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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Ottoman Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:21 pm

Relations breakdown between Spanish Empire and British Empire over claims and disputes in North America. By late May 1804, a declaration war is issued by British Parliament with the backing of Irish/ North American Parliaments.

Primary theaters of combat are in Europe, North/South America and oceans all over.

Due to time lag, see below. First areas of combat for summer will be primary in Europe. Late Summer will have some combat in North America/West Indies...but odds are that combat will be delay to Fall potential.

From Europe
2 week Europe to North Africa (or Constantinople to its European and Middle Eastern territories) or one European capital to another in a neighboring state
3 weeks Moscow or Constantinople to outlying territories (such as Persia, Caucasus region)
or a European capital like Paris to somewhere like Warsaw or Constantinople
5 weeks to North America (including sending the courier to the port to take his dispatches across the sea)
5 weeks to the Caribbean
7 weeks to Brazil/Mexico/New Orleans or New Orleans to distant places like St Louis or Quebec to Chicago
10 weeks to South Africa or Buenos Aires
12 weeks to Peru/Chile
14 weeks to India or California/New Mexico
18 weeks to the Philippines/Dutch East Indies or Moscow to places like Omsk


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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Re: Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Ottoman Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:25 pm

Summer of 1804

June 1804

European Theater

War orders are issued from Madrid and London to far outposts of the respect empires. It will take time for the orders to arrive, then have local forces mobilize or deploy to sea. The Spanish home fleets consolidated at Cadiz by early July, which prevents the British fleet at Tangiers from making any hostile moves.

The British home fleets are still in process of redeploying to their new locations, so either Spanish or British have captured any shipping units.

West Indies theater

The Havana squadron convoy troops from Havana to New Orleans to beef up the garrison of the region.

The British/North American West Indies fleets combine their forces act as fleet in being, meanwhile the Yorktown fleet is send to Bahamas, and New York fleet sails to Bermuda.


General Toussaint after receiving word from British garrison commanders at Port-au-Prince, calls for his troops to assembly for coming conflict.

Haitian forces
4 Infantry Brigades, tech 4 weaponry supplied by Britain.
4 Militia Brigades at Port-au-Prince, Cap Francis, tech 4 weaponry

North America theater

For most of the summer, the North American Dominion forces begin mobilization for combat, they won’t be combat ready until fall of 1804, even then they have a long march to their theaters of combat.

Meanwhile local forces already assigned to the frontier with Spain in Louisiana, begin a series of deep raids and scouting missions of the Louisiana. For now no all right invasion, moderate losses report to both sides( not a step loss yet).

Meanwhile the Spanish in North America/South America are mobilizing their forces for the coming conflict as well.


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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Re: Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Ottoman Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:39 pm

Fall 1804

Sea lane wars

Spanish raider fleets in Atlantic/ Pacific and West Indies managed to captured 4 British shipping units and 2 North American shipping units.

British raiders/ North American fleets operating Atlantic/Pacific captured 2 Spanish shipping units, and sink 4 shipping units in the fighting.


Fall 1804

British Americans set in motion a plan to take Spanish stronghold of Santo Domingo with the help of their Haitian allies. The North American Yorktown fleet and local West Indies forces gather to take the island.

Oct 1 1804

Siege of Santo Domingo- The Spanish local governor calls for the local population to take arms and prepare for long siege against the Anglo-American invaders.

Spanish Garrison
Santo Domingo Garrison - Santo Domingo
2 colonial infantry brigades
1 fortress
Plus 2 Colonial Militia Infantry Brigades

British Forces under joint command of General Toussaint and George Prévost

Haitian 4 Infantry Brigades, tech 4 weaponry supplied by Britain, led by General Toussaint

Jamaican infantry division and engineer brigade led by General George Prévost

Yorktown Fleet led by Admiral Edward Preble, placing the port under blockade.
15 BB2 (Dunnock, Greenfinch, Heron, Egret, Shrike, Kinglet, Boston, New York, Crecy, Agincourt, Poitiers, Sluys, Neville's Cross, Plantagenet, Margate)
12 FF1 (Red, Wren, Gull, Duck, Dove, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Pigeon, Starling, Sparrow, Lark, Blue Hen, Wood Thrush, Thrasher)
6 PatRon

North America

Sept-Oct 1804

Late September 1804
North American Forces finally arrived and organized themselves for invasion of Louisiana, meanwhile the Spanish and local forces were in position to drive them back.

Anglo-American forces

1st Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train under command of General William Henry Harrison marching to siege Baton Rouge
2nd Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train under command of General Gordon Drummond marching to siege New Orleans

I Corps: - Major General Jacob Brown-supporting 2nd Army to siege New Orleans
1 Rifle Brigade
2 Infantry Brigades

II Corps: Major General Alexander Macomb- supporting 1st Army to siege Baton Rouge
1 Rifle Brigade
2 Infantry Brigades

Spanish forces

Army of Texas -General Félix María Calleja del Rey
vicinity of New Orleans
3 Spanish infantry divisions
1 Spanish cavalry division
2 Spanish rifle brigades
1 Spanish artillery battalion
1 Spanish support train
1 Mexican engineer brigade
1 Polish cavalry brigade

New Orleans Garrison
1 Spanish infantry division
2 Louisianan infantry regiments
1 fortress (Spanish)
2 Louisianan garrison brigades
City militia

Baton Rouge
1 fortress (Spanish)
1 Louisianan infantry regiment
1 fort (Louisianan)

Fort San Carlos
RL Fort Pike
1 fortress (Spanish)
1 Louisianan infantry regiment

Vidalia, LA
1 fortress

Little Rock
1 fort

Pine Bluff
1 fort

Oct 1-10,1804

The clashes near Pearl River

The forces of General Gordon Drummond/Jacob Brown attempt to cross to attack the Spanish at New Orleans, they soon encounter the full might of the Spanish army/ local forces. Which causes series of running battles along the frontier region as the North Americans attempt to break, thou the Spanish defensive lines. The North American Rifle brigades use their weaponry with deadly effectiveness and inflict heavy losses on their foes. However the Spanish also make use of their riflemen and artillery to hammer the North American forces. For nearly 10 days of heavy on/off the fighting the North Americans are force to call off their offensive after incurring heavy losses, the Spanish as well took moderate losses in the fighting.

North American losses

2nd Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division- all reduce to Brigades

Spanish losses
2 Spanish infantry divisions reduced to Brigades
1 Spanish cavalry division reduced to Brigades

Meanwhile to the North

Early October 1804

Battle of Vidalia

North Americans forces traveling down Mississippi river, stop by the Fortress Vidalia to take the Fortress to insure the Spanish don’t interfere with their supply routes down the river. General Harrison decides its key to takeout the Spanish stronghold. He conducts a brief siege of one week to weaken the Spanish defenses, before ordering his troops to take the fortress. The Spanish garrison puts a shockingly tough fight despite being outnumbered by the North Americans. They even managed to shatter 1 Infantry Division, before being overwhelmed by the North American forces.

North American losses
1 Infantry Division reduced to 1 Infantry Brigade
Spanish losses
1 Fortress at Vidalia

This action does delay his march to Baton Rouge by a 2 weeks, he doesn’t reach the city until early November and enacts his siege of the settlement.

North American Forces

1st Army-2 infantry divisions, 1 Infantry Brigade,1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train under command of General William Henry Harrison

II Corps: Major General Alexander Macomb- supporting 1st Army
1 Rifle Brigade
2 Infantry Brigades

Spanish forces
Baton Rouge
1 fortress (Spanish)
1 Louisianan infantry regiment
1 fort (Louisianan)


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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Re: Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Ottoman Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:14 am

Winter 1804
November/December 1804

North America
Anglo-American forces amass their forces in late November/ early December 1804 barely avoiding any major outbreaks of camp sickness. They decided to shift troops from Vicksburg and Baton Rouge to support an offensive against New Orleans.

Anglo American forces
2nd Army-3 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigades, 2 artillery battalion*, 1 Rifle Brigade*and 1 support train under command of General Gordon Drummond
1 Rifle Brigade* reassigned from Baton Rouge
1 artillery battalion* reassigned from Baton Rouge
I Corps: - Major General Jacob Brown-supporting 2nd Army to siege New Orleans
1 Rifle Brigade
2 Infantry Brigades
3rd Army-3 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 support train under command of Lt.  General Andrew Jackson marching from Vicksburg to siege New Orleans, arrives in December

Spanish forces
Army of Texas - General Félix María Calleja del Rey
vicinity of New Orleans
1 Spanish infantry divisions
2 Spanish infantry brigades
1 Spanish cavalry brigade
2 Spanish rifle brigades
1 Spanish artillery battalion
1 Spanish support train
1 Mexican engineer brigade
1 Polish cavalry brigade

New Orleans Garrison
1 Spanish infantry division
2 Louisianan infantry regiments
1 fortress (Spanish)
2 Louisianan militia brigades
City militia

Fort San Carlos
RL Fort Pike
1 fortress (Spanish)
1 Louisianan infantry regiment

December 15-21, 1804

Battle of New Orleans

The large North American army march into the Spanish frontier once again, the Spanish field commanders decided to withdraw near their strongholds to draw the Anglo-Americans deeper into their lands.  However, they soon encounter Spanish riflemen and cavalry forces that were acting as screening forces for the Spanish forces. Soon the North American riflemen and cavalry forces were engaged in combat with their equals, but they a slight advantage in numbers compare to the Spanish. The initial clashes were bloody between the screening forces as the North Americans with infantry/artillery support were able to beat the Spanish forces back to their strongholds.

However, the North Americans reach their first stronghold which was the Fortress of Fort San Carlos, rl Fort Pike. The battle to take the Fortress was brief, but bloody affair for the North Americans, 2 Infantry brigades were shattered in heavy fighting, and infantry division was reduced to a brigade. The Spanish garrison/local forces were overwhelmed and crush in the fighting.

Now the battle for New Orleans can begin, the North Americans find the Spanish well dig in and waiting for them. The fighting between two forces is short and brutal, as the North Americans barely are able to push the Spanish back to the city, while taking some of the surrounding areas. The prepare for siege to eventually try to take the city.

North American losses
5 Infantry Brigades shattered- reformed into 3 Infantry Brigades
2 Infantry Divisions reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades
1 Rifle Brigade destroyed
1 Cav brigade destroyed
1 Cav Divisions reduced to Brigade

Spanish losses
1 Fortress Fort San Carlos destroyed
1 Louisianan infantry regiment wipe out
1 Spanish cavalry brigade destroyed
2 Spanish rifle brigades shattered, reformed as 1 Rifle brigade
1 Polish cavalry brigade destroyed
2 Infantry Divisions reduced to Infantry Brigades

Baton Rouge

Anglo-American forces
1st Army-3 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigades under command of General William Henry Harrison
II Corps: Major General Alexander Macomb- supporting 1st Army at Baton Rouge
1 support train
2 Infantry Brigades*outbreak does occur and reduce the 2 Infantry Divisions to Brigades)

Spanish forces
Army of Mexico - Texas - General Juan de la Cruz Mourgeón
I Corps
2 Mexican infantry divisions
1 Metropole infantry division
1 Mexican cavalry division
1 Mexican artillery battalion
1 supply train

Baton Rouge
1 fortress (Spanish)
1 Louisianan infantry regiment
1 fort (Louisianan)

Battle of Baton Rouge

December 16-20, 1804

Meanwhile as the Anglo-American forces were fighting for New Orleans, another battle was raging at Baton Rouge.  General Harrison was getting ready to seize the city when he received word from his scouts that the Spanish forces on their way to attack their lines. He orders his forces to be ready for battle

The two forces clashed nearby Baton Rouge, roughly in firepower however the Spanish forces had better artillery with them that give them a slight advantage. The Spanish were able to inflict heavy losses on the North Americans lines, while taking moderate losses. General Harrison is wounded in the fighting, which cause some of his troops to flee the battlefield. Forcing Major General Macomb to take command and order a tactical withdraw to Vicksburg.

North American losses
General Harrison WIA, will be combat ready in four months
4 Infantry Brigades shattered, reformed into 2 Infantry Brigades

Spanish losses
2 Mexican Infantry Divisions shattered, reduced to 2 Infantry Brigades


The Spanish commander in Santo Domingo is send a message from the British. The British will guarantee the safety of the Spanish troops and all civilians, and offer the Spanish troops free transport to Spain if they surrender. British troops will garrison Santo Domingo to ensure the safety of the civilian population, and any civilian who wishes will be offered free transport to elsewhere in the Caribbean or Spain. The commander is urged to do the right thing and surrender before a siege leads to starvation and disease, or an assault leads to mass destruction at the hands of Haitian troops. The Spanish garrison command rejects the offer and stands firm.

Meanwhile with advent of Hurricane season, Yorktown fleet is much reduced presence and force to return to dock, due to bad weather. This allows the Spanish to send supplies to the besieged garrison and keep supplied. For now no change in status quo

British Forces under joint command of General Toussaint and George Prévost
Haitian 4 Infantry Brigades, tech 4 weaponry supplied by Britain, led by General Toussaint

Jamaican infantry division, 3 Jamaican Infantry Brigades(recently deployed and engineer brigade led by General George Prévost

Yorktown Fleet led by Admiral Edward Preble, placing the port under blockade, however it has become a loose blockade to the weather.
15 BB2 (Dunnock, Greenfinch, Heron, Egret, Shrike, Kinglet, Boston, New York, Crecy, Agincourt, Poitiers, Sluys, Neville's Cross, Plantagenet, Margate)
12 FF1 (Red, Wren, Gull, Duck, Dove, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Pigeon, Starling, Sparrow, Lark, Blue Hen, Wood Thrush, Thrasher)
6 PatRon

Spanish Garrison
Santo Domingo Garrison - Santo Domingo
2 colonial infantry brigades
1 fortress
Plus 2 Colonial Militia Infantry Brigades

South America

December 1804

With the war raging in North America, the British Government seeks to open another front against their Spanish rivals. They send orders in the opening phases of the war to their command in South Africa to send the fleet and army to take Buenos Aires. Naturally it takes time to send orders to a remote outpost and to organize the forces to act.
Spanish forces

Buenos Aires Garrison - Buenos Aires - Santiago de Liniers, 1st Count of Buenos Aires
1 fortress- becomes a 1 light infantry regiment
1 La Plata infantry regiment
2 La Plata infantry brigade
1 Spanish infantry regiment
1 Spanish cavalry brigade
4 Militia Infantry Brigades
1 fort

British Forces
BEF South Atlantic- General William Beresford
4 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry Brigade
1 Artillery Battalion
1 Supply Column
1 Engineer Brigade
1 Royal Marines Battalion

Southern Fleet (Capetown)- Admiral James Gambier
4 BB1 (Royal Sovereign, Deneb, Regulus, Gemini), 12 BB2 (Indefatigable, Illustrious, Bosworth, Minden, Royal Oak, Revenge, Achilles, Swiftsure, York, Wolverine, Saint Patrick, Ushant)  12 FF1 (Durham, Worcester, Somerset, Cheshire, Cumbria, Ceylon, Calcutta, Humber, Woolwich, Bridgewater, Kennington, Nottingham)

December 15-18,1804

The battle for Buenos Aires

The large British fleet plus troop transport arrive in Buenos Aires harbor, causing panic for the local garrison, who quickly organizes for the coming battle. First rounds of the battle was between the fleet and the fortress/fort.  The shelling last between the two sides lasted most of the day, the British succeed in silencing the Fortress and Forts cannons, but at heavy cost.

Spanish losses
Fortress and Fort are disabled

British Royal Navy losses
1 BB1- Gemini , heavy damaged from shelling, require 6 months of repairs in dry dock
4 BB2 Swiftsure, York, Wolverine, Saint Patrick heavy damage, require 6 months of repairs in dry dock
2 FF1 - Kennington, Nottingham sunk

The land battle, the British choose to land to the north of city to mount their attack, General William Beresford led his troops on the attack to the city. He makes use of his artillery to soften up the Spanish defenses. However the Spanish mount a well organized defense, but beats back the British at moderate losses to their own forces. To shock of the British, local La Plata and Spanish forces held their ground and fight off the assaults to the city. Forcing Beresford to change his plans to besiege the city with forces he has left.

British losses
1 Royal Marine Company wipe out
4 Infantry Brigades shattered, reformed into 2 Infantry Brigades

Spanish losses
1 Light Infantry Regiment wipe out
1 La Plata infantry regiment wipe out
1 Spanish infantry regiment wipe out
4 Militia Infantry Brigades shattered, reformed into 2 Militia Infantry Brigades

Ongoing Shipping raids

4 Spanish shippings are captured by the British raiders
3 British shipping units are captured by Spanish raiders


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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Re: Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Galveston Bay Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:02 pm

January 1, 1805
Per its standing agreement with the British, the Russian government informs the Spanish court in Madrid and its ambassador in Moscow that a state of war exists between Spain and Russia

Peace will return when peace returns between Britain and Spain and the reasonable British aims have been achieved.
Galveston Bay
Galveston Bay

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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Re: Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Kilani Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:31 pm

Galveston Bay wrote:January 1, 1805
Per its standing agreement with the British, the Russian government informs the Spanish court in Madrid and its ambassador in Moscow that a state of war exists between Spain and Russia

Peace will return when peace returns between Britain and Spain and the reasonable British aims have been achieved.  

The Spanish court extends it's sorrow at the Russian decision to go to war for the sake of England.


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Anglo-Spanish War( 1804) Empty Re: Anglo-Spanish War( 1804)

Post by Ottoman Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:23 am

Winter 1805

European Theater,

The British Admiralty sends the combine fleets of the Home, Channel to join Mediterranean Fleet  under the overall command of Admiral Nelson(George Cockburn in charge of the Med fleet, and Thomas Hardy in charge of the Channel)  to are imposed/ enforce a blockade of the Spanish fleet in Cadiz  with the aim to prevent them from sortieing or sending troops to Admiral Nelson is to command this effort. The combined fleet arrives in the general area by early February and penning the Spanish fleet in bay of Cadiz.

British fleets

Home Fleet (Plymouth)
5 BB1 (Victory, Sirius, Canopus, Rigel, Polaris) 14 BB2 ( Canada, Valiant, Defense, Black Prince, Triumph, Vanguard, Zealous, Resolution, Goliath, Warspite, Hero, Superb, Thunder, Arrogant), 5 FF1 Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh

Channel Fleet (Portsmouth)
5 BB1 (Impregnable, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Procyon), 12 BB2 (Ark Royal, Agincourt, New England, Cambria, Hibernia, Mississippi, Monarch, Majestic, Magnificent, Marlborough, Phoenix, Warrior) 4 FF1 Devonshire, Sussex, Dorsetshire, London

Mediterranean Fleet (Tangiers)
5 BB1 (Prince Royal, Altair, Antares, Pollux, Castor), 12 BB2 (Gibraltar, New Orleans, Key West, Baton Rouge, Valiant, Hercules, Superb, Shrewsbury, Oxford, Cape Trafalgar, Point Tarife, Mars) 5 FF1 (Experiment, Expedition, Rainbow, Phoenix, Sapphire)

Spanish forces
Combined Fleet - Frederico Gravino
6 BB1 (Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, Principe de Austurias)
36 BB2 (San Juan Nepomuceno, San Pascual Bailon, San Lorenzo, San Julián, San Francisco de Asis, San José, Ángel de la Guarda, San Dámaso, Dichoso, Diligente, Victorioso, San Generao, San Antonio, Santa Isabel, Velasco, Atlante, Tridente, Serio, Poderoso, Soberbio, Hércules, Contento, Dragon, Reina, Invencible, Fenix, Rayo, Poder, Brilliante, San Cristobal, Rubí, Sagrario, Real Familia, Real de Mazi, Porto Coeli, Santa Terasa)
14 FF1 (Triunfo, Cornelia, Pomona, Ventura, Mahonesa, Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Santa Catalina, Nuestra Señora de la Paz, Santa Elena, Santa Sabina, Juno, Palas, Astrea, Nuestra Seniora de la Soleda)
18 Brigs/PatRon

West Indies

Winter 1805

Siege of Santo Domingo

No change in the siege of the Santo Domingo, however the Yorktown fleet has imposed the blockade by late January, and British army engineers were working around the clock to bleach the wall. Its only matter of time before the walls are bleach and the Spanish commander of Santo Domingo must make a key decision.

British Forces under joint command of General Toussaint and George Prévost
Haitian 4 Infantry Brigades, tech 4 weaponry supplied by Britain, led by General Toussaint

Jamaican infantry division, 3 Jamaican Infantry Brigades(recently deployed and engineer brigade led by General George Prévost

Yorktown Fleet led by Admiral Edward Preble, placing the port under blockade
15 BB2 (Dunnock, Greenfinch, Heron, Egret, Shrike, Kinglet, Boston, New York, Crecy, Agincourt, Poitiers, Sluys, Neville's Cross, Plantagenet, Margate)
12 FF1 (Red, Wren, Gull, Duck, Dove, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Pigeon, Starling, Sparrow, Lark, Blue Hen, Wood Thrush, Thrasher)
6 PatRon

Spanish Garrison
Santo Domingo Garrison - Santo Domingo
2 colonial infantry brigades
1 fortress
Plus 2 Colonial Militia Infantry Brigades

The blockade/hunt of the Spanish West Indies Fleet...

Meanwhile the British Caribbean Combined Battle Fleet under the command of Admiral John Javis sets sail from Kington to Havana to imposed the blockade and pin the Spanish fleet there. However, by the time in early February, his fleets gets there. The Spanish Windward Squadron had already the area weeks in advance, where head to will pick Veracruz to pick up additional troops and escort them via convoy to attack Mobile. However, the Spanish fleet receives word from their fleet pickets that British battle fleet was nearby and decided to land the troops in New Orleans to help strength the local garrison for the coming battles. The troops land in the region around early February timeframe. The fleet itself heads to Veracruz for safe harbor.

Army of Mexico - II Corps - Juan O'Donojú -New Orleans
3 Mexican infantry divisions
1 Mexican cavalry division
1 Mexican artillery battalion
1 supply train

Winter 1805

Siege of La Plata

The Siege is still ongoing between the British forces and the Spanish garrison. However come mid-January 1805, a large British fleet arrives from Britain with additional forces under the command of General Sir John Moore. With the large British army and with the fleets the blockade the city. The Spanish garrison in Buenos Aires was becoming more dire.

La Plata expeditionary force under command of General William Beresford
2 Infantry Brigades
1 Cavalry Brigade
1 Artillery Battalion
1 Supply Column
1 Engineer Brigade
1 Royal Marines Company

2nd BEF to La Plata, General Sir John Moore
4 Infantry Divisions
1 Rifle Brigade
1 Cavalry Division
1 Artillery Brigade
1 Supply Column

North American Theater

Winter 1805

Additional British reinforcements arrive in Charleston, to support the war effort out west. These forces under the command of the upcoming commander by the name of Major General Arthur Wellesley

At Charleston- Arthur Wellesley
I Corps
3 British Infantry Divisions
1 Artillery Battalion
1 Artillery Brigade

Additional British force lands in Savannah
American Expeditionary Corp
2 Infantry Corps
1 Cavalry Corp
3 Rifle Brigades

Both forces are marching to the frontlines as soon as possible.

Louisiana theater

Winter 1805

Both sides dig for the long haul, however there some clashes between screening forces on both sides. But losses relatively light( no step losses), as both sides are busy moving troops to support operations.

Sea lanes wars

The British/ North American frigates fleets finally catch up to their Spanish rivals and inflict some damages on the Spanish raiders

Spanish Pacific Fleet

1 FF1 Santa Paula is sunk
1 FF1 Grana heavily damaged, six months in dry dock

The Philippines fleet incurs some losses as well
5 Brigs are sunk
Frigate Fenix heavily damaged, six months in drydock

British losses

Indian Ocean Fleet (Bombay)
2 FF1 Inverness, Newfoundland heavily damaged, six months in dry dock

Pacific Fleet
1 FF1 Alarm sunk

North American fleet
Boston Patrol
1 FF1 (Yellowhammer) sunk

No shipping units captured or sunk from either side.


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