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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:13 pm

Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden
Republic of the Eight United Netherlands

National Statistics as of 1730
Population: 2.208 Million People
Languages: Dutch
Motto: Concordia res parvae crescunt (Unity Makes Strength)
Prestige: B
Credit Rating: A

Political Organization
Official Title: Republic of the Eight United Netherlands
Conventional: The Netherlands/Holland
Political System: Confederative Republic
Capital: Amsterdam
Sovereign: Johan Willem, Prince of Orange

Population: 2.208 Million People
Financial Centers: Amsterdam
Port: Rotterdam
Entrepot: Amsterdam
Craft Centers: 4 (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht)
Resources: 22 commercial fleets

Colonial Holdings:

New Netherlands
(RL Eastern New York[the Hudson River valley and Long Island], New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, West Virgina)
Population: 200,000, 60% of Dutch extraction, 20% English, 10% German, 10% slave
Ports: New Amsterdam (RL Manhattan), New Rotterdam (Philadelphia),  Beversreede (Annapolis)
Cities: New Utrecht (Trenton), Zwaanendael (Wilmington), Pavonia (Albany), New Amstel (Washington DC), Noortwijk (OTL Buffalo), Rensselaerswyck (OTL Harrisburg)
Town: Beverwijck (OTL Syracuse) (City 1733), Hemsteede (OTL Scranton)(City in 1735)
Village: Fort Altena (OTL Rochester)(Town 1731), Fort Wilhelmus (OTL Morgantown)(Town 1732)
Outpost: Fort Casimir (OTL Pittsburgh) (Village 1732), Vlissingen (OTL Wheeling)(Village 1733), Wiltwyck (OTL Parkersburg, WV)(Village 1934)
Resources: 4 (1 Lumber, 1 Fur, 1 agriculture--mostly corn and wheat, but some tobacco down north of the Potomac, 1 Slaves)

Kaapkolonie (RL Capetown to the southern portion of Angola)
Population: 22,250 (18,000 white (including English/Irish), rest mixed  Cape Malays, Coloureds etc.)
City: Kaapstad (Capetown) (Port in 1733)
Village: Drakenstein (OTL George)(Town in 1735)


Trading Companies:

Dutch West India Company (WIC) (Controls several islands in the Carribean, along with much of the South American coast between OTL Venezuela and Brazil)
Financial center (Hoorn, represents shareholders)
3 commercial fleets

Caribbean/New Holland (South America)
Population: 57,500 people (70% Black slaves, presence of North African slaves from the French),as follows:
11,000 Curacao, 11,000 Aruba, 6,000 St Maartin, 6,000 Bonaire, 6,000 St Eustatius, 6,000 Guyana, 6,000 Suriname, 5,500 Cayenne
City: Curacao, Aruba
Town: Paramaribo, St Maartin, Bonaire, St Eustatius, Guyana, Suriname, Cayenne
Resources: Each possession is worth .25 points (generally sugar cane production, though Aruba's value is found in livestock feeding the rest of the region as it is too arid for agriculture)
Natives: 50,000 Indians in the jungles beyond the coast in Dutch Guyana and former French Guyana, intermixing with the runaway slaves.

West Africa
Trading Posts: Sierre Leone, Ivory Coast, Libreville, Monrovia

Dutch East India Company(VOC) (controls Dutch East Indies, Ceylon, presence in Western and Southern India, Japan, China and West Africa)
Financial center (Rotterdam, represents shareholders)
15 commercial fleets
Town: Mauritius (City in 1731)
Trading Posts East Indies: Surabaya, Makassar, Ambon, Banten, Tidore, Ternate, Timor, Brunei, Pekanbaru, Johor Baru, Bangkok
Trading Posts India: Cochin, Damman and Diu, Bombay, Surat, Vasai, Pondicherry, Nagapatam
Trading Posts Africa: Diego Suarez, Dahomey, Gold Coast
Port: Batavia, Tricomlee, Malaca, Goa, Banda Aceh, Sulu
Resources: Ceylon 1, Gold Coast 1, Dahomey 1
Trade Income 5 (2 East Indies, 3 India)


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 111,550 (out of a limit of 116,00)
Reserves: 112,500 (out of a limit of 116,000)

ORBAT Spring, 1730

United Provinces (58,300 men, 97,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000 reserves)
7 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem, Zeelandia) (6,000 men)
11 BB2s (Amsterdam) (8,000 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans, Vlissingen, Middelburg, Caleb, Jupiter, Drie Helden Davids, Willem van Nieuhoff )
18 Frigates (Amsterdam) (9,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigade (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
4 Militia Cavalry Brigades (dispersed around country) (10,000 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (12,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 15,000 reserves, 13,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
8 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
6 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede, Wilhelmus, Noortwijk) (6,000 men)
2 Garrison Brigade (Vlissingen, Wiltwyck) (5,000 reserves)
1 light infantry regiment (Regulars) (Fort Wilhelmus) (1,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (Colonials) (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelmus) (3,000 men (colonial))
13 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede, Noortwijk, Fort Casimir) (13,000 colonial)

Kaapkolonie (1,000 colonial reservists + VOC men)
1 militia regiments (Drakenstein)
3 Frigates (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
2 Patrons (Kaapstaad)(VOC)
1 Fortress (Kaapstaad)(VOC)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,750 men 7,750 Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
1 Infantry Brigade (Curacao) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao, 1 West Africa) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (28,100 men, 28,100 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
35 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 18 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa, 3 Banda Aceh, 3 Kaapstaad) (8,750 men, 8,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 3 Goa, 2 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, 2 Diego Suarez, 1 Ambon) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 2 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 1 Banda Aceh, 1 Gold Coast, 1 Dahomey, Perak, Bangkok) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia, Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)

Last edited by Haven on Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:49 am; edited 39 times in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:14 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands 1713 Wartime Build

Wartime Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.1
Loan: 5 points (30 year loan at 5% interest, .4 pts per year to service, .15 principle and .25 interest) [15/30 points borrowed]
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Total Income: 34.35

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
5 Heavy BatRons - 5
5 CruRon - 2.5
5 PatRon - 1.25
12 Fortresses - 6
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75
13 Garrison brigades - 1.3
18 Militia Brigades - 1.8
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 1/30] [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 22.2

-Upgrade 4 Militia Brigades to Garrison Brigades (12 points)
-Transfer to VOC (2 points)
Total: 14
Total Spent: 36.2

WIC 1713 Build

FC: 1
Port: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.5
Commercial Fleets: .5
Total Income: 6

1 Fortress - .5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
5 Infantry Battalion- .5
1 BatRon - .75
2 CruRon - 1
3 PatRon - .75
2 Privateer PatRon - .5
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 5.35

-1 Infantry Battalion (.55/.55)
-1 Fort (Pamaribo)(.1/4)
Total: .65

Total Spent: 5.75

VOC 1713 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 2
Colonial Holdings: 1.25 [West African trading posts destroyed]
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 3
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
From Dutch Govt: 2 Points
Total: 14.75

4 BatRon - 3.0
9 CruRon - 4.5
4 PatRon - 1
6 Fortresses - 2.5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
3 Infantry Battalion - .3
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 12.65

-Repair BatRon (1/1)
-Upgrade 1 Infantry Battalion to Brigade (1.1/3)
Total: 2.1

Total Spent: 14.25

Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 107,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 110,000 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Summer, 1713

United Provinces [43,750 regulars, 90,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) [Manpower: 20,000 reserves]
-10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) [10,000 regulars]
-15 Garrison brigades  (1 per Fortress, 2 in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Nijmegen) [37,500 res]
-13 militia brigades (1 per fortress, 2 in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht) [32,500 res]

Mobile Army (Amsterdam)
-5 infantry brigades [12,500 reg]
-1 cavalry brigades [2,500 reg]

Naval Squadron (Amsterdam)
-3 Heavy BatRons [7,500 reg]
-1 VOC BatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]
-2 CruRon [5,000 reg]
-2 PatRons [5,000 reg]

New Netherlands [27,000 regulars, 15,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations
-Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) [10,000 reserve]
-2 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) [2,000 reg]
-2 Militia Brigades (New Amsterdam, Albany) [5,000 res]

New Amsterdam
-1 Infantry Brigade [2,500 reg]

New Rotterdam
-1 Infantry Brigade [2,500 reg]

Naval Squadron (New Amsterdam)
2 Heavy BatRons (New Amsterdam) [5,000 reg]
3 CruRons (New Amsterdam) [7,500 reg]
3 PatRons (New Amsterdam) [7,500 reg]

The Dutch West India Company [12,750 regular, 12,750 sepoy]

-1 Fortress [500 reg, 500 sep]

-1 Infantry Brigade [1,250 reg, 1,250 sep]

Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname
-5 Infantry Battalions (1 each) [2,500 reg, 2,500 sep]

Naval (Curacao)
-1 BatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sep]
-2 CruRon [2,500 reg, 2,500 sep]
-3 PatRon [3,750 reg, 3,750 sep]
-2 Privateer PatRons [0]

VOC [24,000 regular, 24,000 sepoy]

Fixed Positions
-6 Fortress (Makassar, Zanzibar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin) [3,000 reg, 3,000 sepoy]

-1 VOC CruRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]

-2 VOC Infantry Battalions [1,000 reg, 1,000 sepoy]
-3 VOC CruRon [3,750 reg, 3,750 sepoy]
-1 VOC PatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]

-2 VOC CruRon [2,500 reg, 2,500 sepoy]

-1 VOC Infantry Brigades [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]
-4 VOC BatRon [5,000 reg, 5,000 sepoy]
-3 VOC CruRon [3,750 reg, 3,750 sepoy]
-2 VOC PatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]

Last edited by Haven on Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:12 pm

Late 1713
From Batavia, a delegation of the VOC led by Jon von Heemskerck sets out to meet with Sultan Abdul Jalil IV of the Johor Sultanate. The large delegation, bringing with it gifts and good from Europe, ostensibly is going to inform the Sultan that the VOC plans on garrisoning the port city of Malaca in the coming year in line with the 1606 agreement giving the Netherlands control. Jon also reiterates the value the VOC and the Netherlands places in the previous military cooperation between the two and the successes that has led to in the past. Privately, Jon offers a renewed military alliance, coupled with favorable trading privileges for pepper and tin, against an old Johor rival on nearby Sumatra.

As the delegation approached Batam, a second ship accompanying the delegation broke off and headed west into the straits. This ship carried a similar delegation heading to Pulo Brayan to meet with King Tuanku Panglima Padrap of the Deli Sultanate, bringing with it a similar offer.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:19 am

Netherlands + New Netherlands 1714 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .055
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Total Income: 28.8

Loan: 5 points (to France) [20/30 points borrowed]
Loan: 2.5 points (to Ottoman Empire) [22.5/30 points borrowed]

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
5 Heavy BatRons - 5
5 CruRon - 2.5
5 PatRon - 1.25
12 Fortresses - 6
7 Infantry Brigades – 1.75
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 2/30] [Principle Reduced to 9.3]
Total: 22.6

- Settlement of New Amstel (OTL Washington DC) (3 points)
- Fortress at New Amstel (1.2 point) (1.2/4)
-Transfer to VOC (2 points)
Total: 6.7
Total Spent: 28.8

WIC 1714 Build

FC: 1
Port: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.5
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.5

1 Fortress - .5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
6 Infantry Battalion- .6
1 BatRon - .75
2 CruRon - 1
3 PatRon - .75
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 4.95

-1.55 Fort (Pamaribo)(1.65/4)
Total: 1.55

Total Spent: 6.5

VOC 1714 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 3
Colonial Holdings: 2.1
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 3
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
From Dutch Govt: 2 Points
Total: 16.6

4 BatRon - 3.0
9 CruRon - 4.5
4 PatRon - 1
7 Fortresses - 3.5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
4 Infantry Battalion - .4
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 2/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.3]
Total: 13.75

-Fortress at Captetown (.95 points) (.95/4)
-Upgrade 1 Infantry Battalion to Brigade (1.9)(3/3)
Total: 2.85

Total Spent: 15.6

Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 108,000 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 110,000 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1714

United Provinces
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam)
3 Heavy BatRons (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia)
2 CruRon (Amsterdam)
2 PatRons (Amsterdam)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam)
1 cavalry brigades (Amsterdam)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country)
15 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country)

New Netherlands
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam)
2 Heavy BatRons (New Amsterdam) (Gelderland, Fredrik Hendrik)
3 CruRons (New Amsterdam)
3 PatRons (New Amsterdam)
2 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam)
2 Infantry Brigade (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam)
2 Garrison Brigades (New Amsterdam, Pavonia)

WIC (50% Sepoy)
1 Fortress (Curacao)
1 BatRon (Eendracht), 2 CruRon, 3 PatRon
2 Infantry Brigade (Curacao)
6 Infantry Battalions (one each Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname, Paramaribo)

VOC (50% Sepoy)
4 BatRon (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Prinses Roijael Maria)
1 BatRon (Amsterdam) (Utrecht)
9 CruRon (3 Ceylon, 3 Batavia, 1 Mauritius, 2 India)
3 PatRon (2 Batavia, 1 Ceylon)
7 Fortresses (Makassar, Cape, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca)
4 Infantry Battalions (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon)
2 Infantry Brigades (Batavia)

Last edited by Haven on Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty New Amstel

Post by Haven Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:40 am

Early 1714

In Amsterdam the men of the 5e Brigade Van Welderen prepares to depart to the New Netherlands. Many of the men are to be stationed in New Amsterdam and New Rotterdam, and given the distance those with families are given allowed to bring them. The men are all promised plots of land, small plots of 25 to 30 acres for the average solider and near full patroonships for a couple senior officers. Along with the men of the 5e, groups of settlers are also making the journey with the promise to found a new colony, New Amstel (OTL Washington DC) near the Irish border. In the New Netherlands themselves, while untouched by the recent fighting around the world, the recent abortive Irish declaration of war isn't forgotten. New fortifications are planned for the Irish border at the new planned settlement and a wary eye is cast south, although the hope is that the colonies can continue to grow in peace.

(A garrison brigade is being transferred to the New Netherlands from the Netherlands and a settlement/fortification are being built at OTL Washington on the Irish border. At the end of the year that will mean 3 garrison brigades in the New Netherlands at Pavonia (Albany), New Amstel (DC) and New Amsterdam (NYC). Note, I've renamed the rest of the settlement to Dutch names as well e.g, Wilmington is now Zwaanendael, etc.)

In the WIC, the decision is made to demobilize the privateers as the expectation of peace for at least a few years settles in. The new former French possessions (French Guiana) are incorporated into the other WIC holdings on the continent and New Holland is declared reborn centered around Paramibo for now.

(Demobilizing the 2 Privateer PatRons in the WIC.)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:29 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands 1715 Build

Wartime Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.06
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Total Income: 29.31

Loan: 5 points (to Spain)
Loan: 2.5 points (to Ottoman Empire) [30/30 points borrowed]

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
10 BB1s - 5
15 Frigates - 3
10 Brigs - 1
12 Fortresses - 3
7 Infantry Brigades – 1.75
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 3/30] [Principle Reduced to 8.95]
Total: 19.6

-Raise infantry regiment in New Netherlands (1 point)
-BB1 (.5 points) (.5/7) (1/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (1/6)(⅙ years)
-Fortress at New Amstel (2.8 point) (4/4) (Year 2/2)
-.41 gifts to tribes near New Netherlands colonies
-Transfer to VOC (4 points)
Total: 9.71
Total Spent: 29.31

WIC 1715 Build

FC: 1
Port: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.5
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.5

1 Fortress - .25
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
6 Infantry Battalion- .6
3 BB2s - .75
6 Frigates - 1.2
6 Brigs - .6
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 2/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.3]
Total: 4.75

-1.75 Fort (Pamaribo)(3.4/4) (Year 2/2, complete in year 3)
Total: 1.75

Total Spent: 6.5

VOC 1715 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4
Colonial Holdings: 2.1
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 3
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
From Dutch Govt: 4 Points
Total: 19.6

12 BB2s - 3.0
27 Frigates - 5.4
8 Brigs - .8
7 Fortresses - 1.75
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
2 Infantry Battalion - .2
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 3/30) [Principle Reduced to 8.95]
Total: 12.5

-Fortress at Captetown (3.05 points) (4/4) (year 2)
-Repair lightly damaged BB2 (1 point)
-Replace marines (1 point)
-Raise 2 infantry regiment (2 point)
-Incentives to Goa locals (.05)
Total: 7.1

Total Spent: 15.6

Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 88,050 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 105,000 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1715

United Provinces (46,500 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000 reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Maan) (6,000 men)
6 Frigates (Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
4 Brigs (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigades (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (11,700 men, 15,000 men (colonial) 10,000 reserves)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
4 BB1s (Curacao) (Gelderland, Fredrik Hendrik, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (4,000 men)
9 Frigates (Curacao) (4,500 men)
6 Brigs (Curacao) (1,200 men)
2 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (2,000 men)
5 Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beversreede) (5,000 men (colonial))
10 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael ) (10,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (9,300 men 9,300 Sepoy)
1 Fortress (Curacao) (500 men, 500 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Curacao)(Eendracht, Brederode, Huis van Nassau) (1,200 men 1,200 Sepoy)
6 Frigates (Curacao)(1,500 men, 1,500 Sepoy)
6 Brigs (Curacao) (600 men, 600 Sepoys)
1 Infantry Brigade (Curacao) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
9 Infantry Battalions (one each Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (4,500 men, 4,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (20,350 men, 20,350 Sepoy)
12 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Prinses Roijael Maria[damaged], Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,800 men, 4,800 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Amsterdam) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (3 Ceylon, 3 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 18 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
6 Brigs (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 4 Goa) (600 men, 600 Sepoys)
4 Portuguese Brigs (Goa, heavily damaged)
7 Fortresses (Makassar, Cape, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)
5 Infantry Battalions (4 Batavia, 1 Ceylon) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Goa) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Hussam B. Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:22 am

The Kingdom of Spain, as it works towards repairing its naval yards in Ferrol and Cadiz, finds that it is in a shortage of naval building capacity.

A naval agreement is offered to the Dutch to commission 3 points of shipbuilding in its yards for 4 years, to construct a number of frigates for the Spanish fleet.

In exchange for this, a lump sum payment of 3 points is offered.

Hussam B.

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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:18 am

The Spanish agreement is accepted.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Supplemental 1715 Build

Post by Haven Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:32 am

Supplemental 1715 Build

Netherlands + New Netherlands

3 points from Spain Naval Agreement

-.6 points transfer to WIC
-.4 point transfer to VOC
-2 points fortress (Beersreede) (2/4)(Year 1/2)


.4 points from Dutch Government

.4 points infantry regiment Kaapstad (.4/1)


1.5 points from sale of Saba
.6 points from Dutch Government
Total: 2.1 points

-.6 Fort (Pamaribo)(4/4) (Year 2/2)
-1.5 3 BB2s (1.5/9)(Year 1/6)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:18 pm

(Work in progress)
Netherlands + New Netherlands 1716 Build

Wartime Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.06
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.5
Commercial Fleets: 7
Total Income: 29.56
+.15 from WIC

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
9 BB1s - 4.5
15 Frigates - 3
10 Brigs - 1
13 Fortresses - 3.25
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
6 Infantry Regiments - .6
10 militia regiments -.5
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 4/30] [Principle Reduced to 8.55]
Total: 19.95


-BB1 (.5 points) (1/7) (2/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (2/6)(2/7 years)
- fortress Beersreede (2 points (4/4)(Year 2/2)
-Repair BB1 (Zeven Provincien) 1.25 points (1.25/2.25 poitns)
-Repair 2 BB1s  (Gelderland, Haarlem) 3 points
- Repair FF1 .25 points
-1.25 points troop transport
-.5 points - Efforts in Brazil

Total: 9
Total Spent: 29.75

WIC 1716 Build

FC: 1
Port: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.5
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.5

2 Fortress - .5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
6 Infantry Battalion- .6
2 BB2s - .5
6 Frigates - 1.2
7 PatRons - .7
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 4/30) [Principle Reduced to 8.55]
Total: 4.85

--1.5 3 BB2s (3/9)(Year 2/6)
.15 to Netherlands
Total: 1.65

Total Spent: 6.5

VOC 1716 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4
Colonial Holdings: 1.6 (3 trading posts damaged)
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 2 (1 East Indies point unavailable)
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 14.1
+4 Ottoman Loan

11 BB2s - 2.75
27 Frigates - 5.4
10 Brigs - 1
7 Fortresses - 1.75
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
4 Infantry Battalion - .4
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 4/30) [Principle Reduced to 8.55]
Total: 12.45

- Repair 4 BB2s (Zon, Kameel, Vrede, Louisa Hendrika) 4.75 points
-Repair 2 FF1 (Mondego, VOC) (0/1 points)
-Replace marines (.25 point)(.25/1)
-infantry regiment Kaapstad .6 (1/1)
-Repair 4 trading posts (0/8 points)
- Repair 4 Patrons Goa (0/2 points)
Total: 9.4

Total Spent: 18.1

Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 87,800 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1716

United Provinces (46,500 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Maan) (6,000 men)
6 Frigates (Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
4 Brigs (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigades (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (11,700 men, 15,000 men (colonial) 10,000 reserves)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
3 BB1s (Curacao) (Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (3,000 men)
9 Frigates (Curacao) (4,500 men)
6 Brigs (Curacao) (1,200 men)
3 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel) (3,000 men)
5 Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beversreede) (5,000 men (colonial))
10 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia,  2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael ) (10,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (9,000 men 9,000 Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
2 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau) (800 men 800 Sepoy)
6 Frigates (Curacao)(1,500 men, 1,500 Sepoy)
6 Patrons (Curacao) (600 men, 600 Sepoys)
1 Infantry Brigade (Curacao) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
9 Infantry Battalions (one each Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (4,500 men, 4,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (20,500 men, 20,500 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Amsterdam) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (3 Ceylon, 3 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 18 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
8 Brigs (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 4 Goa) (800 men, 800 Sepoys)
4 Portuguese Brigs (Goa, heavily damaged)
7 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)
4 Infantry Battalions (4 Batavia, 1 Ceylon) (2,000 men, 2,000 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Goa, Batavia) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Sun Mar 11, 2018 1:44 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands 1717 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.5
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Portuguese Payment: 3 points
Total Income: 32.55

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
9 BB1s - 4.5
15 Frigates - 3
10 Brigs - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
6 Infantry Regiments - .6
10 militia regiments -.5
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 5/30] [Principle Reduced to 8.13]
Total: 20.2


-BB1 (.5 points) (1.5/7) (3/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (3/6)(3/7 years)
-Repair BB1 (Zeven Provincien) 1 points (2.25/2.25 points)
-9.85 to VOC

Total: 12.35
Total Spent: 32.55

WIC 1717 Build

FC: 1
Port: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.15 +.25 Fortaleza

2 Fortress - .5
8 Infantry Battalion- .8
2 BB2s - .5
6 Frigates - 1.2
7 PatRons - .7
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 5/30) [Principle Reduced to 8.13]
Total: 4.55

--1.5 3 BB2s (4.5/9)(Year 3/6)
-1.35 repair 2 frigates (1.35/2)

Total: 2.85

Total Spent: 7.4

VOC 1717 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4
Colonial Holdings: 1.85 (3 trading posts damaged)
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 2 (1 East Indies point unavailable)
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 14.35 + 9.85 Netherlands

11 BB2s - 2.75
27 Frigates - 5.4
12 Brigs - 1.2
7 Fortresses - 1.75
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
5 Infantry Battalion - .5
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 5/30) [Principle Reduced to 8.13]
Loan Servicing (Ottoman): .8 (Year 1/10) [Principle Reduced to 3.48]
Total: 13.45

-Repair 2 FF1 (Mondego, VOC) (0/1 points)
-Replace marines (.75 point)(1/1)
-Rebuild trading posts Gold Coast, Dahomey (6 points)
-Repair 4 trading posts East Indies (4/8 points)
- Repair 4 Patrons Goa (0/2 points)
Total: 12.95

Total Spent: 24.2


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 88,050 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1717

United Provinces (46,500 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Maan) (6,000 men)
6 Frigates (Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
4 Brigs (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigades (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (12,700 men, 15,000 men (colonial) 10,000 reserves)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
3 BB1s (New Amsterdam) (Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (3,000 men)
9 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (4,500 men)
6 Brigs (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
5 Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beversreede) (5,000 men (colonial))
10 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia,  2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael ) (10,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,250 men 7,250  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
2 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau) (800 men 800 Sepoy)
6 Frigates (Curacao)(1,500 men, 1,500 Sepoy)
6 Patrons (Curacao) (600 men, 600 Sepoys)
8 Infantry Battalions (one each Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (21,000 men, 21,000 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Goa) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (3 Ceylon, 15 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 6 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
12 Brigs (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 4 Goa) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoys)
7 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)
5 Infantry Battalions (1 Batavia, 1 Daman, 1 Kaapstad, 1 Goa, 1 Timor) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)
2 Infantry Brigades (Goa, Batavia) (2,500 men, 2,500 Sepoy)

Last edited by Haven on Tue Mar 27, 2018 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:46 pm

(Note: This extends back to the beginning of 1716. Which, yes, makes this slightly late...I'll do my best to keep this more timely as developments inevitably continue.)

The Orangists and their like-minded backers, including the Stadhtholder, entered 1716 having held onto many of the reins of power in the United Provinces for years. However, after years of mostly unchallenged control, the rumblings of discontent have begun spreading. As the United Provinces enters into another year of being at war, albeit an undeclared war, again for the second time in the ultimate years, the nation finds itself facing a heavy and growing debt burden, the prospect of continued heavy military spending, and most importantly, continued high taxes. Especially focused debate begins in the States at the provincial level (should be noted, that at this time much of the burden of funding things, the army in particular, was on the provinces not the central government at this time). Through the winter of 1715 into 1716 such discontent and debate rises, until in early February representatives in the States-General from Gelderland and Overijssel, provinces that had for a period suspended the office of Stadtholder and had been late to fall in line behind William, demand an end to the current conflict and the curtailing of current expenditures. That the push in the States-General originated from these representatives comes as little surprise, as they not only are home to relatively stronger levels of support for the States Party but also have generally benefited less from the recent conflicts unlike some provinces such as Holland.

The swell of debate, coupled with the sudden diplomatic pressure from the English encourages the dispatch of the Grand Pensionarry of Holland, Anthonie Heinsuis, to England to carry out negotiations. Anthonie, a widely-respected politician, not only had the ear of the Stadtholder, but was also a State-Party supporter, and was considered by most to be a strong and fair choice to lead negotiations in England.

The dispatch of Anthonie however does little to quell the growing debate in the States-General. Using discontent over continued taxes and the debt as a springboard, representatives of the States-Party push not just for an end to the conflict but also for constitutional and fiscal reforms. In spite of the successful conclusion of the Portuguese conflict in the middle of spring, the debate in the States-General had already taken a life of its own. Members of the States-Party, Loevesteiners and more radical republicans push the concept of Neutralism in Europe once again. They demand an end to the wars, a distraction and drain on the hard-won resources of the Republic. The Republic, they argue, was made great by developing trade and industry, and expanding the liberties of its people, something, the republicans especially, they argue is contrary to a war-fighting state with its necessary centralization of power. The Orangists in general, along with the Stadtholder(war, or the threat of war, causes the need for a strong executive, of course wished for by William), oppose this, and also point out that in spite of the extended conflicts the United Provinces have finally begun making strides in lessening the debt burden. Surprisingly, however, nascent support for the Loevesteiner argument exists amongst some Orangists backers, especially in Holland. Pamphlets pushing the year are printed throughout the summer and into the fall, arguing the "balancing of Europe should be left to others", that "war, unless waged for liberty, is always harmful" and that the prosperity and health of the Republic is founded on commerce, manufacture and free navigation. As such messages gain traction, emboldened republicans widen their calls for change to include reforms limiting the power of the Stadtholder. Orangists however are quick to chide such sentiment, reminding their opponents that while their lofty ideals sound appealing, the brutal reality of the world is that the United Provinces still finds herself surrounded by giants drooling at the prospect of stealing the wealth the Republic has built, and the the liberties so closely clutched by her citizens.

In this environment the secretary of the Raad van State, Simon van Slingelandt, himself a secret proponent of at least domestic reform, in the early winter finds himself forced to call for extraordinary sessions of the Raad van State to begin in 1717. Through the winter political tensions cool slightly as the Republic anxiously awaits debates that bring the potential to bring about sweeping changes in the United Provinces.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:48 pm

The Extraordinary Assemblies of 1717

The extraordinary assemblies of 1717 begin as heated as the debates of 1716 left off. Likewise, fresh European controversy feeds each side, as international politics remain inextricably tied to the domestic debate. The presence of a foreign enemy of course necessitates a strong defense, which necessitates the consolation of power, and the prospect of an Anglo-Hibernian war gives the Orangists the potential enemy they needed, England. The English occupation is still well within living memory of all in power, and fears of complete English naval dominance are presented as precisely the reason for which the United Provinces must work to support the balance in Europe. For as strong of a reaction as a potential English threat might bring, it is somewhat tempered by a general loathing for the Irish, a nation who has repeatedly threatened the United Provinces for no reason other than its naked ambition.

The debates on the place of the United Provinces in the world and within Europe remain stalemated into the spring. Van Slingelandt, caring more about fiscal and constitutional reform of a system he views as having lost its way, decides to finally publish his private writings on proposed reform. Entitled "Discourse on the defects in the present constitution of the Government of the State of the United Netherlands, and on the means of redress", the controversial writings are widely read. Finally, at the beginning of the summer a firm set of reform proposals are put forth by representatives of the States-General.

-Strengthened Council of State (Raad van State) which governs day-to-day affairs with the Stadtholder sitting at its head
-Reversal of the 1585 Ordinance of the Assembly: Delegates to the States (both the Council of State and the States-General, and provincial level)  are once again allowed to vote their conscious (in fact, bound by oath to) and are not required to vote as instructed by their principles (town regents). Otherwise, the composition of the provincial level States remains in the hands of the States (some choose to include nobles, others not, etc.).
-The issue of taxation once again allowed to be submitted to neutral arbitration (led by the Stadtholder) should there be a deadlock in the States-General ("Generality").
-Percentage of the contributions from each province to the Generality's annual budget is no longer set permanently, but rather will be re-set every ten years to reflect relative changes in each province.
-The Generality Lands are to be granted full status as a province, with their own provincial council and representatives to the States-General and equal status to the other United Provinces. The Kaapcolonie and the New Netherlands will remain under the direct rule of the Generality.
-The office of Stadtholder will be accepted by all provinces as hereditary, and each province affirms William as the current Stadtholder.
-The office of Captain General will be occupied by the Stadtholder.
-The provincial States are required to meet monthly, as opposed to the current 4 times a year.
-The provincial States will continue to have power over how contributions to the provincial budgets are composed from the local towns and cities.
-Discussions in the States-General and provincial States no longer limited to items pre-agendad. Free discussion again permitted.
-The Stadtholder to retain the power to appoint certain officials at the provincial level except for burgomasters.
-Burgomasters to be popularly elected.
-Universal male suffrage, already in existence in some parts of the United Provinces (such as Friesland), to be extended to all provinces.
-The army to be funded directly by the Generality, not by the component provinces.
-Decision of war is in the hands of the States-General, although the Captain-General retains its wartime powers.
-In exchange for the loss of direct revenue to the Generality by granting the Generality Lands status as a province, a cap on the allowable provincial level verponding (real estate tax) is proposed with a verponding imposed by the Generality to be placed on top.
-Turn over postal system and offices, and the associated revenue, to the Generality.
-The prohibition on the use of taxes by provinces to discriminate against residents of other provinces, including internal tariffs, established in the Union of Utrecht is to be enforced

More radical proposals, such as instituting a Personeel Quotisatie (progressive personal income tax, heavily favored by Van Slingelandt) or demands that directors of the chambers of the VOC should be popularly elected, were brushed aside as too dangerous to even consider aloud.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:14 pm

Dutch bankers are informed that in 1718 the French Crown will pay off its loan in full
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by TLS Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:28 pm

The British War and Holland


Since its bloody and inconclusive war against France, the Netherlands has embarked on a series of audacious gambles to improve its imperial standing. A successful war against Portugal has left the Dutch feeling empowered, though domestic politics have also kept it from unchecked aggression on all fronts. The outbreak of war between England and Ireland, however, has given the Netherlands another opportunity. Both the English and Irish have spent the last few decades staring rapaciously at New Netherlands—the inability of either country to align with the other openly is all that spared her colonies from a series of potentially fatal invasions. Both countries have also sought to ingratiate themselves with France, and only the timely intervention of the Spanish and Austrians prevented a combined Franco-English army from wresting all the Netherlands’ Indian Ocean territories from her.

The Dutch populace, however, is not a naturally warlike one. The past decade has seen the Low Countries embroiled in conflict after conflict—a risky series of ventures for the mercantilist Seven Provinces. The struggle between Stuart and Parliament also uncovers many divides in Dutch society. The Orangists, though hardly absolutists, are loath to see the anarchic Englishmen expand their power; the legacy of the English invasion is still fresh. The States-Party is not altogether afraid of the expansion of Parliamentary authority, though still tempered by the poor state of Anglo-Dutch relations. More radical factions within the States-Party are emboldened by the rhetoric spewing forth from London, however, and like in France pro-English tracts are again beginning to appear in the streets of Amsterdam and The Hague.

The strength of co-religionist ties is often outweighed by the reality of the situation. English covetousness of Dutch lands and willingness to spill Dutch blood (though this impulse was mostly constrained during the last war) means that only the most zealous or radical Netherlanders are openly clamoring to aid England. The merchant houses look on greedily at the opportunity to make profit from wartime loans, while even the great colonial companies are exhausted from their expensive wars. The pursuit of the guilder is the only thing that challenges the pursuit of Grace in Dutch society, it seems.

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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:06 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Dutch bankers are informed that in 1718 the French Crown will pay off its loan in full

The news from the French Crown is welcome and many bankers send their thanks for the prompt payment.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:07 pm

The 1717 Ordinance of the Assembly

After almost a year of debate and political maneuvering, the 1717 Ordinance of the Assembly is finally agreed upon. Politics, and worries caused by the Anglo-Hibernian conflict, have seen the originally expansive proposals pared down. Proposals cutting into the Stadtholder's power, such as having burgomasters be popularly elected as opposed to appointed by the Stadtholder or giving the States-General increased war powers have been stricken. The final Ordinance focuses mostly on economic reform, leaving the Stadtholder's power and position intact, in some ways even strengthened. The Generality, vis-à-vis the provinces, likewise came out a more influential institution. While the States-Party has seen some of its proposals accepted and finds itself in a stronger position than it has been over the past decade, many central issues in their eyes remain unresolved. Perhaps most importantly, the place the Netherlands should take within Europe remains uncertain. The war in England and Ireland has come at an inopportune, or for some, opportune, time.

1717 Ordinance of the Assembly

-Reversal of the 1585 Ordinance of the Assembly: Delegates to the States (both the Council of State and the States-General, and provincial level)  are once again allowed to vote their conscious (in fact, bound by oath to) and are not required to vote as instructed by their principles (town regents). Otherwise, the composition of the provincial level States remains in the hands of the States (some choose to include nobles, others not, etc.).
-The issue of taxation once again allowed to be submitted to neutral arbitration (led by the Stadtholder) should there be a deadlock in the States-General ("Generality").
-Percentage of the contributions from each province to the Generality's annual budget is no longer set permanently, but rather will be re-set every ten years to reflect relative changes in each province.
-The Generality Lands are to be granted full status as a province (now the province of Brabant), with their own provincial council and representatives to the States-General and equal status to the other provinces. The Kaapkolonie and the New Netherlands will remain under the direct rule of the Generality.
-The office of Stadtholder will be accepted by all provinces as hereditary, and each province affirms William as the current Stadtholder.
-The office of Captain-General will be occupied by the Stadtholder.
-The provincial States are required to meet monthly, as opposed to the current 4 times a year.
-The provincial States will continue to have power over how contributions to the provincial budgets are composed from the local towns and cities.
-Discussions in the States-General and provincial States no longer limited to items pre-agendad. Free discussion again permitted.
-The Stadtholder to retain the power to appoint certain officials at the provincial level.
-Universal male suffrage, already in existence in some parts of the United Provinces (such as Friesland), to be extended to all provinces.
-The army to be funded directly by the Generality, not by the component provinces.
-In exchange for the loss of direct revenue to the Generality by granting the Generality Lands status as a province, a cap on the allowable provincial level verponding (real estate tax) is proposed with a verponding imposed by the Generality to be placed on top.
-Turn over postal system and offices, and the associated revenue, to the Generality.
-The prohibition on the use of taxes by provinces to discriminate against residents of other provinces, including internal tariffs, established in the Union of Utrecht is to be enforced


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:51 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1718 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 7.5
Total Income: 29.8

5 point loan to England (25/30 points loaned)

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
9 BB1s - 4.5
15 Frigates - 3
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .5
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
6 Infantry Regiments - .6
10 militia regiments -.5
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 6/30] [Principle Reduced to 7.68]
Total: 20.2


-BB1 (.6 points) (2.1/7) (4/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (1/6)(4/6 years)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (3/12)(1/4 years)
-2 BB2s (1 points)(1/6)(1/6 years)
-Settlement of Beverwijck (OTL Syracuse)(3 points)
-1 points Poland (1/7)(1/7 years)

Total: 9.6
Total Spent: 29.8

WIC 1718 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 7.15

2 Fortress - .5
8 Light Infantry Regiments - .8
2 BB2s - .5
6 Frigates - 1.2
7 PatRons - .7
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 6/30) [Principle Reduced to 7.68]
Total: 4.55

--1.5 3 BB2s (6/9)(Year 4/6)
-.65 repair 2 frigates (2/2)
-.45 2 frigates (.45/3)(year 1/4)

Total: 2.6

Total Spent: 7.15

VOC 1718 Build*

FC: 1
Ports: 4
Colonial Holdings: 3.85
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 4
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 19.35 +2 Ottoman

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
12 Patrons - 1.2
7 Fortresses - 1.75
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
9 Light Infantry Regiments - .9
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 6/30) [Principle Reduced to 7.68]
Total: 13.85

-2 points to Poland (2/14)(year 1/7)
-1 point Repair 2 FF1 (Mondego, VOC) (1/1 points)
-2 points Repair 1 trading posts East Indies (2/2 points)
-2 points Repair Timor trading post (2/2 points)
- Repair 4 Patrons Goa (0/2 points)
-.5 points Reserved
Total: 7.5

Total Spent: 21.1


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 89,300 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1718

United Provinces (51,000 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
9 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Salamander, Aemilia, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Maan, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (9,000 men)
9 Frigates (Amsterdam) (4,500 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
5 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (12,500 men)
1 cavalry brigades (Amsterdam) (2,500 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,250 men 7,250  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
2 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau) (800 men 800 Sepoy)
6 Frigates (Curacao)(1,500 men, 1,500 Sepoy)
6 Patrons (Curacao) (600 men, 600 Sepoys)
8 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, 2 Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (22,250 men, 22,250 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
12 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 4 Goa) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
9 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon) (4,500 men, 4,500 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)

*This is assuming Portugal paid 3 instead of 5 points in 1717.

Last edited by Haven on Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:32 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:34 pm

1718 Indian Ordinance

Indians in the New Netherlands and surounding areas who embrace the Protestant faith are granted the right to be recognized as full Dutch citizens, with all of the rights that entails. Such rights include the ability to move to the Netherlands themselves should said citizen wish. Non-Protestant Indians have the right to trade and live within the New Netherlands so long as they abide by local laws, albeit without the full legal protections and rights enjoyed by citizens. Mixed children, regardless of their religious affiliation, are automatically recognized as Dutch citizens.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Hussam B. Wed Mar 28, 2018 6:04 pm

Spain reaches out to the Dutch Republic for a 5 point loan in 1718, repaid at 7% interest over a period of 20 years.

Hussam B.

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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Kilani Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:56 pm

Commonwealth diplomats respond by requesting that the Dutch not extend financial assistance to a nation that is about to be embroiled in conflict with the Commonwealth.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:18 am

The Spanish and English are both informed that there will be no further loans extended to any parties in 1718 from the Netherlands. Dutch banks already have large loan amounts outstanding and remaining loan capacity is potentially to be needed in the Netherlands itself.


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:52 pm

Supplement Netherlands + New Netherlands Build 1718

5 Points domestic loan
4 Point Ottoman loan

-2.5 points troops transport
-4.5 points repair all ships (minus Patrons)
-2 points North American payments
Total spent: 9

Supplement VOC build 1718
-.5 point loan

.5 points troop transport


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:41 pm

(OOC: The ORBAT and several other things (such as some VOC income) is based on the assumption the Irish/English war has ended and our troops have come home).

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1719 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.1
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 30.85+.5 Hampton

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
6 BB1s - 3
14 Frigates - 2.8
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
3 Infantry Brigades – .75
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 7/30] [Principle Reduced to 7.214]
Loan Servicing (.4 points) [Year 1/30] [Principle Reduced to 4.85]
Loan Servicing (Ottoman) (.4 points) [Year 1/30] [Principle Reduced to 3.8]
Total: 19.15


-BB1 (.6 points) (2.7/7) (5/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (2/6)(5/6 years)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (6/12)(2/4 years)
-2 BB2s (1 points)(2/6)(2/6 years)
-1 points Poland (2/7)(2/7 years)
-1 points repair 4 FF1
-1.5 points repair BB1 Haarlem
-.5 points repair 2 Patrons
-2.6 to WIC

Total: 12.2
Total Spent: 31.35

WIC 1719 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15 + 2.6 From Netherlands

2 Fortress - .5
6 Light Infantry Regiments - .6
2 BB2s - .5
5 Frigates - 1
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 6/30) [Principle Reduced to 7.214]
Total: 3.85

-1.5 points 3 BB2s (7.5/9)(Year 5/6)
-.4 points 2 frigates (.85/3)(year 2/4)
-1.25 points repair 5 FF1s (1.25/1.25)
-.75 points repair 3 WIC Patrons (75/.75)
- 1 points raise LI regiment

Total: 4.9

Total Spent: 8.75

VOC 1719 Build*

FC: 1
Ports: 4
Colonial Holdings: 4.85
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 21.35 (*Tentative- Ex-English India income depends on war ending)

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
14 Patrons - 1.4
7 Fortresses - 1.75
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
12 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.2
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 7/30) [Principle Reduced to 7.214]
Loan Servicing: .5025 (Year 1/1) [Principle Reduced to 0]
Total: 14.35

-2 points to Poland (4/14)(year 2/7)
- Repair 4 Patrons Goa (2/2 points)
-3 points Trading post Brunei (3/5)
Total: 7

Total Spent: 21.35


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 79,850 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1719

United Provinces (42,000 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (6,000 men)
8 Frigates (Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
3 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (7,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (5,700 men 5,700  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
2 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau) (800 men 800 Sepoy)
5 Frigates (Curacao)(1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
6 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 2 Curacao) (3,000 men, 3,000 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (23,950 men, 23,950 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
14 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 4 Goa, 2 Pondicherry) (1,400 men, 1,400 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
12 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 3 Pondicherry) (6,000 men, 6,000 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)

Last edited by Haven on Tue May 22, 2018 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden Empty Re: Republiek der Acht Verenigde Nederlanden

Post by Haven Tue May 22, 2018 11:01 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1720 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .5
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 2.6
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 31.15

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
6 BB1s - 3
14 Frigates - 2.8
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
3 Infantry Brigades – .75
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 8/30] [Principle Reduced to 6.724]
Loan Servicing (.4 points) [Year 2/30] [Principle Reduced to 4.69]
Loan Servicing (Ottoman) (1.25 points) [Year 2/30] [Principle Reduced to 2.79]
Total: 19.15


-BB1 (1.15 points) (3.85/7) (6/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (3/6)(6/6 years)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (9/12)(3/4 years)
-2 BB2s (1 points)(3/6)(3/6 years)
-1 points Poland (3/7)(3/7 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (1/6)(1/6 years)
-Settlement Fort Altena (3 points) (OTL Rochester)

Total: 11.15
Total Spent: 31

WIC 1720 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
2 BB2s - .5
5 Frigates - 1
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 8/30) [Principle Reduced to 6.724]
Total: 3.95

-1.5 points 3 BB2s (9/9)(Year 6/6)
-.7 points 2 frigates (1.55/3)(year 3/4)

Total: 2.2

Total Spent: 6.15

VOC 1720 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 4.85
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 21.85

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
18 Patrons - 1.8
7 Fortresses - 1.75
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
12 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.2
Loan Servicing: 1.35 (Year 8/30) [Principle Reduced to 6.224]
Total: 15.25

-2 points to Poland (6/14)(year 3/7)
-2 points Trading post Brunei (5/5)
-2.4 points Trading post Johor Baru (2.4/3)
Total: 6.6

Total Spent: 21.85


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 80,750 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1720

United Provinces (42,000 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (6,000 men)
8 Frigates (Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
3 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (7,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (5,700 men 5,700  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
2 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau) (800 men 800 Sepoy)
5 Frigates (Curacao)(1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (24,350 men, 24,350 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 8 Goa, 2 Pondicherry) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
12 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 3 Pondicherry) (6,000 men, 6,000 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)


Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1721 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .5
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 2.6
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.15

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
6 BB1s - 3
2 BB2s - .5
14 Frigates - 2.8
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
3 Infantry Brigades – .75
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Loan Servicing (1.85 points) [Year 9/30] [Principle Reduced to 5.2]
Loan Servicing (.4 points) [Year 3/30] [Principle Reduced to 4.52]
Loan Servicing (Ottoman) (1.75 points) [Year 3/30] [Principle Reduced to 1.15]
Total: 21.15


-BB1 (1 points) (5/7) (7/10 years)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (12/12)(4/4 years)
-2 BB2s (1 points)(4/6)(4/6 years)
-1 points Poland (4/7)(4/7 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (2/6)(2/6 years)
-Settlement Fort Wilhelmus (3 points) (OTL Morgantown)

Total: 10.15
Total Spent: 31

WIC 1721 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
5 BB2s - 1.25
5 Frigates - 1
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 9/30) [Principle Reduced to 6.2]
Total: 4.7

-1.45 points 2 frigates (3/3)(year 4/4)

Total: 1.45

Total Spent: 6.15

VOC 1721 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 5.25
Resources: 3
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 22.25

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
18 Patrons - 1.8
7 Fortresses - 1.75
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
12 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.2
Loan Servicing: 1.75 (Year 9/30) [Principle Reduced to 4.784]
Total: 15.65

-2 points to Poland (8/14)(year 4/7)
-.6 points Trading post Johor Baru (3/3)
-1 LI regiment (Gold Coast)
-3 points Trading post Pekanbaru
Total: 6.6

Total Spent: 22.1


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 83,950 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1721

United Provinces (44,400 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (6,000 men)
3 BB2s (Amsterdam) (2,400 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen)
8 Frigates (Amsterdam) (4,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
3 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (7,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (6,500 men 6,500  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia,) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
5 Frigates (Curacao)(1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (24,350 men, 24,350 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 8 Goa, 2 Pondicherry) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
12 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 3 Pondicherry) (6,000 men, 6,000 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)


Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1722 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .5
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 2.6
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.15

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
6 BB1s - 3
2 BB2s - .5
22 Frigates - 3.4
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
3 Infantry Brigades – .75
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Loan Servicing (1.85 points) [Year 10/30] [Principle Reduced to 3.61]
Loan Servicing (.95 points) [Year 4/30] [Principle Reduced to 4.52]
Loan Servicing (Ottoman) (1.21 points) [Year 4/30] [Principle Reduced to 0]
Total: 22.75


-BB1 (1.15 points) (6.15/7) (8/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 points)(5/6)(5/6 years)
-1 points Poland (5/7)(5/7 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (3/6)(3/6 years)
-4 BBs (2 point) (2/12)(⅙ years)
-4 frigates (1.5 points)(1.5/6)(¼ years)
-1 infantry brigade (1.75 points)(1.75/4 points)

Total: 9.4
Total Spent: 31

WIC 1722 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: 1.95 (Year 9/30) [Principle Reduced to 4.56]
Total: 6.15


Total: 0

Total Spent: 6.15

VOC 1722 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 5.75
Resources: 5
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 24.75

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
18 Patrons - 1.8
7 Fortresses - 1.75
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
13 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.3
Loan Servicing: 3.75 (Year 10/30) [Principle Reduced to 1.444]
Total: 17.75

-2 points to Poland (10/14)(year 5/7)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (3/12)(¼ years)
-Fortress Banda Aceh (2 points)(2/4)(½ years)

Total: 7

Total Spent: 22.1


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 88,950 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1722

United Provinces (48,400 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (6,000 men)
3 BB2s (Amsterdam) (2,400 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen)
16 Frigates (Amsterdam) (8,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
3 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (7,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,000 men 7,000  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia,) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (24,850 men, 24,850 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 8 Goa, 2 Pondicherry) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, Gold Coast) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)


Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1723 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.55

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
6 BB1s - 3
2 BB2s - .5
22 Frigates - 3.4
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.55
3 Infantry Brigades – .75
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Loan Servicing (3.1 points) [Year 11/30] [Principle Reduced to .7]
Loan Servicing (2.16 points) [Year 5/30] [Principle Reduced to 2.59]
Total: 23.75


-BB1 (.85 points) (7/7) (9/10 years)
-2 BB2s (1 points)(6/6)(6/6 years)
-1 points Poland (6/7)(6/7 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (4/6)(4/6 years)
-4 BBs (2 point) (4/12)(2/6 years)
-4 frigates (1.5 points)(2.75/6)(2/4 years)
-1 infantry brigade (1 points)(3.75/4 points)

Total: 8.8
Total Spent: 31

WIC 1723 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: 1.95 (Year 11/30) [Principle Reduced to 2.838]
Total: 6.15


Total: 0

Total Spent: 6.15

VOC 1723 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 5.75
Resources: 5
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 24.75

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
18 Patrons - 1.8
7 Fortresses - 1.75
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
13 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.3
Loan Servicing: 1.67(Year 11/30) [Principle Reduced to 0]
Total: 15.67

-2 points to Poland (12/14)(year 6/7)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (6/12)(2/4 years)
-Fortress Banda Aceh (2 points)(4/4)(2/2 years)
-Upgrade LI regiment to Infantry Brigade (2.08 points) (2.08/3 points)

Total: 9.18

Total Spent: 24.75


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 88,950 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1723

United Provinces (48,400 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (6,000 men)
3 BB2s (Amsterdam) (2,400 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen)
16 Frigates (Amsterdam) (8,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
3 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (7,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (2 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,000 men 7,000  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia,) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (24,850 men, 24,850 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 8 Goa, 2 Pondicherry) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, Gold Coast) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)

Netherlands + New Netherlands + Kaapkolonie 1724 Build

Taxes: 2.12*.25 = .55
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 4
Craft Centers: 4
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 3.15
Commercial Fleets: 8
Total Income: 32.7

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
6 BB1s - 3
4 BB2s - 1
22 Frigates - 3.4
10 Patrons - 1
14 Fortresses - 3.5
3 Infantry Brigades – .75
1 Cavalry Regiment - .25
17 Garrison brigades - 1.7
13 Militia Brigades - 1.3
4 Infantry Regiments - .4
11 militia regiments -.55
Loan Servicing (.735 points) [Year 12/30] [Principle Reduced to 0]
Loan Servicing (2.72 points) [Year 6/30] [Principle Reduced to 0]
Total: 21.8


-BB1 (.3 points) (7/7) (10/10 years)
-1 points Poland (7/7)(7/7 years)
-2 BB2s (1 point) (5/6)(5/6 years)
-4 BBs (2 point) (6/12)(3/6 years)
-4 frigates (1.25 points)(4/6)(3/4 years)
-1 infantry brigade (.25 points)(4/4 points)
-1 Infantry Brigade (4 points)(4/4 points)
-Fortress Fort Wilhelmus (1.1 points (1.1/4 points)(1/2 years)

Total: 10.9
Total Spent: 32.7

WIC 1724 Build

FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.65
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total Income: 6.15

2 Fortress - .5
7 Light Infantry Regiments - .7
5 BB2s - 1.25
7 Frigates - 1.4
4 PatRons - .4
Loan Servicing: 1.95 (Year 11/30) [Principle Reduced to 1.038]
Total: 6.15


Total: 0

Total Spent: 6.15

VOC 1724 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 4.5 (Banda Aceh is half point)
Colonial Holdings: 5.75
Resources: 5
Trade Income: 5
Commercial Fleets: 3.5
Total: 24.75

14 BB2s - 3.5
27 Frigates - 5.4
18 Patrons - 1.8
8 Fortresses - 2
1 Infantry Brigade - .25
13 Light Infantry Regiments - 1.3

Total: 14.25

-2 points to Poland (14/14)(year 7/7)
-8 Frigates (3 points) (9/12)(3/4 years)
-Upgrade LI regiment to Infantry Brigade (.92 points) (3/3 points)
-3 Commercial Fleets (4.43 points)(4.43/9 points)(1/2 years)

Total: 10.5

Total Spent: 24.6


Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 91,050 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 97,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Spring, 1724

United Provinces (50,000 men, 87,500 reserves)
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) (20,000  reserves)
6 BB1s (Amsterdam) (Eenhoorn, Utrecht, Gewapende Ruyter, Gelderland, Zeven Provincien, Haarlem) (6,000 men)
5 BB2s (Amsterdam) (4,000 men) (Maan, Groote Liefde, Campen, Sint Matheeus, Rosenkrans)
16 Frigates (Amsterdam) (8,000 men)
4 Patrons (Amsterdam) (800 men)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) (10,000 men)
3 infantry brigades (Amsterdam) (7,500 men)
1 light infantry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
1 cavalry regiment (Amsterdam) (1,000 men)
13 militia brigades (dispersed around country) (32,500 reserves)
14 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country) (35,000 reserves)

New Netherlands (8,200 men, 3,000 colonials, 10,000 reserves, 11,000 colonial reservists)
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) (10,000 reserves)
6 Frigates (New Amsterdam) (3,000 men)
6 Patrons (New Amsterdam) (1,200 men)
4 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, New Amstel, Beersreede) (4,000 men)
3 Light Infantry Regiments (1 New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam, 1 Fort Wilhelm) (3,000 men (colonial))
11 militia regiments (2 New Amsterdam, 2 New Rotterdam, Beersreede, Pavonia, 2 New Amstel, Zwaanendael, Beverwijck, Beversreede ) (11,000 colonial)

WIC (50% Sepoy) (7,000 men 7,000  Sepoy)
2 Fortress (Curacao, Paramibo) (1,000 men, 1,000 Sepoy)
4 BB2s (Curacao)( Brederode, Huis van Nassau, Salamander, Aemilia,) (1,600 men 1,600 Sepoy)
7 Frigates (Curacao)(1,750 men, 1,750 Sepoy)
3 Patrons (Curacao) (300 men, 300 Sepoys)
7 Light Infantry Regiments (Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Suriname, Paramaribo, 3 Curacao) (3,500 men, 3,500 Sepoy)

VOC (50% Sepoy) (25,350 men, 25,350 Sepoy)
11 BB2s (Batavia) (Zon, Groningen, Ter Goes, Graaf Willem, Kameel, Postiljon van Smyrna, Vrede, Jaarsveld, Vrijheid, Mercurius, Louisa Hendrika) (4,000 men, 4,000 Sepoy)
3 BB2s (Ceylon) (Utrecht, Vogelstruis, Witte Lam) (1,200 men, 1,200 Sepoy)
27 Frigates (5 Ceylon, 16 Batavia, 3 Mauritius, 3 Goa) (6,750 men, 6,750 Sepoys)
18 Patrons (2 Batavia, 2 Ceylon, 2 Kaapstad, 2 Malaca, 8 Goa, 2 Pondicherry) (1,800 men, 1,800 Sepoys)
8 Fortresses (Kapstaad, Makassar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin, Malaca, Bombay,Banda Aceh) (4,500 men, 4,500 Sepoy)
13 Light Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Bombay, 1 Dahomey, 3 Goa, 1 Timor, 1 Malaca, 1 Ambon, 1 Pondicherry, 2 Banda Aceh, Gold Coast) (6,500 men, 6,500 Sepoy)
1 Infantry Brigades (Batavia) (1,250 men, 1,250 Sepoy)


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Join date : 2018-02-07

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