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The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701)

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The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701) Empty The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701)

Post by Kilani Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:45 pm

The Kingdom of Spain
Reino de España
The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701) Flag-of-spain-under-wittelsbach-v3-png

Last edited by Kilani on Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:15 pm; edited 2 times in total


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The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701)

Post by Kilani Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:45 pm


Metropolitan Spain  (Spain, Sardinia, and Oran, Ceuta, and Melilla)
Population: 11 Million People
Ports: Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena
Craft Centers: 1 Madrid, 1 Barcelona
Resources: 4 Resources (1 Madrid, 1 Barcelona, 1 Seville, 1 Sardinia)
6 commercial flotillas

Electorate of Bavaria (father of the King of Spain is Elector of Bavaria, de facto dynastic union)
Population: 3 million people
Craft Center: 1 Munich
Resources: 1 Munich

Spanish America

Consists of the Caribbean Territories plus the Viceroyalties of La Plata, Peru, and New Spain and is the largest in size, population and wealth of all the colonies in the New World.

Caribbean Territories (consists of RL Florida, Cuba, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic part), Puerto Rico, and the Cayman Islands)
Populations: (counts only Spanish speaking people, the Indians living in the back country are not included)
Cuba- 100,000 (includes 30% Black slave population)
Puerto Rico- 75,000 (includes 6,000 Black slaves)
Hispaniola – 50,000 (includes 50% Black slave population)
Cuba, and Puerto Rico are heavily settled, while Florida and Hispaniola are mostly wilderness
Ports: Havana, San Juan, Santo Domingo
villages: St Augustine, Pensacola (both in FL)
Resources: Cuba 1 (agriculture), Santo Domingo 1
Slave Import Centers Havana, Santiago, Santo Domingo
6 commercial flotillas

New Granada (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama)
Populations: (assume 10% Spanish, 70% mestizo, 10% natives, 10% slaves unless otherwise noted)
Colombia- 400,000
Venezuela – 150,000
Panama – 25,000 (includes 5,000 slaves)(plus another 50,000 escaped slaves, Native Americans and various others living in the jungle)
Ports: Panama, Portobelo
Towns: Bogota, Medellin
Resources: Colombia 1 (agriculture) (Bogota)
Slave Import Center: Portobelo
4 commerical flotillas

New Spain (RL Mexico, California (south of Sacremento River/Golden Gate line), Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada)
population: 1.2 million (5% Spanish, 80% Mestizo, 15% Native American of various types)
ports: Vera Cruz, Acapulco
Trading Posts: Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ], Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico]
Towns: Mexico City
resources: Chihuauha 2 (silver), Leon 1 (silver), Mexico City 1 (agriculture)
4 commercial flotillas

Dependencies of New Spain:

Guatemala (RL Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga, Belize)
Population: 100,000 colonials (5% Spanish, remainder Mestizo), plus a sizeable Native American population remains but is shrinking
Resources: Antingua Guatemala 1 (agriculture), Trujilo 1 (Silver)
the Miskito Coast has a very large population of Indians, escaped slaves, and outsiders who are holding back the Spanish

New Mexico (includes Colorado)
Population:  10,000 (5% Spanish, 95% Mestizo) plus 5,000 Mission Indians
village: Santa Fe

population: 2,000 (1% Spanish, 99% Mestizo) plus 1,000 Mission Indians
outposts: San Antonio, El Paso, Goliad

Peru (RL Peru, Ecuador, Chile)
population: 1 million (10% Spanish, 50% Mestizo, 40% Native Americans) plus large numbers of other Native Americans in Amazonia
Port: Callao, Lima
Towns: Santiago de Chile, Potosi
Resources: Potosi / La Paz 5 (Silver), Lima 1 (agriculture)
4 commercial flotillas

La Plata (RL Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Population: 200,000 (10% Spanish, 90% Mestizo) plus large numbers of Native Americans in hinterlands
Port: Buenos Aires, Montevideo
Resources: Buenos Aires (1 agriculture)
2 commercial flotillas

Spanish Africa
controls coast of Spanish Sahara and Spanish Guinea
Slave Export Centers: Rio Muni, Fernando Po
Trade Outposts:  Rio Muni, Fernando Po

Spanish Philippines
Population: 2.5 Million People
Port: Manila
Trading Posts: 2 Trading Posts (Davao, Panay)
Resources: Manila
1 commercial flotilla

(note: 15 ports total; 27/30 commercial shipping slots)

Last edited by Kilani on Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:45 pm; edited 6 times in total


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The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701)

Post by Kilani Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:45 pm

The Spanish Army
The Spanish Army, while still reasonably well-equipped, is a relative shadow of the 'Great Old Tercios' that marched across Europe. While effective in their heyday, the old Tercio system is beginning to show its age and the proportion of musket to pike increasingly leans on the weight of fire rather than the number of pikes one can bring to bear. In addition, almost none of the old tercios are at their full paper strength. What's more, most of the army isn't Spanish. Instead, many of the men are Irish, French, Italian, German, or the other riff-raff of Europe - essentially mercenaries in service to the new, young King of Spain. Still, reform is on the horizon. Maximilian Emanuel, Prince-Elector of Bavaria, is serving as regent until his son comes of age. Serving alongside him, as head of the Spanish government, is Manuel Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo y Portugal, Count de Oropesa. Maximilian is a fan of the French system and it is one that the small Bavarian Army already relies on; as such, he has set about initiating a series of reforms to bring the army back into a fighting trim.

The typical infantry uniform is a coat in Bavarian blue, with different colored turnbacks and cuffs depending on regiment. Officers wear blue and white striped sashes.

Heavy cavalry wear grey coats, while the light cavalry and dragoons tend to wear red or blue.

Backing up the regular metropolitan army is a a militia system, which mainly provides for the defense of the coasts against the Barbary pirates and to provide home defense in the case of war. They are not especially well trained or drilled, but they are often better than nothing.

In New Spain and the colonies, the only regular troops (whether from the colonies or the metropole) are garrison or fortress troops and their duties are mainly occupying forts to protect ports and important centers of trade throughout the farflung empire. Most of the home defense in New Spain and Peru is provided by the local colonial militia. The quality varies; some of them are decent, but most of the colonials tend to think of militia service as onerous. The exception tends to be the lancers and caballeros who make up the mounted militia on the northern outskirts of New Spain, who are all too familiar with the raids of the Navajo, Apache, Comanche, and others.

The Spanish Navy
The Hapsburgs did not put much faith in their own navy and instead relied on the navies of their allies and the heavy, large merchantmen that made the galleon runs from the metropolitan to the colonies and back again. As such, the Navy is badly in need of reform and organization. However, this is unlikely to come from Maximilian. He is much more concerned with his political ambitions on the continent...

Metropolitan Spain
Includes Mediterranean possessions

1 Fortress
1 Depot
4 Garrison Brigades
2 Militia Brigades

San Sebastian
1 Fortress
4 Garrison Brigades
1 Militia Brigade

1 Fortress
1 Depot
4 Garrison Brigades
1 Naval Station

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade
1 Militia Brigade
1 PatRon

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade
1 Militia Brigade

1 Garrison Brigade
1 Militia Brigade

1 Garrison Brigade
1 CruRun (San Jose, Africa, Felicidad, El Vincejo
1 PatRon

1 Fortress
2 Garrison Brigade
2 Militia Brigades
1 Naval Yard
1 Heavy BatRon (Nuestra Señora de la concepcion de las Ánimas, Santisima Trinidad, Jesus Maria Joseph)
4 BatRon (Jesus Maria Joseph, Santa Maria, San Nicolas, Capitana, Porta Coeli, Santa Terese, La Buffona, San Martin, Santiago, San Cristobal, La Concepción, Santa Rosa, San Carlos, San Fernando, Nuestra Señora de Las Vinas , San Pedro)
2 CruRun (Hermione, San Bernardo, Álvaro de Bazán, Carmen, Pomona, Proserpine, Santa Cazilda, El Gamo)  
2 PatRon

1 Fortress
1 Depot
2 Garrison Brigade
2 Militia Brigades
1 Naval Station
2 PatRon

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade
2 Militia Brigades
1 Naval Yard
1 CruRun (Miranda, Maria Lusia, Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Santa Dorotea)
1 PatRon

1 Fortress
3 Garrison Brigades

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress
1 Depot
1 Garrison Brigade

1 Fortress
1 Depot
1 Garrison Brigade

Viceroyalty of New Spain

1 Militia Brigade
1 Depot
1 PatRon
1 Naval Station

Santiago de Cuba
1 Militia Brigade

San Juan
1 Militia Brigade

Santo Domingo
1 Militia Brigade
1 Garrison Brigade
1 Naval Anchorage

Vera Cruz
1 Militia Brigade

1 Militia Brigade

Mexico City
1 Garrison Brigade

Kingdom of New Grenada

1 Militia Brigade
1 Naval Anchorage

1 Militia Brigade
1 Naval Anchorage

Cartagena de Indias
1 Militia Brigade
1 PatRon

Viceroyalty of Peru

2 Militia Brigades
1 PatRon

1 Militia Brigade

Buenos Aires
1 PatRon

Spanish Africa
Canary Islands
1 Garrison Brigade (Metropolitan)
1 PatRon

Everything Else
Literally nothing but a few soldiers dying of malaria in the tropics or scratching out a miserable existence on the Saharan coast.

Spanish Phillipines

1 Militia Brigade

Total Forces Under Arms
5 Depots
13 Fortresses
31 Garrison Brigades (2 Colonial, 29 Metropolitan)
33 Militia Brigades (17 colonial, 16 Metropolitan)
2 colonial expeditionary cavalry regiments
1 colonial expeditionary infantry battalion
2 Expeditionary Cavalry Regiments
2 Expeditionary Infantry Battalions  
3 Naval Yards
1 Heavy BatRon
4 BatRon
4 CruRon
10 PatRon

Metropolitan Active Manpower Maximum: 330,000
Metropolitan Militia/Reserve Manpower Maximum: 770,000
Metropolitan Active Manpower In Use: 162,500 (army, navy, fortress troops, troops in garrison)
Metropolitan Militia/Reserve Manpower In Use: 57,500 (militia, dockworkers, etc)

New Spain Active Manpower Maximum: 44,160
New Spain Militia/Reserve Manpower Maximum: 103,040
New Spain Active Manpower In Use: Negligible; 5,000
New Spain Militia/Reserve Manpower In Use: 17,500
Note: includes Mexico, Cuba, Tejas, Caribbean, Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaruaga, Belize, New Mexico.

Peru Active Manpower Maximum: 36,000
Peru Militia/Reserve Manpower Maximum: 84,000
Peru Active Manpower In Use: Negligible; most colonial fortress troops are a mix of metropolitan regulars who rotate through and some local recruits/militia, although this is likely to change in the future.
Peru Militia/Reserve Manpower In Use: 12,500
Note:Includes Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay

Kingdom of Grenada Active Manpower Maximum: 13,800
Kingdom of Grenada Militia/Reserve Manpower Maximum: 32,200
Kingdom of Grenada Active Manpower In Use: Negligible; most colonial fortress troops are a mix of metropolitan regulars who rotate through and some local recruits/militia, although this is likely to change in the future.
Kingdom of Grenada Militia/Reserve Manpower In Use: 10,000
Note: includes Venezuela, Colombia, Panama

Philippines Active Manpower Maximum: 75,000
Philippines Militia/Reserve Manpower Maximum: 175,000
Philippines Active Manpower In Use: Negligible; most colonial fortress troops are a mix of metropolitan regulars who rotate through and some local recruits/militia, although this is likely to change in the future.
Philippines Militia/Reserve Manpower In Use: 2,500

Bavarian Army


2 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry Brigade
2 Militia Brigades

Bavarian Active Manpower Limit: 90,000
Bavarian Reserve Manpower Limit: 210,000
Bavarian Active Manpower in Use: 10,000
Bavarian Reserve Manpower in Use 5,000

Last edited by Kilani on Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:14 pm; edited 24 times in total


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The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701)

Post by Kilani Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:01 pm

Head of State: His Most Imperial Catholic Majesty Jose I Ferdinand, King of Spain, King of Sardinia, Duke of Brabant, Duke of Lothier, Duke of Luxembourg
Regent: Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector-Prince of Bavaria
Head of Government: Manuel Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo y Portugal, Count de Oropesa

Members of the Council of State
President of the Council: Manuel Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo y Portugal, Count de Oropesa
Noble Members: Marquis de Cifuentes, Don Francisco Ronquillo Briceño, Juan Tomás Enríquez de Cabrera, Marquis de Ariza, Marquis de Lira and Oretia, Juan Francisco Pacheco Téllez-Girón, Marquis de la Quintana

List of the Various Councils of the Spanish Empire
  • Council of State (imperial)
  • Despacho Universal (imperial)
  • Council of War (imperial)
  • Council of Finance of Castile (imperial and regional)
  • Council of the Inquisition (imperial)
  • Council of Castile (regional)
  • Chamber of Castile (regional)
  • Council of Military orders (regional)
  • Council of Aragon (regional)
  • Council of Navarre (regional, resided in Pamplona)
  • Council of the Indies (regional)

Last edited by Kilani on Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701) Empty Re: The Kingdom of Spain (1701-1701)

Post by Kilani Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:22 pm

Pre-Game Build

Viceroyalty of New Spain
Includes Guatemala, Tejas, New Mexio, Carribean, Mexico
Caribbean Territories
Negligible tax income (less than 1 million)
3 points from ports
2 points from resources

5 subtotal (x15 = 75)

New Spain
.25 points from taxes
2 points from ports
.25 points from towns
4 points from resources

6.5 points subtotal (x15 = 97.5)

Negligible tax income (less than 1 million)
2 points from resources

2 points subtotal (x15 = 30)

New Mexico
Negligible income

Negligible income

202.5 total

8 Militia Brigades (Colonial) - 8
1 Expeditionary Cavalry Regiment (Colonial) - 2

TO SPAIN: 192.5

Viceroyalty of Peru
Currently includes Peru, La Plata

.25 points from taxes
2 points from ports
.5 points from towns
6 points from resources

8.5 subtotal (x15 = 127.5)

La Plata
Negligible tax income (less than 1 million)
1 points from ports
1 points from resources

2 subtotal (x15 = 30)

157.5 total

4 Militia Brigades (Colonial) - 4
1 Expeditionary Cavalry Regiment (Colonial) - 2

TO SPAIN: 147.5

Kingdom of New Grenada
Technically dependent on the Viceroyalty of Peru, communication and distance means it's often on its own.

New Granada
Negligible tax income (less than 1 million)
3 points from ports
.5 points from towns
1 points from resources

4.5 subtotal (x15 = 67.5)

67.5 total

3 Militia Brigades (Colonial) - 3
1 Expeditionary Infantry Battalion - 1

TO SPAIN: 63.5

Spanish Philippines
.5 points from taxes
1 point from port
1 point from resources
.5 points from trading posts

3 subtotal (x15 = 45)

2 Militia Brigades - 2


Metropolitan Spain
Includes Spain, Sardinia, Oran, Ceuta, and Melilla
2.5 points from taxes (11 million pop)
3 points from ports
2 points from craft centers
4 points from resources
1.5 from flota/merchant flotillas

METROPOLITAN: 13 subtotal (x15 = 195)
plus additional 446.5 points from remaining colonial budgets

TOTAL: 628.75

5 Depots - 10
13 Fortress (Cadiz, Barcelona, Cartagena, Ferrol, Cueta, San Sebastian, Madrid, Oran, Figures, Badajoz, Salamanca, Seville, Pamplona) - 65
3 Naval Yards (Cadiz, Cartagena, Ferrol) - 90
29 Garrison Brigades - 87
16 Militia Brigades - 16
2 Expeditionary Cavalry Regiments - 4
2 Expeditionary Infantry Battalions - 2
1 Heavy BatRon - 15
4 BatRon - 36
4 CruRun - 18
10 PatRon - 20
21 Merchant Flotillas - 27
Colonial Outpost (Asuncion, Argentina) - 3
Colonial Outpost (Pensacola, FL) - 3
Colonial Outpost (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Trading Post (Mission San Xavier del Bac [Tucson, AZ]) - 3
Trading Post (Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto [Loreto, Mexico]) - 3
Trading Post (Rio Muni) - 3
Trading Post (Fernando Po) - 3


Electorate of Bavaria
.75 points from taxes
1 point from resource
1 point from craft centers

2.75 subtotal (x15 = 41.25)

1 depot - 2
2 Infantry Brigades - 4
2 Militia Brigades - 2
1 Fortress (Munich) - 3
1 Cavalry Brigade - 3

Excess spent on lavish parties, wining and dining HRE officials, bribes, etc.


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