Empty Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715)

Post by TLS Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:24 pm

Ground Forces
All brigades consist of 2,500 men and their camp followers and assorted other military personnel plus wagons, draft animals and baggage.  All brigades also have attached artillery although type and how they are hauled around is dependent on type.

Manpower Limits
Your nation is limited to 3% of its population under active-duty arms, and 7% under reserve. Active duty include all infantry, cavalry, and fortress units. Included in reserves are: Militia, garrisons, supply and building facilities.

There is a special rule for trading companies--their ships draw 50% of their manpower from the home country, 50% from elsewhere. This represents the high percentage of third country sailors on these company vessels historically.

Mobile Units

Infantry battalion- 1,000 men, combat 1, move 3, cost 1, maintenance .1

Cavalry regiment – 1,000 men, combat 1, move 4, cost 2, maintenance .25

Militia battalion - The most basic form of military 1,000 men, generally only good for combat against natives or other militia, in which case combat value is 1. Against non-militia targets is essentially just cannon-fodder barring technology, leadership, or terrain bonuses. , move 2, cost .5, maintenance .05

Infantry brigade- consists of 4 battalions armed with flintlock muskets, plus 4 batteries of field artillery (so roughly 16-24 cannons). Manpower 2,500. Combat 4, Movement 1, Cost 4 maintenance .25

Cavalry brigade- Horses kill people. Manpower 2,500.
cost 5, maintenance .75, combat 3, movement 3

Militia Infantry Brigade- but generally performs poorly if forced to fight in line of battle. Adequate for occupying ground, patrolling and fighting Native Militia and Light Infantry. Can operate in wilderness areas without attrition penalty. Manpower 2,500. Cost 1, maintenance .10, combat 1, movement 2. Militia brigades cannot leave their home region or homeland at any time.

Militia Cavalry Brigade - Same operational restrictions as militia infantry. Manpower 2,500. cost 2, maintenance .25, combat 1, movement 3.

Preexisting militia can be upgraded to their regular equivalent if the difference in cost is covered, this process takes 1 season beyond the season they are raised to complete.

Engineer Brigade - a brigade sized unit equipped with sappers for siege work, bridging equipment, boats and other equipment. Allows field armies to cross rivers without penalty and attack across them with the penalty reduced by 50%. Only one per nation, if destroyed takes 10 years to rebuild. Manpower 2,500. Cost 5, maintenance 3, combat 0, movement 1, allows all Infantry and Light Infantry units in a field army to treat forts and fortresses as field units after 2 seasons.

Native light infantry and cavalry are free to raise, but cannot remain mobilized for more than one season each year. They suffers penalties if forced to fight against Infantry, Light Infantry and any cavalry or dragoon unit in a pitched battle.

Colonial units- Specify if a unit consists of locals or imported soldiers. Colonial units need to be based off of the white population of the colony, though this can be broadened to include the mixed population if justified by game actions. This will influence decisions in battle, morale, etc, at moderator discretion. For trading companies, recruiting additional sepoys above the directly administered population is like recruiting mercenaries--make an ask of the moderator.

Garrison brigade- actually consists of small garrisons and weak forts to establish control over an area. If attacked by field forces, becomes a weak combat unit with a combat rating of 1, movement of 2 Manpower 2,500. cost 3, maintenance .1

Fortified Cities- all OLD WORLD cities are fortified.

Fortress- in addition to being more powerful forts, these bastions also act as supply bases for armies, mobilization centers and depots. Treated as an infantry brigade for cost and maintenance cost, but cannot move, and if captured are permanently eliminated and have to be rebuilt. Also acts as a supply source for field armies that can trace a supply line by road or waterway to them. cost 4, maintenance .5, acts as a depot, can be built alongside or inside a fortified city (making it really strongly fortified)  Although treated as a brigade, a fortress only has a garrison of 1,000 men, and can hold up to 3 other brigades as well (which are doubled defending it). If a fortress is abandoned, its defenders can constitute an infantry battalion, not brigade.The trained battalion can be switched out for a militia brigade (not militia battalion) if necessary--representing that more untrained militia are needed to take the place of trained defenders.

Building times:
Infantry, Cavalry require 2 seasons to build and train (treat as militia until then)
Garrisons require 1 season to build and equip
Fortresses require 2 years to build and equip
Militia can be used the same season they are raised and equipped

Logistical Units
Depots - cost 2 point to build, free to maintain. These never move, and represent the recruiting grounds, barracks and and training grounds for several regiments of troops so can train up to 1 brigade at a time. Countries are limited to one per 500,000, with a minimum of one allowed for countries below that threshold--this includes colonies with populations above 35,000 (the minimum population to support 1 infantry battalion).

Base- this is the administrative center of a field army and where supplies are gathered to be sent to the army, as well as were communications from home are received and transmitted further on to the field commander. A base must be a city or fortress within reasonable distance (as defined by common sense and the referee) but typically is within 300 miles of the army it is supporting. You will want to leave a garrison behind to guard your base. It costs 2 point to establish a base unless it is a fortress (those have already been paid for and are designed for this purpose).

Last edited by TLS on Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715) Empty Re: Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715)

Post by TLS Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:58 pm

Changes post-Northern War, effective 1704

Infantry brigade: Cost to raise stays the same, maintenance cost drops to .25

Cavalry brigade: Cost 5, maintenance drops to .75

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Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715) Empty Re: Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715)

Post by TLS Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:33 pm

Changes, Effective 1705

Garrison brigades: maintenance drops to .1

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Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715) Empty Re: Ground Units (OLD -- NOT USED AS OF 1715)

Post by TLS Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:03 pm

Rules Clarification

To create a brigade from a unit requires sufficient of the smaller unit to match (or exceed, if necessary) the cost of a brigade; thus 4 infantry battalions form a brigade and 3 cavalry regiments form a brigade.

You can combine the constituent parts together and then make up the difference; thus, you could combine 3 infantry battalions and pay an extra point, or two and spend 2, or combine a militia infantry brigade and an infantry battalion and pay 2 points, etc.

I understand that the manpower numbers do not quite add up, but it's about cost, not men (figure the cost of heavy armaments and all, and how few large cannons are included in an infantry battalion).

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