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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:12 am

General Information Placeholder

Last edited by Childeric on Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:24 am; edited 1 time in total


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:12 am

Habsburg Economy (Start of 1703)

Habsburg European Possessions
Population: 12 million
Wartime Taxation Income - 3 (12 x 0.25)

Archduchy of Austria
Craft Center - Vienna
Resource - Vienna
Total Income - 2

Kingdom of Bohemia
Craft Center - Prague
Resource - Prague
Total Income - 2

Venetian Province
Craft Center - Venice
Port - Venice
Commercial Flotillas - 3
Total Income - 3.5

Duchy of Milan
Craft Center - Milan
Resource - Milan
Total Income - 2

Duchy of Brabant
Craft Center - Antwerp
Resource - Brussels
Port - Antwerp
Commercial Flotillas - 3
Total Income - 4.5

Austrian North America

Population: 25,000 White French Catholics, 10,000 Black slaves
Port - New Orleans
Villages - Mobile, Baton Rouge
Outposts - Natchitoches, Natchez
Resources - New Orleans
Slave Import Center -  New Orleans
Commercial Flotillas - 3
Total Income - 4.51

Grand Total Income - 22


War Loan, Series A
From: Irish Bankers
Outstanding Balance: 4.7
Interest: 10%
Maturity: Year 3 of 20

War Loan, Series B
From: Austrian Bankers
Outstanding Balance: 10
Interest: 10%
Maturity: Year 3 of 20

War Loan, Series C
From: Irish Bankers
Outstanding Balance: 10
Interest: 10%
Maturity: Year 2 of 20

War Loan, Series D
From: Austrian Bankers
Outstanding Balance: 5
Interest: 10%
Maturity: Year 2 of 20

Last edited by Childeric on Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:51 am; edited 8 times in total


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:13 am

Habsburg Military (1703 - Post Paris Accord)

Standing Naval Orders/Tasks

Venetian Navy

  • Defense of the Adriatic Coast

Navy of Phillippia

  • Defense of the colony

Habsburg European Possessions

Archduchy of Austria
Fortress - Vienna
1 Infantry Brigade - Vienna
1 Calvary Brigade - Vienna
1 Engineer Brigade - Vienna

Kingdom of Bohemia
Fortress - Prague
1 Infantry Militia Brigade - Prague

Silesian Province
Depot - Breslau
1 Infantry Militia Brigade - Breslau

Venetian Province
Naval Yard - Venice
7 BatRons - Venice (laid up)
9 CruRons - Venice
10 PatRons - Venice
Depot - Venice

Duchy of Milan
Fortress - Milan
2 Militia Infantry Brigade - Milan
2 Infantry Brigades - Milan

Duchy of Brabant
Fortress - Brussels
1 Infantry Brigade - Brussels
1 Garrison Brigade - Brussels

Austrian North America

CruRon - New Orleans
2 PatRon - New Orleans
Infantry Brigade - New Orleans
Garrison Brigade - Across Colony
Militia Infantry Brigade - New Orleans

Army Summary
4 Fortresses - 2 (4,000)
2 Depots - 0
Engineer Brigade - 3 (2,500)
5 Infantry Brigades - 2.5 (12,500)
1 Calvary Brigade - 1 (2,500)
5 Militia Infantry Brigades - 0.5 (12,500)
2 Garrison Brigades - 0.5 (5,000)
Total Maintenance - 9.5
Total Habsburg Manpower - 39,000

Navy Summary
1 Naval Yards - 0.5 (10,000)
7 BatRons (laid up) - 0.53 (0)
10 CruRons - 5 (25,000)
13 PatRons - 3.25 (32,500)
Total Maintenance - 9.28
Total Manpower - 67,500

Grand Total Maintenance - 19

Grand Total Manpower - 106,500

Manpower Limit - 360,000

Last edited by Childeric on Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:49 am; edited 8 times in total


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:13 am

15-Year Build

Pre-15-Year Build Income - 20.26
Build Points - 303.9 (20.26 x 15)

Economic Build
5 Commercial Flotillas - 15
2 Outposts - 6

  • Natchitoches
  • Natchez

Total Cost - 21

Naval Build
2 Naval Yards - 50

  • Venice
  • Antwerp

9 BatRons - 81
12 CruRons - 54
15 PatRons - 30
Total Cost - 215

Army Build
4 Fortresses - 16

  • Vienna
  • Prague
  • Milan
  • Brussels

Engineer Brigade - 5
6 Infantry Brigades - 24
2 Calvary Brigades - 8
6 Militia Infantry Brigades - 6
Garrison Brigade - 3
2 Depots - 4

  • Venice
  • Breslau

Total Cost - 66

Grand Total Cost - 302

Remainder (to Treasury) - 1.9

Treasury (as of 1701) - 1.9

Last edited by Childeric on Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:39 am; edited 3 times in total


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Thu Oct 05, 2017 6:30 am

Build - 1701

Income - 22.76
Maintenance - 22.28

Remainder - 0.48

To Treasury - 0.48

Treasury (as of 1702) - 2.38

Colonial Development

Natchitoches - Year 1 of 5
Natchez - Year 1 of 5

Mobile - Year 1 of 5
Baton Rouge - Year 1 of 5

Erzherzogsberg - Year 1 of 5


New Orleans


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:36 pm

In the winter of 1701 the Habsburg court is abuzz with talk of the Great Northern War. Representatives of the Augustus II are noted in Vienna as are Habsburg agents in Rome. As the winter begins to thaw Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, declares that the House of Habsburg will with the consent and encouragement of the Holy Father join with its Christian brothers in their valiant fight against the forces or heresy. The Emperor calls upon all good Christian nations to join him in the fight against Christendom's enemies wherever they lie. A call is sent for Catholic mercenaries in Italy and Germany and Habsburg agents are noted in Dublin.


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:21 pm

Build - 1701 - Mid-Year

Income - 15 (Loans - 5 from Ireland, 10 internally generated)

Hire Swiss Guard Mercenaries (2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Calvary Brigade) - 5
Bring 5 BatRons to Battle Readiness - 7.5 (two in Antwerp, three in Venice)
Bring 1 BatRon to Battle Readiness (Partial) - 1 (1 out of 1.5)
Year of Interest - 1.5 (Year 1 of 20)
Total Expenses - 15


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:42 pm

Build - 1702

Base Income - 24.5
Additional Income from Sale of Jamaica - 6
Irish Loans - 10
Austrian Loans - 5
Total Income - 45.5

Maintenance - 23
Restore Infantry Battalion to Brigade - 3
Bring 1 BatRon to Battle Readiness (partial) - 0.5 (1.5 out of 1.5)
Bring 3 BatRons to Battle Readiness - 4.2
Hire 2 Italian CruRons - 6
Hire 2 Italian PatRons - 2
Hire 1 German Calvary Brigade - 3
Loan Maintenance (Series A and B)- 1.5 (Year 2 of 20)
Loan Maintenance (Series C and D) - 2 (Year 1 of 20)
Loan Repayment (Series A) - 0.3
Total Expense - 45.5

Colonial Development

Natchitoches - Year 2 of 5
Natchez - Year 2 of 5

Mobile - Year 2 of 5
Baton Rouge - Year 2 of 5



New Orleans

Last edited by Childeric on Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:29 am

Winter of 1701-1702

OOC: Adding some color to Treaty of Brussels.

As winter falls, the Emperor finds himself encamped at Brussels with his war council and the court of Brandenburg. The landing of radical regicidal Englishmen has only thrown Leopold into greater fits of counter-reformationist zeal. This does not sit well with the functionally captive court of Brandenburg and talks between the Emperor and the Elector's representatives soon break down over the question of the church. Word begins to roll in of religious unrest in Denmark, Ireland and England. Leopold's war council fearing the Emperor will push the issue too far and potentially reignite the 30 years war send word to Berlin for Joseph to come at once.

In Berlin Joseph had been in discussions with Saxon and Brandenburg representatives who have worked out the structure of not only a peace but an alliance between Brandenburg, Saxony, Russia, and the Imperial Court. When the disquieting concerns of the war council reach him he makes haste across Germany. Arriving in Brussels Joseph immediately sets about calming or at least redirecting his father's exuberance. Slowly Joseph is able to show that the Brandenburgians now stand at the Emperors side (even as Protestants). Leopold is eventually able to see the logic that regicides are substantially worse than protestants and that House Hohenzollern can serve as a valuable ally against the regicides and their compatriots.

As Christmas nears, Joseph works with the Brandenburg Court to finalize what would become the Treaty of Brussels and the Emperor acquiesces. The Elector and his representatives are brought into the war council immediately. Word is sent out calling upon German and Italian mercenaries to join with the Emperor at Brussels or Venice. Joseph and the Emperor himself make it clear that the Emperor is now leading the forces of order (even Protestant order) against the forces of radical chaos. As 1701 turns to 1702 the Emperor sets about plotting how best to remove the regicidal scourge from his shore.


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:14 pm

Late Fall of 1702


The Habsburg and Hohenzollern courts are gathered together as reports from Le Havre roll in. The abrupt cancellation of the conference, in particular the shifting French rationalization, is met with shock and concern. The Emperor remains fuming, as has become his custom, with "regicides in the Empire." However, the balance of the court seems to shift away from the Emperor and to Joseph and his Hohenzollern allies (who don't seem to have any interest in continuing the war over who rules Sweden). Joseph meets often with his father and a few key advisers. Shortly, a new delegation is dispatched to France.


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Childeric Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:01 am

Winter 1702-Spring 1703

With news of the Paris Accords the Habsburg Court releases its German and Swiss allies from service with honor. The Emperor and the remainder of his army make there way back to Habsburg lands and settle in.

Build - 1703

Base Income - 22
Additional Income from Sale of Jamaica - 6
Total Income - 28

Maintenance - 19
Repair the Naval Yard at Antwerp - 4 (Year 1 of 5)
Loan Maintenance (Series A and B)- 1.47 (Year 3 of 20)
Loan Maintenance (Series C and D) - 2 (Year 2 of 20)
Loan Repayment (Series A) - 0.27
Loan Repayment (Series B) - 0.73
Loan Repayment (Series C) - 0.53
Total Expense - 28

Colonial Development

Natchitoches - Year 3 of 5
Natchez - Year 3 of 5

Mobile - Year 3 of 5
Baton Rouge - Year 3 of 5



New Orleans


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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Reddawn Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:07 pm

The Tsar of Russia calls for assistance against the Ottoman attackers.

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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Reddawn Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:28 pm

The Tsar redoubles his pleas for assistance, in light of the Polish threats.

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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by Reddawn Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:10 pm

An emissary from the Tsar delivers the message that the loan taken out in 1706 will not be repaid.

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The House of Habsburg (1701-1708) Empty Re: The House of Habsburg (1701-1708)

Post by TLS Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:30 pm

The Death of the Kaiser

On November 18, 1708, Kaiser Leopold finally gives up the ghost. His son Joseph, already for some years the de facto ruler of Austria, is hurriedly crowned in the Hofburg to stave off any potential shenanigans by his younger brother, Charles, who has become a focal point for those in the Hapsburg court who hold Joseph responsible for the great dishonor of losing the Imperial crown. This loss of prestige is apparent from the very beginning of his reign, however, as Joseph's accession to the Archduke of Austria does not presage any higher titles as of yet. Joseph, having being crowned as Archduke, makes sure to set aside more time for his loftier formal coronation as King of Bohemia, set for the spring months.

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