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Kingdom of Gran Portugal

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Kingdom of Gran Portugal  Empty Kingdom of Gran Portugal

Post by Galveston Bay Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:41 pm

ran Portugal
(includes Portuguese Empire)
Royal capital is Rio De Janario, Parliament is located in Lisbon
15 million people (taxable)(only 10 million available military manpower) taxes: 3 points
Commercial power
(Portugal, Brazil as home territories plus Angola, Mozambique, P India, P Timor, P West Africa, P Macau plus Azores, Canary Islands, Sao Tome, Princip and Fernando Po
2 Craft center: Lisbon, Rio de Janario
10 major port: Lisbon, Rio de Janario
17 minor ports: Porto, Para, Fortaleza, Recife, Bahia, Vitoria, Sao Paolo, Porto Alegra, Rio Grande de Sul, Montevideo, Calicut, Mangolone/Goa, Beria, Port Mozambique, Luanda, Macau, Dili
10 resources: Porto (coal), Ascuncion (food), Belo Horizonte (food), Recife (sugar), Portuguese Guinea (slaves), Rio Muni (slaves), Luanda (food), Port Mozambique (cotton) Beria (plant products), Mangalone/Goa (cotton),
4 Ocean going merchant marine: 4 shipping units
10 special income: China trade 5  Spices 1 Fisheries 4,
no significant roads or highways (trails only)
total income: 56 x 2= 112 plus 28 special financial = 140 points total income

The Kingdom is a Monarchy with a Parliament of major nobles and rich merchants that together share power.   Slavery is allowed in Portuguese territory however under pressure from the British exports of Slaves are limited to Africa and Brazil only

war debt: 200 points (perpetual national debt) at 1% interest

Portugal has a long standing trade and military alliance with the British Crown
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 62
Location : Astride the Ozark Plateau

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Kingdom of Gran Portugal  Empty Re: Kingdom of Gran Portugal

Post by Galveston Bay Tue May 04, 2021 9:10 pm

Military forces 1827
Marine Guard
a dedicated ground force that mans coast artillery fortresses that guard the Portuguese Empire
Fortified Areas: Lisbon, Rio de Janario,
fortresses: Porto, Para, Fortaleza, Recife, Bahia, Vitoria, Sao Paolo, Porto Alegra, Rio Grande de Sul, Montevideo, Calicut, Mangolone/Goa, Beria, Port Mozambique, Luanda, Macau, Dil
This is a volunteer force of 47,000 men
maintenance: 8.25 x 2 (Modernized to TL5 as purchases its artillery, percussion caps, rifles from the British) = 16.5 (4% discount drops this to 16) 16 points maintenance

Colonial Army
drawn from volunteers from the Home and Brazilian (conscript) armies
polices the colonies and deals with native threats
6 Rifle Divisions (1 each Dili, Goa, Mozambique, Angola, plus 2 Brazil) 30,000 volunteers
6 garrison brigades (deployed with Rifle divisions) 15,000 volunteers
maintenance: ;12 points (after discount)

Home Armies:
Portuguese Army: 1 Grand Army (30,000 regulars, 100,000 reservists, all conscripts)
Brazilian Army: 1 Grand Army (30,000 regulars, 100,000 reservists, all conscripts)
30 points x 2 (modernized) 60 points a year

Total Ground forces budget: 88 points
148,000 regulars, 200,000 reservists

(includes a Marine Corps)
Naval Yards: Lisbon, Rio de Janario (20,000 reservists) 1 point
50 FF1, 20 points (seagoing navy), 25,000 regulars
50 Brigs, 10 points (seagoing navy), 10,000 regulars
total navy 35,000 regulars, 20,000 reserviests, maintenance 29 after discount

total military budget 117 points
remainder of the budget is paying down the debt and slowing replacing ships as they wear out or are lost

Portugal has a rich mans military with the latest available weapons that can be bought from Britain and North America, and its ships spend a lot of time at sea while its coast defense force and colonial army is well practiced and trained. Its home armies however while well equipped have a very large reserve element and lack a lot depth in terms of ability to take casualties. However the homeland is essentially safe from attack after the breakup of Spain, while Brazil is defended more by its sea defenses and faces only a limited attack from overland.

Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

Posts : 786
Join date : 2017-09-23
Age : 62
Location : Astride the Ozark Plateau

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