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Ground Units

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Ground Units Empty Ground Units

Post by TLS Fri Mar 29, 2019 8:56 pm

Ground Units

Notes on values:
Unit Sizes: The scale of combat in the New World is such that there are no brigades as such. Companies and regiments are the main units.
Combat: d20 Scale
Movement: Miles per Day
Cost: Can be spread over multiple years
Maintenance: Cost is not modified by wartime, except for militia

Professional Units

Infantry Company - 200 men, combat 3, move 15, cost .2, maintenance .1

Cavalry Company - 200 men, combat 3, move 20, cost .5, maintenance .2

Artillery Company  - 200 men, combat 8, move 5, cost 3, maintenance .5 [Special Note: Artillery companies automatically get an extra free fire phase and can negate defensive bonuses. These companies also do not shatter and regroup; if they are defeated in a rout, they are captured and the capturing nation has to spend .5 to train a new crew and make up for any lost guns.]

Infantry Regiment - 1,000 men, combat 15, move 15, cost 1, maintenance .5

Cavalry Regiment – 1,000 men, combat 15, move 20, cost 2.5, maintenance 1

Militia Units:

Militia units can be mobilized for self-defense at any time but can only be used for mobile operations for 3 consecutive seasons per year. If Militia moves across a border during that time, they will suffer 25% attrition at the start of the 2nd turn (I will roll a d4 for each unit, on a 1 they desert), 50% after the third turn (roll a d2, on a 1 they desert), and will they reconstitute at their home-base.

Militia Infantry Company – 200 men, combat 1, move 5. maintenance .05

Militia Cavalry Company – 200 men, combat 1, move 10. maintenance .1

Militia Infantry Regiment - 1,000 Men, combat 5, movement 5, maintenance .25

Militia Cavalry Regiment - 1,000 Men, combat 5, movement 10, maintenance .5


Towns and Cities
All cities have inherent defensive capacities, but New World cities are of such a small scale that these benefits are far less than their European counterparts. The rules governing FF turns still exist (fighting against a lower TL enemy, defending an entrenched position, etc) and the roll bonuses only apply to units within the walls:

Settlements (With population above 10,000, based on 1790 US census) – one extra free fire phase before first round of fighting (all defending units get an extra free fire phase when being attacked, but this can use the FF also on round two) can hold up to 2,000 soldiers (2 regiments or 10 companies), -1 to enemy fire

Settlements (With population above 2,000, based on 1790 US census) – one extra free fire phase before first round of fighting, can hold up to 1,000 soldiers (1 regiment or 5 companies), -1 to Indian and Militia units only on first turn.

Forts – 200 men (they count as regulars), Combat 5, cost 4, maintenance .1, +1 to defensive rolls for up to 3,000 men against any (3 regiments, 15 companies) inside, can be stacked with city for extra bonuses, though the stacking only counts for units inside the fortress (so those 3 regiments have +1 defensive rolls or -1 on enemy attack rolls). Contains an infantry company if abandoned.

Building Times and Upgrades:
Infantry, Cavalry require 2 seasons to build and train (treat as militia until then)
Artillery takes one year to build and equip
Forts require 2 years to build and equip
Militia can be used the same season they are raised and equipped

Units can be combined/upgraded if the difference in cost is covered, and the process takes 1 turn. The exception is if enough units are combined that no cost difference is required (i.e. if five infantry companies are combined into a regiment), that process takes only a month to represent the building of unit cohesion and reorganization.

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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