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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Wed May 23, 2018 12:15 am


Last edited by Haven on Wed May 23, 2018 6:08 am; edited 1 time in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Wed May 23, 2018 5:53 am

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1725 Build

Taxes: 2.2*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3.15
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.7

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
7 BB1s - 3.5
4 BB2s - 1
22 Frigates - 3.4
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.5
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Total: 19.35


-2 BB2s (1 point) (6/6)(6/6 years)
-4 BBs (2 point) (8/12)(4/6 years)
-4 frigates (2 points)(6/6)(4/4 years)
-Fortress Fort Wilhelmus (2.9 points (4/4 points)(2/2 years)
-Upgrade cavalry regiment to brigade (3 points)
-Militia regiment (Noortwijk) (.5 points)
-Fortress Noortwijk (1.95 points)(1.95/4 points)(1/2 years)

Total: 13.35
Total Spent: 32.7

WIC 1725 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: 1.08 (Year 11/30) [Principle Reduced to 0]
Total: 5.29

-Upgrade LI Regiment to Brigade (.86 points)(.86/4 points)

Total: 0.86

Total Spent: 6.15

VOC 1725 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 5.75
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 22.75

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
2 Infantry Brigade - .5
12 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.2

Total: 14.4


-8 Frigates (3 points) (12/12)(4/4 years)
-3 Commercial Fleets (4.57 points)(9/9 points)(2/2 years)
-1 Commercial Fleet (.78 points)(.78/3)(1/2 years)

Total: 8.35

Total Spent: 22.75


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 97,800 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1725

United Provinces (56,000 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
5 BB2s (Amsterdam) (4,000 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans)
16 Frigates (Amsterdam) (8,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,000 men 7,000  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia,) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (26,100 men, 26,100 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,500 men, 4,500 Sepoy)
12 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, Gold Coast) (6,000 men, 6,000 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Wed May 23, 2018 7:09 pm

The Netherlands in 1725

The fifteen years leading to 1725 have been eventful for the Netherlands, though on the whole mostly beneficial. After a tepid performance in the beginning of the Lateran War against the French, the Netherlands has seen itself successfully defeat a principal rival in the Portuguese, secure much of southern India in the Anglo-Irish war and conquer the recalcitrant Aceh Sultanate. By the 1720s the Netherlands has become more prosperous than ever before as overseas trade and domestic industry continued to grow, partially spurred by the successful expansion of Dutch interests. Increasing trading and industry help lead to a boon in the spending on the arts and sciences in the major cities similar to the boon seen in the mid-1600s.

In spite of the expansion and bounties of the previous decade, the Netherlands still remains the smallest of its peer-European powers, a fact lost on some but not all members of the ruling class. The continued expansion has come at a cost. Further, the Netherlands has been at war for almost as many years as it has been at peace over the past 15 years, and the cost in lives and money weighed on the relatively small country. The thousands of lives lost at Falkirk made the day the bloodiest day in decades, and all to defend a historic enemy. At one point debts accumulated to fight the wars and expansion of the previous decade reached the point that even the numerous banking interests in the Netherlands had nearly run out of credit to loan, the fact that this was partially due to profitably loaning to other countries during peacetime years notwithstanding.

The events overseas all overlapped a time of heavy internal debate, especially the Anglo-Irish War. While the successful intervention in the war helped boost the Stadtholder and the Orangists, the States-Party continued to gain ground. After the 1717 Ordinance of the Assembly, domestic politics settled into deadlock. While the Stadtholder's position is secure, and some want to seize on the successes of recent years and expand the Netherland's involvement on the world stage, there is little appetite among many for further interventions in the early 1720s similar to the Anglo intervention. A general focus exists on expanding commerce overseas while staying aloof from European affairs.

Domestically, the fallout from the 1717 Ordinance of the Assembly is still taking time to settle in. Some of the more major changes, such as increased male suffrage, take time to be implemented through the early 1720s.

One immediate effect of the Anglo-Irish War is a noticeable increase in, if not pro-, at least positive sentiment towards England. The shared experience in the brief war, along with a feeling in the New Netherlands that the Irish pose a much more serious threat, help to somewhat lessen the historical animosity felt by many.

In the Americas, the New Netherlands continues to be sandwiched between two (three counting France) larger and more populous neighbors in the English and Irish. While the colonies have been lucky enough to have mostly avoided the consequences of fighting to date, the precarious position of the colonies is ever-present. In spite of this, the New Netherlands experiences a massive population boom. In the run-up to 1725 the population of the New Netherlands nearly doubles in size. The population explosion causes outward pressure on the colonies through the early 1720s that until recently had mostly been concentrated near the coast. The Treaties of Westminster and Gouda have finally established firm borders with the English, and generally firm, albeit far off, borders with the French, as such settlers push west. In light of the position of the New Netherlands, surrounded by unfriendly, larger neighbors, efforts had long been made to build strong relations with local Indians as a buttress against the hostile European neighbors. The population boom and settlement expansion thus causes concern among authorities who worry about the potential for friction as settlers potentially encroach on Indian land, especially with the Iroquois. Efforts, perhaps fruitless, are made to control the spread of colonists to avoid friendly Indian territory.

The Anglo-Irish War saw the brief involvement of Dutch forces in intra-Indian warfare between the Saponi, Dutch-allied Cherokee and Irish-allied Cherokee. The experience proved that New Amstel (DC) was not sufficient as a base from which to support Dutch allied Indians, or to define a colonial border with the Irish. As such, Fort Wilhelmus (OTL Morgantown, WV) was founded near Cherokee and Saponi land as an advanced settlement and fortress. Given the importance of the project, on top of the fortress garrison, a regiment of colonial regulars is deployed at the outpost from which ostensibly trade is to be carried out with friendly Indians, and also from which Dutch regulars and militia carry out actions to actively support friendly-Indians in intermittent fighting with anti-Dutch Indians in the area.

In the Caribbean and South America, the WEC continues to be a going interest. Unlike the VOC, the WEC has failed to return the spectacular profits its investors hoped for. Although profitably, barely so, WEC investor frustration grows watching the VOC return incredible profits while the WEC drags along. Having been checked in their ambitions to expand into Brazil, and seeing little prospect of profitable expansion in the Caribbean, WEC eyes begin turning toward Africa. The crimped slave trade provides what is seen as a potential opportunity for the WEC. If the WEC cannot build an empire producing sugar, they can try to build one supplying the sugar-producing slaves.

In the East, the VOC has managed to carve out its own empire, directly and indirectly controlling millions of people. By 1725 the VOC is able to boast of a military that rivals that of the Netherlands and the revenues to match. Treaties with the French and English, and the successful Portuguese and Aceh wars have made the VOC fat. Winning control of Aceh especially was a boon, giving the VOC control of most of the world's pepper production. The rapid expansion has made the VOC bulky however, in spite of administrative reforms. Corruption and smuggling relentlessly grow, even as the number of VOC warships patrolling Asian waters grows. The Portuguese and Aceh wars find the VOC shifting roles from a mere trading company, to a ruler, and much effort is sunk into incorporating and controlling millions of subject in Aceh and Goa, an effort likely to last for years. The large wealth, and the well-known corruption, of the VOC likewise begin to cause concern back home. While no serious proposals exist to reel in the VOC, especially as many of those in power directly profit from the VOC's adventures, it becomes more and more common to hear discussions of changing the VOC in respectable Dutch circles.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:11 pm

Further expansion in the New Netherlands is planned for 1726 with the establishment of Fort Casimir (OTL Pittsburgh) and the small expansion of the colonial militia to garrison it. Given concerns about Irish expansion in the Ohio valley, and due to limitations on available manpower in the New World, a further light infantry regiment from Amsterdam is transferred to Fort Wilhelmus (OTL Morgantown, WV). The bolstered garrison at Fort Wilhelmus continues to not just serve as a trading point for friendly tribes, but as a base of operations against less-than friendly natives as the garrison actively participates in warbands and raiding of anti-Dutch Cherokee groups.

News out of eastern Europe catches interest, but is so far of little concern to the general public.

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1726 Build

Taxes: 2.2*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3.25
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.8

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
7 BB1s - 3.5
6 BB2s - 1.5
26 Frigates - 5.2
10 Patrons - 1
15 Fortresses - 3.75
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
12 militia regiments -.6
Total: 22.2


-4 BBs (2 point) (10/12)(5/6 years)-
-2 Militia regiment (Drakenstein, Fort Casimir) (1 points)
-Fortress Noortwijk (2.05 points)(4/4 points)(2/2 years)
-outpost Fort Casimir (OTL Pittsburgh)(3 points)
-2 Commercial Fleet (2.65 points) (2.65/6 points)(1/2 years)

Total: 10.6
Total Spent: 32.8

WIC 1726 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 4.9
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.4

2 Fortress - .5
8 Light Infantry Regiments - .8
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .65 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.85]
Total: 5

-Upgrade LI Regiment to Brigade (2.4 points)(3.26/4 points)

Total: 1.4

Total Spent: 7.4

VOC 1726 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 5.75
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 5
Total: 24.25

14 BB2s - 3.5
35 Frigates - 7
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
2 Infantry Brigade - .5
12 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.2

Total: 16


-1 Commercial Fleet (2.22 points)(3/3)(2/2 years)
-Trade Post Bangkok/Payment (6 points)

Total: 8.25

Total Spent: 22.75


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 106,100 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1726

United Provinces (58,300 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
7 BB2s (Amsterdam) (4,800 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans, Vlissingen, Middelburg)
18 Frigates (Amsterdam) (9,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigade (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (11,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 12,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
8 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede, Wilhelmus) (5,000 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Fort Wilhelmus) (1,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
12 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede, Noortwijk) (12,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,000 men 7,000  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia,) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao, 1 West Africa) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (27,600 men, 27,600 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
35 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 18 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa, 3 Banda Aceh, 3 Kaapstaad) (8,750 men, 8,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
12 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, 1Gold Coast, 1 Dahomey) (6,000 men, 6,000 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:37 pm

After some tensions the previous year over concerns of Irish expansion northwards near the Ohio River an agreement is reached to roughly mark the colonial boundaries in the region (roughly OTL Parkersburg-Clarksburg-Winchester-DC).

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1727 Build

Taxes: 2.2*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3.35
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.9

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
7 BB1s - 3.5
6 BB2s - 1.5
26 Frigates - 5.2
10 Patrons - 1
16 Fortresses - 4
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
14 militia regiments -.7
Total: 22.55


-4 BBs (2 point) (12/12)(6/6 years)
-2 Commercial Fleet (3.35 points) (6/6 points)(2/2 years)
-1 outposts Vlissingen (OTL Wheeling)
-1 Garrison Brigade (Vlissingen) (2 points)

Total: 10.35
Total Spent: 32.9

WIC 1727 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 4.9
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.4

2 Fortress - .5
8 Light Infantry Regiments - .8
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .65 (Year 2/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.69]
Total: 5

-Upgrade LI Regiment to Brigade (.36 points)(4/4 points)
-Trading Post (Monrovia, Liberia) (1.04 points)(1.04/3 points)

Total: 1.4

Total Spent: 7.4


VOC 1727 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 6
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 5.5
Total: 25+.5 Pegu

14 BB2s - 3.5
35 Frigates - 7
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
2 Infantry Brigade - .5
11 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.1

Total: 15.9


-4 Commercial Fleet (6 points)(6/12)(1/2 years)
-2 LI Regiment (2 point)
-Trading Post Perak (1.6 point) (1.6/5 points)

Total: 9.6

Total Spent: 25.5


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 106,600 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1727

United Provinces (58,300 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
7 BB2s (Amsterdam) (4,800 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans, Vlissingen, Middelburg )
18 Frigates (Amsterdam) (9,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigade (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (12,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 13,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
8 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
6 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede, Wilhelmus, Noortwijk) (6,000 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Fort Wilhelmus) (1,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
13 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede, Noortwijk, Fort Casimir) (13,000 colonial)

Kaapkolonie (1,000 colonial reservists + VOC men)
1 militia regiments (Drakenstein)
3 Frigates (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
2 Patrons (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
1 Fortress (Kaapstaad)(VOC)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,000 men 7,000  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao, 1 West Africa) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (27,100 men, 27,100 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
35 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 18 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa, 3 Banda Aceh, 3 Kaapstaad) (8,750 men, 8,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
11 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 2 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, 1Gold Coast, 1 Dahomey) (5,500 men, 5,500 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Mon Jun 25, 2018 4:24 pm

The Netherlands enters 1728, except for minor engagements in the colonies, at peace, watching much of Europe envelope itself in war once again. Although some of the expanded has caused concern, especially the piracy in the Caribbean, most in the Netherlands are content to profit from high demand for capital and goods caused by the war.

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1728 Build

Taxes: 2.2*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3.5
Commercial Fleets: 9
Total Income: 34.05

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
7 BB1s - 3.5
11 BB2s - 2.75
26 Frigates - 5.2
10 Patrons - 1
16 Fortresses - 4
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
18 Garrison brigades - 1.8
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
14 militia regiments -.7
Total: 23.9


-1 outpost Wiltwyck (OTL Parkersburg, WV) (3 points)
-1 Garrison Brigade (Wiltwyck) (2 points)
-4 commercial fleets (5.15 points) (5.15/12 points) (1/2 years)

Total: 10.15
Total Spent: 32.9

WIC 1728 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 4.9
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.4

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .94 (Year 3/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.23]
Total: 5.44

-Trading Post (Monrovia, Liberia) (1.96 points)(3/3 points)

Total: 1.96

Total Spent: 7.4


VOC 1728 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 6
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 5.5
Total: 25

14 BB2s - 3.5
35 Frigates - 7
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
2 Infantry Brigade - .5
13 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.3

Total: 16.1


-4 Commercial Fleet (6 points)(12/12)(2/2 years)
-Trading Post Perak (2.9 point) (4.5/5 points)

Total: 8.9

Total Spent: 25.5


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 111,550 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 100,000 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1728

United Provinces (58,300 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000 reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
11 BB2s (Amsterdam) (8,000 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans, Vlissingen, Middelburg, Caleb, Jupiter, Drie Helden Davids, Willem van Nieuhoff )
18 Frigates (Amsterdam) (9,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigade (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (12,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 12,500 reserves, 13,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
8 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
6 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede, Wilhelmus, Noortwijk) (6,000 men)
1 Garrison Brigade (Vlissingen) (2,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Regulars) (Fort Wilhelmus) (1,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (Colonials) (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
13 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede, Noortwijk, Fort Casimir) (13,000 colonial)

Kaapkolonie (1,000 colonial reservists + VOC men)
1 militia regiments (Drakenstein)
3 Frigates (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
2 Patrons (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
1 Fortress (Kaapstaad)(VOC)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,750 men 7,750 Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
1 Infantry Brigade (Curacao) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao, 1 West Africa) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (28,100 men, 28,100 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
35 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 18 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa, 3 Banda Aceh, 3 Kaapstaad) (8,750 men, 8,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 2 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, 1 Gold Coast, 1 Dahomey, Perak, Bangkok) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:41 pm

With the son of the Stadhtolder, Willem Friso, soon reaching adulthood discussions are begun surrounding securing him a suitable marriage. Initial inquiries are sent sent to Duke George of Brunswick-Lunenberg regarding a potential match with his daughter of roughly the same age, Anne. Similarly, word is put out that matches are being sought for Willem's 18 year old sister, Anna Amalie.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:07 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1729 Build

Taxes: 2.2*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3.75
Commercial Fleets: 9
Total Income: 34.3

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
7 BB1s - 3.5
11 BB2s - 2.75
26 Frigates - 5.2
10 Patrons - 1
16 Fortresses - 4
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
19 Garrison brigades - 1.9
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
14 militia regiments -.7
Loan Servicing: .5 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 1.6)

Total: 24.5


-4 commercial fleets (6.85 points) (12/12 points) (2/2 years)
-1 BB2 (1 point) (1/3 points) (1/6 Years)
-4 Militia cavalry brigades (8 points)
- 8 Frigates (2.85 points) (2.85/12 points) (1/4 Years)

Total: 9.8+8.9 VOC (18.7)
Total Spent: 43.2

WIC 1729 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 5.15
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.65

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: 3.15 (Year 4/30) [Principle Reduced to 6.54.]

Total: 5.44


Total: 0

Total Spent: 7.65


VOC 1729 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 6
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Total: 27

14 BB2s - 3.5
35 Frigates - 7
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
2 Infantry Brigade - .5
13 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.3

Total: 16.1


-BB1 (1 point) (1/7 points) (year 1/10)
-Troop transport (.5 points)
-Trading Post Perak (.5 point) (5/5 points)
-8.9 points to Netherlands

Total: 10.9

Total Spent: 27


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 111,550 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 102,500 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1729

United Provinces (58,300 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
11 BB2s (Amsterdam) (8,000 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans, Vlissingen, Middelburg, Caleb, Jupiter, Drie Helden Davids, Willem van Nieuhoff )
18 Frigates (Amsterdam) (9,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigade (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (12,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 15,000 reserves, 13,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
8 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
6 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede, Wilhelmus, Noortwijk) (6,000 men)
2 Garrison Brigade (Vlissingen, Wiltwyck) (5,000 reserves)
1 light infantry regiment (Regulars) (Fort Wilhelmus) (1,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (Colonials) (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
13 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede, Noortwijk, Fort Casimir) (13,000 colonial)

Kaapkolonie (1,000 colonial reservists + VOC men)
1 militia regiments (Drakenstein)
3 Frigates (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
2 Patrons (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
1 Fortress (Kaapstaad)(VOC)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,750 men 7,750  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
1 Infantry Brigade (Curacao) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao, 1 West Africa) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (28,100 men, 28,100 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
35 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 18 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa, 3 Banda Aceh, 3 Kaapstaad) (8,750 men, 8,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 2 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, 1 Gold Coast, 1 Dahomey, Perak, Bangkok) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden - Page 2 Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:46 am

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1730 Build

Taxes: 2.2*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 4.4
Commercial Fleets: 11
Total Income: 36.95

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
7 BB1s - 3.5
11 BB2s - 2.75
26 Frigates - 5.2
10 Patrons - 1
16 Fortresses - 4
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
19 Garrison brigades - 1.9
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Militia Cavalry Brigades - .8
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
14 militia regiments -.7
Loan Servicing: 1.68 (Year 2/30) [Principle Reduced to 0)

Total: 26.48


- 1 BB2 (1 point) (2/3 points) (2/6 Years)
- 8 Frigates (3.15 points) (6/12 points) (2/4 Years)
- Outpost Paarl (3 points)
- Outpost Vredenberg (3 points)
- Outpost [ ] (rl Ithaca) (3 points)
- Outpost [ ] (rl Allentown) (3 points)
-1 Militia Cavalry Brigade (2 points)
- 2.97 points

Total: 10.47 +10.65 VOC (21.12)
Total Spent: 47.6

WIC 1730 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 5.15
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.65

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .94 (Year 5/30) [Principle Reduced to 5.92.]

Total: 5.44


Total: 0

Total Spent: 7.65


VOC 1730 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 6
Colonial Holdings: 6.25
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Total: 28.75

14 BB2s - 3.5
35 Frigates - 7
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
2 Infantry Brigade - .5
13 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.3

Total: 16.1


-BB1 (1 point) (2/7 points) (year 2/10)
-1 LI Regiment (1 point)
-10.65 points to Netherlands

Total: 12.65

Total Spent: 28.75


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 111,550 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 112,500 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1730

United Provinces (58,300 men, 97,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000 reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
11 BB2s (Amsterdam) (8,000 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans, Vlissingen, Middelburg, Caleb, Jupiter, Drie Helden Davids, Willem van Nieuhoff )
18 Frigates (Amsterdam) (9,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigade (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
4 Militia Cavalry Brigades (dispersed around country) (10,000 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (12,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 15,000 reserves, 13,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
8 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
6 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede, Wilhelmus, Noortwijk) (6,000 men)
2 Garrison Brigade (Vlissingen, Wiltwyck) (5,000 reserves)
1 light infantry regiment (Regulars) (Fort Wilhelmus) (1,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (Colonials) (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
13 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede, Noortwijk, Fort Casimir) (13,000 colonial)

Kaapkolonie (1,000 colonial reservists + VOC men)
1 militia regiments (Drakenstein)
3 Frigates (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
2 Patrons (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
1 Fortress (Kaapstaad)(VOC)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,750 men 7,750 Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
1 Infantry Brigade (Curacao) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao, 1 West Africa) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (28,100 men, 28,100 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
35 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 18 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa, 3 Banda Aceh, 3 Kaapstaad) (8,750 men, 8,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 2 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, 1 Gold Coast, 1 Dahomey, Perak, Bangkok) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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