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Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713)

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Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713) Empty Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713)

Post by TLS Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:14 pm

Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden
Republic of the Seven United Netherlands

Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713) 250px-Statenvlag.svg

National Statistics as of 1712
Population: 2.12 Million People
Languages: Dutch
Motto: Concordia res parvae crescunt (Unity Makes Strength)
Prestige: C

Political Organization
Official Title: Republic of the Seven United Netherlands
Conventional: The Netherlands/Holland
Political System: Confederative Republic
Capital: Amsterdam
Sovereign: Johan Willem, Prince of Orange

Population: 2.12 Million People
Financial Centers: Amsterdam
Port: Rotterdam
Entrepot: Amsterdam
Craft Centers: 3 (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague)
Resources: 15 commercial fleets

Colonial Holdings:

Dutch West India Company
Financial center (Hoorn, represents shareholders)
3 commercial fleets
Aruba, Curacao, St Maartin, Bonaire, St Eustatius, Saba, Guyana, Suriname (.25 points each)
Population: 35,000 people (80% Black slaves), varies per island.
Village: Paramaribo
Resources: Each possession is worth .25 points (generally sugar cane production, though Aruba's value is found in livestock feeding the rest of the region as it is too arid for agriculture)
Natives: 50,000 Indians in the jungles beyond the coast in Dutch Guyana, intermixing with the runaway slaves.

New Netherlands (RL Eastern New York[the Hudson River valley and Long Island], New Jersey, Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland)
Population: 110,000, 60% of Dutch extraction, 20% English, 10% German, 10% slave
Ports: New Amsterdam (RL Manhattan), New Rotterdam (Philadelphia)
Cities: Trenton, Annapolis, Wilmington,
Town: Albany
Resources: 4 (1 Lumber, 1 Fur, 1 agriculture--mostly corn and wheat, but some tobacco down north of the Potomac, 1 Slaves)

Dutch East India Company (controls Dutch East Indies, Ceylon, presence in Southern India)
Financial center (Rotterdam, represents shareholders)
6 commercial fleets
Town: Capetown
Trading Posts: Walvis Bay, Diego Suarez, Dahomey, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Surabaya, Makassar, Ambon, Cochin
Port: Batavia, Tricomlee
Resources: Ceylon 1
Trade Income 3 (2 East Indies, 1 India)

Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 93,250 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 107,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)

Income (Netherlands Proper and New Netherlands)
Wartime Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.1
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 6.5 [2 commercial fleets captured by France]
Total: 28.9

Income (WIC)
FC: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.25
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Total: 5.75

Income (VOC)
FC: 1
Ports: 2
Colonial Holdings: 2.25 [Cape Town blockaded, Walvis Bay occupied by France]
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 3
Commercial Fleets: 3
Total: 14.25

Military Expenditures (Netherlands and New Netherlands)

3 Naval Yards - 1.5 (30,000 r)
5 Heavy BatRons - 5 (12,500)
5 CruRon - 2.5 (12,500)
5 PatRon - 1.25 (12,500)
Total: 10.25 (37,500 regular, 30,000 reserves)

12 Fortresses - 6 (12,000)
3 Infantry Brigades - 1.5 (7,500)
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75 (2,500)
13 Garrison brigades - 1.3 (32,500 r)
18 Militia Brigades - 1.8 (45,000 r)
Total: 11.35 (22,000 regular, 77,500 reserves)

Military Expenditures (WIC) [Trade company manpower costs 50% sepoy, 50% Dutch]
1 Fortress - .5 (1,000)
1 Infantry Battalion- .1 (1,000)
1 BatRon - .75 (2,500)
2 CruRon - 1 (5,000)
3 PatRon - .75 (7,500)
Total: 3.1 (8,500 Dutch, 8,500 sepoy)

Military Expenditures (VOC) [Trade company manpower costs 50% sepoy, 50% Dutch]
4 BatRon - 3.0 (10,000)
9 CruRon - 4.5 (22,500)
4 PatRon - 1 (10,000)
6 Fortresses - 2.5 (6,000)
2 Infantry Regiments - .2 (2,000)
Total: 11.2 (25,250, 25,250]

ORBAT Fall, 1712

United Provinces
2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam)
2 Heavy BatRons (Amsterdam)
1 Heavy BatRon, heavily damaged (Amsterdam)
1 CruRon (Amsterdam)
1 CruRon, heavily damaged (Amsterdam)
2 PatRons (Amsterdam)
10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen)
2 infantry brigades (Amsterdam)
1 cavalry brigades (Amsterdam)
15 militia brigades (dispersed around country)
13 Garrison brigades (dispersed around country)

New Netherlands
Naval Yard (New Amsterdam)
2 Heavy BatRons (New Amsterdam)
3 CruRons (New Amsterdam)
3 PatRons (New Amsterdam)
2 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam)
Infantry Brigade (New Amsterdam)
3 Militia Brigades (New Amsterdam, Albany, New Rotterdam)

1 Fortress (Curacao)
1 BatRon, 2 CruRon, 3 PatRon (Based in Curacao but mostly on anti-pirate patrol)
1 Infantry Battalion (Martinique)

4 BatRon (3 Batavia, 1 Cape)
1 BatRon, damaged (1 Amsterdam)
9 CruRon (3 Ceylon, 3 Batavia, 1 Mauritius, 2 India)
4 PatRon (1 Africa, 2 Batavia, 1 Ceylon)
6 Fortresses (Makassar, Cape, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin)
2 Infantry Regiments (1 Batavia, 1 Ceylon)

Last edited by TLS on Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713) Empty Re: Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713)

Post by TLS Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:52 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands 1712 Wartime Build

Wartime Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.1
Loan: 10 points (30 year loan at 5% interest, 1.5 pts per year to service)
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 6.5 [2 commercial fleets captured by France]
Total Income: 38.9

3 Naval Yards - 1.5 (30,000 r)
5 Heavy BatRons - 5 (12,500)
5 CruRon - 2.5 (12,500)
5 PatRon - 1.25 (12,500)
12 Fortresses - 6 (12,000)
3 Infantry Brigades - 1.5 (7,500)
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75 (2,500)
13 Garrison brigades - 1.3 (32,500 r)
18 Militia Brigades - 1.8 (45,000 r)
Total: 21.6

-Repair Heavy BatRon - 8
-Repair CruRon – 2.5
-Upgrade 2 Militia Brigades to Infantry Brigades (6 points)
-Cash transfer to the WIC - .8
Total: 17.3

Total Spent: 38.9


WIC 1712 Build

FC: 1
Loan: 10 (30 year loan at 5% interest, 1.5 pts per year to service)
Colonial Holdings: 3.25
Commercial Fleets: 1.5
Transfer from Government: .8
Total Income: 16.55

1 Fortress - .5 (1,000)
1 Infantry Battalion- .1 (1,000)
1 BatRon - .75 (2,500)
2 CruRon - 1 (5,000)
3 PatRon - .75 (7,500)
Total: 3.1

-Repair BatRon (3/3)
-Raise 3 Infantry Brigades (9/9)
-Raise Infantry Battalion (1/1)
-Raise Infantry Battalion (.45/1)
Total: 16.1

Total Spent: 16.55


VOC 1712 Build

FC: 1
Loan: 10 (30 year loan at 5% interest, 1.5 pts per year to service)
Ports: 2
Colonial Holdings: 2.25 [Cape Town blockaded, Walvis Bay occupied by France]
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 3
Commercial Fleets: 3
Total: 24.25

4 BatRon - 3.0 (10,000)
9 CruRon - 4.5 (22,500)
4 PatRon - 1 (10,000)
6 Fortresses - 2.5 (6,000)
2 Infantry Regiments - .2 (2,000)
Total: 11.2

-Repair BatRon (3/3)
-Raise Infantry Battalion in Batavia (1/1)
-Raise Infantry Battalion in Ceylon (1/1)
-Raise 2 Infantry Brigades in Batavia (6/6)
-Raise Infantry Battalion in Ceylon (.05/1)
Total: 11.05

Total Spent: 24.25

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713) Empty Re: Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (1711-1713)

Post by TLS Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:25 pm

Netherlands + New Netherlands 1713 Wartime Build

Wartime Taxes: 2.12*.5 = 1.1
Loan: 5 points (30 year loan at 5% interest, .4 pts per year to service, .15 principle and .25 interest) [15/30 points borrowed]
FC: 1
Entrepot: 5
Ports: 3
Craft Centers: 3
Resources: 7
Colonial Settlements: 1.75
Commercial Fleets: 6.5
Total Income: 33.35

3 Naval Yards - 1.5
5 Heavy BatRons - 5
5 CruRon - 2.5
5 PatRon - 1.25
12 Fortresses - 6
5 Infantry Brigades – 1.25
1 Cavalry Brigade - .75
13 Garrison brigades - 1.3
18 Militia Brigades - 1.8
Loan Servicing (.85 points) [Year 1/30] [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 22.2

-Upgrade 1 Militia Brigades to Cavalry Brigades (4 points)
-Upgrade 2 Militia Brigades to Garrison Brigades (6 points)
-Upgrade 1 Militia Brigade to Garrison Brigade (1/3 points)
-Transfer to VOC (2 points)
Total: 17.3
Total Spent: 38.9

WIC 1713 Build

FC: 1
Port: 1
Colonial Holdings: 3.25
Commercial Fleets: .5
Total Income: 5.75

1 Fortress - .5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
5 Infantry Battalion- .5
1 BatRon - .75
2 CruRon - 1
3 PatRon - .75
2 Privateer PatRon - .5
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 5.35

-1 Infantry Battalion (.4/.65)
Total: .4

Total Spent: 5.75

VOC 1713 Build

FC: 1
Ports: 2
Colonial Holdings: 1.25 [West African trading posts destroyed]
Resources: 2
Trade Income: 3
Commercial Fleets: 3
From Dutch Govt: 2 Points
Total: 14.25

4 BatRon - 3.0
9 CruRon - 4.5
4 PatRon - 1
6 Fortresses - 2.5
2 Infantry Brigades - .5
3 Infantry Battalion - .3
Loan Servicing: .85 (Year 1/30) [Principle Reduced to 9.65]
Total: 12.65

-Repair BatRon (1/1)
-Upgrade 1 Infantry Battalion to Brigade (.6/3)
Total: 1.6

Total Spent: 14.25

Military of the United Netherlands

Manpower Limits: Dutch manpower balance shifted due to maritime tradition, naval manpower expanded but reserve limit lowered
Regular: 107,500 (out of a limit of 111,500)
Reserves: 110,000 (out of a limit of 111,500)

ORBAT Summer, 1713

United Provinces [43,750 regulars, 90,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations
-2 Naval Yards (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) [Manpower: 20,000 reserves]
-10 Fortresses (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Nijmegen, Breda, Tilburg, Schoonhoven, Maastricht, Groningen) [10,000 regulars]
-15 Garrison brigades  (1 per Fortress, 2 in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Nijmegen) [37,500 res]
-13 militia brigades (1 per fortress, 2 in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht) [32,500 res]

Mobile Army (Amsterdam)
-5 infantry brigades [12,500 reg]
-1 cavalry brigades [2,500 reg]

Naval Squadron (Amsterdam)
-3 Heavy BatRons [7,500 reg]
-1 VOC BatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]
-2 CruRon [5,000 reg]
-2 PatRons [5,000 reg]

New Netherlands [27,000 regulars, 15,000 reserves]

Fixed Installations
-Naval Yard (New Amsterdam) [10,000 reserve]
-2 Fortress (New Amsterdam, New Rotterdam) [2,000 reg]
-2 Militia Brigades (New Amsterdam, Albany) [5,000 res]

New Amsterdam
-1 Infantry Brigade [2,500 reg]

New Rotterdam
-1 Infantry Brigade [2,500 reg]

Naval Squadron (New Amsterdam)
2 Heavy BatRons (New Amsterdam) [5,000 reg]
3 CruRons (New Amsterdam) [7,500 reg]
3 PatRons (New Amsterdam) [7,500 reg]

The Dutch West India Company [12,750 regular, 12,750 sepoy]

-1 Fortress [500 reg, 500 sep]

-1 Infantry Brigade [1,250 reg, 1,250 sep]

Aruba, St Maartin, Bonaire, Saba, Suriname
-5 Infantry Battalions (1 each) [2,500 reg, 2,500 sep]

Naval (Curacao)
-1 BatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sep]
-2 CruRon [2,500 reg, 2,500 sep]
-3 PatRon [3,750 reg, 3,750 sep]
-2 Privateer PatRons [0]

VOC [24,000 regular, 24,000 sepoy]

Fixed Positions
-6 Fortress (Makassar, Zanzibar, Ceylon, Batavia, Trincomalee, Cochin) [3,000 reg, 3,000 sepoy]

-1 VOC CruRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]

-2 VOC Infantry Battalions [1,000 reg, 1,000 sepoy]
-3 VOC CruRon [3,750 reg, 3,750 sepoy]
-1 VOC PatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]

-2 VOC CruRon [2,500 reg, 2,500 sepoy]

-1 VOC Infantry Brigades [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]
-4 VOC BatRon [5,000 reg, 5,000 sepoy]
-3 VOC CruRon [3,750 reg, 3,750 sepoy]
-2 VOC PatRon [1,250 reg, 1,250 sepoy]

Posts : 731
Join date : 2017-09-19

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