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Italian Minors

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Italian Minors Empty Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:09 pm

Papal States

Population: 1,100,000
Capital: Rome
Sovereign: Xavier I
Prestige: (A for Catholics, C for non-Catholics, F for the Commonwealth)
Tech Level: 3

Population: 1.1 million
Port: Ostia
Resource: Rome
Craft Center: Rome
Special Income: 1 point (global church income; most stays in local parishes and bishoprics)
Commercial Fleets: 3 (1.5 points)
Total Income: 5.8 points



Papal Fleet (Rome)
-2 FF1s
-2 PatRons

Maltese Fleet (Elba)
-3 FF1s
-2 PatRons


Fixed Positions
-5 Fortresses (Rome, Ostia, Avignon, Urbino, Elba)
-4 Garrisons (Rome, Avignon, Urbino, Elba)

Papal Army (Rome)
-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade

Army of the Knights of Malta (Elba)
-1 Infantry Brigade


Republic of Genoa

Population: 1,075,000
Capital: Genoa
Sovereign: Elected Doge
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 3

Population: 1,075,000 million
Port: Genoa
Resource: Genoa
Commercial Fleet: 3 (1.5 points)
Total Income: 3.8 points



Genoa Squadron (Genoa)
-2 BB2s
-10 FF1s
-5 PatRons


Fixed Positions
-1 Fortresses (Genoa)
-1 Garrisons (Corsica)

Genoese Army (Genoa)
-1 Light Infantry Brigade


Grand Duchy of Tuscany

Population: 2,150,000
Capital: Florence
Sovereign: Gian Gastone de'Medici
Prestige: B
Tech Level: 3

Population: 2,150,000
Resource: Tuscany
Craft Center: Tuscany
Total Income: 2.55 points



Fixed Positions
-2 Fortress (Florence, Pisa)
-2 Garrisons (Florence, Pisa)

Tuscan Army (Florence)
-3 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade
-1 Light Infantry Regiment


Duchy of Modena

Population: 500,000
Capital: Modena
Sovereign: Duke Rinaldo d'Este
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 3

Population: 500,000
Craft Center: 2 (Modena, Mantua)
Total Income: 2.2 points


Fixed Positions
-2 Fortress (Modena, Mantua)
-2 Garrisons (Modena, Mantua)

Ducal Army (Modena)
-2 Infantry Brigades
-1 Cavalry Brigade


Duchy of Parma

Population: 325,000
Capital: Parma
Sovereign: Duke Franceso
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 3

Population: 325,000
Craft Center: Parma
Total Income: 1.1


Fixed Positions
-1 Fortress (Parma)
-1 Garrison (Parma)

Ducal Army (Parma)
-1 Infantry Brigade
-1 Cavalry Regiment


Republic of Lucca

Population: 110,000
Capital: Lucca
Sovereign: Elected Doge
Prestige: C
Tech Level: 3

Population: 110,000
Craft Center: Lucca
Total Income: 1.05 points


Fixed Positions
-1 Fortress (Lucca)
-1 Garrison (Lucca)

Army of Lucca (Lucca)
-1 Light Infantry Regiment
-1 Cavalry Regiment

Last edited by TLS on Fri May 25, 2018 10:23 am; edited 10 times in total

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by Galveston Bay Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:38 pm

Winter 1701 A delegation from the King of France is in the Vatican in talks with the Holy Father. By the end of winter it is announced that the Holy Orders will be allowed to establish Missions in Illinois, with the full support and protection of France. It is also announced that talks are showing great promise in asserting the traditional rights of the King of Naples regarding Malta.

Rumors that the French Emperor was denied his quest to be named emperor are laughed off as ridiculous by French officials in Rome because there is no basis in the belief that such a thing was requested to begin with.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:15 pm

The entry of the Commonwealth into the Great Northern War on the side of the Swedes and Brandenburgers galvanizes the Italian states, and in particular the Pontiff, into supporting the Emperor in his war that is increasingly portrayed in religious terms. Though none of the states are so swayed as to join, they make offers of subsidized mercenary forces to the armies of the Emperor and his allies, and the Pope increasingly thunders in favor of a Grand Alliance to triumph against the Protestant heretics. In particular, the perfidy of the Danes is used to crystalize the conflict in more explicitly religious terms (the fact that the Russians are not Catholic is either overlook or justified in that they are mere schismatics and not heretics--never let the facts get in the way of a good story, after all.) Increasingly, this pressure is directed towards the French crown, and especially the Kingdom of Naples.

Units available for hire

To the Emperor and his allies
Costs per land unit: 3 points upfront, 1.5x maintenance
4 Infantry Brigades
2 Cavalry Brigades

Costs per naval unit: CruRon 3, Patron 1 upfront, 1.5xmaintenance
2 CruRon
4 PatRon

To the highest bidder
Costs per unit: 5 points upfront, 1.5x maintenance
1 Infantry Brigade
1 Cavalry Brigade

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:08 pm

OOC Note: I've added the rest of the extant Italian minors--the tiny guys I figured were too small to merit noting at game start. GB had previously flagged this image, but just for the sake of reference I'll re-share it here. Just some notes: Mantova is Mantua, and the stuff on mainland Italy that is the same color as Spain is part of France (well, the Dauphine's territory, but you know), and the Duchy of Milan and the Republic of Venice are both part of Austria (including Istria up to Fiume, but past Fiume, including the islands, are Ottoman):

Italian Minors Italy%201700%20showing%20papal%20states

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sat Jan 13, 2018 11:11 am

Italy, January 1712

War has now engulfed the Italian Peninsula, and the states have aligned themselves accordingly--with the exception of Lucca, which sees little reason to commit its scarce resources to either side. Mercenary bands have quickly been bought up by their traditional patrons, which is now reflected above in their ORBATs.

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:21 pm

Wartime Builds, 1713

Uniform Assumptions:
-Wartime Taxes for all combatants
-Smaller loan caps (Savoy, Pope, Genoa, and Tuscany treated as normal states for loans, but all other minors capped at 5 pts, no more than 2 per year)
--First three nations also have B credit ratings; all others are Cs
-Any occupied population won’t be providing taxation

Kingdom of Lombardy

Taxation: 1 point (Wartime taxes, 2 million)
Port: Nice
Craft Center: Milan
Resource: Turin, Milan
Commercial Fleet: 2 (1 point)
Loan: 5 points ( .6 pa over 20 years, .25 in principle and .35 in interest) [5/15 points borrowed]
Total Income: 11 points

-1 Fortresses (.5 points)
-2 Garrisons (.2 points)
-4 Infantry Brigades (1 point)
-1 Cavalry Brigade (.75 points)
Total Maintenance: 2.45

-Upgrade 2 Garrisons to Infantry Brigades: (2 points) [Ready Spring]
-Build 1 Cavalry Brigade: (5 points) [Turin, Ready Summer]
-Build 1 Garrison Brigade (1.55/3 points)
Total Expenditure: 8.55 points


Duchy of Mantua

Fully Occupied by the Laterans, no build

Papal States

Taxation: 1 million (.5 points)
Port: Rome, Naples
Resource: Rome
Craft Center: Rome, Naples
Special Income: 1 point (global church income; most stays in local parishes and bishoprics)
Loan: 5 points (.6 pa over 20 years, .25 in principle and .35 in interest)  [5/15 points borrowed]
Total Income: 11.5 points

-1 Knights of Malta CruRons (.5 points)
-3 Fortresses (1.5)
-2 Garrisons (.5)
-2 Infantry Brigades (.5)
-1 Cavalry Brigade (.75)
-2 Swiss Infantry Brigades (.5)
-1 Swiss Cavalry Brigade (.75)
Total Maintenance: 5 points

-Repair 1 Heavily Damaged CruRon (2.5 points) [Ready Fall]
-1 Infantry Brigade (4 points) [Rome, Ready Summer]
Total Expenditures: 11.5 points


Republic of Genoa

Taxation: .5 points (1 million)
Port: Genoa
Resource: Genoa
Commercial Fleets 3 (1.5 points)
Loan: 5 points (.6 pa over 20 years, .25 in principle and .35 in interest) [5/15 points borrowed]
Total Income: 9 points

-3 CruRon (1.5 points)
-6 PatRon (1.5)
-1 Fortresses (.5)
-1 Garrisons (.1)
-2 Mercenary Infantry Brigades (.5 points)
-1 Mercenary Cavalry Regiment (.25 points)
Total Maintenance: 4.35 points

-1 Infantry Brigade (4 points) [Genoa, Ready Summer]
-1 Garrison Brigade (.65/3)
Total Expenditures: 4.65 points


Grand Duchy of Tuscany

Taxation: 1 point (2 million)
Resource: Tuscany
Craft Center: Tuscany
Loan: 5 points (1 pa over 10 years, .5 in principle and .5 in interest) [5/15 points borrowed]
Total Income: 8 points

-1 Fortress (.5 points)
-2 Infantry Battalions (.2 points)
-1 Mercenary Infantry Brigade (.25 points)
-1 Mercenary Cavalry Brigade (.75 points)
Total Maintenance: 1.7 points

-Upgrade 2 Infantry Battalions to Brigades (6 points) [Ready Spring]
-1 Infantry Battalion (.3/1)
Total Expenditure: 6.3 points


Duchy of Modena

Taxation: .15 points (Population: 250,000)
Craft Centers: Modena, Mantua
Loan: 2 points (.4 pa for 10 years, .2 for principle and .2 for interest) [2/5 points borrowed]
Total Income: 4.15 points

-1 Fortress (.5 points)
-1 Infantry Brigade (.25 points)
Total Maintenance: .75 points

-3 Infantry Battalions (3 points) [Modena, Ready Summer]
-1 Infantry Battalion (.4/1 point)
Total Expenditures: 3.4 points


Duchy of Parma

Taxation: .15 points (population: 300,000)
Craft Center: Parma
Loan: 2 points (.4 pa for 10 years, .2 for principle and .2 for interest) [2/5 points borrowed]
Total Income: 3.15 points

-1 Fortress (.5 points)
-1 Infantry Brigade (.25 points)
Total Maintenance: .75 points

-2 Infantry Battalions (2 points) [Parma, Ready Summer]
-1 Infantry Battalion (.4/1 point)
Total Expenditures: 2.4 points

Last edited by TLS on Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:08 pm

A Kingdom is Born

Winter, 1713

Though the preceding year has been difficult for the Bourbons and their allies on the whole, for one man, at least, it has been a successful venture. Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy, has for years coveted a title he believes befitting his stature as a man: King. After years of promises, the French have finally aided him in his quest, and the conquest of the city of Milan has resulted in a coup for the Duke. The Iron Crown of Lombardy, the ancient crown of the Lombard kings sometimes used to crown the Emperors themselves, has fallen into his hands. Though an Emperor hasn't been crowned with it since Charles V in 1530--particularly since the Empire has effectively receded from Northern Italy--it is still a valuable relic; forged for the Lombard kings, possessing a sliver of the True Cross (unlike his patron, the Duke is a faithful son of the Church) the crown is all Victor Amadeus needs.

In late January, after months of preparations, the erstwhile Duke makes his way to the Monza Cathedral in Milan. After a lavish ceremony, presided over by the Archbishop of Milan (again, the Savoyards have done much to encourage the buy-in of the clergy), Victor Amadeus is crowned. The Te Deum is sung and the assembled Savoyard soldiers cheer as Victor Amadeus is elevated to his new post. He entered as the Duke of Savoy, and emerged as the King of Lombardy.

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by Galveston Bay Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:16 pm

Following the crowning of the new King of Lombardy, France renounces all claims of territory on the mainland of Italy in favor of the King of Lombardy. Indeed France offers peace if the Emperor, Habsburgs and the Pope recognize his claim.

France even offers to renounce Malta, although it intends to remain firmly in control of Sicily.

As far as what France will do within its own territory, that is the business of France.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:35 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:Following the crowning of the new King of Lombardy, France renounces all claims of territory on the mainland of Italy in favor of the King of Lombardy.    Indeed France offers peace if the Emperor, Habsburgs and the Pope recognize his claim.  

France even offers to renounce Malta, although it intends to remain firmly in control of Sicily.  

As far as what France will do within its own territory, that is the business of France.  

Again, the Papacy and the Austrian crown steadfastly refuse any peace treaty which does not redress the assault upon the Church in France, the issue of reparations to the Knights of St. John, and refuses to acquiesce to Savoyard unilateral claims to both Milan and Naples.

Recognition of the self-proclaimed status of King of Lombardy is not recognized by any other Italian state in the Peninsula as of yet, though the idea of a simultaneous French and Austrian withdrawal from much of Italy is not necessarily opposed by many of the smaller states.

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:55 pm

TLS wrote:
Galveston Bay wrote:Following the crowning of the new King of Lombardy, France renounces all claims of territory on the mainland of Italy in favor of the King of Lombardy.    Indeed France offers peace if the Emperor, Habsburgs and the Pope recognize his claim.  

France even offers to renounce Malta, although it intends to remain firmly in control of Sicily.  

As far as what France will do within its own territory, that is the business of France.  

Again, the Papacy and the Austrian crown steadfastly refuse any peace treaty which does not redress the assault upon the Church in France, the issue of reparations to the Knights of St. John, and refuses to acquiesce to Savoyard unilateral claims to both Milan and Naples.

Recognition of the self-proclaimed status of King of Lombardy is not recognized by any other Italian state in the Peninsula as of yet, though the idea of a simultaneous French and Austrian withdrawal from much of Italy is not necessarily opposed by many of the smaller states.

The French offer which would have France and Austria leave Italy and the Austrian and Papal response is posted in newspapers in England, and widely distributed in the various Protestant states in Germany as well as Sweden and Denmark along with the French refusal to let either power negate the Peace of Westphalia and the right of Crowns to determine the fate of their own nations instead of allowing the Pope to do so. Editorial comment is made that the Pope clearly wants to rule France as well as Germany through his surrogates Bavaria and Austria.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by Galveston Bay Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:58 pm

TLS wrote:
Galveston Bay wrote:Following the crowning of the new King of Lombardy, France renounces all claims of territory on the mainland of Italy in favor of the King of Lombardy.    Indeed France offers peace if the Emperor, Habsburgs and the Pope recognize his claim.  

France even offers to renounce Malta, although it intends to remain firmly in control of Sicily.  

As far as what France will do within its own territory, that is the business of France.  

Again, the Papacy and the Austrian crown steadfastly refuse any peace treaty which does not redress the assault upon the Church in France, the issue of reparations to the Knights of St. John, and refuses to acquiesce to Savoyard unilateral claims to both Milan and Naples.

Recognition of the self-proclaimed status of King of Lombardy is not recognized by any other Italian state in the Peninsula as of yet, though the idea of a simultaneous French and Austrian withdrawal from much of Italy is not necessarily opposed by many of the smaller states.

France offers to pay pensions in the amount of 1 point each for the Knights of Malta and Clergy dispossessed in France and Sicily. As they have taken vows of poverty this should more than cover their costs. This is a reward for their lifetimes of faithful service to Christiandom.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by Haneastic Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:44 pm

Irish diplomats approach the various nations of Italy seeking loans to total 10 million pounds (10 points) in 1717, in order to repair ships needed against the English foe.

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Italian Minors Empty Re: Italian Minors

Post by TLS Fri May 25, 2018 10:33 am

Italy Through 1725

The decade following the Lateran War has seen Italy radically reformed, but in many ways the more things change the more they stay the same. Though France was decisively ejected from the peninsula, the return of Hapsburg dominance is a reversion to the norm of the past centuries. The Hapsburgs took a blow with the loss of Milan, but forced many of the weaker Northern states to cling more closely to Austria. The Duchy of Modena, in particular, saw its population, land, and resources doubled by the outcome of the war. The rise of the Kingdom of Lombardy in the North further drives the rest of the peninsula to look towards mutual defense and aid from abroad. Italy is not entirely dependent on Austria, however, as the Spanish have returned to the isle of Sicily and thus control the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The main change internally is the rise of the new Jesuit Pope, Xavier I, who is less interested in the machinations of temporal power than his predecessor. His eyes are turned towards the Orient and the possibility of finishing the great work of his Jesuit forefathers. The threat of French schism remains, but subdued, and the Pope doesn’t particularly care for who sits on the Imperial Throne save for if they can advance the cause of Christendom. Meanwhile, the Turk continues to hold swathes of Europe under Mohammedan tyranny and the Muscovites have descended from Heterodoxy into seemingly pure Paganism, leaving plenty of souls ripe for the return to the Church.

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